#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e # ==== CONFIG ==== DIFF_OBJ=0 IGNORE_REGS=0 MAKE=0 DIFF_ARGS="-l" POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -o) # Diff .o files rather than a whole binary. This makes it possible to # see relocations, which is helpful for navigating in the diff. DIFF_OBJ=1 shift ;; -m) # Run "make" on the .o file or binary before diffing. MAKE=1 shift ;; -r) IGNORE_REGS=1 shift ;; -s) DIFF_ARGS+=" --stop-jr-ra" shift ;; *) POSITIONAL+=("$1") shift ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # Set $BASEIMG, $BASEDUMP, $MYIMG, $MYDUMP, $MAPFILE, $MAKEFLAGS in a project-specific manner. . diff-settings.sh # ==== LOGIC ==== if [[ $# -lt 1 ]]; then echo "Usage: ./diff.sh [flags] (function|rom addr) [end rom addr]" >&2 exit 1 fi PYTHON_VERSION=$(python3 --version | cut -d'.' -f2) if [[ $PYTHON_VERSION -lt 6 ]]; then echo "$0 requires at least Python 3.6" >&2 exit 1 fi START="$1" BASE=0 set +e if [ -n "$MAPFILE" ]; then LINE=$(grep "$1$" $MAPFILE) if [[ -n "$LINE" && "${1:0:2}" != "0x" ]]; then START=$(echo $LINE | cut -d' ' -f1) if [[ $DIFF_OBJ = 1 ]]; then LINE2=$(grep "$1$\|^ .text" $MAPFILE | grep "$1$" -B1 | head -n1) OBJFILE=$(echo $LINE2 | cut -d' ' -f4) else LINE2=$(grep "$1$\|load address" $MAPFILE | grep "$1$" -B1 | head -n1) RAM=$(echo $LINE2 | cut -d' ' -f2) ROM=$(echo $LINE2 | cut -d' ' -f6) BASE="$RAM - $ROM" fi fi fi set -e if [[ $DIFF_OBJ = 1 ]]; then if [[ $MAKE = 1 ]]; then make $MAKEFLAGS "$OBJFILE" fi if [[ ! -f "$OBJFILE" ]]; then echo Not able to find .o file for function. exit 1 fi REFOBJFILE="expected/$OBJFILE" if [[ ! -f "$REFOBJFILE" ]]; then echo Please ensure an OK .o file exists at "$REFOBJFILE". exit 1 fi OBJDUMP="mips-linux-gnu-objdump -drz" $OBJDUMP $REFOBJFILE | grep "<$1>:" -A1000 > $BASEDUMP $OBJDUMP $OBJFILE | grep "<$1>:" -A1000 > $MYDUMP DIFF_ARGS+=" -o" else if [[ $MAKE = 1 ]]; then make $MAKEFLAGS "$MYIMG" fi END="$START + 0x1000" if [[ $# -ge 2 ]]; then END="$2" fi OBJDUMP="mips-linux-gnu-objdump -D -z -bbinary -mmips -EB" OPTIONS="--start-address=$(($START - ($BASE))) --stop-address=$(($END - ($BASE)))" $OBJDUMP $OPTIONS $BASEIMG > $BASEDUMP $OBJDUMP $OPTIONS $MYIMG > $MYDUMP fi set +e # sed -i "1s;^;$(sha1sum $MYDUMP)\n;" $MYDUMP read -r -d '' DIFF_SCRIPT << EOM try: import argparse import attr from difflib import SequenceMatcher from pathlib import Path import itertools from colorama import Fore, Style, Back import ansiwrap import re import string from signal import signal, SIGPIPE, SIG_DFL except ModuleNotFoundError as e: # Exit nicely and print to stdout, because less will be sad otherwise. print("Missing prerequisite python module " + e.name + ". Run \`python3 -m pip install --user colorama ansiwrap attrs\` to install prerequisites.") exit(0) # Fixes pipe error signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_DFL) # Alignment with ANSI colors is just broken, let's fix it. def ansi_ljust(s, width): needed = width - ansiwrap.ansilen(s) if needed > 0: return s + ' ' * needed else: return s @attr.s class Options: file1: str = attr.ib() file2: str = attr.ib() diff_obj: bool = attr.ib() line_nums: bool = attr.ib() reg_diff: bool = attr.ib() column_width: int = attr.ib() stop_jrra: bool = attr.ib() skip_bl_delay: bool = attr.ib() r = re.compile(r'[0-9]+') comments = re.compile(r'<.*?>') regs = re.compile(r'\b(a[0-3]|t[0-9]|s[0-7]|at|v[01])\b') sprel = re.compile(r',([1-9][0-9]*|0x[1-9a-f][0-9a-f]*)\(sp\)') forbidden = set(string.ascii_letters + '_') branch_likely_instructions = [ 'beql', 'bnel', 'beqzl', 'bnezl', 'bgezl', 'bgtzl', 'blezl', 'bltzl', 'bc1tl', 'bc1fl' ] branch_instructions = [ 'b', 'beq', 'bne', 'beqz', 'bnez', 'bgez', 'bgtz', 'blez', 'bltz', 'bc1t', 'bc1f' ] + branch_likely_instructions def fn(row, pat): full = pat.group(0) if len(full) <= 1: return full start, end = pat.span() if start and row[start - 1] in forbidden: return full if end < len(row) and row[end] in forbidden: return full return hex(int(full)) def parse_relocated_line(line): try: ind2 = line.rindex(',') except ValueError: ind2 = line.rindex('\t') before = line[:ind2+1] after = line[ind2+1:] ind2 = after.find('(') if ind2 == -1: imm, after = after, '' else: imm, after = after[:ind2], after[ind2:] if imm == '0x0': imm = '0' return before, imm, after def process_reloc(row, prev): before, imm, after = parse_relocated_line(prev) repl = row.split()[-1] if imm != '0': if before.strip() == 'jal' and not imm.startswith('0x'): imm = '0x' + imm repl += '+' + imm if int(imm,0) > 0 else imm if 'R_MIPS_LO16' in row: repl = f'%lo({repl})' elif 'R_MIPS_HI16' in row: # Ideally we'd pair up R_MIPS_LO16 and R_MIPS_HI16 to generate a # correct addend for each, but objdump doesn't give us the order of # the relocations, so we can't find the right LO16. :( repl = f'%hi({repl})' else: assert 'R_MIPS_26' in row, f"unknown relocation type '{row}'" return before + repl + after def process(lines, options): diff_rows = [] skip_next = False originals = [] line_nums = [] skip_lines = 1 if options.diff_obj else 7 for index, row in enumerate(lines): if index < skip_lines: continue if options.diff_obj and ('>:' in row or not row): continue if 'R_MIPS_' in row: if diff_rows[-1] == '': continue diff_rows[-1] = process_reloc(row, diff_rows[-1]) originals[-1] = process_reloc(row, originals[-1]) continue row = re.sub(comments, '', row) row = row.rstrip() tabs = row.split('\t') row = '\t'.join(tabs[2:]) # [20:] line_num = tabs[0].strip() original = row mnemonic = row.split('\t')[0].strip() if mnemonic not in branch_instructions: row = re.sub(r, lambda s: fn(row, s), row) if skip_next: skip_next = False row = '' if mnemonic in branch_likely_instructions and options.skip_bl_delay: skip_next = True if options.reg_diff: row = re.sub(regs, '', row) row = re.sub(sprel, ',addr(sp)', row) # Replace tabs with spaces diff_rows.append(row) originals.append(original) line_nums.append(line_num) if options.stop_jrra and mnemonic == 'jr' and row.split('\t')[1].strip() == 'ra': break # Cleanup whitespace originals = [original.strip() for original in originals] originals = [''.join(f'{o:<8s}' for o in original.split('\t')) for original in originals] return diff_rows, originals, line_nums regs_after = re.compile(r'') def print_single_line_diff(line1, line2, column_width): print(f"{ansi_ljust(line1,column_width)}{ansi_ljust(line2,column_width)}") color_rotation = [ Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.CYAN, Fore.GREEN, Fore.RED, Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX, Fore.LIGHTCYAN_EX, Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, #Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, (This is hard to distinguish (I'm not even colorblind)) Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX, ] color_index = [0, 0] symbol_colors = [{}, {}] def color_symbol(s, i): global color_rotation global color_index global symbol_colors s = s.group() try: color = symbol_colors[i][s] except: color = color_rotation[color_index[i]] color_index[i] = (color_index[i] + 1) % len(color_rotation) symbol_colors[i][s] = color return f'{color}{s}{Fore.RESET}' def main(options): asm1: str = Path(options.file1).read_text() asm2: str = Path(options.file2).read_text() asm1_lines = asm1.split('\n') asm2_lines = asm2.split('\n') asm1_lines, originals1, line_nums1 = process(asm1_lines, options) asm2_lines, originals2, line_nums2 = process(asm2_lines, options) differ: SequenceMatcher = SequenceMatcher(a=asm1_lines, b=asm2_lines, autojunk=True) for (tag, i1, i2, j1, j2) in differ.get_opcodes(): lines1 = asm1_lines[i1:i2] lines2 = asm2_lines[j1:j2] for k, (line1, line2) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest(lines1, lines2)): if tag == 'replace': if line1 == None: tag = 'insert' elif line2 == None: tag = 'delete' try: original1 = originals1[i1+k] line_num1 = line_nums1[i1+k] except: original1 = '' line_num1 = '' try: original2 = originals2[j1+k] line_num2 = line_nums2[j1+k] except: original2 = '' line_num2 = '' line_color = Fore.RESET line_prefix = ' ' if tag == 'equal' or line1 == line2: if (line1 == ''): pass elif original1 != original2 and options.reg_diff: line_color = Fore.YELLOW line_prefix = 'r' line1 = f'{Fore.YELLOW}{original1}{Style.RESET_ALL}' line2 = f'{Fore.YELLOW}{original2}{Style.RESET_ALL}' line1 = re.sub(regs, lambda s: color_symbol(s, 0), line1) line2 = re.sub(regs, lambda s: color_symbol(s, 1), line2) line1 = re.sub(sprel, lambda s: color_symbol(s, 0), line1) line2 = re.sub(sprel, lambda s: color_symbol(s, 1), line2) else: line1 = f'{original1}' line2 = f'{original2}' elif tag == 'replace': line_prefix = '|' line_color = Fore.BLUE line1 = f"{Fore.BLUE}{original1}{Style.RESET_ALL}" line2 = f"{Fore.BLUE}{original2}{Style.RESET_ALL}" elif tag == 'delete': line_prefix = '<' line_color = Fore.RED line1 = f"{Fore.RED}{original1}{Style.RESET_ALL}" elif tag == 'insert': line_prefix = '>' line_color = Fore.GREEN line2 = f"{Fore.GREEN}{original2}{Style.RESET_ALL}" line1 = line1 or '' line2 = line2 or '' line_num1 = line_num1 if line1 else '' line_num2 = line_num2 if line2 else '' if not options.line_nums: line_num1 = '' line_num2 = '' line1 = f"{line_color}{line_num1} {line1}{Style.RESET_ALL}" line2 = f"{line_color}{line_prefix} {line_num2} {line2}{Style.RESET_ALL}" print_single_line_diff(line1, line2, options.column_width) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Diff mips data") parser.add_argument('file1', help="The base file to compare") parser.add_argument('file2', help="The modified version to compare to") parser.add_argument('-o', dest='diff_obj', action='store_true', help="Perform an object file diff") parser.add_argument('-l', dest='line_nums', action='store_true', help="Show line numbers") parser.add_argument('--stop-jr-ra', dest='stop_jrra', action='store_true', help="Stop at the first 'jr ra'") parser.add_argument('--column', dest='column_width', type=int, default=50, help="Sets the width of the left and right view column") args = parser.parse_args() options = Options( file1 = args.file1, file2 = args.file2, reg_diff = True, line_nums = args.line_nums, diff_obj = args.diff_obj, column_width = args.column_width, stop_jrra = args.stop_jrra, skip_bl_delay = True ) main(options) EOM set -e python3 -c "$DIFF_SCRIPT" "$BASEDUMP" "$MYDUMP" $DIFF_ARGS | less -Ric