//============ Copyright (c) Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============
// Logging system definitions.
#include "pch_tier0.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "dbg.h"
#include "threadtools.h"
#include "tier0_strtools.h" // this is from tier1, but only included for inline definition of V_isspace
#ifdef _PS3
#include <sys/tty.h>
// Define commonly used channels here
// Corresponds to ConMsg/ConWarning/etc. with a level <= 1.
// Only errors are spewed by default.
// Corresponds to DevMsg/DevWarning/etc. with a level <= 1.
// Only errors are spewed by default.
// Corresponds to ConMsg/ConWarning/etc. with a level >= 2.
// Only errors are spewed by default.
// Corresponds to DevMsg/DevWarning/etc, with a level >= 2.
// Only errors are spewed by default.
// Globals
// The index of the logging state used by the current thread. This defaults to 0 across all threads,
// which indicates that the global listener set should be used (CLoggingSystem::m_nGlobalStateIndex).
// NOTE:
// Because our linux TLS implementation does not support embedding a thread local
// integer in a class, the logging system must use a global thread-local integer.
// This means that we can only have one instance of CLoggingSystem, although
// we could support additional instances if we are willing to lose support for
// thread-local spew handling.
// There is no other reason why this class must be a singleton, except
// for the fact that there's no reason to have more than one in existence.
bool g_bEnforceLoggingSystemSingleton = false;
#ifdef _PS3
#include "tls_ps3.h"
#else // _PS3
CTHREADLOCALINT g_nThreadLocalStateIndex; #endif // _PS3
// Implementation
CLoggingSystem *g_pGlobalLoggingSystem = NULL;
// This function does not get inlined due to the static variable :(
CLoggingSystem *GetGlobalLoggingSystem_Internal() { static CLoggingSystem globalLoggingSystem; g_pGlobalLoggingSystem = &globalLoggingSystem; return &globalLoggingSystem; }
// This function can get inlined
CLoggingSystem *GetGlobalLoggingSystem() { return ( g_pGlobalLoggingSystem == NULL ) ? GetGlobalLoggingSystem_Internal() : g_pGlobalLoggingSystem; }
CLoggingSystem::CLoggingSystem() : m_nChannelCount( 0 ), m_nChannelTagCount( 0 ), m_nTagNamePoolIndex( 0 ), m_nGlobalStateIndex( 0 ) { Assert( !g_bEnforceLoggingSystemSingleton ); g_bEnforceLoggingSystemSingleton = true; #if !defined( _PS3 ) && !defined(POSIX) && !defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS)
// Due to uncertain constructor ordering (g_nThreadLocalStateIndex
// may not be constructed yet so TLS index may not be available yet)
// we cannot initialize the state index here without risking
// AppVerifier errors and undefined behavior. Luckily TlsAlloc values
// are guaranteed to be zero-initialized so we don't need to zero-init,
// this, and in fact we can't for all threads.
// TLS on PS3 is zero-initialized in global ELF section
// TLS is also not accessible at this point before PRX entry point runs
g_nThreadLocalStateIndex = 0; #endif
m_LoggingStates[0].m_nPreviousStackEntry = -1;
m_LoggingStates[0].m_nListenerCount = 1; m_LoggingStates[0].m_RegisteredListeners[0] = &m_DefaultLoggingListener; m_LoggingStates[0].m_pLoggingResponse = &m_DefaultLoggingResponse;
// Mark all other logging state blocks as unused.
for ( int i = 1; i < MAX_LOGGING_STATE_COUNT; ++ i ) { m_LoggingStates[i].m_nListenerCount = -1; }
m_pStateMutex = NULL; }
CLoggingSystem::~CLoggingSystem() { g_bEnforceLoggingSystemSingleton = false; delete m_pStateMutex; }
LoggingChannelID_t CLoggingSystem::RegisterLoggingChannel( const char *pChannelName, RegisterTagsFunc registerTagsFunc, int flags, LoggingSeverity_t severity, Color spewColor ) { if ( m_nChannelCount >= MAX_LOGGING_CHANNEL_COUNT ) { // Out of logging channels... catastrophic fail!
Log_Error( LOG_GENERAL, "Out of logging channels.\n" ); Assert( 0 ); return INVALID_LOGGING_CHANNEL_ID; } else { // Channels can be multiply defined, in which case return the ID of the existing channel.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_nChannelCount; ++ i ) { if ( V_tier0_stricmp( m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_Name, pChannelName ) == 0 ) { // OK to call the tag registration callback; duplicates will be culled away.
// This allows multiple people to register a logging channel, and the union of all tags will be registered.
if ( registerTagsFunc != NULL ) { registerTagsFunc(); }
// If a logging channel is registered multiple times, only one of the registrations should specify flags/severity/color.
if ( m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_Flags == 0 && m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_MinimumSeverity == LS_MESSAGE && m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_SpewColor == UNSPECIFIED_LOGGING_COLOR ) { m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_Flags = ( LoggingChannelFlags_t )flags; m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_MinimumSeverity = severity; m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_SpewColor = spewColor; } else { AssertMsg( flags == 0 || flags == m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_Flags, "Non-zero or mismatched flags specified in logging channel re-registration!" ); AssertMsg( severity == LS_MESSAGE || severity == m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_MinimumSeverity, "Non-default or mismatched severity specified in logging channel re-registration!" ); AssertMsg( spewColor == UNSPECIFIED_LOGGING_COLOR || spewColor == m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_SpewColor, "Non-default or mismatched color specified in logging channel re-registration!" ); }
return m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_ID; } }
m_RegisteredChannels[m_nChannelCount].m_ID = m_nChannelCount; m_RegisteredChannels[m_nChannelCount].m_Flags = ( LoggingChannelFlags_t )flags; m_RegisteredChannels[m_nChannelCount].m_MinimumSeverity = severity; m_RegisteredChannels[m_nChannelCount].m_SpewColor = spewColor; strncpy( m_RegisteredChannels[m_nChannelCount].m_Name, pChannelName, MAX_LOGGING_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH ); if ( registerTagsFunc != NULL ) { registerTagsFunc(); } return m_nChannelCount ++; } }
LoggingChannelID_t CLoggingSystem::FindChannel( const char *pChannelName ) const { for ( int i = 0; i < m_nChannelCount; ++ i ) { if ( V_tier0_stricmp( m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_Name, pChannelName ) == 0 ) { return i; } }
void CLoggingSystem::AddTagToCurrentChannel( const char *pTagName ) { // Add tags at the head of the tag-list of the most recently added channel.
LoggingChannel_t *pChannel = &m_RegisteredChannels[m_nChannelCount];
// First check for duplicates
if ( pChannel->HasTag( pTagName ) ) { return; } LoggingTag_t *pTag = AllocTag( pTagName ); pTag->m_pNextTag = pChannel->m_pFirstTag; pChannel->m_pFirstTag = pTag; }
void CLoggingSystem::SetChannelSpewLevel( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t minimumSeverity ) { GetChannel( channelID )->SetSpewLevel( minimumSeverity ); }
void CLoggingSystem::SetChannelSpewLevelByName( const char *pName, LoggingSeverity_t minimumSeverity ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_nChannelCount; ++ i ) { if ( V_tier0_stricmp( m_RegisteredChannels[i].m_Name, pName ) == 0 ) { m_RegisteredChannels[i].SetSpewLevel( minimumSeverity ); } } }
void CLoggingSystem::SetChannelSpewLevelByTag( const char *pTag, LoggingSeverity_t minimumSeverity ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_nChannelCount; ++ i ) { if ( m_RegisteredChannels[i].HasTag( pTag ) ) { m_RegisteredChannels[i].SetSpewLevel( minimumSeverity ); } } }
void CLoggingSystem::PushLoggingState( bool bThreadLocal, bool bClearState ) { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
m_pStateMutex->Lock(); int nNewState = FindUnusedStateIndex(); // Ensure we're not out of state blocks.
Assert( nNewState != -1 );
int nCurrentState = bThreadLocal ? (int)g_nThreadLocalStateIndex : m_nGlobalStateIndex;
if ( bClearState ) { m_LoggingStates[nNewState].m_nListenerCount = 0; m_LoggingStates[nNewState].m_pLoggingResponse = &m_DefaultLoggingResponse; } else { m_LoggingStates[nNewState] = m_LoggingStates[nCurrentState]; }
m_LoggingStates[nNewState].m_nPreviousStackEntry = nCurrentState;
if ( bThreadLocal ) { g_nThreadLocalStateIndex = nNewState; } else { m_nGlobalStateIndex = nNewState; }
m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); }
void CLoggingSystem::PopLoggingState( bool bThreadLocal ) { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
int nCurrentState = bThreadLocal ? (int)g_nThreadLocalStateIndex : m_nGlobalStateIndex; // Shouldn't be less than 0 (implies error during Push()) or 0 (implies that Push() was never called)
Assert( nCurrentState > 0 );
// Mark the current state as unused.
m_LoggingStates[nCurrentState].m_nListenerCount = -1;
if ( bThreadLocal ) { g_nThreadLocalStateIndex = m_LoggingStates[nCurrentState].m_nPreviousStackEntry; } else { m_nGlobalStateIndex = m_LoggingStates[nCurrentState].m_nPreviousStackEntry; }
m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); }
void CLoggingSystem::RegisterLoggingListener( ILoggingListener *pListener ) { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
m_pStateMutex->Lock(); LoggingState_t *pState = GetCurrentState(); if ( pState->m_nListenerCount > MAX_LOGGING_CHANNEL_COUNT ) { // Out of logging listener slots... catastrophic fail!
Assert( 0 ); } else { pState->m_RegisteredListeners[pState->m_nListenerCount] = pListener; ++ pState->m_nListenerCount; } m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); }
void CLoggingSystem::UnregisterLoggingListener( ILoggingListener *pListener ) { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
m_pStateMutex->Lock(); LoggingState_t *pState = GetCurrentState(); for ( int i = 0; i < pState->m_nListenerCount; ++ i ) { if ( pState->m_RegisteredListeners[i] == pListener ) { // Shuffle all the listeners ahead over these, and reduce the count.
for ( int j = i; j < (pState->m_nListenerCount-1); ++ j ) { pState->m_RegisteredListeners[j] = pState->m_RegisteredListeners[j+1]; } pState->m_nListenerCount--; break; } } m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); }
bool CLoggingSystem::IsListenerRegistered( ILoggingListener *pListener ) { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
m_pStateMutex->Lock(); const LoggingState_t *pState = GetCurrentState(); bool bFound = false; for ( int i = 0; i < pState->m_nListenerCount; ++ i ) { if ( pState->m_RegisteredListeners[i] == pListener ) { bFound = true; break; } } m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); return bFound; }
void CLoggingSystem::ResetCurrentLoggingState() { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
m_pStateMutex->Lock(); LoggingState_t *pState = GetCurrentState(); pState->m_nListenerCount = 0; pState->m_pLoggingResponse = &m_DefaultLoggingResponse; m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); }
void CLoggingSystem::SetLoggingResponsePolicy( ILoggingResponsePolicy *pLoggingResponse ) { if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
m_pStateMutex->Lock(); LoggingState_t *pState = GetCurrentState(); if ( pLoggingResponse == NULL ) { pState->m_pLoggingResponse = &m_DefaultLoggingResponse; } else { pState->m_pLoggingResponse = pLoggingResponse; } m_pStateMutex->Unlock(); }
LoggingResponse_t CLoggingSystem::LogDirect( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t severity, Color color, const tchar *pMessage ) { Assert( IsValidChannelID( channelID ) ); if ( !IsValidChannelID( channelID ) ) return LR_CONTINUE;
LoggingContext_t context; context.m_ChannelID = channelID; context.m_Flags = m_RegisteredChannels[channelID].m_Flags; context.m_Severity = severity; context.m_Color = ( color == UNSPECIFIED_LOGGING_COLOR ) ? m_RegisteredChannels[channelID].m_SpewColor : color; // It is assumed that the mutex is reentrant safe on all platforms.
if ( !m_pStateMutex ) m_pStateMutex = new CThreadFastMutex();
LoggingState_t *pState = GetCurrentState(); for ( int i = 0; i < pState->m_nListenerCount; ++ i ) { pState->m_RegisteredListeners[i]->Log( &context, pMessage ); }
#if defined( _PS3 ) && !defined( _CERT )
if ( !pState->m_nListenerCount ) { unsigned int unBytesWritten; sys_tty_write( SYS_TTYP15, pMessage, strlen( pMessage ), &unBytesWritten ); } #endif
LoggingResponse_t response = pState->m_pLoggingResponse->OnLog( &context );
switch( response ) { case LR_DEBUGGER: // Asserts put the debug break in the macro itself so the code breaks at the failure point.
if ( severity != LS_ASSERT ) { DebuggerBreakIfDebugging(); } break;
case LR_ABORT: Log_Msg( LOG_DEVELOPER_VERBOSE, "Exiting due to logging LR_ABORT request.\n" ); Plat_ExitProcess( EXIT_FAILURE ); break; }
return response; }
CLoggingSystem::LoggingChannel_t *CLoggingSystem::GetChannel( LoggingChannelID_t channelID ) { Assert( IsValidChannelID( channelID ) ); return &m_RegisteredChannels[channelID]; }
const CLoggingSystem::LoggingChannel_t *CLoggingSystem::GetChannel( LoggingChannelID_t channelID ) const { Assert( IsValidChannelID( channelID ) ); return &m_RegisteredChannels[channelID]; }
CLoggingSystem::LoggingState_t *CLoggingSystem::GetCurrentState() { // Assume the caller grabbed the mutex.
int nState = g_nThreadLocalStateIndex; if ( nState != 0 ) { Assert( nState > 0 && nState < MAX_LOGGING_STATE_COUNT ); return &m_LoggingStates[nState]; } else { Assert( m_nGlobalStateIndex >= 0 && m_nGlobalStateIndex < MAX_LOGGING_STATE_COUNT ); return &m_LoggingStates[m_nGlobalStateIndex]; } }
const CLoggingSystem::LoggingState_t *CLoggingSystem::GetCurrentState() const { // Assume the caller grabbed the mutex.
int nState = g_nThreadLocalStateIndex; if ( nState != 0 ) { Assert( nState > 0 && nState < MAX_LOGGING_STATE_COUNT ); return &m_LoggingStates[nState]; } else { Assert( m_nGlobalStateIndex >= 0 && m_nGlobalStateIndex < MAX_LOGGING_STATE_COUNT ); return &m_LoggingStates[m_nGlobalStateIndex]; } }
int CLoggingSystem::FindUnusedStateIndex() { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_LOGGING_STATE_COUNT; ++ i ) { if ( m_LoggingStates[i].m_nListenerCount < 0 ) { return i; } } return -1; }
CLoggingSystem::LoggingTag_t *CLoggingSystem::AllocTag( const char *pTagName ) { Assert( m_nChannelTagCount < MAX_LOGGING_TAG_COUNT ); LoggingTag_t *pTag = &m_ChannelTags[m_nChannelTagCount ++]; pTag->m_pNextTag = NULL; pTag->m_pTagName = m_TagNamePool + m_nTagNamePoolIndex; // Copy string into pool.
size_t nTagLength = strlen( pTagName ); Assert( m_nTagNamePoolIndex + nTagLength + 1 <= MAX_LOGGING_TAG_CHARACTER_COUNT ); strcpy( m_TagNamePool + m_nTagNamePoolIndex, pTagName ); m_nTagNamePoolIndex += ( int )nTagLength + 1;
return pTag; }
LoggingChannelID_t LoggingSystem_RegisterLoggingChannel( const char *pName, RegisterTagsFunc registerTagsFunc, int flags, LoggingSeverity_t severity, Color color ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->RegisterLoggingChannel( pName, registerTagsFunc, flags, severity, color ); }
void LoggingSystem_ResetCurrentLoggingState() { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->ResetCurrentLoggingState(); }
void LoggingSystem_RegisterLoggingListener( ILoggingListener *pListener ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->RegisterLoggingListener( pListener ); }
void LoggingSystem_UnregisterLoggingListener( ILoggingListener *pListener ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->UnregisterLoggingListener( pListener ); }
void LoggingSystem_SetLoggingResponsePolicy( ILoggingResponsePolicy *pResponsePolicy ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->SetLoggingResponsePolicy( pResponsePolicy ); }
void LoggingSystem_PushLoggingState( bool bThreadLocal, bool bClearState ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->PushLoggingState( bThreadLocal, bClearState ); }
void LoggingSystem_PopLoggingState( bool bThreadLocal ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->PopLoggingState( bThreadLocal ); }
void LoggingSystem_AddTagToCurrentChannel( const char *pTagName ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->AddTagToCurrentChannel( pTagName ); }
LoggingChannelID_t LoggingSystem_FindChannel( const char *pChannelName ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->FindChannel( pChannelName ); }
int LoggingSystem_GetChannelCount() { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->GetChannelCount(); }
LoggingChannelID_t LoggingSystem_GetFirstChannelID() { return ( GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->GetChannelCount() > 0 ) ? 0 : INVALID_LOGGING_CHANNEL_ID; }
LoggingChannelID_t LoggingSystem_GetNextChannelID( LoggingChannelID_t channelID ) { int nChannelCount = GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->GetChannelCount(); int nNextChannel = channelID + 1; return ( nNextChannel < nChannelCount ) ? nNextChannel : INVALID_LOGGING_CHANNEL_ID; }
const CLoggingSystem::LoggingChannel_t *LoggingSystem_GetChannel( LoggingChannelID_t channelIndex ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->GetChannel( channelIndex ); }
bool LoggingSystem_HasTag( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, const char *pTag ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->HasTag( channelID, pTag ); }
bool LoggingSystem_IsChannelEnabled( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t severity ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->IsChannelEnabled( channelID, severity ); }
void LoggingSystem_SetChannelSpewLevel( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t minimumSeverity ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->SetChannelSpewLevel( channelID, minimumSeverity ); }
void LoggingSystem_SetChannelSpewLevelByName( const char *pName, LoggingSeverity_t minimumSeverity ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->SetChannelSpewLevelByName( pName, minimumSeverity ); }
void LoggingSystem_SetChannelSpewLevelByTag( const char *pTag, LoggingSeverity_t minimumSeverity ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->SetChannelSpewLevelByTag( pTag, minimumSeverity ); }
int32 LoggingSystem_GetChannelColor( LoggingChannelID_t channelID ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->GetChannelColor( channelID ).GetRawColor(); }
void LoggingSystem_SetChannelColor( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, int color ) { Color c; c.SetRawColor( color ); GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->SetChannelColor( channelID, c ); }
LoggingChannelFlags_t LoggingSystem_GetChannelFlags( LoggingChannelID_t channelID ) { return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->GetChannelFlags( channelID ); }
void LoggingSystem_SetChannelFlags( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingChannelFlags_t flags ) { GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->SetChannelFlags( channelID, flags ); }
LoggingResponse_t LoggingSystem_Log( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t severity, const char *pMessageFormat, ... ) { if ( !GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->IsChannelEnabled( channelID, severity ) ) return LR_CONTINUE;
tchar formattedMessage[MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
va_list args; va_start( args, pMessageFormat ); Tier0Internal_vsntprintf( formattedMessage, MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH, pMessageFormat, args ); va_end( args );
return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->LogDirect( channelID, severity, UNSPECIFIED_LOGGING_COLOR, formattedMessage ); }
LoggingResponse_t LoggingSystem_Log( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t severity, Color spewColor, const char *pMessageFormat, ... ) { if ( !GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->IsChannelEnabled( channelID, severity ) ) return LR_CONTINUE;
tchar formattedMessage[MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
va_list args; va_start( args, pMessageFormat ); Tier0Internal_vsntprintf( formattedMessage, MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH, pMessageFormat, args ); va_end( args );
return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->LogDirect( channelID, severity, spewColor, formattedMessage ); }
LoggingResponse_t LoggingSystem_LogDirect( LoggingChannelID_t channelID, LoggingSeverity_t severity, Color spewColor, const char *pMessage ) { if ( !GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->IsChannelEnabled( channelID, severity ) ) return LR_CONTINUE; return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->LogDirect( channelID, severity, spewColor, pMessage ); }
LoggingResponse_t LoggingSystem_LogAssert( const char *pMessageFormat, ... ) { if ( !GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->IsChannelEnabled( LOG_ASSERT, LS_ASSERT ) ) return LR_CONTINUE;
tchar formattedMessage[MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH];
va_list args; va_start( args, pMessageFormat ); Tier0Internal_vsntprintf( formattedMessage, MAX_LOGGING_MESSAGE_LENGTH, pMessageFormat, args ); va_end( args );
return GetGlobalLoggingSystem()->LogDirect( LOG_ASSERT, LS_ASSERT, UNSPECIFIED_LOGGING_COLOR, formattedMessage ); }