//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A moving vehicle that is used as a battering ram
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "fourwheelvehiclephysics.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "soundenvelope.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
#include "physics_saverestore.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#include "isaverestore.h"
#include "movevars_shared.h"
#include "te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define STICK_EXTENTS 400.0f
#define DUST_SPEED 5 // speed at which dust starts
#define REAR_AXLE 1 // indexes of axlex
#define FRONT_AXLE 0
#define MAX_GUAGE_SPEED 100.0 // 100 mph is max speed shown on guage
#define BRAKE_MAX_VALUE 1.0f
ConVar r_vehicleBrakeRate( "r_vehicleBrakeRate", "1.5", FCVAR_CHEAT );
ConVar xbox_throttlebias("xbox_throttlebias", "100", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar xbox_throttlespoof("xbox_throttlespoof", "200", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar xbox_autothrottle("xbox_autothrottle", "1", FCVAR_ARCHIVE ); ConVar xbox_steering_deadzone( "xbox_steering_deadzone", "0.0" );
// remaps an angular variable to a 3 band function:
// 0 <= t < start : f(t) = 0
// start <= t <= end : f(t) = end * spline(( t-start) / (end-start) ) // s curve between clamped and linear
// end < t : f(t) = t
float RemapAngleRange( float startInterval, float endInterval, float value ) { // Fixup the roll
value = AngleNormalize( value ); float absAngle = fabs(value);
// beneath cutoff?
if ( absAngle < startInterval ) { value = 0; } // in spline range?
else if ( absAngle <= endInterval ) { float newAngle = SimpleSpline( (absAngle - startInterval) / (endInterval-startInterval) ) * endInterval; // grab the sign from the initial value
if ( value < 0 ) { newAngle *= -1; } value = newAngle; } // else leave it alone, in linear range
return value; }
BEGIN_DATADESC_NO_BASE( CFourWheelVehiclePhysics )
// These two are reset every time
// m_pOuterServerVehicle;
// Quiet down classcheck
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls, vehicle_controlparams_t ),
// Controls
DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.throttle, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.steering, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.brake, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.boost, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.handbrake, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.handbrakeLeft, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.handbrakeRight, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.brakepedal, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_controls.bHasBrakePedal, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
// This has to be handled by the containing class owing to 'owner' issues
// DEFINE_PHYSPTR( m_pVehicle ),
// This has to be handled by the containing class owing to 'owner' issues
DEFINE_ARRAY( m_wheelPosition, FIELD_VECTOR, 4 ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_wheelRotation, FIELD_VECTOR, 4 ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_wheelBaseHeight, FIELD_FLOAT, 4 ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_wheelTotalHeight, FIELD_FLOAT, 4 ), DEFINE_ARRAY( m_poseParameters, FIELD_INTEGER, 12 ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_actionValue, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_actionScale, FIELD_FLOAT, "actionScale" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_debugRadius, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_throttleRate, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_throttleStartTime, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_throttleActiveTime, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_turboTimer, FIELD_FLOAT ),
// Constructor
CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::CFourWheelVehiclePhysics( CBaseAnimating *pOuter ) { m_flVehicleVolume = 0.5; m_pOuter = NULL; m_pOuterServerVehicle = NULL; m_flMaxSpeed = 30; }
// Destructor
CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::~CFourWheelVehiclePhysics () { physenv->DestroyVehicleController( m_pVehicle ); }
// A couple wrapper methods to perform common operations
inline int CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::LookupPoseParameter( const char *szName ) { return m_pOuter->LookupPoseParameter( szName ); }
inline float CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetPoseParameter( int iParameter ) { return m_pOuter->GetPoseParameter( iParameter ); }
inline float CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetPoseParameter( int iParameter, float flValue ) { Assert(IsFinite(flValue)); return m_pOuter->SetPoseParameter( iParameter, flValue ); }
inline bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetAttachment( const char *szName, Vector &origin, QAngle &angles ) { return m_pOuter->GetAttachment( szName, origin, angles ); }
// Methods related to spawn
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::InitializePoseParameters() { m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_fl_height" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_fr_height" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_rl_height" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_rr_height" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_SPIN] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_fl_spin" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_SPIN] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_fr_spin" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_SPIN] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_rl_spin" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_SPIN] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_wheel_rr_spin" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_STEER] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_steer" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_ACTION] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_action" ); m_poseParameters[VEH_SPEEDO] = LookupPoseParameter( "vehicle_guage" );
// move the wheels to a neutral position
SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_SPEEDO], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_STEER], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); m_pOuter->InvalidateBoneCache(); }
// Purpose: Parses the vehicle's script
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::ParseVehicleScript( const char *pScriptName, solid_t &solid, vehicleparams_t &vehicle) { // Physics keeps a cache of these to share among spawns of vehicles or flush for debugging
PhysFindOrAddVehicleScript( pScriptName, &vehicle, NULL );
m_debugRadius = vehicle.axles[0].wheels.radius; CalcWheelData( vehicle );
PhysModelParseSolid( solid, m_pOuter, m_pOuter->GetModelIndex() ); // Allow the script to shift the center of mass
if ( vehicle.body.massCenterOverride != vec3_origin ) { solid.massCenterOverride = vehicle.body.massCenterOverride; solid.params.massCenterOverride = &solid.massCenterOverride; }
// allow script to change the mass of the vehicle body
if ( vehicle.body.massOverride > 0 ) { solid.params.mass = vehicle.body.massOverride; }
return true; }
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::CalcWheelData( vehicleparams_t &vehicle ) { const char *pWheelAttachments[4] = { "wheel_fl", "wheel_fr", "wheel_rl", "wheel_rr" }; Vector left, right; QAngle dummy; SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); m_pOuter->InvalidateBoneCache(); if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_fl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_fr", right, dummy ) ) { VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left ); VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right ); Vector center = (left + right) * 0.5; vehicle.axles[0].offset = center; vehicle.axles[0].wheelOffset = right - center; // Cache the base height of the wheels in body space
m_wheelBaseHeight[0] = left.z; m_wheelBaseHeight[1] = right.z; }
if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_rl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_rr", right, dummy ) ) { VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left ); VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right ); Vector center = (left + right) * 0.5; vehicle.axles[1].offset = center; vehicle.axles[1].wheelOffset = right - center; // Cache the base height of the wheels in body space
m_wheelBaseHeight[2] = left.z; m_wheelBaseHeight[3] = right.z; } SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 1 ); m_pOuter->InvalidateBoneCache(); if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_fl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_fr", right, dummy ) ) { VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left ); VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right ); // Cache the height range of the wheels in body space
m_wheelTotalHeight[0] = m_wheelBaseHeight[0] - left.z; m_wheelTotalHeight[1] = m_wheelBaseHeight[1] - right.z; vehicle.axles[0].wheels.springAdditionalLength = m_wheelTotalHeight[0]; }
if ( GetAttachment( "wheel_rl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "wheel_rr", right, dummy ) ) { VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left ); VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right ); // Cache the height range of the wheels in body space
m_wheelTotalHeight[2] = m_wheelBaseHeight[0] - left.z; m_wheelTotalHeight[3] = m_wheelBaseHeight[1] - right.z; vehicle.axles[1].wheels.springAdditionalLength = m_wheelTotalHeight[2]; } for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( m_wheelTotalHeight[i] == 0.0f ) { DevWarning("Vehicle %s has invalid wheel attachment for %s - no movement\n", STRING(m_pOuter->GetModelName()), pWheelAttachments[i]); m_wheelTotalHeight[i] = 1.0f; } }
SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RL_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_RR_WHEEL_HEIGHT], 0 ); m_pOuter->InvalidateBoneCache();
// Get raytrace offsets if they exist.
if ( GetAttachment( "raytrace_fl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "raytrace_fr", right, dummy ) ) { VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left ); VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right ); Vector center = ( left + right ) * 0.5; vehicle.axles[0].raytraceCenterOffset = center; vehicle.axles[0].raytraceOffset = right - center; }
if ( GetAttachment( "raytrace_rl", left, dummy ) && GetAttachment( "raytrace_rr", right, dummy ) ) { VectorITransform( left, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), left ); VectorITransform( right, m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), right ); Vector center = ( left + right ) * 0.5; vehicle.axles[1].raytraceCenterOffset = center; vehicle.axles[1].raytraceOffset = right - center; } }
// Spawns the vehicle
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::Spawn( ) { Assert( m_pOuter );
m_actionValue = 0; m_actionSpeed = 0;
m_bIsOn = false; m_controls.handbrake = false; m_controls.handbrakeLeft = false; m_controls.handbrakeRight = false; m_controls.bHasBrakePedal = true; m_controls.bAnalogSteering = false; SetMaxThrottle( 1.0 ); SetMaxReverseThrottle( -1.0f );
InitializePoseParameters(); }
// Purpose: Initializes the vehicle physics
// Called by our outer vehicle in it's Spawn()
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::Initialize( const char *pVehicleScript, unsigned int nVehicleType ) { // Ok, turn on the simulation now
// FIXME: Disabling collisions here is necessary because we seem to be
// getting a one-frame collision between the old + new collision models
if ( m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject() ) { m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject()->EnableCollisions(false); } m_pOuter->VPhysicsDestroyObject();
// Create the vphysics model + teleport it into position
solid_t solid; vehicleparams_t vehicle; if (!ParseVehicleScript( pVehicleScript, solid, vehicle )) { UTIL_Remove(m_pOuter); return false; }
// NOTE: this needs to be greater than your max framerate (so zero is still instant)
m_throttleRate = 10000.0; if ( vehicle.engine.throttleTime > 0 ) { m_throttleRate = 1.0 / vehicle.engine.throttleTime; }
m_flMaxSpeed = vehicle.engine.maxSpeed;
IPhysicsObject *pBody = m_pOuter->VPhysicsInitNormal( SOLID_VPHYSICS, 0, false, &solid ); PhysSetGameFlags( pBody, FVPHYSICS_NO_SELF_COLLISIONS | FVPHYSICS_MULTIOBJECT_ENTITY ); m_pVehicle = physenv->CreateVehicleController( pBody, vehicle, nVehicleType, physgametrace ); m_wheelCount = m_pVehicle->GetWheelCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < m_wheelCount; i++ ) { m_pWheels[i] = m_pVehicle->GetWheel( i ); } return true; }
// Various steering parameters
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetThrottle( float flThrottle ) { m_controls.throttle = flThrottle; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetMaxThrottle( float flMaxThrottle ) { m_maxThrottle = flMaxThrottle; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetMaxReverseThrottle( float flMaxThrottle ) { m_flMaxRevThrottle = flMaxThrottle; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetSteering( float flSteering, float flSteeringRate ) { if ( !flSteeringRate ) { m_controls.steering = flSteering; } else { m_controls.steering = Approach( flSteering, m_controls.steering, flSteeringRate ); } }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetSteeringDegrees( float flDegrees ) { vehicleparams_t &vehicleParams = m_pVehicle->GetVehicleParamsForChange(); vehicleParams.steering.degreesSlow = flDegrees; vehicleParams.steering.degreesFast = flDegrees; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetAction( float flAction ) { m_actionSpeed = flAction; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::TurnOn( ) { if ( IsEngineDisabled() ) return;
if ( !m_bIsOn ) { m_pOuterServerVehicle->SoundStart(); m_bIsOn = true; } }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::TurnOff( ) { ResetControls();
if ( m_bIsOn ) { m_pOuterServerVehicle->SoundShutdown(); m_bIsOn = false; } }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetBoost( float flBoost ) { if ( !IsEngineDisabled() ) { m_controls.boost = flBoost; } }
// UpdateBooster - Calls UpdateBooster() in the vphysics
// code to allow the timer to be updated
// Returns: false if timer has expired (can use again and
// can stop think
// true if timer still running
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::UpdateBooster( void ) { float retval = m_pVehicle->UpdateBooster(gpGlobals->frametime ); return ( retval > 0 ); }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetHasBrakePedal( bool bHasBrakePedal ) { m_controls.bHasBrakePedal = bHasBrakePedal; }
// Teleport
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::Teleport( matrix3x4_t& relativeTransform ) { // We basically just have to make sure the wheels are in the right place
// after teleportation occurs
for ( int i = 0; i < m_wheelCount; i++ ) { matrix3x4_t matrix, newMatrix; m_pWheels[i]->GetPositionMatrix( &matrix ); ConcatTransforms( relativeTransform, matrix, newMatrix ); m_pWheels[i]->SetPositionMatrix( newMatrix, true ); } // Wake the vehicle back up after a teleport
if ( m_pOuterServerVehicle && m_pOuterServerVehicle->GetFourWheelVehicle() ) { IPhysicsObject *pObj = m_pOuterServerVehicle->GetFourWheelVehicle()->VPhysicsGetObject(); if ( pObj ) { pObj->Wake(); } } }
#if 1
// For the #if 0 debug code below!
#define IVP2HL(x) (float)(x * (1.0f/HL2IVP_FACTOR))
#define HL2IVP(x) (double)(x * HL2IVP_FACTOR)
// Debugging methods
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays() { for ( int iWheel = 0; iWheel < m_wheelCount; iWheel++ ) { IPhysicsObject *pWheel = m_pVehicle->GetWheel( iWheel ); float radius = pWheel->GetSphereRadius(); Vector vecPos; QAngle vecRot; pWheel->GetPosition( &vecPos, &vecRot ); // draw the physics object position/orientation
NDebugOverlay::Sphere( vecPos, vecRot, radius, 0, 255, 0, 0, false, 0 ); // draw the animation position/orientation
NDebugOverlay::Sphere(m_wheelPosition[iWheel], m_wheelRotation[iWheel], radius, 255, 255, 0, 0, false, 0); }
// Render vehicle data.
IPhysicsObject *pBody = m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject(); if ( pBody ) { const vehicleparams_t vehicleParams = m_pVehicle->GetVehicleParams();
// Draw a red cube as the "center" of the vehicle.
Vector vecBodyPosition; QAngle angBodyDirection; pBody->GetPosition( &vecBodyPosition, &angBodyDirection ); NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( vecBodyPosition, Vector( -5, -5, -5 ), Vector( 5, 5, 5 ), angBodyDirection, 255, 0, 0, 0 ,0 );
matrix3x4_t matrix; AngleMatrix( angBodyDirection, vecBodyPosition, matrix );
// Draw green cubes at axle centers.
Vector vecAxlePositions[2], vecAxlePositionsHL[2]; vecAxlePositions[0] = vehicleParams.axles[0].offset; vecAxlePositions[1] = vehicleParams.axles[1].offset;
VectorTransform( vecAxlePositions[0], matrix, vecAxlePositionsHL[0] ); VectorTransform( vecAxlePositions[1], matrix, vecAxlePositionsHL[1] );
NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( vecAxlePositionsHL[0], Vector( -3, -3, -3 ), Vector( 3, 3, 3 ), angBodyDirection, 0, 255, 0, 0 ,0 ); NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( vecAxlePositionsHL[1], Vector( -3, -3, -3 ), Vector( 3, 3, 3 ), angBodyDirection, 0, 255, 0, 0 ,0 );
// Draw wheel raycasts in yellow
vehicle_debugcarsystem_t debugCarSystem; m_pVehicle->GetCarSystemDebugData( debugCarSystem ); for ( int iWheel = 0; iWheel < 4; ++iWheel ) { Vector vecStart, vecEnd, vecImpact;
// Hack for now.
float tmpY = IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycasts[iWheel][0].z ); vecStart.z = -IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycasts[iWheel][0].y ); vecStart.y = tmpY; vecStart.x = IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycasts[iWheel][0].x );
tmpY = IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycasts[iWheel][1].z ); vecEnd.z = -IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycasts[iWheel][1].y ); vecEnd.y = tmpY; vecEnd.x = IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycasts[iWheel][1].x );
tmpY = IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycastImpacts[iWheel].z ); vecImpact.z = -IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycastImpacts[iWheel].y ); vecImpact.y = tmpY; vecImpact.x = IVP2HL( debugCarSystem.vecWheelRaycastImpacts[iWheel].x );
NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( vecStart, Vector( -1 , -1, -1 ), Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), angBodyDirection, 0, 255, 0, 0, 0 ); NDebugOverlay::Line( vecStart, vecEnd, 255, 255, 0, true, 0 ); NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( vecEnd, Vector( -1, -1, -1 ), Vector( 1, 1, 1 ), angBodyDirection, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( vecImpact, Vector( -0.5f , -0.5f, -0.5f ), Vector( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ), angBodyDirection, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0 ); DebugDrawContactPoints( m_pVehicle->GetWheel(iWheel) ); } } }
int CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::DrawDebugTextOverlays( int nOffset ) { const vehicle_operatingparams_t ¶ms = m_pVehicle->GetOperatingParams(); char tempstr[512]; Q_snprintf( tempstr,sizeof(tempstr), "Speed %.1f T/S/B (%.0f/%.0f/%.1f)", params.speed, m_controls.throttle, m_controls.steering, m_controls.brake ); m_pOuter->EntityText( nOffset, tempstr, 0 ); nOffset++; Msg( "%s", tempstr );
Q_snprintf( tempstr,sizeof(tempstr), "Gear: %d, RPM %4d", params.gear, (int)params.engineRPM ); m_pOuter->EntityText( nOffset, tempstr, 0 ); nOffset++; Msg( " %s\n", tempstr );
return nOffset; }
// Place dust at vector passed in
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::PlaceWheelDust( int wheelIndex, bool ignoreSpeed ) { // New vehicles handle this deeper into the base class
if ( hl2_episodic.GetBool() ) return;
// Old dust
Vector vecPos, vecVel; m_pVehicle->GetWheelContactPoint( wheelIndex, &vecPos, NULL );
vecVel.Random( -1.0f, 1.0f ); vecVel.z = random->RandomFloat( 0.3f, 1.0f );
VectorNormalize( vecVel );
// Higher speeds make larger dust clouds
float flSize; if ( ignoreSpeed ) { flSize = 1.0f; } else { flSize = RemapValClamped( m_nSpeed, DUST_SPEED, m_flMaxSpeed, 0.0f, 1.0f ); }
if ( flSize ) { CEffectData data;
data.m_vOrigin = vecPos; data.m_vNormal = vecVel; data.m_flScale = flSize;
DispatchEffect( "WheelDust", data ); } }
// Frame-based updating
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::Think() { if (!m_pVehicle) return false;
// Update sound + physics state
const vehicle_operatingparams_t &carState = m_pVehicle->GetOperatingParams(); const vehicleparams_t &vehicleData = m_pVehicle->GetVehicleParams();
// Set save data.
float carSpeed = fabs( INS2MPH( carState.speed ) ); m_nLastSpeed = m_nSpeed; m_nSpeed = ( int )carSpeed; m_nRPM = ( int )carState.engineRPM; m_nHasBoost = vehicleData.engine.boostDelay; // if we have any boost delay, vehicle has boost ability
m_pVehicle->Update( gpGlobals->frametime, m_controls);
// boost sounds
if( IsBoosting() && !m_bLastBoost ) { m_bLastBoost = true; m_turboTimer = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.75f; // min duration for turbo sound
} else if( !IsBoosting() && m_bLastBoost ) { if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_turboTimer ) { m_bLastBoost = false; } }
m_fLastBoost = carState.boostDelay; m_nBoostTimeLeft = carState.boostTimeLeft;
// UNDONE: Use skid info from the physics system?
// Only check wheels if we're not being carried by a dropship
if ( m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject() && !m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject()->GetShadowController() ) { const float skidFactor = 0.15f; const float minSpeed = DEFAULT_SKID_THRESHOLD / skidFactor; // we have to slide at least 15% of our speed at higher speeds to make the skid sound (otherwise it can be too frequent)
float skidThreshold = m_bLastSkid ? DEFAULT_SKID_THRESHOLD : (carState.speed * 0.15f); if ( skidThreshold < DEFAULT_SKID_THRESHOLD ) { // otherwise, ramp in the skid threshold to avoid the sound at really low speeds unless really skidding
skidThreshold = RemapValClamped( fabs(carState.speed), 0, minSpeed, DEFAULT_SKID_THRESHOLD*8, DEFAULT_SKID_THRESHOLD ); } // check for skidding, if we're skidding, need to play the sound
if ( carState.skidSpeed > skidThreshold && m_bIsOn ) { if ( !m_bLastSkid ) // only play sound once
{ m_bLastSkid = true; CPASAttenuationFilter filter( m_pOuter ); m_pOuterServerVehicle->PlaySound( VS_SKID_FRICTION_NORMAL ); }
// kick up dust from the wheels while skidding
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { PlaceWheelDust( i, true ); } } else if ( m_bLastSkid == true ) { m_bLastSkid = false; m_pOuterServerVehicle->StopSound( VS_SKID_FRICTION_NORMAL ); }
// toss dust up from the wheels of the vehicle if we're moving fast enough
if ( m_nSpeed >= DUST_SPEED && vehicleData.steering.dustCloud && m_bIsOn ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { PlaceWheelDust( i ); } } }
// Make the steering wheel match the input, with a little dampening.
#define STEER_DAMPING 0.8
float flSteer = GetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_STEER] ); float flPhysicsSteer = carState.steeringAngle / vehicleData.steering.degreesSlow; SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_STEER], (STEER_DAMPING * flSteer) + ((1 - STEER_DAMPING) * flPhysicsSteer) );
m_actionValue += m_actionSpeed * m_actionScale * gpGlobals->frametime; SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_ACTION], m_actionValue );
// setup speedometer
if ( m_bIsOn == true ) { float displaySpeed = m_nSpeed / MAX_GUAGE_SPEED; SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_SPEEDO], displaySpeed ); }
return m_bIsOn; }
// Purpose:
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::VPhysicsUpdate( IPhysicsObject *pPhysics ) { // must be a wheel
if ( pPhysics == m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject() ) return true;
// This is here so we can make the pose parameters of the wheels
// reflect their current physics state
for ( int i = 0; i < m_wheelCount; i++ ) { if ( pPhysics == m_pWheels[i] ) { Vector tmp; pPhysics->GetPosition( &m_wheelPosition[i], &m_wheelRotation[i] );
// transform the wheel into body space
VectorITransform( m_wheelPosition[i], m_pOuter->EntityToWorldTransform(), tmp ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_HEIGHT + i], (m_wheelBaseHeight[i] - tmp.z) / m_wheelTotalHeight[i] ); SetPoseParameter( m_poseParameters[VEH_FL_WHEEL_SPIN + i], -m_wheelRotation[i].z ); return false; } }
return false; }
// Shared code to compute the vehicle view position
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetVehicleViewPosition( const char *pViewAttachment, float flPitchFactor, Vector *pAbsOrigin, QAngle *pAbsAngles ) { matrix3x4_t vehicleEyePosToWorld; Vector vehicleEyeOrigin; QAngle vehicleEyeAngles; GetAttachment( pViewAttachment, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles ); AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyePosToWorld );
#ifdef HL2_DLL
// View dampening.
if ( r_VehicleViewDampen.GetInt() ) { m_pOuterServerVehicle->GetFourWheelVehicle()->DampenEyePosition( vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyeAngles ); } #endif
// Compute the relative rotation between the unperterbed eye attachment + the eye angles
matrix3x4_t cameraToWorld; AngleMatrix( *pAbsAngles, cameraToWorld );
matrix3x4_t worldToEyePos; MatrixInvert( vehicleEyePosToWorld, worldToEyePos );
matrix3x4_t vehicleCameraToEyePos; ConcatTransforms( worldToEyePos, cameraToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos );
// Now perterb the attachment point
vehicleEyeAngles.x = RemapAngleRange( PITCH_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, PITCH_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.x ); vehicleEyeAngles.z = RemapAngleRange( ROLL_CURVE_ZERO * flPitchFactor, ROLL_CURVE_LINEAR, vehicleEyeAngles.z ); AngleMatrix( vehicleEyeAngles, vehicleEyeOrigin, vehicleEyePosToWorld );
// Now treat the relative eye angles as being relative to this new, perterbed view position...
matrix3x4_t newCameraToWorld; ConcatTransforms( vehicleEyePosToWorld, vehicleCameraToEyePos, newCameraToWorld );
// output new view abs angles
MatrixAngles( newCameraToWorld, *pAbsAngles );
// UNDONE: *pOrigin would already be correct in single player if the HandleView() on the server ran after vphysics
MatrixGetColumn( newCameraToWorld, 3, *pAbsOrigin ); }
// Control initialization
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::ResetControls() { m_controls.handbrake = true; m_controls.handbrakeLeft = false; m_controls.handbrakeRight = false; m_controls.boost = 0; m_controls.brake = 0.0f; m_controls.throttle = 0; m_controls.steering = 0; }
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::ReleaseHandbrake() { m_controls.handbrake = false; }
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetHandbrake( bool bBrake ) { m_controls.handbrake = bBrake; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::EnableMotion( void ) { for( int iWheel = 0; iWheel < m_wheelCount; ++iWheel ) { m_pWheels[iWheel]->EnableMotion( true ); } }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::DisableMotion( void ) { Vector vecZero( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); AngularImpulse angNone( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
for( int iWheel = 0; iWheel < m_wheelCount; ++iWheel ) { m_pWheels[iWheel]->SetVelocity( &vecZero, &angNone ); m_pWheels[iWheel]->EnableMotion( false ); } }
float CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetHLSpeed() const { const vehicle_operatingparams_t &carState = m_pVehicle->GetOperatingParams(); return carState.speed; }
float CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetSteering() const { return m_controls.steering; }
float CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::GetSteeringDegrees() const { const vehicleparams_t vehicleParams = m_pVehicle->GetVehicleParams(); return vehicleParams.steering.degreesSlow; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SteeringRest( float carSpeed, const vehicleparams_t &vehicleData ) { float flSteeringRate = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, vehicleData.steering.speedFast, vehicleData.steering.steeringRestRateSlow, vehicleData.steering.steeringRestRateFast ); m_controls.steering = Approach(0, m_controls.steering, flSteeringRate * gpGlobals->frametime ); }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SteeringTurn( float carSpeed, const vehicleparams_t &vehicleData, bool bTurnLeft, bool bBrake, bool bThrottle ) { float flTargetSteering = bTurnLeft ? -1.0f : 1.0f; // steering speeds are stored in MPH
float flSteeringRestRate = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, vehicleData.steering.speedFast, vehicleData.steering.steeringRestRateSlow, vehicleData.steering.steeringRestRateFast );
float carSpeedIns = MPH2INS(carSpeed); // engine speeds are stored in in/s
if ( carSpeedIns > vehicleData.engine.maxSpeed ) { flSteeringRestRate = RemapValClamped( carSpeedIns, vehicleData.engine.maxSpeed, vehicleData.engine.boostMaxSpeed, vehicleData.steering.steeringRestRateFast, vehicleData.steering.steeringRestRateFast*0.5f ); }
const vehicle_operatingparams_t &carState = m_pVehicle->GetOperatingParams(); bool bIsBoosting = carState.isTorqueBoosting;
// if you're recovering from a boost and still going faster than max, use the boost steering values
bool bIsBoostRecover = (carState.boostTimeLeft == 100 || carState.boostTimeLeft == 0) ? false : true; float boostMinSpeed = vehicleData.engine.maxSpeed * vehicleData.engine.autobrakeSpeedGain; if ( !bIsBoosting && bIsBoostRecover && carSpeedIns > boostMinSpeed ) { bIsBoosting = true; }
if ( bIsBoosting ) { flSteeringRestRate *= vehicleData.steering.boostSteeringRestRateFactor; } else if ( bThrottle ) { flSteeringRestRate *= vehicleData.steering.throttleSteeringRestRateFactor; }
float flSteeringRate = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, vehicleData.steering.speedFast, vehicleData.steering.steeringRateSlow, vehicleData.steering.steeringRateFast );
if ( fabs(flSteeringRate) < flSteeringRestRate ) { if ( Sign(flTargetSteering) != Sign(m_controls.steering) ) { flSteeringRate = flSteeringRestRate; } } if ( bIsBoosting ) { flSteeringRate *= vehicleData.steering.boostSteeringRateFactor; } else if ( bBrake ) { flSteeringRate *= vehicleData.steering.brakeSteeringRateFactor; } flSteeringRate *= gpGlobals->frametime; m_controls.steering = Approach( flTargetSteering, m_controls.steering, flSteeringRate ); m_controls.bAnalogSteering = false; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SteeringTurnAnalog( float carSpeed, const vehicleparams_t &vehicleData, float sidemove ) {
// OLD Code
#if 0
float flSteeringRate = STEERING_BASE_RATE;
float factor = clamp( fabs( sidemove ) / STICK_EXTENTS, 0.0f, 1.0f );
factor *= 30; flSteeringRate *= log( factor ); flSteeringRate *= gpGlobals->frametime;
SetSteering( sidemove < 0.0f ? -1 : 1, flSteeringRate ); #else
// This is tested with gamepads with analog sticks. It gives full analog control allowing the player to hold shallow turns.
float steering = ( sidemove / STICK_EXTENTS );
float flSign = ( steering > 0 ) ? 1.0f : -1.0f; float flSteerAdj = RemapValClamped( fabs( steering ), xbox_steering_deadzone.GetFloat(), 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f );
float flSteeringRate = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, vehicleData.steering.speedFast, vehicleData.steering.steeringRateSlow, vehicleData.steering.steeringRateFast ); flSteeringRate *= vehicleData.steering.throttleSteeringRestRateFactor;
m_controls.bAnalogSteering = true; SetSteering( flSign * flSteerAdj, flSteeringRate * gpGlobals->frametime ); #endif
// Methods related to actually driving the vehicle
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::UpdateDriverControls( CUserCmd *cmd, float flFrameTime ) { const float SPEED_THROTTLE_AS_BRAKE = 2.0f; int nButtons = cmd->buttons;
// Get vehicle data.
const vehicle_operatingparams_t &carState = m_pVehicle->GetOperatingParams(); const vehicleparams_t &vehicleData = m_pVehicle->GetVehicleParams();
// Get current speed in miles/hour.
float flCarSign = 0.0f; if (carState.speed >= SPEED_THROTTLE_AS_BRAKE) { flCarSign = 1.0f; } else if ( carState.speed <= -SPEED_THROTTLE_AS_BRAKE ) { flCarSign = -1.0f; } float carSpeed = fabs(INS2MPH(carState.speed));
// If going forward and turning hard, keep the throttle applied.
if( xbox_autothrottle.GetBool() && cmd->forwardmove > 0.0f ) { if( carSpeed > GetMaxSpeed() * 0.75 ) { if( fabs(cmd->sidemove) > cmd->forwardmove ) { cmd->forwardmove = STICK_EXTENTS; } } }
//Msg("F: %4.1f \tS: %4.1f!\tSTEER: %3.1f\n", cmd->forwardmove, cmd->sidemove, carState.steeringAngle);
// If changing direction, use default "return to zero" speed to more quickly transition.
if ( ( nButtons & IN_MOVELEFT ) || ( nButtons & IN_MOVERIGHT ) ) { bool bTurnLeft = ( (nButtons & IN_MOVELEFT) != 0 ); bool bBrake = ((nButtons & IN_BACK) != 0); bool bThrottleDown = ( (nButtons & IN_FORWARD) != 0 ) && !bBrake; SteeringTurn( carSpeed, vehicleData, bTurnLeft, bBrake, bThrottleDown ); } else if ( cmd->sidemove != 0.0f ) { SteeringTurnAnalog( carSpeed, vehicleData, cmd->sidemove ); } else { SteeringRest( carSpeed, vehicleData ); }
// Set vehicle control inputs.
m_controls.boost = 0; m_controls.handbrake = false; m_controls.handbrakeLeft = false; m_controls.handbrakeRight = false; m_controls.brakepedal = false; bool bThrottle;
// Analog throttle biasing - This code gives the player a bit of control stick
// 'slop' in the opposite direction that they are driving. If a player is
// driving forward and makes a hard turn in which the stick actually goes
// below neutral (toward reverse), this code continues to propel the car
// forward unless the player makes a significant motion towards reverse.
// (The inverse is true when driving in reverse and the stick is moved slightly forward)
CBaseEntity *pDriver = m_pOuterServerVehicle->GetDriver(); CBasePlayer *pPlayerDriver; float flBiasThreshold = xbox_throttlebias.GetFloat();
if( pDriver && pDriver->IsPlayer() ) { pPlayerDriver = dynamic_cast<CBasePlayer*>(pDriver);
if( cmd->forwardmove == 0.0f && (fabs(cmd->sidemove) < 200.0f) ) { // If the stick goes neutral, clear out the bias. When the bias is neutral, it will begin biasing
// in whichever direction the user next presses the analog stick.
pPlayerDriver->SetVehicleAnalogControlBias( VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_NONE ); } else if( cmd->forwardmove > 0.0f) { if( pPlayerDriver->GetVehicleAnalogControlBias() == VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_REVERSE ) { // Player is pushing forward, but the controller is currently biased for reverse driving.
// Must pass a threshold to be accepted as forward input. Otherwise we just spoof a reduced reverse input
// to keep the car moving in the direction the player probably expects.
if( cmd->forwardmove < flBiasThreshold ) { cmd->forwardmove = -xbox_throttlespoof.GetFloat(); } else { // Passed the threshold. Allow the direction change to occur.
pPlayerDriver->SetVehicleAnalogControlBias( VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_FORWARD ); } } else if( pPlayerDriver->GetVehicleAnalogControlBias() == VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_NONE ) { pPlayerDriver->SetVehicleAnalogControlBias( VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_FORWARD ); } } else if( cmd->forwardmove < 0.0f ) { if( pPlayerDriver->GetVehicleAnalogControlBias() == VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_FORWARD ) { // Inverse of above logic
if( cmd->forwardmove > -flBiasThreshold ) { cmd->forwardmove = xbox_throttlespoof.GetFloat(); } else { pPlayerDriver->SetVehicleAnalogControlBias( VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_REVERSE ); } } else if( pPlayerDriver->GetVehicleAnalogControlBias() == VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_NONE ) { pPlayerDriver->SetVehicleAnalogControlBias( VEHICLE_ANALOG_BIAS_REVERSE ); } } }
// analog control
if( cmd->forwardmove > 0.0f ) { float flAnalogThrottle = cmd->forwardmove / STICK_EXTENTS;
flAnalogThrottle = clamp( flAnalogThrottle, 0.25f, 1.0f );
bThrottle = true; if ( m_controls.throttle < 0 ) { m_controls.throttle = 0; }
float flMaxThrottle = MAX( 0.1, m_maxThrottle ); if ( m_controls.steering != 0 ) { float flThrottleReduce = 0;
// ramp this in, don't just start at the slow speed reduction (helps accelerate from a stop)
if ( carSpeed < vehicleData.steering.speedSlow ) { flThrottleReduce = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, 0, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, 0, vehicleData.steering.turnThrottleReduceSlow ); } else { flThrottleReduce = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, vehicleData.steering.speedFast, vehicleData.steering.turnThrottleReduceSlow, vehicleData.steering.turnThrottleReduceFast ); }
float limit = 1.0f - (flThrottleReduce * fabs(m_controls.steering)); if ( limit < 0 ) limit = 0; flMaxThrottle = MIN( flMaxThrottle, limit ); }
m_controls.throttle = Approach( flMaxThrottle * flAnalogThrottle, m_controls.throttle, flFrameTime * m_throttleRate );
// Apply the brake.
if ( ( flCarSign < 0.0f ) && m_controls.bHasBrakePedal ) { m_controls.brake = Approach( BRAKE_MAX_VALUE, m_controls.brake, flFrameTime * r_vehicleBrakeRate.GetFloat() * BRAKE_BACK_FORWARD_SCALAR ); m_controls.brakepedal = true; m_controls.throttle = 0.0f; bThrottle = false; } else { m_controls.brake = 0.0f; } } else if( cmd->forwardmove < 0.0f ) { float flAnalogBrake = fabs(cmd->forwardmove / STICK_EXTENTS);
flAnalogBrake = clamp( flAnalogBrake, 0.25f, 1.0f );
bThrottle = true; if ( m_controls.throttle > 0 ) { m_controls.throttle = 0; }
float flMaxThrottle = MIN( -0.1, m_flMaxRevThrottle ); m_controls.throttle = Approach( flMaxThrottle * flAnalogBrake, m_controls.throttle, flFrameTime * m_throttleRate );
// Apply the brake.
if ( ( flCarSign > 0.0f ) && m_controls.bHasBrakePedal ) { m_controls.brake = Approach( BRAKE_MAX_VALUE, m_controls.brake, flFrameTime * r_vehicleBrakeRate.GetFloat() ); m_controls.brakepedal = true; m_controls.throttle = 0.0f; bThrottle = false; } else { m_controls.brake = 0.0f; } } // digital control
else if ( nButtons & IN_FORWARD ) { bThrottle = true; if ( m_controls.throttle < 0 ) { m_controls.throttle = 0; }
float flMaxThrottle = MAX( 0.1, m_maxThrottle );
if ( m_controls.steering != 0 ) { float flThrottleReduce = 0;
// ramp this in, don't just start at the slow speed reduction (helps accelerate from a stop)
if ( carSpeed < vehicleData.steering.speedSlow ) { flThrottleReduce = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, 0, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, 0, vehicleData.steering.turnThrottleReduceSlow ); } else { flThrottleReduce = RemapValClamped( carSpeed, vehicleData.steering.speedSlow, vehicleData.steering.speedFast, vehicleData.steering.turnThrottleReduceSlow, vehicleData.steering.turnThrottleReduceFast ); } float limit = 1.0f - (flThrottleReduce * fabs(m_controls.steering)); if ( limit < 0 ) limit = 0; flMaxThrottle = MIN( flMaxThrottle, limit ); }
m_controls.throttle = Approach( flMaxThrottle, m_controls.throttle, flFrameTime * m_throttleRate );
// Apply the brake.
if ( ( flCarSign < 0.0f ) && m_controls.bHasBrakePedal ) { m_controls.brake = Approach( BRAKE_MAX_VALUE, m_controls.brake, flFrameTime * r_vehicleBrakeRate.GetFloat() * BRAKE_BACK_FORWARD_SCALAR ); m_controls.brakepedal = true; m_controls.throttle = 0.0f; bThrottle = false; } else { m_controls.brake = 0.0f; } } else if ( nButtons & IN_BACK ) { bThrottle = true; if ( m_controls.throttle > 0 ) { m_controls.throttle = 0; }
float flMaxThrottle = MIN( -0.1, m_flMaxRevThrottle ); m_controls.throttle = Approach( flMaxThrottle, m_controls.throttle, flFrameTime * m_throttleRate );
// Apply the brake.
if ( ( flCarSign > 0.0f ) && m_controls.bHasBrakePedal ) { m_controls.brake = Approach( BRAKE_MAX_VALUE, m_controls.brake, flFrameTime * r_vehicleBrakeRate.GetFloat() ); m_controls.brakepedal = true; m_controls.throttle = 0.0f; bThrottle = false; } else { m_controls.brake = 0.0f; } } else { bThrottle = false; m_controls.throttle = 0; m_controls.brake = 0.0f; }
if ( ( nButtons & IN_SPEED ) && !IsEngineDisabled() && bThrottle ) { m_controls.boost = 1.0f; }
// Using has brakepedal for handbrake as well.
if ( ( nButtons & IN_JUMP ) && m_controls.bHasBrakePedal ) { m_controls.handbrake = true;
if ( cmd->sidemove < -100 ) { m_controls.handbrakeLeft = true; } else if ( cmd->sidemove > 100 ) { m_controls.handbrakeRight = true; }
// Prevent playing of the engine revup when we're braking
bThrottle = false; }
if ( IsEngineDisabled() ) { m_controls.throttle = 0.0f; m_controls.handbrake = true; bThrottle = false; }
// throttle sounds
// If we dropped a bunch of speed, restart the throttle
if ( bThrottle && (m_nLastSpeed > m_nSpeed && (m_nLastSpeed - m_nSpeed > 10)) ) { m_bLastThrottle = false; }
// throttle down now but not before??? (or we're braking)
if ( !m_controls.handbrake && !m_controls.brakepedal && bThrottle && !m_bLastThrottle ) { m_throttleStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; // need to track how long throttle is down
m_bLastThrottle = true; } // throttle up now but not before??
else if ( !bThrottle && m_bLastThrottle && IsEngineDisabled() == false ) { m_throttleActiveTime = gpGlobals->curtime - m_throttleStartTime; m_bLastThrottle = false; }
float flSpeedPercentage = clamp( m_nSpeed / m_flMaxSpeed, 0.f, 1.f ); vbs_sound_update_t params; params.Defaults(); params.bReverse = (m_controls.throttle < 0); params.bThrottleDown = bThrottle; params.bTurbo = IsBoosting(); params.bVehicleInWater = m_pOuterServerVehicle->IsVehicleBodyInWater(); params.flCurrentSpeedFraction = flSpeedPercentage; params.flFrameTime = flFrameTime; params.flWorldSpaceSpeed = carState.speed; m_pOuterServerVehicle->SoundUpdate( params ); }
// Purpose:
bool CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::IsBoosting( void ) { const vehicleparams_t *pVehicleParams = &m_pVehicle->GetVehicleParams(); const vehicle_operatingparams_t *pVehicleOperating = &m_pVehicle->GetOperatingParams(); if ( pVehicleParams && pVehicleOperating ) { if ( ( pVehicleOperating->boostDelay - pVehicleParams->engine.boostDelay ) > 0.0f ) return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::SetDisableEngine( bool bDisable ) { // Set the engine state.
m_pVehicle->SetEngineDisabled( bDisable ); }
static int AddPhysToList( IPhysicsObject **pList, int listMax, int count, IPhysicsObject *pPhys ) { if ( pPhys ) { if ( count < listMax ) { pList[count] = pPhys; count++; } } return count; }
int CFourWheelVehiclePhysics::VPhysicsGetObjectList( IPhysicsObject **pList, int listMax ) { int count = 0; // add the body
count = AddPhysToList( pList, listMax, count, m_pOuter->VPhysicsGetObject() ); for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { count = AddPhysToList( pList, listMax, count, m_pWheels[i] ); } return count; }