; SCCSID = @(#)oemfor.asm 1.28 85/10/15 name OemFormatRoutines
debug equ 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Public for debugging only
public CheckSwitches public LastChanceToSaveIt public WriteBootSector public OemDone public WriteBogusDos public ConvertToOldDirectoryFormat public SetPartitionTable public ReadSector public WriteSector public SectorIO public GetVolumeId public CheckVolumeId
public customBPBs public BootSectorIsFine public NotSlashB public NotSingleSided public EndSwitchCheck public WeCanNotIgnoreThisError public CanNotWriteBoot public HardDisk? public BogusDos public sys_mess_loop public end_sys_loop public DirectoryRead public wrtdir public DirectoryWritten public PartitionTableRead public partitionscan public dochange public partitionset public BadPartitionTable public FCBforVolumeIdSearch public CopyVolumeId public CompareVolumeIds public VolumeToUpper public NextLetter public BadVolumeId
public switchlist public boot2 public boot public scratchBuffer public bootDrive public biosFilename public dosFilename public oldDrive public oldVolumeId
public bootSignature public ptr_msgWhatIsVolumeId?
public trackReadWritePacket
public BPB81 public BPB82 public BPB91 public BPB92
data segment public 'DATA' data ends
code segment public 'CODE' assume cs:code,ds:data
Public AccessDisk public CheckSwitches public LastChanceToSaveIt public WriteBootSector public OemDone public BiosFile public DosFile
data segment extrn AddToSystemSize:near extrn currentCylinder:word extrn currentHead:word extrn deviceParameters:byte extrn drive:byte extrn driveLetter:byte extrn fBigFAT:byte extrn inbuff:byte extrn switchmap:word extrn Old_Dir:byte extrn fLastChance:byte
extrn msgBadVolumeId:byte extrn msgBadPartitionTable:byte extrn msgBootWriteError:byte extrn msgDirectoryReadError:byte extrn msgDirectoryWriteError:byte extrn msgInvalidParameter:byte extrn msgIncompatibleParameters:byte extrn msgIncompatibleParametersForHardDisk:byte extrn msgParametersNotSupportedByDrive:byte extrn msgPartitionTableReadError:byte extrn msgPartitionTableWriteError:byte extrn msgWhatIsVolumeId?:byte extrn NumSectors:word, TrackCnt:word
IF DEBUG extrn msgFormatBroken:byte ENDIF
data ends
extrn PrintString:near extrn std_printf:near extrn crlf:near extrn user_string:near
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Support Routines
Switches macro s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9,s10,s11,s12,s13,s14,s15,s16 ;; switchCount = 0 switchmask = 1 irp x,<&s1,&s2,&s3,&s4,&s5,&s6,&s7,&s8,&s9,&s10,&s11,&s12,&s13,&s14,&s15,&s16> ifnb <x> switchCount = switchCount + 1 SWITCH_&&x = switchmask switchmask = 2 * switchmask endif endm public switchlist switchlist db switchCount db "&s16&&s15&&s14&&s13&&s12&&s11&&s10&&s9&&s8&&s7&&s6&&s5&&s4&&s3&&s2&&s1&" endm
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Constants
; Standard dos macros INCLUDE DOSMAC.INC
; This defines all the int 21H system calls INCLUDE SYSCALL.INC
; Limits
; following were removed into FILESIZE.INC by kwc on 10/04/86
;BIOS_SIZE equ 5400h ; Used to set size of ;DOS_SIZE equ 7600h ; Bogus DOS for /B switch
include filesize.inc
; end of FILESIZE.INC change by kwc on 10/04/86
LOGBOOTSECT equ 1 ;MAX_SECTORS_IN_TRACK equ 20 Already defined in ioctl.INC Set_Drv_Owner equ 0Fh ; IOCTL subfunction
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; These are the data structures which we will need
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; And this is the actual data data segment
BiosFile db "x:\IO.SYS", 0 DosFile db "x:\MSDOS.SYS", 0
trackReadWritePacket a_TrackReadWritePacket <>
Switches S,V,H,C,T,N,1,4,8,B
; BIOS parameter blocks for various media customBPBs label byte BPB92 a_BPB <512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 2*9*40, 0fdH, 2, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0> BPB91 a_BPB <512, 1, 1, 2, 64, 1*9*40, 0fcH, 2, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0> BPB82 a_BPB <512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 2*8*40, 0ffH, 1, 8, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0> BPB81 a_BPB <512, 1, 1, 2, 64, 1*8*40, 0feH, 1, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0> BPB720 a_BPB <512, 2, 1, 2, 112, 2*9*80, 0F9h, 3, 9, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0>
Custom_Media equ 0F0H ; Media byte for custom format Dual_8_Media equ 0FFh ; Dual sided 8 sectored Single_8_Media equ 0FEh ; Single sided 8 sectored Dual_9_Media equ 0FDh ; Dual sided 9 sectored Single_9_Media equ 0FCh ; Single sided 9 sectored Dual_15_Media equ 0F9h ; Dual sided 15 sectored Fixed_Disk equ 0F8h ; Fixed Disk
boot2 db 0,0,0, "Boot 1.x" db 512 - 11 dup(?)
boot db 0,0,0,"Boot 2.x" bootBPB a_BPB <> db 512 - (size a_BPB + 11 + 3) dup(0)
bootDrive db 0 bootSignature dw 0
scratchBuffer db 512 dup(?)
ptr_msgWhatIsVolumeId? dw offset msgWhatIsVolumeId? dw offset driveLetter
data ends ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDisk: ; Called whenever a different disk is about to be accessed ; ; Input: ; al - drive letter (0=A, 1=B, ...) ; ; Output: ; none AccessDisk proc near
push ax ; save drive letter mov bl,al ; Set up GENERIC IOCTL REQUEST preamble inc bl mov ax,(IOCTL SHL 8) + Set_Drv_Owner ; IOCTL function int 21h pop ax return
AccessDisk endp
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CheckSwitches: ; Check switches against device parameters ; Use switches to modify device parameters ; ; Input: ; deviceParameters ; ; Output: ; deviceParameters may be modified ; Carry set if error ; ; Algorithm: ; if hard disk ; Check Boot Sector for valid Signature ; IF (valid) ; Check the volume id ; Make sure no switches other than /V, /S are specifed ; else if 96 tpi without /4 or not 5.25" disk ; Make sure no switches other than /V, /S are specifed ; else ; if 48 tpi drive and switch /4 ; turn off switch /4 ; if single sided drive and switch /1 but not switch /8 ; turn off switch /1 ; if any of interesting switches are on (/C, /O, /V, /S are not) ; set number of cylinders to 40 ; choose new BPB depending on switches /1 and /8 ; CheckSwitches proc near
IF DEBUG ; See if the boot sector was initialised correctly cmp bootSignature, 0aa55H je BootSectorIsFine lea dx, msgFormatBroken jmp short SwitchError ENDIF ; DEBUG
; Disallow /C lea dx, msgInvalidParameter test switchmap, SWITCH_C jz CheckExcl
SwitchError: call PrintString stc ret
; Only certain permutations of the switches /N /T /V /B /S and /V are legal. ; For specific cases see the file Switchmap.legal.
CheckExcl: lea dx, msgIncompatibleParameters ; Error message
test SwitchMap, SWITCH_B ; IF ( SWITCH_B) jz SVpermitted
test SwitchMap, SWITCH_S or SWITCH_V ; THEN exclude SWITCH_S and jnz SwitchError ; SWITCH_V
SVpermitted: test SwitchMap, SWITCH_8 ; IF ( SWITCH_8 ) jz Check_N ; THEN test SwitchMap, SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T ; exclude SWITCH_N and jnz SwitchError
test SwitchMap, SWITCH_V ; SWITCH_V if unaccompanied jz Check_N ; by SWITCH_S
test SwitchMap, SWITCH_S jz SwitchError ; ENDIF ( SWITCH_8 )
Check_N: ; IF ( SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T ) test SwitchMap, SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T jz ExclChkDone
test SwitchMap, SWITCH_1 or SWITCH_4 ; THEN exclude SWITCH_1 and jnz SwitchError ; SWITCH_4
ExclChkDone: ; Patch the boot sector so that the boot strap loader knows what disk to ; boot from mov bootDrive, 00H
cmp deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_HARDDISK jne CheckFor5InchDrives
; Formatting a hard disk so we must repatch the boot sector mov bootDrive, 80H test switchmap, not (SWITCH_S or SWITCH_V) jz SwitchesOkForHardDisk lea dx, msgIncompatibleParametersForHardDisk call PrintString stc ret
; Before checking the Volume Id we need to verify that a valid one exists ; We assume that unless a valid boot sector exists on the target disk, no ; valid Volume Id can exist.
SwitchesOkForHardDisk: SaveReg <ax,bx,cx,dx,ds> mov al,drive mov cx,LogBootSect xor dx,dx lea bx,scratchBuffer ; ScratchBuffer := Absolute_Disk_Read( INT 25h ; Logical_sec_1 ) pop ax ; Stupid Int 25! leaves flags ; on the stack. We throw them away
jnc CheckSignature stc RestoreReg <ds,dx,cx,bx,ax> ret
CheckSignature: ; IF (BootSector.BootSignature != aa55)
mov ax, Word Ptr (ScratchBuffer + (BootSignature - boot)) cmp ax, 0aa55h RestoreReg <ds,dx,cx,bx,ax> clc ; not an error, just not vol. retnz ; THEN RETURN
call CheckVolumeId ; ELSE CheckVolumeID return
OnlyVSpermitted: test switchmap, not (SWITCH_S or SWITCH_V) retz lea dx, msgIncompatibleParameters
Print_And_Return: call PrintString stc return
;If drive type is anything other than 48 or 96, then only /V/S/H/N/T allowed cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_5INCH96TPI je Got96
cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_5INCH je Got48
test switchmap, not (SWITCH_V or SWITCH_S or SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T or SWITCH_H) jz Goto_Got_BPB lea dx,msgParametersNotSupportedByDrive jmp short Print_And_Return
; We have a 96tpi floppy drive ; /4 allows just about all switches however, /1 requires /4 Got96: test switchmap, SWITCH_4 jnz CheckForInterestingSwitches ;If /4 check /N/T/V/S
test switchmap, SWITCH_1 ;If /1 and /4 check others jz Got48
;If only /1 with no /4, see if /N/T test SwitchMap,(Switch_N or Switch_T) jnz CheckForInterestingSwitches
lea dx, msgIncompatibleParameters ;If no /4 but /1 die jmp short Print_And_Return
Got48: ;Ignore /4 for non-96tpi 5 1/4" drives and switchmap, not SWITCH_4
;Ignore /1 if drive has only one head and not /8 cmp word ptr deviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_Heads, 1 ja CheckForInterestingSwitches test switchmap, SWITCH_8 jz CheckForInterestingSwitches and switchmap, not SWITCH_1
;Are any interesting switches set? CheckForInterestingSwitches: test switchmap, not (SWITCH_V or SWITCH_S or SWITCH_H) ;Anything but /V/S/H? jz Goto_EndSwitchCheck ;No, everything ok
;At this point there are switches other than /v/s/h test SwitchMap,(SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T) jz Use_48tpi ;Not /n/t, so must be /b/1/8/4
;We've got /N/T, see if there are others test SwitchMap, not (SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T or SWITCH_V or SWITCH_S or SWITCH_H) jz NT_Compatible ;Nope, all is well
;If 96tpi drive and /1 exists with /N/T, then okay, otherwise error cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_5INCH96TPI jne Bad_NT_Combo
test SwitchMap, not (SWITCH_1 or SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T or SWITCH_V or SWITCH_S or SWITCH_H) jz Goto_Got_BPB
Bad_NT_Combo: lea dx, msgIncompatibleParameters jmp Print_And_Return
Goto_Got_BPB: jmp Got_BPB_Ok ;Sleazy, but je won't reach it
Goto_EndSwitchCheck: jmp EndSwitchCheck ;There is a problem with /N/T in that IO.SYS will default to a BPB with the ;media byte set to F0 (other) if the /N/T combo is used for the format. This ;will cause problems if we are creating a media that has an assigned media ;byte, i.e. 160,180,320,360, or 720k media using /N/T. To avoid this problem, ;if we detect a /N/T combo that would correspond to one of these medias, then ; we will set things up using the /4/1/8 switches instead of the /N/T ; MT - 7/17/86 PTR 33D0110
; Combo's that we look for - 96tpi drive @ /T:40, /N:9 ; 96tpi drive @ /T:40, /N:8 ; ; Look for this combo after we set everything up with the /T/N routine ; 1.44 drive @ /T:80, /N:9
NT_Compatible: cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_5INCH96TPI jne Goto_Got_BPB
cmp TrackCnt,40 ;Look for 40 tracks jne Got_BPB_Ok
cmp NumSectors,9 ;9 sectors? je Found_48tpi_Type
cmp NumSectors,8 ;8 sectors? jne Goto_Got_BPB ;Nope, different type, let it go thru
or SwitchMap,SWITCH_8 ;Yes, turn on /8 switch
Found_48tpi_Type: and SwitchMap,not (SWITCH_N or SWITCH_T) ;Turn off /T/N
;******End PTR fix
; if we have a 96 tpi drive then we will be using it in 48 tpi mode Use_48tpi: cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_5INCH96TPI jne Not96tpi
mov byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_MediaType, 1 mov word ptr deviceParameters.DP_Cylinders, 40 Not96tpi:
; Since we know we are formatting in 48 tpi mode turn on /4 switch ; (We use this info in LastChanceToSaveIt) or switchmap, SWITCH_4
; At this point we know that we will require a special BPB ; It will be one of: ; 0) 9 track 2 sides - if no switches ; 1) 9 track 1 side - if only /1 specified ; 2) 8 track 2 sides - if only /8 specified ; 3) 8 track 1 side - if /8 and /1 specified ; Get_BPBs: ; ax is used to keep track of which of the above BPB's we want xor ax, ax
; /B implies /8 test switchmap, SWITCH_B jz NotSlashB or switchmap, SWITCH_8 NotSlashB:
test switchmap, SWITCH_1 jz NotSingleSided add ax, 1 NotSingleSided:
test switchmap, SWITCH_8 jz Not8SectorsPerTrack add ax, 2 ; /8 implies Old_Dir = TRUE mov Old_Dir,TRUE Not8SectorsPerTrack:
; Ok now we know which BPB to use so lets move it to the device parameters
mov bx, size a_BPB mul bx lea si, CustomBPBs add si, ax lea di, deviceParameters.DP_BPB mov cx, size a_BPB push ds pop es repnz movsb
;***************************************************************** ;* /N/T DCR stuff. Possible flaw exists if we are dealing with a ;* HardDisk. If they support the "custom format" features for ;* Harddisks too, then CheckForInterestingSwitches should ;* consider /n/t UNinteresting, and instead of returning ;* after setting up the custom BPB we fall through and do our ;* Harddisk Check. Got_BPB_OK: test switchmap,SWITCH_N+SWITCH_T jnz Setup_Stuff jmp EndSwitchCheck Setup_Stuff: ; Set up NumSectors and SectorsPerTrack entries correctly test switchmap,SWITCH_N jz No_Custom_Seclim mov ax,word ptr NumSectors mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_SectorsPerTrack,ax jmp short Handle_Cyln No_Custom_Seclim: mov ax,deviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_SectorsPerTrack mov NumSectors,ax
Handle_Cyln: test switchmap,SWITCH_T jz No_Custom_Cyln ; Set up TrackCnt and Cylinders entries correctly mov ax,TrackCnt mov DeviceParameters.DP_Cylinders,ax jmp short Check_720 No_Custom_Cyln: mov ax,DeviceParameters.DP_Cylinders mov TrackCnt,ax
;****PTM P868 - Always making 3 1/2 media byte 0F0h. If 720, then set to ; 0F9h and use the DOS 3.20 BPB. Should check all drives ; at this point (Make sure not 5 inch just for future ; protection) ; We will use the known BPB info for 720 3 1/2 diskettes for ; this special case. All other new diskette media will use the ; calculations that follow Calc_Total for BPB info. ; Fix MT 11/12/86
cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_5INCH96TPI je Calc_Total
cmp byte ptr deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType,DEV_5INCH je Calc_Total
cmp TrackCnt,80 jne Calc_Total
cmp NumSectors,9 jne Calc_Total
; At this point we know we have a 3 1/2 720kb diskette to format. Use the ; built in BPB rather than the one handed to us by DOS, because the DOS one ; will be based on the default for that drive, and it can be different from ; what we used in DOS 3.20 for the 720's. Short sighted on our part to use ; 0F9h as the media byte, should have use 0F0h (OTHER) and then we wouldn't ; have this problem.
SaveReg <ds,es,si,di,cx>
mov cx,seg data ;Setup seg regs, just in case they ain't! mov ds,cx mov es,cx
mov si,offset BPB720 ;Copy the BPB! mov di,offset deviceParameters.DP_BPB mov cx,size a_BPB rep movsb RestoreReg <cx,di,si,es,ds> jmp EndSwitchCheck
;End PTM P868 fix ****************************************
Calc_Total: mov ax,NumSectors mov bx,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_Heads mul bl ; AX = # of sectors * # of heads mul TrackCnt ; DX:AX = Total Sectors or dx,dx jnz Got_BigTotalSectors mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_TotalSectors,ax jmp short Set_BPB Got_BigTotalSectors: mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_BigTotalSectors,ax mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_BigTotalSectors+2,dx push dx ; preserve dx for further use xor dx,dx mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_TotalSectors,dx pop dx
Set_BPB: ; We calculate the number of sectors required in a FAT. This is done as: ; # of FAT Sectors = TotalSectors / SectorsPerCluster * # of bytes in FAT to ; represent one cluster (i.e. 3/2) / BytesPerSector (i.e. 512) xor bx,bx mov bl,DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_SectorsPerCluster div bx ; DX:AX contains # of clusters ; now multiply by 3/2 mov bx,3 mul bx mov bx,2 div bx xor dx,dx ; throw away modulo ; now divide by 512 mov bx,512 div bx ; dx:ax contains number of FAT sectors necessary inc ax ; Go one higher mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_SectorsPerFAT,ax mov DeviceParameters.DP_MediaType,0 mov DeviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_MediaDescriptor,Custom_Media
EndSwitchCheck: clc return
CheckSwitches endp
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; LastChanceToSaveIt: ; This routine is called when an error is detected in DiskFormat. ; If it returns with carry not set then DiskFormat is restarted. ; It gives the oem one last chance to try formatting differently. ; fLastChance gets set Then to prevent multiple prompts from being ; issued for the same diskette. ; ; Algorithm: ; IF (error_loc == Track_0_Head_1) & ; ( Device_type < 96TPI ) ; THEN ; fLastChance := TRUE ; try formatting 48TPI_Single_Sided ; ELSE return ERROR ; LastChanceToSaveIt proc near
cmp currentCylinder, 0 jne WeCanNotIgnoreThisError cmp currentHead, 1 jne WeCanNotIgnoreThisError
cmp deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_5INCH ja WeCanNotIgnoreThisError
mov fLastChance, TRUE
or switchmap, SWITCH_1 call CheckSwitches clc ret
WeCanNotIgnoreThisError: stc ret
LastChanceToSaveIt endp
WriteBootSector proc near
; Copy BPB to boot sector lea si, deviceParameters.DP_BPB lea di, bootBPB mov cx, size a_BPB push ds pop es repnz movsb
; Write out the boot sector mov al, drive mov cx, 1 xor dx, dx lea bx, boot int 26H pop ax jc CanNotWriteBoot return
CanNotWriteBoot: lea dx, msgBootWriteError call PrintString stc ret
WriteBootSector endp
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; OemDone: ; OemDone proc near
; if /b write out a fake dos & bios test switchmap, SWITCH_B jz Switch8? call WriteBogusDos retc
Switch8?: test switchmap, SWITCH_8 jz HardDisk? call ConvertToOldDirectoryFormat retc
HardDisk?: cmp deviceParameters.DP_DeviceType, DEV_HARDDISK clc retnz call SetPartitionTable
OemDone endp
data segment
biosFilename db "x:\io.sys",0 dosFilename db "x:\msdos.sys",0
data ends
; simple code to stuff bogus dos in old-style diskette.
BogusDos: push cs pop ds mov al,20h out 20h,al ; turn on the timer so the disk motor mov si,mesofs ; shuts off sys_mess_loop: lodsb end_sys_loop: or al,al jz end_sys_loop mov ah,14 mov bx,7 int 16 jmp sys_mess_loop
include bootmes.inc
mesofs equ no_sys_mess - BogusDos
WriteBogusDos proc near
mov al,driveLetter mov biosFilename,al mov dosFilename,al mov cx, ATTR_HIDDEN or ATTR_SYSTEM lea dx, biosFilename mov ah,CREAT int 21h mov bx,ax mov cx, BIOS_SIZE push ds push cs pop ds assume ds:code lea dx, BogusDos mov ah,WRITE int 21h pop ds assume ds:data mov ah,CLOSE int 21h mov cx, ATTR_HIDDEN or ATTR_SYSTEM lea dx, dosFilename mov ah,CREAT int 21h mov bx,ax mov cx, DOS_SIZE lea dx, BogusDos mov ah,WRITE int 21h mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ; Comunicate system size to the main format program xor dx,dx mov ax,DOS_SIZE call AddToSystemSize xor dx,dx mov ax,BIOS_SIZE call AddToSystemSize
clc return
WriteBogusDos endp
ConvertToOldDirectoryFormat proc near
; ; convert to 1.1 directory ; mov al,drive ; Get 1st sector of directory mov cx,1 ; 1.1 directory always starts on mov dx,3 ; sector 3 lea bx,scratchBuffer int 25h pop ax ; clean up stack jnc DirectoryRead lea dx, msgDirectoryReadError call PrintString stc ret DirectoryRead:
; fix attribute of io.sys and msdos.sys lea bx,scratchBuffer mov byte ptr [bx].dir_attr, ATTR_HIDDEN or ATTR_SYSTEM add bx, size dir_entry mov byte ptr [bx].dir_attr, ATTR_HIDDEN or ATTR_SYSTEM
wrtdir: mov al,[drive] ; write out the directory cbw mov cx,1 mov dx,3 lea bx,scratchBuffer int 26h pop ax ; clean up stack jnc DirectoryWritten lea dx, msgDirectoryWriteError call PrintString stc ret DirectoryWritten:
test switchmap, SWITCH_S ; Was system requested? retnz ; yes, don't write old boot sector mov al,drive cbw mov bx,offset boot2 ; no, write old boot sector cmp deviceParameters.DP_BPB.BPB_Heads, 1 je bootset8 mov word ptr [bx+3],0103h ; start address for double sided drives bootset8: mov cx,1 xor dx,dx int 26h ; write out that boot sector pop ax retnc
lea dx, msgBootWriteError call PrintString stc ret
ConvertToOldDirectoryFormat endp
a_PartitionTableEntry struc BootInd db ? BegHead db ? BegSector db ? BegCylinder db ? SysInd db ? EndHead db ? EndSector db ? EndCylinder db ? RelSec dd ? CSec dd ? a_PartitionTableEntry ends
; structure of the IBM hard disk boot sector: IBMBoot STRUC db 512 - (4*size a_PartitionTableEntry + 2) dup(?) PartitionTable db 4*size a_PartitionTableEntry dup(?) Signature dw ? IBMBoot ENDS
SetPartitionTable proc near
mov ax, 0 ; Head mov bx, 0 ; Cylinder mov cx, 0 ; Sector lea dx, boot2 call ReadSector jnc PartitionTableRead lea dx, msgPartitionTableReadError call PrintString stc ret PartitionTableRead:
; Check to see if there is a partition table (by looking for its signature) cmp boot2.signature, 0aa55H jne BadPartitionTable
; Scan all the partitions search for the FIRST DOS partition. We then set the ; appropriate FAT size in the FIRST DOS partition and return.
lea bx, boot2.PartitionTable partitionscan:
; have we scanned all partitions? cmp bx,(offset Boot2.PartitionTable)+4*size a_PartitionTableEntry jae BadPartitionTable
cmp [bx].sysind,1 jz dochange cmp [bx].sysind,4 jz dochange
add bx,size a_PartitionTableEntry jmp partitionscan
dochange: mov [bx].sysind,4 ; assume 16 bit fat cmp fbigfat,0 ; test assumption jnz partitionset ; is 16 bit fat, assumption correct mov [bx].sysind,1 ; 12 bit fat, pre 3.0 dos can read it
partitionset: mov ax, 0 ; Head mov bx, 0 ; Cylinder mov cx, 0 ; Sector lea dx, boot2 call WriteSector retnc
lea dx, msgPartitionTableWriteError call PrintString stc ret
BadPartitionTable: lea dx, msgBadPartitionTable call PrintString stc ret
SetPartitionTable endp
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ReadSector: ; Read one sector ; ; Input: ; ax - head ; bx - cylinder ; cx - sector ; dx - transfer address
ReadSector proc near
mov TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_FirstSector, cx mov cx,(RAWIO shl 8) or READ_TRACK call SectorIO return
ReadSector endp
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WriteSector: ; Write one sector ; ; Input: ; ax - head ; bx - cylinder ; cx - sector ; dx - transfer address
WriteSector proc near
mov TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_FirstSector, cx mov cx,(RAWIO shl 8) or WRITE_TRACK call SectorIO return
WriteSector endp
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SectorIO: ; Read/Write one sector ; ; Input: ; ax - head ; bx - cylinder ; cx - (RAWIO shl 8) or READ_TRACK ; - (RAWIO shl 8) or WRITE_TRACK ; dx - transfer address
SectorIO proc near
mov TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_Head, ax mov TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_Cylinder, bx mov WORD PTR TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_TransferAddress, dx mov WORD PTR TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_TransferAddress + 2, ds mov TrackReadWritePacket.TRWP_SectorsToReadWrite, 1
mov bl, drive inc bl mov ax, (IOCTL shl 8) or GENERIC_IOCTL lea dx, trackReadWritePacket int 21H return
SectorIO endp
data segment
oldDrive db ?
FCBforVolumeIdSearch db 0ffH db 5 dup(0) db 08H db 0 db "???????????" db 40 DUP(0)
data ends
GetVolumeId proc near ; Input: ; dl = drive ; di = name buffer
; Save current drive mov ah,19H int 21H mov oldDrive, al
; Change current drive to the drive that has the volume id we want mov ah, 0eH int 21H
; Search for the volume id mov ah, 11H lea dx, FCBforVolumeIdSearch int 21H push ax
; Restore current drive mov ah, 0eH mov dl,oldDrive int 21H
; Did the search succeed? pop ax or al,al jz CopyVolumeId stc ret
CopyVolumeId: ; Find out where the FCB for the located volume id was put mov ah,2fH int 21H
; Copy the Volume Id mov si, bx add si, 8 push es push ds pop es pop ds mov cx, 11 rep movsb push es pop ds
clc ret
GetVolumeId endp
data segment oldVolumeId db 11 dup(0) data ends
CheckVolumeId proc near
; Get the volume id that's on the disk lea di, oldVolumeId mov dl, drive call GetVolumeId jnc Ask_User ;Did we find one? clc ;No, return with no error ret
; Ask the user to enter the volume id that he/she thinks is on the disk ; (first blank out the input buffer) Ask_User: lea dx, ptr_msgWhatIsVolumeId? call std_printf call user_string call crlf
; If the user just pressed ENTER, then there must be no label cmp inbuff+1, 0 jne CompareVolumeIds cmp oldVolumeId, 0 jne BadVolumeId ret
CompareVolumeIds: ; pad the reponse with blanks ; The buffer is big enough so just add 11 blanks to what the user typed in push ds pop es mov cx, 11 xor bx,bx mov bl, inbuff + 1 lea di, inbuff + 2 add di, bx mov al, ' ' rep stosb ; Make the reply all uppercase mov cl, inbuff + 1 xor ch,ch lea si, inbuff + 2 VolumeToUpper: mov al, [si] cmp al, 'a' jb NextLetter cmp al, 'z' ja NextLetter sub al, 'a' - 'A' mov [si],al NextLetter: inc si loop VolumeToUpper
; Now compare what the user specified with what is really out there mov cx, 11 lea si, inbuff + 2 lea di, oldVolumeId repe cmpsb jne BadVolumeId ret
BadVolumeId: lea dx, msgBadVolumeId call PrintString stc ret
CheckVolumeId endp
code ends end