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// // SCManagedCapturePreviewView.m // Snapchat // // Created by Liu Liu on 5/5/15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Snapchat, Inc. All rights reserved. //
#import "SCManagedCapturePreviewView.h"
#import "SCCameraTweaks.h" #import "SCManagedCapturePreviewLayerController.h" #import "SCManagedCapturePreviewViewDebugView.h" #import "SCMetalUtils.h"
#import <SCFoundation/SCCoreGraphicsUtils.h> #import <SCFoundation/SCLog.h> #import <SCFoundation/SCTrace.h>
#import <Looksery/LSAGLView.h>
@implementation SCManagedCapturePreviewView { CGFloat _aspectRatio; CALayer *_containerLayer; CALayer *_metalLayer; SCManagedCapturePreviewViewDebugView *_debugView; }
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame aspectRatio:(CGFloat)aspectRatio metalLayer:(CALayer *)metalLayer { SCTraceStart(); SCAssertMainThread(); self = [super initWithFrame:frame]; if (self) { _aspectRatio = aspectRatio; if (SCDeviceSupportsMetal()) { [CATransaction begin]; [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES]; _metalLayer = metalLayer; _metalLayer.frame = [self _layerFrame]; [self.layer insertSublayer:_metalLayer below:[self.layer sublayers][0]]; [CATransaction commit]; } else { _containerLayer = [[CALayer alloc] init]; _containerLayer.frame = [self _layerFrame]; // Using a container layer such that the software zooming is happening on this layer [self.layer insertSublayer:_containerLayer below:[self.layer sublayers][0]]; } if ([self _shouldShowDebugView]) { _debugView = [[SCManagedCapturePreviewViewDebugView alloc] init]; [self addSubview:_debugView]; } } return self; }
- (void)_layoutVideoPreviewLayer { SCAssertMainThread(); [CATransaction begin]; [CATransaction setDisableActions:YES]; if (SCDeviceSupportsMetal()) { _metalLayer.frame = [self _layerFrame]; } else { if (_videoPreviewLayer) { SCLogGeneralInfo(@"container layer frame %@, video preview layer frame %@", NSStringFromCGRect(_containerLayer.frame), NSStringFromCGRect(_videoPreviewLayer.frame)); } // Using bounds because we don't really care about the position at this point. _containerLayer.frame = [self _layerFrame]; _videoPreviewLayer.frame = _containerLayer.bounds; _videoPreviewLayer.position = CGPointMake(CGRectGetWidth(_containerLayer.bounds) * 0.5, CGRectGetHeight(_containerLayer.bounds) * 0.5); } [CATransaction commit]; }
- (void)_layoutVideoPreviewGLView { SCCAssertMainThread(); _videoPreviewGLView.frame = [self _layerFrame]; }
- (CGRect)_layerFrame { CGRect frame = SCRectMakeWithCenterAndSize( SCRectGetMid(self.bounds), SCSizeIntegral(SCSizeExpandToAspectRatio(self.bounds.size, _aspectRatio)));
CGFloat x = frame.origin.x; x = isnan(x) ? 0.0 : (isfinite(x) ? x : INFINITY);
CGFloat y = frame.origin.y; y = isnan(y) ? 0.0 : (isfinite(y) ? y : INFINITY);
CGFloat width = frame.size.width; width = isnan(width) ? 0.0 : (isfinite(width) ? width : INFINITY);
CGFloat height = frame.size.height; height = isnan(height) ? 0.0 : (isfinite(height) ? height : INFINITY);
return CGRectMake(x, y, width, height); }
- (void)setVideoPreviewLayer:(AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *)videoPreviewLayer { SCAssertMainThread(); if (_videoPreviewLayer != videoPreviewLayer) { [_videoPreviewLayer removeFromSuperlayer]; _videoPreviewLayer = videoPreviewLayer; [_containerLayer addSublayer:_videoPreviewLayer]; [self _layoutVideoPreviewLayer]; } }
- (void)setupMetalLayer:(CALayer *)metalLayer { SCAssert(!_metalLayer, @"_metalLayer should be nil."); SCAssert(metalLayer, @"metalLayer must exists."); SCAssertMainThread(); _metalLayer = metalLayer; [self.layer insertSublayer:_metalLayer below:[self.layer sublayers][0]]; [self _layoutVideoPreviewLayer]; }
- (void)setVideoPreviewGLView:(LSAGLView *)videoPreviewGLView { SCAssertMainThread(); if (_videoPreviewGLView != videoPreviewGLView) { [_videoPreviewGLView removeFromSuperview]; _videoPreviewGLView = videoPreviewGLView; [self addSubview:_videoPreviewGLView]; [self _layoutVideoPreviewGLView]; } }
#pragma mark - Overridden methods
- (void)layoutSubviews { SCAssertMainThread(); [super layoutSubviews]; [self _layoutVideoPreviewLayer]; [self _layoutVideoPreviewGLView]; [self _layoutDebugViewIfNeeded]; }
- (void)setHidden:(BOOL)hidden { SCAssertMainThread(); [super setHidden:hidden]; if (hidden) { SCLogGeneralInfo(@"[SCManagedCapturePreviewView] - isHidden is being set to YES"); } }
#pragma mark - Debug View
- (BOOL)_shouldShowDebugView { // Only show debug view in internal builds and tweak settings are turned on. return SCIsInternalBuild() && (SCCameraTweaksEnableFocusPointObservation() || SCCameraTweaksEnableExposurePointObservation()); }
- (void)_layoutDebugViewIfNeeded { SCAssertMainThread(); SC_GUARD_ELSE_RETURN([self _shouldShowDebugView]); _debugView.frame = self.bounds; [self bringSubviewToFront:_debugView]; }