//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Contains the set of functions for manipulating entity hierarchies.
// $NoKeywords: $
// UNDONE: Reconcile this with SetParent()
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hierarchy.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Purpose: Does the linked list work of removing a child object from the hierarchy.
// Input : pParent -
// pChild -
void UnlinkChild( CBaseEntity *pParent, CBaseEntity *pChild ) { CBaseEntity *pList; EHANDLE *pPrev;
pList = pParent->m_hMoveChild; pPrev = &pParent->m_hMoveChild; while ( pList ) { CBaseEntity *pNext = pList->m_hMovePeer; if ( pList == pChild ) { // patch up the list
pPrev->Set( pNext );
// Clear hierarchy bits for this guy
pList->m_hMoveParent.Set( NULL ); pList->m_hMovePeer.Set( NULL ); pList->NetworkProp()->SetNetworkParent( CBaseHandle() ); pList->DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); pList->OnEntityEvent( ENTITY_EVENT_PARENT_CHANGED, NULL ); pParent->RecalcHasPlayerChildBit(); return; } else { pPrev = &pList->m_hMovePeer; pList = pNext; } }
// This only happens if the child wasn't found in the parent's child list
Assert(0); }
void LinkChild( CBaseEntity *pParent, CBaseEntity *pChild ) { EHANDLE hParent; hParent.Set( pParent ); pChild->m_hMovePeer.Set( pParent->FirstMoveChild() ); pParent->m_hMoveChild.Set( pChild ); pChild->m_hMoveParent = hParent; pChild->NetworkProp()->SetNetworkParent( hParent ); pChild->DispatchUpdateTransmitState(); pChild->OnEntityEvent( ENTITY_EVENT_PARENT_CHANGED, NULL ); pParent->RecalcHasPlayerChildBit(); }
void TransferChildren( CBaseEntity *pOldParent, CBaseEntity *pNewParent ) { CBaseEntity *pChild = pOldParent->FirstMoveChild(); while ( pChild ) { // NOTE: Have to do this before the unlink to ensure local coords are valid
Vector vecAbsOrigin = pChild->GetAbsOrigin(); QAngle angAbsRotation = pChild->GetAbsAngles(); Vector vecAbsVelocity = pChild->GetAbsVelocity(); // QAngle vecAbsAngVelocity = pChild->GetAbsAngularVelocity();
UnlinkChild( pOldParent, pChild ); LinkChild( pNewParent, pChild );
// FIXME: This is a hack to guarantee update of the local origin, angles, etc.
pChild->m_vecAbsOrigin.Init( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX ); pChild->m_angAbsRotation.Init( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX ); pChild->m_vecAbsVelocity.Init( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX );
pChild->SetAbsOrigin(vecAbsOrigin); pChild->SetAbsAngles(angAbsRotation); pChild->SetAbsVelocity(vecAbsVelocity); // pChild->SetAbsAngularVelocity(vecAbsAngVelocity);
pChild = pOldParent->FirstMoveChild(); } }
void UnlinkFromParent( CBaseEntity *pRemove ) { if ( pRemove->GetMoveParent() ) { // NOTE: Have to do this before the unlink to ensure local coords are valid
Vector vecAbsOrigin = pRemove->GetAbsOrigin(); QAngle angAbsRotation = pRemove->GetAbsAngles(); Vector vecAbsVelocity = pRemove->GetAbsVelocity(); // QAngle vecAbsAngVelocity = pRemove->GetAbsAngularVelocity();
UnlinkChild( pRemove->GetMoveParent(), pRemove );
pRemove->SetLocalOrigin(vecAbsOrigin); pRemove->SetLocalAngles(angAbsRotation); pRemove->SetLocalVelocity(vecAbsVelocity); // pRemove->SetLocalAngularVelocity(vecAbsAngVelocity);
pRemove->UpdateWaterState(); } }
// Purpose: Clears the parent of all the children of the given object.
void UnlinkAllChildren( CBaseEntity *pParent ) { CBaseEntity *pChild = pParent->FirstMoveChild(); while ( pChild ) { CBaseEntity *pNext = pChild->NextMovePeer(); UnlinkFromParent( pChild ); pChild = pNext; } }
bool EntityIsParentOf( CBaseEntity *pParent, CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { while ( pEntity->GetMoveParent() ) { pEntity = pEntity->GetMoveParent(); if ( pParent == pEntity ) return true; }
return false; }
static void GetAllChildren_r( CBaseEntity *pEntity, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> &list ) { for ( ; pEntity != NULL; pEntity = pEntity->NextMovePeer() ) { list.AddToTail( pEntity ); GetAllChildren_r( pEntity->FirstMoveChild(), list ); } }
int GetAllChildren( CBaseEntity *pParent, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> &list ) { if ( !pParent ) return 0;
GetAllChildren_r( pParent->FirstMoveChild(), list ); return list.Count(); }
int GetAllInHierarchy( CBaseEntity *pParent, CUtlVector<CBaseEntity *> &list ) { if (!pParent) return 0; list.AddToTail( pParent ); return GetAllChildren( pParent, list ) + 1; }