//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "func_tank.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
#include "EnvLaser.h"
#include "basecombatweapon.h"
#include "explode.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "ndebugoverlay.h"
#include "grenade_beam.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "physics_cannister.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "shake.h"
#include "particle_smokegrenade.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "IEffects.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "ai_behavior_functank.h"
#include "weapon_rpg.h"
#include "effects.h"
#include "iservervehicle.h"
#include "soundenvelope.h"
#include "effect_dispatch_data.h"
#include "te_effect_dispatch.h"
#include "props.h"
#include "rumble_shared.h"
#include "particle_parse.h"
// NVNT turret recoil
#include "haptics/haptic_utils.h"
#ifdef HL2_DLL
#include "hl2_player.h"
#endif //HL2_DLL
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern Vector PointOnLineNearestPoint(const Vector& vStartPos, const Vector& vEndPos, const Vector& vPoint);
ConVar mortar_visualize("mortar_visualize", "0" );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncTank ) DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_yawRate, FIELD_FLOAT, "yawrate" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_yawRange, FIELD_FLOAT, "yawrange" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_yawTolerance, FIELD_FLOAT, "yawtolerance" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_pitchRate, FIELD_FLOAT, "pitchrate" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_pitchRange, FIELD_FLOAT, "pitchrange" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_pitchTolerance, FIELD_FLOAT, "pitchtolerance" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_fireRate, FIELD_FLOAT, "firerate" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_fireTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_persist, FIELD_FLOAT, "persistence" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_persist2, FIELD_FLOAT, "persistence2" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_minRange, FIELD_FLOAT, "minRange" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_maxRange, FIELD_FLOAT, "maxRange" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flMinRange2, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flMaxRange2, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iAmmoCount, FIELD_INTEGER, "ammo_count" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_spriteScale, FIELD_FLOAT, "spritescale" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszSpriteSmoke, FIELD_STRING, "spritesmoke" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszSpriteFlash, FIELD_STRING, "spriteflash" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bulletType, FIELD_INTEGER, "bullet" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_nBulletCount, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_spread, FIELD_INTEGER, "firespread" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iBulletDamage, FIELD_INTEGER, "bullet_damage" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iBulletDamageVsPlayer, FIELD_INTEGER, "bullet_damage_vs_player" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszMaster, FIELD_STRING, "master" ), #ifdef HL2_EPISODIC
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszAmmoType, FIELD_STRING, "ammotype" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_iAmmoType, FIELD_INTEGER ), #else
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_soundStartRotate, FIELD_SOUNDNAME, "rotatestartsound" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_soundStopRotate, FIELD_SOUNDNAME, "rotatestopsound" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_soundLoopRotate, FIELD_SOUNDNAME, "rotatesound" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPlayerGracePeriod, FIELD_FLOAT, "playergraceperiod" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flIgnoreGraceUpto, FIELD_FLOAT, "ignoregraceupto" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPlayerLockTimeBeforeFire, FIELD_FLOAT, "playerlocktimebeforefire" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastSawNonPlayer, FIELD_TIME ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_hControlVolume, FIELD_EHANDLE ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszControlVolume, FIELD_STRING, "control_volume" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextControllerSearch, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bShouldFindNPCs, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bNPCInRoute, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszNPCManPoint, FIELD_STRING, "npc_man_point" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bReadyToFire, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_bPerformLeading, FIELD_BOOLEAN, "LeadTarget" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flStartLeadFactor, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flStartLeadFactorTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextLeadFactor, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextLeadFactorTime, FIELD_TIME ),
// Used for when the gun is attached to another entity
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszBaseAttachment, FIELD_STRING, "gun_base_attach" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszBarrelAttachment, FIELD_STRING, "gun_barrel_attach" ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_nBarrelAttachment, FIELD_INTEGER ),
// Used when the gun is actually a part of the parent entity, and pose params aim it
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszYawPoseParam, FIELD_STRING, "gun_yaw_pose_param" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszPitchPoseParam, FIELD_STRING, "gun_pitch_pose_param" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flYawPoseCenter, FIELD_FLOAT, "gun_yaw_pose_center" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPitchPoseCenter, FIELD_FLOAT, "gun_pitch_pose_center" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bUsePoseParameters, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iEffectHandling, FIELD_INTEGER, "effecthandling" ),
// Inputs
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Activate", InputActivate ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Deactivate", InputDeactivate ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "SetFireRate", InputSetFireRate ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_INTEGER, "SetDamage", InputSetDamage ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VECTOR, "SetTargetPosition", InputSetTargetPosition ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VECTOR, "SetTargetDir", InputSetTargetDir ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "SetTargetEntityName", InputSetTargetEntityName ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_EHANDLE, "SetTargetEntity", InputSetTargetEntity ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "ClearTargetEntity", InputClearTargetEntity ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_STRING, "FindNPCToManTank", InputFindNPCToManTank ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "StopFindingNPCs", InputStopFindingNPCs ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "StartFindingNPCs", InputStartFindingNPCs ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "ForceNPCOff", InputForceNPCOff ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "SetMaxRange", InputSetMaxRange ),
// Outputs
DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnFire, "OnFire"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnLoseTarget, "OnLoseTarget"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnAquireTarget, "OnAquireTarget"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnAmmoDepleted, "OnAmmoDepleted"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnGotController, "OnGotController"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnLostController, "OnLostController"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnGotPlayerController, "OnGotPlayerController"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnLostPlayerController, "OnLostPlayerController"), DEFINE_OUTPUT(m_OnReadyToFire, "OnReadyToFire"), END_DATADESC()
// Purpose:
CFuncTank::CFuncTank() { m_nBulletCount = 0;
m_bNPCInRoute = false; m_flNextControllerSearch = 0; m_bShouldFindNPCs = true; }
// Purpose:
CFuncTank::~CFuncTank( void ) { if ( m_soundLoopRotate != NULL_STRING && ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_SOUNDON ) ) { StopSound( entindex(), CHAN_STATIC, STRING(m_soundLoopRotate) ); } }
// Purpose:
inline bool CFuncTank::CanFire( void ) { float flTimeDelay = gpGlobals->curtime - m_lastSightTime;
// Fire when can't see enemy if time is less that persistence time
if ( flTimeDelay <= m_persist ) return true;
// Fire when I'm in a persistence2 burst
if ( flTimeDelay <= m_persist2burst ) return true;
// If less than persistence2, occasionally do another burst
if ( flTimeDelay <= m_persist2 ) { if ( random->RandomInt( 0, 30 ) == 0 ) { m_persist2burst = flTimeDelay + 0.5f; return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: Input handler for activating the tank.
void CFuncTank::InputActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { TankActivate(); }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::TankActivate( void ) { m_spawnflags |= SF_TANK_ACTIVE; SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime; }
// Purpose: Input handler for deactivating the tank.
void CFuncTank::InputDeactivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { TankDeactivate(); }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::TankDeactivate( void ) { m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_ACTIVE; m_fireLast = 0; StopRotSound(); }
// Purpose: Input handler for changing the name of the tank's target entity.
void CFuncTank::InputSetTargetEntityName( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_targetEntityName = inputdata.value.StringID(); m_hTarget = FindTarget( m_targetEntityName, inputdata.pActivator );
// No longer aim at target position if have one
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS; }
// Purpose: Input handler for setting a new target entity by ehandle.
void CFuncTank::InputSetTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if ( inputdata.value.Entity() != NULL ) { m_targetEntityName = inputdata.value.Entity()->GetEntityName(); } else { m_targetEntityName = NULL_STRING; } m_hTarget = inputdata.value.Entity();
// No longer aim at target position if have one
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS; }
// Purpose: Input handler for clearing the tank's target entity
void CFuncTank::InputClearTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_targetEntityName = NULL_STRING; m_hTarget = NULL;
// No longer aim at target position if have one
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS; }
// Purpose: Input handler for setting the rate of fire in shots per second.
void CFuncTank::InputSetFireRate( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_fireRate = inputdata.value.Float(); }
// Purpose: Input handler for setting the damage
void CFuncTank::InputSetDamage( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_iBulletDamage = inputdata.value.Int(); }
// Purpose: Input handler for setting the target as a position.
void CFuncTank::InputSetTargetPosition( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_spawnflags |= SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS; m_hTarget = NULL;
inputdata.value.Vector3D( m_vTargetPosition ); }
// Purpose: Input handler for setting the target as a position.
void CFuncTank::InputSetTargetDir( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_spawnflags |= SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS; m_hTarget = NULL;
Vector vecTargetDir; inputdata.value.Vector3D( vecTargetDir ); m_vTargetPosition = GetAbsOrigin() + m_barrelPos.LengthSqr() * vecTargetDir; }
// Purpose: Input handler for telling the func_tank to find an NPC to man it.
void CFuncTank::InputFindNPCToManTank( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // Verify the func_tank is controllable and available.
if ( !IsNPCControllable() && !IsNPCSetController() ) return;
// If we have a controller already - don't look for one.
if ( HasController() ) return;
// NPC assigned to man the func_tank?
CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, inputdata.value.StringID() ); if ( pEntity ) { CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = pEntity->MyNPCPointer(); if ( pNPC ) { // Verify the npc has the func_tank controller behavior.
CAI_FuncTankBehavior *pBehavior; if ( pNPC->GetBehavior( &pBehavior ) ) { m_hController = pNPC; pBehavior->SetFuncTank( this ); NPC_SetInRoute( true ); return; } } }
// No controller? Find a nearby NPC who can man this func_tank.
NPC_FindController(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CFuncTank::InputStopFindingNPCs( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_bShouldFindNPCs = false; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CFuncTank::InputStartFindingNPCs( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_bShouldFindNPCs = true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CFuncTank::InputForceNPCOff( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { // Interrupt any npc in route (ally or not).
if ( NPC_InRoute() ) { // Interrupt the npc's route.
NPC_InterruptRoute(); }
// If we don't have a controller - then the gun should be free.
if ( !m_hController ) return;
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = m_hController->MyNPCPointer(); if ( !pNPC ) return;
CAI_FuncTankBehavior *pBehavior; if ( pNPC->GetBehavior( &pBehavior ) ) { pBehavior->Dismount(); }
m_hController = NULL; }
// Purpose:
// Input : &inputdata -
void CFuncTank::InputSetMaxRange( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_maxRange = inputdata.value.Float(); m_flMaxRange2 = m_maxRange * m_maxRange; }
// Purpose: Find the closest NPC with the func_tank behavior.
void CFuncTank::NPC_FindController( void ) { // Not NPC controllable or controllable on by specified npc's return.
if ( !IsNPCControllable() || IsNPCSetController() ) return;
// Initialize for finding closest NPC.
CAI_BaseNPC *pClosestNPC = NULL; float flClosestDist2 = ( FUNCTANK_DISTANCE_MAX * FUNCTANK_DISTANCE_MAX ); float flMinDistToEnemy2 = ( FUNCTANK_DISTANCE_MIN_TO_ENEMY * FUNCTANK_DISTANCE_MIN_TO_ENEMY ); CAI_FuncTankBehavior *pClosestBehavior = NULL;
// Get the mount position.
Vector vecMountPos; NPC_FindManPoint( vecMountPos );
// Search through the AI list for the closest NPC with the func_tank behavior.
CAI_BaseNPC **ppAIs = g_AI_Manager.AccessAIs(); int nAICount = g_AI_Manager.NumAIs(); for ( int iAI = 0; iAI < nAICount; ++iAI ) { CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = ppAIs[iAI]; if ( !pNPC ) continue; if ( !pNPC->IsAlive() ) continue;
if ( pNPC->IsInAScript() ) continue;
CAI_FuncTankBehavior *pBehavior; if ( pNPC->GetBehavior( &pBehavior ) ) { // Don't mount the func_tank if your "enemy" is within X feet or it or the npc.
CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pNPC->GetEnemy();
if ( pEnemy ) { if ( !IsEntityInViewCone(pEnemy) ) { // Don't mount the tank if the tank can't be aimed at the enemy.
continue; }
float flDist2 = ( pEnemy->GetAbsOrigin() - pNPC->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr(); if ( flDist2 < flMinDistToEnemy2 ) continue;
flDist2 = ( vecMountPos - pEnemy->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr(); if ( flDist2 < flMinDistToEnemy2 ) continue;
if ( !pNPC->FVisible( vecMountPos + pNPC->GetViewOffset() ) ) continue; }
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceEntity( pNPC, vecMountPos, vecMountPos, MASK_NPCSOLID, this, pNPC->GetCollisionGroup(), &tr ); if( tr.startsolid || tr.fraction < 1.0 ) { // Don't mount the tank if someone/something is located on the control point.
continue; }
if ( !pBehavior->HasFuncTank() && !pBehavior->IsBusy() ) { float flDist2 = ( vecMountPos - pNPC->GetAbsOrigin() ).LengthSqr(); if ( flDist2 < flClosestDist2 ) { pClosestNPC = pNPC; pClosestBehavior = pBehavior; flClosestDist2 = flDist2; } } } }
// Set the closest NPC as controller.
if ( pClosestNPC ) { m_hController = pClosestNPC; pClosestBehavior->SetFuncTank( this ); NPC_SetInRoute( true ); } }
// Purpose: Draw any debug text overlays
// Output : Current text offset from the top
int CFuncTank::DrawDebugTextOverlays(void) { int text_offset = BaseClass::DrawDebugTextOverlays();
if (m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT) { // --------------
// State
// --------------
char tempstr[255]; if (IsActive()) { Q_strncpy(tempstr,"State: Active",sizeof(tempstr)); } else { Q_strncpy(tempstr,"State: Inactive",sizeof(tempstr)); } EntityText(text_offset,tempstr,0); text_offset++; // -------------------
// Print Firing Speed
// --------------------
Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Fire Rate: %f",m_fireRate);
EntityText(text_offset,tempstr,0); text_offset++; // --------------
// Print Target
// --------------
if (m_hTarget!=NULL) { Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Target: %s",m_hTarget->GetDebugName()); } else { Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Target: - "); } EntityText(text_offset,tempstr,0); text_offset++;
// --------------
// Target Pos
// --------------
if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS) { Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Aim Pos: %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f",m_vTargetPosition.x,m_vTargetPosition.y,m_vTargetPosition.z); } else { Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Aim Pos: - "); } EntityText(text_offset,tempstr,0); text_offset++;
} return text_offset; }
// Purpose: Override base class to add display of fly direction
// Input :
// Output :
void CFuncTank::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(void) { // Center
QAngle angCenter; Vector vecForward; angCenter = QAngle( 0, YawCenterWorld(), 0 ); AngleVectors( angCenter, &vecForward ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + (vecForward * 64), 255,255,255, true, 0.1);
// Draw the yaw ranges
angCenter = QAngle( 0, YawCenterWorld() + m_yawRange, 0 ); AngleVectors( angCenter, &vecForward ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + (vecForward * 128), 0,255,0, true, 0.1); angCenter = QAngle( 0, YawCenterWorld() - m_yawRange, 0 ); AngleVectors( angCenter, &vecForward ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + (vecForward * 128), 0,255,0, true, 0.1);
// Draw the pitch ranges
angCenter = QAngle( PitchCenterWorld() + m_pitchRange, 0, 0 ); AngleVectors( angCenter, &vecForward ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + (vecForward * 128), 255,0,0, true, 0.1); angCenter = QAngle( PitchCenterWorld() - m_pitchRange, 0, 0 ); AngleVectors( angCenter, &vecForward ); NDebugOverlay::Line( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() + (vecForward * 128), 255,0,0, true, 0.1);
BaseClass::DrawDebugGeometryOverlays(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : pAttacker -
// flDamage -
// vecDir -
// ptr -
// bitsDamageType -
void CFuncTank::TraceAttack( CBaseEntity *pAttacker, float flDamage, const Vector &vecDir, trace_t *ptr, int bitsDamageType) { if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_DAMAGE_KICK) { // Deflect the func_tank
// Only adjust yaw for now
if (pAttacker) { Vector vFromAttacker = (pAttacker->EyePosition()-GetAbsOrigin()); vFromAttacker.z = 0; VectorNormalize(vFromAttacker);
Vector vFromAttacker2 = (ptr->endpos-GetAbsOrigin()); vFromAttacker2.z = 0; VectorNormalize(vFromAttacker2);
Vector vCrossProduct; CrossProduct(vFromAttacker,vFromAttacker2, vCrossProduct);
QAngle angles; angles = GetLocalAngles(); if (vCrossProduct.z > 0) { angles.y += 10; } else { angles.y -= 10; }
// Limit against range in y
if ( angles.y > m_yawCenter + m_yawRange ) { angles.y = m_yawCenter + m_yawRange; } else if ( angles.y < (m_yawCenter - m_yawRange) ) { angles.y = (m_yawCenter - m_yawRange); }
SetLocalAngles( angles ); } } }
// Purpose:
// Input : targetName -
// pActivator -
CBaseEntity *CFuncTank::FindTarget( string_t targetName, CBaseEntity *pActivator ) { return gEntList.FindEntityGenericNearest( STRING( targetName ), GetAbsOrigin(), 0, this, pActivator ); }
// Purpose: Caches entity key values until spawn is called.
// Input : szKeyName -
// szValue -
// Output :
bool CFuncTank::KeyValue( const char *szKeyName, const char *szValue ) { if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "barrel")) { m_barrelPos.x = atof(szValue); return true; } if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "barrely")) { m_barrelPos.y = atof(szValue); return true; } if (FStrEq(szKeyName, "barrelz")) { m_barrelPos.z = atof(szValue); return true; }
return BaseClass::KeyValue( szKeyName, szValue ); }
static Vector gTankSpread[] = { Vector( 0, 0, 0 ), // perfect
Vector( 0.025, 0.025, 0.025 ), // small cone
Vector( 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 ), // medium cone
Vector( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ), // large cone
Vector( 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 ), // extra-large cone
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::Spawn( void ) { Precache();
m_iAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index( STRING( m_iszAmmoType ) ); #else
m_iSmallAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index("Pistol"); m_iMediumAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index("SMG1"); m_iLargeAmmoType = GetAmmoDef()->Index("AR2"); #endif // HL2_EPISODIC
SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_PUSH ); // so it doesn't get pushed by anything
SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS ); SetModel( STRING( GetModelName() ) ); AddEFlags( EFL_USE_PARTITION_WHEN_NOT_SOLID );
if ( HasSpawnFlags(SF_TANK_NOTSOLID) ) { AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ); }
m_hControlVolume = NULL;
if ( GetParent() && GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating() ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating(); if ( m_iszBaseAttachment != NULL_STRING ) { int nAttachment = pAnim->LookupAttachment( STRING( m_iszBaseAttachment ) ); if ( nAttachment != 0 ) { SetParent( pAnim, nAttachment ); SetLocalOrigin( vec3_origin ); SetLocalAngles( vec3_angle ); } }
m_bUsePoseParameters = (m_iszYawPoseParam != NULL_STRING) && (m_iszPitchPoseParam != NULL_STRING);
if ( m_iszBarrelAttachment != NULL_STRING ) { if ( m_bUsePoseParameters ) { pAnim->SetPoseParameter( STRING( m_iszYawPoseParam ), 0 ); pAnim->SetPoseParameter( STRING( m_iszPitchPoseParam ), 0 ); pAnim->InvalidateBoneCache(); }
m_nBarrelAttachment = pAnim->LookupAttachment( STRING(m_iszBarrelAttachment) );
Vector vecWorldBarrelPos; QAngle worldBarrelAngle; pAnim->GetAttachment( m_nBarrelAttachment, vecWorldBarrelPos, worldBarrelAngle ); VectorITransform( vecWorldBarrelPos, EntityToWorldTransform( ), m_barrelPos ); }
if ( m_bUsePoseParameters ) { // In this case, we're relying on the parent to have the gun model
AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); QAngle localAngles( m_flPitchPoseCenter, m_flYawPoseCenter, 0 ); SetLocalAngles( localAngles ); SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NOCLIP );
// If our parent is a prop_dynamic, make it use hitboxes for renderbox
CDynamicProp *pProp = dynamic_cast<CDynamicProp*>(GetParent()); if ( pProp ) { pProp->m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox = true; } } }
// For smoothing out leading
m_flStartLeadFactor = 1.0f; m_flNextLeadFactor = 1.0f; m_flStartLeadFactorTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_flNextLeadFactorTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f;
m_yawCenter = GetLocalAngles().y; m_yawCenterWorld = GetAbsAngles().y; m_pitchCenter = GetLocalAngles().x; m_pitchCenterWorld = GetAbsAngles().y; m_vTargetPosition = vec3_origin;
if ( IsActive() || (IsControllable() && !HasController()) ) { // Think to find controllers.
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f ); m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; }
m_sightOrigin = WorldBarrelPosition(); // Point at the end of the barrel
if ( m_spread > MAX_FIRING_SPREADS ) { m_spread = 0; }
// No longer aim at target position if have one
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS;
if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_DAMAGE_KICK) { m_takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; }
// UNDONE: Do this?
//m_targetEntityName = m_target;
if ( GetSolid() != SOLID_NONE ) { CreateVPhysics(); }
// Setup squared min/max range.
m_flMinRange2 = m_minRange * m_minRange; m_flMaxRange2 = m_maxRange * m_maxRange; m_flIgnoreGraceUpto *= m_flIgnoreGraceUpto;
m_flLastSawNonPlayer = 0;
if( IsActive() ) { m_OnReadyToFire.FireOutput( this, this ); } }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::Activate( void ) { BaseClass::Activate();
// Necessary for save/load
if ( (m_iszBarrelAttachment != NULL_STRING) && (m_nBarrelAttachment == 0) ) { if ( GetParent() && GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating() ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating(); m_nBarrelAttachment = pAnim->LookupAttachment( STRING(m_iszBarrelAttachment) ); } } }
bool CFuncTank::CreateVPhysics() { VPhysicsInitShadow( false, false ); return true; }
void CFuncTank::Precache( void ) { if ( m_iszSpriteSmoke != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheModel( STRING(m_iszSpriteSmoke) ); if ( m_iszSpriteFlash != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheModel( STRING(m_iszSpriteFlash) );
if ( m_soundStartRotate != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_soundStartRotate) ); if ( m_soundStopRotate != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_soundStopRotate) ); if ( m_soundLoopRotate != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_soundLoopRotate) );
PrecacheScriptSound( "Func_Tank.BeginUse" ); // Precache the combine cannon
if ( m_iEffectHandling == EH_COMBINE_CANNON ) { PrecacheScriptSound( "NPC_Combine_Cannon.FireBullet" ); } }
void CFuncTank::UpdateOnRemove( void ) { if ( HasController() ) { StopControl(); } BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove(); }
// Barrel position
void CFuncTank::UpdateMatrix( void ) { m_parentMatrix.InitFromEntity( GetParent(), GetParentAttachment() ); }
// Barrel position
Vector CFuncTank::WorldBarrelPosition( void ) { if ( (m_nBarrelAttachment == 0) || !GetParent() ) { EntityMatrix tmp; tmp.InitFromEntity( this ); return tmp.LocalToWorld( m_barrelPos ); }
Vector vecOrigin; QAngle vecAngles; CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating(); pAnim->GetAttachment( m_nBarrelAttachment, vecOrigin, vecAngles ); return vecOrigin; }
// Make the parent's pose parameters match the func_tank
void CFuncTank::PhysicsSimulate( void ) { BaseClass::PhysicsSimulate();
if ( m_bUsePoseParameters && GetParent() ) { const QAngle &angles = GetLocalAngles(); CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating(); pAnim->SetPoseParameter( STRING( m_iszYawPoseParam ), angles.y ); pAnim->SetPoseParameter( STRING( m_iszPitchPoseParam ), angles.x ); pAnim->StudioFrameAdvance(); } }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::OnControls( CBaseEntity *pTest ) { // Is the tank controllable.
if ( !IsControllable() ) return false;
if ( !m_hControlVolume ) { // Find our control volume
if ( m_iszControlVolume != NULL_STRING ) { m_hControlVolume = dynamic_cast<CBaseTrigger*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszControlVolume ) ); }
if (( !m_hControlVolume ) && IsControllable() ) { Msg( "ERROR: Couldn't find control volume for player-controllable func_tank %s.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return false; } }
if ( m_hControlVolume->IsTouching( pTest ) ) return true; return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::StartControl( CBaseCombatCharacter *pController ) { // Check to see if we have a controller.
if ( HasController() && GetController() != pController ) return false;
// Team only or disabled?
if ( m_iszMaster != NULL_STRING ) { if ( !UTIL_IsMasterTriggered( m_iszMaster, pController ) ) return false; }
// Set func_tank as manned by player/npc.
m_hController = pController; if ( pController->IsPlayer() ) { m_spawnflags |= SF_TANK_PLAYER;
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( m_hController.Get() ); pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD |= HIDEHUD_WEAPONSELECTION; } else { m_spawnflags |= SF_TANK_NPC; NPC_SetInRoute( false ); }
// Holster player/npc weapon
if ( m_hController->GetActiveWeapon() ) { m_hController->GetActiveWeapon()->Holster(); }
// Set the controller's position to be the use position.
m_vecControllerUsePos = m_hController->GetLocalOrigin();
EmitSound( "Func_Tank.BeginUse" ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); // Let the map maker know a controller has been found
if ( m_hController->IsPlayer() ) { m_OnGotPlayerController.FireOutput( this, this ); } else { m_OnGotController.FireOutput( this, this ); }
OnStartControlled(); return true; }
// Purpose:
// TODO: bring back the controllers current weapon
void CFuncTank::StopControl() { // Do we have a controller?
if ( !m_hController ) return;
// Arm player/npc weapon.
if ( m_hController->GetActiveWeapon() ) { m_hController->GetActiveWeapon()->Deploy(); }
if ( m_hController->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( m_hController.Get() ); pPlayer->m_Local.m_iHideHUD &= ~HIDEHUD_WEAPONSELECTION; }
// Stop thinking.
SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK ); // Let the map maker know a controller has been lost.
if ( m_hController->IsPlayer() ) { m_OnLostPlayerController.FireOutput( this, this ); } else { m_OnLostController.FireOutput( this, this ); }
// Reset the func_tank as unmanned (player/npc).
if ( m_hController->IsPlayer() ) { m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_PLAYER; } else { m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_NPC; }
m_hController = NULL;
// Set think, if the func_tank can think on its own.
if ( IsActive() || (IsControllable() && !HasController()) ) { // Delay the think to find controllers a bit
m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; #else
m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 5.0f; #endif//FUNCTANK_AUTOUSE
SetNextThink( m_flNextControllerSearch ); }
SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle ); }
// Purpose:
// Called each frame by the player's ItemPostFrame
// NVNT turret recoil
ConVar hap_turret_mag("hap_turret_mag", "5", 0);
void CFuncTank::ControllerPostFrame( void ) { // Make sure we have a contoller.
Assert( m_hController != NULL );
// Control the firing rate.
if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextAttack ) return;
if ( !IsPlayerManned() ) return;
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( m_hController.Get() ); if ( ( pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK ) == 0 ) return;
Vector forward; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &forward ); m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime - (1/m_fireRate) - 0.01; // to make sure the gun doesn't fire too many bullets
int bulletCount = (gpGlobals->curtime - m_fireLast) * m_fireRate; if( HasSpawnFlags( SF_TANK_AIM_ASSISTANCE ) ) { // Trace out a hull and if it hits something, adjust the shot to hit that thing.
trace_t tr; Vector start = WorldBarrelPosition(); Vector dir = forward; UTIL_TraceHull( start, start + forward * 8192, -Vector(8,8,8), Vector(8,8,8), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); if( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->m_takedamage != DAMAGE_NO && (tr.m_pEnt->GetFlags() & FL_AIMTARGET) ) { forward = tr.m_pEnt->WorldSpaceCenter() - start; VectorNormalize( forward ); } } Fire( bulletCount, WorldBarrelPosition(), forward, pPlayer, false ); #if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// NVNT apply a punch on the player each time fired
HapticPunch(pPlayer,0,0,hap_turret_mag.GetFloat()); #endif
// HACKHACK -- make some noise (that the AI can hear)
CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_COMBAT, WorldSpaceCenter(), FUNCTANK_FIREVOLUME, 0.2 ); if( m_iAmmoCount > -1 ) { if( !(m_iAmmoCount % 10) ) { Msg("Ammo Remaining: %d\n", m_iAmmoCount ); } if( --m_iAmmoCount == 0 ) { // Kick the player off the gun, and make myself not usable.
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_CANCONTROL; StopControl(); return; } } SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime + (1/m_fireRate) ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CFuncTank::HasController( void ) { return (m_hController != NULL); }
// Purpose:
// Output : CBaseCombatCharacter
CBaseCombatCharacter *CFuncTank::GetController( void ) { return m_hController; }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::NPC_FindManPoint( Vector &vecPos ) { if ( m_iszNPCManPoint != NULL_STRING ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszNPCManPoint ); if ( pEntity ) { vecPos = pEntity->GetAbsOrigin(); return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose: The NPC manning this gun just saw a player for the first time since he left cover
void CFuncTank::NPC_JustSawPlayer( CBaseEntity *pTarget ) { SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime + m_flPlayerLockTimeBeforeFire ); }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::NPC_Fire( void ) { // Control the firing rate.
if ( gpGlobals->curtime < m_flNextAttack ) return;
// Check for a valid npc controller.
if ( !m_hController ) return;
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = m_hController->MyNPCPointer(); if ( !pNPC ) return;
// Setup for next round of firing.
if ( m_nBulletCount == 0 ) { m_nBulletCount = GetRandomBurst(); m_fireTime = 1.0f; }
// m_fireLast looks like it is only needed for Active non-controlled func_tank.
// m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime - (1/m_fireRate) - 0.01; // to make sure the gun doesn't fire too many bullets
Vector vecBarrelEnd = WorldBarrelPosition(); Vector vecForward; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecForward );
if ( (pNPC->CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_NO_HIT_SQUADMATES) && pNPC->IsInSquad() ) { // Avoid shooting squadmates.
if ( pNPC->IsSquadmateInSpread( vecBarrelEnd, vecBarrelEnd + vecForward * 2048, gTankSpread[m_spread].x, 8*12 ) ) { return; } }
if ( !HasSpawnFlags( SF_TANK_ALLOW_PLAYER_HITS ) && (pNPC->CapabilitiesGet() & bits_CAP_NO_HIT_PLAYER) ) { // Avoid shooting player.
if ( pNPC->PlayerInSpread( vecBarrelEnd, vecBarrelEnd + vecForward * 2048, gTankSpread[m_spread].x, 8*12 ) ) { return; } }
bool bIgnoreSpread = false;
CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pNPC->GetEnemy(); if ( HasSpawnFlags( SF_TANK_HACKPLAYERHIT ) && pEnemy && pEnemy->IsPlayer() ) { // Every third shot should be fired directly at the player
if ( m_nBulletCount%2 == 0 ) { Vector vecBodyTarget = pEnemy->BodyTarget( vecBarrelEnd, false ); vecForward = (vecBodyTarget - vecBarrelEnd); VectorNormalize( vecForward ); bIgnoreSpread = true; } }
// Fire the bullet(s).
Fire( 1, vecBarrelEnd, vecForward, m_hController, bIgnoreSpread ); --m_nBulletCount;
// Check ammo counts and dismount when empty.
if( m_iAmmoCount > -1 ) { if( --m_iAmmoCount == 0 ) { // Disable the func_tank.
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_CANCONTROL;
// Remove the npc.
StopControl(); return; } } float flFireTime = GetRandomFireTime(); if ( m_nBulletCount != 0 ) { m_fireTime -= flFireTime; SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime + flFireTime ); } else { SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime + m_fireTime ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::NPC_HasEnemy( void ) { if ( !IsNPCManned() ) return false;
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = m_hController->MyNPCPointer(); Assert( pNPC );
return ( pNPC->GetEnemy() != NULL ); }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::NPC_InterruptRoute( void ) { if ( !m_hController ) return;
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = m_hController->MyNPCPointer(); if ( !pNPC ) return;
CAI_FuncTankBehavior *pBehavior; if ( pNPC->GetBehavior( &pBehavior ) ) { pBehavior->SetFuncTank( NULL ); }
// Reset the npc controller.
m_hController = NULL;
// No NPC's in route.
NPC_SetInRoute( false );
// Delay the think to find controllers a bit
m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 5.0f;
if ( !HasController() ) { // Start thinking to find controllers again
SetNextThink( m_flNextControllerSearch ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::NPC_InterruptController( void ) { // If we don't have a controller - then the gun should be free.
if ( !m_hController ) return true;
CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = m_hController->MyNPCPointer(); if ( !pNPC || !pNPC->IsPlayerAlly() ) return false;
CAI_FuncTankBehavior *pBehavior; if ( pNPC->GetBehavior( &pBehavior ) ) { pBehavior->Dismount(); }
m_hController = NULL; return true; }
// Purpose:
// Output : float
float CFuncTank::GetRandomFireTime( void ) { Assert( m_fireRate != 0 ); float flOOFireRate = 1.0f / m_fireRate; float flOOFireRateBy2 = flOOFireRate * 0.5f; float flOOFireRateBy4 = flOOFireRate * 0.25f; return random->RandomFloat( flOOFireRateBy4, flOOFireRateBy2 ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CFuncTank::GetRandomBurst( void ) { return random->RandomInt( m_fireRate-2, m_fireRate+2 ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pActivator -
// *pCaller -
// useType -
// value -
void CFuncTank::Use( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { if ( !IsControllable() ) return;
// player controlled turret
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pActivator ); if ( !pPlayer ) return;
if ( value == 2 && useType == USE_SET ) { ControllerPostFrame(); } else if ( m_hController != pPlayer && useType != USE_OFF ) { // The player must be within the func_tank controls
if ( !m_hControlVolume ) { // Find our control volume
if ( m_iszControlVolume != NULL_STRING ) { m_hControlVolume = dynamic_cast<CBaseTrigger*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszControlVolume ) ); }
if (( !m_hControlVolume ) && IsControllable() ) { Msg( "ERROR: Couldn't find control volume for player-controllable func_tank %s.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return; } }
if ( !m_hControlVolume->IsTouching( pPlayer ) ) return;
// Interrupt any npc in route (ally or not).
if ( NPC_InRoute() ) { // Interrupt the npc's route.
NPC_InterruptRoute(); }
// Interrupt NPC - if possible (they must be allies).
if ( IsNPCControllable() && HasController() ) { if ( !NPC_InterruptController() ) return; }
pPlayer->SetUseEntity( this ); StartControl( pPlayer ); } else { StopControl(); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : range -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CFuncTank::InRange( float range ) { if ( range < m_minRange ) return FALSE; if ( (m_maxRange > 0) && (range > m_maxRange) ) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::InRange2( float flRange2 ) { if ( flRange2 < m_flMinRange2 ) return false;
if ( ( m_flMaxRange2 > 0.0f ) && ( flRange2 > m_flMaxRange2 ) ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::Think( void ) { FuncTankPreThink();
m_hFuncTankTarget = NULL;
// Look for a new controller?
if ( IsControllable() && !HasController() && (m_flNextControllerSearch <= gpGlobals->curtime) ) { if ( m_bShouldFindNPCs && gpGlobals->curtime > 5.0f ) { // Check for in route and timer.
if ( !NPC_InRoute() ) { NPC_FindController(); } }
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1); bool bThinkFast = false;
if( pPlayer ) { if ( !m_hControlVolume ) { // Find our control volume
if ( m_iszControlVolume != NULL_STRING ) { m_hControlVolume = dynamic_cast<CBaseTrigger*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszControlVolume ) ); }
if (( !m_hControlVolume ) && IsControllable() ) { Msg( "ERROR: Couldn't find control volume for player-controllable func_tank %s.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return; } }
if ( m_hControlVolume ) { if( m_hControlVolume->IsTouching( pPlayer ) && pPlayer->FInViewCone(WorldSpaceCenter()) ) { // If my control volume is touching a player that's facing the mounted gun, automatically use the gun.
// !!!BUGBUG - this only works in cases where the player can see the gun whilst standing in the control
// volume. (This works just fine for all func_tanks mounted on combine walls and small barriers)
variant_t emptyVariant; AcceptInput( "Use", pPlayer, pPlayer, emptyVariant, USE_TOGGLE ); } else { // If the player is nearby, think faster for snappier response to XBox auto mounting
float flDistSqr = GetAbsOrigin().DistToSqr( pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() );
if( flDistSqr <= Square(360) ) { bThinkFast = true; } } } }
// Keep thinking, in case they turn NPC finding back on
if ( !HasController() ) { if( bThinkFast ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); } else { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f ); } }
if( bThinkFast ) { m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f; } else { m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f; } #else
// Keep thinking, in case they turn NPC finding back on
if ( !HasController() ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f ); }
m_flNextControllerSearch = gpGlobals->curtime + 2.0f; #endif//FUNCTANK_AUTOUSE
// refresh the matrix
SetLocalAngularVelocity( vec3_angle ); TrackTarget();
if ( fabs(GetLocalAngularVelocity().x) > 1 || fabs(GetLocalAngularVelocity().y) > 1 ) { StartRotSound(); } else { StopRotSound(); }
FuncTankPostThink(); }
// Purpose: Aim the offset barrel at a position in parent space
// Input : parentTarget - the position of the target in parent space
// Output : Vector - angles in local space
QAngle CFuncTank::AimBarrelAt( const Vector &parentTarget ) { Vector target = parentTarget - GetLocalOrigin(); float quadTarget = target.LengthSqr(); float quadTargetXY = target.x*target.x + target.y*target.y;
// Target is too close! Can't aim at it
if ( quadTarget <= m_barrelPos.LengthSqr() ) { return GetLocalAngles(); } else { // We're trying to aim the offset barrel at an arbitrary point.
// To calculate this, I think of the target as being on a sphere with
// it's center at the origin of the gun.
// The rotation we need is the opposite of the rotation that moves the target
// along the surface of that sphere to intersect with the gun's shooting direction
// To calculate that rotation, we simply calculate the intersection of the ray
// coming out of the barrel with the target sphere (that's the new target position)
// and use atan2() to get angles
// angles from target pos to center
float targetToCenterYaw = atan2( target.y, target.x ); float centerToGunYaw = atan2( m_barrelPos.y, sqrt( quadTarget - (m_barrelPos.y*m_barrelPos.y) ) );
float targetToCenterPitch = atan2( target.z, sqrt( quadTargetXY ) ); float centerToGunPitch = atan2( -m_barrelPos.z, sqrt( quadTarget - (m_barrelPos.z*m_barrelPos.z) ) ); return QAngle( -RAD2DEG(targetToCenterPitch+centerToGunPitch), RAD2DEG( targetToCenterYaw + centerToGunYaw ), 0 ); } }
// Aim the tank at the player crosshair
void CFuncTank::CalcPlayerCrosshairTarget( Vector *pVecTarget ) { // Get the player.
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( m_hController.Get() );
// Tank aims at player's crosshair.
Vector vecStart, vecDir; trace_t tr; vecStart = pPlayer->EyePosition();
if ( !IsX360() ) { vecDir = pPlayer->EyeDirection3D(); } else { // Use autoaim as the eye dir.
vecDir = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_SCALE_DEFAULT ); } // Make sure to start the trace outside of the player's bbox!
UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart + vecDir * 24, vecStart + vecDir * 8192, MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
*pVecTarget = tr.endpos; }
// Aim the tank at the player crosshair
void CFuncTank::AimBarrelAtPlayerCrosshair( QAngle *pAngles ) { Vector vecTarget; CalcPlayerCrosshairTarget( &vecTarget ); *pAngles = AimBarrelAt( m_parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( vecTarget ) ); }
// Aim the tank at the NPC's enemy
void CFuncTank::CalcNPCEnemyTarget( Vector *pVecTarget ) { Vector vecTarget; CAI_BaseNPC *pNPC = m_hController->MyNPCPointer();
// Aim the barrel at the npc's enemy, or where the npc is looking.
CBaseEntity *pEnemy = pNPC->GetEnemy(); if ( pEnemy ) { // Clear the idle target
*pVecTarget = pEnemy->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin(), false ); m_vecNPCIdleTarget = *pVecTarget; } else { if ( m_vecNPCIdleTarget != vec3_origin ) { *pVecTarget = m_vecNPCIdleTarget; } else { Vector vecForward; QAngle angCenter( 0, m_yawCenterWorld, 0 ); AngleVectors( angCenter, &vecForward ); trace_t tr; Vector vecBarrel = GetAbsOrigin() + m_barrelPos; UTIL_TraceLine( vecBarrel, vecBarrel + vecForward * 8192, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); *pVecTarget = tr.endpos; } } }
// Aim the tank at the NPC's enemy
void CFuncTank::AimBarrelAtNPCEnemy( QAngle *pAngles ) { Vector vecTarget; CalcNPCEnemyTarget( &vecTarget ); *pAngles = AimBarrelAt( m_parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( vecTarget ) ); }
// Returns true if the desired angles are out of range
bool CFuncTank::RotateTankToAngles( const QAngle &angles, float *pDistX, float *pDistY ) { bool bClamped = false;
// Force the angles to be relative to the center position
float offsetY = UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.y, m_yawCenter ); float offsetX = UTIL_AngleDistance( angles.x, m_pitchCenter );
float flActualYaw = m_yawCenter + offsetY; float flActualPitch = m_pitchCenter + offsetX;
if ( ( fabs( offsetY ) > m_yawRange + m_yawTolerance ) || ( fabs( offsetX ) > m_pitchRange + m_pitchTolerance ) ) { // Limit against range in x
flActualYaw = clamp( flActualYaw, m_yawCenter - m_yawRange, m_yawCenter + m_yawRange ); flActualPitch = clamp( flActualPitch, m_pitchCenter - m_pitchRange, m_pitchCenter + m_pitchRange );
bClamped = true; }
// Get at the angular vel
QAngle vecAngVel = GetLocalAngularVelocity();
// Move toward target at rate or less
float distY = UTIL_AngleDistance( flActualYaw, GetLocalAngles().y ); vecAngVel.y = distY * 10; vecAngVel.y = clamp( vecAngVel.y, -m_yawRate, m_yawRate );
// Move toward target at rate or less
float distX = UTIL_AngleDistance( flActualPitch, GetLocalAngles().x ); vecAngVel.x = distX * 10; vecAngVel.x = clamp( vecAngVel.x, -m_pitchRate, m_pitchRate );
// How exciting! We're done
SetLocalAngularVelocity( vecAngVel );
if ( pDistX && pDistY ) { *pDistX = distX; *pDistY = distY; }
return bClamped; }
// We lost our target!
void CFuncTank::LostTarget( void ) { if (m_fireLast != 0) { m_OnLoseTarget.FireOutput(this, this); m_fireLast = 0; } }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::ComputeLeadingPosition( const Vector &vecShootPosition, CBaseEntity *pTarget, Vector *pLeadPosition ) { Vector vecTarget = pTarget->BodyTarget( vecShootPosition, false ); float flShotSpeed = GetShotSpeed(); if ( flShotSpeed == 0 ) { *pLeadPosition = vecTarget; return; }
Vector vecVelocity = pTarget->GetSmoothedVelocity(); vecVelocity.z = 0.0f; float flTargetSpeed = VectorNormalize( vecVelocity );
// Guesstimate...
if ( m_flNextLeadFactorTime < gpGlobals->curtime ) { m_flStartLeadFactor = m_flNextLeadFactor; m_flStartLeadFactorTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_flNextLeadFactor = random->RandomFloat( 0.8f, 1.3f ); m_flNextLeadFactorTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 2.0f, 4.0f ); }
float flFactor = (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flStartLeadFactorTime) / (m_flNextLeadFactorTime - m_flStartLeadFactorTime); float flLeadFactor = SimpleSplineRemapVal( flFactor, 0.0f, 1.0f, m_flStartLeadFactor, m_flNextLeadFactor ); flTargetSpeed *= flLeadFactor;
Vector vecDelta; VectorSubtract( vecShootPosition, vecTarget, vecDelta ); float flTargetToShooter = VectorNormalize( vecDelta ); float flCosTheta = DotProduct( vecDelta, vecVelocity );
// Law of cosines... z^2 = x^2 + y^2 - 2xy cos Theta
// where z = flShooterToPredictedTargetPosition = flShotSpeed * predicted time
// x = flTargetSpeed * predicted time
// y = flTargetToShooter
// solve for predicted time using at^2 + bt + c = 0, t = (-b +/- sqrt( b^2 - 4ac )) / 2a
float a = flTargetSpeed * flTargetSpeed - flShotSpeed * flShotSpeed; float b = -2.0f * flTargetToShooter * flCosTheta * flTargetSpeed; float c = flTargetToShooter * flTargetToShooter; float flDiscrim = b*b - 4*a*c; if (flDiscrim < 0) { *pLeadPosition = vecTarget; return; }
flDiscrim = sqrt(flDiscrim); float t = (-b + flDiscrim) / (2.0f * a); float t2 = (-b - flDiscrim) / (2.0f * a); if ( t < t2 ) { t = t2; }
if ( t <= 0.0f ) { *pLeadPosition = vecTarget; return; }
VectorMA( vecTarget, flTargetSpeed * t, vecVelocity, *pLeadPosition ); }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::AimFuncTankAtTarget( void ) { // Get world target position
CBaseEntity *pTarget = NULL; trace_t tr; QAngle angles; bool bUpdateTime = false;
CBaseEntity *pTargetVehicle = NULL; Vector barrelEnd = WorldBarrelPosition(); Vector worldTargetPosition; if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS) { worldTargetPosition = m_vTargetPosition; } else { CBaseEntity *pEntity = (CBaseEntity *)m_hTarget; if ( !pEntity || ( pEntity->GetFlags() & FL_NOTARGET ) ) { if( m_targetEntityName != NULL_STRING ) { m_hTarget = FindTarget( m_targetEntityName, NULL ); } LostTarget(); return; }
pTarget = pEntity;
// Calculate angle needed to aim at target
worldTargetPosition = pEntity->EyePosition(); if ( pEntity->IsPlayer() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = assert_cast<CBasePlayer*>(pEntity); pTargetVehicle = pPlayer->GetVehicleEntity(); if ( pTargetVehicle ) { worldTargetPosition = pTargetVehicle->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin(), false ); } } }
float range2 = worldTargetPosition.DistToSqr( barrelEnd ); if ( !InRange2( range2 ) ) { if ( m_hTarget ) { m_hTarget = NULL; LostTarget(); } return; }
Vector vecAimOrigin = m_sightOrigin; if (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS) { bUpdateTime = true; m_sightOrigin = m_vTargetPosition; vecAimOrigin = m_sightOrigin; } else { if ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_LINEOFSIGHT ) { AI_TraceLOS( barrelEnd, worldTargetPosition, this, &tr ); } else { tr.fraction = 1.0f; tr.m_pEnt = pTarget; }
// No line of sight, don't track
if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.m_pEnt == pTarget || (pTargetVehicle && (tr.m_pEnt == pTargetVehicle)) ) { if ( InRange2( range2 ) && pTarget && pTarget->IsAlive() ) { bUpdateTime = true;
// Sight position is BodyTarget with no noise (so gun doesn't bob up and down)
CBaseEntity *pInstance = pTargetVehicle ? pTargetVehicle : pTarget; m_hFuncTankTarget = pInstance;
m_sightOrigin = pInstance->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin(), false ); if ( m_bPerformLeading ) { ComputeLeadingPosition( barrelEnd, pInstance, &vecAimOrigin ); } else { vecAimOrigin = m_sightOrigin; } } } }
// Convert targetPosition to parent
Vector vecLocalOrigin = m_parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( vecAimOrigin ); angles = AimBarrelAt( vecLocalOrigin );
// FIXME: These need to be the clamped angles
float distX, distY; bool bClamped = RotateTankToAngles( angles, &distX, &distY ); if ( bClamped ) { bUpdateTime = false; }
if ( bUpdateTime ) { if( (gpGlobals->curtime - m_lastSightTime >= 1.0) && (gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNextAttack) ) { // Enemy was hidden for a while, and I COULD fire right now. Instead, tack a delay on.
m_flNextAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5; }
m_lastSightTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_persist2burst = 0; }
SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1 );
if ( CanFire() && ( ( (fabs(distX) <= m_pitchTolerance) && (fabs(distY) <= m_yawTolerance) ) || (m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_LINEOFSIGHT) ) ) { bool fire = false; Vector forward; AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &forward ); forward = m_parentMatrix.ApplyRotation( forward );
if ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_LINEOFSIGHT ) { AI_TraceLine( barrelEnd, pTarget->WorldSpaceCenter(), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction == 1.0f || (tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt == pTarget) ) { fire = true; } } else { fire = true; }
if ( fire ) { if (m_fireLast == 0) { m_OnAquireTarget.FireOutput(this, this); } FiringSequence( barrelEnd, forward, this ); } else { LostTarget(); } } else { LostTarget(); } }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::TrackTarget( void ) { QAngle angles;
if( !m_bReadyToFire && m_flNextAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime ) { m_OnReadyToFire.FireOutput( this, this ); m_bReadyToFire = true; }
if ( IsPlayerManned() ) { AimBarrelAtPlayerCrosshair( &angles ); RotateTankToAngles( angles ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05f ); SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1 ); return; }
if ( IsNPCManned() ) { AimBarrelAtNPCEnemy( &angles ); RotateTankToAngles( angles ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05f ); SetMoveDoneTime( 0.1 ); return; }
if ( !IsActive() ) { // If we're not active, but we're controllable, we need to keep thinking
if ( IsControllable() && !HasController() ) { // Think to find controllers.
SetNextThink( m_flNextControllerSearch ); } return; }
// Clean room for unnecessarily complicated old code
SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); AimFuncTankAtTarget(); }
// Purpose: Start of firing sequence. By default, just fire now.
// Input : &barrelEnd -
// &forward -
// *pAttacker -
void CFuncTank::FiringSequence( const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) { if ( m_fireLast != 0 ) { int bulletCount = (gpGlobals->curtime - m_fireLast) * m_fireRate; if ( bulletCount > 0 ) { // NOTE: Set m_fireLast first so that Fire can adjust it
m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime; Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, forward, pAttacker, false ); } } else { m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime; } }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTank::DoMuzzleFlash( void ) { // If we're parented to something, make it play the muzzleflash
if ( m_bUsePoseParameters && GetParent() ) { CBaseAnimating *pAnim = GetParent()->GetBaseAnimating(); pAnim->DoMuzzleFlash();
// Do the AR2 muzzle flash
if ( m_iEffectHandling == EH_COMBINE_CANNON ) { CEffectData data; data.m_nAttachmentIndex = m_nBarrelAttachment; data.m_nEntIndex = pAnim->entindex(); // FIXME: Create a custom entry here!
DispatchEffect( "ChopperMuzzleFlash", data ); } else { CEffectData data; data.m_nEntIndex = pAnim->entindex(); data.m_nAttachmentIndex = m_nBarrelAttachment; data.m_flScale = 1.0f; data.m_fFlags = MUZZLEFLASH_COMBINE;
DispatchEffect( "MuzzleFlash", data ); } } }
// Purpose:
// Output : const char
const char *CFuncTank::GetTracerType( void ) { switch( m_iEffectHandling ) { case EH_AR2: return "AR2Tracer";
case EH_COMBINE_CANNON: return "HelicopterTracer"; }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Fire targets and spawn sprites.
// Input : bulletCount -
// barrelEnd -
// forward -
// pAttacker -
void CFuncTank::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { // If we have a specific effect handler, apply it's effects
if ( m_iEffectHandling == EH_AR2 ) { DoMuzzleFlash();
// Play the AR2 sound
EmitSound( "Weapon_functank.Single" ); } else if ( m_iEffectHandling == EH_COMBINE_CANNON ) { DoMuzzleFlash();
// Play the cannon sound
EmitSound( "NPC_Combine_Cannon.FireBullet" ); } else { if ( m_iszSpriteSmoke != NULL_STRING ) { CSprite *pSprite = CSprite::SpriteCreate( STRING(m_iszSpriteSmoke), barrelEnd, TRUE ); pSprite->AnimateAndDie( random->RandomFloat( 15.0, 20.0 ) ); pSprite->SetTransparency( kRenderTransAlpha, m_clrRender->r, m_clrRender->g, m_clrRender->b, 255, kRenderFxNone );
Vector vecVelocity( 0, 0, random->RandomFloat(40, 80) ); pSprite->SetAbsVelocity( vecVelocity ); pSprite->SetScale( m_spriteScale ); } if ( m_iszSpriteFlash != NULL_STRING ) { CSprite *pSprite = CSprite::SpriteCreate( STRING(m_iszSpriteFlash), barrelEnd, TRUE ); pSprite->AnimateAndDie( 5 ); pSprite->SetTransparency( kRenderTransAdd, 255, 255, 255, 255, kRenderFxNoDissipation ); pSprite->SetScale( m_spriteScale ); } }
if( pAttacker && pAttacker->IsPlayer() ) { if ( IsX360() ) { UTIL_PlayerByIndex(1)->RumbleEffect( RUMBLE_AR2, 0, RUMBLE_FLAG_RESTART | RUMBLE_FLAG_RANDOM_AMPLITUDE ); } else { CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_MOVE_AWAY, barrelEnd + forward * 32.0f, 32.0f, 0.2f, pAttacker, SOUNDENT_CHANNEL_WEAPON ); } }
m_OnFire.FireOutput(this, this); m_bReadyToFire = false; }
void CFuncTank::TankTrace( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecForward, const Vector &vecSpread, trace_t &tr ) { Vector forward, right, up;
AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &forward, &right, &up ); // get circular gaussian spread
float x, y, z; do { x = random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5) + random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5); y = random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5) + random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5); z = x*x+y*y; } while (z > 1); Vector vecDir = vecForward + x * vecSpread.x * right + y * vecSpread.y * up; Vector vecEnd; vecEnd = vecStart + vecDir * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH; UTIL_TraceLine( vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_SOLID, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); }
void CFuncTank::StartRotSound( void ) { if ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_SOUNDON ) return; m_spawnflags |= SF_TANK_SOUNDON; if ( m_soundLoopRotate != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ); filter.MakeReliable();
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_STATIC; ep.m_pSoundName = (char*)STRING(m_soundLoopRotate); ep.m_flVolume = 0.85; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep ); } if ( m_soundStartRotate != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_BODY; ep.m_pSoundName = (char*)STRING(m_soundStartRotate); ep.m_flVolume = 1.0f; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep ); } }
void CFuncTank::StopRotSound( void ) { if ( m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_SOUNDON ) { if ( m_soundLoopRotate != NULL_STRING ) { StopSound( entindex(), CHAN_STATIC, (char*)STRING(m_soundLoopRotate) ); } if ( m_soundStopRotate != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_BODY; ep.m_pSoundName = (char*)STRING(m_soundStopRotate); ep.m_flVolume = 1.0f; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NORM;
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep ); } } m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_SOUNDON; }
// Purpose:
bool CFuncTank::IsEntityInViewCone( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { // First check to see if the enemy is in range.
Vector vecBarrelEnd = WorldBarrelPosition(); float flRange2 = ( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() - vecBarrelEnd ).LengthSqr();
if( !(GetSpawnFlags() & SF_TANK_IGNORE_RANGE_IN_VIEWCONE) ) { if ( !InRange2( flRange2 ) ) return false; }
// If we're trying to shoot at a player, and we've seen a non-player recently, check the grace period
if ( m_flPlayerGracePeriod && pEntity->IsPlayer() && (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flLastSawNonPlayer) < m_flPlayerGracePeriod ) { // Grace period is ignored under a certain distance
if ( flRange2 > m_flIgnoreGraceUpto ) return false; }
// Check to see if the entity center lies within the yaw and pitch constraints.
// This isn't horribly accurate, but should do for now.
QAngle angGun; angGun = AimBarrelAt( m_parentMatrix.WorldToLocal( pEntity->GetAbsOrigin() ) ); // Force the angles to be relative to the center position
float flOffsetY = UTIL_AngleDistance( angGun.y, m_yawCenter ); float flOffsetX = UTIL_AngleDistance( angGun.x, m_pitchCenter ); angGun.y = m_yawCenter + flOffsetY; angGun.x = m_pitchCenter + flOffsetX;
if ( ( fabs( flOffsetY ) > m_yawRange + m_yawTolerance ) || ( fabs( flOffsetX ) > m_pitchRange + m_pitchTolerance ) ) return false;
// Remember the last time we saw a non-player
if ( !pEntity->IsPlayer() ) { m_flLastSawNonPlayer = gpGlobals->curtime; }
return true; }
// Purpose: Return true if this func tank can see the enemy
bool CFuncTank::HasLOSTo( CBaseEntity *pEntity ) { if ( !pEntity ) return false;
// Get the barrel position
Vector vecBarrelEnd = WorldBarrelPosition(); Vector vecTarget = pEntity->BodyTarget( GetAbsOrigin(), false ); trace_t tr;
// Ignore the func_tank and any prop it's parented to
CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities traceFilter( this, GetParent(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE );
// UNDONE: Should this hit BLOCKLOS brushes?
AI_TraceLine( vecBarrelEnd, vecTarget, MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS, &traceFilter, &tr ); CBaseEntity *pHitEntity = tr.m_pEnt; // Is entity in a vehicle? if so, verify vehicle is target and return if so (so npc shoots at vehicle)
CBaseCombatCharacter *pCCEntity = pEntity->MyCombatCharacterPointer(); if ( pCCEntity != NULL && pCCEntity->IsInAVehicle() ) { // Ok, player in vehicle, check if vehicle is target we're looking at, fire if it is
// Also, check to see if the owner of the entity is the vehicle, in which case it's valid too.
// This catches vehicles that use bone followers.
CBaseEntity *pVehicle = pCCEntity->GetVehicle()->GetVehicleEnt(); if ( pHitEntity == pVehicle || ( pHitEntity != NULL && pHitEntity->GetOwnerEntity() == pVehicle ) ) return true; }
return ( tr.fraction == 1.0 || tr.m_pEnt == pEntity ); }
// #############################################################################
// CFuncTankGun
// #############################################################################
class CFuncTankGun : public CFuncTank { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankGun, CFuncTank );
void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tank, CFuncTankGun );
// Purpose:
void CFuncTankGun::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { int i;
FireBulletsInfo_t info; info.m_iShots = 1; info.m_vecSrc = barrelEnd; info.m_vecDirShooting = forward; if ( bIgnoreSpread ) { info.m_vecSpread = gTankSpread[0]; } else { info.m_vecSpread = gTankSpread[m_spread]; }
info.m_flDistance = MAX_TRACE_LENGTH; info.m_iTracerFreq = 1; info.m_flDamage = m_iBulletDamage; info.m_iPlayerDamage = m_iBulletDamageVsPlayer; info.m_pAttacker = pAttacker; info.m_pAdditionalIgnoreEnt = GetParent();
if ( m_iAmmoType != -1 ) { for ( i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++ ) { info.m_iAmmoType = m_iAmmoType; FireBullets( info ); } } #else
for ( i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++ ) { switch( m_bulletType ) { case TANK_BULLET_SMALL: info.m_iAmmoType = m_iSmallAmmoType; FireBullets( info ); break;
case TANK_BULLET_MEDIUM: info.m_iAmmoType = m_iMediumAmmoType; FireBullets( info ); break;
case TANK_BULLET_LARGE: info.m_iAmmoType = m_iLargeAmmoType; FireBullets( info ); break;
default: case TANK_BULLET_NONE: break; } } #endif // HL2_EPISODIC
CFuncTank::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, forward, pAttacker, bIgnoreSpread ); }
// #############################################################################
// CFuncTankPulseLaser
// #############################################################################
class CFuncTankPulseLaser : public CFuncTankGun { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankPulseLaser, CFuncTankGun ); DECLARE_DATADESC();
void Precache(); void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread );
float m_flPulseSpeed; float m_flPulseWidth; color32 m_flPulseColor; float m_flPulseLife; float m_flPulseLag; string_t m_sPulseFireSound; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tankpulselaser, CFuncTankPulseLaser );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncTankPulseLaser )
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPulseSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT, "PulseSpeed" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPulseWidth, FIELD_FLOAT, "PulseWidth" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPulseColor, FIELD_COLOR32, "PulseColor" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPulseLife, FIELD_FLOAT, "PulseLife" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flPulseLag, FIELD_FLOAT, "PulseLag" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_sPulseFireSound, FIELD_SOUNDNAME, "PulseFireSound" ),
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CFuncTankPulseLaser::Precache(void) { UTIL_PrecacheOther( "grenade_beam" );
if ( m_sPulseFireSound != NULL_STRING ) { PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_sPulseFireSound) ); } BaseClass::Precache(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CFuncTankPulseLaser::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &vecForward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { // --------------------------------------------------
// Get direction vectors for spread
// --------------------------------------------------
Vector vecUp = Vector(0,0,1); Vector vecRight; CrossProduct ( vecForward, vecUp, vecRight ); CrossProduct ( vecForward, -vecRight, vecUp );
for ( int i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++ ) { // get circular gaussian spread
float x, y, z; do { x = random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5) + random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5); y = random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5) + random->RandomFloat(-0.5,0.5); z = x*x+y*y; } while (z > 1);
Vector vecDir = vecForward + x * gTankSpread[m_spread].x * vecRight + y * gTankSpread[m_spread].y * vecUp;
CGrenadeBeam *pPulse = CGrenadeBeam::Create( pAttacker, barrelEnd); pPulse->Format(m_flPulseColor, m_flPulseWidth); pPulse->Shoot(vecDir,m_flPulseSpeed,m_flPulseLife,m_flPulseLag,m_iBulletDamage);
if ( m_sPulseFireSound != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this, 0.6f );
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_WEAPON; ep.m_pSoundName = (char*)STRING(m_sPulseFireSound); ep.m_flVolume = 1.0f; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_85dB;
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep ); }
} CFuncTank::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, vecForward, pAttacker, bIgnoreSpread ); }
// #############################################################################
// CFuncTankLaser
// #############################################################################
class CFuncTankLaser : public CFuncTank { DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankLaser, CFuncTank ); public: void Activate( void ); void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); void Think( void ); CEnvLaser *GetLaser( void );
private: CEnvLaser *m_pLaser; float m_laserTime; string_t m_iszLaserName; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tanklaser, CFuncTankLaser );
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszLaserName, FIELD_STRING, "laserentity" ),
void CFuncTankLaser::Activate( void ) { BaseClass::Activate();
if ( !GetLaser() ) { UTIL_Remove(this); Warning( "Laser tank with no env_laser!\n" ); } else { m_pLaser->TurnOff(); } }
CEnvLaser *CFuncTankLaser::GetLaser( void ) { if ( m_pLaser ) return m_pLaser;
CBaseEntity *pLaser = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszLaserName ); while ( pLaser ) { // Found the landmark
if ( FClassnameIs( pLaser, "env_laser" ) ) { m_pLaser = (CEnvLaser *)pLaser; break; } else { pLaser = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pLaser, m_iszLaserName ); } }
return m_pLaser; }
void CFuncTankLaser::Think( void ) { if ( m_pLaser && (gpGlobals->curtime > m_laserTime) ) m_pLaser->TurnOff();
CFuncTank::Think(); }
void CFuncTankLaser::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { int i; trace_t tr;
if ( GetLaser() ) { for ( i = 0; i < bulletCount; i++ ) { m_pLaser->SetLocalOrigin( barrelEnd ); TankTrace( barrelEnd, forward, gTankSpread[m_spread], tr ); m_laserTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_pLaser->TurnOn(); m_pLaser->SetFireTime( gpGlobals->curtime - 1.0 ); m_pLaser->FireAtPoint( tr ); m_pLaser->SetNextThink( TICK_NEVER_THINK ); } CFuncTank::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, forward, this, bIgnoreSpread ); } }
class CFuncTankRocket : public CFuncTank { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankRocket, CFuncTank );
void Precache( void ); void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); virtual float GetShotSpeed() { return m_flRocketSpeed; }
protected: float m_flRocketSpeed;
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flRocketSpeed, FIELD_FLOAT, "rocketspeed" ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tankrocket, CFuncTankRocket );
void CFuncTankRocket::Precache( void ) { UTIL_PrecacheOther( "rpg_missile" ); CFuncTank::Precache(); }
void CFuncTankRocket::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { CMissile *pRocket = (CMissile *) CBaseEntity::Create( "rpg_missile", barrelEnd, GetAbsAngles(), this ); pRocket->DumbFire(); pRocket->SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.1f ); pRocket->SetAbsVelocity( forward * m_flRocketSpeed ); if ( GetController() && GetController()->IsPlayer() ) { pRocket->SetDamage( m_iBulletDamage ); } else { pRocket->SetDamage( m_iBulletDamageVsPlayer ); }
CFuncTank::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, forward, this, bIgnoreSpread ); }
// Airboat gun
class CFuncTankAirboatGun : public CFuncTank { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankAirboatGun, CFuncTank ); DECLARE_DATADESC();
void Precache( void ); virtual void Spawn(); virtual void Activate(); virtual void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); virtual void ControllerPostFrame(); virtual void OnStopControlled(); virtual const char *GetTracerType( void ); virtual Vector WorldBarrelPosition( void ); virtual void DoImpactEffect( trace_t &tr, int nDamageType );
private: void CreateSounds(); void DestroySounds(); void DoMuzzleFlash( ); void StartFiring(); void StopFiring();
CSoundPatch *m_pGunFiringSound; float m_flNextHeavyShotTime; bool m_bIsFiring;
string_t m_iszAirboatGunModel; CHandle<CBaseAnimating> m_hAirboatGunModel; int m_nGunBarrelAttachment; float m_flLastImpactEffectTime; };
// Save/load:
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncTankAirboatGun )
DEFINE_SOUNDPATCH( m_pGunFiringSound ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_flNextHeavyShotTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_bIsFiring, FIELD_BOOLEAN ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszAirboatGunModel, FIELD_STRING, "airboat_gun_model" ), // DEFINE_FIELD( m_hAirboatGunModel, FIELD_EHANDLE ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_nGunBarrelAttachment, FIELD_INTEGER ),
DEFINE_FIELD( m_flLastImpactEffectTime, FIELD_TIME ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tankairboatgun, CFuncTankAirboatGun );
// Precache:
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::Precache( void ) { BaseClass::Precache(); PrecacheScriptSound( "Airboat.FireGunLoop" ); PrecacheScriptSound( "Airboat.FireGunRevDown"); CreateSounds(); }
// Precache:
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); m_flNextHeavyShotTime = 0.0f; m_bIsFiring = false; m_flLastImpactEffectTime = -1; }
// Attachment indices
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::Activate() { BaseClass::Activate();
if ( m_iszAirboatGunModel != NULL_STRING ) { m_hAirboatGunModel = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszAirboatGunModel ) ); if ( m_hAirboatGunModel ) { m_nGunBarrelAttachment = m_hAirboatGunModel->LookupAttachment( "muzzle" ); } } }
// Create/destroy looping sounds
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::CreateSounds() { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController();
CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this ); if (!m_pGunFiringSound) { m_pGunFiringSound = controller.SoundCreate( filter, entindex(), "Airboat.FireGunLoop" ); controller.Play( m_pGunFiringSound, 0, 100 ); } }
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::DestroySounds() { CSoundEnvelopeController &controller = CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController();
controller.SoundDestroy( m_pGunFiringSound ); m_pGunFiringSound = NULL; }
// Stop Firing
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::StartFiring() { if ( !m_bIsFiring ) { CSoundEnvelopeController *pController = &CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); float flVolume = pController->SoundGetVolume( m_pGunFiringSound ); pController->SoundChangeVolume( m_pGunFiringSound, 1.0f, 0.1f * (1.0f - flVolume) ); m_bIsFiring = true; } }
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::StopFiring() { if ( m_bIsFiring ) { CSoundEnvelopeController *pController = &CSoundEnvelopeController::GetController(); float flVolume = pController->SoundGetVolume( m_pGunFiringSound ); pController->SoundChangeVolume( m_pGunFiringSound, 0.0f, 0.1f * flVolume ); EmitSound( "Airboat.FireGunRevDown" ); m_bIsFiring = false; } }
// Maintains airboat gun sounds
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::ControllerPostFrame( void ) { if ( IsPlayerManned() ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = static_cast<CBasePlayer*>( GetController() ); if ( pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK ) { StartFiring(); } else { StopFiring(); } }
BaseClass::ControllerPostFrame(); }
// Stop controlled
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::OnStopControlled() { StopFiring(); BaseClass::OnStopControlled(); }
// Barrel position
Vector CFuncTankAirboatGun::WorldBarrelPosition( void ) { if ( !m_hAirboatGunModel || (m_nGunBarrelAttachment == 0) ) { return BaseClass::WorldBarrelPosition(); }
Vector vecOrigin; m_hAirboatGunModel->GetAttachment( m_nGunBarrelAttachment, vecOrigin ); return vecOrigin; }
// Purpose:
const char *CFuncTankAirboatGun::GetTracerType( void ) { if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextHeavyShotTime ) return "AirboatGunHeavyTracer";
return "AirboatGunTracer"; }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::DoMuzzleFlash( void ) { if ( m_hAirboatGunModel && (m_nGunBarrelAttachment != 0) ) { CEffectData data; data.m_nEntIndex = m_hAirboatGunModel->entindex(); data.m_nAttachmentIndex = m_nGunBarrelAttachment; data.m_flScale = 1.0f; DispatchEffect( "AirboatMuzzleFlash", data ); } }
// Allows the shooter to change the impact effect of his bullets
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::DoImpactEffect( trace_t &tr, int nDamageType ) { // The airboat spits out so much crap that we need to do cheaper versions
// of the impact effects. Also, we need to do less of them.
if ( m_flLastImpactEffectTime == gpGlobals->curtime ) return;
m_flLastImpactEffectTime = gpGlobals->curtime; UTIL_ImpactTrace( &tr, nDamageType, "AirboatGunImpact" ); }
// Fires bullets
void CFuncTankAirboatGun::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { CAmmoDef *pAmmoDef = GetAmmoDef(); int ammoType = pAmmoDef->Index( "AirboatGun" );
FireBulletsInfo_t info; info.m_vecSrc = barrelEnd; info.m_vecDirShooting = forward; info.m_flDistance = 4096; info.m_iAmmoType = ammoType;
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextHeavyShotTime ) { info.m_iShots = 1; info.m_vecSpread = VECTOR_CONE_PRECALCULATED; info.m_flDamageForceScale = 1000.0f; } else { info.m_iShots = 2; info.m_vecSpread = VECTOR_CONE_5DEGREES; }
FireBullets( info );
// NOTE: This must occur after FireBullets
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextHeavyShotTime ) { m_flNextHeavyShotTime = gpGlobals->curtime + AIRBOAT_GUN_HEAVY_SHOT_INTERVAL; } }
// APC Rocket
class CFuncTankAPCRocket : public CFuncTank { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankAPCRocket, CFuncTank );
void Precache( void ); virtual void Spawn(); virtual void UpdateOnRemove(); void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); virtual void Think(); virtual float GetShotSpeed() { return m_flRocketSpeed; }
protected: void InputDeathVolley( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void FireDying( const Vector &barrelEnd );
EHANDLE m_hLaserDot; float m_flRocketSpeed; int m_nSide; int m_nBurstCount; bool m_bDying;
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "DeathVolley", InputDeathVolley ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tankapcrocket, CFuncTankAPCRocket );
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::Precache( void ) { UTIL_PrecacheOther( "apc_missile" );
PrecacheScriptSound( "PropAPC.FireCannon" );
CFuncTank::Precache(); }
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::Spawn( void ) { BaseClass::Spawn(); AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); m_nSide = 0; m_bDying = false; m_hLaserDot = CreateLaserDot( GetAbsOrigin(), this, false ); m_nBulletCount = m_nBurstCount; SetSolid( SOLID_NONE ); SetLocalVelocity( vec3_origin ); }
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::UpdateOnRemove( void ) { if ( m_hLaserDot ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hLaserDot ); m_hLaserDot = NULL; } BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove(); }
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::FireDying( const Vector &barrelEnd ) { Vector vecDir; vecDir.Random( -1.0f, 1.0f ); if ( vecDir.z < 0.0f ) { vecDir.z *= -1.0f; }
VectorNormalize( vecDir );
Vector vecVelocity; VectorMultiply( vecDir, m_flRocketSpeed * random->RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f ), vecVelocity );
QAngle angles; VectorAngles( vecDir, angles );
CAPCMissile *pRocket = (CAPCMissile *) CAPCMissile::Create( barrelEnd, angles, vecVelocity, this ); float flDeathTime = random->RandomFloat( 0.3f, 0.5f ); if ( random->RandomFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f ) < 0.3f ) { pRocket->ExplodeDelay( flDeathTime ); } else { pRocket->AugerDelay( flDeathTime ); }
// Make erratic firing
m_fireRate = random->RandomFloat( DEATH_VOLLEY_MIN_FIRE_RATE, DEATH_VOLLEY_MAX_FIRE_RATE ); if ( --m_nBulletCount <= 0 ) { UTIL_Remove( this ); } }
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { static float s_pSide[] = { 0.966, 0.866, 0.5, -0.5, -0.866, -0.966 };
Vector vecDir; CrossProduct( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), forward, vecDir ); vecDir.z = 1.0f; vecDir.x *= s_pSide[m_nSide]; vecDir.y *= s_pSide[m_nSide]; if ( ++m_nSide >= 6 ) { m_nSide = 0; }
VectorNormalize( vecDir );
Vector vecVelocity; VectorMultiply( vecDir, m_flRocketSpeed, vecVelocity );
QAngle angles; VectorAngles( vecDir, angles );
CAPCMissile *pRocket = (CAPCMissile *) CAPCMissile::Create( barrelEnd, angles, vecVelocity, this ); pRocket->IgniteDelay();
CFuncTank::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, forward, this, bIgnoreSpread );
if ( --m_nBulletCount <= 0 ) { m_nBulletCount = m_nBurstCount;
// This will cause it to wait for a little while before shooting
m_fireLast += random->RandomFloat( 2.0f, 3.0f ); } EmitSound( "PropAPC.FireCannon" ); }
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::Think() { // Inert if we're carried...
if ( GetMoveParent() && GetMoveParent()->GetMoveParent() ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5f ); return; }
BaseClass::Think(); m_hLaserDot->SetAbsOrigin( m_sightOrigin ); SetLaserDotTarget( m_hLaserDot, m_hFuncTankTarget ); EnableLaserDot( m_hLaserDot, m_hFuncTankTarget != NULL );
if ( m_bDying ) { FireDying( WorldBarrelPosition() ); return; } }
void CFuncTankAPCRocket::InputDeathVolley( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { if ( !m_bDying ) { m_fireRate = random->RandomFloat( DEATH_VOLLEY_MIN_FIRE_RATE, DEATH_VOLLEY_MAX_FIRE_RATE ); SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime + (1.0f / m_fireRate ) ); m_nBulletCount = DEATH_VOLLEY_MISSILE_COUNT; m_bDying = true; } }
// Mortar shell
class CMortarShell : public CBaseEntity { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CMortarShell, CBaseEntity );
static CMortarShell *Create( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecTarget, const Vector &vecShotDir, float flImpactDelay, float flWarnDelay, string_t warnSound );
void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); void Impact( void ); void Warn( void ); void FlyThink( void ); void FadeThink( void ); int UpdateTransmitState( void );
void FixUpImpactPoint( const Vector &initialPos, const Vector &initialNormal, Vector *endPos, Vector *endNormal );
float m_flFadeTime; float m_flImpactTime; float m_flWarnTime; float m_flNPCWarnTime; string_t m_warnSound; int m_iSpriteTexture; bool m_bHasWarned; Vector m_vecFiredFrom; Vector m_vecFlyDir; float m_flSpawnedTime;
CHandle<CBeam> m_pBeamEffect[4];
CNetworkVar( float, m_flLifespan ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flRadius ); CNetworkVar( Vector, m_vecSurfaceNormal );
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( mortarshell, CMortarShell );
IMPLEMENT_SERVERCLASS_ST( CMortarShell, DT_MortarShell ) SendPropFloat( SENDINFO( m_flLifespan ), -1, SPROP_NOSCALE ), SendPropFloat( SENDINFO( m_flRadius ), -1, SPROP_NOSCALE ), SendPropVector( SENDINFO( m_vecSurfaceNormal ), 0, SPROP_NORMAL ), END_SEND_TABLE()
#define MORTAR_TEST_RADIUS 16.0f
// Purpose:
// Input : &initialPos -
// *endPos -
// *endNormal -
void CMortarShell::FixUpImpactPoint( const Vector &initialPos, const Vector &initialNormal, Vector *endPos, Vector *endNormal ) { Vector vecStartOffset;
vecStartOffset = initialPos + ( initialNormal * 1.0f );
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vecStartOffset, vecStartOffset - Vector( 0, 0, 256 ), MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if ( tr.fraction < 1.0f ) { if ( endPos ) { *endPos = tr.endpos + ( initialNormal * 16.0f ); }
if ( endNormal ) { *endNormal = tr.plane.normal; } } else { if ( endPos ) { *endPos = initialPos; }
if ( endNormal ) { *endNormal = initialNormal; } } }
CMortarShell *CMortarShell::Create( const Vector &vecStart, const Vector &vecTarget, const Vector &vecShotDir, float flImpactDelay, float flWarnDelay, string_t warnSound ) { CMortarShell *pShell = (CMortarShell *)CreateEntityByName("mortarshell" );
// Place the mortar shell at the target location so that it can make the sound and explode.
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vecTarget, vecTarget + ( vecShotDir * 128.0f ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, pShell, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
Vector targetPos, targetNormal; pShell->FixUpImpactPoint( tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal, &targetPos, &targetNormal );
UTIL_SetOrigin( pShell, targetPos );
Vector vecStartSkew, vecEndSkew;
vecStartSkew = targetPos - vecStart; vecStartSkew[2] = 0.0f; float skewLength = VectorNormalize( vecStartSkew );
vecEndSkew = -vecStartSkew * ( skewLength * 0.25f ); vecStartSkew *= skewLength * 0.1f;
// Muzzleflash beam
pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0] = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/laserbeam.vmt", 1 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->PointsInit( vecStart, vecStart + Vector( vecStartSkew[0], vecStartSkew[1], MORTAR_BLAST_HEIGHT ) ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetColor( 16, 16, 8 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetBrightness( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetNoise( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetBeamFlag( FBEAM_SHADEOUT ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetWidth( 64.0f ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetEndWidth( 64.0f );
pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1] = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/laserbeam.vmt", 1 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->PointsInit( vecStart, vecStart + Vector( vecStartSkew[0], vecStartSkew[1], MORTAR_BLAST_HEIGHT ) ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetBrightness( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetNoise( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetBeamFlag( FBEAM_SHADEOUT ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetWidth( 8.0f ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetEndWidth( 8.0f );
trace_t skyTrace; UTIL_TraceLine( targetPos, targetPos + Vector( vecEndSkew[0], vecEndSkew[1], MORTAR_BLAST_HEIGHT ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, pShell, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &skyTrace );
// We must touch the sky to make this beam
if ( skyTrace.fraction <= 1.0f && skyTrace.surface.flags & SURF_SKY ) { // Impact point beam
pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2] = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/laserbeam.vmt", 1 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->PointsInit( targetPos, targetPos + Vector( vecEndSkew[0], vecEndSkew[1], MORTAR_BLAST_HEIGHT ) ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetColor( 16, 16, 8 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetBrightness( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetNoise( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetBeamFlag( FBEAM_SHADEOUT ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetWidth( 32.0f ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetEndWidth( 32.0f );
pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3] = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/laserbeam.vmt", 1 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->PointsInit( targetPos, targetPos + Vector( vecEndSkew[0], vecEndSkew[1], MORTAR_BLAST_HEIGHT ) ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetBrightness( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetNoise( 0 ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetBeamFlag( FBEAM_SHADEOUT ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetWidth( 4.0f ); pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetEndWidth( 4.0f ); } else { // Mark these as not being used
pShell->m_pBeamEffect[2] = NULL; pShell->m_pBeamEffect[3] = NULL; }
pShell->m_vecFiredFrom = vecStart; pShell->m_flLifespan = flImpactDelay; pShell->m_flImpactTime = gpGlobals->curtime + flImpactDelay; pShell->m_flWarnTime = pShell->m_flImpactTime - flWarnDelay; pShell->m_flNPCWarnTime = pShell->m_flWarnTime - 0.5; pShell->m_warnSound = warnSound; pShell->Spawn();
// Save off the impact normal
pShell->m_vecSurfaceNormal = targetNormal; pShell->m_flRadius = MORTAR_BLAST_RADIUS;
return pShell; }
void CMortarShell::Precache() { m_iSpriteTexture = PrecacheModel( "sprites/physbeam.vmt" );
PrecacheScriptSound( "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" ); PrecacheMaterial( "effects/ar2ground2" );
if ( NULL_STRING != m_warnSound ) { PrecacheScriptSound( STRING( m_warnSound ) ); } }
// Purpose : Send even though we don't have a model
int CMortarShell::UpdateTransmitState( void ) { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK ); }
void CMortarShell::Spawn() { Precache();
AddEffects( EF_NODRAW ); AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
UTIL_SetSize( this, mins, maxs );
m_vecFlyDir = GetAbsOrigin() - m_vecFiredFrom; VectorNormalize( m_vecFlyDir );
m_flSpawnedTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
SetThink( &CMortarShell::FlyThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime );
// No model but we still need to force this!
// Purpose:
// Input : type -
// steps -
// bias -
ConVar curve_bias( "curve_bias", "0.5" );
void UTIL_VisualizeCurve( int type, int steps, float bias ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 ); Vector vForward, vRight, vUp; pPlayer->EyeVectors( &vForward, &vRight, &vUp );
Vector renderOrigin = pPlayer->EyePosition() + ( vForward * 512.0f );
float renderScale = 8.0f; float lastPerc, perc;
Vector renderOffs, lastRenderOffs = vec3_origin;
for ( int i = 0; i < steps; i++ ) { perc = RemapValClamped( i, 0, steps-1, 0.0f, 1.0f ); switch( type ) { case CURVE_BIAS: perc = Bias( perc, bias ); break;
case CURVE_GAIN: perc = Gain( perc, bias ); break;
case CURVE_SMOOTH: perc = SmoothCurve( perc ); break;
case CURVE_SMOOTH_TWEAK: perc = SmoothCurve_Tweak( perc, bias, 0.9f ); break; }
renderOffs = ( vRight * (-steps*0.5f) * renderScale ) + ( vUp * (renderScale*-(steps*0.5f)) )+ ( vRight * i * renderScale ) + ( vUp * perc * (renderScale*steps) );
NDebugOverlay::Cross3D( renderOrigin + renderOffs, -Vector(2,2,2), Vector(2,2,2), 255, 0, 0, true, 0.05f );
if ( i > 0 ) { NDebugOverlay::Line( renderOrigin + renderOffs, renderOrigin + lastRenderOffs, 255, 0, 0, true, 0.05f ); }
lastRenderOffs = renderOffs; lastPerc = perc; } }
void CMortarShell::FlyThink() { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05 );
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flNPCWarnTime ) { // Warn the AI. Make this radius a little larger than the explosion will be, and make the sound last a little longer.
CSoundEnt::InsertSound ( SOUND_DANGER | SOUND_CONTEXT_MORTAR, GetAbsOrigin(), MORTAR_BLAST_RADIUS * 1.25, (m_flImpactTime - m_flNPCWarnTime) + 0.15 ); m_flNPCWarnTime = FLT_MAX; }
//UTIL_VisualizeCurve( CURVE_GAIN, 64, curve_bias.GetFloat() );
float lifePerc = 1.0f - ( ( m_flImpactTime - gpGlobals->curtime ) / ( m_flImpactTime - m_flSpawnedTime ) );
lifePerc = clamp( lifePerc, 0.0f, 1.0f ); float curve1 = Bias( lifePerc, 0.75f );
// Beam updates START
m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetWidth( 64.0f * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetEndWidth( 64.0f * curve1 );
m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetWidth( 8.0f * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetEndWidth( 8.0f * curve1 );
float curve2 = Bias( lifePerc, 0.1f );
if ( m_pBeamEffect[2] ) { m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetWidth( 32.0f * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetEndWidth( 32.0f * curve2 ); }
if ( m_pBeamEffect[3] ) { m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetWidth( 8.0f * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetEndWidth( 8.0f * curve2 ); }
// Beam updates END
if( !m_bHasWarned && gpGlobals->curtime > m_flWarnTime ) { Warn(); }
if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flImpactTime ) { Impact(); }
void CMortarShell::Warn( void ) { if ( m_warnSound != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_WEAPON; ep.m_pSoundName = (char*)STRING(m_warnSound); ep.m_flVolume = 1.0f; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NONE;
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep ); }
m_bHasWarned = true; }
void CMortarShell::Impact( void ) { // Fire the bullets
Vector vecSrc, vecShootDir;
float flRadius = MORTAR_BLAST_RADIUS;
trace_t tr; UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin(), GetAbsOrigin() - Vector( 0, 0, 128 ), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
UTIL_DecalTrace( &tr, "Scorch" );
// Send the effect over
CEffectData data;
// Do an extra effect if we struck the world
if ( tr.m_pEnt && tr.m_pEnt->IsWorld() ) { data.m_flRadius = flRadius * 0.5f; data.m_vNormal = tr.plane.normal; data.m_vOrigin = tr.endpos; DispatchEffect( "AR2Explosion", data ); }
CBroadcastRecipientFilter filter2; te->BeamRingPoint( filter2, 0, GetAbsOrigin(), //origin
8.0f, //start radius
flRadius * 2, //end radius
m_iSpriteTexture, //texture
0, //halo index
0, //start frame
2, //framerate
0.2f, //life
32, //width
0, //spread
0, //amplitude
255, //r
255, //g
225, //b
32, //a
0, //speed
te->BeamRingPoint( filter2, 0, GetAbsOrigin(), //origin
8.0f, //start radius
flRadius, //end radius
m_iSpriteTexture, //texture
0, //halo index
0, //start frame
2, //framerate
0.2f, //life
64, //width
0, //spread
0, //amplitude
255, //r
255, //g
225, //b
64, //a
0, //speed
RadiusDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, GetOwnerEntity(), MORTAR_BLAST_DAMAGE, (DMG_BLAST|DMG_DISSOLVE) ), GetAbsOrigin(), MORTAR_BLAST_RADIUS, CLASS_NONE, NULL );
EmitSound( "Weapon_Mortar.Impact" );
UTIL_ScreenShake( GetAbsOrigin(), 10, 60, 1.0, 550, SHAKE_START, false );
//Fade the beams over time!
m_flFadeTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
SetThink( &CMortarShell::FadeThink ); SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05f ); }
// Purpose:
void CMortarShell::FadeThink( void ) { SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.05f );
float lifePerc = 1.0f - ( ( gpGlobals->curtime - m_flFadeTime ) / MORTAR_FADE_LENGTH );
lifePerc = clamp( lifePerc, 0.0f, 1.0f ); float curve1 = Bias( lifePerc, 0.1f );
// Beam updates START
m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetWidth( 64.0f * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[0]->SetEndWidth( 64.0f * curve1 );
m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetWidth( 8.0f * curve1 ); m_pBeamEffect[1]->SetEndWidth( 8.0f * curve1 );
float curve2 = Bias( lifePerc, 0.25f );
if ( m_pBeamEffect[2] ) { m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetWidth( 32.0f * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[2]->SetEndWidth( 32.0f * curve2 ); }
if ( m_pBeamEffect[3] ) { m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetBrightness( 255 * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetWidth( 8.0f * curve2 ); m_pBeamEffect[3]->SetEndWidth( 8.0f * curve2 ); }
// Beam updates END
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > ( m_flFadeTime + MORTAR_FADE_LENGTH ) ) { UTIL_Remove( m_pBeamEffect[0] ); UTIL_Remove( m_pBeamEffect[1] ); UTIL_Remove( m_pBeamEffect[2] ); UTIL_Remove( m_pBeamEffect[3] );
SetThink(NULL); UTIL_Remove( this ); } }
class CFuncTankMortar : public CFuncTank { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankMortar, CFuncTank );
CFuncTankMortar() { m_fLastShotMissed = false; }
void Precache( void ); void FiringSequence( const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ); void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &vecForward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); void ShootGun(void); void Spawn(); void SetNextAttack( float flWait ); // Input handlers.
void InputShootGun( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputFireAtWill( inputdata_t &inputdata );
int m_Magnitude; float m_fireDelay; string_t m_fireStartSound; //string_t m_fireEndSound;
string_t m_incomingSound; float m_flWarningTime; float m_flFireVariance;
bool m_fLastShotMissed;
// store future firing event
CBaseEntity *m_pAttacker; };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tankmortar, CFuncTankMortar );
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_Magnitude, FIELD_INTEGER, "iMagnitude" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_fireDelay, FIELD_FLOAT, "firedelay" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_fireStartSound, FIELD_STRING, "firestartsound" ), //DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_fireEndSound, FIELD_STRING, "fireendsound" ),
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_incomingSound, FIELD_STRING, "incomingsound" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flWarningTime, FIELD_TIME, "warningtime" ), DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_flFireVariance, FIELD_TIME, "firevariance" ),
// Inputs
void CFuncTankMortar::Spawn() { BaseClass::Spawn();
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; }
void CFuncTankMortar::Precache( void ) { if ( m_fireStartSound != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_fireStartSound) ); //if ( m_fireEndSound != NULL_STRING )
// PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_fireEndSound) );
if ( m_incomingSound != NULL_STRING ) PrecacheScriptSound( STRING(m_incomingSound) ); BaseClass::Precache(); }
void CFuncTankMortar::SetNextAttack( float flWait ) { if ( m_flFireVariance > 0.09 ) flWait += random->RandomFloat( -m_flFireVariance, m_flFireVariance ); BaseClass::SetNextAttack( flWait ); }
// Purpose: Input handler to make the tank shoot.
void CFuncTankMortar::InputShootGun( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { ShootGun(); }
// This mortar can fire the next round as soon as it is ready. This is not a
// 'sticky' state, it just allows us to get the next shot off as soon as the
// tank is on target. great for scripted applications where you need a shot as
// soon as you can get it.
void CFuncTankMortar::InputFireAtWill( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime ); }
// Purpose:
void CFuncTankMortar::ShootGun( void ) { Vector forward; AngleVectors( GetLocalAngles(), &forward ); UpdateMatrix(); forward = m_parentMatrix.ApplyRotation( forward );
Fire( 1, WorldBarrelPosition(), forward, m_pAttacker, false ); }
void CFuncTankMortar::FiringSequence( const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker ) { if ( gpGlobals->curtime > GetNextAttack() ) { ShootGun(); m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime; SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime + (1.0 / m_fireRate ) ); } else { m_fireLast = gpGlobals->curtime; } }
void CFuncTankMortar::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &vecForward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { Vector vecProjectedPosition = vec3_invalid; trace_t tr;
if ( m_hTarget ) { float leadTime = (m_fireDelay * 1.1);
if ( m_hTarget->IsNPC() ) // Give NPCs a little extra grace
leadTime = 1.25;
Vector vLead = m_hTarget->GetSmoothedVelocity() * leadTime; Vector vNoise;
vecProjectedPosition = m_hTarget->WorldSpaceCenter() + vLead; vNoise.AsVector2D().Random( -6*12, 6*12); vNoise.z = 0; if( m_hTarget->Classify() != CLASS_BULLSEYE ) { // Don't apply noise when attacking a bullseye.
vecProjectedPosition += vNoise; } } else if ( IsPlayerManned() ) { CalcPlayerCrosshairTarget( &vecProjectedPosition ); } else if ( IsNPCManned() ) { CalcNPCEnemyTarget( &vecProjectedPosition ); //vecProjectedPosition += GetEnemy()->GetSmoothedVelocity() * (m_fireDelay * 1.1);
} else return;
// find something interesting to shoot at near the projected position.
Vector delta;
// Make a really rough approximation of the last half of the mortar trajectory and trace it.
// Do this so that mortars fired into windows land on rooftops, and that targets projected
// inside buildings (or out of the world) clip to the world. (usually a building facade)
// Find halfway between the mortar and the target.
Vector vecSpot = ( vecProjectedPosition + GetAbsOrigin() ) * 0.5; vecSpot.z = GetAbsOrigin().z; // Trace up to find the fake 'apex' of the shell. The skybox or 1024 units, whichever comes first.
UTIL_TraceLine( vecSpot, vecSpot + Vector(0, 0, 1024), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr ); vecSpot = tr.endpos;
//NDebugOverlay::Line( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, 0,255,0, false, 5 );
// Now trace from apex to target
UTIL_TraceLine( vecSpot, vecProjectedPosition, MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, NULL, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
if( mortar_visualize.GetBool() ) { NDebugOverlay::Line( tr.startpos, tr.endpos, 255,0,0, false, 5 ); }
if ( m_fireStartSound != NULL_STRING ) { CPASAttenuationFilter filter( this );
EmitSound_t ep; ep.m_nChannel = CHAN_WEAPON; ep.m_pSoundName = (char*)STRING(m_fireStartSound); ep.m_flVolume = 1.0f; ep.m_SoundLevel = SNDLVL_NONE;
EmitSound( filter, entindex(), ep ); }
Vector vecFinalDir = tr.endpos - tr.startpos; VectorNormalize( vecFinalDir );
CMortarShell::Create( barrelEnd, tr.endpos, vecFinalDir, m_fireDelay, m_flWarningTime, m_incomingSound ); BaseClass::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, vecForward, this, bIgnoreSpread ); }
// Purpose: Func tank that fires physics cannisters placed on it
class CFuncTankPhysCannister : public CFuncTank { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankPhysCannister, CFuncTank ); DECLARE_DATADESC();
void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread );
protected: string_t m_iszBarrelVolume; CHandle<CBaseTrigger> m_hBarrelVolume; };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tankphyscannister, CFuncTankPhysCannister );
BEGIN_DATADESC( CFuncTankPhysCannister )
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_iszBarrelVolume, FIELD_STRING, "barrel_volume" ), DEFINE_FIELD( m_hBarrelVolume, FIELD_EHANDLE ),
// Purpose:
void CFuncTankPhysCannister::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { // Find our barrel volume
if ( !m_hBarrelVolume ) { if ( m_iszBarrelVolume != NULL_STRING ) { m_hBarrelVolume = dynamic_cast<CBaseTrigger*>( gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_iszBarrelVolume ) ); }
if ( !m_hBarrelVolume ) { Msg("ERROR: Couldn't find barrel volume for func_tankphyscannister %s.\n", STRING(GetEntityName()) ); return; } }
// Do we have a cannister in our barrel volume?
CPhysicsCannister *pCannister = (CPhysicsCannister *)m_hBarrelVolume->GetTouchedEntityOfType( "physics_cannister" ); if ( !pCannister ) { // Play a no-ammo sound
return; }
// Fire the cannister!
pCannister->CannisterFire( pAttacker ); }
static const char *s_pUpdateBeamThinkContext = "UpdateBeamThinkContext"; #define COMBINE_CANNON_BEAM "effects/blueblacklargebeam.vmt"
//#define COMBINE_CANNON_BEAM "sprites/strider_bluebeam.vmt"
class CFuncTankCombineCannon : public CFuncTankGun { DECLARE_CLASS( CFuncTankCombineCannon, CFuncTankGun );
void Precache(); void Spawn(); void CreateBeam(); void DestroyBeam(); void FuncTankPostThink(); void AdjustRateOfFire(); void UpdateBeamThink( void ); void Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ); void MakeTracer( const Vector &vecTracerSrc, const trace_t &tr, int iTracerType ); void TankDeactivate();
void InputSetTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputClearTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputEnableHarrass( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputDisableHarrass( inputdata_t &inputdata );
COutputEvent m_OnShotAtPlayer;
CHandle<CBeam> m_hBeam;
private: float m_originalFireRate; float m_flTimeNextSweep; float m_flTimeBeamOn; Vector m_vecTrueForward; bool m_bShouldHarrass; bool m_bLastTargetWasNPC; // Tells whether the last entity we fired a shot at was an NPC (otherwise it was the player)
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "EnableHarrass", InputEnableHarrass ), DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "DisableHarrass", InputDisableHarrass ),
DEFINE_OUTPUT( m_OnShotAtPlayer, "OnShotAtPlayer" ),
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::Precache() { m_originalFireRate = m_fireRate;
PrecacheModel(COMBINE_CANNON_BEAM); PrecacheParticleSystem( "Weapon_Combine_Ion_Cannon" ); BaseClass::Precache(); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::Spawn() { BaseClass::Spawn(); m_flTimeBeamOn = gpGlobals->curtime; CreateBeam();
m_bShouldHarrass = true;
GetVectors( &m_vecTrueForward, NULL, NULL ); m_bLastTargetWasNPC = false; }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::CreateBeam() { if (!m_hBeam && gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flTimeBeamOn ) { m_hBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( COMBINE_CANNON_BEAM, 1.0f ); m_hBeam->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); SetContextThink( &CFuncTankCombineCannon::UpdateBeamThink, gpGlobals->curtime, s_pUpdateBeamThinkContext ); } else { // Beam seems to be on, or I'm not supposed to have it on at the moment.
return; }
Vector vecInitialAim;
AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecInitialAim, NULL, NULL );
m_hBeam->PointsInit( WorldBarrelPosition(), WorldBarrelPosition() + vecInitialAim ); m_hBeam->SetBrightness( 255 ); m_hBeam->SetNoise( 0 ); m_hBeam->SetWidth( 3.0f ); m_hBeam->SetEndWidth( 0 ); m_hBeam->SetScrollRate( 0 ); m_hBeam->SetFadeLength( 60 ); // five feet to fade out
//m_hBeam->SetHaloTexture( sHaloSprite );
m_hBeam->SetHaloScale( 4.0f ); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::DestroyBeam() { if( m_hBeam ) { UTIL_Remove( m_hBeam ); m_hBeam.Set(NULL); } }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::AdjustRateOfFire() { // Maintain 1.5 rounds per second rate of fire.
m_fireRate = 1.5; /*
if( m_hTarget.Get() != NULL && m_hTarget->IsPlayer() ) { if( m_bLastTargetWasNPC ) { // Cheat, and be able to fire RIGHT NOW if the target is a player and the
// last target I fired at was an NPC. This prevents the player from running
// for it while the gun is busy dealing with NPCs
SetNextAttack( gpGlobals->curtime ); } } */ }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::UpdateBeamThink() { SetContextThink( &CFuncTankCombineCannon::UpdateBeamThink, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.025, s_pUpdateBeamThinkContext );
// Always try to create the beam.
if( !m_hBeam ) return;
trace_t trBeam; trace_t trShot; trace_t trBlockLOS;
Vector vecBarrel = WorldBarrelPosition(); Vector vecAim; AngleVectors( GetAbsAngles(), &vecAim, NULL, NULL );
AI_TraceLine( vecBarrel, vecBarrel + vecAim * COMBINE_CANNON_BEAM_MAX_DIST, MASK_SHOT, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &trBeam );
m_hBeam->SetStartPos( trBeam.startpos ); m_hBeam->SetEndPos( trBeam.endpos );
if( !(m_spawnflags & SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS) ) { SetTargetPosition( trBeam.endpos ); } }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::FuncTankPostThink() { AdjustRateOfFire();
if( m_hTarget.Get() == NULL ) { if( gpGlobals->curtime > m_flTimeNextSweep ) { AddSpawnFlags( SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS );
Vector vecTargetPosition = GetTargetPosition(); CBasePlayer *pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer(); Vector vecToPlayer = pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter() - GetAbsOrigin(); vecToPlayer.NormalizeInPlace();
bool bHarass = false; float flDot = DotProduct( m_vecTrueForward, vecToPlayer );
if( flDot >= 0.9f && m_bShouldHarrass ) { //Msg("%s Harrassing player\n", GetDebugName() );
vecTargetPosition = pPlayer->EyePosition(); bHarass = true; } else { //Msg( "%s Bored\n", GetDebugName() );
// Just point off in the distance, more or less directly ahead of me.
vecTargetPosition = GetAbsOrigin() + m_vecTrueForward * 1900.0f; }
int i; Vector vecTest; bool bFoundPoint = false; for( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ ) { vecTest = vecTargetPosition;
if( bHarass ) { vecTest.x += random->RandomFloat( -48, 48 ); vecTest.y += random->RandomFloat( -48, 48 ); vecTest.z += random->RandomFloat( 16, 48 ); } else { vecTest.x += random->RandomFloat( -48, 48 ); vecTest.y += random->RandomFloat( -48, 48 ); vecTest.z += random->RandomFloat( -48, 48 ); }
// Get the barrel position
Vector vecBarrelEnd = WorldBarrelPosition(); trace_t trLOS; trace_t trShoot;
// Ignore the func_tank and any prop it's parented to, and check line of sight to the point
// Trace to the point. If an opaque trace doesn't reach the point, that means the beam hit
// something closer, (including a blockLOS), so try again.
CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities traceFilter( this, GetParent(), COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ); AI_TraceLine( vecBarrelEnd, vecTest, MASK_BLOCKLOS_AND_NPCS, &traceFilter, &trLOS ); AI_TraceLine( vecBarrelEnd, vecTest, MASK_SHOT, &traceFilter, &trShoot );
if( trLOS.fraction < trShoot.fraction ) { // Damn block LOS brushes.
continue; }
//Msg("Point is visible in %d tries\n", i);
bFoundPoint = true; break; }
if( bFoundPoint ) { vecTargetPosition = vecTest; SetTargetPosition( vecTargetPosition ); //Msg("New place\n");
if( bHarass ) { m_flTimeNextSweep = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 0.25f, 0.75f ); } else { m_flTimeNextSweep = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( 1, 3 ); } } } else { //Msg("%d engaging: %s\n", entindex(), m_hTarget->GetClassname() );
RemoveSpawnFlags( SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS ); } }
// A normal func_tank uses a method of aiming the gun that will
// always follow a fast-moving player. This is because the func_tank
// turns the weapon by applying angular velocities in the early
// phase of the func_tank's Think(). Because the bullet is fired
// later in the same think, it is fired before the game physics have
// updated the func_tank's angles using the newly-computed angular
// velocity, so the bullet always trails the target slightly.
// This is unacceptable for the Combine Cannon, as the cannon MUST
// strike a moving player with absolute certainty. As a quick
// remedy, this code allows the combine cannon to fire a bullet
// at a slightly different angle than the gun is aiming, to
// ensure a hit. Large discrepancies are ignored and we accept
// the miss instead of presenting a bullet fired at an obviously
// adjusted angle.
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::Fire( int bulletCount, const Vector &barrelEnd, const Vector &forward, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, bool bIgnoreSpread ) { // Specifically do NOT fire in aim at pos mode. This is just for show.
if( HasSpawnFlags(SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS) ) return;
Vector vecAdjustedForward = forward;
if( m_hTarget != NULL ) { Vector vecToTarget = m_hTarget->BodyTarget( barrelEnd, false ) - barrelEnd; VectorNormalize( vecToTarget );
float flDot = DotProduct( vecToTarget, forward );
if( flDot >= 0.97 ) { vecAdjustedForward = vecToTarget; }
if( m_hTarget->IsNPC() ) m_bLastTargetWasNPC = true; else m_bLastTargetWasNPC = false;
if( m_hTarget->IsPlayer() ) m_OnShotAtPlayer.FireOutput( this, this ); }
BaseClass::Fire( bulletCount, barrelEnd, vecAdjustedForward, pAttacker, bIgnoreSpread );
// Turn off the beam and tell it to stay off for a bit. We want it to look like the beam became the
// ion cannon 'rail gun' effect.
DestroyBeam(); m_flTimeBeamOn = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2f;
m_flTimeNextSweep = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomInt( 1.0f, 2.0f ); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::MakeTracer( const Vector &vecTracerSrc, const trace_t &tr, int iTracerType ) { // If the shot passed near the player, shake the screen.
if( AI_IsSinglePlayer() ) { Vector vecPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer()->EyePosition();
Vector vecNearestPoint = PointOnLineNearestPoint( vecTracerSrc, tr.endpos, vecPlayer );
float flDist = vecPlayer.DistTo( vecNearestPoint );
if( flDist >= 10.0f && flDist <= 120.0f ) { // Don't shake the screen if we're hit (within 10 inches), but do shake if a shot otherwise comes within 10 feet.
UTIL_ScreenShake( vecNearestPoint, 10, 60, 0.3, 120.0f, SHAKE_START, false ); } }
// Send the railgun effect
DispatchParticleEffect( "Weapon_Combine_Ion_Cannon", vecTracerSrc, tr.endpos, vec3_angle, NULL ); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::TankDeactivate() { DestroyBeam(); m_flTimeBeamOn = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0f; SetContextThink( NULL, 0, s_pUpdateBeamThinkContext );
BaseClass::TankDeactivate(); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::InputSetTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { BaseClass::InputSetTargetEntity( inputdata ); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::InputClearTargetEntity( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { /*
m_targetEntityName = NULL_STRING; m_hTarget = NULL;
// No longer aim at target position if have one
m_spawnflags &= ~SF_TANK_AIM_AT_POS; */ BaseClass::InputClearTargetEntity( inputdata ); }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::InputEnableHarrass( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_bShouldHarrass = true; }
void CFuncTankCombineCannon::InputDisableHarrass( inputdata_t &inputdata ) { m_bShouldHarrass = false; }
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( func_tank_combine_cannon, CFuncTankCombineCannon );