//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hl1_items.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
#define WEAPONBOX_MODEL "models/w_weaponbox.mdl"
class CWeaponBox : public CHL1Item { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CWeaponBox, CHL1Item );
void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); bool KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ); void BoxTouch( CBaseEntity *pPlayer );
private: bool PackAmmo( char *szName, int iCount ); int GiveAmmo( int iCount, char *szName, int iMax, int *pIndex = NULL ); int m_cAmmoTypes; // how many ammo types packed into this box (if packed by a level designer)
string_t m_rgiszAmmo[MAX_AMMO_SLOTS]; // ammo names
int m_rgAmmo[MAX_AMMO_SLOTS]; // ammo quantities
}; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(weaponbox, CWeaponBox); PRECACHE_REGISTER(weaponbox);
bool CWeaponBox::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if ( m_cAmmoTypes < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ) { if ( PackAmmo( (char *)szKeyName, atoi( szValue ) ) ) { m_cAmmoTypes++;// count this new ammo type.
return true; } } else { Warning( "WeaponBox too full! only %d ammotypes allowed\n", MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ); }
return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); }
void CWeaponBox::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); SetModel( WEAPONBOX_MODEL ); BaseClass::Spawn();
PrecacheScriptSound( "Item.Pickup" );
SetTouch( &CWeaponBox::BoxTouch ); }
void CWeaponBox::Precache( void ) { PrecacheModel( WEAPONBOX_MODEL ); }
void CWeaponBox::BoxTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { if ( !( GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND ) ) { return; }
if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() ) { // only players may touch a weaponbox.
return; }
if ( !pOther->IsAlive() ) { // no dead guys.
return; }
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)pOther; int i;
// dole out ammo
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ; i++ ) { if ( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] != NULL_STRING ) { // there's some ammo of this type.
pPlayer->GiveAmmo( m_rgAmmo[ i ], (char *)STRING( m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] ) );
// now empty the ammo from the weaponbox since we just gave it to the player
m_rgiszAmmo[ i ] = NULL_STRING; m_rgAmmo[ i ] = 0; } }
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( pOther, "Item.Pickup" ); EmitSound( filter, pOther->entindex(), "Item.Pickup" );
SetTouch(NULL); if ( g_pGameRules->ItemShouldRespawn( this ) == GR_ITEM_RESPAWN_NO ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } }
bool CWeaponBox::PackAmmo( char *szName, int iCount ) { char szConvertedName[ 32 ];
if ( FStrEq( szName, "" ) ) { // error here
Warning( "NULL String in PackAmmo!\n" ); return false; } Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "%s", szName ); if ( !stricmp( szName, "bolts" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "XBowBolt" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "uranium" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "Uranium" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "9mm" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "9mmRound" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "Hand Grenade" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "Grenade" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "Hornets" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "Hornet" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "ARgrenades" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "MP5_Grenade" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "357" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "357Round" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "rockets" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "RPG_Rocket" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "Satchel Charge" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "Satchel" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "buckshot" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "Buckshot" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "Snarks" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "Snark" ); } if ( !stricmp( szName, "Trip Mine" ) ) { Q_snprintf( szConvertedName, sizeof( szConvertedName ), "TripMine" ); }
int iMaxCarry = GetAmmoDef()->MaxCarry( GetAmmoDef()->Index( szConvertedName ) );
if ( iMaxCarry > 0 && iCount > 0 ) { //ALERT ( at_console, "Packed %d rounds of %s\n", iCount, STRING(iszName) );
GiveAmmo( iCount, szConvertedName, iMaxCarry ); return true; }
return false; }
// CWeaponBox - GiveAmmo
int CWeaponBox::GiveAmmo( int iCount, char *szName, int iMax, int *pIndex ) { int i;
for ( i = 1; ( i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS ) && ( m_rgiszAmmo[i] != NULL_STRING ); i++ ) { if ( stricmp( szName, STRING( m_rgiszAmmo[i] ) ) == 0 ) { if (pIndex) *pIndex = i;
int iAdd = MIN( iCount, iMax - m_rgAmmo[i]); if (iCount == 0 || iAdd > 0) { m_rgAmmo[i] += iAdd;
return i; } return -1; } }
if (i < MAX_AMMO_SLOTS) { if (pIndex) *pIndex = i;
m_rgiszAmmo[i] = AllocPooledString( szName ); m_rgAmmo[i] = iCount;
return i; } Warning( "out of named ammo slots\n"); return i; }