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System Calls
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1.1 Introduction
The routines that MS-DOS uses to manage system operation and resources
can be called by any application program. Using these system calls makes
it easier to write machine-independent programs and increases the likeli-
hood that a program will be compatible with future versions of MS-DOS.
MS-DOS system calls fall into several categories:
o Standard character device I/O
o Memory management
o Process management
o File and directory management
o Microsoft Network calls
o National Language Support calls
o Miscellaneous system functions
Applications invoke MS-DOS services by using software interrupts. The
current range of interrupts used for MS-DOS is 20H-27H; 28H-40H are
reserved. Interrupt 21H is the function request service; it provides access
to a wide variety of MS-DOS services. In some cases, the full AX register
is used to specify the requested function. Each interrupt or function
request uses values in various registers to receive or return function-
specific information.
1.1.1 System Calls That Have Been Superseded
Many system calls introduced in versions of MS-DOS earlier than 2.0 have
been superseded by function requests that are more efficient and easier to
use. Although MS-DOS still includes these old system calls, they should
not be used unless it is imperative that a program maintain backward-
compatibility with versions of MS-DOS before 2.0.
A table of the pre-2.0 system calls and a description of the File Control
Block (required by some of the old calls) appears in Section 1.8, "Old Sys-
tem Calls."
The first part of this chapter explains how DOS manages its resources\(em
such as memory, files, and processes\(emand briefly describes the purpose of
most of the system calls. The remainder of the chapter describes each
interrupt and function request in detail.
The system-call descriptions are in numeric order, interrupts followed by
function requests. These descriptions include further detail on how
MS-DOS manages its resources.
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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Chapter 2 of this manual describes how to write an MS-DOS device driver.
Chapters 3, 4, and 5 contain more detailed information about MS-DOS,
including how it manages disk space, the control blocks it uses, and how it
loads and executes relocatable programs (files with an extension of .exe).
Chapter 6 describes the Intel object module format. Chapter 7 gives some
programming hints.
1.2 Standard Character Device I/O
The standard character function requests handle all input and output to
and from character devices such as consoles, printers, and serial ports. If a
program uses these function requests, its input and output can be
Table 1.1 lists the MS-DOS function requests for managing standard char-
acter input and output.
Table 1.1
Standard Character I/O Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Read Keyboard and
Gets a character from standard input and echoes
it to standard output
02H Display Character Sends a character to standard output
03H Auxiliary Input
Gets a character from standard auxiliary
04H Auxiliary Output
Sends a character to standard auxiliary
05H Print Character
Sends a character to the standard printer
06H Direct Console I/O
Gets a character from standard input or sends a
character to standard output
Direct Console Input
Gets a character from standard input
08H Read Keyboard
Gets a character from standard input
09H Display String Sends a string to standard output
0AH Gets a string from standard input
Buffered Keyboard
Check Keyboard
Reports on the status of the standard input
Flush Buffer, Read
Empties the standard input buffer and calls one
of the other standard character I/O function
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Although several of these standard character I/O function requests seem
to do the same thing, they are distinguished by whether they check for
control characters or echo characters from standard input to standard
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output. The detailed descriptions later in this chapter point out the
1.3 Memory Management
MS-DOS keeps track of which areas of memory are allocated by writing a
memory control block at the beginning of each. This control block specifies
the size of the memory area; the name of the process, if any, that owns the
memory area; and a pointer to the next area of memory. If the memory
area is not owned, it is available.
Table 1.2 lists the MS-DOS function requests for managing memory.
Table 1.2
Memory Management Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
48H Allocate Memory Requests a block of memory
Free Allocated
Frees a block of memory previously allocated with 48H
4AH Set Block
Changes the size of an allocated memory block
_ _________________________________________________________________________
When a process requests additional memory with Function 48H (Allocate
Memory), MS-DOS searches for a block of available memory large enough
to satisfy the request. If it finds such a block of memory, it changes the
memory control block to show the owning process. If the block of memory
is larger than the requested amount, MS-DOS changes the size field of the
memory control block to the requested amount, writes a new memory con-
trol block at the beginning of the unneeded portion showing that it is
available, and updates the pointers to add this memory to the chain of
memory control blocks. MS-DOS then returns the segment address of the
first byte of the allocated memory to the requesting process.
When a process releases an allocated block of memory with Function 49H
(Free Allocated Memory), MS-DOS changes the memory control block to
show that it is available (not owned by any process).
When a process uses Function 4AH (Set Block) to shrink an allocated
block of memory, MS-DOS builds a memory control block for the memory
being released and adds it to the chain of memory control blocks. When a
process tries to use Function 4AH (Set Block) to expand an allocated block
of memory, MS-DOS treats it as a request for additional memory rather
than returning the segment address of the additional memory to the
requesting process. However, MS-DOS simply chains the additional
memory to the existing memory block.
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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If MS-DOS can't find a block of available memory large enough to satisfy a
request for additional memory made with either Function 48H (Allocate
Memory) or Function 4AH (Set Block), MS-DOS returns an error code to
the requesting process.
When a program receives control, it should call Function 4AH (Set Block)
to shrink its initial memory-allocation block (the block that begins with
its Program Segment Prefix) to the minimum it requires. This frees
unneeded memory and makes the best application design for portability to
future multitasking environments.
When a program exits, MS-DOS automatically frees its initial memory-
allocation block before returning control to the calling program
(command.com is usually the calling program for application programs).
The DOS frees any memory owned by the exiting process.
Any program that changes memory that is not allocated to it will most
likely destroy at least one memory-management control block. This
causes a memory-allocation error the next time MS-DOS tries to use the
chain of memory control blocks; the only cure is to restart the system.
1.4 Process Management
MS-DOS uses several function requests to load, execute, and terminate
programs. Application programs can use these same function requests to
manage other programs.
Table 1.3 lists the MS-DOS function requests for managing processes.
Table 1.3
Process-Management Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
31H Keep Process
Terminates a process and returns control to the
invoking process, but keeps the terminated
process in memory
4BH Loads and executes a program
Load and Execute
4B03H Load Overlay
Loads a program overlay without executing it
4CH End Process
Returns control to the invoking process
Get Return Code of
Child Process
Returns a code passed by an exiting child process
62H Get PSP
Returns the segment address of the current
process's Program Segment Prefix
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1.4.1 Loading and Executing a Program
When a program uses Function 4BH (Load and Execute Program) to load
and execute another program, MS-DOS allocates memory, writes a Pro-
gram Segment Prefix (PSP) for the new program at offset 0 of the allo-
cated memory, loads the new program, and passes control to it. When the
invoked program exits, control returns to the calling program.
Command.com uses Function 4BH to load and execute command files.
Application programs have the same degree of control over process
management as does command.com.
In addition to these common features, there are some differences in the
way MS-DOS loads .com and .exe files.
Loading a .Com Program
When command.com loads and executes a .com program, it allocates all
available memory to the application and sets the stack pointer 100H bytes
from the end of available memory. A .com program should set up its own
stack before shrinking its initial memory-allocation block with Function
4AH (Set Block) because the default stack is in the memory to be released.
If a newly loaded program is allocated all of memory\(emas a .com program
is\(emor requests all of available memory by using Function 48H (Allocate
Memory), MS-DOS allocates to it the memory occupied by the transient
part of command.com. If the program changes this memory, MS-DOS
must reload the transient portion of command.com before it can continue.
If a program exits (via Function 31H, Keep Process) without releasing
enough memory, the system halts and must be reset. To minimize this pos-
sibility, a .com program should use Function 4AH (Set Block) to shrink its
initial allocation block before doing anything else, and before exiting, all
programs must release all memory they allocate by using Function 48H
(Allocate Memory).
Loading an .Exe Program
When command.com loads and executes an .exe program, it allocates the
size of the program's memory image plus either the value in the
MAX_ALLOC field (offset 0CH) of the file header (if that much memory is
available) or the value in the MIN_ALLOC field (offset 0AH). The linker
sets these fields. Before passing control to the .exe file, MS-DOS uses the
relocation information in the file header to calculate the correct relocation
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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For a more detailed description of how MS-DOS loads .com and .exe files,
see Chapter 3, "MS-DOS Technical Information," and Chapter 4, "MS-
DOS Control Blocks and Work Areas."
Executing a Program from Within Another Program
Since command.com builds pathnames, searches directory paths for exe-
cutable files, and relocates .exe files, the simplest way to load and execute
a program is to load and execute an additional copy of command.com,
passing it a command line that includes the /C switch, which invokes the
.com or .exe file. The description of Function 4B00H (Load and Execute
Program) describes how to do this.
1.4.2 Loading an Overlay
When a program uses Function 4B03H (Load Overlay) to load an overlay,
it must pass MS-DOS the segment address at which the overlay is to be
loaded. The program must call the overlay, which then returns directly to
the calling program. The calling program is in complete control: MS-DOS
does not write a PSP for the overlay or intervene in any other way.
MS-DOS does not check to see if the calling program owns the memory
where the overlay is to be loaded. If the calling program does not own the
memory, loading the overlay will most likely destroy a memory-control
block, causing an eventual memory-allocation error.
Therefore, a program that loads an overlay must either allow room for the
overlay when it calls Function 4AH (Set Block) to shrink its initial
memory-allocation block, or shrink its initial memory-allocation block to
the minimum and then use Function 48H (Allocate Memory) to allocate
memory for the overlay.
1.5 File and Directory Management
The MS-DOS hierarchical (multilevel) file system is similar to that of the
XENIX operating system. For a description of the multilevel directory sys-
tem and how to use it, see the MS-DOS User's Reference.
1.5.1 Handles
To create or open a file, a program passes MS-DOS a pathname and the
attribute to be assigned to the file. MS-DOS returns a 16-bit number,
called a handle. For most subsequent actions, MS-DOS requires only this
handle to identify the file.
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A handle can refer to either a file or a device. MS-DOS predefines five stan-
dard handles. These handles are always open, so you needn't open them
before you use them. Table 1.4 lists these predefined handles.
Table 1.4
Predefined Device Handles
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Handle Standard device Comment
_ _________________________________________________________________________
0 Input Can be redirected from command line
1 Output Can be redirected from command line
2 Error
3 Auxiliary
4 Printer
_ _________________________________________________________________________
When MS-DOS creates or opens a file, it assigns the first available handle.
Since a program can have 20 open handles, including the five predefined
handles, it typically can open 15 extra files. By using Function 46H (Force
Duplicate File Handle), MS-DOS can temporarily force any of the five
predefined handles to refer to an alternate file or device. For more infor-
mation about Function 46H, see its description later in this chapter.
1.5.2 File-Related Function Requests
MS-DOS treats a file as a string of bytes; it assumes no record structure or
access technique. An application program imposes whatever record struc-
ture it needs on this string of bytes. Reading from or writing to a file
requires only pointing to the data buffer and specifying the number of
bytes to read or write.
Table 1.5 lists the MS-DOS function requests for managing files.
Table 1.5
File-Related Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
3CH Create Handle Creates a file
3DH Open Handle Opens a file
3EH Close Handle Closes a file
3FH Read Handle Reads from a file
40H Write Handle Writes to a file
42H Move File Pointer Sets the read/write pointer in a file
45H Duplicate File Handle
Creates a new handle that refers to the same
file as an existing handle
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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46H Force Duplicate File Handle
Makes an existing handle refer to the same file
as another existing handle
5AH Create Temporary File Creates a file with a unique name
5BH Create New File
Attempts to create a file, but fails if a file with
the same name exists
67H Set Handle Count
Increases or decreases the number of files a
program can have open at one time
68H Commit File
Flushes buffered data for a file without closing
it to ensure the disk image of that file is
_ _________________________________________________________________________
File Sharing
Version 3.1 of MS-DOS introduces file sharing, which lets more than one
process share access to a file. File sharing operates only after the share
command has been executed to load file-sharing support. That is, you
must use the share command to take advantage of file sharing.
Table 1.6 lists the MS-DOS function requests for sharing files; if file shar-
ing is not in effect, these function requests cannot be used. Function 3DH
(Open Handle) can operate in several modes. Here it is referred to in the
file-sharing modes, which require file sharing to be in effect. (Compatibil-
ity mode is usable without file sharing in effect.)
Table 1.6
File-Sharing Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
3DH Open Handle
Opens a file by using one of the file-sharing modes
440BH IOCtl Retry
(before Interrupt 24 is issued) Specifies how many
times to retry an I/O operation that fails due to a file-
sharing violation
5C00H Lock Locks a region of a file
5C01H Unlock Unlocks a region of a file
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1.5.3 Device-Related Function Requests
I/O Control for devices is implemented with Function 44H (IOCtl), which
includes several subfunctions necessary to perform device-related tasks.
Some forms of the IOCtl function request require that the device driver be
written to support the IOCtl interface. Table 1.7 lists the MS-DOS func-
tion requests for managing devices.
Table 1.7
Device-Related Function Requests
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4400H,01H IOCtl Data Gets or sets device description
4402H,03H IOCtl Character
Gets or sets character-device control data
4404H,05H IOCtl Block
Gets or sets block-device control data
4406H,07H IOCtl Status
Checks device input or output status
4408H IOCtl Is Changeable
Checks whether block device contains
removable medium
440CH Generic IOCtl (for handles)
Sets Generic IOCtl for handles and
supports code pages for devices
440DH Generic IOCtl (for devices) Sets Generic IOCtl for devices
440E,0FH Get/Set IOCtl Drive Map Gets or sets logical drive map
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Some forms of the IOCtl function request can be used only with Microsoft
Networks; these forms are listed in Section 1.6, "Microsoft Networks."
1.5.4 Directory-Related Function Requests
A directory entry is a 32-byte record that includes the file's name, exten-
sion, date and time of last change, and size. An entry in a subdirectory is
identical to an entry in the root directory. Directory entries are described
in detail in Chapter 3.
The root directory on a disk has room for a fixed number of entries: 64 on
a standard single-sided disk, 112 on a standard double-sided disk. For
hard disks, the number of directories depends on the DOS partition size.
A subdirectory is simply a file with a unique attribute; there can be as
many subdirectories on a disk as space allows. The depth of a directory
structure, therefore, is limited only by the amount of storage on a disk and
the maximum pathname length of 64 characters. Pre-2.0 disks appear to
have only a root directory that contains files but no subdirectories.
Table 1.8 lists the MS-DOS function requests for managing directories.
Table 1.8
Directory-Related Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
39H Create Directory Creates a subdirectory
3AH Remove Directory Deletes a subdirectory
3BH Change Current Directory Changes the current directory
41H Delete Directory Entry (Unlink) Deletes a file
43H Get/Set File Attributes (Chmod)
Retrieves or changes the attributes of a file
47H Get Current Directory
Returns current directory for a given drive
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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4EH Find First File
Searches a directory for the first entry that
matches a filename
4FH Find Next File
Searches a directory for the next entry that
matches a filename
56H Change Directory Entry Renames a file
57H Get/Set Date/Time of File
Changes the time and date of last change in a
directory entry
_ _________________________________________________________________________
1.5.5 File Attributes
Table 1.9 describes the file attributes and how they are represented in the
attribute byte of the directory entry (offset 0BH). The attributes can be
inspected or changed with Function 43H (Get/Set File Attributes
Table 1.9
File Attributes
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Code Description
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Normal; can be read or written without restriction
Read-only; cannot be opened for write; a file with the same name
cannot be created
02H Hidden; not found by directory search
04H System; not found by directory search
VolumeID; only one file can have this attribute; it must be in the root
10H Subdirectory
Archive; set whenever the file is changed, or cleared by the Backup
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The VolumeID (08H) and Subdirectory (10H) attributes cannot be changed
with Function 43H (Get/Set File Attributes [Chmod]).
1.6 Microsoft Networks
Microsoft Networks consists of a server and one or more workstations.
MS-DOS maintains an assign list that keeps track of which workstation
drives and devices have been redirected to the server. For a description of
operation and use of the network, see the Microsoft Networks 1.0
Manager's Guide and Microsoft Networks 1.0 User's Guide.
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Table 1.10 lists the MS-DOS function requests for managing a Microsoft
Networks workstation.
Table 1.10
Microsoft Networks Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
IOCtl Is Redirected
Checks whether a drive letter refers to a local or
redirected drive
IOCtl Is Redirected
Checks whether a device name refers to a local or
redirected device
5E00H Get Machine Name Gets the network name of the workstation
5E02H Printer Setup
Defines a string of control characters to be added
at the beginning of each file that is sent to a
network printer
Get Assign-List
Gets an entry from the assign list, which shows
the workstation drive letter or device name and
the net name of the directory or device on the
server to which the entry is reassigned
Make Assign-List
Redirects a workstation drive or device to a
server directory or device
Cancel Assign-List
Cancels the redirection of a workstation drive or
device to a server directory or device
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1.7 National Language Support
National language support for this version of MS-DOS includes these
major features:
o Country-dependent information
o Support for national keyboard layouts
o Programming interfaces for national language support
o Utility commands
Country-dependent information is available on a per-country basis and
includes the following:
o Time, date, and currency
o Lowercase-to-uppercase character-conversion tables
o Collating sequence for character sorting
o Valid single-byte characters used in filenames
Keyboard support for different keyboard layouts is provided and
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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Table 1.11 lists the MS-DOS national-language-support system calls that
allow applications to use the country-dependent information just
Table 1.11
National Language-Support Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
65H Get Extended Country Information
Returns standard country
information, pointer to uppercase
table, pointer to filename
uppercasing table, or pointer to
collating table
66H Get/Set Global Code Page
Gets or sets the code page used by
the kernel and all devices.
_ _________________________________________________________________________
1.8 Miscellaneous System-Management Func-
The remaining system calls manage other system functions and resources
such as drives, addresses, and the clock. Table 1.12 lists the MS-DOS func-
tion requests for managing miscellaneous system resources and operation.
Table 1.12
Miscellaneous System-Management Function Requests
_ _________________________________________________________________________
0DH Reset Disk Empties all file buffers
0EH Select Disk Sets the default drive
19H Get Current Disk Returns the default drive
1AH Establishes the disk I/O buffer
Set Disk Transfer
1BH Returns disk-format data
Get Default Drive Data
1CH Get Drive Data Returns disk-format data
25H Set Interrupt Vector Sets interrupt-handler address
29H Parse File Name Checks string for valid filename
2AH Get Date Returns system date
2BH Set Date Sets system date
2CH Get Time Returns system time
2DH Set Time Sets system time
2EH Set/Reset Verify Flag Turns disk verify on or off
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Get Disk Transfer
Returns system-disk-I/O-buffer address
30H Returns MS-DOS version number
Get MS-DOS Version
Returns CONTROL-C check status
35H Get Interrupt Vector
Returns address of interrupt handler
36H Get Disk Free Space Returns disk-space data
38H Get/Set Country Data
Sets current country or retrieves country
54H Get Verify State Returns status of disk verify
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1.9 Old System Calls
Most of the superseded system calls deal with files. Table 1.13 lists these
old calls and the function requests that have superseded them.
Although MS-DOS still includes these old system calls, they should not be
used unless a program must maintain backward-compatibility with earlier
versions of MS-DOS.
Table 1.13
Old System Calls and Their Replacements
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Old System Call Has Been Superseded By
Code Function Code Function
_ _________________________________________________________________________
00H Terminate Program 4CH End Process
0FH Open File 3DH Open Handle
10H Close File 3EH Close Handle
11H Search for First Entry 4EH Find First File
12H Search for Next Entry 4FH Find Next File
13H Delete File 41H Delete Directory Entry
14H Sequential Read 3FH Read Handle
15H Sequential Write 40H Write Handle
16H Create File 3CH Create Handle
5AH Create Temporary File
5BH Create New File
17H Rename File 56H Change Directory Entry
21H Random Read 3FH Read Handle
22H Random Write 40H Write Handle
23H Get File Size 42H Move File Pointer
24H Set Relative Record 42H Move File Pointer
26H Create New PSP 4BH Load and Execute Program
27H Random Block Read 42H Move File Pointer
3FH Read Handle
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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28H Random Block Write 42H Move File Pointer
40H Write Handle
Code Interrupt Code Function
_ _________________________________________________________________________
20H Program Terminate 4CH End Process
27H Terminate But Stay Resident 31H Keep Process
_ _________________________________________________________________________
1.9.1 File Control Block (FCB)
The old file-related function requests require that a program maintain a
File Control Block (FCB) for each file; this control block contains such
information as a file's name, size, record length, and pointer to current
record. MS-DOS does most of this housekeeping for the newer, handle-
oriented function requests.
Some descriptions of the old function requests refer to unopened and
opened FCBs. An unopened FCB contains only a drive specifier and
filename. An opened FCB contains all fields filled by Function 0FH (Open
The Program Segment Prefix (PSP) includes room for two FCBs at offsets
5CH and 6CH. For a description of how to use the PSP and FCB calls, see
Chapter 4, "MS-DOS Control Blocks and Work Areas," Table 1.14
describes the FCB fields.
Table 1.14
Format of the File Control Block (FCB)
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Hex Dec Bytes Field
_ _________________________________________________________________________
00H 0 1 Drive Number
01H 1 8 Filename
09H 9 3 Extension
0CH 12 2 Current Block
0EH 14 2 Record Size
10H 16 4 File Size
14H 20 2 Date of Last Write
16H 22 2 Time of Last Write
18H 24 8 Reserved
20H 32 1 Current Record
21H 33 4 Relative Record
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Fields of the FCB
Drive Number (offset 00H): Specifies the disk drive; 1 means drive A and 2
means drive B. If you use the FCB to create or open a file, you can set this
field to 0 to specify the default drive; Function 0FH (Open File) sets the
field to the number of the default drive.
Filename (offset 01H): Eight characters, left-aligned and padded (if neces-
sary) with blanks. If you specify a reserved device name (such as PRN), do
not put a colon at the end.
Extension (offset 09H): Three characters, left-aligned and padded (if neces-
sary) with blanks. This field can be all blanks (no extension).
Current Block (offset 0CH): Points to the block (group of 128 records) that
contains the current record. This field and the Current Record field (offset
1FH) make up the record pointer. This field is set to zero by the Open File
system call.
Record Size (offset 0EH): The size of a logical record, in bytes. Set to 128
by the Open File system call. If the record size is not 128 bytes, you must
set this field after opening the file.
File Size (offset 0FH): The size of the file, in bytes. The first word of this
4-byte field is the low-order part of the size.
Date of Last Write (offset 13H): The date the file was created or last
updated. The year, month, and day are mapped into two bytes as follows:
Off set 14H Offset 13H
|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|M| |M|M|M|D|D|D|D|D|
15 9 8 5 4 0
Time of Last Write (offset 15H): The time the file was created or last
updated. The hour, minutes, and seconds are mapped into two bytes as
Offset 16H Offset 15H
|H|H|H|H|H|M|M|M| |M|M|M|S|S|S|S|S|
15 11 10 5 4 0
Reserved (offset 17H): These fields are reserved for use by MS-DOS.
Current Record (offset 1FH): Points to one of the 128 records in the
current block. This field and the Current Block field (offset 0CH) make up
the record pointer. The Open File system call does not initialize this field.
You must set it before doing a sequential read or write to the file.
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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Relative Record (offset 20H): Points to the currently selected record, count-
ing from the beginning of the file (starting with 0). The Open File system
call does not initialize this field. You must set it before doing a random
read or write to the file. If the record size is less than 64 bytes, both words
of this field are used; if the record size is 64 bytes or more, only the first
three bytes are used.
_ ________________________________________________________________
If you use the FCB at offset 5CH of the Program Segment Prefix, the
last byte of the Relative Record field is the first byte of the unformat-
ted parameter area that starts at offset 80H. This is the default Disk
Transfer Area.
_ ________________________________________________________________
Extended FCB
The Extended File Control Block is used to create or search for directory
entries of files with special attributes. It adds the following 7-byte prefix to
the FCB:
Name Bytes Offset
_ ________________________________________________________________
Flag byte (FFH) 1 07H
Reserved 5 06H
Attribute byte 1 01H
_ ________________________________________________________________
File attributes are described earlier in this chapter in Section 1.5.5, "File
_ ________________________________________________________________
You must remember to point to the beginning of the extended FCB if
you are using Functions 0FH-16H with extended FCBs.
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System Calls
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1.10 Using the System Calls
The remainder of this chapter describes how to use the system calls in
application programs, and it lists the calls in numeric and alphabetic
order, describing each call in detail.
1.10.1 Issuing an Interrupt
MS-DOS reserves Interrupts 28H through 3FH for its own use, and main-
tains the table of interrupt-handler addresses (the vector table) in loca-
tions 80H-FCH. Also, in case you need to write your own routines for
three particular MS-DOS interrupt handlers (Program Terminate,
CONTROL-C, and Critical Error), this chapter includes descriptions of each.
Function requests have superseded most of these interrupts.
To issue an interrupt, move any required data into the registers and give
the INT instruction with the number of the interrupt you want.
1.10.2 Calling a Function Request
A function request is an MS-DOS routine for managing system resources.
Use the following procedure to call a function request:
1. Move any required data into the registers.
2. Move the function number into AH.
3. Move the action code, if required, into AL.
4. Issue Interrupt 21H.
1.10.3 Using the Calls from a High-Level Language
The system calls can be executed from any high-level language whose
modules can be linked with assembly-language modules. In addition to this
linking technique, you can:
o Use the DOSXQQ function of Pascal-86 to call a function request
o Use the CALL statement or USER function to execute the required
assembly-language code from the BASIC interpreter.
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1.10.4 Treatment of Registers
When MS-DOS takes control after a function request, it switches to an
internal stack, and preserves any registers not used to return information
(except AX). The calling program's stack must be large enough to accom-
modate the interrupt system\(emat least 128 bytes in addition to other
1.10.5 Handling Errors
Most of the function requests introduced with version 2.0 or later set the
Carry flag if there is an error, identifying the specific error by returning a
number in the AX register. Table 1.15 lists these error codes and their
Table 1.15
Error Codes Returned in AX
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Code Meaning
_ _________________________________________________________________________
1 Invalid function code
2 File not found
3 Path not found
4 Too many open files (no open handles left)
5 Access denied
6 Invalid handle
7 Memory control blocks destroyed
8 Insufficient memory
9 Invalid memory block address
10 Invalid environment
11 Invalid format
12 Invalid access code
13 Invalid data
14 Reserved
15 Invalid drive
16 Attempt to remove the current directory
17 Not same device
18 No more files
19 Disk is write-protected
20 Bad disk unit
21 Drive not ready
22 Invalid disk command
23 CRC error
24 Invalid length (disk operation)
25 Seek error
26 Not an MS-DOS disk
27 Sector not found
28 Out of paper
29 Write fault
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30 Read fault
31 General failure
32 Sharing violation
33 Lock violation
34 Wrong disk
35 FCB unavailable
36-49 Reserved
50 Network request not supported
51 Remote computer not listening
52 Duplicate name on network
53 Network name not found
54 Network busy
55 Network device no longer exists
56 Net BIOS command limit exceeded
57 Network adapter hardware error
58 Incorrect response from network
59 Unexpected network error
60 Incompatible remote adapter
61 Print queue full
62 Queue not full
63 Not enough space for print file
64 Network name was deleted
65 Access denied
66 Network device type incorrect
67 Network name not found
68 Network name limit exceeded
69 Net BIOS session limit exceeded
70 Temporarily paused
71 Network request not accepted
72 Print or disk redirection is paused
73-79 Reserved
80 File exists
81 Reserved
82 Cannot make
83 Interrupt 24 failure
84 Out of structures
85 Already assigned
86 Invalid password
87 Invalid parameter
88 Net write fault
_ _________________________________________________________________________
To handle error conditions, put the following statement immediately after
calls that return errors:
JC <error>
<Error> represents the label of an error-handling routine that gets the
specific error condition by checking the value in AX. This routine then
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takes appropriate action.
Some of the older system calls return a value in a register that specifies
whether the operation was successful. To handle such errors, check the
error code and take the appropriate action.
Extended Error Codes
Versions of MS-DOS after 2.0 have added new error messages. Any pro-
grams that use the older system calls cannot use these new error messages.
To avoid incompatibility, MS-DOS maps these new error codes to the old
error code that most closely matches the new one.
Function 59H (Get Extended Error) has been added so that these new calls
can be used. It provides as much detail as possible about the most recent
error code returned by MS-DOS. The description of Function 59H lists the
new, more detailed error codes and shows how to use this function request.
1.10.6 System Call Descriptions
Most system calls require that you move information into one or more
registers before issuing the call that returns information in the registers.
The description of each system call in this chapter includes the following:
o A diagram of the 8088 registers that shows their contents before
and after the system call
o A more complete description of the register contents required
before the system call
o A description of the processing performed
o A more complete description of the register contents after the sys-
tem call
o An example of how to use the system call
The following figure is a sample illustration of the 8088 registers, showing
how the information is presented. Shaded areas indicate that the register
receives or returns information used by the call.
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Figure 1.1 Example of the 8088 Registers
| Sample Programs
The sample programs show only data declarations and the code that you
need to use the system calls. Unless stated otherwise, each example
assumes a common program skeleton that defines the segments and
returns control to MS-DOS. Each sample program is intended to be exe-
cuted as a .com file. Figure 1.2 shows a complete sample program. The
unshaded portion shows what appears in this chapter; the shaded portions
are the common skeleton.
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:code,es:nothing,ss:nothing
org 100H
start: jmp begin
filename db "b:\textfile.asc",0
buffer db 129 dup (?)
handle dw ?
begin: open_handle filename,0 ; Open the file
jc error_open ; Routine not shown
mov handle,ax ; Save handle
read_line: read_handle handle,buffer,128 ; Read 128 bytes
jc error_read ; Routine not shown
cmp ax,0 ; End of file?
je return ; Yes, go home
mov bx,ax ; No, AX bytes read
mov buffer[bx],"$" ; To terminate string
display buffer ; See Function 09H
jmp read_line ; Get next 128 bytes
return: end_process 0 ; Return to MS-DOS
last_inst: ; To mark next byte
code ends
end start
Figure 1.2 Sample Program with Common Skeleton
A macro has been defined for each system call to allow the examples to be
more complete programs, rather than isolated uses of the system calls.
These macros, plus some general-purpose ones, are used in the sample pro-
grams. For instance, the sample program in the preceding figure includes
four such macros: open_handle, read_handle, display, and end_process.
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All the macro definitions are listed at the end of this chapter.
The macros assume the environment for a .com program as described in
Chapter 4; in particular, they assume that all the segment registers con-
tain the same value. To conserve space, the macros generally leave error
checking to the main code and do not protect registers. This keeps the
macros short, yet useful. You may find that such macros are a convenient
way to include system calls in your assembly-language programs.
| Error Handling in Sample Programs
Whenever a system call returns an error code, the sample program shows a
test for the error condition and a jump to an error routine. To conserve
space, the error routines themselves aren't shown. Some error routines
might simply display a message and continue processing. For more serious
errors, the routine might display a message and end the program (perform-
ing any required housekeeping, such as closing files).
Tables 1.16 through 1.19 list the Interrupts and Function Requests in
numeric and alphabetic order.
Table 1.16
MS-DOS Interrupts, Numeric Order
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Interrupt Description
_ _________________________________________________________________________
20H Program Terminate
21H Function Request
22H Terminate Process Exit Address
23H CONTROL-C Handler Address
24H Critical-Error-Handler Address
25H Absolute Disk Read
26H Absolute Disk Write
27H Terminate But Stay Resident
28H-3FH Reserved
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Table 1.17
MS-DOS Interrupts, Alphabetic Order
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Description Interrupt
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Absolute Disk Read 25H
Absolute Disk Write 26H
CONTROL-C Handler Address 23H
Critical-Error-Handler Address 24H
Function Request 21H
Program Terminate 20H
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System Calls
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Reserved 28H-3FH
Terminate Process Exit Address 22H
Terminate But Stay Resident 27H
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Table 1.18
MS-DOS Function Requests, Numeric Order
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Function Description
_ _________________________________________________________________________
00H Terminate Program
01H Read Keyboard And Echo
02H Display Character
03H Auxiliary Input
04H Auxiliary Output
05H Print Character
06H Direct Console I/O
07H Direct Console Input
08H Read Keyboard
09H Display String
0AH Buffered Keyboard Input
0BH Check Keyboard Status
0CH Flush Buffer, Read Keyboard
0DH Reset Disk
0EH Select Disk
0FH Open File
10H Close File
11H Search For First Entry
12H Search For Next Entry
13H Delete File
14H Sequential Read
15H Sequential Write
16H Create File
17H Rename File
18H Reserved
19H Get Current Disk
1AH Set Disk Transfer Address
1BH Get Default Drive Data
1CH Get Drive Data
1DH-20H Reserved
21H Random Read
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22H Random Write
23H Get File Size
24H Set Relative Record
25H Set Interrupt Vector
26H Create New PSP
27H Random Block Read
28H Random Block Write
29H Parse File Name
2AH Get Date
2BH Set Date
2CH Get Time
2DH Set Time
2EH Set/Reset Verify Flag
2FH Get Disk Transfer Address
30H Get MS-DOS Version Number
31H Keep Process
32H Reserved
34H Reserved
35H Get Interrupt Vector
36H Get Disk Free Space
37H Reserved
38H Get/Set Country Data
39H Create Directory
3AH Remove Directory
3BH Change Current Directory
3CH Create Handle
3DH Open Handle
3EH Close Handle
3FH Read Handle
40H Write Handle
41H Delete Directory Entry (Unlink)
42H Move File Pointer
43H Get/Set File Attributes (Chmod)
4400H,4401H IOCtl Data
4402H,4403H IOCtl Character
4404H,4405H IOCtl Block
4406H,4407H IOCtl Status
4408H IOCtl Is Changeable
4409H IOCtl Is Redirected Block
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System Calls
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440AH IOCtl Is Redirected Handle
440BH IOCtl Retry
440CH Generic IOCtl (for code page functions)
440DH Generic IOCtl (for devices)
440EH Get IOCtl Drive Map
440FH Set IOCtl Drive Map
45H Duplicate File Handle
46H Force Duplicate File Handle
47H Get Current Directory
48H Allocate Memory
49H Free Allocated Memory
4AH Set Block
4BH Load and Execute Program
4B03H Load Overlay
4CH End Process
4DH Get Return Code of Child Process
4EH Find First File
4FH Find Next File
50H-53H Reserved
54H Get Verify State
55H Reserved
56H Change Directory Entry
57H Get/Set Date/Time of File
58H Get/Set Allocation Strategy
59H Get Extended Error
5AH Create Temporary File
5BH Create New File
5C00H Lock
5C01H Unlock
5DH Reserved
5E00H Get Machine Name
5E02H Printer Setup
5F02H Get Assign-List Entry
5F03H Make Assign-List Entry
5F04H Cancel Assign-List Entry
60H-61H Reserved
62H Get PSP
63H,64H Reserved
65H Get Extended Country Information
66H Get/Set Global Code Page
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67H Set Handle Count
68H Commit File
69H-7FH Reserved
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Table 1.19
MS-DOS Function Requests, Alphabetic Order
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Description Interrupt
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Allocate Memory 48H
Auxiliary Input 03H
Auxiliary Output 04H
Buffered Keyboard Input 0AH
Cancel Assign-List Entry 5F04H
Change Current Directory 3BH
Change Directory Entry 56H
Check Keyboard Status 0BH
Close File 10H
Close Handle 3EH
Commit FIle 68H
Create Directory 39H
Create File 16H
Create Handle 3CH
Create New File 5BH
Create New PSP 26H
Create Temporary File 5AH
Delete Directory Entry (Unlink) 41H
Delete File 13H
Direct Console I/O 06H
Direct Console Input 07H
Display Character 02H
Display String 09H
Duplicate File Handle 45H
End Process 4CH
Find First File 4EH
Find Next File 4FH
Flush Buffer, Read Keyboard 0CH
Force Duplicate File Handle 46H
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System Calls
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Free Allocated Memory 49H
Generic IOCtl (for devices) 440DH
Generic IOCtl (for code page functions) 440CH
Get Assign-List Entry 5F02H
Get Current Directory 47H
Get Current Disk 19H
Get Date 2AH
Get Default Drive Data 1BH
Get Disk Free Space 36H
Get Disk Transfer Address 2FH
Get Drive Data 1CH
Get Extended Country Information 65H
Get Extended Error 59H
Get File Size 23H
Get Interrupt Vector 35H
Get IOCtl Drive Map 440EH
Get Machine Name 5E00H
Get MS-DOS Version Number 30H
Get PSP 62H
Get Return Code of Child Process 4DH
Get Time 2CH
Get Verify State 54H
Get/Set Allocation Strategy 58H
Get/Set Country Data 38H
Get/Set Date/Time Of File 57H
Get/Set File Attributes (Chmod) 43H
Get/Set Global Code Page 66H
IOCtl Block 4404H,4405H
IOCtl Character 4402H,4403H
IOCtl Data 4400H,4401H
IOCtl Is Changeable 4408H
IOCtl Is Redirected Block 4409H
IOCtl Is Redirected Handle 440AH
IOCtl Retry 440BH
IOCtl Status 4406H,4407H
Keep Process 31H
Load and Execute Program 4BH
Load Overlay 4B03H
Lock 5C00H
Make Assign-List Entry 5F03H
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Move File Pointer 42H
Open File 0FH
Open Handle 3DH
Parse File Name 29H
Print Character 05H
Printer Setup 5E02H
Random Block Read 27H
Random Block Write 28H
Random Read 21H
Random Write 22H
Read Handle 3FH
Read Keyboard 08H
Read Keyboard And Echo 01H
Remove Directory 3AH
Rename File 17H
Reserved 18H
Reserved 1DH-20H
Reserved 32H
Reserved 34H
Reserved 37H
Reserved 50H-53H
Reserved 55H
Reserved 5DH
Reserved 60H-61H
Reserved 63H, 64H
Reserved 69H-7FH
Reset Disk 0DH
Search for First Entry 11H
Search for Next Entry 12H
Select Disk 0EH
Sequential Read 14H
Sequential Write 15H
Set Block 4AH
Set Date 2BH
Set Disk Transfer Address 1AH
Set Handle Count 67H
Set Interrupt Vector 25H
Set IOCtl Drive Map 440FH
Set Relative Record 24H
Set Time 2DH
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System Calls
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Set/Reset Verify Flag 2EH
Terminate Program 00H
Unlock 5C01H
Write Handle 40H
_ _________________________________________________________________________
A detailed description of each system call follows. These calls are listed in
numeric order, interrupts first, followed by function requests.
_ ________________________________________________________________
Unless stated otherwise, in the system call descriptions\(emboth text and
code\(emall numbers are in hexadecimal.
_ ________________________________________________________________
1.11 Interrupts
The following pages describe Interrupts 20H-27H.
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Program Terminate (Interrupt 20H)
Segment address of Program Segment Prefix
Interrupt 20H terminates the current process and returns control to its
parent process. It also closes all open file handles and clears the disk cache.
When this interrupt is issued, CS must contain the segment address of the
Program Segment Prefix.
Interrupt 20H is provided only for compatibility with MS-DOS versions
prior to 2.0. New programs should use Function 4CH (End Process),
which permits returning a completion code to the parent process and does
not require CS to contain the segment address of the Program Segment
The following exit addresses are restored from the Program Segment
Exit Address
_ ________________________________________________________________
0AH Program terminate
12H Critical error
All file buffers are flushed to disk.
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You should close all files that have changed in length before issuing
this interrupt. If you do not close a changed file, its length may not be
recorded correctly in the directory. See Functions 10H and 3EH for a
description of the Close File system calls. If sharing is loaded, you
should remove all locks before using Interrupt 20H. See Function 5CH
(Lock) for more information.
_ ________________________________________________________________
Macro Definition:
terminate macro
int 20H
The following program displays a message and returns to MS-DOS. It uses
only the opening portion of the sample program skeleton shown in Figure
message db "displayed by INT20H example". 0DH, 0AH, "$"
begin: display message ;see Function 09H
code ends
end start
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Function Request (Interrupt 21H)
Function number
Other registers
As specified in individual function
As specified in individual function. Interrupt 21H causes MS-DOS to carry
out the function request whose number is in AH. See Section 1.12, "Func-
tion Requests," for a description of the MS-DOS functions.
To call the Get Time function:
mov ah,2CH ;Get Time is Function 2CH
int 21H ;MS-DOS function request
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Terminate Process Exit Address (Interrupt
This interrupt may be issued only by MS-DOS; user programs must never
issue it. If you must write your own terminate interrupt handler, use
Function 35H (Get Interrupt Vector) to get the address of the standard
routine, save the address, then use Function 25H (Set Interrupt Vector) to
change the Interrupt 22H entry in the vector table so that it points to your
When a program terminates, MS-DOS transfers control to the routine that
starts at the address in the Interrupt 22H entry in the vector table. When
MS-DOS creates a program segment, it copies this address into the Pro-
gram Segment Prefix, starting at offset 0AH.
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CONTROL-C Handler Address (Interrupt 23H)
When you type CONTROL-C or CONTROL-BREAK (on IBM-compatibles),
MS-DOS transfers control as soon as possible to the routine that starts at
the address in the Interrupt 23H entry in the vector table. When MS-DOS
creates a program segment, it copies the address currently in the interrupt
table into the Program Segment Prefix, starting at offset 0EH.
This interrupt may be issued only by MS-DOS; user programs must never
issue it. If you must write your own CONTROL-C interrupt handler, use
Function Request 35H (Get Interrupt Vector) to get the address of the
standard routine, save the address, then use Function Request 25H (Set
Interrupt Vector) to change the Interrupt 23H entry in the vector table to
point to your routine.
If the CONTROL-C routine preserves all registers, it can end with an IRET
instruction (return from interrupt) to continue program execution. If a
user-written interrupt program returns with a long return, the program
uses the carry flag to determine whether or not the program will abort. If
the carry flag is set, it will abort; otherwise, execution will continue as
with a return by IRET.
If a user-written CONTROL-BREAK routine interrupts function calls 09H,
0AH, or buffered I/O, and if it continues execution with an IRET, then
I/O continues from the start of the line. MS-DOS always outputs a
CONTROL-C to the screen when it issues an Interrupt 23H. There is no way
to turn this off.
When the interrupt occurs, all registers are set to the value they had when
the original call to MS-DOS was made. There are no restrictions on what
a CONTROL-C handler can do\(emincluding calling MS-DOS functions\(emas
long as the program restores the registers.
If a CONTROL-C interrupts Function 09H or 0AH (Display String or
Buffered Keyboard Input), the three-byte sequence 03H-0DH-0AH (usually
displayed as C followed by a carriage-return) is sent to the display and the
function resumes at the beginning of the next line.
Suppose a program uses Function 4BH (Load and Execute Program) to
create a second Program Segment Prefix and execute a second program,
which then changes the CONTROL-C address in the vector table. MS-DOS
restores this CONTROL-C vector to its original value before returning con-
trol to the calling program.
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Critical-Error-Handler Address (Interrupt 24H)
If a critical error occurs during execution of an I/O function request (this
often means a fatal disk error), MS-DOS transfers control to the routine at
the address in the Interrupt 24H entry in the vector table. When MS-DOS
creates a program segment, it copies this address into the Program Seg-
ment Prefix, starting at offset 12H.
This interrupt may be issued only by MS-DOS; user programs must never
issue it. If you must write your own critical-error interrupt handler, use
Function 35H (Get Interrupt Vector) to get the address of the standard
routine, save the address, then use Function 25H (Set Interrupt Vector) to
change the Interrupt 24H entry in the vector table to point to your rou-
MS-DOS does not issue Interrupt 24H if a failure occurs during execution
of Interrupt 25H (Absolute Disk Read) or Interrupt 26H (Absolute Disk
Write). A command.com error routines handles these errors. This routine
retries the disk operation, then gives you the choice of aborting the opera-
tion, retrying it, allowing the system call to fail and the application pro-
cess to continue, or ignoring the error.
The following topics describe the requirements of an Interrupt 24H rou-
tine, including the error codes, registers, and stack.
1.11.1 Conditions upon Entry
After retrying an I/O error five times, MS-DOS issues Interrupt 24H,
unless a File Allocation Table (FAT) or directory sector is involved. In
those cases, DOS performs three retries. The interrupt handler receives
control with interrupts disabled. AX and DI contain error codes, and BP
contains the offset (to the segment address in SI) of a Device Header con-
trol block that describes the device on which the error occurred.
1.11.2 Requirements for an Interrupt 24H Handler
To issue the "Abort, Retry, Fail or Ignore" prompt to a user, a user-
written critical-error handler should first push the flags and execute a FAR
call to the address of the standard Interrupt 24H handler (the user pro-
gram that changed the Interrupt 24H vector also should have saved this
address). After a user responds to the prompt, MS-DOS returns control to
the user-written routine.
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There are source applications which will have trouble handling critical
errors, since this changes the stack frame.
_ ________________________________________________________________
The error handler can then do its processing, but before it does anything
else it must preserve BX, CX, DX, DS, ES, SS, and SP. Also, the error
handler may use only function calls 01-0CH (inclusive) and 59H (if it uses
any others, the error handler destroys the MS-DOS stack and leaves
MS-DOS in an unstable state). The contents of the Device Header should
not be changed.
It is recommended that Interrupt 24H routine fail critical errors and let
the application test for an extended error code when the Interrupt 21H
routine returns.
User Stack
This call uses the user stack that contains the following (starting with the
top of the stack):
IP MS-DOS registers from issuing Interrupt 24H
AX User registers at time of original
IP From the original INT 21H
CS from the user to MS-DOS
The registers are set such that if the user-written error handler issues an
IRET, MS-DOS responds according to the value in AL:
_ ________________________________________________________________
0 Ignore the error.
1 Retry the operation.
2 Abort the program by issuing Interrupt 23H.
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3 Fail the system call that is in progress.
Note that the ignore option may cause unexpected results, such as causing
MS-DOS to behave as if an operation had completed successfully.
Disk Error Code in AX
If bit 7 of AH is 0, the error occurred on a disk drive. AL contains the fail-
ing drive (0=A, 1=B, etc.). Bit 0 of AH specifies whether the error
occurred during a read or write operation (0=read, 1=write), and bits 1
and 2 of AH identify the area of the disk where the error occurred:
Bits 1-2
Location of error
_ ________________________________________________________________
00 MS-DOS area
01 File Allocation Table
10 Directory
11 Data area
Bits 3-5 of AH specify valid responses to the error prompt:
Bit Value Response
_ ________________________________________________________________
3 0 Fail not allowed
1 Fail allowed
4 0 Retry not allowed
1 Retry allowed
5 0 Ignore not allowed
1 Ignore allowed
_ ________________________________________________________________
If you specify Retry but it isn't allowed, MS-DOS changes it to Fail. If you
specify Ignore but it isn't allowed, MS-DOS changes it to Fail. If you
specify Fail but it isn't allowed, MS-DOS changes it to Abort. The Abort
response is always allowed.
Other Device Error Code in AX
If bit 7 of AH is 1, either the memory image of the File Allocation Table
(FAT) is bad or an error occurred on a character device. The device header
pointed to by BP:SI contains a WORD of attribute bits that identify the
type of device and, therefore, the type of error.
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The word of attribute bits is at offset 04H of the Device Header. Bit 15
specifies the type of device (0=block, 1=character).
If bit 15 is 0 (block device), the error was a bad memory image of the FAT.
If bit 15 is 1 (character device), the error was on a character device. DI
contains the error code, the contents of AL are undefined, and bits 0-3 of
the attribute word have the following meaning:
Meaning if Set
_ ________________________________________________________________
0 Current standard input
1 Current standard output
2 Current null device
3 Current clock device
See Chapter 2, "MS-DOS Device Drivers," for a complete description of
the Device Header control block.
Error Code in DI
The high byte of DI is undefined. The low byte contains the following error
Error code
_ ________________________________________________________________
0 Attempt to write on write-protected disk
1 Unknown unit
2 Drive not ready
3 Unknown command
4 CRC error in data
5 Bad drive request structure length
6 Seek error
7 Unknown media type
8 Sector not found
9 Printer out of paper
A Write fault
B Read fault
C General failure
A user-written Interrupt 24H handler can use Function 59H (Get Extended
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System Calls
_ ________________________
Error) to get detailed information about the error that caused the inter-
rupt to be issued.
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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Absolute Disk Read (Interrupt 25H)
Drive number
Disk Transfer Address
Number of sectors
Beginning relative sector
Error code if CF=1
CF = 0 if successful
= 1 if not successful
The registers must contain the following:
_ ________________________________________________________________
AL Drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc.)
BX Offset of Disk Transfer Address (from segment address in DS)
CX Number of sectors to read
DX Beginning relative sector
_ ________________________________________________________________
Avoid using this function unless absolutely necessary. Instead, you
should access files through normal MS-DOS function requests. There
is no guarantee of upward compatibility for the Absolute Disk I/O in
future releases of MS-DOS.
_ ________________________________________________________________
Interrupt 25H transfers control to the device driver and reads from the
disk to the Disk-Transfer Address the number of sectors specified in CX.
The interrupt has the same requirements as and processes identically to
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System Calls
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Interrupt 26H (Absolute Disk Write), except that it reads data rather than
writes it. Also, since this interrupt does not check your input parameters
too closely, make sure they are reasonable. If you use unreasonable
parameters, you may get strange results or cause your system to crash.
_ ________________________________________________________________
This call destroys all registers except the segment registers. So before
issuing the interrupt, save any registers that your program uses.
_ ________________________________________________________________
The system pushes the flags at the time of the call; they are still there upon
return. To prevent uncontrolled growth, be sure to pop the stack upon
If the disk operation is successful, the Carry Flag (CF) is 0. If the disk
operation is not successful, CF is 1 and AL contains the MS-DOS error
code (see Interrupt 24H earlier in this section for the codes and their
Macro Definition:
abs_disk_read macro disk,buffer,num_sectors,first_sector
mov al,disk
mov bx,offset buffer
mov cx,num_sectors
mov dx,first_sector
int 25H
The following program copies the contents of a single-sided disk in drive A
to the disk in drive B.
prompt db "Source in A, target in B",0DH,0AH
db "Any key to start. $"
first dw 0
buffer db 60 dup (512 dup (?)) ;60 sectors
begin: display prompt ;see Function 09H
read_kbd ;see Function 08H
mov cx,6 ;copy 6 groups of
;60 sectors
copy: push cx ;save the loop counter
abs_disk_read 0,buffer,60,first ;THIS INTERRUPT
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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abs_disk_write 1,buffer,60,first ;see INT 26H
add first,60 ;do the next 60 sectors
pop cx ;restore the loop counter
loop copy
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Absolute Disk Write (Interrupt 26H)
Drive number
Disk Transfer Address
Number of sectors
Beginning relative sector
Error code if CF = 1
CF = 0 if successful
= 1 if not successful
_ ________________________________________________________________
Avoid using this function unless absolutely necessary. Instead, you
should access files through normal MS-DOS function requests. There
is no guarantee of upward compatibility for the Absolute Disk I/O in
future releases of MS-DOS.
_ ________________________________________________________________
The registers must contain the following:
_ ________________________________________________________________
AL Drive number (0=A, 1=B, etc.)
BX Offset of Disk Transfer Address (from segment address in DS)
CX Number of sectors to write
DX Beginning relative sector
This interrupt transfers control to MS-DOS. The number of sectors
specified in CX is written from the Disk Transfer Address to the disk. Its
requirements and processing are identical to Interrupt 25H (Absolute Disk
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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Read), except data is written to the disk rather than read from it. Also,
since Interrupt 26H does not check your input parameters too closely,
make sure they are reasonable. If you use unreasonable parameters, you
may get strange results or cause your system to crash.
_ ________________________________________________________________
This call destroys all registers except the segment registers. So before
issuing the interrupt, be sure to save any registers your program uses.
_ ________________________________________________________________
The system pushes the flags at the time of the call; they are still there upon
return. To prevent uncontrolled growth, be sure to pop the stack upon
If the disk operation is successful, the Carry Flag (CF) is 0. If the disk
operation is not successful, CF is 1 and AL contains the MS-DOS error
code (see Interrupt 24H for the codes and their meanings).
Macro Definition:
abs_disk_write macro disk,buffer,num_sectors,first_sector
mov al,disk
mov bx,offset buffer
mov cx,num_sectors
mov dx,first_sector
int 26H
The following program copies the contents of a single-sided disk in drive A
to the disk in drive B, verifying each write. It uses a buffer of 32K bytes.
off equ 0
on equ 1
prompt db "Source in A, target in B",0DH,0AH
db "Any key to start. $"
first dw 0
buffer db 60 dup (512 dup (?)) ;60 sectors
begin: display prompt ;see Function 09H
read_kbd ;see Function 08H
verify on ;see Function 2EH
mov cx,6 ;copy 6 groups of 60 sectors
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copy: push cx ;save the loop counter
abs_disk_read 0,buffer,60,first ;see INT 25H
abs_disk_write 1,buffer,60,first ;THIS INTERRUPT
add first,60 ;do the next 60 sectors
pop cx ;restore the loop counter
loop copy
verify off ;see Function 2EH
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Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference
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Terminate But Stay Resident (Interrupt 27H)
Pointer to first byte following
last byte of code.
This interrupt is provided only for compatibility with MS-DOS versions
prior to 2.0. Unless your resident program must be compatible with
MS-DOS versions before 2.0, you should use Function 31H (Keep Process)
to install it. Function 31H lets programs larger than 64K remain resident
and allows return information to be passed.
However, Interrupt 27H, which is often used to install device-specific inter-
rupt handlers, forces programs that are up to 64K to remain resident after
they terminate.
DX must contain the offset (from the segment address in CS) of the first
byte that follows the last byte of code in the program. When Interrupt
27H is executed, the program terminates and control returns to MS-DOS,
but the program is not overlaid by other programs. Files left open are not
closed. When the interrupt is called, CS must contain the segment
address of the Program Segment Prefix (the value of DS and ES when exe-
cution started).
.Exe programs that are loaded into high memory must not use this inter-
rupt. Similarly, since it restores the Interrupt 22H, 23H, and 24H vectors,
you should not use Interrupt 27H to install new CONTROL-C or critical-
error handlers.
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System Calls
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Macro Definition:
stay_resident macro last_instruc
mov dx,offset last_instruc
inc dx
int 27H
Since the most common use of Interrupt 27H is to install a machine-
specific routine, there is no general example that applies. The macro
definition, however, shows the calling syntax.
1.12 Function Requests
The following pages describe function calls 00H-68H.
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