//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "ai_component.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "ai_default.h"
#include "AI_Criteria.h"
#include "networkvar.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#pragma warning(push)
#include <typeinfo>
#pragma warning(pop)
#pragma warning(disable:4290)
#if defined( _WIN32 )
#pragma once
// CAI_Behavior...
// Purpose: The core component that defines a behavior in an NPC by selecting
// schedules and running tasks
// Intended to be used as an organizational tool as well as a way
// for various NPCs to share behaviors without sharing an inheritance
// relationship, and without cramming those behaviors into the base
// NPC class.
// Purpose: Base class defines interface to behaviors and provides bridging
// methods
class IBehaviorBackBridge;
abstract_class CAI_BehaviorBase : public CAI_Component { DECLARE_CLASS( CAI_BehaviorBase, CAI_Component ) public: CAI_BehaviorBase(CAI_BaseNPC *pOuter = NULL) : CAI_Component(pOuter), m_pBackBridge(NULL) { }
virtual const char *GetName() = 0;
virtual bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { return false; } bool IsRunning() { Assert( GetOuter() ); return ( GetOuter()->GetRunningBehavior() == this ); } virtual bool CanSelectSchedule() { return true; } virtual void BeginScheduleSelection() {} virtual void EndScheduleSelection() {} void SetBackBridge( IBehaviorBackBridge *pBackBridge ) { Assert( m_pBackBridge == NULL || pBackBridge == NULL ); m_pBackBridge = pBackBridge; }
void BridgePrecache() { Precache(); } void BridgeSpawn() { Spawn(); } void BridgeUpdateOnRemove() { UpdateOnRemove(); } void BridgeEvent_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { Event_Killed( info ); } void BridgeCleanupOnDeath( CBaseEntity *pCulprit, bool bFireDeathOutput ) { CleanupOnDeath( pCulprit, bFireDeathOutput ); }
void BridgeOnChangeHintGroup( string_t oldGroup, string_t newGroup ) { OnChangeHintGroup( oldGroup, newGroup ); }
void BridgeGatherConditions() { GatherConditions(); } void BridgePrescheduleThink() { PrescheduleThink(); } void BridgeOnScheduleChange() { OnScheduleChange(); } void BridgeOnStartSchedule( int scheduleType );
int BridgeSelectSchedule(); bool BridgeSelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode, int *pResult ); bool BridgeStartTask( const Task_t *pTask ); bool BridgeRunTask( const Task_t *pTask); bool BridgeAimGun( void ); int BridgeTranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ); bool BridgeGetSchedule( int localScheduleID, CAI_Schedule **ppResult ); bool BridgeTaskName(int taskID, const char **); Activity BridgeNPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity ); void BridgeBuildScheduleTestBits() { BuildScheduleTestBits(); } bool BridgeIsCurTaskContinuousMove( bool *pResult ); void BridgeOnMovementFailed() { OnMovementFailed(); } void BridgeOnMovementComplete() { OnMovementComplete(); } float BridgeGetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); bool BridgeFValidateHintType( CAI_Hint *pHint, bool *pResult ); bool BridgeIsValidEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ); CBaseEntity *BridgeBestEnemy(); bool BridgeIsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); bool BridgeIsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); float BridgeGetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ); bool BridgeShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ); void BridgeOnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); void BridgeOnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ); bool BridgeIsInterruptable( void ); bool BridgeIsNavigationUrgent( void ); bool BridgeShouldPlayerAvoid( void ); int BridgeOnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); float BridgeGetReasonableFacingDist( void ); bool BridgeShouldAlwaysThink( bool *pResult ); void BridgeOnChangeActiveWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ); void BridgeOnRestore(); virtual bool BridgeSpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( string_t iszConcept ); bool BridgeCanFlinch( void ); bool BridgeIsCrouching( void ); bool BridgeIsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ); bool BridgeQueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ); bool BridgeCanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ); Activity BridgeGetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ); bool BridgeOnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ); void BridgeModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ); void BridgeTeleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ); void BridgeHandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent );
virtual void GatherConditions(); virtual void GatherConditionsNotActive() { return; } // Override this and your behavior will call this in place of GatherConditions() when your behavior is NOT the active one.
virtual void OnUpdateShotRegulator() {}
virtual CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace *GetClassScheduleIdSpace();
virtual int DrawDebugTextOverlays( int text_offset );
virtual int Save( ISave &save ); virtual int Restore( IRestore &restore );
static void SaveBehaviors(ISave &save, CAI_BehaviorBase *pCurrentBehavior, CAI_BehaviorBase **ppBehavior, int nBehaviors ); static int RestoreBehaviors(IRestore &restore, CAI_BehaviorBase **ppBehavior, int nBehaviors ); // returns index of "current" behavior, or -1
int GetNpcState() { return GetOuter()->m_NPCState; }
virtual void Precache() {} virtual void Spawn() {} virtual void UpdateOnRemove() {} virtual void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) {} virtual void CleanupOnDeath( CBaseEntity *pCulprit, bool bFireDeathOutput ) {} virtual void PrescheduleThink(); virtual void OnScheduleChange(); virtual void OnStartSchedule( int scheduleType );
virtual int SelectSchedule(); virtual int SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ); virtual void StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ); virtual void RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ); virtual void AimGun( void ); virtual int TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ); virtual CAI_Schedule *GetSchedule(int schedule); virtual const char *GetSchedulingErrorName(); virtual void BuildScheduleTestBits() {} bool IsCurSchedule( int schedId, bool fIdeal = true );
CAI_Hint * GetHintNode() { return GetOuter()->GetHintNode(); } const CAI_Hint *GetHintNode() const { return GetOuter()->GetHintNode(); } void SetHintNode( CAI_Hint *pHintNode ) { GetOuter()->SetHintNode( pHintNode ); } void ClearHintNode( float reuseDelay = 0.0 ) { GetOuter()->ClearHintNode( reuseDelay ); }
protected: // Used by derived classes to chain a task to a task that might not be the
// one they are currently handling:
void ChainStartTask( int task, float taskData = 0 ); void ChainRunTask( int task, float taskData = 0 );
virtual Activity NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity );
virtual bool IsCurTaskContinuousMove(); virtual void OnMovementFailed() {}; virtual void OnMovementComplete() {}; virtual float GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); virtual bool FValidateHintType( CAI_Hint *pHint );
virtual bool IsValidEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ); virtual CBaseEntity *BestEnemy(); virtual bool IsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); virtual bool IsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); virtual float GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ); virtual bool ShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ); virtual void OnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); virtual void OnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ); virtual bool IsInterruptable( void ); virtual bool IsNavigationUrgent( void ); virtual int OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual float GetReasonableFacingDist( void ); virtual bool ShouldPlayerAvoid( void ); virtual bool CanFlinch( void ); virtual bool IsCrouching( void ); virtual bool IsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ); virtual bool QueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ); virtual bool CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ); virtual Activity GetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ); virtual bool OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ); virtual void ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ); virtual void Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ); virtual void HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent );
virtual bool ShouldAlwaysThink();
virtual void OnChangeActiveWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ) {}; virtual bool SpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( string_t iszConcept ) { return false; }; virtual void OnRestore() {}; bool NotifyChangeBehaviorStatus( bool fCanFinishSchedule = false );
bool HaveSequenceForActivity( Activity activity ) { return GetOuter()->HaveSequenceForActivity( activity ); } //---------------------------------
string_t GetHintGroup() { return GetOuter()->GetHintGroup(); } void ClearHintGroup() { GetOuter()->ClearHintGroup(); } void SetHintGroup( string_t name ) { GetOuter()->SetHintGroup( name ); }
virtual void OnChangeHintGroup( string_t oldGroup, string_t newGroup ) {}
// These allow derived classes to implement custom schedules
static CAI_GlobalScheduleNamespace *GetSchedulingSymbols() { return CAI_BaseNPC::GetSchedulingSymbols(); } static bool LoadSchedules() { return true; } virtual bool IsBehaviorSchedule( int scheduleType ) { return false; }
CAI_Navigator * GetNavigator() { return GetOuter()->GetNavigator(); } CAI_Motor * GetMotor() { return GetOuter()->GetMotor(); } CAI_TacticalServices * GetTacticalServices() { return GetOuter()->GetTacticalServices(); }
bool m_fOverrode; IBehaviorBackBridge *m_pBackBridge;
// Purpose: Template provides provides back bridge to owning class and
// establishes namespace settings
template <class NPC_CLASS = CAI_BaseNPC, const int ID_SPACE_OFFSET = 100000> class CAI_Behavior : public CAI_ComponentWithOuter<NPC_CLASS, CAI_BehaviorBase> { public: DECLARE_CLASS_NOFRIEND( CAI_Behavior, NPC_CLASS ); enum { NEXT_TASK = ID_SPACE_OFFSET, NEXT_SCHEDULE = ID_SPACE_OFFSET, NEXT_CONDITION = ID_SPACE_OFFSET };
void SetCondition( int condition ) { if ( condition >= ID_SPACE_OFFSET && condition < ID_SPACE_OFFSET + 10000 ) // it's local to us
condition = GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( condition ); this->GetOuter()->SetCondition( condition ); }
bool HasCondition( int condition ) { if ( condition >= ID_SPACE_OFFSET && condition < ID_SPACE_OFFSET + 10000 ) // it's local to us
condition = GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( condition ); return this->GetOuter()->HasCondition( condition ); }
bool HasInterruptCondition( int condition ) { if ( condition >= ID_SPACE_OFFSET && condition < ID_SPACE_OFFSET + 10000 ) // it's local to us
condition = GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( condition ); return this->GetOuter()->HasInterruptCondition( condition ); }
void ClearCondition( int condition ) { if ( condition >= ID_SPACE_OFFSET && condition < ID_SPACE_OFFSET + 10000 ) // it's local to us
condition = GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( condition ); this->GetOuter()->ClearCondition( condition ); }
protected: CAI_Behavior(NPC_CLASS *pOuter = NULL) : CAI_ComponentWithOuter<NPC_CLASS, CAI_BehaviorBase>(pOuter) { }
static CAI_GlobalScheduleNamespace *GetSchedulingSymbols() { return NPC_CLASS::GetSchedulingSymbols(); } virtual CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace *GetClassScheduleIdSpace() { return this->GetOuter()->GetClassScheduleIdSpace(); }
static CAI_ClassScheduleIdSpace &AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect() { return NPC_CLASS::AccessClassScheduleIdSpaceDirect(); }
private: virtual bool IsBehaviorSchedule( int scheduleType ) { return ( scheduleType >= ID_SPACE_OFFSET && scheduleType < ID_SPACE_OFFSET + 10000 ); } };
// Purpose: Some bridges a little more complicated to allow behavior to see
// what base class would do or control order in which it's donw
abstract_class IBehaviorBackBridge { public: virtual void BackBridge_GatherConditions() = 0; virtual int BackBridge_SelectSchedule() = 0; virtual int BackBridge_TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) = 0; virtual Activity BackBridge_NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsValidEnemy(CBaseEntity *pEnemy) = 0; virtual CBaseEntity* BackBridge_BestEnemy(void) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) = 0; virtual float BackBridge_GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_ShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ) = 0; virtual void BackBridge_OnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) = 0; virtual void BackBridge_OnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsInterruptable( void ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsNavigationUrgent( void ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_ShouldPlayerAvoid( void ) = 0; virtual int BackBridge_OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) = 0; virtual float BackBridge_GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance() = 0; virtual float BackBridge_GetReasonableFacingDist( void ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_CanFlinch( void ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsCrouching( void ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_IsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_QueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ) = 0; virtual Activity BackBridge_GetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ) = 0; virtual bool BackBridge_OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ) = 0; virtual void BackBridge_ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ) = 0; virtual void BackBridge_Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ) = 0;
virtual void BackBridge_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) = 0;
// Purpose: The common instantiation of the above template
typedef CAI_Behavior<> CAI_SimpleBehavior;
// Purpose: Base class for AIs that want to act as a host for CAI_Behaviors
// NPCs aren't required to use this, but probably want to.
template <class BASE_NPC> class CAI_BehaviorHost : public BASE_NPC, private IBehaviorBackBridge { public: DECLARE_CLASS_NOFRIEND( CAI_BehaviorHost, BASE_NPC );
CAI_BehaviorHost() : m_pCurBehavior(NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG
m_fDebugInCreateBehaviors = false; #endif
void CleanupOnDeath( CBaseEntity *pCulprit = NULL, bool bFireDeathOutput = true );
virtual int Save( ISave &save ); virtual int Restore( IRestore &restore ); virtual bool CreateComponents();
// Automatically called during entity construction, derived class calls AddBehavior()
virtual bool CreateBehaviors() { return true; } // forces movement and sets a new schedule
virtual bool ScheduledMoveToGoalEntity( int scheduleType, CBaseEntity *pGoalEntity, Activity movementActivity ); virtual bool ScheduledFollowPath( int scheduleType, CBaseEntity *pPathStart, Activity movementActivity ); virtual void ForceSelectedGo(CBaseEntity *pPlayer, const Vector &targetPos, const Vector &traceDir, bool bRun); virtual void ForceSelectedGoRandom(void);
// Bridges
void Precache(); void NPCInit(); void UpdateOnRemove(); void Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); void GatherConditions(); void PrescheduleThink(); int SelectSchedule(); void KeepRunningBehavior(); int SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ); void OnScheduleChange(); void OnStartSchedule( int scheduleType ); int TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ); void StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ); void RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ); void AimGun( void ); CAI_Schedule * GetSchedule(int localScheduleID); const char * TaskName(int taskID); void BuildScheduleTestBits();
void OnChangeHintGroup( string_t oldGroup, string_t newGroup ); Activity NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity );
bool IsCurTaskContinuousMove(); void OnMovementFailed(); void OnMovementComplete(); bool FValidateHintType( CAI_Hint *pHint ); float GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance();
bool IsValidEnemy(CBaseEntity *pEnemy); CBaseEntity* BestEnemy(void); bool IsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); bool IsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); float GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ); bool ShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ); void OnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); void OnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ); bool IsInterruptable( void ); bool IsNavigationUrgent( void ); bool ShouldPlayerAvoid( void ); int OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); float GetReasonableFacingDist( void ); bool CanFlinch( void ); bool IsCrouching( void ); bool IsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ); bool QueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ); bool CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ); Activity GetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ); bool OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ); void HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ); bool ShouldAlwaysThink();
void OnChangeActiveWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ); virtual bool SpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( string_t iszConcept );
void OnRestore();
void ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& set ); void Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity );
virtual bool OnBehaviorChangeStatus( CAI_BehaviorBase *pBehavior, bool fCanFinishSchedule ); virtual void OnChangeRunningBehavior( CAI_BehaviorBase *pOldBehavior, CAI_BehaviorBase *pNewBehavior );
protected: void AddBehavior( CAI_BehaviorBase *pBehavior ); bool BehaviorSelectSchedule(); virtual bool ShouldBehaviorSelectSchedule( CAI_BehaviorBase *pBehavior ) { return true; }
bool IsRunningBehavior() const; CAI_BehaviorBase *GetRunningBehavior(); CAI_BehaviorBase *DeferSchedulingToBehavior( CAI_BehaviorBase *pNewBehavior ); void ChangeBehaviorTo( CAI_BehaviorBase *pNewBehavior );
CAI_Schedule * GetNewSchedule(); CAI_Schedule * GetFailSchedule(); private: void BackBridge_GatherConditions(); int BackBridge_SelectSchedule(); int BackBridge_TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ); Activity BackBridge_NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity ); bool BackBridge_IsValidEnemy(CBaseEntity *pEnemy); CBaseEntity* BackBridge_BestEnemy(void); bool BackBridge_IsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); bool BackBridge_IsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ); float BackBridge_GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ); bool BackBridge_ShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ); void BackBridge_OnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); void BackBridge_OnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ); bool BackBridge_IsInterruptable( void ); bool BackBridge_IsNavigationUrgent( void ); bool BackBridge_ShouldPlayerAvoid( void ); int BackBridge_OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); float BackBridge_GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); float BackBridge_GetReasonableFacingDist( void ); bool BackBridge_CanFlinch( void ); bool BackBridge_IsCrouching( void ); bool BackBridge_IsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ); bool BackBridge_QueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ); bool BackBridge_CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ); Activity BackBridge_GetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ); bool BackBridge_OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ); void BackBridge_ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ); void BackBridge_Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity );
void BackBridge_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent );
CAI_BehaviorBase **AccessBehaviors(); int NumBehaviors();
CAI_BehaviorBase * m_pCurBehavior; CUtlVector<CAI_BehaviorBase *> m_Behaviors;
bool m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule; #ifdef DEBUG
bool m_fDebugInCreateBehaviors; #endif
// The first frame a behavior begins schedule selection, it won't have had it's GatherConditions()
// called. To fix this, BeginScheduleSelection() manually calls the new behavior's GatherConditions(),
// but sets this global so that the baseclass GatherConditions() isn't called as well.
extern bool g_bBehaviorHost_PreventBaseClassGatherConditions;
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnStartSchedule( int scheduleType ) { int localId = AI_IdIsGlobal( scheduleType ) ? GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ScheduleGlobalToLocal( scheduleType ) : scheduleType; OnStartSchedule( localId ); }
inline int CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeSelectSchedule() { int result = SelectSchedule();
if ( IsBehaviorSchedule( result ) ) return GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ScheduleLocalToGlobal( result );
return result; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeSelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode, int *pResult ) { m_fOverrode = true; int result = SelectFailSchedule( failedSchedule, failedTask, taskFailCode ); if ( m_fOverrode ) { if ( result != SCHED_NONE ) { if ( IsBehaviorSchedule( result ) ) *pResult = GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ScheduleLocalToGlobal( result ); else *pResult = result; return true; } Warning( "An AI behavior is in control but has no recommended schedule\n" ); } return false; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeStartTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { m_fOverrode = true; StartTask( pTask ); return m_fOverrode; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeRunTask( const Task_t *pTask) { m_fOverrode = true; RunTask( pTask ); return m_fOverrode; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeAimGun( void ) { m_fOverrode = true; AimGun(); return m_fOverrode; }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::ChainStartTask( int task, float taskData ) { Task_t tempTask = { task, taskData };
bool fPrevOverride = m_fOverrode; GetOuter()->StartTask( (const Task_t *)&tempTask ); m_fOverrode = fPrevOverride;; }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::ChainRunTask( int task, float taskData ) { Task_t tempTask = { task, taskData }; bool fPrevOverride = m_fOverrode; GetOuter()->RunTask( (const Task_t *) &tempTask ); m_fOverrode = fPrevOverride;; }
inline int CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeTranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { int localId = AI_IdIsGlobal( scheduleType ) ? GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ScheduleGlobalToLocal( scheduleType ) : scheduleType; int result = TranslateSchedule( localId ); return result; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeGetSchedule( int localScheduleID, CAI_Schedule **ppResult ) { *ppResult = GetSchedule( localScheduleID ); return (*ppResult != NULL ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeTaskName( int taskID, const char **ppResult ) { if ( AI_IdIsLocal( taskID ) ) { *ppResult = GetSchedulingSymbols()->TaskIdToSymbol( GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->TaskLocalToGlobal( taskID ) ); return (*ppResult != NULL ); } return false; }
inline Activity CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeNPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity ) { return NPC_TranslateActivity( activity ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsCurTaskContinuousMove( bool *pResult ) { bool fPrevOverride = m_fOverrode; m_fOverrode = true; *pResult = IsCurTaskContinuousMove(); bool result = m_fOverrode; m_fOverrode = fPrevOverride; return result; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeFValidateHintType( CAI_Hint *pHint, bool *pResult ) { bool fPrevOverride = m_fOverrode; m_fOverrode = true; *pResult = FValidateHintType( pHint ); bool result = m_fOverrode; m_fOverrode = fPrevOverride; return result; }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsValidEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ) { return IsValidEnemy( pEnemy ); }
inline CBaseEntity *CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeBestEnemy() { return BestEnemy(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) { return IsValidCover( vLocation, pHint ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) { return IsValidShootPosition( vLocation, pNode, pHint ); }
inline float CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeGetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ) { return GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ) { return ShouldIgnoreSound( pSound ); }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { OnSeeEntity( pEntity ); }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) { OnFriendDamaged( pSquadmate, pAttacker ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsInterruptable( void ) { return IsInterruptable(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsNavigationUrgent( void ) { return IsNavigationUrgent(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeCanFlinch( void ) { return CanFlinch(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsCrouching( void ) { return IsCrouching(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeIsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ) { return IsCrouchedActivity( activity ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeQueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ) { return QueryHearSound( pSound ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeCanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ) { return CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bForced ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeShouldPlayerAvoid( void ) { return ShouldPlayerAvoid(); }
inline int CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return OnTakeDamage_Alive( info ); }
inline float CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeGetReasonableFacingDist( void ) { return GetReasonableFacingDist(); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeShouldAlwaysThink( bool *pResult ) { bool fPrevOverride = m_fOverrode; m_fOverrode = true; *pResult = ShouldAlwaysThink(); bool result = m_fOverrode; m_fOverrode = fPrevOverride; return result; }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnChangeActiveWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ) { OnChangeActiveWeapon( pOldWeapon, pNewWeapon ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeSpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( string_t iszConcept ) { return SpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( iszConcept ); }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnRestore() { OnRestore(); }
inline float CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeGetDefaultNavGoalTolerance() { return GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); }
inline Activity CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeGetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ) { return GetFlinchActivity( bHeavyDamage, bGesture ); }
inline bool CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeOnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ) { return OnCalcBaseMove( pMoveGoal, distClear, pResult ); }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ) { ModifyOrAppendCriteria( criteriaSet ); }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeTeleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ) { Teleport( newPosition, newAngles, newVelocity ); }
inline void CAI_BehaviorBase::BridgeHandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::CleanupOnDeath( CBaseEntity *pCulprit, bool bFireDeathOutput ) { DeferSchedulingToBehavior( NULL ); for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeCleanupOnDeath( pCulprit, bFireDeathOutput ); } BaseClass::CleanupOnDeath( pCulprit, bFireDeathOutput ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GatherConditions() { // Iterate over behaviors and call GatherConditionsNotActive() on each behavior
// not currently active.
for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { if( m_Behaviors[i] != m_pCurBehavior ) { m_Behaviors[i]->GatherConditionsNotActive(); } }
if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgeGatherConditions(); else BaseClass::GatherConditions(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_GatherConditions() { if ( g_bBehaviorHost_PreventBaseClassGatherConditions ) return;
BaseClass::GatherConditions(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnScheduleChange() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnScheduleChange(); BaseClass::OnScheduleChange(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnStartSchedule( int scheduleType ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnStartSchedule( scheduleType ); BaseClass::OnStartSchedule( scheduleType ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_SelectSchedule() { return BaseClass::SelectSchedule(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BehaviorSelectSchedule() { for ( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_Behaviors[i]->CanSelectSchedule() && ShouldBehaviorSelectSchedule( m_Behaviors[i] ) ) { DeferSchedulingToBehavior( m_Behaviors[i] ); return true; } } DeferSchedulingToBehavior( NULL ); return false; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsRunningBehavior() const { return ( m_pCurBehavior != NULL ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CAI_BehaviorBase *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetRunningBehavior() { return m_pCurBehavior; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CAI_Schedule *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetNewSchedule() { m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule = false; CAI_Schedule *pResult = BaseClass::GetNewSchedule(); if ( !m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule && m_pCurBehavior ) DeferSchedulingToBehavior( NULL ); return pResult; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CAI_Schedule *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetFailSchedule() { m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule = false; CAI_Schedule *pResult = BaseClass::GetFailSchedule(); if ( !m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule && m_pCurBehavior ) DeferSchedulingToBehavior( NULL ); return pResult; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ChangeBehaviorTo( CAI_BehaviorBase *pNewBehavior ) { bool change = ( m_pCurBehavior != pNewBehavior ); CAI_BehaviorBase *pOldBehavior = m_pCurBehavior; m_pCurBehavior = pNewBehavior; if ( change ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) { m_pCurBehavior->BeginScheduleSelection();
g_bBehaviorHost_PreventBaseClassGatherConditions = true; m_pCurBehavior->GatherConditions(); g_bBehaviorHost_PreventBaseClassGatherConditions = false; }
if ( pOldBehavior ) { pOldBehavior->EndScheduleSelection(); this->VacateStrategySlot(); }
OnChangeRunningBehavior( pOldBehavior, pNewBehavior ); } }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CAI_BehaviorBase *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::DeferSchedulingToBehavior( CAI_BehaviorBase *pNewBehavior ) { CAI_BehaviorBase *pOldBehavior = m_pCurBehavior; ChangeBehaviorTo( pNewBehavior ); return pOldBehavior; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { return BaseClass::TranslateSchedule( scheduleType ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) { return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeTranslateSchedule( scheduleType ); } return BaseClass::TranslateSchedule( scheduleType ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::PrescheduleThink() { BaseClass::PrescheduleThink(); if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgePrescheduleThink(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::SelectSchedule() { m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule = true; if ( m_pCurBehavior ) { return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeSelectSchedule(); }
return BaseClass::SelectSchedule(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::KeepRunningBehavior() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule = true; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ) { m_bCalledBehaviorSelectSchedule = true; int result = 0; if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeSelectFailSchedule( failedSchedule, failedTask, taskFailCode, &result ) ) return result; return BaseClass::SelectFailSchedule( failedSchedule, failedTask, taskFailCode ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeStartTask( pTask ) ) return; BaseClass::StartTask( pTask ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeRunTask( pTask ) ) return; BaseClass::RunTask( pTask ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::AimGun( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeAimGun() ) return; BaseClass::AimGun(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CAI_Schedule *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetSchedule(int localScheduleID) { CAI_Schedule *pResult; if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeGetSchedule( localScheduleID, &pResult ) ) return pResult; return BaseClass::GetSchedule( localScheduleID ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline const char *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::TaskName(int taskID) { const char *pszResult = NULL; if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeTaskName( taskID, &pszResult ) ) return pszResult; return BaseClass::TaskName( taskID ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BuildScheduleTestBits() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgeBuildScheduleTestBits(); BaseClass::BuildScheduleTestBits(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnChangeHintGroup( string_t oldGroup, string_t newGroup ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeOnChangeHintGroup( oldGroup, newGroup ); } BaseClass::OnChangeHintGroup( oldGroup, newGroup ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline Activity CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity ) { return BaseClass::NPC_TranslateActivity( activity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline Activity CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::NPC_TranslateActivity( Activity activity ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) { return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeNPC_TranslateActivity( activity ); } return BaseClass::NPC_TranslateActivity( activity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsCurTaskContinuousMove() { bool result = false; if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsCurTaskContinuousMove( &result ) ) return result; return BaseClass::IsCurTaskContinuousMove(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnMovementFailed() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnMovementFailed(); BaseClass::OnMovementFailed(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnMovementComplete() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnMovementComplete(); BaseClass::OnMovementComplete(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeGetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); return BaseClass::GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance() { return BaseClass::GetDefaultNavGoalTolerance(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::FValidateHintType( CAI_Hint *pHint ) { bool result = false; if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeFValidateHintType( pHint, &result ) ) return result; return BaseClass::FValidateHintType( pHint ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsValidEnemy(CBaseEntity *pEnemy) { return BaseClass::IsValidEnemy( pEnemy ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CBaseEntity *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_BestEnemy(void) { return BaseClass::BestEnemy(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) { return BaseClass::IsValidCover( vLocation, pHint ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) { return BaseClass::IsValidShootPosition( vLocation, pNode, pHint ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ) { return BaseClass::GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_ShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ) { return BaseClass::ShouldIgnoreSound( pSound ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_OnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { BaseClass::OnSeeEntity( pEntity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_OnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) { BaseClass::OnFriendDamaged( pSquadmate, pAttacker ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsInterruptable( void ) { return BaseClass::IsInterruptable(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsNavigationUrgent( void ) { return BaseClass::IsNavigationUrgent(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_CanFlinch( void ) { return BaseClass::CanFlinch(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsCrouching( void ) { return BaseClass::IsCrouching(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_IsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ) { return BaseClass::IsCrouchedActivity( activity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_QueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ) { return BaseClass::QueryHearSound( pSound ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ) { return BaseClass::CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bForced ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_ShouldPlayerAvoid( void ) { return BaseClass::ShouldPlayerAvoid(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage_Alive( info ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_GetReasonableFacingDist( void ) { return BaseClass::GetReasonableFacingDist(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline Activity CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_GetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ) { return BaseClass::GetFlinchActivity( bHeavyDamage, bGesture ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ) { return BaseClass::OnCalcBaseMove( pMoveGoal, distClear, pResult ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet ) { BaseClass::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( criteriaSet ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ) { BaseClass::Teleport( newPosition, newAngles, newVelocity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BackBridge_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { BaseClass::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsValidEnemy( CBaseEntity *pEnemy ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsValidEnemy( pEnemy ); return BaseClass::IsValidEnemy( pEnemy ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CBaseEntity *CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::BestEnemy() { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeBestEnemy(); return BaseClass::BestEnemy(); } //-------------------------------------
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ShouldAlwaysThink() { bool result = false; if ( m_pCurBehavior && m_pCurBehavior->BridgeShouldAlwaysThink( &result ) ) return result; return BaseClass::ShouldAlwaysThink(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnChangeActiveWeapon( CBaseCombatWeapon *pOldWeapon, CBaseCombatWeapon *pNewWeapon ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeOnChangeActiveWeapon( pOldWeapon, pNewWeapon ); } BaseClass::OnChangeActiveWeapon( pOldWeapon, pNewWeapon ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::SpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( string_t iszConcept ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeSpeakMapmakerInterruptConcept( iszConcept ) ) return true; }
return false; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnRestore() { for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeOnRestore(); } BaseClass::OnRestore(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsValidCover( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsValidCover( vLocation, pHint ); return BaseClass::IsValidCover( vLocation, pHint ); } //-------------------------------------
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsValidShootPosition( const Vector &vLocation, CAI_Node *pNode, CAI_Hint const *pHint ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsValidShootPosition( vLocation, pNode, pHint ); return BaseClass::IsValidShootPosition( vLocation, pNode, pHint ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeGetMaxTacticalLateralMovement();
return BaseClass::GetMaxTacticalLateralMovement(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ShouldIgnoreSound( CSound *pSound ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeShouldIgnoreSound( pSound ); return BaseClass::ShouldIgnoreSound( pSound ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnSeeEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnSeeEntity( pEntity );
BaseClass::OnSeeEntity( pEntity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnFriendDamaged( CBaseCombatCharacter *pSquadmate, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnFriendDamaged( pSquadmate, pAttacker );
BaseClass::OnFriendDamaged( pSquadmate, pAttacker ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsInterruptable( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsInterruptable(); return BaseClass::IsInterruptable(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsNavigationUrgent( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsNavigationUrgent();
return BaseClass::IsNavigationUrgent(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::CanFlinch( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeCanFlinch();
return BaseClass::CanFlinch(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsCrouching( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsCrouching();
return BaseClass::IsCrouching(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::IsCrouchedActivity( Activity activity ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeIsCrouchedActivity( activity );
return BaseClass::IsCrouchedActivity( activity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::QueryHearSound( CSound *pSound ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeQueryHearSound( pSound );
return BaseClass::QueryHearSound( pSound ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bool bForced ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeCanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bForced );
return BaseClass::CanRunAScriptedNPCInteraction( bForced ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ShouldPlayerAvoid( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeShouldPlayerAvoid(); return BaseClass::ShouldPlayerAvoid(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnTakeDamage_Alive( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnTakeDamage_Alive( info ); return BaseClass::OnTakeDamage_Alive( info ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline float CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetReasonableFacingDist( void ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeGetReasonableFacingDist(); return BaseClass::GetReasonableFacingDist(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::Precache() { BaseClass::Precache(); for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgePrecache(); } }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ScheduledMoveToGoalEntity( int scheduleType, CBaseEntity *pGoalEntity, Activity movementActivity ) { // If a behavior is active, we need to stop running it
ChangeBehaviorTo( NULL );
return BaseClass::ScheduledMoveToGoalEntity( scheduleType, pGoalEntity, movementActivity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ScheduledFollowPath( int scheduleType, CBaseEntity *pPathStart, Activity movementActivity ) { // If a behavior is active, we need to stop running it
ChangeBehaviorTo( NULL );
return BaseClass::ScheduledFollowPath( scheduleType, pPathStart, movementActivity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ForceSelectedGo(CBaseEntity *pPlayer, const Vector &targetPos, const Vector &traceDir, bool bRun) { // If a behavior is active, we need to stop running it
ChangeBehaviorTo( NULL );
BaseClass::ForceSelectedGo(pPlayer, targetPos, traceDir, bRun); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ForceSelectedGoRandom(void) { // If a behavior is active, we need to stop running it
ChangeBehaviorTo( NULL );
BaseClass::ForceSelectedGoRandom(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::NPCInit() { BaseClass::NPCInit(); for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeSpawn(); } }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::UpdateOnRemove() { for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeUpdateOnRemove(); } BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::Event_Killed( const CTakeDamageInfo &info ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++ ) { m_Behaviors[i]->BridgeEvent_Killed( info ); } BaseClass::Event_Killed( info ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline Activity CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::GetFlinchActivity( bool bHeavyDamage, bool bGesture ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeGetFlinchActivity( bHeavyDamage, bGesture );
return BaseClass::GetFlinchActivity( bHeavyDamage, bGesture ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnCalcBaseMove( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, float distClear, AIMoveResult_t *pResult ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeOnCalcBaseMove( pMoveGoal, distClear, pResult );
return BaseClass::OnCalcBaseMove( pMoveGoal, distClear, pResult ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet &criteriaSet ) { BaseClass::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( criteriaSet );
if ( m_pCurBehavior ) { // Append active behavior name
criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "active_behavior", GetRunningBehavior()->GetName() ); m_pCurBehavior->BridgeModifyOrAppendCriteria( criteriaSet ); return; } }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) { m_pCurBehavior->BridgeTeleport( newPosition, newAngles, newVelocity ); return; }
BaseClass::Teleport( newPosition, newAngles, newVelocity ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent ) { if ( m_pCurBehavior ) return m_pCurBehavior->BridgeHandleAnimEvent( pEvent );
return BaseClass::HandleAnimEvent( pEvent ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnBehaviorChangeStatus( CAI_BehaviorBase *pBehavior, bool fCanFinishSchedule ) { if ( pBehavior == GetRunningBehavior() && !pBehavior->CanSelectSchedule() && !fCanFinishSchedule ) { DeferSchedulingToBehavior( NULL ); return true; } return false; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::OnChangeRunningBehavior( CAI_BehaviorBase *pOldBehavior, CAI_BehaviorBase *pNewBehavior ) { }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline void CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::AddBehavior( CAI_BehaviorBase *pBehavior ) { #ifdef DEBUG
Assert( m_Behaviors.Find( pBehavior ) == m_Behaviors.InvalidIndex() ); Assert( m_fDebugInCreateBehaviors ); for ( int i = 0; i < m_Behaviors.Count(); i++) { Assert( typeid(*m_Behaviors[i]) != typeid(*pBehavior) ); } #endif
m_Behaviors.AddToTail( pBehavior ); pBehavior->SetOuter( this ); pBehavior->SetBackBridge( this ); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline CAI_BehaviorBase **CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::AccessBehaviors() { if (m_Behaviors.Count()) return m_Behaviors.Base(); return NULL; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::NumBehaviors() { return m_Behaviors.Count(); }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::Save( ISave &save ) { int result = BaseClass::Save( save ); if ( result ) CAI_BehaviorBase::SaveBehaviors( save, m_pCurBehavior, AccessBehaviors(), NumBehaviors() ); return result; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline int CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::Restore( IRestore &restore ) { int result = BaseClass::Restore( restore ); if ( result ) { int iCurrent = CAI_BehaviorBase::RestoreBehaviors( restore, AccessBehaviors(), NumBehaviors() ); if ( iCurrent != -1 ) m_pCurBehavior = AccessBehaviors()[iCurrent]; else m_pCurBehavior = NULL; } return result; }
template <class BASE_NPC> inline bool CAI_BehaviorHost<BASE_NPC>::CreateComponents() { if ( BaseClass::CreateComponents() ) { #ifdef DEBUG
m_fDebugInCreateBehaviors = true; #endif
bool result = CreateBehaviors(); #ifdef DEBUG
m_fDebugInCreateBehaviors = false; #endif
return result; } return false; }
#endif // AI_BEHAVIOR_H