//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "dod_hud_chat.h"
#include "c_dod_player.h"
#include "c_dod_playerresource.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "text_message.h"
#include "vguicenterprint.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "dodoverview.h"
#include <voice_status.h>
#include "menu.h" // for CHudMenu defs
#include "dod_hud_freezepanel.h"
ConVar cl_voicesubtitles( "cl_voicesubtitles", "1", 0, "Enable/disable subtitle printing on voice commands and hand signals." );
Color g_DoDColorGrey( 200, 200, 200, 255 );
// Stuff for the Radio Menus
static void voicemenu1_f( void ); static void voicemenu2_f( void ); static void voicemenu3_f( void );
static ConCommand voicemenu1( "voicemenu1", voicemenu1_f, "Opens a voice menu" ); static ConCommand voicemenu2( "voicemenu2", voicemenu2_f, "Opens a voice menu" ); static ConCommand voicemenu3( "voicemenu3", voicemenu3_f, "Opens a voice menu" );
// These methods will bring up the radio menus from the client side.
// They mimic the old server commands of the same name, which used
// to require a round-trip causing latency and unreliability in
// menu responses. Only 1 message is sent to the server now which
// includes both the menu name and the selected item. The server
// is never informed that the menu has been displayed.
static int g_ActiveVoiceMenu = 0;
void OpenVoiceMenu( int index ) { // do not show the menu if the player is dead or is an observer
C_DODPlayer *pPlayer = C_DODPlayer::GetLocalDODPlayer(); if ( !pPlayer ) return;
if ( !pPlayer->IsAlive() || pPlayer->IsObserver() ) return;
CHudMenu *pMenu = (CHudMenu *) gHUD.FindElement( "CHudMenu" ); if ( !pMenu ) return;
// if they hit the key again, close the menu
if ( g_ActiveVoiceMenu == index ) { pMenu->HideMenu(); g_ActiveVoiceMenu = 0; return; }
switch( index ) { case 1: case 2: case 3: { char *pszNation;
if( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_ALLIES ) { pszNation = "Amer"; } else { pszNation = "Ger"; }
char cMenuNumber = 'A' + index - 1; // map 1,2,3 to A,B,C
char szMenu[128]; Q_snprintf( szMenu, sizeof(szMenu), "#Menu_%sVoice%c", pszNation, cMenuNumber );
pMenu->ShowMenu( szMenu, 0x3FF );
g_ActiveVoiceMenu = index; } break; case 0: default: g_ActiveVoiceMenu = 0; break; } }
static void voicemenu1_f( void ) { OpenVoiceMenu( 1 ); }
static void voicemenu2_f( void ) { OpenVoiceMenu( 2 ); }
static void voicemenu3_f( void ) { OpenVoiceMenu( 3 ); }
CON_COMMAND( menuselect, "menuselect" ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 2 ) return;
int iSlot = atoi( args[1] );
switch( g_ActiveVoiceMenu ) { case 1: //RadioA
case 2: case 3: { // check for cancel
if( iSlot == 10 ) { g_ActiveVoiceMenu = 0; return; }
// find the voice command index from the menu and slot
int iVoiceCommand = (g_ActiveVoiceMenu-1) * 9 + (iSlot-1);
Assert( iVoiceCommand >= 0 && iVoiceCommand < (3*9) );
// emit a voice command
engine->ClientCmd( g_VoiceCommands[iVoiceCommand].pszCommandName ); } break; case 0: default: // if we didn't have a menu open, maybe a plugin did. send it on to the server.
const char *cmd = VarArgs( "menuselect %d", iSlot ); engine->ServerCmd( cmd ); break; }
// reset menu
g_ActiveVoiceMenu = 0; }
DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, SayText ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, TextMsg ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, VoiceSubtitle ); DECLARE_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, HandSignalSubtitle );
CHudChatLine::CHudChatLine( vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : CBaseHudChatLine( parent, panelName ) { m_text = NULL; }
void CHudChatLine::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); }
void CHudChatInputLine::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme); }
CHudChat::CHudChat( const char *pElementName ) : BaseClass( pElementName ) { }
void CHudChat::CreateChatInputLine( void ) { m_pChatInput = new CHudChatInputLine( this, "ChatInputLine" ); m_pChatInput->SetVisible( false ); }
void CHudChat::CreateChatLines( void ) { m_ChatLine = new CHudChatLine( this, "ChatLine1" ); m_ChatLine->SetVisible( false ); }
void CHudChat::ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme ); }
void CHudChat::Init( void ) { BaseClass::Init();
HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, SayText ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, TextMsg ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, VoiceSubtitle ); HOOK_HUD_MESSAGE( CHudChat, HandSignalSubtitle ); }
// Purpose: Overrides base reset to not cancel chat at round restart
void CHudChat::Reset( void ) { }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pszName -
// iSize -
// *pbuf -
void CHudChat::MsgFunc_SayText( bf_read &msg ) { // Got message during connection
if ( !g_PR ) return;
char szString[DOD_MAX_CHAT_LENGTH];
int client = msg.ReadByte(); msg.ReadString( szString, sizeof(szString) ); bool bWantsToChat = msg.ReadByte();
if ( GetClientVoiceMgr()->IsPlayerBlocked( client ) ) return;
if ( client > 0 ) GetDODOverview()->PlayerChat( client );
if ( bWantsToChat ) { int iFilter = CHAT_FILTER_NONE;
if ( client > 0 && (g_PR->GetTeam( client ) != g_PR->GetTeam( GetLocalPlayerIndex() )) ) { iFilter = CHAT_FILTER_PUBLICCHAT; }
// Localize any words in the chat that start with #
FindLocalizableSubstrings( szString, sizeof(szString) );
// print raw chat text
ChatPrintf( client, iFilter, "%c%s", COLOR_USEOLDCOLORS, szString ); } else { // try to lookup translated string
Printf( GetFilterForString( szString ), "%s", hudtextmessage->LookupString( szString ) ); }
Msg( "%s", szString ); }
void CHudChat::MsgFunc_VoiceSubtitle( bf_read &msg ) { // Got message during connection
if ( !g_PR ) return;
if ( !cl_showtextmsg.GetInt() ) return;
if ( !cl_voicesubtitles.GetInt() ) return;
char szString[2048]; char szPrefix[64]; //(Voice)
wchar_t szBuf[128];
int client = msg.ReadByte();
if ( GetClientVoiceMgr()->IsPlayerBlocked( client ) ) return;
if ( client > 0 ) GetDODOverview()->PlayerChat( client );
int iTeam = msg.ReadByte(); int iVoiceCommand = msg.ReadByte();
//Assert( iVoiceCommand <= ARRAYSIZE(g_VoiceCommands) );
Assert( iTeam == TEAM_ALLIES || iTeam == TEAM_AXIS );
const char *pszSubtitle = g_VoiceCommands[iVoiceCommand].pszAlliedSubtitle;
if( iTeam == TEAM_AXIS && g_VoiceCommands[iVoiceCommand].pszAxisSubtitle != NULL ) pszSubtitle = g_VoiceCommands[iVoiceCommand].pszAxisSubtitle;
const wchar_t *pBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszSubtitle ); if ( pBuf ) { // Copy pBuf into szBuf[i].
int nMaxChars = sizeof( szBuf ) / sizeof( wchar_t ); wcsncpy( szBuf, pBuf, nMaxChars ); szBuf[nMaxChars-1] = 0; } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszSubtitle, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) ); }
int len; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( szBuf, szString, sizeof(szString) ); len = strlen( szString ); if ( len && szString[len-1] != '\n' && szString[len-1] != '\r' ) { Q_strncat( szString, "\n", sizeof(szString), 1 ); }
const wchar_t *pVoicePrefix = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Voice" ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pVoicePrefix, szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix) );
ChatPrintf( client, CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%c(%s) %s%c: %s", COLOR_PLAYERNAME, szPrefix, g_PR->GetPlayerName( client ), COLOR_NORMAL, ConvertCRtoNL( szString ) ); }
void CHudChat::MsgFunc_HandSignalSubtitle( bf_read &msg ) { // Got message during connection
if ( !g_PR ) return;
if ( !cl_showtextmsg.GetInt() ) return;
if ( !cl_voicesubtitles.GetInt() ) return;
char szString[2048]; char szPrefix[64]; //(HandSignal)
wchar_t szBuf[128];
int client = msg.ReadByte(); int iSignal = msg.ReadByte();
if ( GetClientVoiceMgr()->IsPlayerBlocked( client ) ) return;
if ( client > 0 ) GetDODOverview()->PlayerChat( client );
const char *pszSubtitle = g_HandSignals[iSignal].pszSubtitle;
const wchar_t *pBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszSubtitle ); if ( pBuf ) { // Copy pBuf into szBuf[i].
int nMaxChars = sizeof( szBuf ) / sizeof( wchar_t ); wcsncpy( szBuf, pBuf, nMaxChars ); szBuf[nMaxChars-1] = 0; } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( pszSubtitle, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf) ); }
int len; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( szBuf, szString, sizeof(szString) ); len = strlen( szString ); if ( len && szString[len-1] != '\n' && szString[len-1] != '\r' ) { Q_strncat( szString, "\n", sizeof(szString), 1 ); }
const wchar_t *pVoicePrefix = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#HandSignal" ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pVoicePrefix, szPrefix, sizeof(szPrefix) );
Assert( g_PR );
ChatPrintf( client, CHAT_FILTER_NONE, "%c(%s) %s%c: %s", COLOR_USEOLDCOLORS, szPrefix, g_PR->GetPlayerName( client ), COLOR_NORMAL, ConvertCRtoNL( szString ) ); }
// Purpose:
int CHudChat::GetChatInputOffset( void ) { if ( m_pChatInput->IsVisible() ) { return m_iFontHeight; } else { return 0; } }
wchar_t* ReadLocalizedVoiceCommandString( bf_read &msg, wchar_t *pOut, int outSize, bool bStripNewline ) { char szString[2048]; msg.ReadString( szString, sizeof(szString) );
const wchar_t *pBuf = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szString ); if ( pBuf ) { wcsncpy( pOut, pBuf, outSize/sizeof(wchar_t) ); pOut[outSize/sizeof(wchar_t)-1] = 0; } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( szString, pOut, outSize ); }
if ( bStripNewline ) StripEndNewlineFromString( pOut );
return pOut; }
// Find words in the chat that can be localized and replace them with localized text
void CHudChat::FindLocalizableSubstrings( char *szChat, int chatLength ) { static char buf[DOD_MAX_CHAT_LENGTH]; buf[0] = '\0';
int pos = 0;
static char szTemp[DOD_MAX_CHAT_LENGTH];
wchar_t *pwcLocalized;
for ( char *pSrc = szChat; pSrc != NULL && *pSrc != 0 && pos < chatLength-1; pSrc++ ) { // if its a #
if ( *pSrc == '#' ) { // trim into a word
char *pWord = pSrc; int iWordPos = 0; while ( *pWord != ' ' && *pWord != '\0' && *pWord != '\n' ) { szTemp[iWordPos] = *pWord; iWordPos++; pWord++; }
szTemp[iWordPos] = '\0';
pwcLocalized = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( szTemp );
// localize word
if ( pwcLocalized ) { // print it into the buf
g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertUnicodeToANSI( pwcLocalized, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp) ); }
// copy the string to chat
buf[pos] = '\0'; Q_strncat( buf, szTemp, DOD_MAX_CHAT_LENGTH, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
int remainingSpace = chatLength - pos - 2; // minus one for the NULL and one for the space
pos += MIN( Q_strlen(szTemp), remainingSpace );
pSrc += iWordPos-1; // progress pSrc to the end of the word
} else { // copy each char across
buf[pos] = *pSrc; pos++; } } buf[pos] = '\0'; pos++;
//copy buf back to szChat
Q_strncpy( szChat, buf, MIN(chatLength, pos) ); }
Color CHudChat::GetDefaultTextColor( void ) { return g_DoDColorGrey; }
Color CHudChat::GetClientColor( int clientIndex ) { // If player resource is bogus, return some obvious colour
// or if we want a generic colour
if ( !g_PR || clientIndex < 1 ) return GetDefaultTextColor();
return g_PR->GetTeamColor( g_PR->GetTeam( clientIndex ) ); }
// Purpose:
bool CHudChat::IsVisible( void ) { if ( IsTakingAFreezecamScreenshot() ) return false;
return BaseClass::IsVisible(); }