TITLE MSBIO2 - DOS 3.3 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; : ; Microsoft Bio : ; : ; The file msbio.asm is the main file in the Mircosoft bio. This file : ; includes the other main files in the bio. Most of the routines are : ; in these include files. The main files included are: : ; : ; File Contains : ; : ; msdisk.inc Disk device driver routines : ; ms96tpi.inc Routines for 96tpi drives : ; msaux.inc Device driver for the rs-232 serial ports : ; msclock.inc Device driver for "clock$" device : ; mscon.inc Device driver for "con" : ; mslpt.inc Device driver for the printers : ; : ; Each of these files contain a header section documenting the code : ; in that file. : ; Msbio also includes several files for equ's, structure definition, : ; macro definitions, etc. These are: : ; : ; msbiomes.inc msmacro.inc devsym.inc : ; dskprm.inc error.inc : ; : ; Each of these file contains explanitory notes. : ; : ; The actual code in msbio can be broken down into several piece: : ; : ; macro definitions Several marco are defined in msbio. They : ; are a few odds and end that did not fit : ; anywhere else. : ; : ; Command Jump Table List of entry points in the device drivers. : ; See notation below for full explination. : ; : ; Interrupt and Strategy : ; Entry points Calls on the device driver first come to here. : ; There is common code with pushes registers and : ; the like before jumping to routines in the : ; driver files. The common exit points are also : ; in this file. : ; : ; Miscellaneous Code There are several routines and data structure : ; declarations. See below for details. : ; : ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; If the variable TEST is non-zero then code for debugging is included. ; The extra code will make the binary file nuch larger. ; The symbol is also defined in msequ.inc. Both must be changed to ; turn debugging on or off. ; ; The level of the debugging is controled by the variable fTestBits in ; this file. See the comment preceeding the variable for more information. ; The actual routines which print the messages are in msmacro.inc ; See the header comment in this file for more information. ; ; ; Revision History ; ; REV 2.1 5/1/83 ARR added timer int handler and changed order of AUX ; PRN init for HAL0 ; ; REV 2.15 7/13/83 ARR Because of IBM design issues, and that BASCOM ; is ill behaved with respect to the 1CH timer interrupt, ; the timer handler has to be backed out! The intended ; code is commented out and has an ARR 2.15 annotation. ; This means the BIOS will go back to the multiple roll ; over bug. ; ; REV 2.20 8/5/83 ARR IBM makes hardware change. Now wants to use half ; height drives for HAL0, and back fit for PC/PC XT. Problem ; with head settle time. Previous drives got by on a 0 ; settle time, 1/2 hight drives need 15 head settle when ; doing WRITEs (0 ok on READ) if the head is being stepped. ; This requires a last track value to be kept so that BIOS ; knows when head is being moved. To help out ; programs that issue INT 13H directly, the head settle will ; normally be set to 15. It will be changed to 0 on READs, ; or on WRITEs which do not require head step. ; ; REV 2.21 8/11/83 MZ IBM wants write with verify to use head settle 0. ; Use same trick as above. ; ; REV 2.25 6/20/83 mjb001 added support for 96tpi and salmon ; ; REV 2.30 6/27/83 mjb002 added real-time clock ; ; REV 2.40 7/8/83 mjb003 added volume-id checking and int 2f macro ; definitions push* and pop* ; ; REV 2.41 7/12/83 ARR more 2.X enhancements. Open/Close media change ; ; REV 2.42 11/3/83 ARR more 2.X enhancements. Disk OPEN/CLOSE, FORMAT ; code and other misc hooked out to shrink BIOS. Code for ; Disk OPEN/CLOSE, FORMAT included only with 96tpi disks. ; ; Rev 2.43 12/6/83 MZ Examine boot sectors on hard disks for 16-bit fat ; check. Examine large fat bit in BPB for walk of media for ; DOS ; ; Rev 2.44 12/9/83 ARR Change to error reporting on INT 17H ; ; Rev 2.45 12/22/83 MZ Make head settle change only when disk parm is 0. ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; ; IBM ADDRESSES FOR I/O ; ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;Below was moved from sysinit1 ROMSEGMENT EQU 0F000H MODELBYTE EQU DS:BYTE PTR [0FFFEH] MODELPCJR EQU 0FDH test=0 ;;Rev 3.30 modification ---------------------------- INCLUDE MSGROUP.INC ;DEFINE CODE SEGMENT INCLUDE MSEQU.INC INCLUDE DEVSYM.INC INCLUDE PUSHPOP.INC INCLUDE MSMACRO.INC ASSUME DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING EXTRN DSK$IN:NEAR EXTRN SETPTRSAV:NEAR EXTRN OUTCHR:NEAR EXTRN SETDRIVE:NEAR EXTRN FLUSH:NEAR EXTRN HARDERR:NEAR EXTRN HARDERR2:NEAR EXTRN MAPERROR:NEAR EXTRN GETBP:NEAR EXTRN CHECKSINGLE:NEAR EXTRN CHECK_TIME_OF_ACCESS:NEAR EXTRN EXIT:NEAR EXTRN HAS1:NEAR EXTRN HAS1_res:NEAR EXTRN READ_SECTOR:NEAR EXTRN INT_2F_13:FAR EXTRN OLD13:DWORD ;DATA EXTRN PTRSAV:DWORD EXTRN START_BDS:WORD EXTRN FDRIVE1:WORD EXTRN FDRIVE2:WORD EXTRN FDRIVE3:WORD EXTRN FDRIVE4:WORD EXTRN FLAGBITS:WORD EXTRN TIM_DRV:BYTE EXTRN MEDBYT:BYTE EXTRN DRVMAX:BYTE PATHSTART 005,DISK EVENB PUBLIC ORIG19 ORIG19 DD ? PUBLIC INT19SEM INT19SEM DB 0 ; INDICATE THAT ALL INT 19 ; INITIALIZATION IS COMPLETE IRP AA,<02,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,70,72,73,74,76,77> public Int19OLD&AA Int19OLD&AA dd -1 ;Orignal hw int. vec for INT 19h. ENDM EVENB PUBLIC DSKDRVS DSKDRVS DW FDRIVE1 DW FDRIVE2 DW FDRIVE3 DW FDRIVE4 PUBLIC HDSKTAB HDSKTAB DW HDRIVE DW DRIVEX ;* Next area is reseved for mini disk BPB pointers *** 4/7/86 ;* Don't change this pos. Should be add. from DskDrvs *** 4/7/86 MINI_DISK_BPB_PTRS DB 40 dup (?) ;4/7/86 - mem res for Mini disk. EVENB PUBLIC INT_2F_NEXT INT_2F_NEXT DD ? RET_ADDR DD ? PATHEND 005,DISK ;;End of modification ---------------------------- ; INT19 ; ; We "hook" the INT_REBOOT vector, because contrary to IBM documentation, ; it does NOT "bootstrap" the machine. It leaves memory almost untouched. ; Since the BIOS_INIT code assumes that certain Interrupt Vectors point to ; the ROM_BIOS we must "unhook" them before issuing the actual INT_REBOOT. ; Currently the following vectors need to be unhooked: ; 02,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,70,72,73,74,75,76,77 ; Public Int19 Int19 proc FAR xor AX,AX ; get data segment to mov DS,AX ; point to the vector table assume ds:nothing assume es:nothing les DI,Old13 ; get ES to point to this segment mov DS:[13h*4],DI ; restore old int13 value mov DS:[13h*4+2],ES cmp Byte ptr Int19Sem, 0 jnz int19vecs jmp doint19 ;;Dos 3.30 Will not support the PC-Jr ;;Rev 3.30 modification ---------------------------- ; ON THE PCJR, DON'T REPLACE ANY VECTORS ; MODEL BYTE DEFINITIONS FROM MSSTACK.ASM ; MOV AX,ROMSEGMENT ; MOV DS,AX ; MOV AL,MODELPCJR ; ; CMP AL,MODELBYTE ; JNE INT19VECS ; JMP DOINT19 ;Stacks code has changed these hardware interrupt vectors ;STKINIT in SYSINIT1 will initialzie Int19hOLDxx values. int19vecs: ; ; we now need to unhook all the vector replace to prevent stack overflow ; ;;Rev 3.30 modification ---------------------------- XOR AX,AX MOV DS,AX IRP AA,<02,08,09,0A,0B,0C,0D,0E,70,72,73,74,76,77> LES DI,Int19OLD&AA mov ax,es ; Put segment where we can compare it cmp ax,-1 ; OPT 0ffffh is not likely je skip_int&AA ; OPT could get away without checking cmp di,-1 ; OPT offset here. je skip_int&AA MOV DS:[AA&H*4],DI MOV DS:[AA&H*4+2],ES skip_int&AA: ENDM ;;End of modification ---------------------------- doint19: LES DI,Orig19 MOV DS:[19h*4],DI MOV DS:[19h*4+2],ES INT 19h INT19 ENDP ASSUME DS:CODE ;***************************************************************************** PUBLIC DSK$INIT DSK$INIT PROC NEAR PUSH CS POP DS MOV AH,BYTE PTR DRVMAX MOV DI,OFFSET DskDrvs JMP SetPTRSAV DSK$INIT ENDP ; ; Int 2f handler for external block drivers to communicate with the internal ; block driver in msdisk. The multiplex number chosen is 8. The handler ; sets up the pointer to the request packet in [PTRSAV] and then jumps to ; DSK$IN, the entry point for all disk requests. ; On exit from this driver (at EXIT), we will return to the external driver ; that issued this Int 2F, and can then remove the flags from the stack. ; This scheme allows us to have a small external device driver, and makes ; the maintainance of the various drivers (DRIVER and msBIO) much easier, ; since we only need to make changes in one place (most of the time). ; ; AL contains the Int2F function: ; 0 - Check for installed handler - RESERVED ; 1 - Install the BDS into the linked list ; 2 - DOS request ; MYNUM EQU 8 Public Int2F_Disk Int2F_Disk PROC FAR cmp ah,MYNUM je Mine jmp cs:[Int_2F_Next] ; chain to next Int 2F handler Mine: cmp al,0F8H ; IRET on reserved functions jb Do_Func IRET Do_Func: or al,al ; A GET INSTALLED STATE request? jne Disp_Func mov al,0FFH IRET Disp_Func: Message fTestInit,<"Int2F_disk",cr,lf> cmp al,1 ; Request for installing BDS? jne Do_DOS_Req call Install_BDS IRET Do_DOS_Req: ; Set up pointer to request packet MOV WORD PTR CS:[PTRSAV],BX MOV WORD PTR CS:[PTRSAV+2],ES jmp DSK$IN Int2F_Disk ENDP ; ; Install_BDS installs a BDS a location DS:DI into the current linked list of ; BDS maintained by this device driver. It places the BDS at the END of the ; list. Public Install_BDS INSTALL_BDS PROC NEAR message ftestinit,<"Install BDS",cr,lf> ; ds:di point to BDS to be installed les si,dword ptr cs:[Start_BDS] ; Start at beginning of list push es ; Save pointer to current BDS push si ; es:si now point to BDS in linked list Loop_Next_BDS: cmp si,-1 ; got to end of linked list? jz Install_Ret ; If we have several logical drives using the same physical drive, we must ; set the I_Am_Mult flag in each of the appropriate BDSs. mov al,byte ptr ds:[di].DriveNum cmp byte ptr es:[si].DriveNum,al jnz Next_BDS message ftestinit,<"Logical Drives",cr,lf> xor bx,bx mov bl,fI_Am_Mult or word ptr ds:[di].flags,bx ; set flags in both BDSs concerned or word ptr es:[si].flags,bx mov bl,fI_Own_Physical xor bx,-1 and word ptr ds:[di].flags,bx ; reset that flag for 'new' BDS ; We must also set the fChangeline bit correctly. mov bx,word ptr es:[si].flags ; determine if changeline available and bl,fChangeline xor bh,bh or word ptr ds:[di].flags,bx Next_BDS: ; Before moving to next BDS, preserve pointer to current one. This is needed at ; the end when the new BDS is linked into the list. pop bx ; discard previous pointer to BDS pop bx push es push si mov bx,word ptr es:[si].link + 2 mov si,word ptr es:[si].link mov es,bx jmp short Loop_Next_BDS Install_Ret: pop si ; Retrieve pointer to last BDS pop es ; in linked list. mov ax,ds mov word ptr es:[si].link+2,ax ; install BDS mov word ptr es:[si].link,di mov word ptr ds:[di].link,-1 ; set NEXT pointer to NULL RET INSTALL_BDS ENDP ; ; RE_INIT installs the Int 2F vector that will handle communication between ; external block drivers and the internal driver. It also installs the ; Reset_Int_13 interface. It is called by SYSYINIT ; PUBLIC RE_INIT RE_INIT PROC FAR Message ftestinit,<"REINIT",CR,LF> PUSH AX PUSH DS PUSH DI XOR DI,DI MOV DS,DI MOV DI,2FH*4 ; point it to Int 2F Vector MOV AX,WORD PTR DS:[DI] MOV WORD PTR CS:[INT_2F_NEXT],AX MOV AX,WORD PTR DS:[DI+2] ; preserve old Int 2F vector MOV WORD PTR CS:[INT_2F_NEXT+2],AX ; INSTALL the Reset_Int_13 ; interface CLI MOV Word Ptr DS:[DI],Offset Int_2f_13 ; install new vectors MOV Word Ptr DS:[DI+2],CS STI POP DI POP DS POP AX RET RE_INIT ENDP ;------------------------------------------------- ; ; Ask to swap the disk in drive A: ; Using a different drive in a one drive system so ; request the user to change disks ; Public SWPDSK SWPDSK PROC NEAR mov al,byte ptr ds:[di].drivelet ; get the drive letter add al,"A" mov cs:DRVLET,AL push ds ; preserve segment register push cs pop ds mov SI,OFFSET SNGMSG ; ds:si -> message push BX call WRMSG ;Print disk change message call FLUSH ; wait for a keyboard character xor AH, AH ; set command to read character int 16h ; call rom-bios POP BX pop ds ; restore segment register WRMRET: ret SWPDSK ENDP ;---------------------------------------------- ; ; WrMsg writes out message pointed to by [SI] ; Public WrMsg WRMSG PROC NEAR lodsb ; get the next character of the message or AL,AL ; see fi end of message jz WRMRET pushf push CS call OUTCHR jmp SHORT WRMSG WRMSG ENDP INCLUDE BIOMES.INC ; ; End of support for multiple floppies with no logical drives ; This is not 'special' any more because we now have the capability of ; defining logical drives in CONFIG.SYS. We therefore keep the code for ; swapping resident ALL the time. ; ;;Rev 3.30 modification ---------------------------- ;Variables for Dynamic Relocatable modules ;These should be stay resident. public INT6C_RET_ADDR INT6C_RET_ADDR DD ? ;ret add from INT 6C for P12 mach PATHSTART 001,CLK ; ; DATA STRUCTURES FOR REAL-TIME DATE AND TIME ; public BIN_DATE_TIME public MONTH_TABLE public DAYCNT2 public FEB29 BIN_DATE_TIME: DB 0 ; CENTURY (19 OR 20) OR HOURS (0-23) DB 0 ; YEAR IN CENTURY (0-99) OR MINUTES (0-59) DB 0 ; MONTH IN YEAR (1-12) OR SECONDS (0-59) DB 0 ; DAY IN MONTH (1-31) MONTH_TABLE: DW 0 ;MJB002 JANUARY DW 31 ;MJB002 FEBRUARY DW 59 ;MJB002 DW 90 ;MJB002 DW 120 ;MJB002 DW 151 ;MJB002 DW 181 ;MJB002 DW 212 ;MJB002 DW 243 ;MJB002 DW 273 ;MJB002 DW 304 ;MJB002 DW 334 ;MJB002 DAYCNT2 DW 0000 ;MJB002 TEMP FOR CNT OF DAYS SINCE 1-1-80 FEB29 DB 0 ;MJB002 FEBRUARY 29 IN A LEAP YEAR FLAG PATHEND 001,CLK ;;End of modification modification ---------------------------- Public EndFloppy EndFloppy Label Byte ; ; End of code for virtual floppy drives ; Public EndSwap EndSwap Label Byte PATHSTART 004,BIO Public HNUM HNUM DB 0 ; number of hardfile (hard drives) Public HardDrv HARDDRV DB 80H ;Physical drive number of first hardfile ; ; "HDRIVE" is a hard disk with 512 byte sectors ; EVENB Public BDSH BDSH DW -1 ; Link to next structure DW Code DB 80h ; physical drive number DB "C" ; Logical Drive Letter Public HDRIVE HDRIVE: DW 512 DB 1 ; Sectors/allocation unit DW 1 ; Reserved sectors for DOS DB 2 ; No. of allocation tables DW 16 ; Number of directory entries DW 0000 ; Number of sectors (at 512 bytes each) DB 11111000B ; Media descriptor DW 1 ; Number of FAT sectors DW 00 ; Sector limit DW 00 ; Head limit DW 00 ; Hidden sector count DB 0 ; TRUE => bigfat OPCNTH DW 0 ; Open Ref. Count VOLIDH DB "NO NAME ",0 ; Volume ID for this disk DB 3 ; Form Factor FLAGSH DW 0020H ; Various Flags dw 40 ; number of cylinders RecBPBH db 31 dup (?) ; Recommended BPB for drive TRACKH DB -1 ; Last track accessed on this drive TIM_LOH DW -1 ; Keep these two contiguous (?) TIM_HIH DW -1 ; ; End of single hard disk section ; Public EndOneHard EndOneHard Label Byte ; ;"DRIVEX" is an extra type of drive usually reserved for an ; additional hard file ; EVENB Public BDSX BDSX DW -1 ; Link to next structure DW Code DB 81h ; physical drive number DB "D" ; Logical Drive Letter Public DRIVEX DRIVEX: DW 512 DB 00 ; Sectors/allocation unit DW 1 ; Reserved sectors for DOS DB 2 ; No. of allocation tables DW 0000 ; Number of directory entries DW 0000 ; Number of sectors (at 512 bytes each) DB 11111000B ; Media descriptor DW 0000 ; Number of FAT sectors DW 00 ; Sector limit DW 00 ; Head limit DW 00 ; Hidden sector count DB 0 ; TRUE => bigfat OPCNTD DW 0 ; Open Ref. Count VOLIDD DB "NO NAME ",0 ; Volume ID for this disk DB 3 ; Form Factor FLAGSD DW 0020H ; Various Flags dw 40 ; number of cylinders RecBPBD db 31 dup (?) ; Recommended BPB for drive TRACKD DB -1 ; Last track accessed on this drive TIM_LOD DW -1 ; Keep these two contiguous TIM_HID DW -1 ; ; End of section for two hard disks Public EndTwoHard EndTwoHard Label Byte PATHEND 004,BIO Public TwoHard TWOHARD LABEL BYTE PAGE include ms96tpi.inc ;;Rev 3.30 modification ---------------------------- ;Memory allocation for BDSM table. PUBLIC BDSMs BDSMs BDSM_type Max_mini_dsk_num dup (<>) ;currently max. 23 ;** End_of_BDSM defined in MSINIT.ASM will be used to set the appropriate ;** ending address of BDSM table. ;;End of modification ---------------------------- ; ;;3.3 BUG FIX -SP ------------------------------ ;Paragraph buffer between the BDSMs and MSHARD ; ;The relocation code for MSHARD needs this. this cannot be used for ;anything. nothing can come before this or after this.....IMPORTANT!!!! ;don't get too smart and using this buffer for anything!!!!!! ; db 16 dup(0) ; ;end of bug fix buffer ;; ;;3.3 BUG FIX -SP------------------------------ CODE ENDS END