//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Code for the CEconClaimCode object
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "econ_item_tools.h"
#include "econ_claimcode.h"
using namespace GCSDK;
#ifdef GC
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
bool CEconClaimCode::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( GCSDK::CSQLAccess & sqlAccess ) { CSchAssignedClaimCode schCode; WriteToRecord( &schCode ); return CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( sqlAccess, &schCode ); }
void CEconClaimCode::WriteToRecord( CSchAssignedClaimCode *pClaimCode ) { pClaimCode->m_unAccountID = Obj().account_id(); pClaimCode->m_unCodeType = Obj().code_type(); pClaimCode->m_rtime32TimeAcquired = Obj().time_acquired(); WRITE_VAR_CHAR_FIELD( *pClaimCode, VarCharCode, Obj().code().c_str() ); }
void CEconClaimCode::ReadFromRecord( const CSchAssignedClaimCode & code ) { const char *pchCode = READ_VAR_CHAR_FIELD( code, m_VarCharCode ); Obj().set_code_type( code.m_unCodeType ); Obj().set_time_acquired( code.m_rtime32TimeAcquired ); Obj().set_code( pchCode ); }
bool BBuildRedemptionURL( CEconClaimCode *pClaimCode, CUtlString &redemptionURL ) { const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GEconManager()->GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( pClaimCode->Obj().code_type() ); if ( pItemDef ) { const char *pOriginalURL = pItemDef->GetDefinitionString( "redeem_url" ); const char *code = pClaimCode->Obj().code().c_str(); char url[1024]; if ( Q_StrSubst( pOriginalURL, "CLAIMCODE", code, url, sizeof( url ) ) ) { redemptionURL = url; return true; } } return false; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Gets a summary of what's going on with the GC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class CJobWG_GetPromoCodes : public CGCGameBaseWGJob { public: CJobWG_GetPromoCodes( CGCGameBase *pGC ) : CGCGameBaseWGJob( pGC ) {}
virtual bool BYieldingRunJobFromRequest( KeyValues *pkvRequest, KeyValues *pkvResponse );
private: };
bool CJobWG_GetPromoCodes::BYieldingRunJobFromRequest( KeyValues *pkvRequest, KeyValues *pkvResponse ) { CSteamID actorID( pkvRequest->GetUint64( "token/steamid" ) );
KeyValues *pkvPromoCodes = pkvResponse->FindKey( "promo_codes", true );
CSharedObjectCache *pSOCache = m_pGCGameBase->YieldingFindOrLoadSOCache( actorID ); if ( pSOCache == NULL ) return true;
CSharedObjectTypeCache *pTypeCache = pSOCache->FindBaseTypeCache( k_EEconTypeClaimCode ); if ( pTypeCache == NULL ) return true; for ( uint32 i = 0; i < pTypeCache->GetCount(); ++i ) { CEconClaimCode *pClaimCode = (CEconClaimCode*)pTypeCache->GetObject( i ); const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( pClaimCode->Obj().code_type() ); if ( pItemDef == NULL ) continue;
const CEconTool_ClaimCode *pEconClaimCodeTool = pItemDef->GetTypedEconTool<CEconTool_ClaimCode>(); if ( pEconClaimCodeTool == NULL ) continue;
const char *pClaimCodeName = pEconClaimCodeTool->GetClaimType(); if ( pClaimCodeName == NULL ) continue; CUtlString claimURL; if ( BBuildRedemptionURL( pClaimCode, claimURL ) == false ) { SetErrorMessage( pkvResponse, CFmtStr( "Unable to construct redemption url for: %s", pClaimCodeName ), k_EResultFail ); continue; } const char *code = pClaimCode->Obj().code().c_str(); // finally populate the key values
KeyValues *pkvPromoCode = pkvPromoCodes->CreateNewKey(); pkvPromoCode->SetString( "code_name", pClaimCodeName ); pkvPromoCode->SetInt( "timestamp", pClaimCode->Obj().time_acquired() ); pkvPromoCode->SetString( "code", code ); pkvPromoCode->SetString( "redeem_url", claimURL.Get() ); }
return true; }
DECLARE_GCWG_JOB( CGCEcon, CJobWG_GetPromoCodes, "GetPromoCodes", k_EGCWebApiPriv_Session ) END_DECLARE_GCWG_JOB( CJobWG_GetPromoCodes);