//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Implements a sniper rifle weapon.
// Primary attack: fires a single high-powered shot, then reloads.
// Secondary attack: cycles sniper scope through zoom levels.
// TODO: Circular mask around crosshairs when zoomed in.
// TODO: Shell ejection.
// TODO: Finalize kickback.
// TODO: Animated zoom effect?
#include "cbase.h"
#include "npcevent.h"
#include "basehlcombatweapon.h"
#include "basecombatcharacter.h"
#include "ai_basenpc.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "gamerules.h" // For g_pGameRules
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include "soundent.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define SNIPER_CONE_PLAYER vec3_origin // Spread cone when fired by the player.
#define SNIPER_CONE_NPC vec3_origin // Spread cone when fired by NPCs.
#define SNIPER_BULLET_COUNT_PLAYER 1 // Fire n bullets per shot fired by the player.
#define SNIPER_BULLET_COUNT_NPC 1 // Fire n bullets per shot fired by NPCs.
#define SNIPER_TRACER_FREQUENCY_PLAYER 0 // Draw a tracer every nth shot fired by the player.
#define SNIPER_TRACER_FREQUENCY_NPC 0 // Draw a tracer every nth shot fired by NPCs.
#define SNIPER_KICKBACK 3 // Range for punchangle when firing.
#define SNIPER_ZOOM_RATE 0.2 // Interval between zoom levels in seconds.
// Discrete zoom levels for the scope.
static int g_nZoomFOV[] = { 20, 5 };
class CWeaponSniperRifle : public CBaseHLCombatWeapon { DECLARE_DATADESC(); public: DECLARE_CLASS( CWeaponSniperRifle, CBaseHLCombatWeapon );
void Precache( void );
int CapabilitiesGet( void ) const;
const Vector &GetBulletSpread( void );
bool Holster( CBaseCombatWeapon *pSwitchingTo = NULL ); void ItemPostFrame( void ); void PrimaryAttack( void ); bool Reload( void ); void Zoom( void ); virtual float GetFireRate( void ) { return 1; };
void Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator );
float m_fNextZoom; int m_nZoomLevel; };
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( weapon_sniperrifle, CWeaponSniperRifle ); PRECACHE_WEAPON_REGISTER(weapon_sniperrifle);
BEGIN_DATADESC( CWeaponSniperRifle )
// Maps base activities to weapons-specific ones so our characters do the right things.
acttable_t CWeaponSniperRifle::m_acttable[] = { { ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1, ACT_RANGE_ATTACK_SNIPER_RIFLE, true } };
// Purpose: Constructor.
CWeaponSniperRifle::CWeaponSniperRifle( void ) { m_fNextZoom = gpGlobals->curtime; m_nZoomLevel = 0;
m_bReloadsSingly = true;
m_fMinRange1 = 65; m_fMinRange2 = 65; m_fMaxRange1 = 2048; m_fMaxRange2 = 2048; }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int CWeaponSniperRifle::CapabilitiesGet( void ) const { return bits_CAP_WEAPON_RANGE_ATTACK1; }
// Purpose: Turns off the zoom when the rifle is holstered.
bool CWeaponSniperRifle::Holster( CBaseCombatWeapon *pSwitchingTo ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() ); if (pPlayer != NULL) { if ( m_nZoomLevel != 0 ) { if ( pPlayer->SetFOV( this, 0 ) ) { pPlayer->ShowViewModel(true); m_nZoomLevel = 0; } } }
return BaseClass::Holster(pSwitchingTo); }
// Purpose: Overloaded to handle the zoom functionality.
void CWeaponSniperRifle::ItemPostFrame( void ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() ); if (pPlayer == NULL) { return; }
if ((m_bInReload) && (m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime)) { FinishReload(); m_bInReload = false; }
if (pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2) { if (m_fNextZoom <= gpGlobals->curtime) { Zoom(); pPlayer->m_nButtons &= ~IN_ATTACK2; } } else if ((pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK) && (m_flNextPrimaryAttack <= gpGlobals->curtime)) { if ( (m_iClip1 == 0 && UsesClipsForAmmo1()) || ( !UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) ) ) { m_bFireOnEmpty = true; }
// Fire underwater?
if (pPlayer->GetWaterLevel() == 3 && m_bFiresUnderwater == false) { WeaponSound(EMPTY); m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.2; return; } else { // If the firing button was just pressed, reset the firing time
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->m_afButtonPressed & IN_ATTACK ) { m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime; }
PrimaryAttack(); } }
// -----------------------
// Reload pressed / Clip Empty
// -----------------------
if ( pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_RELOAD && UsesClipsForAmmo1() && !m_bInReload ) { // reload when reload is pressed, or if no buttons are down and weapon is empty.
Reload(); }
// -----------------------
// No buttons down
// -----------------------
if (!((pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK) || (pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_ATTACK2) || (pPlayer->m_nButtons & IN_RELOAD))) { // no fire buttons down
m_bFireOnEmpty = false;
if ( !HasAnyAmmo() && m_flNextPrimaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime ) { // weapon isn't useable, switch.
if ( !(GetWeaponFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTOSWITCHEMPTY) && pPlayer->SwitchToNextBestWeapon( this ) ) { m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + 0.3; return; } } else { // weapon is useable. Reload if empty and weapon has waited as long as it has to after firing
if ( m_iClip1 == 0 && !(GetWeaponFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_NOAUTORELOAD) && m_flNextPrimaryAttack < gpGlobals->curtime ) { Reload(); return; } }
WeaponIdle( ); return; } }
// Purpose:
void CWeaponSniperRifle::Precache( void ) { BaseClass::Precache(); }
// Purpose: Same as base reload but doesn't change the owner's next attack time. This
// lets us zoom out while reloading. This hack is necessary because our
// ItemPostFrame is only called when the owner's next attack time has
// expired.
// Output : Returns true if the weapon was reloaded, false if no more ammo.
bool CWeaponSniperRifle::Reload( void ) { CBaseCombatCharacter *pOwner = GetOwner(); if (!pOwner) { return false; } if (pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) > 0) { int primary = MIN(GetMaxClip1() - m_iClip1, pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType)); int secondary = MIN(GetMaxClip2() - m_iClip2, pOwner->GetAmmoCount(m_iSecondaryAmmoType));
if (primary > 0 || secondary > 0) { // Play reload on different channel as it happens after every fire
// and otherwise steals channel away from fire sound
WeaponSound(RELOAD); SendWeaponAnim( ACT_VM_RELOAD );
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + SequenceDuration();
m_bInReload = true; }
return true; }
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CWeaponSniperRifle::PrimaryAttack( void ) { // Only the player fires this way so we can cast safely.
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() ); if (!pPlayer) { return; }
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= m_flNextPrimaryAttack ) { // If my clip is empty (and I use clips) start reload
if ( !m_iClip1 ) { Reload(); return; }
// MUST call sound before removing a round from the clip of a CMachineGun dvs: does this apply to the sniper rifle? I don't know.
// player "shoot" animation
pPlayer->SetAnimation( PLAYER_ATTACK1 );
// Don't fire again until fire animation has completed
m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->curtime + SequenceDuration(); m_iClip1 = m_iClip1 - 1;
Vector vecSrc = pPlayer->Weapon_ShootPosition(); Vector vecAiming = pPlayer->GetAutoaimVector( AUTOAIM_5DEGREES );
// Fire the bullets
pPlayer->FireBullets( SNIPER_BULLET_COUNT_PLAYER, vecSrc, vecAiming, GetBulletSpread(), MAX_TRACE_LENGTH, m_iPrimaryAmmoType, SNIPER_TRACER_FREQUENCY_PLAYER );
CSoundEnt::InsertSound( SOUND_COMBAT, GetAbsOrigin(), 600, 0.2 );
QAngle vecPunch(random->RandomFloat( -SNIPER_KICKBACK, SNIPER_KICKBACK ), 0, 0); pPlayer->ViewPunch(vecPunch);
// Indicate out of ammo condition if we run out of ammo.
if (!m_iClip1 && pPlayer->GetAmmoCount(m_iPrimaryAmmoType) <= 0) { pPlayer->SetSuitUpdate("!HEV_AMO0", FALSE, 0); } }
// Register a muzzleflash for the AI.
pPlayer->SetMuzzleFlashTime( gpGlobals->curtime + 0.5 ); }
// Purpose: Zooms in using the sniper rifle scope.
void CWeaponSniperRifle::Zoom( void ) { CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( GetOwner() ); if (!pPlayer) { return; }
if (m_nZoomLevel >= sizeof(g_nZoomFOV) / sizeof(g_nZoomFOV[0])) { if ( pPlayer->SetFOV( this, 0 ) ) { pPlayer->ShowViewModel(true); // Zoom out to the default zoom level
WeaponSound(SPECIAL2); m_nZoomLevel = 0; } } else { if ( pPlayer->SetFOV( this, g_nZoomFOV[m_nZoomLevel] ) ) { if (m_nZoomLevel == 0) { pPlayer->ShowViewModel(false); }
WeaponSound(SPECIAL1); m_nZoomLevel++; } }
m_fNextZoom = gpGlobals->curtime + SNIPER_ZOOM_RATE; }
// Purpose:
// Output : virtual const Vector&
const Vector &CWeaponSniperRifle::GetBulletSpread( void ) { static Vector cone = SNIPER_CONE_PLAYER; return cone; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *pEvent -
// *pOperator -
void CWeaponSniperRifle::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( animevent_t *pEvent, CBaseCombatCharacter *pOperator ) { switch ( pEvent->event ) { case EVENT_WEAPON_SNIPER_RIFLE_FIRE: { Vector vecShootOrigin, vecShootDir; vecShootOrigin = pOperator->Weapon_ShootPosition();
CAI_BaseNPC *npc = pOperator->MyNPCPointer(); Vector vecSpread; if (npc) { vecShootDir = npc->GetActualShootTrajectory( vecShootOrigin ); vecSpread = VECTOR_CONE_PRECALCULATED; } else { AngleVectors( pOperator->GetLocalAngles(), &vecShootDir ); vecSpread = GetBulletSpread(); } WeaponSound( SINGLE_NPC ); pOperator->FireBullets( SNIPER_BULLET_COUNT_NPC, vecShootOrigin, vecShootDir, vecSpread, MAX_TRACE_LENGTH, m_iPrimaryAmmoType, SNIPER_TRACER_FREQUENCY_NPC ); pOperator->DoMuzzleFlash(); break; }
default: { BaseClass::Operator_HandleAnimEvent( pEvent, pOperator ); break; } } }