//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Behavior for NPCs riding in cars (with boys)
#include "cbase.h"
#include "ai_playerally.h"
#include "ai_motor.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "entityblocker.h"
#include "ai_behavior_passenger.h"
#include "ai_pathfinder.h"
#include "ai_network.h"
#include "ai_node.h"
#include "ai_moveprobe.h"
#include "env_debughistory.h"
// Custom activities
ConVar passenger_debug_transition( "passenger_debug_transition", "0" ); ConVar passenger_impact_response_threshold( "passenger_impact_response_threshold", "-350.0" );
#define ORIGIN_KEYNAME "origin"
#define ANGLES_KEYNAME "angles"
BEGIN_DATADESC( CAI_PassengerBehavior )
BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC( passengerVehicleState_t )
DEFINE_FIELD( m_bWasBoosting, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bWasOverturned, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecLastLocalVelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecDeltaVelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecLastAngles, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextWarningTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastSpeedSqr, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bPlayerInVehicle, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
// Constructor
CAI_PassengerBehavior::CAI_PassengerBehavior( void ) : m_bEnabled( false ), m_hVehicle( NULL ), m_PassengerState( PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE ), m_PassengerIntent( PASSENGER_INTENT_NONE ), m_nTransitionSequence( -1 ) { }
// Purpose: Enables the behavior to run
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::Enable( CPropJeepEpisodic *pVehicle, bool bImmediateEnter /*= false*/ ) { if ( m_bEnabled && m_hVehicle.Get() ) return;
m_bEnabled = true; m_hVehicle = pVehicle; SetPassengerState( PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE );
// Init our starting information about the vehicle
InitVehicleState(); }
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::OnRestore() { if ( m_bEnabled && !m_hVehicle.Get() ) { Disable(); } BaseClass::OnRestore(); }
// Purpose: Stops the behavior from being run
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::Disable( void ) { m_bEnabled = false; m_hVehicle = NULL; }
// Purpose: Starts the process of entering a vehicle
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::EnterVehicle( void ) { // If we're already in the vehicle, simply cancel out our intents
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE || GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_ENTERING ) { // Clear out an exit
if ( m_PassengerIntent == PASSENGER_INTENT_EXIT ) { m_PassengerIntent = PASSENGER_INTENT_NONE; ClearCondition( COND_PASSENGER_ENTERING ); ClearCondition( COND_PASSENGER_EXITING ); }
return; }
// Update our internal state
// Otherwise set this condition and go!
// Purpose: Starts the process of exiting a vehicle
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::ExitVehicle( void ) { // Must be in the seat
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE || GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_EXITING ) { // Clear out an entrance
if ( m_PassengerIntent == PASSENGER_INTENT_ENTER ) { m_PassengerIntent = PASSENGER_INTENT_NONE; SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_CANCEL_ENTER ); ClearCondition( COND_PASSENGER_ENTERING ); ClearCondition( COND_PASSENGER_EXITING ); } return; }
// Update our internal state
m_PassengerIntent = PASSENGER_INTENT_EXIT;
// Everything below this point will still attempt to exit the vehicle, once able
// Must have a valid vehicle
if ( m_hVehicle == NULL ) return;
// Cannot exit while we're upside down
if ( m_hVehicle->IsOverturned() ) return;
// Interrupt what we're doing
// Purpose: FIXME - This should move into something a bit more flexible
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::AddPhysicsPush( float force ) { /*
// Kick the vehicle so the player knows we've arrived
Vector impulse = m_hVehicle->GetAbsOrigin() - GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin(); VectorNormalize( impulse ); impulse.z = -0.75; VectorNormalize( impulse ); Vector vecForce = impulse * force; m_hVehicle->VPhysicsGetObject()->ApplyForceOffset( vecForce, GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin() ); */
Vector vecDir;
IPhysicsObject *pObject = GetOuter()->VPhysicsGetObject(); Vector vecVelocity; pObject->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, NULL ); GetOuter()->GetVectors( NULL, NULL, &vecDir ); vecDir.Negate();
Vector vecForce = vecDir * force;
m_hVehicle->VPhysicsGetObject()->ApplyForceOffset( vecForce, GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin() ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::IsPassengerHostile( void ) { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer(); // If the player hates or fears the passenger, they're hostile
if ( GetOuter()->IRelationType( pPlayer ) == D_HT || GetOuter()->IRelationType( pPlayer ) == D_FR ) return true;
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::InitVehicleState( void ) { // Set the player's state
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer(); m_vehicleState.m_bPlayerInVehicle = ( pPlayer && pPlayer->IsInAVehicle() && pPlayer->GetServerVehicle() == m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle() );
// Update our vehicle state so we don't confuse our previous velocity on the first frame!
m_vehicleState.m_bWasBoosting = false; m_vehicleState.m_bWasOverturned = false; m_vehicleState.m_flNextWarningTime = 0.0f; m_vehicleState.m_vecDeltaVelocity = vec3_origin; m_vehicleState.m_flNextWarningTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_vehicleState.m_vecLastAngles = m_hVehicle->GetAbsAngles();
Vector localVelocity; GetLocalVehicleVelocity( &m_vehicleState.m_vecLastLocalVelocity );
m_vehicleState.m_flLastSpeedSqr = localVelocity.LengthSqr(); }
// Purpose: Puts the NPC in hierarchy with the vehicle and makes them intangible
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::FinishEnterVehicle( void ) { if ( m_hVehicle == NULL ) return;
// Get the ultimate position we want to be in
Vector vecFinalPos; QAngle vecFinalAngles; GetEntryTarget( &vecFinalPos, &vecFinalAngles );
// Make sure we're exactly where we need to be
GetOuter()->SetLocalOrigin( vecFinalPos ); GetOuter()->SetLocalAngles( vecFinalAngles ); GetOuter()->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE ); GetOuter()->GetMotor()->SetYawLocked( true );
// We're now riding inside the vehicle
SetPassengerState( PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ); // If we've not been told to leave immediately, we're done
if ( m_PassengerIntent == PASSENGER_INTENT_ENTER ) { m_PassengerIntent = PASSENGER_INTENT_NONE; } // Tell the vehicle we've succeeded
m_hVehicle->NPC_FinishedEnterVehicle( GetOuter(), (IsPassengerHostile()==false) ); }
// Purpose: Removes the NPC from the car
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::FinishExitVehicle( void ) { if ( m_hVehicle == NULL ) return;
// Destroy the blocker
if ( m_hBlocker != NULL ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hBlocker ); m_hBlocker = NULL; }
// To do this, we need to be very sure we're in a good spot
GetOuter()->SetCondition( COND_PROVOKED ); GetOuter()->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_STEP ); GetOuter()->RemoveFlag( FL_FLY ); GetOuter()->GetMotor()->SetYawLocked( false );
// Re-enable the physical collisions for this NPC
IPhysicsObject *pPhysObj = GetOuter()->VPhysicsGetObject(); if ( pPhysObj != NULL ) { pPhysObj->EnableCollisions( true ); }
m_hVehicle->NPC_RemovePassenger( GetOuter() ); m_hVehicle->NPC_FinishedExitVehicle( GetOuter(), (IsPassengerHostile()==false) );
// Stop our custom move sequence
GetOuter()->m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq = NULL_STRING;
// If we've not been told to enter immediately, we're done
if ( m_PassengerIntent == PASSENGER_INTENT_EXIT ) { m_PassengerIntent = PASSENGER_INTENT_NONE; Disable(); } }
// Purpose: Build our custom interrupt cases for the behavior
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::BuildScheduleTestBits( void ) { // Always interrupt when we need to get in or out
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE || GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ) { GetOuter()->SetCustomInterruptCondition( GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( COND_PASSENGER_ENTERING ) ); GetOuter()->SetCustomInterruptCondition( GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( COND_PASSENGER_EXITING ) ); GetOuter()->SetCustomInterruptCondition( GetClassScheduleIdSpace()->ConditionLocalToGlobal( COND_PASSENGER_CANCEL_ENTER ) ); }
BaseClass::BuildScheduleTestBits(); }
// Purpose: Dictates whether or not the behavior is active and working
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::CanSelectSchedule( void ) { return m_bEnabled; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::CanExitVehicle( void ) { // Vehicle must not be overturned
if ( m_hVehicle->IsOverturned() ) return false;
// Vehicle must be at rest
Vector vecVelocity; m_hVehicle->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, NULL ); if ( vecVelocity.LengthSqr() > Square( 8.0f ) ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose: Handles passengers deciding to enter or exit the vehicle
// Output : int
int CAI_PassengerBehavior::SelectTransitionSchedule( void ) { // Handle our various states
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ) { // Exiting schedule
if ( HasCondition( COND_PASSENGER_EXITING ) || m_PassengerIntent == PASSENGER_INTENT_EXIT ) { if ( CanExitVehicle( ) ) { ClearCondition( COND_PASSENGER_EXITING ); return SCHED_PASSENGER_EXIT_VEHICLE; } } } else if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_ENTERING || GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_EXITING ) { // The following code attempts to fix up a passenger being interrupted mid-transition
Warning( "SelectSchedule() called on transitioning passenger!\n" ); ADD_DEBUG_HISTORY( HISTORY_AI_DECISIONS, UTIL_VarArgs( "%s(%d): SelectSchedule() called on transitioning passenger!\n", GetOuter()->GetDebugName(), GetOuter()->entindex() ) ); Assert( 0 );
// Correct this issue immediately
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_EXITING ) { // Force them out of the vehicle to where they want to be
// The teleport function is overridden for passengers, meaning that they will clean up properly when called to do so
GetOuter()->Teleport( &m_vecTargetPosition, &m_vecTargetAngles, NULL ); } else if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_ENTERING ) { // Force them into the proper position
GetOuter()->SetLocalOrigin( m_vecTargetPosition ); GetOuter()->SetLocalAngles( m_vecTargetAngles ); FinishEnterVehicle(); }
// Stop playing our animation
SetActivity( ACT_RESET ); }
return SCHED_NONE; }
// Purpose: Overrides the schedule selection
// Output : int - Schedule to play
int CAI_PassengerBehavior::SelectSchedule( void ) { // Protect from this rare occurrence happening
if ( m_hVehicle == NULL ) { Assert( m_hVehicle != NULL ); Warning( "Entity %s running passenger behavior without a valid vehicle!\n", GetName() ); Disable(); return BaseClass::SelectSchedule(); }
// See if we're transitioning in / out of the vehicle
int nSchedule = SelectTransitionSchedule(); if ( nSchedule != SCHED_NONE ) return nSchedule;
// Purpose:
int CAI_PassengerBehavior::SelectFailSchedule( int failedSchedule, int failedTask, AI_TaskFailureCode_t taskFailCode ) { switch( failedTask ) { // For now, just sit back down
return BaseClass::SelectFailSchedule( failedSchedule, failedTask, taskFailCode ); }
// Purpose: Finds a ground position at a given location with some delta up and down to check
// Input : &in - position to check at
// delta - amount of distance up and down to check
// *out - ground position
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::FindGroundAtPosition( const Vector &in, float flUpDelta, float flDownDelta, Vector *out ) { Vector startPos = in + Vector( 0, 0, flUpDelta ); // Look up by delta
Vector endPos = in - Vector( 0, 0, flDownDelta ); // Look down by delta
Vector hullMin = GetOuter()->GetHullMins(); Vector hullMax = GetOuter()->GetHullMaxs();
// Ignore ourself and the vehicle we're referencing
CTraceFilterVehicleTransition ignoreFilter( m_hVehicle, GetOuter(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceHull( startPos, endPos, hullMin, hullMax, MASK_NPCSOLID, &ignoreFilter, &tr );
// Must not have ended up in solid space
if ( tr.allsolid ) { // Debug
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, hullMin, hullMax, vec3_angle, 255, 255, 0, 255, 1.0f ); } return false; }
// Must have ended up with feet on the ground
if ( tr.DidHitWorld() || ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsStandable() ) ) { // Debug
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, hullMin, hullMax, vec3_angle, 0, 255, 0, 255, 1.0f ); } *out = tr.endpos; return true; }
// Ended up in the air
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, hullMin, hullMax, vec3_angle, 255, 0, 0, 255, 1.0f ); }
return false; }
// Purpose: Attempt to verify that a test position is on the node graph
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::PointIsNavigable( const Vector &vecTargetPos ) { // Attempt to local move between this point and the nearest node, ignoring anything but world architecture
AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace; int iNearestNode = GetOuter()->GetPathfinder()->NearestNodeToPoint( vecTargetPos ); if ( iNearestNode != NO_NODE ) { // Try a movement trace between the test position and the node
GetOuter()->GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( NAV_GROUND, g_pBigAINet->GetNodePosition(GetOuter()->GetHullType(), iNearestNode ), vecTargetPos, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, 0, &moveTrace ); // See if we got close enough to call it arrived
if ( ( moveTrace.vEndPosition - vecTargetPos ).LengthSqr() < Square( GetHullWidth() ) && GetOuter()->GetMoveProbe()->CheckStandPosition( moveTrace.vEndPosition, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY ) ) { // NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( vecTargetPos, moveTrace.vEndPosition, 8.0f, 255, 0, 0, 16, true, 4.0f );
// NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( vecTargetPos, g_pBigAINet->GetNodePosition(GetOuter()->GetHullType(), iNearestNode ), 8.0f, 255, 255, 0, 16, true, 4.0f );
return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Gets the exit point for the passenger (on the ground)
// Input : &vecOut - position the entity should be at when finished exiting
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetExitPoint( int nSequence, Vector *vecExitPoint, QAngle *vecExitAngles ) { bool bSucceeded = true;
// Get the delta to the final position as will be dictated by this animation's auto movement
Vector vecDeltaPos; QAngle vecDeltaAngles; GetOuter()->GetSequenceMovement( nSequence, 0.0f, 1.0f, vecDeltaPos, vecDeltaAngles );
// Rotate the delta position by our starting angles
Vector vecRotPos = vecDeltaPos; VectorRotate( vecRotPos, GetOuter()->GetAbsAngles(), vecDeltaPos );
if ( vecExitPoint != NULL ) { float flDownDelta = 64.0f; float flUpDelta = 16.0f; Vector vecGroundPos; bool bFoundGround = FindGroundAtPosition( GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin() + vecDeltaPos, flUpDelta, flDownDelta, &vecGroundPos ); if ( bFoundGround ) { if ( PointIsNavigable( vecGroundPos ) == false ) { bSucceeded = false; } } else { bSucceeded = false; }
*vecExitPoint = vecGroundPos; }
if ( vecExitAngles != NULL ) { QAngle newAngles = GetOuter()->GetAbsAngles() + vecDeltaAngles; newAngles.x = UTIL_AngleMod( newAngles.x ); newAngles.y = UTIL_AngleMod( newAngles.y ); newAngles.z = UTIL_AngleMod( newAngles.z ); *vecExitAngles = newAngles; }
return bSucceeded; }
// Purpose: Reserve our entry point
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::ReserveEntryPoint( VehicleSeatQuery_e eSeatSearchType ) { // FIXME: Move all this logic into the NPC_EnterVehicle function?
// Find any seat to get into
int nSeatID = m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetAvailableSeat( GetOuter(), GetRoleName(), eSeatSearchType ); if ( nSeatID != VEHICLE_SEAT_INVALID ) return m_hVehicle->NPC_AddPassenger( GetOuter(), GetRoleName(), nSeatID );
return false; }
// Purpose: Determines whether the NPC can move between a start and end position of a transition
// Input : &vecStartPos - start position
// &vecEndPos - end position
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::IsValidTransitionPoint( const Vector &vecStartPos, const Vector &vecEndPos ) { // Now sweep a hull through space to see if we can validly exit there
Vector vecHullMins = GetOuter()->GetHullMins() + Vector( 0, 0, GetOuter()->StepHeight()*2.0f ); Vector vecHullMaxs = GetOuter()->GetHullMaxs() - Vector( 0, 0, GetOuter()->StepHeight() );
trace_t tr; CTraceFilterVehicleTransition skipFilter( GetOuter(), m_hVehicle, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); UTIL_TraceHull( vecStartPos, vecEndPos, vecHullMins, vecHullMaxs, MASK_NPCSOLID, &skipFilter, &tr );
// If we're blocked, we can't get out there
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f || tr.allsolid ) { if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( vecStartPos, vecEndPos, vecHullMins, vecHullMaxs, vec3_angle, 255, 0, 0, 64, 2.0f ); } return false; } return true; }
// Purpose: Find the proper sequence to use (weighted by priority or distance from current position)
// to enter the vehicle.
// Input : bNearest - Use distance as the criteria for a "best" sequence. Otherwise the order of the
// seats is their priority.
// Output : int - sequence index
int CAI_PassengerBehavior::FindEntrySequence( bool bNearest /*= false*/ ) { // Get a list of all our animations
const PassengerSeatAnims_t *pEntryAnims = m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetPassengerSeatAnims( GetOuter(), PASSENGER_SEAT_ENTRY ); if ( pEntryAnims == NULL ) return -1;
// Get the ultimate position we'll end up at
Vector vecStartPos, vecEndPos; if ( m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetPassengerSeatPosition( GetOuter(), &vecEndPos, NULL ) == false ) return -1;
const CPassengerSeatTransition *pTransition; Vector vecSeatDir; float flNearestDist = FLT_MAX; float flSeatDist; int nNearestSequence = -1; int nSequence;
// Test each animation (sorted by priority) for the best match
for ( int i = 0; i < pEntryAnims->Count(); i++ ) { // Find the activity for this animation name
pTransition = &pEntryAnims->Element(i); nSequence = GetOuter()->LookupSequence( STRING( pTransition->GetAnimationName() ) ); if ( nSequence == -1 ) continue;
// Test this entry for validity
if ( GetEntryPoint( nSequence, &vecStartPos ) == false ) continue;
// Check to see if we can use this
if ( IsValidTransitionPoint( vecStartPos, vecEndPos ) ) { // If we're just looking for the first, we're done
if ( bNearest == false ) return nSequence;
// Otherwise distance is the deciding factor
vecSeatDir = ( vecStartPos - GetOuter()->GetAbsOrigin() ); flSeatDist = VectorNormalize( vecSeatDir );
// Closer, take it
if ( flSeatDist < flNearestDist ) { flNearestDist = flSeatDist; nNearestSequence = nSequence; } } }
return nNearestSequence; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
int CAI_PassengerBehavior::FindExitSequence( void ) { // Get a list of all our animations
const PassengerSeatAnims_t *pExitAnims = m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetPassengerSeatAnims( GetOuter(), PASSENGER_SEAT_EXIT ); if ( pExitAnims == NULL ) return -1;
// Get the ultimate position we'll end up at
Vector vecStartPos, vecEndPos; if ( m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetPassengerSeatPosition( GetOuter(), &vecStartPos, NULL ) == false ) return -1;
// Test each animation (sorted by priority) for the best match
for ( int i = 0; i < pExitAnims->Count(); i++ ) { // Find the activity for this animation name
int nSequence = GetOuter()->LookupSequence( STRING( pExitAnims->Element(i).GetAnimationName() ) ); if ( nSequence == -1 ) continue;
// Test this entry for validity
if ( GetExitPoint( nSequence, &vecEndPos ) == false ) continue;
// Check to see if we can use this
if ( IsValidTransitionPoint( vecStartPos, vecEndPos ) ) return nSequence; }
return -1; }
// Purpose: Reserve our exit point so nothing moves into it while we're moving
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::ReserveExitPoint( void ) { // Cannot exit while we're upside down
// FIXME: This is probably redundant!
if ( m_hVehicle->IsOverturned() ) return false;
// Find the exit activity to use
int nSequence = FindExitSequence(); if ( nSequence == -1 ) return false;
// Get the exit position
Vector vecGroundPos; if ( GetExitPoint( nSequence, &vecGroundPos, &m_vecTargetAngles ) == false ) return false;
// We have to do this specially because the activities are not named
SetTransitionSequence( nSequence );
// Reserve this space
Vector hullMin = GetOuter()->GetHullMins(); Vector hullMax = GetOuter()->GetHullMaxs(); m_hBlocker = CEntityBlocker::Create( vecGroundPos, hullMin, hullMax, GetOuter(), true );
// Save this destination position so we can interpolate towards it
m_vecTargetPosition = vecGroundPos; // Pitch and roll must be zero when we finish!
m_vecTargetAngles.x = m_vecTargetAngles.z = 0.0f;
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { Vector vecForward; AngleVectors( m_vecTargetAngles, &vecForward, NULL, NULL ); Vector vecArrowEnd = m_vecTargetPosition + ( vecForward * 64.0f ); NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( m_vecTargetPosition, vecArrowEnd, 8.0f, 255, 255, 0, 64, true, 4.0f ); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Find the exact point we'd like to start our animation from to enter
// the vehicle.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetEntryPoint( int nSequence, Vector *vecEntryPoint, QAngle *vecEntryAngles ) { bool bSucceeded = true;
// Get the delta to the final position as will be dictated by this animation's auto movement
Vector vecDeltaPos; QAngle vecDeltaAngles; GetOuter()->GetSequenceMovement( nSequence, 1.0f, 0.0f, vecDeltaPos, vecDeltaAngles );
// Get the final position we're trying to end up at
Vector vecTargetPos; QAngle vecTargetAngles; GetEntryTarget( &vecTargetPos, &vecTargetAngles );
// Rotate it to match
Vector vecPreDelta = vecDeltaPos; VectorRotate( vecPreDelta, vecTargetAngles, vecDeltaPos );
// Offset this into the proper worldspace position
vecTargetPos = vecTargetPos + vecDeltaPos;
// Output the position, if requested
if ( vecEntryPoint != NULL ) { m_hVehicle->EntityToWorldSpace( vecTargetPos, vecEntryPoint );
// Trace down to the ground to see where we'll stand
Vector vecGroundPos; if ( FindGroundAtPosition( (*vecEntryPoint), 16.0f, 64.0f, &vecGroundPos ) == false ) { // We failed
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::SweptBox( (*vecEntryPoint), vecGroundPos, GetOuter()->GetHullMins(), GetOuter()->GetHullMaxs(), vec3_angle, 255, 0, 0, 64, 2.0f ); }
// The floor could not be found
bSucceeded = false; }
// Take this position
*vecEntryPoint = vecGroundPos; }
// Output the angles, if requested
if ( vecEntryAngles != NULL ) { // Add our delta angles to find what angles to start at
*vecEntryAngles = vecTargetAngles; vecEntryAngles->y = UTIL_AngleMod( vecTargetAngles.y + vecDeltaAngles.y );
//Transform those angles to worldspace
matrix3x4_t angToParent, angToWorld; AngleMatrix( (*vecEntryAngles), angToParent ); ConcatTransforms( m_hVehicle->EntityToWorldTransform(), angToParent, angToWorld ); MatrixAngles( angToWorld, (*vecEntryAngles) ); }
// Debug info
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() && vecEntryPoint && vecEntryAngles ) { NDebugOverlay::Axis( *vecEntryPoint, vecTargetAngles, 16, true, 4.0f ); NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( *vecEntryPoint, 4, 255, 255, 0, true, 4.0f ); if ( vecEntryAngles != NULL ) { Vector vecForward; AngleVectors( (*vecEntryAngles), &vecForward, NULL, NULL ); Vector vecArrowEnd = (*vecEntryPoint ) + ( vecForward * 64.0f ); NDebugOverlay::HorzArrow( (*vecEntryPoint), vecArrowEnd, 8.0f, 0, 255, 0, 64, true, 4.0f ); } }
return bSucceeded; }
// Purpose: Do the low-level work to detach us from our vehicle
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::DetachFromVehicle( void ) { // Detach from the parent
GetOuter()->SetParent( NULL ); GetOuter()->SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_STEP ); GetOuter()->AddFlag( FL_FLY ); GetOuter()->SetGroundEntity( NULL ); GetOuter()->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_NPC ); m_hVehicle->RemovePhysicsChild( GetOuter() ); }
// Purpose:
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::AttachToVehicle( void ) { // Parent to the vehicle
GetOuter()->ClearForceCrouch(); GetOuter()->SetParent( m_hVehicle ); GetOuter()->AddFlag( FL_FLY ); GetOuter()->SetGroundEntity( NULL ); GetOuter()->SetCollisionGroup( COLLISION_GROUP_IN_VEHICLE );
// Turn off physical interactions while we're in the vehicle
IPhysicsObject *pPhysObj = GetOuter()->VPhysicsGetObject(); if ( pPhysObj != NULL ) { pPhysObj->EnableCollisions( false ); }
// Set our destination target
GetEntryTarget( &m_vecTargetPosition, &m_vecTargetAngles );
// Get physics messages from our attached physics object
m_hVehicle->AddPhysicsChild( GetOuter() ); }
// Purpose: Handle task starting
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::StartTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_PASSENGER_ENTER_VEHICLE: { // You must have set your entrance animation before this point!
Assert( m_nTransitionSequence != -1 );
// Start us playing the correct sequence
GetOuter()->SetIdealActivity( ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE ); SetPassengerState( PASSENGER_STATE_ENTERING );
// Overlaying any gestures will mess us up, so don't allow it
GetOuter()->RemoveAllGestures(); } break;
case TASK_PASSENGER_EXIT_VEHICLE: { // You must have set your entrance animation before this point!
Assert( m_nTransitionSequence != -1 );
// Start us playing the correct sequence
GetOuter()->SetIdealActivity( ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE ); // Overlaying any gestures will mess us up, so don't allow it
GetOuter()->RemoveAllGestures(); } break;
case TASK_PASSENGER_ATTACH_TO_VEHICLE: { AttachToVehicle(); TaskComplete(); } break;
case TASK_PASSENGER_DETACH_FROM_VEHICLE: { // Place an entity blocker where we're going to go
if ( ReserveExitPoint() == false ) { OnExitVehicleFailed(); TaskFail("Failed to find valid exit point\n"); return; }
// Physically detach from the vehicle
// Mark that we're now disembarking
TaskComplete(); } break;
case TASK_PASSENGER_SET_IDEAL_ENTRY_YAW: { // Get the ideal facing to enter the vehicle
QAngle vecEntryAngles; GetEntryPoint( m_nTransitionSequence, NULL, &vecEntryAngles ); GetOuter()->GetMotor()->SetIdealYaw( vecEntryAngles.y ); TaskComplete(); return; } break;
default: BaseClass::StartTask( pTask ); break; } }
// Purpose: Handle task running
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::RunTask( const Task_t *pTask ) { switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_PASSENGER_ENTER_VEHICLE: { // Correct for angular/spatial deviation
Assert( GetSequence() == m_nTransitionSequence ); if ( GetSequence() != m_nTransitionSequence ) { Warning("Corrected entrance animation on vehicle enter!\n"); GetOuter()->SetIdealActivity( ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE ); GetOuter()->GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); SetTransitionSequence( m_nTransitionSequence ); } bool corrected = DoTransitionMovement();
// We must be done with the animation and in the correct position
if ( corrected == false ) { FinishEnterVehicle(); TaskComplete(); } } break;
case TASK_PASSENGER_EXIT_VEHICLE: { // Correct for angular/spatial deviation
Assert( GetSequence() == m_nTransitionSequence ); if ( GetSequence() != m_nTransitionSequence ) { Warning("Corrected exit animation on vehicle exit!\n"); GetOuter()->SetIdealActivity( ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE ); GetOuter()->GetNavigator()->ClearGoal(); SetTransitionSequence( m_nTransitionSequence ); }
// Correct for angular/spatial deviation
bool corrected = DoTransitionMovement();
// We must be done with the animation and in the correct position
if ( corrected == false ) { FinishExitVehicle(); TaskComplete(); } } break;
default: BaseClass::RunTask( pTask ); break; } }
// Purpose: Find the blend amounts for position and angles, given a point in
// time within a sequence
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetSequenceBlendAmount( float flCycle, float *posBlend, float *angBlend ) { // Find positional blend, if requested
if ( posBlend != NULL ) { float flFrac = RemapValClamped( flCycle, m_flOriginStartFrame, m_flOriginEndFrame, 0.0f, 1.0f ); (*posBlend) = SimpleSpline( flFrac ); }
// Find angular blend, if requested
if ( angBlend != NULL ) { float flFrac = RemapValClamped( flCycle, m_flAnglesStartFrame, m_flAnglesEndFrame, 0.0f, 1.0f ); (*angBlend) = SimpleSpline( flFrac ); }
return true; }
// Purpose: Returns the target destination for the entry animation
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetEntryTarget( Vector *vecOrigin, QAngle *vecAngles ) { // Get the ultimate position we'll end up at
m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetPassengerSeatPositionLocal( GetOuter(), vecOrigin, vecAngles ); }
// Purpose: Returns the ideal position to be in to end up at the target at the
// end of the animation.
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetTransitionAnimationIdeal( float flCycle, const Vector &vecTargetPos, const QAngle &vecTargetAngles, Vector *idealOrigin, QAngle *idealAngles ) { // Get the position in time working backwards from our goal
Vector vecDeltaPos; QAngle vecDeltaAngles; GetOuter()->GetSequenceMovement( GetSequence(), 1.0f, flCycle, vecDeltaPos, vecDeltaAngles );
// Rotate the delta by our local angles
Vector vecPreDelta = vecDeltaPos; VectorRotate( vecPreDelta, vecTargetAngles, vecDeltaPos );
// Ideal origin
if ( idealOrigin != NULL ) { *idealOrigin = ( vecTargetPos + vecDeltaPos ); }
// Ideal angles
if ( idealAngles != NULL ) { (*idealAngles).x = anglemod( vecTargetAngles.x + vecDeltaAngles.x ); (*idealAngles).y = anglemod( vecTargetAngles.y + vecDeltaAngles.y ); (*idealAngles).z = anglemod( vecTargetAngles.z + vecDeltaAngles.z ); } }
// FIXME: This is basically a complete duplication of GetIntervalMovement
// which doesn't remove the x and z components of the angles. This
// should be consolidated to not replicate so much code! -- jdw
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::LocalIntervalMovement( float flInterval, bool &bMoveSeqFinished, Vector &newPosition, QAngle &newAngles ) { CStudioHdr *pstudiohdr = GetOuter()->GetModelPtr(); if ( pstudiohdr == NULL ) return false;
// Get our next cycle point
float flNextCycle = GetNextCycleForInterval( GetSequence(), flInterval );
// Fix-up loops
if ( ( GetOuter()->SequenceLoops() == false ) && flNextCycle > 1.0f ) { flInterval = GetOuter()->GetCycle() / ( GetOuter()->GetSequenceCycleRate( GetSequence() ) * GetOuter()->GetPlaybackRate() ); flNextCycle = 1.0f; bMoveSeqFinished = true; } else { bMoveSeqFinished = false; }
Vector deltaPos; QAngle deltaAngles;
// Find the delta position and delta angles for this sequence
if ( Studio_SeqMovement( pstudiohdr, GetOuter()->GetSequence(), GetOuter()->GetCycle(), flNextCycle, GetOuter()->GetPoseParameterArray(), deltaPos, deltaAngles )) { Vector vecPreDelta = deltaPos; VectorRotate( vecPreDelta, GetOuter()->GetLocalAngles(), deltaPos ); newPosition = GetLocalOrigin() + deltaPos; newAngles = GetLocalAngles() + deltaAngles;
return true; } else { newPosition = GetLocalOrigin(); newAngles = GetLocalAngles();
return false; }
return false; }
// Purpose: Get the next cycle point in a sequence for a given interval
float CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetNextCycleForInterval( int nSequence, float flInterval ) { return GetOuter()->GetCycle() + flInterval * GetOuter()->GetSequenceCycleRate( GetSequence() ) * GetOuter()->GetPlaybackRate(); }
// Purpose: Draw debug information for the transitional movement
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::DrawDebugTransitionInfo( const Vector &vecIdealPos, const QAngle &vecIdealAngles, const Vector &vecAnimPos, const QAngle &vecAnimAngles ) { // Debug info
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_ENTERING ) { // Green - Ideal location
Vector foo; m_hVehicle->EntityToWorldSpace( vecIdealPos, &foo ); NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( foo, 2, 0, 255, 0, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Axis( foo, vecIdealAngles, 8, true, 0.1f );
// Blue - Actual location
m_hVehicle->EntityToWorldSpace( vecAnimPos, &foo ); NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( foo, 2, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Axis( foo, vecAnimAngles, 8, true, 0.1f ); } else { // Green - Ideal location
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecIdealPos, 4, 0, 255, 0, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Axis( vecIdealPos, vecIdealAngles, 8, true, 0.1f );
// Blue - Actual location
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( vecAnimPos, 2, 0, 0, 255, true, 0.1f ); NDebugOverlay::Axis( vecAnimPos, vecAnimAngles, 8, true, 0.1f ); } }
// Purpose: Local movement to enter or exit the vehicle
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::DoTransitionMovement( void ) { // Get our animation's extrapolated end position
Vector vecAnimPos; QAngle vecAnimAngles; float flInterval = GetOuter()->GetAnimTimeInterval(); bool bSequenceFinished;
// Get the position we're moving to for this frame with our animation's motion
if ( LocalIntervalMovement( flInterval, bSequenceFinished, vecAnimPos, vecAnimAngles ) ) { // Get the position we'd ideally be in
Vector vecIdealPos; QAngle vecIdealAngles; float flNextCycle = GetNextCycleForInterval( GetOuter()->GetSequence(), flInterval ); flNextCycle = clamp( flNextCycle, 0.0f, 1.0f ); GetTransitionAnimationIdeal( flNextCycle, m_vecTargetPosition, m_vecTargetAngles, &vecIdealPos, &vecIdealAngles );
// Get the amount of error to blend out
float flPosBlend = 1.0f; float flAngBlend = 1.0f; GetSequenceBlendAmount( flNextCycle, &flPosBlend, &flAngBlend );
// Find the error between our position and our ideal
Vector vecDelta = ( vecIdealPos - vecAnimPos ) * flPosBlend; QAngle vecDeltaAngles; vecDeltaAngles.x = AngleDiff( vecIdealAngles.x, vecAnimAngles.x ) * flAngBlend; vecDeltaAngles.y = AngleDiff( vecIdealAngles.y, vecAnimAngles.y ) * flAngBlend; vecDeltaAngles.z = AngleDiff( vecIdealAngles.z, vecAnimAngles.z ) * flAngBlend;
// Factor in the error
GetOuter()->SetLocalOrigin( vecAnimPos + vecDelta ); GetOuter()->SetLocalAngles( vecAnimAngles + vecDeltaAngles );
// Draw our debug information
if ( passenger_debug_transition.GetBool() ) { DrawDebugTransitionInfo( vecIdealPos, vecIdealAngles, vecAnimPos, vecAnimAngles ); }
// We're done moving
if ( bSequenceFinished ) return false;
// We're still correcting out the error
return true; }
// There was no movement in the animation
return false; }
// Purpose: Translate normal schedules into vehicle schedules
int CAI_PassengerBehavior::TranslateSchedule( int scheduleType ) { if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ) { // Always be seated when riding in the car!
if ( scheduleType == SCHED_IDLE_STAND ) return SCHED_PASSENGER_IDLE; }
return BaseClass::TranslateSchedule( scheduleType ); }
// Purpose: Returns the velocity of the vehicle with respect to its orientation
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::GetLocalVehicleVelocity( Vector *pOut ) { Vector velocity; m_hVehicle->GetVelocity( &velocity, NULL ); m_hVehicle->WorldToEntitySpace( m_hVehicle->GetAbsOrigin() + velocity, pOut ); }
// Purpose: Gather conditions we can comment on or react to while riding in the vehicle
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::GatherVehicleStateConditions( void ) { // Must have a vehicle to bother with this
if ( m_hVehicle == NULL ) return;
// Clear out transient conditions
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer(); if ( pPlayer ) { if ( pPlayer->IsInAVehicle() && pPlayer->GetVehicle() == m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle() ) { if ( m_vehicleState.m_bPlayerInVehicle == false ) { SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_PLAYER_ENTERED_VEHICLE ); m_vehicleState.m_bPlayerInVehicle = true; } } else { if ( m_vehicleState.m_bPlayerInVehicle ) { SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_PLAYER_EXITED_VEHICLE ); m_vehicleState.m_bPlayerInVehicle = false; } } }
// Get the vehicle's boost state
if ( m_hVehicle->m_nBoostTimeLeft < 100.0f ) { if ( m_vehicleState.m_bWasBoosting == false ) { m_vehicleState.m_bWasBoosting = true; } } else { m_vehicleState.m_bWasBoosting = false; }
// Detect being overturned
if ( m_hVehicle->IsOverturned() ) { SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_OVERTURNED );
if ( m_vehicleState.m_bWasOverturned == false ) { m_vehicleState.m_bWasOverturned = true; } } else { ClearCondition( COND_PASSENGER_OVERTURNED ); m_vehicleState.m_bWasOverturned = false; }
// Get our local velocity
Vector localVelocity; GetLocalVehicleVelocity( &localVelocity );
Vector deltaVelocity = ( localVelocity - m_vehicleState.m_vecLastLocalVelocity );
// Detect a sudden stop!
if ( deltaVelocity.y < passenger_impact_response_threshold.GetFloat() ) { SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_HARD_IMPACT ); } else if ( fabs( deltaVelocity.x ) > 200.0f || fabs( deltaVelocity.z ) > 75.0f ) { // The X axis represents lateral movement and the Z axis represents vertical movement{
SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_ERRATIC_DRIVING ); } else if ( fabs( deltaVelocity.x ) > 50.0f || fabs( deltaVelocity.z ) > 25.0f ) { // Lightly jostled
// Get our speed
float flSpeedSqr = localVelocity.LengthSqr();
// See if we've crossed over the threshold between movement to stillness
if ( m_vehicleState.m_flLastSpeedSqr > STOPPED_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD_SQR && flSpeedSqr < STOPPED_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD_SQR ) { SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_VEHICLE_STOPPED ); } else if ( m_vehicleState.m_flLastSpeedSqr < STARTED_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD_SQR && flSpeedSqr > STARTED_VELOCITY_THRESHOLD_SQR ) { // See if we've crossed over the threshold between stillness to movement
// Save this as our last speed
m_vehicleState.m_flLastSpeedSqr = flSpeedSqr;
// Find our delta velocity from the last frame
m_vehicleState.m_vecDeltaVelocity = ( localVelocity - m_vehicleState.m_vecLastLocalVelocity ); m_vehicleState.m_vecLastLocalVelocity = localVelocity; // Get our angular velocity
Vector vecVelocity; AngularImpulse angVelocty; m_hVehicle->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &angVelocty ); QAngle angVel( angVelocty.x, angVelocty.y, angVelocty.z ); // Blend this into the old values
m_vehicleState.m_vecLastAngles = ( m_vehicleState.m_vecLastAngles * 0.2f ) + ( angVel * 0.8f ); }
// Purpose: Do some pre-schedule clean-up
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::PrescheduleThink( void ) { BaseClass::PrescheduleThink();
// If we're outside the vehicle, we need to turn this behavior off immediately
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE && HasCondition( COND_PASSENGER_CANCEL_ENTER ) ) { // Clear out our passenger intent
// Stop pathfinding
// We're outside and have no intent to enter, so we're done
// This must be stomped to cause our behavior to relinquish control
GetOuter()->ClearSchedule("Passenger enter canceled"); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ) { Vector vecSeatOrigin; QAngle vecSeatAngles; if ( m_hVehicle && m_hVehicle->GetServerVehicle()->NPC_GetPassengerSeatPositionLocal( GetOuter(), &vecSeatOrigin, &vecSeatAngles ) ) { if ( ( GetLocalOrigin() - vecSeatOrigin ).LengthSqr() > Square( 0.1f ) ) { Warning( "Passenger has strayed from seat position!\n" ); // GetOuter()->SetLocalOrigin( vecSeatOrigin );
// GetOuter()->SetLocalAngles( vecSeatAngles );
} } else { Warning( "Passenger is in vehicle without a valid seat position! -- EJECTED\n" ); GetOuter()->SetParent( NULL ); Disable();
return; } } #endif // DEBUG
// Purpose: Gather conditions for our use in making decisions
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::GatherConditions( void ) { if ( IsEnabled() == false ) return BaseClass::GatherConditions();
// Sense the state of the car
BaseClass::GatherConditions(); }
// Purpose:
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::ModifyOrAppendCriteria( AI_CriteriaSet& criteriaSet ) { if ( m_hVehicle == NULL ) return;
// Mark whether we're overturned or not
bool bOverturned = m_hVehicle->IsOverturned(); criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "vehicle_overturned", bOverturned ? "1" : "0" );
// Denote whether we're in the vehicle or not
bool bInsideVehicle = ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ); criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "vehicle_inside", bInsideVehicle ? "1" : "0" );
// Note what angle we're at (extreme or normal)
Vector vecUp( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); Vector vecVehicleUp; m_hVehicle->GetVectors( NULL, NULL, &vecVehicleUp );
float flVehicleUp = DotProduct( vecVehicleUp, vecUp ); criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "vehicle_tilt", UTIL_VarArgs( "%.2f", flVehicleUp ) );
// Set the vehicle's speed (necessary for certain types of movement judgments)
float flVehicleSpeed = sqrt( m_vehicleState.m_flLastSpeedSqr ); criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "vehicle_speed", UTIL_VarArgs( "%f", flVehicleSpeed ) );
// Whether or not the passenger is currently able to enter the vehicle (only accounts for locking really)
bool bCanExitVehicle = ( m_hVehicle->NPC_CanExitVehicle( GetOuter(), true ) ); criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "vehicle_can_exit", bCanExitVehicle ? "1" : "0" );
// Whether or not the passenger is currently able to exit the vehicle (only accounts for locking really)
bool bCanEnterVehicle = ( m_hVehicle->NPC_CanEnterVehicle( GetOuter(), true ) ); criteriaSet.AppendCriteria( "vehicle_can_enter", bCanEnterVehicle ? "1" : "0" ); }
// Purpose: Cache off our frame numbers from the sequence keyvalue blocks
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::CacheBlendTargets( void ) { // Get the keyvalues for this sequence
KeyValues *seqValues = GetOuter()->GetSequenceKeyValues( m_nTransitionSequence ); if ( seqValues == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return; }
// Get the entry/exit subkeys
KeyValues *blendValues = seqValues->FindKey( "entryexit_blend" ); if ( blendValues == NULL ) { Assert( 0 ); return; }
// Find our frame range on this sequence
int nMaxFrames = Studio_MaxFrame( GetOuter()->GetModelPtr(), m_nTransitionSequence, GetOuter()->GetPoseParameterArray() );
// Find a key by this name
KeyValues *subKeys = blendValues->FindKey( ORIGIN_KEYNAME ); if ( subKeys ) { // Retrieve our frame numbers
m_flOriginStartFrame = subKeys->GetFloat( "startframe", 0.0f ); m_flOriginEndFrame = subKeys->GetFloat( "endframe", nMaxFrames );
// Convert to normalized values
m_flOriginStartFrame = RemapValClamped( m_flOriginStartFrame, 0, nMaxFrames, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_flOriginEndFrame = RemapValClamped( m_flOriginEndFrame, 0, nMaxFrames, 0.0f, 1.0f ); }
// Find a key by this name
subKeys = blendValues->FindKey( ANGLES_KEYNAME ); if ( subKeys ) { // Retrieve our frame numbers
m_flAnglesStartFrame = subKeys->GetFloat( "startframe", 0.0f ); m_flAnglesEndFrame = subKeys->GetFloat( "endframe", nMaxFrames );
// Convert to normalized values
m_flAnglesStartFrame = RemapValClamped( m_flAnglesStartFrame, 0, nMaxFrames, 0.0f, 1.0f ); m_flAnglesEndFrame = RemapValClamped( m_flAnglesEndFrame, 0, nMaxFrames, 0.0f, 1.0f ); } }
// Purpose:
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::SetTransitionSequence( int nSequence ) { // We need to use the ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE scenario for this type of custom anim
m_nTransitionSequence = nSequence; GetOuter()->m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq = AllocPooledString( GetOuter()->GetSequenceName( m_nTransitionSequence ) );
// Cache off our blending information at this point
CacheBlendTargets(); }
// Purpose:
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::SpeakIfAllowed( AIConcept_t concept, const char *modifiers /*= NULL*/, bool bRespondingToPlayer /*= false*/, char *pszOutResponseChosen /*= NULL*/, size_t bufsize /*= 0*/ ) { // FIXME: Store this cast off?
CAI_PlayerAlly *pAlly = dynamic_cast<CAI_PlayerAlly *>(GetOuter()); if ( pAlly != NULL ) return pAlly->SpeakIfAllowed( concept, modifiers, bRespondingToPlayer, pszOutResponseChosen, bufsize );
return false; }
// Purpose: Forces us to begin a dynamic scripted scene
// Input : *lpszInteractionName - Name of the sequence we'll play
// *pOther -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::ForceVehicleInteraction( const char *lpszInteractionName, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOther ) { // Don't do this unless we're sitting in the cabin of the vehicle!
if ( GetPassengerState() != PASSENGER_STATE_INSIDE ) return false;
// Set a sequence and fire it off!
GetOuter()->m_iszSceneCustomMoveSeq = AllocPooledString( lpszInteractionName ); GetOuter()->SetIdealActivity( ACT_SCRIPT_CUSTOM_MOVE );
// Slam our schedule (very unsafe!)
return true; }
// Purpose: Fix up teleport event when in the vehicle
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::Teleport( const Vector *newPosition, const QAngle *newAngles, const Vector *newVelocity ) { //First, safely remove me from the vehicle
if ( GetPassengerState() != PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE ) { // Detach from the vehicle
DetachFromVehicle(); FinishExitVehicle(); // Turn the behavior off
GetOuter()->ClearSchedule( "ai_behavior_passenger: teleport while in vehicle" ); Disable(); }
//Then allow the teleportation
BaseClass::Teleport( newPosition, newAngles, newVelocity ); }
// Purpose: We override this function because it can completely wreak havoc if
// we're in the middle of a transition
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::ClearSchedule( const char *szReason ) { // Cannot do this while we're transitioning, but it's also a bug because the code that called it was probably relying on this to work!
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_ENTERING || GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_EXITING ) { Warning("ClearSchedule rejected due to transitioning passenger: %s\n", szReason ); return; }
// TODO: Even this will probably need more crafting depending on what we're doing in the vehicle
// Otherwise allow it
GetOuter()->ClearSchedule( szReason ); }
// Purpose: Dictate the terms for being interrupted by scripted schedules or scenes
bool CAI_PassengerBehavior::IsInterruptable( void ) { // NOTE: We should never be interrupted this way when in a car. This would effectively makes us go comatose if we
// start a FACETO, MOVETO, or SEQUENCE command from a VCD.
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CAI_PassengerBehavior::CancelEnterVehicle( void ) { // Stop!
if ( GetPassengerState() == PASSENGER_STATE_OUTSIDE ) { SetCondition( COND_PASSENGER_CANCEL_ENTER ); } }
// ----------------------------------------------
// Custom AI declarations
// ----------------------------------------------
// FIXME: Move to companion
" Tasks" " TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE SCHEDULE:SCHED_PASSENGER_IDLE" " TASK_PASSENGER_DETACH_FROM_VEHICLE 0" " TASK_WAIT 0.1" // We must wait one tick for us to start being updated