* //========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
* * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting * object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from * Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited * without written permission from Valve LLC. * ****/ /*
===== tf_client.cpp ========================================================
HL2 client/server game specific stuff
#include "cbase.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "physics.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "ai_network.h"
#include "ai_node.h"
#include "ai_hull.h"
#include "shake.h"
#include "player_resource.h"
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tf_bot_temp.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern CBaseEntity *FindPickerEntity( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
extern bool g_fGameOver;
void FinishClientPutInServer( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ) { { bool save = engine->LockNetworkStringTables( false ); pPlayer->InitialSpawn(); pPlayer->Spawn(); engine->LockNetworkStringTables( save ); }
char sName[128]; Q_strncpy( sName, pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), sizeof( sName ) ); // First parse the name and remove any %'s
for ( char *pApersand = sName; pApersand != NULL && *pApersand != 0; pApersand++ ) { // Replace it with a space
if ( *pApersand == '%' ) *pApersand = ' '; }
// notify other clients of player joining the game
if ( !pPlayer->IsFakeClient() ) { UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, "#Game_connected", sName[0] != 0 ? sName : "<unconnected>" ); } }
=========== ClientPutInServer
called each time a player is spawned into the game ============ */ void ClientPutInServer( edict_t *pEdict, const char *playername ) { // Allocate a CBaseTFPlayer for pev, and call spawn
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = CTFPlayer::CreatePlayer( "player", pEdict ); pPlayer->SetPlayerName( playername ); }
void ClientActive( edict_t *pEdict, bool bLoadGame ) { // Can't load games in CS!
Assert( !bLoadGame );
CTFPlayer *pPlayer = ToTFPlayer( CBaseEntity::Instance( pEdict ) ); FinishClientPutInServer( pPlayer ); }
=============== const char *GetGameDescription()
Returns the descriptive name of this .dll. E.g., Half-Life, or Team Fortress 2 =============== */ const char *GetGameDescription() { if ( g_pGameRules ) // this function may be called before the world has spawned, and the game rules initialized
return g_pGameRules->GetGameDescription(); else return "Team Fortress"; }
// Purpose: Precache game-specific models & sounds
void ClientGamePrecache( void ) { const char *pFilename = "scripts/client_precache.txt"; KeyValues *pValues = new KeyValues( "ClientPrecache" );
if ( !pValues->LoadFromFile( filesystem, pFilename, "GAME" ) ) { Error( "Can't open %s for client precache info.", pFilename ); pValues->deleteThis(); return; }
for ( KeyValues *pData = pValues->GetFirstSubKey(); pData != NULL; pData = pData->GetNextKey() ) { const char *pszType = pData->GetName(); const char *pszFile = pData->GetString();
if ( Q_strlen( pszType ) > 0 && Q_strlen( pszFile ) > 0 ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pData->GetName(), "model" ) ) { CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel( pszFile ); } else if ( !Q_stricmp( pData->GetName(), "scriptsound" ) ) { CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( pszFile ); } } }
// @FD This has been moved into pure_server_consistency.txt
// // particles
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/blood_impact.pcf" ); // Don't force consistency on this because of the LV version.
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/blood_impact_dx80.pcf" ); // Don't force consistency on this because of the LV version.
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/blood_trail.pcf" ); // Don't force consistency on this because of the LV version.
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/blood_trail_dx80.pcf" ); // Don't force consistency on this because of the LV version.
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/buildingdamage.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/bullet_tracers.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/burningplayer.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/burningplayer_dx80.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/cig_smoke.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/cig_smoke_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/cinefx.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/crit.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/default.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/disguise.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/explosion.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/explosion_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/explosion_dx90_slow.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/explosion_high.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/flag_particles.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/flamethrower.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/flamethrowerTest.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/flamethrower_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/flamethrower_dx90_slow.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/flamethrower_high.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/impact_fx.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/item_fx.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/medicgun_attrib.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/medicgun_beam.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/medicgun_beam_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/muzzle_flash.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/muzzle_flash_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/nailtrails.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/nemesis.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/player_recent_teleport.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/player_recent_teleport_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/rocketbackblast.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/rocketjumptrail.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/rockettrail.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/rockettrail_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/rockettrail_dx90_slow.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/shellejection.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/shellejection_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/shellejection_high.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/smoke_blackbillow.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/smoke_blackbillow_dx80.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/sparks.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/speechbubbles.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/stickybomb.pcf" );
//// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/stickybomb_dx80.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/teleported_fx.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/teleport_status.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/water.pcf" );
// engine->ForceExactFile( "particles/water_dx80.pcf" );
// called by ClientKill and DeadThink
void respawn( CBaseEntity *pEdict, bool fCopyCorpse ) { if (gpGlobals->coop || gpGlobals->deathmatch) { if ( fCopyCorpse ) { // make a copy of the dead body for appearances sake
dynamic_cast< CBasePlayer* >( pEdict )->CreateCorpse(); }
// respawn player
pEdict->Spawn(); } else { // restart the entire server
engine->ServerCommand("reload\n"); } }
void GameStartFrame( void ) { VPROF( "GameStartFrame" );
if ( g_pGameRules ) g_pGameRules->Think();
if ( g_fGameOver ) return;
gpGlobals->teamplay = teamplay.GetInt() ? true : false;
Bot_RunAll(); }
// instantiate the proper game rules object
void InstallGameRules() { CreateGameRulesObject( "CTFGameRules" ); }