; file: msequ.asm contains various equ's used in the bio. The values ; are explained below. ; ;IBMCOPYRIGHT EQU 0 fTOOBIG EQU 80h fBIG EQU 40h ROMStatus EQU 1 ROMRead EQU 2 ROMWrite EQU 3 ROMVerify EQU 4 ROMFormat EQU 5 vid_size EQU 12 include msbds.inc ; various equates for bds include version.inc IF IBMCOPYRIGHT SYSIZE=200H ;NUMBER OF PARAGRAPHS IN SYSINIT MODULE ;;Rev 3.30 Modification ELSE SYSIZE=203H ENDIF RSINIT=0A3H ; RS-232 initialization ;;End of Modification LF=10 ; line feed CR=13 ; carriage return BACKSP=8 ; backspace BRKADR=1BH * 4 ; 006C 1BH break vector address TIMADR=1CH * 4 ; 0070 1CH timer interrupt DSKADR=1EH * 4 ; address of ptr to disk parameters SEC9=522H ; address of disk parameters HEADSETTLE=SEC9+9 ; address of head settle time NORMSETTLE=15 ; Normal head settle SPEEDSETTLE=0 ; Speed up settle time INITSPOT=534H ; IBM wants 4 zeros here AKPORT=20H EOI=20H CMDLEN = 0 ; length of this command UNIT = 1 ; sub unit specifier CMD = 2 ; command code STATUS = 3 ; status MEDIA = 13 ; media descriptor TRANS = 14 ; transfer address COUNT = 18 ; count of blocks or characters START = 20 ; first block to transfer EXTRA = 22 ; usually a pointer to Vol Id for error 15 CHROUT = 29H MAXERR = 5 LSTDRV = 504H ; location of boot sector on startup BootBias = 200h NotBusyStatus = 10000000B ; not busy AckStatus = 01000000B ; acknowledge (for what?) NoPaperStatus = 00100000B ; No more paper SelectedStatus = 00010000B ; The printer said it was selected IOErrStatus = 00001000B ; Some kinda error RESERVED = 00000110B ; NOPs TimeOutStatus = 00000001B ; time out. PATHGEN = 1