; SCCSID = @(#)dosmes.asm 1.7 85/10/23 ; SCCSID = @(#)dosmes.asm 1.7 85/10/23 ; ; Message file for Internationalized messages. There is ; only one message here available for translation. ; IFNDEF KANJI KANJI EQU FALSE ENDIF IFNDEF Rainbow Rainbow EQU FALSE ENDIF include dosmac.inc include intnat.inc include doscntry.inc CONSTANTS SEGMENT WORD PUBLIC 'CONST' PUBLIC UserNum, OEMNum Public DMES001S,DMES001E DMES001S Label byte USERNUM DW ? ; 24 bit user number DB ? IF IBM OEMNUM DB 0 ; 8 bit OEM number ELSE OEMNUM DB 0FFH ; 8 bit OEM number ENDIF ; ; The next variable points to the country table for the current country ; ( the table returned by the AL=0 INTERNATIONAL call). ; PUBLIC Current_Country IF KANJI Current_Country DW OFFSET DOSGROUP:JAPTABLE ELSE Current_Country DW OFFSET DOSGROUP:USTABLE ENDIF DMES001E label byte CONSTANTS ENDS TABLE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'TABLE' Public DMES002S DMES002S label byte ; ; The international tabel(s). Used for DOS 3.x (x < 3) ; This is simply a sequence of tables of the following form: ; ; Offset ; BYTE Size of this table excluding this byte and the next ; WORD Country code represented by this table ; A sequence of n bytes, where n is the number specified ; by the first byte above and is not > internat_block_max, ; in the correct order for being returned by the ; INTERNATIONAL call as follows: ; WORD Date format 0=mdy, 1=dmy, 2=ymd ; 5 BYTE Currency symbol null terminated ; 2 BYTE thousands separator null terminated ; 2 BYTE Decimal point null terminated ; 2 BYTE Date separator null terminated ; 2 BYTE Time separator null terminated ; 1 BYTE Bit field. Currency format. ; Bit 0. =0 $ before # =1 $ after # ; Bit 1. no. of spaces between # and $ (0 or 1) ; Bit 2. =1 imbedded at decimal point, & no spaces; ; 1 BYTE No. of significant decimal digits in currency ; 1 BYTE Bit field. Time format. ; Bit 0. =0 12 hour clock =1 24 hour ; WORD Segment offset for address of case conversion routine ; WORD RESERVED. Filled in by DOS. Segment value for above routine ; 2 BYTE Data list separator null terminated. ; NOTE: The segment part of the DWORD Map_call is set ; by the INTERNATIONAL call. Do not try to initialize ; it to anything meaningful. ; ; The list of tables is terminated by putting a byte of -1 after the last ; table (a table with length -1). PUBLIC international_table international_table LABEL BYTE IF KANJI DB SIZE internat_block ; Size in bytes of this table DW 81 ; Country code JAPTABLE internat_block <2,'\',0,0,0,0,',',0,'.',0,'-',0,':',0,0,0,1,OFFSET DOSGROUP:MAP_CASE , 0,',',0> ENDIF DB SIZE internat_block ; Size in bytes of this table DW 1 ; Country code USTABLE internat_block <0,'$',0,0,0,0,',',0,'.',0,'-',0,':',0,0,2,0,OFFSET DOSGROUP:MAP_CASE,0,',',0> ; Tables for the IBM PC character set follow. The values ; associated with some of the currency symbols may change with ; other character sets. You may wish to add or delete country ; entries. NOTE: It is not a mistake that the JAPANESE entry ; has different currency symbols for the KANJI and ; non-KANJI versions. DB -1 ; end of table ; The following table is used for DOS 3.3 ;DOS country and code page information is defined here for DOS 3.3. ;The initial value for ccDosCountry is 1 (USA). ;The initial value for ccDosCodepage is 850. ; ; PUBLIC COUNTRY_CDPG,UCASE_TAB,FILE_UCASE_TAB PUBLIC FILE_CHAR_TAB ; ; country and code page infomation ; COUNTRY_CDPG label byte db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; reserved words db '\COUNTRY.SYS',0 ; path name of country.sys db 51 dup (?) dw 437 ; system code page id dw 5 ; number of entries db SetUcase ; Ucase type dw OFFSET DOSGROUP:UCASE_TAB ;pointer to upper case table dw 0 ; segment of poiter db SetUcaseFile ; Ucase file char type dw OFFSET DOSGROUP:FILE_UCASE_TAB ;pointer to file upper case table dw 0 ; segment of poiter db SetFileList ; valid file chars type dw OFFSET DOSGROUP:FILE_CHAR_TAB ;pointer to valid file char tab dw 0 ; segment of poiter db SetCollate ; collate type dw OFFSET DOSGROUP:COLLATE_TAB ;pointer to collate table dw 0 ; segment of poiter db SetCountryInfo ; country info type dw NEW_COUNTRY_SIZE ; extended country info size dw 1 ; USA country id dw 437 ; USA system code page id dw 0 ; date format db '$',0,0,0,0 ; currency symbol db ',',0 ; thousand separator db '.',0 ; decimal separator db '-',0 ; date separator db ':',0 ; time separator db 0 ; currency format flag db 2 ; # of disgit in currency db 0 ; time format dw OFFSET DOSGROUP:MAP_CASE ;mono case routine entry point dw 0 ; segment of entry point db ',',0 ; data list separator dw 0,0,0,0,0 ; reserved ; ; ; ; ; ; upper case table ; UCASE_TAB label byte dw 128 db 128,154,069,065,142,065,143,128 db 069,069,069,073,073,073,142,143 db 144,146,146,079,153,079,085,085 db 089,153,154,155,156,157,158,159 db 065,073,079,085,165,165,166,167 db 168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175 db 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183 db 184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191 db 192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199 db 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207 db 208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215 db 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223 db 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231 db 232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239 db 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247 db 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255 ; ; file upper case table ; FILE_UCASE_TAB label byte dw 128 db 128,154,069,065,142,065,143,128 db 069,069,069,073,073,073,142,143 db 144,146,146,079,153,079,085,085 db 089,153,154,155,156,157,158,159 db 065,073,079,085,165,165,166,167 db 168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175 db 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183 db 184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191 db 192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199 db 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207 db 208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215 db 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223 db 224,225,226,227,228,229,230,231 db 232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239 db 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247 db 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255 ; ; file char list ; FILE_CHAR_TAB label byte dw 22 ; length db 1,0,255 ; include all db 0,0,20h ; exclude 0 - 20h db 2,14,'."/\[]:|<>+=;,' ; exclude 14 special db 24 dup (?) ; reserved ; ; collate table ; COLLATE_TAB label byte dw 256 db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 db 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 db 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 db 24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 db " ","!",'"',"#","$","%","&","'" db "(",")","*","+",",","-",".","/" db "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7" db "8","9",":",";","<","=",">","?" db "@","A","B","C","D","E","F","G" db "H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O" db "P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W" db "X","Y","Z","[","\","]","^","_" db "`","A","B","C","D","E","F","G" db "H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O" db "P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W" db "X","Y","Z","{","|","}","~",127 db "C","U","E","A","A","A","A","C" db "E","E","E","I","I","I","A","A" db "E","A","A","O","O","O","U","U" db "Y","O","U","$","$","$","$","$" db "A","I","O","U","N","N",166,167 db "?",169,170,171,172,"!",'"','"' db 176,177,178,179,180,181,182,183 db 184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191 db 192,193,194,195,196,197,198,199 db 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207 db 208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215 db 216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223 db 224,"S" db 226,227,228,229,230,231 db 232,233,234,235,236,237,238,239 db 240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247 db 248,249,250,251,252,253,254,255 ; ; dbcs is not supported in DOS 3.3 ; DBCS_TAB CC_DBCS <> ; ; include divmes.inc TABLE ENDS CODE SEGMENT BYTE PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME CS:DOSGROUP,DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:NOTHING ;CASE MAPPER ROUTINE FOR 80H-FFH character range, DOS 3.3 ; ENTRY: AL = Character to map ; EXIT: AL = The converted character ; Alters no registers except AL and flags. ; The routine should do nothing to chars below 80H. ; ; Example: Procedure MAP_CASE,FAR IF NOT KANJI IF IBM CMP AL,80H JAE Map1 ;Map no chars below 80H ever RET Map1: SUB AL,80H ;Turn into index value PUSH DS PUSH BX MOV BX,OFFSET DOSGROUP:UCASE_TAB + 2 FINISH: PUSH CS ;Move to DS POP DS XLAT ds:[bx] ;Get upper case character POP BX POP DS ENDIF ENDIF L_RET: RET EndProc MAP_CASE SUBTTL EDIT FUNCTION ASSIGNMENTS AND HEADERS PAGE ; The following two tables implement the current buffered input editing ; routines. The tables are pairwise associated in reverse order for ease ; in indexing. That is; The first entry in ESCTAB corresponds to the last ; entry in ESCFUNC, and the last entry in ESCTAB to the first entry in ESCFUNC. TABLE SEGMENT PUBLIC CANCHAR CANCHAR DB CANCEL ;Cancel line character PUBLIC ESCCHAR ESCCHAR DB ESCCH ;Lead-in character for escape sequences IF NOT Rainbow ESCTAB LABEL BYTE IF NOT IBM IF WANG DB 0C0h ; ^Z inserter DB 0C1H ; Copy one char DB 0C1H ; Copy one char DB 0C7H ; Skip one char DB 08AH ; Copy to char DB 088H ; Skip to char DB 09AH ; Copy line DB 0CBH ; Kill line (no change in template) DB 08BH ; Reedit line (new template) DB 0C3H ; Backspace DB 0C6H ; Enter insert mode DB 0D6H ; Exit insert mode DB 0C6H ; Escape character DB 0C6H ; End of table ELSE ; VT52 equivalences DB "Z" ; ^Z inserter DB "S" ; F1 Copy one char DB "S" ; F1 Copy one char DB "V" ; F4 Skip one char DB "T" ; F2 Copy to char DB "W" ; F5 Skip to char DB "U" ; F3 Copy line DB "E" ; SHIFT ERASE Kill line (no change in template) DB "J" ; ERASE Reedit line (new template) DB "D" ; LEFT Backspace DB "P" ; BLUE Enter insert mode DB "Q" ; RED Exit insert mode DB "R" ; GRAY Escape character DB "R" ; End of table ENDIF ENDIF IF IBM DB 64 ; Ctrl-Z - F6 DB 77 ; Copy one char - --> DB 59 ; Copy one char - F1 DB 83 ; Skip one char - DEL DB 60 ; Copy to char - F2 DB 62 ; Skip to char - F4 DB 61 ; Copy line - F3 DB 61 ; Kill line (no change to template ) - Not used DB 63 ; Reedit line (new template) - F5 DB 75 ; Backspace - <-- DB 82 ; Enter insert mode - INS (toggle) DB 82 ; Exit insert mode - INS (toggle) DB 65 ; Escape character - F7 DB 65 ; End of table ENDIF ESCEND LABEL BYTE ESCTABLEN EQU ESCEND-ESCTAB ESCFUNC LABEL WORD short_addr GETCH ; Ignore the escape sequence short_addr TWOESC short_addr EXITINS short_addr ENTERINS short_addr BACKSP short_addr REEDIT short_addr KILNEW short_addr COPYLIN short_addr SKIPSTR short_addr COPYSTR short_addr SKIPONE short_addr COPYONE short_addr COPYONE short_addr CTRLZ ENDIF TABLE ENDS ; ; OEMFunction key is expected to process a single function ; key input from a device and dispatch to the proper ; routines leaving all registers UNTOUCHED. ; ; Inputs: CS, SS are DOSGROUP ; Outputs: None. This function is expected to JMP to one of ; the following labels: ; ; GetCh - ignore the sequence ; TwoEsc - insert an ESCChar in the buffer ; ExitIns - toggle insert mode ; EnterIns - toggle insert mode ; BackSp - move backwards one space ; ReEdit - reedit the line with a new template ; KilNew - discard the current line and start from scratch ; CopyLin - copy the rest of the template into the line ; SkipStr - read the next character and skip to it in the template ; CopyStr - read next char and copy from template to line until char ; SkipOne - advance position in template one character ; CopyOne - copy next character in template into line ; CtrlZ - place a ^Z into the template ; Registers that are allowed to be modified by this function are: ; AX, CX, BP Procedure OEMFunctionKey,NEAR ASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:DOSGROUP invoke $std_con_input_no_echo ; Get the second byte of the sequence IF NOT Rainbow MOV CL,ESCTABLEN ; length of table for scan PUSH DI ; save DI (cannot change it!) MOV DI,OFFSET DOSGROUP:ESCTAB ; offset of second byte table REPNE SCASB ; Look it up in the table POP DI ; restore DI SHL CX,1 ; convert byte offset to word MOV BP,CX ; move to indexable register JMP [BP+OFFSET DOSGROUP:ESCFUNC] ; Go to the right routine ENDIF IF Rainbow TransferIf MACRO value,address local a CMP AL,value JNZ a transfer address a: ENDM CMP AL,'[' ; is it second lead char JZ EatParm ; yes, go walk tree GoGetCh: transfer GetCh ; no, ignore sequence EatParm: invoke $std_con_input_no_echo ; get argument CMP AL,'A' ; is it alphabetic arg? JAE EatAlpha ; yes, go snarf one up XOR BP,BP ; init digit counter JMP InDigit ; jump into internal eat digit routine EatNum: invoke $std_con_input_no_echo ; get next digit InDigit: CMP AL,'9' ; still a digit? JA CheckNumEnd ; no, go check for end char SUB AL,'0' ; turn into potential digit JL GoGetCh ; oops, not a digit, ignore MOV CX,BP ; save BP for 10 multiply CBW ; make AL into AX SHL BP,1 ; 2*BP SHL BP,1 ; 4*BP ADD BP,CX ; 5*BP SHL BP,1 ; 10*BP ADD BP,AX ; 10*BP + digit JMP EatNum ; continue with number CheckNumEnd: CMP AL,7Eh ; is it end char ~ JNZ GoGetCh ; nope, ignore key sequence MOV AX,BP transferIf 1,SkipStr ; FIND key transferIf 2,EnterIns ; INSERT HERE key transferIf 3,SkipOne ; REMOVE transferIf 4,CopyStr ; SELECT transferIf 17,TwoEsc ; INTERRUPT transferIf 18,ReEdit ; RESUME transferIf 19,KilNew ; CANCEL transferIf 21,CtrlZ ; EXIT transferIf 29,CopyLin ; DO JMP GoGetCh EatAlpha: CMP AL,'O' ; is it O? JA GoGetCh ; no, after assume bogus JZ EatPQRS ; eat the rest of the bogus key transferIf 'C',CopyOne ; RIGHT transferIf 'D',BackSp ; LEFT JMP GoGetCh EatPQRS: invoke $std_con_input_no_echo ; eat char after O JMP GoGetCh ENDIF EndProc OEMFunctionKey CODE ENDS END