//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <vgui/IScheme.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui/KeyCode.h>
#include <filesystem.h>
extern vgui::Panel *g_lastPanel; extern vgui::Button *g_lastButton;
// Purpose: Triggers a new panel when the mouse goes over the button
// the new panel has the same dimensions as the passed templatePanel and is of
// the same class.
// must at least inherit from vgui::EditablePanel to support LoadControlSettings
template <class T> class MouseOverButton : public vgui::Button { private: DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( MouseOverButton, vgui::Button ); public: MouseOverButton(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *panelName, T *templatePanel ) : Button( parent, panelName, "MouseOverButton") { m_pPanel = new T( parent, NULL ); m_pPanel ->SetVisible( false );
// copy size&pos from template panel
int x,y,wide,tall; templatePanel->GetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); m_pPanel->SetBounds( x, y, wide, tall ); int px, py; templatePanel->GetPinOffset( px, py ); int rx, ry; templatePanel->GetResizeOffset( rx, ry ); // Apply pin settings from template, too
m_pPanel->SetAutoResize( templatePanel->GetPinCorner(), templatePanel->GetAutoResize(), px, py, rx, ry );
m_bPreserveArmedButtons = false; m_bUpdateDefaultButtons = false; }
virtual void SetPreserveArmedButtons( bool bPreserve ){ m_bPreserveArmedButtons = bPreserve; } virtual void SetUpdateDefaultButtons( bool bUpdate ){ m_bUpdateDefaultButtons = bUpdate; }
virtual void ShowPage() { if( m_pPanel ) { m_pPanel->SetVisible( true ); m_pPanel->MoveToFront(); g_lastPanel = m_pPanel; } } virtual void HidePage() { if ( m_pPanel ) { m_pPanel->SetVisible( false ); } }
const char *GetClassPage( const char *className ) { static char classPanel[ _MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( classPanel, sizeof( classPanel ), "classes/%s.res", className);
if ( g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( classPanel, IsX360() ? "MOD" : "GAME" ) ) { } else if (g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( "classes/default.res", IsX360() ? "MOD" : "GAME" ) ) { Q_snprintf ( classPanel, sizeof( classPanel ), "classes/default.res" ); } else { return NULL; }
return classPanel; }
void RefreshClassPage( void ) { m_pPanel->LoadControlSettings( GetClassPage( GetName() ) ); }
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *resourceData ) { BaseClass::ApplySettings( resourceData );
// name, position etc of button is set, now load matching
// resource file for associated info panel:
m_pPanel->LoadControlSettings( GetClassPage( GetName() ) ); }
T *GetClassPanel( void ) { return m_pPanel; }
virtual void OnCursorExited() { if ( !m_bPreserveArmedButtons ) { BaseClass::OnCursorExited(); } }
virtual void OnCursorEntered() { BaseClass::OnCursorEntered();
if ( !IsEnabled() ) return;
// are we updating the default buttons?
if ( m_bUpdateDefaultButtons ) { SetAsDefaultButton( 1 ); }
// are we preserving the armed state (and need to turn off the old button)?
if ( m_bPreserveArmedButtons ) { if ( g_lastButton && g_lastButton != this ) { g_lastButton->SetArmed( false ); }
g_lastButton = this; }
// turn on our panel (if it isn't already)
if ( m_pPanel && ( !m_pPanel->IsVisible() ) ) { // turn off the previous panel
if ( g_lastPanel && g_lastPanel->IsVisible() ) { g_lastPanel->SetVisible( false ); }
ShowPage(); } }
virtual void OnKeyCodeReleased( vgui::KeyCode code ) { BaseClass::OnKeyCodeReleased( code );
if ( m_bPreserveArmedButtons ) { if ( g_lastButton ) { g_lastButton->SetArmed( true ); } } }
T *m_pPanel; bool m_bPreserveArmedButtons; bool m_bUpdateDefaultButtons; };
#define MouseOverPanelButton MouseOverButton<vgui::EditablePanel>