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MS-DOS Technical Information
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3.1 Introduction
This chapter describes how MS-DOS initializes and how it allocates disk
space for the root directory, the File Allocation Tables (FAT), and the
data area. For programmers writing installable device drivers, this
chapter explains MS-DOS disk directory entries and File Allocation
Tables. At the end of the chapter, Tables 3.1 and 3.2 describe MS-DOS
standard formats for floppy disks.
3.2 MS-DOS Initialization
MS-DOS initialization consists of several steps. When you reset your com-
puter or turn on its power, the ROM (Read Only Memory) BIOS is invoked
and performs hardware checks and initialization. The ROM BIOS then
examines drive A for the boot sector. If it locates a boot sector, the ROM
BIOS reads it into low memory and gives it control. If it doesn't find the
boot sector, the ROM BIOS then looks in the active partition of the hard
disk. If it still doesn't find the boot sector, the ROM BIOS then invokes
On a removable disk (3.5-inch, 5.25-inch, or 8-inch disk), the boot sector
sector is always located on track 0, sector 1, side 0 of the disk. On a hard
disk, the boot sector begins on the first sector of the MS-DOS partition.
The hard disk boot sector also includes a partition table. This table
identifies the active MS-DOS partition and any other partitions, such as
an extended MS-DOS partition, on the hard disk. Note that extended
MS-DOS partitions are not bootable.
The boot sector then reads the following files, in the order listed:
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Versions of MS-DOS prior to 3.3 required the io.sys file to be contigu-
ous. This is no longer a requirement.
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Next, the system initialization routine SYSINIT loads all of the resident
device drivers. Then, it searches for a config.sys file on the boot disk.
SYSINIT allocates memory for buffers and files, based on settings in the
config.sys file, or system default settings. If the config.sys file specifies any
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installable device drivers, these are installed next.
Finally, SYSINIT executes the MS-DOS command processor,
3.3 The Command Processor
The command processor command.com consists of three parts:
o A resident part resides in memory immediately following msdos.sys
and its data area. This part contains routines to process Inter-
rupts 22H (Terminate Process Exit Address), 23H (CONTROL-C Exit
Address), and 24H (Critical-Error-Handler Address), as well as a
routine to reload the transient part, if needed. All standard
MS-DOS error handling is done within this part of command.com.
This includes displaying error messages and processing the Abort,
Retry, Fail, or Ignore messages.
o An initialization part follows the resident part. During startup, the
initialization part is given control; it contains the processor setup
routine in the autoexec.bat file. The initialization part determines
the segment address at which programs can be loaded, and because
it is no longer needed, is overlaid by the first program that
command.com loads.
o A transient part is loaded at the high end of memory. This part
contains all the internal command processors and the batch file
The transient part of the command processor produces the system
prompt (A>, for example), reads commands from the keyboard (or
from batch files), and causes them to be executed. For external
commands, the transient part builds a command line and issues
Function 4BH (Load and Execute Program) to load and transfer
control to the program.
3.4 MS-DOS Disk Allocation
The area on a disk partitioned for use by MS-DOS is formatted as follows:
1. Reserved area\(emvariable size
2. First copy of File Allocation Table\(emvariable size
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3. Additional copies of File Allocation Table\(emvariable size (optional)
4. Root directory\(emvariable size
5. File data area
Space for a file in the data area is not preallocated. The space is allocated
one cluster at a time. A cluster consists of one or more consecutive sectors
(the number of sectors in a cluster must be a power of 2); the cluster size is
determined at format time. All the clusters for a file are "chained"
together in the File Allocation Table, discussed in greater detail in Section
3.5, "File Allocation Table (FAT)." MS-DOS normally keeps a second copy
of the FAT for consistency, except in the case of reliable storage such as a
virtual RAM disk. Should the disk develop a bad sector in the middle of
the first FAT, MS-DOS can use the second. This avoids loss of data due to
an unreadable FAT.
3.5 MS-DOS Disk Directory
The format utility builds the root directory for all disks. This directory's
location on the disk and the maximum number of entries are dependent on
the media. Specifications for standard removable-disk formats are outlined
later in this chapter. Note, however, that MS-DOS regards directories,
other than the root directory, as files, so there is no limit to the number of
files that the subdirectories under the root directory may contain.
All directory entries are 32 bytes in length and are in the following format
(note that byte offsets are in hexadecimal):
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0-7 Filename. Eight characters, left-aligned and padded, if neces-
sary, with blanks. The first byte of this field indicates the file
status as follows:
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00H The directory entry has never been used. This is used
to limit the length of directory searches, for perfor-
mance reasons.
05H The first character of the filename contains an E5H
2EH The entry is for a directory. If the second byte is also
2EH, the cluster field contains the cluster number of
this directory's parent directory (0000H if the parent
directory is the root directory). Otherwise, bytes 01H
through 0AH are all spaces, and the cluster field con-
tains the cluster number of this directory.
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E5H The file was used, but it has since been erased.
Any other character is the first character of a filename.
8-0A Filename extension.
0B File attribute. The attribute byte is mapped as follows
(values are in hexadecimal):
_ _____________________________________________________
01H File is marked read-only. An attempt to open the file
for writing using Function 3DH (Open Handle) results
in an error code being returned. This value can be
used in programs along with the other attributes in
this list. Attempts to delete the file with Function
13H (Delete File) or Function 41H (Delete Directory
Entry) will also fail.
02H Hidden file. The file is excluded from normal directory
04H System file. The file is excluded from normal directory
08H The entry contains the volume label in the first 11
bytes. The entry contains no other usable information
(except date and time of creation), and may exist only
in the root directory.
10H The entry defines a subdirectory, and is excluded from
normal directory searches.
20H Archive bit. The bit is set to "on" whenever the file
has been written to and closed.
Note: The system files (io.sys and msdos.sys) are
marked as read-only, hidden, and system files. Files
can be marked hidden when they are created. Also,
you may change the read-only, hidden, system, and
archive attributes through Function 43H (Get/Set File
0C-15 Reserved.
16-17 Time the file was created or last updated. The hour, minutes,
and seconds are mapped into two bytes as follows (bit 7 on
the left, 0 on the right):
Offset 17H
| H | H | H | H | H | M | M | M |
Offset 16H
| M | M | M | S | S | S | S | S |
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H is the binary number of hours (0-23).
M is the binary number of minutes (0-59).
S is the binary number of two-second increments.
18-19 Date the file was created or last updated. The year, month,
and day are mapped into two bytes as follows:
Offset 19H
| Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | M |
Offset 18H
| M | M | M | D | D | D | D | D |
Y is the year, 0-119 (1980-2099).
M is the month (1-12).
D is the day of the month (1-31).
1A-1B Starting cluster; the number of the first cluster in the file.
o Note that the first cluster for data space on all disks is
cluster 002.
o The cluster number is stored with the least significant
byte first.
o For details about converting cluster numbers to logical
sector numbers, see Sections 3.5.1 and 3.5.2.
1C-1F File size in bytes. The first word of this four-byte field is the
low-order part of the size.
3.6 File Allocation Table (FAT)
This section explains how MS-DOS allocates disk space in the data area
for a file by using the File Allocation Table to convert the clusters of a file
to logical sector numbers. The device driver is then responsible for locat-
ing the logical sector on the disk. Programs should use the MS-DOS file
management function calls for accessing files. Programs that access the
FAT are not guaranteed to be upwardly-compatible with future releases of
MS-DOS. The following information is useful to system programmers who
wish to write installable device drivers.
The File Allocation Table is an array of 12-bit entries (1.5 bytes) for each
cluster on the disk. For disks containing more than 4085 clusters, a 16-bit
FAT entry is used.
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The first two FAT entries are reserved; however, the device driver may use
the first byte as a FAT ID byte for determining media. For hard disks, the
value of this byte is F8H. See Tables 3.1 and 3.2 for the media byte
descriptors used for 8-inch, 5.25-inch, and 3.5-inch disks.
The third FAT entry, which starts at byte offset 4, begins the mapping of
the data area (cluster 002). The operating system does not always sequen-
tially write (to the disk) files in the data area. Instead, the system allo-
cates the data area one cluster at a time, skipping over clusters it has
already allocated. The first free cluster following the last cluster allocated
for that file is the next cluster allocated, regardless of its physical location
on the disk. This permits the most efficient use of disk space, since if you
erase old files, you can free clusters, which the operating system can then
allocate for new files.
Each FAT entry contains three or four hexadecimal characters, depending
on whether it is a 12-bit or 16-bit entry:
_ ________________________________________________________________
(0)000 If the cluster is unused and available.
(F)FF7 The cluster has a bad sector in it if it is not part of any
cluster chain. MS-DOS will not allocate such a cluster. So
for its report, the chkdsk command counts the number of
bad clusters, which are not part of any allocation chain.
(F)FF8-FFF The last cluster of a file.
(X)XXX Any other characters that are the cluster number of the
next cluster in the file. The number of the first cluster in
the file is in the file's directory entry.
The File Allocation Table always begins on the first sector after the
reserved sectors. If the FAT is larger than one sector, the sectors are con-
tiguous. The operating system usually writes two copies of the FAT to
preserve data integrity. MS-DOS reads the FAT into one of its buffers,
whenever needed (open, read, write, etc.). The operating system also gives
this buffer a high priority to keep it in memory as long as possible.
3.6.1 How to Use the FAT (12-Bit FAT Entries)
To get the starting cluster of a file, examine its directory entry (in the
FAT). Then, to locate each subsequent cluster of the file, follow these
1. Multiply the cluster number just used by 1.5 (each FAT entry is
1.5 bytes in length).
2. The whole part of the product is an offset into the FAT, pointing
to the entry that maps the cluster just used. That entry contains
the cluster number of the next cluster of the file.
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3. Use a MOV instruction to move the word at the calculated FAT
offset into a register.
4. If the last cluster used was an even number, keep the low-order 12
bits of the register by using the AND operator with 0FFFH and the
register. If the last cluster used was an odd number, keep the
high-order 12 bits by using the SHR instruction to shift the register
right four bits.
5. If the resultant 12 bits are 0FF8H-0FFFH, the file contains no
more clusters. Otherwise, the 12 bits contain the number of the
next cluster in the file.
To convert the cluster to a logical sector number (relative sector, such as
that used by Interrupts 25H and 26H (Absolute Disk Read/Write) and by
debug), follow these steps:
1. Subtract two from the cluster number.
2. Multiply the result by the number of sectors per cluster.
3. To this result, add the logical sector number of the beginning of
the data area.
3.6.2 How to Use the FAT (16-Bit FAT Entries)
To get the starting cluster of a file, examine its directory entry (in the
FAT). Then, to find the next file cluster, follow these steps:
1. Multiply the cluster number last used by 2 (each FAT entry is 2
2. Use a MOV WORD instruction to move the word at the calculated
FAT offset into a register.
3. If the resultant 16 bits are 0FFF8-0FFFH, no more clusters are in
the file. Otherwise, the 16 bits contain the number of the next
cluster in the file.
3.7 MS-DOS Standard Disk Formats
MS-DOS arranges data clusters on a disk to minimize head movement.
MS-DOS then allocates all the space on one track (or cylinder) before mov-
ing to the next. It uses the sequential sectors on the lowest-numbered
head, then all the sectors on the next head, and so on, until it has used all
the sectors on all the heads of the track.
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The size of the MS-DOS partition on a hard disk determines the size of the
FAT and root directory. Likewise, the type of floppy disk (tracks per side,
sectors per track, etc.) determines how MS-DOS uses the disk. The remov-
able disk formats listed in Tables 3.1 and 3.2 are standard and should be
readable in the appropriate standard drive.
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Table 3.1
MS-DOS Standard Removable-Disk Formats
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Disk Size in inches 5.25 8
_ _________________________________________________________________________
WORD no. heads 1 1 2 2 1 2 1
Tracks/side 40 40 40 40 77 77 77
WORD sectors/track 8 9 8 9 26 26 8
WORD bytes/sector 512 512 512 512 128 128 024
BYTE sectors/ cluster 1 1 2 2 4 4 1
WORD reserved sectors 1 1 1 1 1 4 1
Byte no. FATs 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
WORD root directory entries 64 64 112 112 68 68 192
WORD no. sectors 320 360 640 720 2002 2002 616
BYTE media descriptor FE FC FF FD *FE FD *FE
WORD sectors/FAT 1 2 1 2 6 6 2
WORD no. hidden sectors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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*The two media descriptor bytes are the same for 8" disks (FEH). This is not a misprint. To
establish whether a disk is single- or double-density, try a read of a single-density address
mark. If an error occurs, the media is double-density.
Table 3.2
MS-DOS Standard Removable Disk Formats (High-Density)
_ _________________________________________________________________________
Disk Size in inches 3.5 or 5.25 3.5 5.25
_ _________________________________________________________________________
WORD no. heads 1 2 2 2 2 2
Tracks/side 80 80 80 80 80 80
WORD sectors/track 8 9 8 9 18 15
WORD bytes/sector 512 512 512 512 512 512
BYTE sectors/cluster 2 2 2 2 1 1
WORD reserved sectors 1 1 1 1 1 1
BYTE no. FATs 2 2 2 2 2 2
WORD root dir entries 112 112 112 112 224 224
WORD no. sectors 640 720 1280 1440 2880 2400
BYTE media descriptor* FA FC FB F9 F0 F9
WORD sectors/FAT 1 2 2 3 9 7
WORD no. hidden sectors 0 0 0 0 0 0
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*The value F0H in the media descriptor byte may be used to describe other media types.
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Chapter 3
MS-DOS Technical Information
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3.1 Introduction 3
3.2 MS-DOS Initialization 3
3.3 The Command Processor 4
3.4 MS-DOS Disk Allocation 4
3.5 MS-DOS Disk Directory 5
3.6 File Allocation Table (FAT) 7
3.6.1 How to Use the FAT (12-Bit FAT Entries) 8
3.6.2 How to Use the FAT (16-Bit FAT Entries) 9
3.7 MS-DOS Standard Disk Formats 9
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