//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Common objects and utilities related to the in-game item store
#include "cbase.h"
#include "econ_store.h"
#include "gcsdk/enumutils.h"
#if defined(CLIENT_DLL)
#include "econ_ui.h"
#include "store/store_panel.h"
#include "econ_item_inventory.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcconstants.h"
#if defined(CLIENT_DLL) || defined(GAME_DLL)
#include "econ_item_system.h"
// For localization
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "vgui/ILocalize.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
// For formatting in locale
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#endif // CLIENT_DLL
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
ConVar store_version( "store_version", "1", FCVAR_CLIENTDLL | FCVAR_HIDDEN | FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "Which version of the store to display." );
ENUMSTRINGS_START( ECurrency ) { k_ECurrencyUSD, "USD" }, { k_ECurrencyGBP, "GBP" }, { k_ECurrencyEUR, "EUR" }, { k_ECurrencyRUB, "RUB" }, { k_ECurrencyBRL, "BRL" }, { k_ECurrencyJPY, "JPY" }, { k_ECurrencyNOK, "NOK" }, { k_ECurrencyIDR, "IDR" }, { k_ECurrencyMYR, "MYR" }, { k_ECurrencyPHP, "PHP" }, { k_ECurrencySGD, "SGD" }, { k_ECurrencyTHB, "THB" }, { k_ECurrencyVND, "VND" }, { k_ECurrencyKRW, "KRW" }, { k_ECurrencyTRY, "TRY" }, { k_ECurrencyUAH, "UAH" }, { k_ECurrencyMXN, "MXN" }, { k_ECurrencyCAD, "CAD" }, { k_ECurrencyAUD, "AUD" }, { k_ECurrencyNZD, "NZD" }, { k_ECurrencyPLN, "PLN" }, { k_ECurrencyCHF, "CHF" }, { k_ECurrencyCNY, "CNY" }, { k_ECurrencyTWD, "TWD" }, { k_ECurrencyHKD, "HKD" }, { k_ECurrencyINR, "INR" }, { k_ECurrencyAED, "AED" }, { k_ECurrencySAR, "SAR" }, { k_ECurrencyZAR, "ZAR" }, { k_ECurrencyCOP, "COP" }, { k_ECurrencyPEN, "PEN" }, { k_ECurrencyCLP, "CLP" }, { k_ECurrencyInvalid, "Invalid" } ENUMSTRINGS_REVERSE( ECurrency, k_ECurrencyInvalid )
ENUMSTRINGS_START( EPurchaseState ) { k_EPurchaseStateInvalid, "Invalid" }, { k_EPurchaseStateInit, "Init" }, { k_EPurchaseStateWaitingForAuthorization, "WaitingForAuthorization" }, { k_EPurchaseStatePending, "Pending" }, { k_EPurchaseStateComplete, "Complete" }, { k_EPurchaseStateFailed, "Failed" }, { k_EPurchaseStateCanceled, "Canceled" }, { k_EPurchaseStateRefunded, "Refunded" }, { k_EPurchaseStateChargeback, "Chargeback" }, { k_EPurchaseStateChargebackReversed, "Chargeback Reversed" }, ENUMSTRINGS_END( EPurchaseState )
ENUMSTRINGS_START( EPurchaseResult ) { k_EPurchaseResultOK, "OK" }, { k_EPurchaseResultFail, "Fail" }, { k_EPurchaseResultInvalidParam, "InvalidParam" }, { k_EPurchaseResultInternalError, "InternalError" }, { k_EPurchaseResultNotApproved, "NotApproved" }, { k_EPurchaseResultAlreadyCommitted, "AlreadyCommitted" }, { k_EPurchaseResultUserNotLoggedIn, "UserNotLoggedIn" }, { k_EPurchaseResultWrongCurrency, "WrongCurrency" }, { k_EPurchaseResultAccountError, "AccountError" }, { k_EPurchaseResultInsufficientFunds, "InsufficientFunds Reversed" }, { k_EPurchaseResultTimedOut, "TimedOut" }, { k_EPurchaseResultAcctDisabled, "AcctDisabled" }, { k_EPurchaseResultAcctCannotPurchase, "AcctCannotPurchase" }, { k_EMicroTxnResultFailedFraudChecks, "PurchaseFailedSupport" }, // this string is mismatched so "fraud" doesn't appear in the client code
{ k_EPurchaseResultOldPriceSheet, "OldPriceSheet" }, { k_EPurchaseResultTxnNotFound, "TxnNotFound" }, ENUMSTRINGS_END( EPurchaseResult )
ENUMSTRINGS_START( EGCTransactionAuditReason ) { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionCompleted, "Completed" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionInit, "Init" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionPostInit, "Post Init" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionFinalize, "Finalize" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionFinalizeFailed, "Finalize Failed" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionCanceled, "Canceled" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_SteamFailedMismatch, "Steam Failed State Mismatch" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCRemovePurchasedItems, "Remove Purchased Items" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionInsert, "Transaction Insert" }, { k_EGCTransactionAudit_GCTransactionCompletedPostChargeback, "Completed (Post-Chargeback)" }, ENUMSTRINGS_END( EGCTransactionAuditReason )
// Purpose:
void econ_store_entry_t::InitCategoryTags( const char *pTags ) { // Default to "unrentable".
m_fRentalPriceScale = 1.0f;
if ( !pTags || !pTags[0] ) return;
// Cache tags - this pointer comes out of a KeyValues that isn't deleted
m_pchCategoryTags = pTags;
// Split the tags apart
CUtlVector< char * > vecTokens; V_SplitString( pTags, "+", vecTokens );
// Sanity check the results of V_SplitString()
#ifdef _DEBUG
const int nTagsLength = V_strlen( pTags ); int nSepCount = 0; // # of separators
for ( int i = 0; i < nTagsLength; ++i ) { if ( pTags[i] == '+' ) ++nSepCount; } // Assert( ( vecTokens.Size() - 1 ) == nSepCount );
// Calculate the maximum that we want to charge for this rental.
float fMaxRentalPriceScale = 0.0f;
// Generate symbols for each tag
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecTokens, i ) { CategoryTag_t info; info.m_strName = vecTokens[i]; info.m_unID = CEconStoreCategoryManager::GetCategoryID( vecTokens[i] ); m_vecCategoryTags.AddToTail( info );
const float fCategoryRentalPriceScale = GetEconPriceSheet()->GetRentalPriceScale( vecTokens[i] ); fMaxRentalPriceScale = MAX( fMaxRentalPriceScale, fCategoryRentalPriceScale ); }
m_fRentalPriceScale = fMaxRentalPriceScale <= 0.0f || fMaxRentalPriceScale >= 100.0f ? 1.0f : fMaxRentalPriceScale * 0.01f; // Clean up
vecTokens.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
void econ_store_entry_t::SetItemDefinitionIndex( item_definition_index_t usDefIndex ) { AssertMsg( usDefIndex != INVALID_ITEM_DEF_INDEX, "Invalid item definition index!" ); m_usDefIndex = usDefIndex; }
bool econ_store_entry_t::IsListedInCategory( StoreCategoryID_t unID ) const { AssertMsg( unID != CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Invalid, "Did you mean to search for an invalid symbol?" );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecCategoryTags, i ) { if ( m_vecCategoryTags[i].m_unID == unID ) return true; } return false; }
bool econ_store_entry_t::IsListedInSubcategories( const CEconStoreCategoryManager::StoreCategory_t &Category ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( Category.m_vecSubcategories, iSubCategory ) { if ( IsListedInCategory( Category.m_vecSubcategories[iSubCategory]->m_unID ) ) return true; }
return false; }
bool econ_store_entry_t::IsListedInCategoryOrSubcategories( const CEconStoreCategoryManager::StoreCategory_t &Category ) const { return IsListedInCategory( Category.m_unID ) || IsListedInSubcategories( Category ); }
bool econ_store_entry_t::IsOnSale( ECurrency eCurrency ) const { return GetSalePrice( eCurrency ) > 0 && GetSalePrice( eCurrency ) < GetBasePrice( eCurrency ); }
bool econ_store_entry_t::IsRentable() const { return m_fRentalPriceScale < 1.0f && m_fRentalPriceScale > 0.0f; }
bool econ_store_entry_t::HasDiscount( ECurrency eCurrency, item_price_t *out_punOptionalBasePrice ) const { // Items on sale always report as being discounted.
if ( IsOnSale( eCurrency ) ) { if ( out_punOptionalBasePrice ) { *out_punOptionalBasePrice = GetBasePrice( eCurrency ); }
return true; }
// If we're not a bundle we have no other way of being on sale -- abort.
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); if ( !pItemDef || !pItemDef->IsBundle() ) return false;
const bundleinfo_t *pBundleInfo = pItemDef->GetBundleInfo(); Assert( pBundleInfo );
item_price_t unTotalPriceOfBundleItems = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( pBundleInfo->vecItemDefs, bundleIdx ) { const econ_store_entry_t *pCurEntry = pBundleInfo->vecItemDefs[bundleIdx] ? GetEconPriceSheet()->GetEntry( pBundleInfo->vecItemDefs[bundleIdx]->GetDefinitionIndex() ) : NULL; if ( pCurEntry ) { unTotalPriceOfBundleItems += pCurEntry->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ); } }
// Did the bundle provide an actual discount?
const item_price_t unBasePrice = GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ); if ( unBasePrice < unTotalPriceOfBundleItems ) { if ( out_punOptionalBasePrice ) { *out_punOptionalBasePrice = unTotalPriceOfBundleItems; }
return true; }
// No discount. Leave the base price pointer untouched.
return false; } #endif
// Purpose:
StoreCategoryID_t econ_store_entry_t::GetCategoryTagIDFromIndex( uint32 iIndex ) const { if ( !IsValidCategoryTagIndex( iIndex ) ) return CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Invalid;
return m_vecCategoryTags[ iIndex ].m_unID; }
item_price_t econ_store_entry_t::GetCurrentPrice( ECurrency eCurrency ) const { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( m_bIsMarketItem ) { const client_market_data_t *pClientMarketData = GetClientMarketData( GetItemDefinitionIndex(), AE_UNIQUE ); if ( !pClientMarketData ) return 0;
return pClientMarketData->m_unLowestPrice; } #endif
return IsOnSale( eCurrency ) ? GetSalePrice( eCurrency ) : GetBasePrice( eCurrency ); }
float econ_store_entry_t::GetRentalPriceScale() const { Assert( IsRentable() );
return m_fRentalPriceScale; }
// Purpose:
void econ_store_entry_t::ValidatePrice( ECurrency eCurrency, item_price_t unPrice ) { if ( m_bIsMarketItem ) return;
// If the price is 0 and this is not a pack item (an item that is not individually for sale, but is sold as part of a pack bundle), post an alert
if ( unPrice == 0 && !m_bIsPackItem ) { CFmtStr fmtError( "Warning: Invalid price for item (item def=%i)", GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); #if defined( GC_DLL )
GGCGameBase()->PostAlert( GCSDK::k_EAlertTypeReport, true, fmtError.Access() ); #endif
AssertMsg( false, "%s", fmtError.Access() ); } }
// Purpose: Constructor
CEconStorePriceSheet::CEconStorePriceSheet() : m_pKVRaw( NULL ) , m_mapEntries( DefLessFunc( uint16 ) ) , m_mapRentalPriceScales( DefLessFunc( const char * ) ) , m_RTimeVersionStamp( 0 ) , m_pStorePromotionFirstTimePurchaseItem( NULL ) , m_pStorePromotionFirstTimeWebPurchaseItem( NULL ) , m_unFeaturedItemIndex( 0 ) , m_eEconStoreSortType( kEconStoreSortType_Name_AToZ ) { Clear(); m_FeaturedItems.m_pchName = "featured_items";
m_mapCurrencyPricePoints.SetLessFunc( &price_point_map_key_t::Less ); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CEconStorePriceSheet::~CEconStorePriceSheet() { Clear(); }
// Purpose: Clears out the parsed data
void CEconStorePriceSheet::Clear() { if ( m_pKVRaw ) { m_pKVRaw->deleteThis(); m_pKVRaw = NULL; }
m_RTimeVersionStamp = 0; m_mapEntries.RemoveAll(); m_FeaturedItems.m_vecEntries.RemoveAll(); m_flPreviewPeriodDiscount = 0;
m_vecFeaturedItems.Purge(); #endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Clear categories in category manager
ClearEconStoreCategoryManager(); }
// Purpose: Gets the entry details for a specific item
const econ_store_entry_t *CEconStorePriceSheet::GetEntry( item_definition_index_t usDefIndex ) const { int iIndex = m_mapEntries.Find( usDefIndex ); if ( m_mapEntries.IsValidIndex( iIndex ) ) return &m_mapEntries[iIndex]; return NULL; }
#ifdef GC_DLL
// Purpose: Gets the entry details for a specific item and lets us modify the contents (GC-only)
econ_store_entry_t *CEconStorePriceSheet::GetEntryWriteable( item_definition_index_t unDefIndex ) { int iIndex = m_mapEntries.Find( unDefIndex ); if ( m_mapEntries.IsValidIndex( iIndex ) ) return &m_mapEntries[iIndex];
return NULL; } #endif // GC_DLL
// Purpose:
bool BInsertSinglePricePoint( CurrencyPricePointMap_t& out_mapPricePoints, const price_point_map_key_t& key, item_price_t unValue ) { if ( out_mapPricePoints.Find( key ) != out_mapPricePoints.InvalidIndex() ) return false;
out_mapPricePoints.Insert( key, unValue ); return true; }
// Purpose:
bool BInitializeCurrencyPricePoints( CurrencyPricePointMap_t& out_mapPricePoints, KeyValues *pKVPricePoints ) { if ( !pKVPricePoints ) return false;
// Zero-price-point is universal.
FOR_EACH_CURRENCY( eCurrency ) { const price_point_map_key_t key = { 0, eCurrency }; if ( !BInsertSinglePricePoint( out_mapPricePoints, key, 0 ) ) return false; }
// Individual price points specified in our store config.
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVPricePoints, pKVUSD ) { const item_price_t unUSD = Q_atoi( pKVUSD->GetName() );
// USD key, for ease of lookup.
{ const price_point_map_key_t key = { unUSD, k_ECurrencyUSD }; if ( !BInsertSinglePricePoint( out_mapPricePoints, key, unUSD ) ) return false; } // Exchange rates.
FOR_EACH_VALUE( pKVUSD, pKVOtherCurrency ) { const char *pszCurrencyName = pKVOtherCurrency->GetName(); const ECurrency eCurrency = ECurrencyFromName( pszCurrencyName );
if ( eCurrency == k_ECurrencyInvalid ) { // Spew
#ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unknown Currency [%s] found in price sheet. Currency is unsupported!\n", pszCurrencyName ); #endif
// don't crash, just conintue
continue; }
const price_point_map_key_t key = { unUSD, eCurrency }; if ( !BInsertSinglePricePoint( out_mapPricePoints, key, pKVOtherCurrency->GetInt() ) ) return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Parses the KV version of the price sheet
bool CEconStorePriceSheet::InitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVRoot ) { Clear(); m_pKVRaw = pKVRoot->MakeCopy();
// Initialize categories - needed to initialize store entries
if ( !GEconStoreCategoryManager()->BInit( this, m_pKVRaw ) ) { #ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to Init GEconStoreCategoryManager \n" ); #endif
return false; }
// Initialize map of currency price points.
if ( !BInitializeCurrencyPricePoints( m_mapCurrencyPricePoints, pKVRoot->FindKey( "inventoryvalvegcpricesheet" ) ) ) { #ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to Init CurrencyPricePoints \n" ); #endif
return false; }
m_unFeaturedItemIndex = pKVRoot->GetInt( "featured_item_index", 0 );
// first time purchase gift
m_pStorePromotionFirstTimePurchaseItem = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pKVRoot->GetString( "promotion_first_time_purchase_gift" ) ); m_pStorePromotionFirstTimeWebPurchaseItem = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pKVRoot->GetString( "promotion_first_time_web_purchase_gift" ) );
EUniverse eUniverse = GetUniverse();
m_unPreviewPeriod = pKVRoot->GetInt( eUniverse == k_EUniversePublic ? "preview_period" : "preview_period_nonpublic" ); m_unBonusDiscountPeriod = pKVRoot->GetInt( eUniverse == k_EUniversePublic ? "bonus_discount_period" : "bonus_discount_period_nonpublic" ); m_flPreviewPeriodDiscount = pKVRoot->GetFloat( "preview_period_discount" );
KeyValues *pRentalPriceScalesKV = pKVRoot->FindKey( "rental_price_scale" ); if ( pRentalPriceScalesKV ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pRentalPriceScalesKV, pCategoryKV ) { m_mapRentalPriceScales.InsertOrReplace( pCategoryKV->GetName(), pCategoryKV->GetFloat() ); } } #endif
memset( &m_StorePromotionSpendForFreeItem, 0, sizeof( m_StorePromotionSpendForFreeItem ) ); KeyValues *pPromotionsKV = m_pKVRaw->FindKey( "promotion_spend_for_free_item" ); if ( pPromotionsKV ) { item_price_t unFreeItemSpendAmountUSD = pPromotionsKV->GetInt( "price_threshold", 0 ); FOR_EACH_CURRENCY( eCurrency ) { const price_point_map_key_t key = { unFreeItemSpendAmountUSD, eCurrency }; const CurrencyPricePointMap_t::IndexType_t unIdx = m_mapCurrencyPricePoints.Find( key ); if ( unIdx == m_mapCurrencyPricePoints.InvalidIndex() ) { #ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to Find Currency %s in Currency Map. Likely missing from inventoryvalvegcpricesheet.vdf \n", PchNameFromECurrency(eCurrency) ); #endif
continue; }
m_StorePromotionSpendForFreeItem.m_rgusPriceThreshold[ eCurrency ] = m_mapCurrencyPricePoints[unIdx]; }
#if !defined(CLIENT_DLL) && !defined(GAME_DLL)
CEconItemSchema *pSchema = GEconManager()->GetItemSchema(); m_StorePromotionSpendForFreeItem.m_pItemDef = pSchema->GetItemDefinitionByName( pPromotionsKV->GetString( "item_definition" ) ); AssertMsg( m_StorePromotionSpendForFreeItem.m_pItemDef || !pPromotionsKV->GetString( "item_definition", NULL ), "Could find not the specified item for \"promotion_spend_for_free_item\"" ); #endif
// Get the normal sections
KeyValues *pEntriesKV = m_pKVRaw->FindKey( "entries" ); if ( pEntriesKV ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pEntriesKV, pKVEntry ) { if ( !BInitEntryFromKV( pKVEntry ) ) { #ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to Find Entries in Currency KVP \n" ); #endif
continue; } } }
// Get a list of Market entries to populate in to the 'store'. GC never cares or reads these items
// Only for Client
KeyValues *pMarketEntriesKV = m_pKVRaw->FindKey( "market_entries" ); if ( pMarketEntriesKV ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pMarketEntriesKV, pKVEntry ) { if ( !BInitMarketEntryFromKV( pKVEntry ) ) { return false; } } }
KeyValues *pFeaturedItemsKV = m_pKVRaw->FindKey( "featured_items" ); if ( pFeaturedItemsKV ) { FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pFeaturedItemsKV, pKVEntry ) { const char *pszItemName = pKVEntry->GetName(); const CEconItemDefinition *pDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pszItemName ); if ( !pDef ) { AssertMsg1( 0, "Unable to find item: %s", pszItemName ); continue; }
m_vecFeaturedItems.AddToTail( pDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ); } } #endif
// Generate a hash of all item def indices and cache it off
m_unHashForAllItems = CalculateHashFromItems();
#ifdef GC_DLL
// Parse the sales block on the GC. We'll use this to dynamically adjust prices.
KeyValues *pTimedSalesKV = m_pKVRaw->FindKey( "timed_sales" ); if ( pTimedSalesKV ) { FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pTimedSalesKV, pKVSale ) { if ( !InitTimedSaleEntryFromKV( pKVSale ) ) { EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to Init Timed Sale \n" ); } return false; }
// Verify that none of our timed sales have overlapping items.
if ( !VerifyTimedSaleEntries() ) return false; } #endif // GC_DLL
// Now that store entries are loaded, let the category manager do more stuff
if ( !GEconStoreCategoryManager()->BOnPriceSheetLoaded( this ) ) return false;
return true; }
uint32 CEconStorePriceSheet::CalculateHashFromItems() const { CRC32_t unHash; CRC32_Init( &unHash );
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapEntries, idx ) { const econ_store_entry_t &entry = m_mapEntries[idx]; item_definition_index_t usDefIndexTmp = entry.GetItemDefinitionIndex(); CRC32_ProcessBuffer( &unHash, &usDefIndexTmp, sizeof( usDefIndexTmp ) ); }
CRC32_Final( &unHash );
return (uint32)unHash; }
// Purpose:
bool BInitializeStoreEntryPricePoints( econ_store_entry_t& out_entry, const CurrencyPricePointMap_t& mapCurrencyPricePoints, KeyValues *pKVPrice, int nSalePercent ) { if ( !pKVPrice ) return false;
FOR_EACH_CURRENCY( eCurrency ) { const price_point_map_key_t key = { (item_price_t)pKVPrice->GetInt(), eCurrency }; const CurrencyPricePointMap_t::IndexType_t unIdx = mapCurrencyPricePoints.Find( key );
// Looking for a price point that doesn't exist, or doesn't exist for this currency?
if ( unIdx == mapCurrencyPricePoints.InvalidIndex() ) { #ifdef GC_DLL
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to Find Currency %s in init price points. Currency is missing from inventoryvalvegcpricesheet.vdf \n", PchNameFromECurrency( eCurrency ) ); #endif
continue; }
// Weird initialization pattern: we're making sure that the value we read from the KeyValues
// block is the value we're storing in memory. We do this to avoid integer conversion problems,
// especially overflow (!).
const item_price_t unPrice = mapCurrencyPricePoints[unIdx]; out_entry.SetBasePrice( eCurrency, unPrice ); #pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4389)
Assert( out_entry.GetBasePrice( eCurrency ) == unPrice ); // NOTE: DO NOT CAST unPrice - CHECKING FOR OVERFLOW
#pragma warning(pop)
if ( ( nSalePercent > 0 ) && ( nSalePercent < 100 ) ) { const item_price_t unSalePrice = out_entry.CalculateSalePrice( &out_entry, eCurrency, (float)nSalePercent ); out_entry.SetSalePrice( eCurrency, unSalePrice ); } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Parses the KV section piece and add a econ_store_entry_t
bool CEconStorePriceSheet::BInitEntryFromKV( KeyValues *pKVEntry ) { const bool bIsPackItem = pKVEntry->GetBool( "is_pack_item", false );
#if defined( CLIENT_DLL )
// Skip pack items on the client
if ( bIsPackItem ) return true; #endif
econ_store_entry_t entry; entry.InitCategoryTags( pKVEntry->GetString( "category_tags" ) );
const bool bIsNew = entry.IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_New ); entry.m_bLimited = entry.IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Limited ); entry.m_bNew = bIsNew; entry.m_bPreviewAllowed = !bIsNew && entry.IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Weapons ); entry.m_bIsMarketItem = false; const bool bIsHighlighted = entry.IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Highlighted ); entry.m_bHighlighted = bIsHighlighted;
if ( entry.GetCategoryTagCount() == 0 ) { AssertMsg1( 0, "Unable to get category_tags for entry: %s", pKVEntry->GetName() ); return false; }
const CEconItemDefinition *pDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pKVEntry->GetString( "item_link" ) ); if ( !pDef ) { AssertMsg1( 0, "Unable to find item: %s", pKVEntry->GetString( "item_link" ) ); return false; }
entry.SetItemDefinitionIndex( pDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
int iQuantity = pKVEntry->GetInt( "quantity", 1 ); entry.SetQuantity( iQuantity ); Assert( entry.GetQuantity() == iQuantity );
entry.SetSteamGiftPackageID( pKVEntry->GetUint64( "steam_gift_package_id", 0 ) );
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( TF_GC_DLL )
entry.SetDate( pDef->GetFirstSaleDate() ); #else
entry.SetDate( pKVEntry->GetString( "date", "1/1/1900" ) ); #endif
// Is the item sold out of the store?
entry.m_bSoldOut = pKVEntry->GetBool( "sold_out", false );
// Is the item a pack item?
entry.m_bIsPackItem = bIsPackItem;
int nSalePercent = pKVEntry->GetInt( "sale_percentage", 0 ); if ( ( nSalePercent < 0 ) || ( nSalePercent >= 100 ) ) { AssertMsg( false, "Sale percentage for %s set to an invalid value: %d\n", pDef->GetDefinitionName(), nSalePercent ); return false; }
if ( !BInitializeStoreEntryPricePoints( entry, m_mapCurrencyPricePoints, pKVEntry->FindKey( "base_price" ), nSalePercent ) ) return false;
m_mapEntries.InsertOrReplace( entry.GetItemDefinitionIndex(), entry ); return true; }
// Purpose: Parses the KV section piece and add a econ_store_entry_t
bool CEconStorePriceSheet::BInitMarketEntryFromKV( KeyValues *pKVEntry ) { //"The Alien Cranium"
// "item_link" "The Alien Cranium"
// "category_tags" "Cosmetics+Halloween"
// "date" "11/13/2014"
// "base_price" "1299"
econ_store_entry_t entry; entry.InitCategoryTags( pKVEntry->GetString( "category_tags" ) );
const bool bIsNew = entry.IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_New ); entry.m_bLimited = entry.IsListedInCategory( CEconStoreCategoryManager::k_CategoryID_Limited ); entry.m_bNew = bIsNew; entry.m_bPreviewAllowed = false; entry.m_bIsMarketItem = true;
if ( entry.GetCategoryTagCount() == 0 ) { AssertMsg1( 0, "Unable to get category_tags for entry: %s", pKVEntry->GetName() ); return false; }
const CEconItemDefinition *pDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pKVEntry->GetString( "item_link" ) ); if ( !pDef ) { AssertMsg1( 0, "Unable to find item: %s", pKVEntry->GetString( "item_link" ) ); return false; }
entry.SetItemDefinitionIndex( pDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ); entry.SetQuantity( 1 ); entry.SetDate( pDef->GetFirstSaleDate() ); // FIXME?
entry.m_bSoldOut = false; entry.m_bIsPackItem = false;
// Entry should never already exist in mapEntries
if ( m_mapEntries.Find( entry.GetItemDefinitionIndex() ) != m_mapEntries.InvalidIndex() ) { AssertMsg1( 0, "Market Entry already eixsts : %s", pKVEntry->GetString( "item_link" ) ); return false; }
m_mapEntries.InsertOrReplace( entry.GetItemDefinitionIndex(), entry ); return true; } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
#ifdef GC_DLL
// Purpose: Parses the KV section piece and add a econ_store_entry_t
static RTime32 ConvertKVDateToRTime32( KeyValues *pKV, const char *pszKey ) { Assert( pKV ); Assert( pszKey );
const char *pszTime = pKV->GetString( pszKey, NULL ); if ( !pszTime || !pszTime[0] ) return 0;
RTime32 unConvertedTime = CRTime::RTime32FromString( pszTime ); if ( unConvertedTime == (RTime32)-1 ) return 0;
return unConvertedTime; }
bool CEconStorePriceSheet::InitTimedSaleEntryFromKV( KeyValues *pKVTimedSaleEntry ) { Assert( pKVTimedSaleEntry );
econ_store_timed_sale_t TimedSale;
TimedSale.m_bSaleCurrentlyActive = false; TimedSale.m_sIdentifier = pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName();
TimedSale.m_SaleStartTime = ConvertKVDateToRTime32( pKVTimedSaleEntry, "sale_start_date" ); TimedSale.m_SaleEndTime = ConvertKVDateToRTime32( pKVTimedSaleEntry, "sale_end_date" );
// Sanity check -- make sure this sale lasts a greater-than-zero amount of time. This will also
// catch any cases where the end time was invalid and so returned 0.
if ( TimedSale.m_SaleStartTime >= TimedSale.m_SaleEndTime ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has invalid duration\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName() ); return false; }
// Make sure the end time is also greater than 0.
if ( TimedSale.m_SaleStartTime <= 0 ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has invalid start time\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName() ); return false; }
// What items does this sale apply to?
KeyValues *pKVSaleItems = pKVTimedSaleEntry->FindKey( "sale_items" ); if ( !pKVSaleItems ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' missing \"sale_items\" section\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName() ); return false; }
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVSaleItems, pKVSaleItem ) { const char *pszName = pKVSaleItem->GetString( "name", NULL ); if ( !pszName ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has invalid/missing item name for entry '%s'\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName(), pKVSaleItem->GetName() ); return false; }
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pszName ); if ( !pItemDef ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has missing item named '%s' for entry '%s'\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName(), pszName, pKVSaleItem->GetName() ); return false; }
const float fSalePercentageOff = pKVSaleItem->GetFloat( "sale_percentage_off", -1.0f ); if ( fSalePercentageOff <= 0.0f || fSalePercentageOff > 100.0f ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has invalid sale percentage for item named '%s' for entry '%s'\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName(), pszName, pKVSaleItem->GetName() ); return false; }
const econ_store_entry_t *pStoreEntry = GetEntry( pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() ); if ( !pStoreEntry ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has item named '%s' for entry '%s' that is not in the store\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName(), pszName, pKVSaleItem->GetName() ); return false; }
// Verify that no item in a timed sale is already in a hard-coded sale as well. This would break
// our fragile pricing math assumptions.
FOR_EACH_CURRENCY( eCurrency ) { if ( pStoreEntry->IsOnSale( eCurrency ) ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has item named '%s' for entry '%s' that hard-coded to be on sale (currency: %i)\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName(), pszName, pKVSaleItem->GetName(), eCurrency ); return false; } } econ_store_timed_sale_item_t SaleItem; SaleItem.m_unItemDef = pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex(); SaleItem.m_fPricePercentage = fSalePercentageOff;
TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems.AddToTail( SaleItem ); }
if ( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems.Count() <= 0 ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Timed sale '%s' has no valid items to put on sale\n", pKVTimedSaleEntry->GetName() ); return false; } // We made it this far with no errors, so add this as a timed sale block if it actually affects
// any items.
m_vecTimedSales.AddToTail( TimedSale );
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CEconStorePriceSheet::VerifyTimedSaleEntries() { // We could write an interval tree and be smart about this, but Fletcher made
// faces at me when I suggested it so we just brute force it -- we find each
// item in each sale sequentially, find each sale that overlaps with the current
// sale, and make sure that it doesn't have the same item.
for ( int i = 0; i < m_vecTimedSales.Count(); i++ ) { const econ_store_timed_sale_t& BaseSale = m_vecTimedSales[i]; Assert( BaseSale.m_vecSaleItems.Count() > 0 );
for ( int j = 0; j < BaseSale.m_vecSaleItems.Count(); j++ ) { const item_definition_index_t unSearchDefIndex = BaseSale.m_vecSaleItems[j].m_unItemDef; for ( int k = i; k < m_vecTimedSales.Count(); k++ ) { // Does this sale overlap with our current sale?
const econ_store_timed_sale_t& OtherSale = m_vecTimedSales[k];
if ( k == i || MAX( BaseSale.m_SaleStartTime, OtherSale.m_SaleStartTime ) <= MIN( BaseSale.m_SaleEndTime, OtherSale.m_SaleEndTime ) ) { // We overlap, so make sure this item doesn't show up in both lists. Start the search in our
// current sale to make sure the same entry doesn't show up twice and then look at the full
// list of items in other overlapping sales.
for ( int l = (k == i ? j + 1 : 0); l < OtherSale.m_vecSaleItems.Count(); l++ ) { const item_definition_index_t unMaybeMatchDefIndex = OtherSale.m_vecSaleItems[l].m_unItemDef; if ( unSearchDefIndex == unMaybeMatchDefIndex ) { EG_ERROR( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, "Conflict detected for item index '%i' betweens timed sales '%s' / '%s'\n", unSearchDefIndex, BaseSale.m_sIdentifier.Get(), OtherSale.m_sIdentifier.Get() ); return false; } } } } } }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CEconStorePriceSheet::UpdatePricesForTimedSales( const RTime32 curTime ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecTimedSales, i ) { econ_store_timed_sale_t& TimedSale = m_vecTimedSales[i]; Assert( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems.Count() > 0 );
// Is this sale active in our current time?
const bool bSaleShouldBeActive = (curTime >= TimedSale.m_SaleStartTime) && (curTime <= TimedSale.m_SaleEndTime);
// Last time we processed it, was this sale active?
const bool bSaleIsActive = TimedSale.m_bSaleCurrentlyActive;
// State transition?
if ( bSaleShouldBeActive != bSaleIsActive ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems, i ) { econ_store_entry_t *unSaleStoreEntry = GetEntryWriteable( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems[i].m_unItemDef ); Assert( unSaleStoreEntry );
// We don't support items being on sale in multiple ways at the same time (ie., a
// sale specified in the base prices in store.txt and also a timed sale) so we just stomp
// whatever the sale price is with the price we think we should be on sale for.
FOR_EACH_CURRENCY( eCurrency ) { unSaleStoreEntry->SetSalePrice( eCurrency, bSaleIsActive ? unSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( eCurrency ) * TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems[i].m_fPricePercentage : 0 ); } }
// Update our last-updated timestamp if any of these sales changed -- use the most recent
// "start of sale" date. This will allow people using the store prices WebAPI to know whether
// prices have changed.
// If items just went on sale, their price changed at the start of this sale.
if ( bSaleIsActive ) { m_RTimeVersionStamp = MAX( m_RTimeVersionStamp, TimedSale.m_SaleStartTime ); }
// If items just got taken off sale, their price changed at the end of this sale.
else // if ( !bSaleIsActive )
{ m_RTimeVersionStamp = MAX( m_RTimeVersionStamp, TimedSale.m_SaleEndTime ); }
// Update our cached state.
TimedSale.m_bSaleCurrentlyActive = bSaleShouldBeActive;
// Debug output.
EmitInfo( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "Timed sale '%s' has been %s.\n", TimedSale.m_sIdentifier.Get(), bSaleShouldBeActive ? "enabled" : "disabled" ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CEconStorePriceSheet::DumpTimeSaleState( const RTime32 curTime ) const { char curTimeBuf[k_RTimeRenderBufferSize]; EmitInfo( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "Current sale calculation time: %s\n", CRTime::RTime32ToString( curTime, curTimeBuf ) );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecTimedSales, i ) { const econ_store_timed_sale_t& TimedSale = m_vecTimedSales[i]; Assert( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems.Count() > 0 );
if ( !TimedSale.m_bSaleCurrentlyActive ) { EmitInfo( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\tSale '%s' (not active)\n", TimedSale.m_sIdentifier.Get() ); } else { EmitInfo( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\tSale '%s' (active):\n", TimedSale.m_sIdentifier.Get() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems, i ) { EmitInfo( GCSDK::SPEW_GC, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "\t\t%s is %.0f%% off\n", GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems[i].m_unItemDef )->GetDefinitionName(), TimedSale.m_vecSaleItems[i].m_fPricePercentage ); } } } } #endif // GC_DLL
// Performs calculation of a discounted price given a base price, and will then handle ensuring the appropriate number of zeros at the end of the price via rounding
/*static*/ item_price_t econ_store_entry_t::GetDiscountedPrice( ECurrency eCurrency, item_price_t unBasePrice, float fDiscountPercentage ) { Assert( fDiscountPercentage > 0.0f ); Assert( fDiscountPercentage < 100.0f );
//if the base price is zero, it should never be anything but zero
if( unBasePrice == 0 ) return unBasePrice;
item_price_t unNewPrice = ( item_price_t )( ( double )unBasePrice * ( clamp( 100.0 - fDiscountPercentage, 0.0, 100.0 ) / 100.0 ) );
//determine what the unit of granularity we want to use for pricing. For example if you use 1, we keep 1/100th level precision, if you use 100 we'll round it to the nearest 100th (in USD this would be round to
//the nearest dollar, etc)
item_price_t unPriceGranularity = 1; switch ( eCurrency ) { case k_ECurrencyRUB: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyJPY: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyNOK: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyPHP: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyTHB: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyKRW: unPriceGranularity = 1000; break; case k_ECurrencyUAH: unPriceGranularity = 10; break; case k_ECurrencyIDR: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyVND: unPriceGranularity = 1000; break; case k_ECurrencyCNY: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyTWD: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyINR: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyCOP: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; case k_ECurrencyCLP: unPriceGranularity = 100; break; }
//now handle the rounding to the specified price granularity
if( unPriceGranularity > 1 ) { const item_price_t unRemainder = unNewPrice % unPriceGranularity; //make sure to never let the price go to zero though
if( ( unRemainder >= unPriceGranularity / 2 ) || ( unNewPrice < unPriceGranularity ) ) { //round up
unNewPrice += unPriceGranularity - unRemainder; } else { //round down
unNewPrice -= unRemainder; }
//sanity check
Assert( ( unNewPrice % unPriceGranularity == 0 ) && ( unNewPrice > 0 ) ); }
return unNewPrice; }
// Purpose: This will calculate what the sale price will be for a particular
// item -- the result should be non-zero, but this does not mean the item is
// currently on sale. You can optionally pass in a pointer to a uint32 which
// will get you the actual discount percentage, which can be different for
// NXP, which has its own nonlinear pricing structure.
/*static*/ item_price_t econ_store_entry_t::CalculateSalePrice( const econ_store_entry_t* pSaleStoreEntry, ECurrency eCurrency, float fDiscountPercentage, int32 *out_pAdjustedDiscountPercentage/*=NULL*/ ) { item_price_t unSalePrice = 0; /*
// TF2 doesn't support NXP or RMB yet
if ( eCurrency == k_ECurrencyNXP || eCurrency == k_ECurrencyRMB ) { // For these currencies, we calculate the sale price based on the discount percentage times the *USD* base price -- rather than the discount percentage
// times the base price for the given currency.
const item_price_t unSalePrice_USD = econ_store_entry_t::GetDiscountedPrice( k_ECurrencyUSD, pSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( k_ECurrencyUSD ), fDiscountPercentage ); unSalePrice = ( eCurrency == k_ECurrencyNXP ) ? ConvertUSDToNXP( unSalePrice_USD ) : ConvertUSDToRMB( unSalePrice_USD );
// Ensure that the sale price is strictly less
Assert( unSalePrice < pSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( eCurrency ) ); if ( unSalePrice >= pSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( eCurrency ) ) { unSalePrice = pSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( eCurrency ); } } else */ { unSalePrice = econ_store_entry_t::GetDiscountedPrice( eCurrency, pSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( eCurrency ), fDiscountPercentage ); }
Assert( unSalePrice > 0 );
// Also set a percentage per currency, since they can be different. RMB and NXP, for example,
// calculate a sale price based on the USD sale price.
const bool bUseDefaultDiscountPercentage = ( eCurrency == k_ECurrencyUSD ); const double fActualPercent = 100.0 * ( 1.0 - ( double )unSalePrice / ( double )pSaleStoreEntry->GetBasePrice( eCurrency ) );
const int32 nDiscountPercentageForCurrency = bUseDefaultDiscountPercentage ? RoundFloatToInt( fDiscountPercentage ) : RoundFloatToInt( fActualPercent ); AssertMsg( nDiscountPercentageForCurrency >= 0 && nDiscountPercentageForCurrency < 100, "Invalid discount percentage of %u specified for item %u currency %u", nDiscountPercentageForCurrency, pSaleStoreEntry->GetItemDefinitionIndex(), eCurrency );
if ( out_pAdjustedDiscountPercentage ) { *out_pAdjustedDiscountPercentage = nDiscountPercentageForCurrency; }
return unSalePrice; }
// Purpose: Sort Entries by Name
int ItemNameSortComparator( const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppEntryA, const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppEntryB ) { Assert( ppEntryA ); Assert( ppEntryB ); Assert( *ppEntryA ); Assert( *ppEntryB );
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDefA = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( (*ppEntryA)->GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDefB = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( (*ppEntryB)->GetItemDefinitionIndex() );
int nComp = Q_stricmp( pItemDefA->GetItemTypeName(), pItemDefB->GetItemTypeName() ); if ( nComp != 0 ) return nComp;
// If the type matches, then sort by the item name
return Q_stricmp( pItemDefA->GetItemBaseName(), pItemDefB->GetItemBaseName() ); }
// Purpose: Sort by whatever sort type our price sheet is requesting
int FirstSaleDateSortComparator( const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppItemA, const econ_store_entry_t *const *ppItemB ) { Assert( ppItemA ); Assert( ppItemB ); Assert( *ppItemA ); Assert( *ppItemB );
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDefA = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( (*ppItemA)->GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDefB = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( (*ppItemB)->GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); Assert( pItemDefA ); Assert( pItemDefB );
const char *pDateAddedA = pItemDefA->GetFirstSaleDate(); const char *pDateAddedB = pItemDefB->GetFirstSaleDate();
return -strcmp( pDateAddedA, pDateAddedB ); }
bool CEconStoreEntryLess::Less( const uint16& lhs, const uint16& rhs, void *pContext ) { CEconItemSchema *pSchema = GetItemSchema();
CEconStorePriceSheet* pPriceSheet = (CEconStorePriceSheet*)pContext; eEconStoreSortType sortType = pPriceSheet->GetEconStoreSortType(); const econ_store_entry_t *pItemA = pPriceSheet->GetEntry( lhs ); const econ_store_entry_t *pItemB = pPriceSheet->GetEntry( rhs ); Assert( pItemA ); Assert( pItemB );
CEconItemDefinition *pItemDefA = pSchema->GetItemDefinition( pItemA->GetItemDefinitionIndex() ); CEconItemDefinition *pItemDefB = pSchema->GetItemDefinition( pItemB->GetItemDefinitionIndex() );
ECurrency eCurrency = EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetCurrency(); #else
ECurrency eCurrency = k_ECurrencyUSD; #endif
if ( pItemDefA && pItemDefB ) { switch ( sortType ) { case kEconStoreSortType_Price_HighestToLowest: if ( pItemA->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) == pItemB->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) ) { return Q_strcmp( pItemDefA->GetItemBaseName(), pItemDefB->GetItemBaseName() ) < 0; } return pItemA->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) > pItemB->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency );
case kEconStoreSortType_Price_LowestToHighest: if ( pItemA->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) == pItemB->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) ) { return Q_strcmp( pItemDefA->GetItemBaseName(), pItemDefB->GetItemBaseName() ) < 0; } return pItemA->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) < pItemB->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency );
case kEconStoreSortType_DevName_AToZ: return Q_strcmp( pItemDefA->GetItemBaseName(), pItemDefB->GetItemBaseName() ) < 0; case kEconStoreSortType_DevName_ZToA: return Q_strcmp( pItemDefA->GetItemBaseName(), pItemDefB->GetItemBaseName() ) > 0;
case kEconStoreSortType_DateNewest: case kEconStoreSortType_DateOldest: { int iSortResult = FirstSaleDateSortComparator( &pItemA, &pItemB );
if ( iSortResult < 0 ) return sortType == kEconStoreSortType_DateNewest;
if ( iSortResult > 0 ) return sortType == kEconStoreSortType_DateOldest;
// Intentionally fall through to sorting by localized name if our dates match.
} case kEconStoreSortType_Name_AToZ: case kEconStoreSortType_Name_ZToA: if ( g_pVGuiLocalize ) { wchar_t *wszItemNameA = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pItemDefA->GetItemBaseName() ); wchar_t *wszItemNameB = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pItemDefB->GetItemBaseName() ); if ( wszItemNameA && wszItemNameB ) { // Note: locale-savvy string sorting uses wcscoll, not wcscmp
return sortType == kEconStoreSortType_Name_ZToA ? wcscoll( wszItemNameA, wszItemNameB ) > 0 // only sort in reverse alphabetical order if asked to -- fall-through cases uses forward order
: wcscoll( wszItemNameA, wszItemNameB ) < 0; } } break;
case kEconStoreSortType_ItemDefIndex: return pItemDefA->GetDefinitionIndex() < pItemDefB->GetDefinitionIndex(); case kEconStoreSortType_ReverseItemDefIndex: return pItemDefB->GetDefinitionIndex() < pItemDefA->GetDefinitionIndex(); } }
// default, highest to lowest price
return pItemA->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ) > pItemB->GetCurrentPrice( eCurrency ); }
// Purpose: return the CLocale name that works with setlocale()
const char *GetLanguageCLocaleName( ELanguage eLang ) { if ( eLang == k_Lang_None ) return "";
#ifdef _WIN32
// table for Win32 is here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hzz3tw78(v=VS.80).aspx
// shortname works except for chinese
switch ( eLang ) { case k_Lang_Simplified_Chinese: return "chs"; // or "chinese-simplified"
case k_Lang_Traditional_Chinese: return "cht"; // or "chinese-traditional"
case k_Lang_Korean: return "korean"; // steam likes "koreana" for the name for some reason.
case k_Lang_Brazilian: return "ptb"; // "portuguese-brazil" - that string fails even though it's in the MS lang table; ptb does work.
default: return GetLanguageShortName( eLang ); }
switch ( eLang ) { case k_Lang_Simplified_Chinese: case k_Lang_Traditional_Chinese: return "zh_CN"; default: ; }
// ICU codes work on linux/osx
return GetLanguageICUName( eLang ); #endif
// Purpose: Get an I/O stream into the right local/settings for printing money - so to speak
static void InitStreamLocale( std::wostringstream &stream, ELanguage eLang, uint32 nExpectedAmount, ECurrency eCurrencyCode ) { const char *pszLocale = GetLanguageCLocaleName( eLang );
#ifdef _PS3
stream.imbue(std::locale(pszLocale)); // no exception for PS3
try { stream.imbue(std::locale(pszLocale)); } catch (const std::exception &e) { Log( "stream::imbue() failed with locale: '%s', exception: %s\n", pszLocale, e.what() ); stream.imbue( std::locale("C") ); } #endif
// Don't display fractional rubles
// But if our amount is fractional, we should show it regardless
// hack hack - certain currencies should not show fractional symbol - see if we can wire this through from config at some point
if ( ( eCurrencyCode == k_ECurrencyRUB || eCurrencyCode == k_ECurrencyJPY || eCurrencyCode == k_ECurrencyIDR || eCurrencyCode == k_ECurrencyKRW ) && nExpectedAmount % 100 == 0 ) { stream.precision( 0 ); stream.setf( std::ios_base::fixed ); } else { stream.precision( 2 ); stream.setf( std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield ); } }
// Partial Integration from \steam\main\src\common\amount.cpp
int MakeMoneyStringInternal( wchar_t *pchDest, uint32 nDest, item_price_t unPrice, ECurrency eCurrencyCode, ELanguage eLanguage ) { // Use the actual currency symbol with the local number formatting.
// assume local locale - should not be used from server to send to client
// without passing in a valid pszCLocale parameter.
std::wostringstream stream; InitStreamLocale( stream, eLanguage, unPrice, eCurrencyCode );
stream << (unPrice/100.0);
const auto sAmount = stream.str(); const wchar_t *wszAmount = sAmount.c_str();
// this code will be used by the client. An old client might encounter a currency code it doesn't know about. Handle that.
if ( eCurrencyCode == k_ECurrencyInvalid ) { // just return the value
return V_snwprintf( pchDest, nDest, L"%ls", wszAmount ); } // select symbol
const char *pchSymbol = ""; switch( eCurrencyCode ) { case k_ECurrencyUSD: pchSymbol = "$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyGBP: pchSymbol = "\xC2\xA3"; break;
case k_ECurrencyEUR: pchSymbol = "\xE2\x82\xAC"; break;
case k_ECurrencyCHF: pchSymbol = "CHF"; break;
case k_ECurrencyRUB: pchSymbol = "\xD1\x80\xD1\x83\xD0\xB1"; // localized py6
case k_ECurrencyBRL: pchSymbol = "R$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyJPY: pchSymbol = "\xC2\xA5"; break;
case k_ECurrencyIDR: pchSymbol = "Rp"; break;
case k_ECurrencyMYR: pchSymbol = "RM"; break;
case k_ECurrencyPHP: pchSymbol = "\xE2\x82\xB1"; break;
case k_ECurrencySGD: pchSymbol = "S$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyTHB: pchSymbol = "\xE0\xB8\xBF"; break;
case k_ECurrencyVND: pchSymbol = "\xE2\x82\xAB"; break;
case k_ECurrencyKRW: pchSymbol = "\xe2\x82\xa9"; break;
case k_ECurrencyTRY: pchSymbol = "TL"; break;
case k_ECurrencyUAH: pchSymbol = "\xe2\x82\xb4"; break;
case k_ECurrencyMXN: pchSymbol = "Mex$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyCAD: pchSymbol = "C$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyAUD: pchSymbol = "A$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyNZD: pchSymbol = "NZ$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyNOK: pchSymbol = "kr"; break;
case k_ECurrencyPLN: pchSymbol = "z\xc5\x82"; break;
case k_ECurrencyCNY: pchSymbol = "\xc2\xa5"; break;
case k_ECurrencyINR: pchSymbol = "\xe2\x82\xb9"; break;
case k_ECurrencyCLP: pchSymbol = "$"; // bugbug - prefix it with CLP?
case k_ECurrencyPEN: pchSymbol = "S/."; break;
case k_ECurrencyCOP: pchSymbol = "COL$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyZAR: pchSymbol = "R"; break;
case k_ECurrencyHKD: pchSymbol = "HK$"; break;
case k_ECurrencyTWD: pchSymbol = "NT$"; break;
case k_ECurrencySAR: pchSymbol = "SR"; break;
case k_ECurrencyAED: pchSymbol = "DH"; break;
default: AssertMsg( false, "Unknown currency code" ); pchSymbol = "$"; break; }
wchar_t wsSymbol[ 16 ]; V_UTF8ToUnicode( pchSymbol, wsSymbol, ARRAYSIZE( wsSymbol ) ); // END HACK GAME CLIENT CHARACTER SET CONVERSION
bool bFirstSymbolThenAmount = true; // Whether to show "$5" or "5E"
bool bSpaceBetweenTokens = false; // Whether to render a space between tokens like "$5" has no space, but "5 pyb" has a space
switch ( eCurrencyCode ) { case k_ECurrencyEUR: case k_ECurrencyUAH: bFirstSymbolThenAmount = false; bSpaceBetweenTokens = false; break; case k_ECurrencyRUB: case k_ECurrencyVND: case k_ECurrencyNOK: case k_ECurrencyTRY: case k_ECurrencyPLN: case k_ECurrencySAR: case k_ECurrencyAED: bFirstSymbolThenAmount = false; bSpaceBetweenTokens = true; break; case k_ECurrencyIDR: case k_ECurrencyMXN: case k_ECurrencyCAD: case k_ECurrencyAUD: case k_ECurrencyNZD: case k_ECurrencyPEN: case k_ECurrencyCOP: case k_ECurrencyZAR: case k_ECurrencyHKD: case k_ECurrencyTWD: case k_ECurrencyKRW: case k_ECurrencyCHF: bFirstSymbolThenAmount = true; bSpaceBetweenTokens = true; default: bFirstSymbolThenAmount = true; bSpaceBetweenTokens = false; }
return V_snwprintf( pchDest, nDest, L"%ls%ls%ls", ( bFirstSymbolThenAmount ? wsSymbol : wszAmount ), ( bSpaceBetweenTokens ? L" " : L"" ), ( bFirstSymbolThenAmount ? wszAmount : wsSymbol ) ); }
static ELanguage GetStoreLanguage() { if ( !engine ) return k_Lang_English;
char uilanguage[ 64 ]; uilanguage[0] = 0; engine->GetUILanguage( uilanguage, sizeof( uilanguage ) );
return PchLanguageToELanguage( uilanguage ); }
void MakeMoneyString( wchar_t *pchDest, uint32 nDest, item_price_t unPrice, ECurrency eCurrencyCode ) { (void)MakeMoneyStringInternal( pchDest, nDest, unPrice, eCurrencyCode, GetStoreLanguage() ); } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose:
bool CEconStorePriceSheet::BItemExistsInPriceSheet( item_definition_index_t unDefIndex ) const { CEconStoreCategoryManager *pCategoryManager = GEconStoreCategoryManager(); const int nCategoryCount = pCategoryManager->GetNumCategories();
for ( int i = 0; i < nCategoryCount; ++i ) { const CEconStoreCategoryManager::StoreCategory_t *pCat = pCategoryManager->GetCategoryFromIndex( i );
// Intentionally not using CUtlSortVector<>::Find(), since it calls Less(), which is slow as shit for m_vecEntries.
FOR_EACH_VEC( pCat->m_vecEntries, j ) { if ( pCat->m_vecEntries[j] == unDefIndex ) return true; } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool ShouldUseNewStore() { return true; }
// Purpose:
int GetStoreVersion() { return 2; } #endif // CLIENT_DLL
// Purpose:
const CEconStorePriceSheet *GetEconPriceSheet() { #ifdef GC_DLL
return GEconManager()->GetPriceSheet(); #else
return EconUI() && EconUI()->GetStorePanel() ? EconUI()->GetStorePanel()->GetPriceSheet() : NULL; #endif