Super Mario 64s source code (from a leak on 4chan so be careful)
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* This enhancement allows you to record gameplay demos for the mario head screen. * * Note: * This enhancement does require the lastest versions of PJ64 from the nightly builds, * because it uses the javascript API to automatically dump the demo files from RAM * once the demo is completed. See RecordDemo.js for more info * * SETUP: * * First add the following above the 'thread5_game_loop' function in src/game/game.c #include "../enhancements/record_demo/"
* * Then, inside thread5_game_loop(), add the recordingDemo function call RIGHT AFTER * read_controller_inputs like so: func_802494A8(); func_80247FAC(); read_controller_inputs(); recordingDemo(); addr = level_script_execute(addr); display_and_vsync(); */
#include "../src/game/mario.h"
#define DEMOREC_PRINT_X 10
#define DEMOREC_PRINT_Y 10
#define DEMOREC_DONE_DELAY 60 // Show "DONE" message for 2 seconds.
#define DEMOREC_MAX_INPUTS 1025 // Max number of recorded inputs.
DO NOT REMOVE, MODIFY, OR MAKE A COPY OF THIS EXACT STRING! This is here so that the js dump script can find the control variables easily. */ char gDemoRecTag[] = "DEMORECVARS";
// Control variables. It is easier if they are each 4 byte aligned, which is why they are u32.
u32 gRecordingStatus = DEMOREC_STATUS_NOT_RECORDING; u32 gDoneDelay = 0; u32 gNumOfRecordedInputs = 0; struct DemoInput gRecordedInputs[DEMOREC_MAX_INPUTS]; struct DemoInput* gRecordedInputsPtr = (struct DemoInput*)gRecordedInputs; struct DemoInput gRecordedDemoInputCopy;
void record_new_demo_input(void) { if(gRecordedDemoInput.timer == 1 && gRecordedDemoInputCopy.timer > 0) { gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].timer = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.timer; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs + 1].timer = 0; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].rawStickX = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.rawStickX; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs + 1].rawStickX = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.rawStickX; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].rawStickY = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.rawStickY; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs + 1].rawStickY = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.rawStickY; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].button = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.button; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs + 1].button = gRecordedDemoInputCopy.button; gNumOfRecordedInputs++; } }
// Self explanitory
void copy_gRecordedDemoInput(void) { gRecordedDemoInputCopy.timer = gRecordedDemoInput.timer; gRecordedDemoInputCopy.rawStickX = gRecordedDemoInput.rawStickX; gRecordedDemoInputCopy.rawStickY = gRecordedDemoInput.rawStickY; gRecordedDemoInputCopy.button = gRecordedDemoInput.button; }
// Runs when the demo is recording.
void recording(void) { // Force-stop when someone makes too many inputs.
if(gNumOfRecordedInputs + 1 > DEMOREC_MAX_INPUTS) { gRecordingStatus = DEMOREC_STATUS_STOPPING; return; } copy_gRecordedDemoInput(); record_demo(); // Defined in game.c
record_new_demo_input(); }
// Makes sure the last demo input is zeroed out, to make it look more clean.
void record_cleanup(void) { gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].timer = 0; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].rawStickX = 0; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].rawStickY = 0; gRecordedInputs[gNumOfRecordedInputs].button = 0; // Make sure the done delay is reset before moving to DONE status.
gDoneDelay = 0; }
void record_run(void) { switch(gRecordingStatus) { case DEMOREC_STATUS_NOT_RECORDING: break; case DEMOREC_STATUS_PREPARING: if(gMarioObject != NULL && gCurrLevelNum >= 5) { // If the game is in an active level
gRecordingStatus = DEMOREC_STATUS_RECORDING; // A bit of a hack, but it works.
gNumOfRecordedInputs = 1; gRecordedInputs[0].timer = gCurrLevelNum; gRecordedInputs[0].rawStickX = 0; gRecordedInputs[0].rawStickY = 0; gRecordedInputs[0].button = 0; } break; case DEMOREC_STATUS_RECORDING: recording(); break; case DEMOREC_STATUS_DONE: if(gDoneDelay > DEMOREC_DONE_DELAY) gRecordingStatus = DEMOREC_STATUS_NOT_RECORDING; else gDoneDelay++; break; } }
// Prints the status on the bottom-left side of the screen in colorful text.
void print_status(void) { switch(gRecordingStatus) { case DEMOREC_STATUS_PREPARING: print_text(DEMOREC_PRINT_X, DEMOREC_PRINT_Y, "READY"); break; case DEMOREC_STATUS_RECORDING: print_text(DEMOREC_PRINT_X, DEMOREC_PRINT_Y, "REC"); break; case DEMOREC_STATUS_STOPPING: print_text(DEMOREC_PRINT_X, DEMOREC_PRINT_Y, "WAIT"); break; case DEMOREC_STATUS_DONE: print_text(DEMOREC_PRINT_X, DEMOREC_PRINT_Y, "DONE"); break; } }
// Main function that should be called from thread5_game_loop()
void recordingDemo(void) { // Mario needs to enter directly into a level and not from a warp,
// so the debug level select is used for that.
gDebugLevelSelect = TRUE; if(gPlayer1Controller->buttonPressed & L_TRIG) { if(gRecordingStatus == DEMOREC_STATUS_NOT_RECORDING) { gRecordingStatus = DEMOREC_STATUS_PREPARING; } else if (gRecordingStatus == DEMOREC_STATUS_RECORDING) { gRecordingStatus = DEMOREC_STATUS_STOPPING; record_cleanup(); } } record_run(); print_status(); }