; SCCSID = @(#)dossym.asm 1.1 85/04/10 ; SCCSID = @(#)dossym.asm 1.1 85/04/10 PAGE 80,132 TRUE EQU 0FFFFh FALSE EQU 0 Installed = TRUE IFNDEF DEBUG DEBUG = FALSE ENDIF include dosmac.INC include VERSIONA.INC ;;IF2 ;; %OUT DOSSYM in Pass 2 ;;ENDIF BREAK c_DEL EQU 7Fh ; ASCII rubout or delete previous char c_BS EQU 08h ; ^H ASCII backspace c_CR EQU 0Dh ; ^M ASCII carriage return c_LF EQU 0Ah ; ^J ASCII linefeed c_ETB EQU 17h ; ^W ASCII end of transmission c_NAK EQU 15h ; ^U ASCII negative acknowledge c_ETX EQU 03h ; ^C ASCII end of text c_HT EQU 09h ; ^I ASCII tab BREAK ;----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----; ; ; ; C A V E A T P R O G R A M M E R ; ; ; ; Certain structures, constants and system calls below are private to ; ; the DOS and are extremely version-dependent. They may change at any ; ; time at the implementors' whim. As a result, they must not be ; ; documented to the general public. If an extreme case arises, they ; ; must be documented with this warning. ; ; ; ; Those structures and constants that are subject to the above will be ; ; marked and bracketed with the flag: ; ; ; ; C A V E A T P R O G R A M M E R ; ; ; ;----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----; include bpb.INC include buffer.INC BREAK ; Location of user registers relative user stack pointer user_environ STRUC user_AX DW ? user_BX DW ? user_CX DW ? user_DX DW ? user_SI DW ? user_DI DW ? user_BP DW ? user_DS DW ? user_ES DW ? user_IP DW ? user_CS DW ? user_F DW ? user_environ ENDS include sysvar.INC include vector.INC include mult.INC BREAK ; MSDOS partitions the disk into 4 sections: ; ; phys sector 0: +-------------------+ ; | | boot/reserved | ; | +-------------------+ ; | | File allocation | ; v | table(s) | ; | (multiple copies | ; | are kept) | ; +-------------------+ ; | Directory | ; +-------------------+ ; | File space | ; +-------------------+ ; | Unaddressable | ; | (to end of disk) | ; +-------------------+ ; ; All partition boundaries are sector boundaries. The size of the FAT is ; adjusted to maximize the file space addressable. include dirent.INC BREAK ; ; The File Allocation Table uses a 12-bit entry for each allocation unit on ; the disk. These entries are packed, two for every three bytes. The contents ; of entry number N is found by 1) multiplying N by 1.5; 2) adding the result ; to the base address of the Allocation Table; 3) fetching the 16-bit word ; at this address; 4) If N was odd (so that N*1.5 was not an integer), shift ; the word right four bits; 5) mask to 12 bits (AND with 0FFF hex). Entry ; number zero is used as an end-of-file trap in the OS and is passed to the ; BIOS to help determine disk format. Entry 1 is reserved for future use. ; The first available allocation unit is assigned entry number two, and even ; though it is the first, is called cluster 2. Entries greater than 0FF8H ; (12-bit fats) or 0FFF8H (16-bit fats) are end of file marks; entries of zero ; are unallocated. Otherwise, the contents of a FAT entry is the number of ; the next cluster in the file. ; ; Clusters with bad sectors are tagged with FF7H. Any non-zero number would ; do because these clusters show as allocated, but are not part of any ; allocation chain and thus will never be allocated to a file. A particular ; number is selected so that disk checking programs know what to do (ie. a ; cluster with entry FF7H which is not in a chain is not an error). include dpb.INC include curdir.INC include cpmfcb.INC include find.INC include pdb.INC include exe.INC include sf.INC include arena.INC include intnat.INC include mi.INC fChk equ 1 fDelim equ 2 fSpChk equ 4 fFCB equ 8 include filemode.INC include error.INC include syscall.INC SUBTTL