//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "utlvector.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "collisionutils.h"
#include "UtlSortVector.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "mapentities.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "ai_initutils.h"
#include "globalstate.h"
#include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
#ifdef HL2_DLL
#include "npc_playercompanion.h"
#endif // HL2_DLL
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
CBaseEntity *FindPickerEntity( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); void SceneManager_ClientActive( CBasePlayer *player );
static CUtlVector<IServerNetworkable*> g_DeleteList;
CGlobalEntityList gEntList; CBaseEntityList *g_pEntityList = &gEntList;
class CAimTargetManager : public IEntityListener { public: // Called by CEntityListSystem
void LevelInitPreEntity() { gEntList.AddListenerEntity( this ); Clear(); } void LevelShutdownPostEntity() { gEntList.RemoveListenerEntity( this ); Clear(); }
void Clear() { m_targetList.Purge(); }
void ForceRepopulateList() { Clear();
CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FirstEnt();
while( pEnt ) { if( ShouldAddEntity(pEnt) ) AddEntity(pEnt);
pEnt = gEntList.NextEnt( pEnt ); } } bool ShouldAddEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { return ((pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_AIMTARGET) != 0); }
// IEntityListener
virtual void OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {} virtual void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !(pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_AIMTARGET) ) return; RemoveEntity(pEntity); } void AddEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( pEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() ) return; m_targetList.AddToTail( pEntity ); } void RemoveEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { int index = m_targetList.Find( pEntity ); if ( m_targetList.IsValidIndex(index) ) { m_targetList.FastRemove( index ); } } int ListCount() { return m_targetList.Count(); } int ListCopy( CBaseEntity *pList[], int listMax ) { int count = MIN(listMax, ListCount() ); memcpy( pList, m_targetList.Base(), sizeof(CBaseEntity *) * count ); return count; }
private: CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> m_targetList; };
static CAimTargetManager g_AimManager;
int AimTarget_ListCount() { return g_AimManager.ListCount(); } int AimTarget_ListCopy( CBaseEntity *pList[], int listMax ) { return g_AimManager.ListCopy( pList, listMax ); } void AimTarget_ForceRepopulateList() { g_AimManager.ForceRepopulateList(); }
// Manages a list of all entities currently doing game simulation or thinking
// NOTE: This is usually a small subset of the global entity list, so it's
// an optimization to maintain this list incrementally rather than polling each
// frame.
struct simthinkentry_t { unsigned short entEntry; unsigned short unused0; int nextThinkTick; }; class CSimThinkManager : public IEntityListener { public: CSimThinkManager() { Clear(); } void Clear() { m_simThinkList.Purge(); for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(m_entinfoIndex); i++ ) { m_entinfoIndex[i] = 0xFFFF; } } void LevelInitPreEntity() { gEntList.AddListenerEntity( this ); }
void LevelShutdownPostEntity() { gEntList.RemoveListenerEntity( this ); Clear(); }
void OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { Assert( m_entinfoIndex[pEntity->GetRefEHandle().GetEntryIndex()] == 0xFFFF ); } void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { RemoveEntinfoIndex( pEntity->GetRefEHandle().GetEntryIndex() ); }
void RemoveEntinfoIndex( int index ) { int listHandle = m_entinfoIndex[index]; // If this guy is in the active list, remove him
if ( listHandle != 0xFFFF ) { Assert(m_simThinkList[listHandle].entEntry == index); m_simThinkList.FastRemove( listHandle ); m_entinfoIndex[index] = 0xFFFF; // fast remove shifted someone, update that someone
if ( listHandle < m_simThinkList.Count() ) { m_entinfoIndex[m_simThinkList[listHandle].entEntry] = listHandle; } } } int ListCount() { return m_simThinkList.Count(); }
int ListCopy( CBaseEntity *pList[], int listMax ) { int count = MIN(listMax, ListCount()); int out = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { // only copy out entities that will simulate or think this frame
if ( m_simThinkList[i].nextThinkTick <= gpGlobals->tickcount ) { Assert(m_simThinkList[i].nextThinkTick>=0); int entinfoIndex = m_simThinkList[i].entEntry; const CEntInfo *pInfo = gEntList.GetEntInfoPtrByIndex( entinfoIndex ); pList[out] = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; Assert(m_simThinkList[i].nextThinkTick==0 || pList[out]->GetFirstThinkTick()==m_simThinkList[i].nextThinkTick); Assert( gEntList.IsEntityPtr( pList[out] ) ); out++; } }
return out; }
void EntityChanged( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { // might change after deletion, don't put back into the list
if ( pEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() ) return; const CBaseHandle &eh = pEntity->GetRefEHandle(); if ( !eh.IsValid() ) return;
int index = eh.GetEntryIndex(); if ( pEntity->IsEFlagSet( EFL_NO_THINK_FUNCTION ) && pEntity->IsEFlagSet( EFL_NO_GAME_PHYSICS_SIMULATION ) ) { RemoveEntinfoIndex( index ); } else { // already in the list? (had think or sim last time, now has both - or had both last time, now just one)
if ( m_entinfoIndex[index] == 0xFFFF ) { MEM_ALLOC_CREDIT(); m_entinfoIndex[index] = m_simThinkList.AddToTail(); m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].entEntry = (unsigned short)index; m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].nextThinkTick = 0; if ( pEntity->IsEFlagSet(EFL_NO_GAME_PHYSICS_SIMULATION) ) { m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].nextThinkTick = pEntity->GetFirstThinkTick(); Assert(m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].nextThinkTick>=0); } } else { // updating existing entry - if no sim, reset think time
if ( pEntity->IsEFlagSet(EFL_NO_GAME_PHYSICS_SIMULATION) ) { m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].nextThinkTick = pEntity->GetFirstThinkTick(); Assert(m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].nextThinkTick>=0); } else { m_simThinkList[m_entinfoIndex[index]].nextThinkTick = 0; } } } }
private: unsigned short m_entinfoIndex[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES]; CUtlVector<simthinkentry_t> m_simThinkList; };
CSimThinkManager g_SimThinkManager;
int SimThink_ListCount() { return g_SimThinkManager.ListCount(); }
int SimThink_ListCopy( CBaseEntity *pList[], int listMax ) { return g_SimThinkManager.ListCopy( pList, listMax ); }
void SimThink_EntityChanged( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { g_SimThinkManager.EntityChanged( pEntity ); }
static CBaseEntityClassList *s_pClassLists = NULL; CBaseEntityClassList::CBaseEntityClassList() { m_pNextClassList = s_pClassLists; s_pClassLists = this; } CBaseEntityClassList::~CBaseEntityClassList() { }
CGlobalEntityList::CGlobalEntityList() { m_iHighestEnt = m_iNumEnts = m_iNumEdicts = 0; m_bClearingEntities = false; }
// removes the entity from the global list
// only called from with the CBaseEntity destructor
static bool g_fInCleanupDelete;
// mark an entity as deleted
void CGlobalEntityList::AddToDeleteList( IServerNetworkable *ent ) { if ( ent && ent->GetEntityHandle()->GetRefEHandle() != INVALID_EHANDLE_INDEX ) { g_DeleteList.AddToTail( ent ); } }
extern bool g_bDisableEhandleAccess; // call this before and after each frame to delete all of the marked entities.
void CGlobalEntityList::CleanupDeleteList( void ) { VPROF( "CGlobalEntityList::CleanupDeleteList" ); g_fInCleanupDelete = true; // clean up the vphysics delete list as well
g_bDisableEhandleAccess = true; for ( int i = 0; i < g_DeleteList.Count(); i++ ) { g_DeleteList[i]->Release(); } g_bDisableEhandleAccess = false; g_DeleteList.RemoveAll();
g_fInCleanupDelete = false; }
int CGlobalEntityList::ResetDeleteList( void ) { int result = g_DeleteList.Count(); g_DeleteList.RemoveAll(); return result; }
// add a class that gets notified of entity events
void CGlobalEntityList::AddListenerEntity( IEntityListener *pListener ) { if ( m_entityListeners.Find( pListener ) >= 0 ) { AssertMsg( 0, "Can't add listeners multiple times\n" ); return; } m_entityListeners.AddToTail( pListener ); }
void CGlobalEntityList::RemoveListenerEntity( IEntityListener *pListener ) { m_entityListeners.FindAndRemove( pListener ); }
void CGlobalEntityList::Clear( void ) { m_bClearingEntities = true;
// Add all remaining entities in the game to the delete list and call appropriate UpdateOnRemove
CBaseHandle hCur = FirstHandle(); while ( hCur != InvalidHandle() ) { IServerNetworkable *ent = GetServerNetworkable( hCur ); if ( ent ) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION(); // Force UpdateOnRemove to be called
UTIL_Remove( ent ); } hCur = NextHandle( hCur ); } CleanupDeleteList(); // free the memory
CBaseEntity::m_nDebugPlayer = -1; CBaseEntity::m_bInDebugSelect = false; m_iHighestEnt = 0; m_iNumEnts = 0;
m_bClearingEntities = false; }
int CGlobalEntityList::NumberOfEntities( void ) { return m_iNumEnts; }
int CGlobalEntityList::NumberOfEdicts( void ) { return m_iNumEdicts; }
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::NextEnt( CBaseEntity *pCurrentEnt ) { if ( !pCurrentEnt ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = FirstEntInfo(); if ( !pInfo ) return NULL;
return (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; }
// Run through the list until we get a CBaseEntity.
const CEntInfo *pList = GetEntInfoPtr( pCurrentEnt->GetRefEHandle() ); if ( pList ) pList = NextEntInfo(pList);
while ( pList ) { #if 0
if ( pList->m_pEntity ) { IServerUnknown *pUnk = static_cast<IServerUnknown*>(const_cast<IHandleEntity*>(pList->m_pEntity)); CBaseEntity *pRet = pUnk->GetBaseEntity(); if ( pRet ) return pRet; } #else
return (CBaseEntity *)pList->m_pEntity; #endif
pList = pList->m_pNext; } return NULL;
void CGlobalEntityList::ReportEntityFlagsChanged( CBaseEntity *pEntity, unsigned int flagsOld, unsigned int flagsNow ) { if ( pEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() ) return; // UNDONE: Move this into IEntityListener instead?
unsigned int flagsChanged = flagsOld ^ flagsNow; if ( flagsChanged & FL_AIMTARGET ) { unsigned int flagsAdded = flagsNow & flagsChanged; unsigned int flagsRemoved = flagsOld & flagsChanged;
if ( flagsAdded & FL_AIMTARGET ) { g_AimManager.AddEntity( pEntity ); } if ( flagsRemoved & FL_AIMTARGET ) { g_AimManager.RemoveEntity( pEntity ); } } }
// Purpose: Used to confirm a pointer is a pointer to an entity, useful for
// asserts.
bool CGlobalEntityList::IsEntityPtr( void *pTest ) { if ( pTest ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = FirstEntInfo(); for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { if ( pTest == (void *)pInfo->m_pEntity ) return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Iterates the entities with a given classname.
// Input : pStartEntity - Last entity found, NULL to start a new iteration.
// szName - Classname to search for.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassname( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !pEntity ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
if ( pEntity->ClassMatches(szName) ) return pEntity; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Finds an entity given a procedural name.
// Input : szName - The procedural name to search for, should start with '!'.
// pSearchingEntity -
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityProcedural( const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) { //
// Check for the name escape character.
if ( szName[0] == '!' ) { const char *pName = szName + 1;
// It is a procedural name, look for the ones we understand.
if ( FStrEq( pName, "player" ) ) { return (CBaseEntity *)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 ); } else if ( FStrEq( pName, "pvsplayer" ) ) { if ( pSearchingEntity ) { return CBaseEntity::Instance( UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pSearchingEntity->edict() ) ); } else if ( pActivator ) { // FIXME: error condition?
return CBaseEntity::Instance( UTIL_FindClientInPVS( pActivator->edict() ) ); } else { // FIXME: error condition?
return (CBaseEntity *)UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 ); }
} else if ( FStrEq( pName, "activator" ) ) { return pActivator; } else if ( FStrEq( pName, "caller" ) ) { return pCaller; } else if ( FStrEq( pName, "picker" ) ) { return FindPickerEntity( UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1) ); } else if ( FStrEq( pName, "self" ) ) { return pSearchingEntity; } else { Warning( "Invalid entity search name %s\n", szName ); Assert(0); } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Iterates the entities with a given name.
// Input : pStartEntity - Last entity found, NULL to start a new iteration.
// szName - Name to search for.
// pActivator - Activator entity if this was called from an input
// handler or Use handler.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByName( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, IEntityFindFilter *pFilter ) { if ( !szName || szName[0] == 0 ) return NULL;
if ( szName[0] == '!' ) { //
// Avoid an infinite loop, only find one match per procedural search!
if (pStartEntity == NULL) return FindEntityProcedural( szName, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller );
return NULL; } const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
if ( !ent->m_iName ) continue;
if ( ent->NameMatches( szName ) ) { if ( pFilter && !pFilter->ShouldFindEntity(ent) ) continue;
return ent; } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose:
// Input : pStartEntity -
// szModelName -
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByModel( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szModelName ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
if ( !ent->edict() || !ent->GetModelName() ) continue;
if ( FStrEq( STRING(ent->GetModelName()), szModelName ) ) return ent; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Iterates the entities with a given target.
// Input : pStartEntity -
// szName -
// FIXME: obsolete, remove
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByTarget( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
if ( !ent->m_target ) continue;
if ( FStrEq( STRING(ent->m_target), szName ) ) return ent; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Used to iterate all the entities within a sphere.
// Input : pStartEntity -
// vecCenter -
// flRadius -
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityInSphere( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const Vector &vecCenter, float flRadius ) { const CEntInfo *pInfo = pStartEntity ? GetEntInfoPtr( pStartEntity->GetRefEHandle() )->m_pNext : FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
if ( !ent->edict() ) continue;
Vector vecRelativeCenter; ent->CollisionProp()->WorldToCollisionSpace( vecCenter, &vecRelativeCenter ); if ( !IsBoxIntersectingSphere( ent->CollisionProp()->OBBMins(), ent->CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(), vecRelativeCenter, flRadius ) ) continue;
return ent; }
// nothing found
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Finds the nearest entity by name within a radius
// Input : szName - Entity name to search for.
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// pSearchingEntity - The entity that is doing the search.
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler, NULL otherwise.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByNameNearest( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius; if (flMaxDist2 == 0) { flMaxDist2 = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH; }
CBaseEntity *pSearch = NULL; while ((pSearch = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pSearch, szName, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller )) != NULL) { if ( !pSearch->edict() ) continue;
float flDist2 = (pSearch->GetAbsOrigin() - vecSrc).LengthSqr();
if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2) { pEntity = pSearch; flMaxDist2 = flDist2; } }
return pEntity; }
// Purpose: Finds the first entity by name within a radius
// Input : pStartEntity - The entity to start from when doing the search.
// szName - Entity name to search for.
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// pSearchingEntity - The entity that is doing the search.
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler, NULL otherwise.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByNameWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) { //
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pStartEntity; float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius; if (flMaxDist2 == 0) { return gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, szName, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller ); }
while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, szName, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller )) != NULL) { if ( !pEntity->edict() ) continue;
float flDist2 = (pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - vecSrc).LengthSqr();
if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2) { return pEntity; } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Finds the nearest entity by class name withing given search radius.
// Input : szName - Entity name to search for. Treated as a target name first,
// then as an entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameNearest( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius; if (flMaxDist2 == 0) { flMaxDist2 = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH; }
CBaseEntity *pSearch = NULL; while ((pSearch = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pSearch, szName )) != NULL) { if ( !pSearch->edict() ) continue;
float flDist2 = (pSearch->GetAbsOrigin() - vecSrc).LengthSqr();
if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2) { pEntity = pSearch; flMaxDist2 = flDist2; } }
return pEntity; }
// Purpose: Finds the first entity within radius distance by class name.
// Input : pStartEntity - The entity to start from when doing the search.
// szName - Entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius ) { //
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pStartEntity; float flMaxDist2 = flRadius * flRadius; if (flMaxDist2 == 0) { return gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, szName ); }
while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, szName )) != NULL) { if ( !pEntity->edict() ) continue;
float flDist2 = (pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - vecSrc).LengthSqr();
if (flMaxDist2 > flDist2) { return pEntity; } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Finds the first entity within an extent by class name.
// Input : pStartEntity - The entity to start from when doing the search.
// szName - Entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecMins - Search mins.
// vecMaxs - Search maxs.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityByClassnameWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, const Vector &vecMins, const Vector &vecMaxs ) { //
// Check for matching class names within the search radius.
CBaseEntity *pEntity = pStartEntity;
while ((pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, szName )) != NULL) { if ( !pEntity->edict() && !pEntity->IsEFlagSet( EFL_SERVER_ONLY ) ) continue;
// check if the aabb intersects the search aabb.
Vector entMins, entMaxs; pEntity->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &entMins, &entMaxs ); if ( IsBoxIntersectingBox( vecMins, vecMaxs, entMins, entMaxs ) ) { return pEntity; } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Finds an entity by target name or class name.
// Input : pStartEntity - The entity to start from when doing the search.
// szName - Entity name to search for. Treated as a target name first,
// then as an entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// pSearchingEntity - The entity that is doing the search.
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler, NULL otherwise.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityGeneric( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pStartEntity, szName, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller ); if (!pEntity) { pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pStartEntity, szName ); }
return pEntity; }
// Purpose: Finds the first entity by target name or class name within a radius
// Input : pStartEntity - The entity to start from when doing the search.
// szName - Entity name to search for. Treated as a target name first,
// then as an entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// pSearchingEntity - The entity that is doing the search.
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler, NULL otherwise.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityGenericWithin( CBaseEntity *pStartEntity, const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByNameWithin( pStartEntity, szName, vecSrc, flRadius, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller ); if (!pEntity) { pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameWithin( pStartEntity, szName, vecSrc, flRadius ); }
return pEntity; }
// Purpose: Finds the nearest entity by target name or class name within a radius.
// Input : pStartEntity - The entity to start from when doing the search.
// szName - Entity name to search for. Treated as a target name first,
// then as an entity class name, ie "info_target".
// vecSrc - Center of search radius.
// flRadius - Search radius for classname search, 0 to search everywhere.
// pSearchingEntity - The entity that is doing the search.
// pActivator - The activator entity if this was called from an input
// or Use handler, NULL otherwise.
// Output : Returns a pointer to the found entity, NULL if none.
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityGenericNearest( const char *szName, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, CBaseEntity *pSearchingEntity, CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByNameNearest( szName, vecSrc, flRadius, pSearchingEntity, pActivator, pCaller ); if (!pEntity) { pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByClassnameNearest( szName, vecSrc, flRadius ); }
return pEntity; }
// Purpose: Find the nearest entity along the facing direction from the given origin
// within the angular threshold (ignores worldspawn) with the
// given classname.
// Input : origin -
// facing -
// threshold -
// classname -
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityClassNearestFacing( const Vector &origin, const Vector &facing, float threshold, char *classname) { float bestDot = threshold; CBaseEntity *best_ent = NULL;
const CEntInfo *pInfo = FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
// FIXME: why is this skipping pointsize entities?
if (ent->IsPointSized() ) continue;
// Make vector to entity
Vector to_ent = (ent->GetAbsOrigin() - origin);
VectorNormalize( to_ent ); float dot = DotProduct (facing , to_ent ); if (dot > bestDot) { if (FClassnameIs(ent,classname)) { // Ignore if worldspawn
if (!FClassnameIs( ent, "worldspawn" ) && !FClassnameIs( ent, "soundent")) { bestDot = dot; best_ent = ent; } } } } return best_ent; }
// Purpose: Find the nearest entity along the facing direction from the given origin
// within the angular threshold (ignores worldspawn)
// Input : origin -
// facing -
// threshold -
CBaseEntity *CGlobalEntityList::FindEntityNearestFacing( const Vector &origin, const Vector &facing, float threshold) { float bestDot = threshold; CBaseEntity *best_ent = NULL;
const CEntInfo *pInfo = FirstEntInfo();
for ( ;pInfo; pInfo = pInfo->m_pNext ) { CBaseEntity *ent = (CBaseEntity *)pInfo->m_pEntity; if ( !ent ) { DevWarning( "NULL entity in global entity list!\n" ); continue; }
// Ignore logical entities
if (!ent->edict()) continue;
// Make vector to entity
Vector to_ent = ent->WorldSpaceCenter() - origin; VectorNormalize(to_ent);
float dot = DotProduct( facing, to_ent ); if (dot <= bestDot) continue;
// Ignore if worldspawn
if (!FStrEq( STRING(ent->m_iClassname), "worldspawn") && !FStrEq( STRING(ent->m_iClassname), "soundent")) { bestDot = dot; best_ent = ent; } } return best_ent; }
void CGlobalEntityList::OnAddEntity( IHandleEntity *pEnt, CBaseHandle handle ) { int i = handle.GetEntryIndex();
// record current list details
m_iNumEnts++; if ( i > m_iHighestEnt ) m_iHighestEnt = i;
// If it's a CBaseEntity, notify the listeners.
CBaseEntity *pBaseEnt = static_cast<IServerUnknown*>(pEnt)->GetBaseEntity(); if ( pBaseEnt->edict() ) m_iNumEdicts++; // NOTE: Must be a CBaseEntity on server
Assert( pBaseEnt ); //DevMsg(2,"Created %s\n", pBaseEnt->GetClassname() );
for ( i = m_entityListeners.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { m_entityListeners[i]->OnEntityCreated( pBaseEnt ); } }
void CGlobalEntityList::OnRemoveEntity( IHandleEntity *pEnt, CBaseHandle handle ) { #ifdef DBGFLAG_ASSERT
if ( !g_fInCleanupDelete ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < g_DeleteList.Count(); i++ ) { if ( g_DeleteList[i]->GetEntityHandle() == pEnt ) { g_DeleteList.FastRemove( i ); Msg( "ERROR: Entity being destroyed but previously threaded on g_DeleteList\n" ); break; } } } #endif
CBaseEntity *pBaseEnt = static_cast<IServerUnknown*>(pEnt)->GetBaseEntity(); if ( pBaseEnt->edict() ) m_iNumEdicts--;
m_iNumEnts--; }
void CGlobalEntityList::NotifyCreateEntity( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { if ( !pEnt ) return;
//DevMsg(2,"Deleted %s\n", pBaseEnt->GetClassname() );
for ( int i = m_entityListeners.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { m_entityListeners[i]->OnEntityCreated( pEnt ); } }
void CGlobalEntityList::NotifySpawn( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { if ( !pEnt ) return;
//DevMsg(2,"Deleted %s\n", pBaseEnt->GetClassname() );
for ( int i = m_entityListeners.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { m_entityListeners[i]->OnEntitySpawned( pEnt ); } }
// NOTE: This doesn't happen in OnRemoveEntity() specifically because
// listeners may want to reference the object as it's being deleted
// OnRemoveEntity isn't called until the destructor and all data is invalid.
void CGlobalEntityList::NotifyRemoveEntity( CBaseHandle hEnt ) { CBaseEntity *pBaseEnt = GetBaseEntity( hEnt ); if ( !pBaseEnt ) return;
//DevMsg(2,"Deleted %s\n", pBaseEnt->GetClassname() );
for ( int i = m_entityListeners.Count()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { m_entityListeners[i]->OnEntityDeleted( pBaseEnt ); } }
// Allows entities to get events fired when another entity changes
struct entitynotify_t { CBaseEntity *pNotify; CBaseEntity *pWatched; }; class CNotifyList : public INotify, public IEntityListener { public: // INotify
void AddEntity( CBaseEntity *pNotify, CBaseEntity *pWatched ); void RemoveEntity( CBaseEntity *pNotify, CBaseEntity *pWatched ); void ReportNamedEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *pEventName ); void ClearEntity( CBaseEntity *pNotify ); void ReportSystemEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity, notify_system_event_t eventType, const notify_system_event_params_t ¶ms );
// IEntityListener
virtual void OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ); virtual void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
// Called from CEntityListSystem
void LevelInitPreEntity(); void LevelShutdownPreEntity();
private: CUtlVector<entitynotify_t> m_notifyList; };
void CNotifyList::AddEntity( CBaseEntity *pNotify, CBaseEntity *pWatched ) { // OPTIMIZE: Also flag pNotify for faster "RemoveAllNotify" ?
pWatched->AddEFlags( EFL_NOTIFY ); int index = m_notifyList.AddToTail(); entitynotify_t ¬ify = m_notifyList[index]; notify.pNotify = pNotify; notify.pWatched = pWatched; }
// Remove noitfication for an entity
void CNotifyList::RemoveEntity( CBaseEntity *pNotify, CBaseEntity *pWatched ) { for ( int i = m_notifyList.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if ( m_notifyList[i].pNotify == pNotify && m_notifyList[i].pWatched == pWatched) { m_notifyList.FastRemove(i); } } }
void CNotifyList::ReportNamedEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity, const char *pInputName ) { variant_t emptyVariant;
if ( !pEntity->IsEFlagSet(EFL_NOTIFY) ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_notifyList.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_notifyList[i].pWatched == pEntity ) { m_notifyList[i].pNotify->AcceptInput( pInputName, pEntity, pEntity, emptyVariant, 0 ); } } }
void CNotifyList::LevelInitPreEntity() { gEntList.AddListenerEntity( this ); }
void CNotifyList::LevelShutdownPreEntity( void ) { gEntList.RemoveListenerEntity( this ); m_notifyList.Purge(); }
void CNotifyList::OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { }
void CNotifyList::OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { ReportDestroyEvent( pEntity ); ClearEntity( pEntity ); }
// UNDONE: Slow linear search?
void CNotifyList::ClearEntity( CBaseEntity *pNotify ) { for ( int i = m_notifyList.Count(); --i >= 0; ) { if ( m_notifyList[i].pNotify == pNotify || m_notifyList[i].pWatched == pNotify) { m_notifyList.FastRemove(i); } } }
void CNotifyList::ReportSystemEvent( CBaseEntity *pEntity, notify_system_event_t eventType, const notify_system_event_params_t ¶ms ) { if ( !pEntity->IsEFlagSet(EFL_NOTIFY) ) return;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_notifyList.Count(); i++ ) { if ( m_notifyList[i].pWatched == pEntity ) { m_notifyList[i].pNotify->NotifySystemEvent( pEntity, eventType, params ); } } }
static CNotifyList g_NotifyList; INotify *g_pNotify = &g_NotifyList;
class CEntityTouchManager : public IEntityListener { public: // called by CEntityListSystem
void LevelInitPreEntity() { gEntList.AddListenerEntity( this ); Clear(); } void LevelShutdownPostEntity() { gEntList.RemoveListenerEntity( this ); Clear(); } void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
void Clear() { m_updateList.Purge(); } // IEntityListener
virtual void OnEntityCreated( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) {} virtual void OnEntityDeleted( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity->GetCheckUntouch() ) return; int index = m_updateList.Find( pEntity ); if ( m_updateList.IsValidIndex(index) ) { m_updateList.FastRemove( index ); } } void AddEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( pEntity->IsMarkedForDeletion() ) return; m_updateList.AddToTail( pEntity ); }
private: CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> m_updateList; };
static CEntityTouchManager g_TouchManager;
void EntityTouch_Add( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { g_TouchManager.AddEntity( pEntity ); }
void CEntityTouchManager::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink() { VPROF( "CEntityTouchManager::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink" ); // Loop through all entities again, checking their untouch if flagged to do so
int count = m_updateList.Count(); if ( count ) { // copy off the list
CBaseEntity **ents = (CBaseEntity **)stackalloc( sizeof(CBaseEntity *) * count ); memcpy( ents, m_updateList.Base(), sizeof(CBaseEntity *) * count ); // clear it
m_updateList.RemoveAll(); // now update those ents
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { //Assert( ents[i]->GetCheckUntouch() );
if ( ents[i]->GetCheckUntouch() ) { ents[i]->PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch(); } } stackfree( ents ); } }
class CRespawnEntitiesFilter : public IMapEntityFilter { public: virtual bool ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pClassname ) { // Create everything but the world
return Q_stricmp( pClassname, "worldspawn" ) != 0; }
virtual CBaseEntity* CreateNextEntity( const char *pClassname ) { return CreateEntityByName( pClassname ); } };
// One hook to rule them all...
// Since most of the little list managers in here only need one or two of the game
// system callbacks, this hook is a game system that passes them the appropriate callbacks
class CEntityListSystem : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame { public: CEntityListSystem( char const *name ) : CAutoGameSystemPerFrame( name ) { m_bRespawnAllEntities = false; } void LevelInitPreEntity() { g_NotifyList.LevelInitPreEntity(); g_TouchManager.LevelInitPreEntity(); g_AimManager.LevelInitPreEntity(); g_SimThinkManager.LevelInitPreEntity(); #ifdef HL2_DLL
OverrideMoveCache_LevelInitPreEntity(); #endif // HL2_DLL
} void LevelShutdownPreEntity() { g_NotifyList.LevelShutdownPreEntity(); } void LevelShutdownPostEntity() { g_TouchManager.LevelShutdownPostEntity(); g_AimManager.LevelShutdownPostEntity(); g_SimThinkManager.LevelShutdownPostEntity(); #ifdef HL2_DLL
OverrideMoveCache_LevelShutdownPostEntity(); #endif // HL2_DLL
CBaseEntityClassList *pClassList = s_pClassLists; while ( pClassList ) { pClassList->LevelShutdownPostEntity(); pClassList = pClassList->m_pNextClassList; } }
void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink() { g_TouchManager.FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
if ( m_bRespawnAllEntities ) { m_bRespawnAllEntities = false;
// Don't change globalstate owing to deletion here
GlobalEntity_EnableStateUpdates( false );
// Remove all entities
int nPlayerIndex = -1; CBaseEntity *pEnt = gEntList.FirstEnt(); while ( pEnt ) { CBaseEntity *pNextEnt = gEntList.NextEnt( pEnt ); if ( pEnt->IsPlayer() ) { nPlayerIndex = pEnt->entindex(); } if ( !pEnt->IsEFlagSet( EFL_KEEP_ON_RECREATE_ENTITIES ) ) { UTIL_Remove( pEnt ); } pEnt = pNextEnt; } gEntList.CleanupDeleteList();
GlobalEntity_EnableStateUpdates( true );
// Allows us to immediately re-use the edict indices we just freed to avoid edict overflow
// Reset node counter used during load
CNodeEnt::m_nNodeCount = 0;
CRespawnEntitiesFilter filter; MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( engine->GetMapEntitiesString(), &filter, true );
// Allocate a CBasePlayer for pev, and call spawn
if ( nPlayerIndex >= 0 ) { edict_t *pEdict = engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( nPlayerIndex ); ClientPutInServer( pEdict, "unnamed" ); ClientActive( pEdict, false );
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * )CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ); SceneManager_ClientActive( pPlayer ); } } }
bool m_bRespawnAllEntities; };
static CEntityListSystem g_EntityListSystem( "CEntityListSystem" );
// Respawns all entities in the level
void RespawnEntities() { g_EntityListSystem.m_bRespawnAllEntities = true; }
static ConCommand restart_entities( "respawn_entities", RespawnEntities, "Respawn all the entities in the map.", FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_SPONLY );
class CSortedEntityList { public: CSortedEntityList() : m_sortedList(), m_emptyCount(0) {}
typedef CBaseEntity *ENTITYPTR; class CEntityReportLess { public: bool Less( const ENTITYPTR &src1, const ENTITYPTR &src2, void *pCtx ) { if ( stricmp( src1->GetClassname(), src2->GetClassname() ) < 0 ) return true; return false; } };
void AddEntityToList( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) { m_emptyCount++; } else { m_sortedList.Insert( pEntity ); } } void ReportEntityList() { const char *pLastClass = ""; int count = 0; int edicts = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < m_sortedList.Count(); i++ ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = m_sortedList[i]; if ( !pEntity ) continue;
if ( pEntity->edict() ) edicts++;
const char *pClassname = pEntity->GetClassname(); if ( !FStrEq( pClassname, pLastClass ) ) { if ( count ) { Msg("Class: %s (%d)\n", pLastClass, count ); }
pLastClass = pClassname; count = 1; } else count++; } if ( pLastClass[0] != 0 && count ) { Msg("Class: %s (%d)\n", pLastClass, count ); } if ( m_sortedList.Count() ) { Msg("Total %d entities (%d empty, %d edicts)\n", m_sortedList.Count(), m_emptyCount, edicts ); } } private: CUtlSortVector< CBaseEntity *, CEntityReportLess > m_sortedList; int m_emptyCount; };
CON_COMMAND(report_entities, "Lists all entities") { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
CSortedEntityList list; CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); while ( pEntity ) { list.AddEntityToList( pEntity ); pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt( pEntity ); } list.ReportEntityList(); }
CON_COMMAND(report_touchlinks, "Lists all touchlinks") { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
CSortedEntityList list; CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FirstEnt(); const char *pClassname = NULL; if ( args.ArgC() > 1 ) { pClassname = args.Arg(1); } while ( pEntity ) { if ( !pClassname || FClassnameIs(pEntity, pClassname) ) { touchlink_t *root = ( touchlink_t * )pEntity->GetDataObject( TOUCHLINK ); if ( root ) { touchlink_t *link = root->nextLink; while ( link != root ) { list.AddEntityToList( link->entityTouched ); link = link->nextLink; } } } pEntity = gEntList.NextEnt( pEntity ); } list.ReportEntityList(); }
CON_COMMAND(report_simthinklist, "Lists all simulating/thinking entities") { if ( !UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin() ) return;
CBaseEntity *pTmp[NUM_ENT_ENTRIES]; int count = SimThink_ListCopy( pTmp, ARRAYSIZE(pTmp) );
CSortedEntityList list; for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if ( !pTmp[i] ) continue;
list.AddEntityToList( pTmp[i] ); } list.ReportEntityList(); }