DOS 3.30 source code leak
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; :
; File: ms96tpi.asm :
; :
; This file contains code to support the 96 tpi drives. The code :
; is included in the bio if the machine has at least one drive with :
; changeline support. If the machine has no changeline drives then :
; the code is not kept in the bio at system initialization time. :
; :
; :
; :
Message fTestDisk,<"Disk Open "> ; print debug messages
MNUM fTestDisk,AX
Message fTestDisk,<CR,LF>
; AL is logical drive
call SetDrive ; Get BDS for drive
inc WORD PTR ds:[di].opcnt
jmp EXIT
Message fTestDisk,<"Disk Close "> ; print debug messages
MNUM fTestDisk,AX
Message fTestDisk,<CR,LF>
; AL is logical drive
call SetDrive ; Get BDS for drive
cmp WORD PTR ds:[di].opcnt,0
jz EXITJX ; Watch out for wrap
dec WORD PTR ds:[di].opcnt
jmp EXIT
; ChkOpCnt checks the number of open files on drive.
; Input : DS:DI points to current BDS for drive.
; Return : zero set if no open files
; zero reset if open files
Message fTest96,<"Check open count "> ; print debug messages
MNUM fTest96,AX
Message fTest96,<CR,LF>
cmp WORD PTR ds:[di].opcnt,0
; At media check time, we need to really get down and check what the change is.
; This is GUARANTEED to be expensive.
; On entry AL contains logical drive number
public mediacheck
call CheckSingle ; make sure correct disk is in place
xor SI,SI
call HasChange
jz MediaRet
call CheckROMChange
jnz MediaDoVOLID
push AX
push DX
; see if changeline has been triggered
;;Rev 3.30 Modification
mov DL, DS:[DI.drivenum] ; set logical drive number
mov AH, 16h ; get changeline status
int 13h ; call rom diskette routine
;;End of Modification
pop DX
pop AX
jc MediaDoVolid ; if changeline was triggered jmp
mov SI,1 ; else signal no change
; There are some drives with changeline that "lose" the changeline indication
; if a different drive is accessed after the current one. In order to avoid
; missing a media change, we return an "I don't know" to DOS if the changeline
; is not active AND we are accessing a different drive from the last one.
; If we are accessing the same drive, then we can safely rely on the changeline
; status.
mov bl,cs:[Tim_Drv] ; get last drive accessed
cmp byte ptr [di].DriveNum,bl
jz MediaRet
; Do the 2 second twiddle. If time >= 2 seconds, do a volid check.
; Otherwise return "I don't know" (Strictly speaking, we should return a
; "Not Changed" here since the 2 second test said no change.) - RS.
SaveReg <AX,CX,DX>
call Check_Time_Of_Access
RestoreReg <DX,CX,AX>
or si,si
jz MediaDoVolid ; Check_Time says ">= 2 secs passed"
xor si,si ; return "I don't know"
Public MediaRet
; MediaDoVolid: if this is called somehow the media was changed. Look at
; VID to see. We do not look at FAT because this may be different since we
; only set MedByt when doing a READ or WRITE.
call GETBP ; build a new BPB in current BDS
jc MediaRet
call Check_VID
jnc MediaRet
call MapError ; fix up AL for return to DOS
; Checklatchio:
; Simple, quick check of latched change. If no indication, then return
; otherwise do expensive check. If the expensive test fails, POP off the
; return and set AL = 15 (for invalid media change) which will be returned to
; DOS.
public checklatchio
; If returning fake BPB then assume the disk has not changed
; test word ptr ds:[di].flags, RETURN_FAKE_BPB
; jnz CheckRet
;;Rev 3.30 Modification
call HasChange ;change line supported?
jz CheckRet ;No. Just return
;;End of Modification
call ChkOpCnt
jnz CheckROM
; Check for past ROM indications. If no ROM change indicated, then return OK.
public checkrom
call CheckROMChange
jz CheckRet ; no change
; We now see that a change line has been seen in the past. Let's do the
; expensive verification.
Message fTest96,<"CheckROMChange says yes...",CR,LF>
call GETBP ; build BPB in current BDS
jc Ret_No_Error_Map ; GETBP has already called MapError
call Check_VID
jc CheckLatchRet ; disk error trying to read in.
or SI,SI ; Is changed for sure?
jns CheckRet
call ReturnVid
call MapError ; fix up AL for return to DOS
stc ; indicate an error
pop si ; pop off return address
; CheckFatVID:
; Check the FAT and the VID. Return in DI -1 or 0. Return with carry set
; ONLY if there was a disk error. Return that error code in AX.
public checkfatvid
Message fTest96,<"Check FAT",CR,LF>
call FAT_Check
or SI,SI
js Changed_Drv
; The fat was the same. How about the volume ID?
Message fTest96,<"Check VID",CR,LF>
call Read_volume_ID
jc CheckFatRet
call Check_Volume_id
or SI,SI
jnz Changed_Drv
Message fTest96,<"VID not changed",CR,LF>
call ResetChanged
mov cs:[Tim_Drv],-1 ; Ensure that we ask ROM for media
ret ; check next time round
; CheckIO: At I/O time the rom-bios returned an error. We need to
; determine if the error is due to a media change. If error code is not
; change-line error (06h) we just return. We pop off the call and jmp to
; harderr if we see an error.
; On entry: AH contains error code returned from rom-bios.
public checkio
cmp AH,06 ; change line error?
jnz CheckFatRet ; no - just return
call ChkOpCnt
jz CheckFATRet ; no open files
; If returning fake BPB then ignore disk changes
; test word ptr ds:[di].flags, RETURN_FAKE_BPB
; jnz IgnoreChange
call GETBP ; build up a new BPB in current BDS
jc No_Error_Map ; GETBP has already called MapError
call CheckFATVID
jc CheckIORet ; disk error trying to read in.
or SI,SI ; Is changed for sure?
js CheckIOErr ; yes changed
inc BP ; allow a retry
call ReturnVid
stc ; make sure carry gets passed through
jmp HardErr
jmp HardErr2
; Return VID sets up the VID for a return to DOS.
Public ReturnVID
Message fTest96,<"Return VID",cr,lf>
push DS ; save pointer to current BDS
push di
push cx
call init_vid_loop ; Sets ES:DI -> vid
lds BX,cs:[PTRSAV]
mov [BX.EXTRA+2],ES
pop cx
pop di ; restore current BDS
pop DS
mov AH, 0Fh ; set error as 'invalid media change'
stc ; indicate error by setting carry flag
; Media_Set_VID:
; Moves the pointer to the volid for the drive into the original request packet
; On entry, DS:BX points to the original packet.
; No attempt is made to preserve registers.
PUBLIC MEDIA_SET_VID ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
call init_vid_loop ; Sets ES:DI -> vid ;;End of Modification
lds bx,cs:[PtrSav] ; get pointer to packet
mov word ptr [BX.TRANS+1],DI
mov word ptr [BX.TRANS+3],ES
; HiDensity - examine a drive/media descriptor to set the media type. If
; the media descriptor is NOT F9 (not 96tpi or 3 1/2), we return and let the
; caller do the rest. Otherwise, we pop off the return and jump to the tail
; of GETBP. For 3.5" media, we just return.
; Inputs: DS:DI point to correct BDS for this drive
; AH has media byte
; Outputs: Carry clear
; No registers modified
; Carry set
; AL = sectors/fat
; BH = number of root directory entries
; BL = sectors per track
; CX = number of sectors
; DH = sectors per allocation unit
; DL = number of heads
PUBLIC HIDENSITY ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
;;End of Modification
; Check for correct drive
test word ptr ds:[di].flags,fChangeline ; is it special?
jz DoFloppy ; no, do normal floppy test
; We have a media byte that is pretty complex. Examine drive information
; table to see what kind it is.
cmp byte ptr ds:[di].FormFactor,ffSmall; Is it single-media?
jz DoFloppy ; yes, use fatid...
; 96 tpi drive
cmp AH,0F9h
jnz DoFloppy
mov al,7 ; seven sectors / fat
mov bx,224*256+0fh ; 224 root dir entries & 0f sector max
mov cx,80*15*2 ; 80 tracks, 15 sectors/track, 2 sides
mov dx,01*256+2 ; sectors/allocation unit & head max
add SP,2 ; pop off return address
jmp has1_res ; return to tail of GETBP
PATHSTART 001,TPI96 ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
;;End of Modification
; Certain poorly designed programs avoid DOS altogether and use INT 13 directly.
; These programs even retry operations and, thus, will ignore the disk change
; logic.
; We hook INT 13 and note all errors.
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
Public REAL13
Real13 dd ?
OldInt dd ?
dmy dw ?
PATHEND 001,TPI96 ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
;;End of Modification
Public Int13
Int13 proc FAR
pop word ptr OldInt
pop word ptr OldInt+2
pop DMY
MESSAGE FTEST13,<"*"> ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
pushf ;;End of Modification
call REAL13 ; simulate another INT 13
jc Err13 ; did an error occur?
jmp OldInt ; no, return and pop off flags
MESSAGE FTEST13,<"INT 13 ERROR "> ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
pushf ; save state
cmp AH,06h ; is error a 'change' error?
jz GOTERR ; yes, jump down
B: popf ; no, some other error, ignore it ;;End of Modification
jmp OldInt ; return and pop off flags
GotErr: or DL,DL ; is this for the hard disk?
js B ; yes, ignore
mov word ptr cs:[FlagBits],fChanged
call Set_Changed_DL
jmp B
INT13 endp
; Set_Changed_DL - Sets flag bits according to bits set in [FlagBits].
; Essentially used to indicate Changeline, or Format.
; Inputs: DL contains physical drive number
; [FlagBits] contains bits to set in the flag field in the BDSs
; Outputs: None
; Registers modified: Flags
PUBLIC SET_CHANGED_DL ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
Message ftest96,<"Set Changed",cr,lf> ;;End of Modification
push BX
push DX
mov BL,DL
mov dx,cs:[FlagBits] ; get bits to set in flag field
xor BH,BH
; In the virtual drive system we *must* flag the other drives as being changed
; assume first BDS is in this segment
push ax
push ds ; save current BDS
push di
lds di,dword ptr cs:[Start_BDS]
cmp di,-1
jz SkipSet
cmp byte ptr [di].DriveNum,bl
jnz Get_Next_BDS
; Someone may complain, but this *always* must be done when a disk change is
; noted. There are *no* other compromising circumstances.
or word ptr ds:[di].flags,dx ; signal change on other drive
mov ax,word ptr [di].link+2 ; go to next BDS
mov di,word ptr [di].link
mov ds,ax
jmp short Scan_BDS
pop di ; restore current BDS
pop ds
pop ax
pop DX
pop BX
; CheckROMChange - see if external program has diddled ROM change line.
; Inputs: DS:DI points to current BDS.
; Outputs: Zero set - no change
; Zero reset - change
; Registers modified: none
MESSAGE FTEST13,<"CHECKROM "> ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
MESSAGE FTEST13,<CR,LF> ;;End of Modification
test word ptr [di].flags,fChanged
; ResetChanged - restore value of change line
; Inputs: DS:DI points to current BDS
; Outputs: none
; Registers modified: none
MESSAGE FTEST13,<"RESETCHANGED "> ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
MESSAGE FTEST13,<CR,LF> ;;End of Modification
and word ptr ds:[di].flags,NOT fChanged
; HasChange - see if drive can supply change line
; Inputs: DS:DI points to current BDS
; Outputs: Zero set - no change line available
; Zero reset - change line available
; Registers modified: none
PUBLIC HASCHANGE ;;Rev 3.30 Modification
MESSAGE FTEST13,<CR,LF> ;;End of Modification
test word ptr [di].flags,fChangeline
Public End96tpi
End96tpi Label Byte