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1203 lines
31 KiB
1203 lines
31 KiB
_ _ | | _ _
80186 microprocessor, 419
80286 microprocessor, 419
8086 microprocessor, 419
8086 object language, 419
8086 object module format. See Object Module Formats (OMF)
Absolute Disk Read (Interrupt 25H), 46
Absolute Disk Write (Interrupt 26H), 49
Absolute segment, LSEG, 437, 439
ACBP byte, SEG ATTR, 437
Address mode, 427
Alignment attribute, 437
Alignment subfield, SEG ATTR, 437
Allocate Memory (Function 48H), 229
Frame Number, protected-mode, 431
Archive bit, 389
Array, character, 444
ASCII character set, 434
ASCIZ string, 239, 249
Assign list, 14
Attribute byte, 13
Attribute field, 331
Attribute, LSEG
Alignment, 437
Combination, 438
SEG ATTR field, SEGDEF, 437
primary, 456
secondary, 456
Target, 456
AUTOEXEC file, 386
Auxiliary Input (Function 03H), 60
Auxiliary Output (Function 04H), 62
base, definition, 426
Big subfield, SEG ATTR, 439
BIN format file, 326
Binary line number, 450
BIOS Parameter ^Block (<BPB), 339
BIOS Parameter Block (BPB), 342, 351
Bit 8, 336
Bit 9, 337
Bitfield, 435
Block Count subfield, Iterated Data Block, 452
Block devices
device drivers, 346
disk drives, 327
example, 355
installation, 339
Boot sector, 351
BPB pointer, 339
Buffered Keyboard Input (Function 0AH), 74
Build BPB, 342, 343
Busy bit, 337, 346, 348
Byte, representation, 435
C language, 444
CALL instruction, 427
Cancel Assign-List Entry (Function 5FH, Code 04H), 294
Canonic Frame, 429
Canonic Frame, definition, 422
Carry flag, 22
Case-Mapping, 160
Change, 168
Change Directory Entry (Function 56H), 256
Character array, 444
Character device driver, example, 371
Character devices, 327
Character set
definition, 405
Check Keyboard Status (Function 0BH), 76
CHKSUM field, SAMREC, 434
Class Name, definition, 422
CLOCK device, 332, 353
Close, 178
Close File (Function 10H), 87
Cluster, 387
Code page
definition, 405
Code segment, CS, 424
Combination attribute, 438
Combination subfield, SEG ATTR, 438
COMDEF record, 424
Communal Length, repeated, 445
Communal Name, repeated, 444
Data Segment Type, repeated, 445
Record Length, 443
Type Index, repeated, 444
length fields, format, 445
order with respect to COMENT, 444
purpose, 443
schematic, 443
COMENT record
Comment, 459
Comment Type, 458
Record Length, 458
order with respect to COMDEF, 444
order with respect to LOCSYM, 447
purpose, 458
schematic, 458
subfield of Comment Type
Comment Class, 459
Command code field, 335
Command processor, 386
Command.com, 386
Commands, utility, NLS, 15, 405
Comment class subfield, Comment Type, 459
Comment field, COMENT, 459
Comment record, 432
Comment Record (COMENT), 458
Comment Type field, COMENT
bit settings, 459
definition, 458
format, 459
Commit File (Function 68H), 304
Common blocks, FORTRAN, 444
Communal Length field, COMDEF, 445
Communal Name field, COMDEF, 444
Communal Name, ordering with External Name, 444
Communal Names Definition Record (COMDEF), 443
Communal names definition record. See COMDEF record
Communal variable, 460
FAR, 445, 446
HUGE, 447
NEAR, 445, 446
similarity to FORTRAN common block, 444
uninitialized public variable, 444
Compatibility, ensuring, 465
Complete Name, definition, 423
Computer language
C, 444
Con device, 328
Content subfield, Iterated Data Block, 452
Control blocks, 397
Control information, 413
CONTROL-C Address (Interrupt 23H), 386
CONTROL-C Handler Address (Interrupt 23H), 40
Country code, current, 405
Country code
definition, 405
Country-dependent information, NLS, 15, 405
Country-dependent information
case conversion tables, 15, 405
collating sequence, character sorting, 15, 405
currency, 15, 405
date, 15, 405
DBCS environmental vector, 15, 405
keyboard support, 15, 405
time, 15, 405
valid single-byte characters, 15, 405
Country.sys file, 406
Create, 125, 164, 170
Create File (Function 16H), 100
Create New File (Function 5BH), 273
Create Temporary File (Function 5AH), 269
Critical Error Handler Address (Interrupt 24H), 41, 386
CS register, 424
DAT field, LEDATA, 451
Data Record, 453
Data Segment Type field, COMDEF, 445
Data segment
DS, 424
ES, 424
FAR, 445
NEAR, 445
Delete Directory Entry (Function 41H), 184
Delete File (Function 13H), 94
Descriptor, Group Component, GRPDEF, 441
Device control, 11
Device drivers
block, 327
creating, 328, 390
example, 355, 371
installable, 325
installing, 329
non-resident, 325
preserving registers, 355
resident, 325
Device Handles, 9
Device header, 330
Device interrupt routine, 329
Device management, programming hints, 467
Device strategy routine, 329
Device-related function requests, 11
Direct Console Input (Function 07H), 68
Direct Console I/O (Function 06H), 66
Directory Entry, 12
Directory-Related Function Requests, 12
Directory-related function requests, 12
Disk allocation, 387
Disk Directory, 387
Disk formats
IBM, 392
standard MS-DOS, 392
Disk Transfer Address (DTA), 98, 250, 400
Dispatch table, 354
Display Character (Function 02H), 58
Display String (Function 09H), 72
Done bit, 336, 355
DS register, 424
Duplicate File Handle (Function 45H), 221
Eight Leaf Descriptor field, TYPDEF
format, 461
EN, 461
Leaf Descriptor, 461
Element Type Index subfield, Leaf Descriptor, 461
EN subfield, Eight Leaf Descriptor, 461
End address, 339
End Process (Function 4CH), 245, 399
Enumerated Data Offset field, LEDATA, 450
Error bit, 355
Error codes, 22
Error Handling, 27
Error handling, 386
ES register, 424
EXE device drivers, 326
.exe files, 413
exe files, 413
EXE format file, 326
EXE loader, 326
EXTDEF record, 424, 432
External Name, repeated, 448
Record Length, 448
Type Index, repeated, 449
purpose, 448
schematic, 448
Extended error codes, 24
Extended FCB, 20
Extensions class, Microsoft, 447, 449
External Index, 428, 429, 430
External indices, 448
External Name field, EXTDEF, 448
External Name
mapping, 448
referenced in FIXUPP record, 448
External Names Definition Record (EXTDEF), 448
External names definition record. See EXTDEF record
FAR data segment, 445
FAR subfield, Leaf Descriptor, 461
FAR variable format, Leaf Descriptor, 461
FAT, 343, 390
FAT ID byte, 108, 111
FAT <ID byte, 351
FBVAL, definition, 431
FCB, 18
config.sys, 329
config.sys file, 325
io.sys file, 389
File Allocation Table, 390
File and directory management, programming hints, 469
File attributes, 13
File Control Block
definition, 18
extended, 20
fields, 19
format, 18
opened, 18
unopened, 18
File locking, programming hints, 470
Filename, 134
File-related function requests, 10
File-sharing function requests, 11
msdos.sys file, 386, 389
Find First File (Function 4EH), 249
Find Next File (Function 4FH), 252
FIX DAT subfield, Fixup
internal structure, 455
schematic, 455
Fixup field, FIXUPP
data type
Frame, 453
Location, 453
Mode, 453
Target, 453
definition, 453
schematic, 454
LOCAT, 454
Fixup mode
segment-relative, 454
self-relative, 454
FIXUP record, 427
definition, 425
Frame, 426
Location, 426
FIXUPP record, 432
FIXUPP Record (FIXUPP), 452
FIXUPP record
External Name referenced in, 448
Fixup, repeated, 453
Frame Datum, conditional, 448
Record Length, 453
Target Datum, conditional, 448
Thread, repeated, 453
purpose, 453
schematic, 452
subfield of FIX DAT, Fixup
F, 455
Frame, 456
P, 456
T, 456
TARGT, 456
subfield of Fixup
Frame Datum, conditional, 456
Target Datum, conditional, 456
Target Displacement, conditional, 456
subfield of LOCAT, Fixup
Data Record Offset, 455
LOC, 455
M (mode), 454
subfield of Thread
Index, conditional, 454
TRD DAT, 453
subfield of TRD DAT, Thread
D, 453
Method, 453
THRED, 454
segment-relative, 427, 431
self-relative, 427, 430
Target, 426
Flush, 349
Flush Buffer, Read Keyboard (Function 0CH), 78
Force Duplicate File Handle (Function 46H), 224
Format, 387
FORTRAN, common blocks, 444
FORTRAN language, 444
FOVAL, definition, 431
Frame Datum field, FIXUPP, 448
Frame Datum subfield, Fixup
External Index, 456
Group Index, 456
Segment Index, 456
Frame Datum subfield, START ADDRS, 458
Frame Number, 431
Frame Number, conditional, 439
Frame Number, definition, 421
Frame Number subfield, Public Base, 442
Frame Number subfield, SEG ATTR, 439
definition, 421
Frame Number, 431
nomenclature, 430
specifying, 429
specifying, FIXUPP, 454
Thread Number, FIXUPP, 454
Free Allocated Memory (Function 49H), 232
Function, 114, 116, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 130, 133, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 162, 164,
166, 168, 170, 172, 178, 180
Function Requests
alphabetic order, 31
calling, 21
Function requests
definition, 3
Function Requests
definition, 21
device-related, 11
Directory-related, 12
directory-related, 12
file-related, 10
file-sharing, 11
Function 00H, 54
Function 01H, 56
Function 02H, 58
Function 03H, 60
Function 04H, 62
Function 05H, 64
Function 06H, 66
Function 07H, 68
Function 08H, 70
Function 09H, 72
Function 0AH, 74
Function 0BH, 76
Function 0CH, 78
Function 0DH, 80, 98
Function 0EH, 82
Function 0FH, 84
Function 10H, 87
Function 11H, 89
Function 12H, 92
Function 13H, 94
Function 14H, 96
Function 15H, 98
Function 16H, 100
Function 17H, 102
Function 19H, 104
Function 1AH, 106
Function 1BH, 108
Function 1CH, 111
Function requests
Function 25H, 39, 40
Function Requests
Function 25H, 41
Function requests
Function 35H, 39, 40
Function Requests
Function 40H, 182
Function 41H, 184
Function 42H, 186
Function 43H, 189
Function 44H, Code 08H, 201
Function 44H, Code 09H, 203
Function 44H, Code 0AH, 205
Function 44H, Code 0BH, 207
Function 44H, Code 0CH, 209
Function 44H, Code 0DH, 212
Function 44H, Codes 00H and 01H, 192
Function 44H, Codes 02H and 03H, 195
Function 44H, Codes 04H and 05H, 197
Function 44H, Codes 06H and 07H, 199
Function 44H, Codes 0EH and 0FH, 220
Function 45H, 221
Function requests
Function 46H, 224
Function Requests
Function 47H, 227
Function 48H, 229
Function 49H, 232
Function 4AH, 235
Function 4BH, Code 00H, 238
Function 4BH, Code 03H, 242
Function 4CH, 245
Function 4DH, 247
Function 4EH, 249
Function 4FH, 252
Function 54H, 254
Function 56H, 256
Function 57H, 259
Function 58H, 262
Function 59H, 265
Function 5AH, 269
Function 5BH, 273
Function 5CH, Code 00H, 275
Function 5CH, Code 01H, 280
Function 5EH, Code 00H, 283
Function 5EH, Code 02H, 285
Function 5FH, Code 02H, 287
Function 5FH, Code 03H, 290
Function 5FH, Code 04H, 294
Function 62H, 296
Function 65H, 298
Function 66H, 301
Function 67H, 303
Function 68H, 304
Handling errors, 22
memory management, 5
National Language Support, 15
Network-related, 14
network-related, 14
numeric order, 28
process management, 7
standard character I/O, 4
system-management, 15, 16
Generic IOCtl for devices (Function 44H, Code 0DH), 212
Generic IOCtl for handles (Function 44H, Code 0CH), 209
Generic IOCtl Function, 349
Get, 119, 136, 140, 146, 148, 154, 156, 158
Get Assign List Entry (Function 5FH, Code 02H), 287
Get Current Directory (Function 47H), 227
Get Current Disk (Function 19H), 104
Get Default Drive Data (Function 1BH), 108
Get Drive Data (Function 1CH), 111
Get Extended Country Information (Function 65H), 298
Get Extended Error (Function 59H), 265
Get Interrupt Vector (Function 35H), 39, 40
Get Machine Name (Function 5EH, Code 00H), 283
Get PSP (Function 62H), 296
Get Return Code Child Process (Function 4DH), 247
Get Verify State (Function 54H), 254
Get/Set Allocation Strategy (Function 58H), 262
Get/Set Date/Time of File (Function 57H), 259
Get/Set File Attributes (Function 43H), 189
Get/Set Global Code Page (Function 66H), 301
Get/Set IOCtl Drive Map (Function 44H, Codes 0EH and 0FH), 220
Get/Set Logical Drive Map Function, 350
Group Component Descriptor field, GRPDEF, 441
Group, definition, 421
Group definition record. See GRPDEF record
Group Definition Record (GRPDEF), 440
Group Index, 428, 429, 430
Group Index subfield, Line Number Base, 449
Group Index subfield, Public Base, 442
Group Name Index field, GRPDEF, 440
GRPDEF record, 432
definition, 424
Group Component Descriptor, repeated, 440
Group Name Index, 440
Record Length, 440
schematic, 440
definition, 9
device, 9
Handling errors, 22
Header, 413
hibyte, definition, 426
Hidden files, 89, 92, 388
High-Level Language, 21
HUGE communal variable, 447
IBM disk format, 392
Index fields, 425
Index Number, 427, 429
Index subfield, Thread
External Index, 454
Group Index, 454
Segment Index, 454
definition, 425
Indices, 425
Indices, external, 448
Init, 338
INIT code, 334
Installable device drivers, 328
Instruction Pointer (IP), 401, 430
CALL, 427
JUMP, 427
Internal stack, 22, 355
Interrupt entry point, 325, 326, 354
Interrupt handlers, 21, 39, 40, 41
Interrupt routines, 333
Interrupt-handling, 123
21H, 3
Address of handlers, 21
alphabetic order, 27
definition, 3
Interrupt 20H, 36, 54
Interrupt 21H, 38
Interrupt 22H, 39
Interrupt 23H, 40, 56, 58, 64, 70, 74
Interrupt 24H, 41
Interrupt 25H, 46
Interrupt 26H, 49
Interrupt 27H, 52
issuing, 21
numeric order, 27
programming hints, 465
Vector table, 21
I/O Control for Devices (Function 44H), 332
IOCtl, 11
IOCtl bit, 332
IOCtl Block (Function 44H, Codes 4 and 5), 197
IOCtl Character (Function 44H, Codes 2 and 3), 195
IOCtl Data (Function 44H, Codes 0 and 1), 192
IOCtl Is Changeable (Function 44H, Code 08H), 201
IOCtl Is Redirected Block (Function 44H, Code 09H), 203
IOCtl Is Redirected Handle (Function 44H, Code 0AH), 205
IOCtl Retry (Function 44H, Code 0BH), 207
IOCtl Status (Function 44H, Codes 6 and 7), 199
IP. See Instruction Pointer (IP)
Iterated Data Block field, LIDATA, 451
Iterated Data Offset field, LIDATA, 451
JUMP instruction, 427
Keep, 150
Keyboard layouts, national, NLS, 15, 405
C, 444
Leaf Descriptor subfield, Eight Leaf Descriptor
FAR variable, 461
NEAR variable, 461
NEAR, 461
LEDATA record
DAT, repeated, 451
Enumerated Data Offset, 450
Segment Index, 450
schematic, 450
Record Length, 450
purpose, 450
Length fields, COMDEF, format, 445
Length in Bits subfield, Leaf Descriptor, 461
Length of Record Field, 335
LHEADR record
L-module Name, 435
Record Length, 435
schematic, 435
LIDATA record
Iterated Data Block, repeated, 451
Iterated Data Offset, 451
Record Length, 451
Segment Index, 451
purpose, 451
schematic, 451
subfield of Iterated Data Block
Block Count, 452
Content, 452
Repeat Count, 452
Line Number Base field, LINNUM, 449
Line number, binary, 450
Line Number field, LINNUM, 450
Line Number Offset field, LINNUM, 450
Line Numbers Record (LINNUM), 449
LINK, 413
Linker, Microsoft, 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 425, 431, 436, 438, 440, 442, 444, 446, 448, 450, 459
Link-time semantics, 446, 462
LINNUM record
Line Number Base, 449
Line Number Offset, repeated, 450
Line Number, repeated, 450
Record Length, 449
purpose, 449
schematic, 449
subfield of Line Number Base
Group Index, 449
Segment Index, 449
List of Names Record (LNAMES), 436
L-module Header Record (LHEADR), 435
L-module Name, 436
LNAMES record, 432
Name, repeated, 436
Record Length, 436
schematic, 436
Load and Execute Program (Function 4BH, Code 00H), 238
Load module, 413, 414
Load Overlay (Function 4BH, Code 03H), 242
Loadsize, 414
lobyte, definition, 426
Local Base field, LOCSYM, 447
Local buffering, 329
Local Name field, LOCSYM, 447
Local Offset field, LOCSYM, 447
Local symbol, 447, 448
Local Symbols Record (LOCSYM), 447
LOCAT subfield, Fixup
internal structure, 454
schematic, 454
types, 426
base, 426
hibyte, 426
lobyte, 426
offset, 426
pointer, 426
Lock (Function 5CH, Code 00H), 275
LOCSYM record
field, 447
Local Base, 447
Local Name, repeated, 447
Local Offset, repeated, 447
Record Length, 447
Type Index, repeated, 447
order with respect to COMENT, 447
purpose, 447
schematic, 447
Logical Enumerated Data Record (LEDATA), 450
Logical Iterated Data Record (LIDATA), 451
Logical sector, 390
Logical sector numbers, 392
Logical Segment. See LSEG
Combination attribute, 438
Alignment attribute
absolute segment, 437
relocatable segment, 437
canonic Frame, 429
Class name, 422
Combination attribute
absolute segment, 438
relocatable segment, 438
combining, 438
Complete name, 423
definition, 421
Overlay Name, 423
byte-aligned, 437
Combination attribute, 438
page-aligned, 437
paragraph-aligned, 437
word-aligned, 437
Segment Name, 422
Make Assign-List Entry (Function 5FH, Code 03H), 290
logical to physical starting address, 458
MAS. See Memory Address Space (MAS)
MATTR subfield, MOD TYP, 457
Maxalloc, 414
Media <Check, 340
Media descriptor byte, 340, 351
Media, determining, 353
Memory address, 430
Memory Address Space (MAS), 420, 439
Memory control block, 5
Memory image, 8086, 450
Memory image, LSEGs in, 424
Memory image, relocatable, 419
Memory management function requests, 5
Memory management, programming hints, 468
Memory model
huge, 459
large, 459
medium, 459
small, 459
80186, 419
80286, 419
8086, 419
Microsoft Extensions class, 447, 449
Microsoft linker, 419, 420, 422, 423, 424, 425, 431, 436, 438, 440, 442, 444, 446, 448, 450, 459
Microsoft Networks, 14, 467
Microsoft Networks Manager's Guide, 14
Microsoft Networks User's Guide, 14
Minalloc, 414
MATTR subfield, 457
module attributes, 457
Mode, address, 427
segment-relative, 454
self-relative, 454
MODEND record
MOD TYP, 457
Record Length, 457
START ADDRS, conditional, 458
purpose, 457
schematic, 457
subfield of START ADDRS
Frame Datum, conditional, 458
Target Datum, conditional, 458
Target Displacement, conditional, 458
Module, definition, 420
Module End Record (MODEND), 457
Module header record, definition, 423
record ordering in, 431
Move File Pointer (Function 42H), 186
MS-DOS, 8086 object language, 419
MS-DOS initialization, 385
MS-DOS memory map, 397
MS-DOS User's Reference, 9
Multitasking, 325
Name field, 334
Name field, SAMREC, 434
Name Indices, 436
National keyboard layouts, NLS, 15, 405
National Language Support Function Requests, 15
National Language Support (NLS)
restrictions, 405
unsupported features, 405
National Language Support system calls, 406
NEAR data segment, 445
NEAR subfield, Leaf Descriptor, 461
NEAR variable format, Leaf Descriptor, 461
Network-related Function Requests, 14
Network-related function requests, 14
Non IBM format bit, 332
Non-destructive Read No Wait, 346
NUL device, 332
Number field, SAMREC, 434
Number of Elements subfield, Leaf Descriptor, 461
Object language, 8086, 419
Object Module Formats, 419
Object Module Formats (OMF), 420
Object module
restrictions, 420
offset, definition, 426
Offset subfield, SEG ATTR, 439
Old system calls, 17
OMF. See Object Module Formats (OMF)
Open, 172
Open File (Function 0FH), 84
Opened FCB, 18
Operating system
MS-DOS, 419
PC-DOS, 419
XENIX, 419
Overlay Name, definition, 423
Parameter block, 239
Parse, 133
Path command, 400
PC-DOS, 8086 object language, 419
Physical Segment. See PSEG
Pointer to Next Device field, 330
Predefined device handles, 9
Print Character (Function 05H), 64
Printer Setup (Function 5EH, Code 02H, 285
Process management function requests, 7
Process management, programming hints, 468
Processor. See Microprocessor
Program, 125
Program End Process (Interrupt 20H), 36
Program segment, 398
Program Segment Prefix, 18, 21, 41, 239, 398, 399, 414
Programming hints
device management, 467
file and directory management, 469
file locking, 470
interrupts, 465
memory management, 468
miscellaneous, 471
process management, 468
recommendations, 465
system calls, 466
Programming interfaces, NLS, 15, 405
Prompt command, 400
application Frame Number, 431
definition, 421
PUBDEF record, 424, 429
PUBDEF record. See also
PUBDEF record
Public Base, repeated, 441
Public Name, repeated, 443
Public Offset, repeated, 443
Record Length, 441
Type Index, repeated, 443
purpose, 441
schematic, 441
subfield of Public Base
Frame Number, conditional, 442
subfield, Public Base
Frame Number, conditional, 441
Group Index, 441
Segment Index, 441
Public Base field, PUBDEF, 441
Public Name field, PUBDEF, 443
Public names definition record. See PUBDEF record
Public Names Definition Record (PUBDEF), 441
Public Offset field, PUBDEF, 443
Public symbol, 442, 448
Public variable, 444
Random, 114, 116, 127, 130
Read, 180
Read Keyboard and Echo (Function 01H), 56
Read Keyboard (Function 08H), 70
Read Only Memory, 385
Read or Write, 344
Record format
abbreviation, 433
bitfields, 435
conditional field, 434
repeated field, 434
Record formats, 419
Record format
sample (SAMREC), 433
SAMREC (sample record)
CHKSUM field, 434
Name field, 434
Number field, 434
Record Length field, 434
SAMREC(sample record)
RECTYP field, 434
title, 433
Record Length field, SAMREC, 434
Record order
definition, 431
semantic rules, 431
syntax, 431
Record Size, 98
COMDEF, 443, 462
comment, 432
Data, 432
EXTDEF, 432, 448, 462
FIXUP, 427
FIXUPP, 432, 452
GRPDEF, 424, 432, 440
LNAMES, 432, 436
PUBDEF, 429, 441, 462
RECTYP(record type), 433
SAMREC (sample record), 433
SEGDEF, 423, 432, 437
symbol definition
RECTYP(record type)field, 433
Reference self-relative, 430
segment-relative, 430
WIRTH:CACM, Nov. 1977), 432
CS, 424
DS, 424
ES, 424
Registers, treatment of, 22
SS, 424
Relocatable memory image, 419
Relocatable segment, LSEG, 437
Relocation information, 413
Relocation item offset value to a word in the load, 415
Relocation table, 414
Remove, 166
Rename File (Function 17H), 102
Repeat Count subfield, Iterated Data Block, 452
request header, 334
Request packet, 325
Reset Disk (Function 0DH), 80, 98
Resident device drivers, 325
ROM, 385
Root directory, 387
SAMREC (sample record)
schematic, 433
Search for First Entry (Function 11H), 89
Search for Next Entry (Function 12H), 92
Sector count, 354, 355
SEG ATTR field, SEGDEF, 437
SEGDEF record, 432
definition, 423
Class Name Index, 439
Overlay Name Index, 440
Record Length, 437
Segment Name Index, 439
schematic, 437
subfield of SEG ATTR
Alignment, 437
Big, 439
Combination, 438
Offset, conditional, 439
SEGDEF recrod
Segment Length, 439
Segment addressing, 424
Segment definition record. See SEGDEF record
Segment Definition Record (SEGDEF), 437
Segment Index, 428, 429, 430, 437
Segment Index field, LEDATA, 450
Segment Index field, LIDATA, 451
Segment Index subfield, Group Component Descriptor, 441
Segment Index subfield, Line Number Base, 449
Segment Index subfield, Public Base, 442
Segment Length field, SEGDEF, 439
Segment Name, definition, 422
Segment Name Index field, SEGDEF, 439
absolute, LSEG, 437, 439
Alignment, 437
Combination, 438
logical (LSEG), 421
physical (PSEG), 421
Segment-relative fixup, 427, 431
Segment-relative reference, 430
relocatable, LSEG, 437
Select Disk (Function 0EH), 82
Self-relative fixup, 427, 430, 455
Self-relative reference, 430
Semantic rules, record ordering, 432
Semantics, link-time, 446, 462
Sequential Read (Function 14H), 96
Sequential Write (Function 15H), 98
Set, 121, 123, 138, 142, 162
Set Block (Function 4AH), 235, 401
Set command, 400
Set Disk Transfer Address (Function 1AH), 106
Set Handle Count(Function 67H), 303
Set Interrupt Vector (Function 25H), 39, 40, 41
Set/Reset, 144
SHORT-JUMP instruction, 427
SS register, 424
Stack segment, SS, 424
Standard character I/O function requests, 4
Format, 458
Start sector, 354
Start segment value the relocation item offset, 415
static request header, 325
Status, 348
Status field, 336
Strategy entry point, 325, 326, 354
Strategy routines, 333
Subfield OFFH, 441
Comment Type
Comment Class, 459
Eight Leaf Descriptor
EN, 461
Leaf Descriptor, 461
Frame Datum, 456
Target Datum, 456
Target Displacement, 456
Frame Number, conditional, 441
Group Component Descriptor
Segment Index, 441
Iterated Data Block
Block Count, 452
Content, 452
Repeat Count, 452
Leaf Descriptor
Element Type Index, 461
FAR, 461
Length in Bits, 461
NEAR, 461
Number of Elements, 461
Line Number Base, LINNUM
Group Index, 449
Segment Index, 449
MATTR, 457
Public Base
Group INdex, 441
Alignment, 437
Big, 439
Combination, 438
Segment Index, 441
Frame Datum, 458
Target Datum, 458
Target Displacement, 458
Index, 454
TRD DAT, 453
Superseded system calls, 17
Symbol definition, 424
Symbol definition record
local, 447, 448
public, 442, 448
Syntax, record ordering, 432
Sysinit, 326
System call
National Language Support
System calls
definition, 3
programming hints, 466
replacements for old, 17
System Calls
superseded calls, 3
System calls
types of, 3
System files, 89, 92, 388
System prompt, 386
System-management function requests, 15, 16
Target Datum field, FIXUPP, 448
Target Datum subfield, Fixup
External Index, 456
Group Index, 456
Segment Index, 456
Target Datum subfield, START ADDRS, 458
Target Displacement subfield, Fixup, 456
Target Displacment subfield, START ADDRS, 458
definition, 427
nomenclature, 428
specification attribute, 456
specifying, 427
specifying, FIXUPP, 454
Thread Number, FIXUPP, 454
Terminate But Stay Resident (Interrupt 27H), 52
Terminate Process Exit Address (Interrupt 22H), 39
Terminate Program (Function 00H), 54
THEADR record
Record Length, 435
T-module Name, 435
schematic, 435
Thread Data subfield. See TRD DAT subfield, Thread
Thread field, FIXUPP
data type
Frame, 453
Target, 453
definition, 453
Thread Number, THRED, 454
T-module, definition, 420
T-module Header Record (THEADR), 435
T-Module Name, 435
Transfer address, 354
TRD DAT subfield, Thread
D subfield, 453
internal structure, 453
Method subfield, 453
schematic, 453
THRED subfield, 453
TYPDEF record
communal variable, 460
Eight Leaf Descriptor, 461
Record Length, 460
subfield of Eight Leaf Descriptor
EN, 461
subfield of Leaf Descriptor
Element Type Index, 461
FAR, 461
Length in Bits, 461
NEAR, 461
Number of Elements, 461
VAR SUBTYP, optional, 461
Type Index field, COMDEF, 444
Type Index field, EXTDEF, 449
Type Index field, LOCSYM, 447
Type Index field, PUBDEF, 443
Type-ahead buffer, 349
Unit code field, 335
Unlock (Function 5CH, Code 01H), 280
Unopened FCB, 18
User Stack, 42
User stack, 398
Utility commands, NLS, 15, 405
VAR SUBTYP subfield, Leaf Descriptor, 461
communal, 444, 460
FAR, 446
HUGE", 447
NEAR, 446
public, 444
VARTYP subfield, Leaf Descriptor
ARRAY, 461
Vector table, 21
Volume ID, 343
Volume label, 388
Wildcard, 134
Wildcard characters, 89, 92
Write Handle (Function 40H), 182
XENIX, 8086 object language, 419
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