mirror of https://github.com/ctnlaring/sm64
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
158 lines
4.9 KiB
158 lines
4.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import os.path
lang = None
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == '-j':
lang = 'jp'
if arg == '-u':
lang = 'us'
if lang is None:
lang = 'us'
best = 0
for path in ['build/us/sm64.u.z64', 'build/jp/sm64.j.z64']:
if os.path.getmtime(path) > best:
lang = path.split('/')[1]
except Exception:
print("Assuming language " + lang)
baserom = 'baserom' if lang == 'jp' else 'baseromus'
baseimg = baserom + '.z64'
basemap = 'sm64.' + lang[0] + '.map'
myimg = 'build/' + lang + '/sm64.' + lang[0] + '.z64'
mymap = 'build/' + lang + '/sm64.map'
if os.path.isfile('expected/' + mymap):
basemap = 'expected/' + mymap
required_files = [baseimg, myimg, mymap]
if any(not os.path.isfile(path) for path in required_files):
print(', '.join(required_files[:-1]) + " and " + required_files[-1] + " must exist.")
mybin = open(myimg, 'rb').read()
basebin = open(baseimg, 'rb').read()
if len(mybin) != len(basebin):
print("Modified ROM has different size...")
def search_map(rom_addr):
ram_offset = None
last_ram = 0
last_rom = 0
last_fn = '<start of rom>'
last_file = '<no file>'
with open(mymap) as f:
for line in f:
if 'load address' in line:
# Example: ".boot 0x0000000004000000 0x1000 load address 0x0000000000000000"
ram = int(line[16:16+18], 0)
rom = int(line[59:59+18], 0)
ram_offset = ram - rom
if ram_offset is None or '=' in line or '*fill*' in line or ' 0x' not in line:
ram = int(line[16:16+18], 0)
rom = ram - ram_offset
fn = line.split()[-1]
if '0x' in fn:
ram_offset = None
if rom > rom_addr:
return 'in {} (ram 0x{:08x}, rom 0x{:x}, {})'.format(last_fn, last_ram, last_rom, last_file)
last_ram = ram
last_rom = rom
last_fn = fn
if '/' in fn:
last_file = fn
return 'at end of rom?'
def parse_map(fname):
ram_offset = None
cur_file = '<no file>'
syms = {}
prev_sym = None
with open(fname) as f:
for line in f:
if 'load address' in line:
ram = int(line[16:16+18], 0)
rom = int(line[59:59+18], 0)
ram_offset = ram - rom
if ram_offset is None or '=' in line or '*fill*' in line or ' 0x' not in line:
ram = int(line[16:16+18], 0)
rom = ram - ram_offset
fn = line.split()[-1]
if '0x' in fn:
ram_offset = None
elif '/' in fn:
cur_file = fn
syms[fn] = (rom, cur_file, prev_sym)
prev_sym = fn
return syms
def map_diff():
map1 = parse_map(mymap)
map2 = parse_map(basemap)
min_ram = None
found = None
for sym, addr in map1.items():
if sym not in map2:
if addr[0] != map2[sym][0]:
if min_ram is None or addr[0] < min_ram:
min_ram = addr[0]
found = (sym, addr[1], addr[2])
if min_ram is None:
return False
print("Map appears to have shifted just before {} ({}) -- in {}?".format(found[0], found[1], found[2]))
if found[2] is not None and found[2] not in map2:
print("(Base map file {} out of date due to renamed symbols, so result may be imprecise.)".format(basemap))
return True
def hexbytes(bs):
return ":".join("{:02x}".format(c) for c in bs)
found_first = False
diffs = 0
shift_cap = 1000
for i in range(24, len(mybin), 4):
# (mybin[i:i+4] != basebin[i:i+4], but that's slightly slower in CPython...)
if mybin[i] != basebin[i] or mybin[i+1] != basebin[i+1] or mybin[i+2] != basebin[i+2] or mybin[i+3] != basebin[i+3]:
if not found_first:
print("First difference at ROM addr " + hex(i) + ", " + search_map(i))
print("Bytes:", hexbytes(mybin[i:i+4]), 'vs', hexbytes(basebin[i:i+4]))
found_first = True
diffs += 1
if diffs > shift_cap:
if not found_first:
print("No differences!")
definite_shift = (diffs > shift_cap)
if not definite_shift:
print(str(diffs) + " differing word(s).")
if diffs > 100:
if not os.path.isfile(basemap):
if definite_shift:
print("Tons of differences, must be a shifted ROM.")
print("To find ROM shifts, copy a clean .map file to " + basemap + " and rerun this script.")
if not map_diff():
print("No ROM shift{}.".format(" (!?)" if definite_shift else ""))