//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: CItemSelectionCriteria, which serves as a criteria for selection
// of a econ item
#include "cbase.h"
#include "item_selection_criteria.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcsystemmsgs.h"
#if defined(TF_CLIENT_DLL) || defined(TF_DLL)
#include "tf_gcmessages.h"
#include "gcsdk/enumutils.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// copied from \common\econ_item_view.h
#define AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE 9999 // Can't be -1, due to unsigned ints used on the backend
ENUMSTRINGS_START( EItemCriteriaOperator ) { k_EOperator_String_EQ, "string==" }, { k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ, "!string==" }, { k_EOperator_Float_EQ, "float==" }, { k_EOperator_Float_Not_EQ, "!float==" }, { k_EOperator_Float_LT, "float<" }, { k_EOperator_Float_Not_LT, "!float<" }, { k_EOperator_Float_LTE, "float<=" }, { k_EOperator_Float_Not_LTE, "!float<=" }, { k_EOperator_Float_GT, "float>" }, { k_EOperator_Float_Not_GT, "!float>" }, { k_EOperator_Float_GTE, "float>=" }, { k_EOperator_Float_Not_GTE, "!float>=" }, { k_EOperator_Subkey_Contains, "contains" }, { k_EOperator_Subkey_Not_Contains, "!contains" }, ENUMSTRINGS_REVERSE( EItemCriteriaOperator, k_EItemCriteriaOperator_Count )
using namespace GCSDK;
// Purpose: Copy Constructor
CItemSelectionCriteria::CItemSelectionCriteria( const CItemSelectionCriteria &that ) { (*this) = that; }
// Purpose: Operator=
CItemSelectionCriteria &CItemSelectionCriteria::operator=( const CItemSelectionCriteria &rhs ) {
// Leverage the serialization code we already have for the copy
CSOItemCriteria msgTemp; rhs.BSerializeToMsg( msgTemp ); BDeserializeFromMsg( msgTemp );
return *this; }
// Purpose: Destructor
CItemSelectionCriteria::~CItemSelectionCriteria( void ) { m_vecConditions.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
// Purpose: Look through our conditions and find the first of the specified type,
// and return the value it's looking for.
const char *CItemSelectionCriteria::GetValueForFirstConditionOfType( EItemCriteriaOperator eType ) const { // Only supporting this for string conditions right now
Assert( eType == k_EOperator_String_EQ || eType == k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecConditions, i ) { if ( m_vecConditions[i]->GetEOp() == eType ) return m_vecConditions[i]->GetValue(); }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Look through our conditions and find the first of the specified type,
// and return the value it's looking for.
const char *CItemSelectionCriteria::GetFieldForFirstConditionOfType( EItemCriteriaOperator eType ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecConditions, i ) { if ( m_vecConditions[i]->GetEOp() == eType ) return m_vecConditions[i]->GetField(); }
return NULL; }
// Purpose: Initialize from a KV structure
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BInitFromKV( KeyValues *pKVCriteria ) { // Read in the base fields
if ( pKVCriteria->FindKey( "level" ) ) { SetItemLevel( pKVCriteria->GetInt( "level" ) ); }
if ( pKVCriteria->FindKey( "quality" ) ) { uint8 nQuality; if ( !GetItemSchema()->BGetItemQualityFromName( pKVCriteria->GetString( "quality" ), &nQuality ) ) return false;
SetQuality( nQuality ); }
if ( pKVCriteria->FindKey( "inventoryPos" ) ) { SetInitialInventory( pKVCriteria->GetInt( "inventoryPos" ) ); }
if ( pKVCriteria->FindKey( "quantity" ) ) { SetInitialQuantity( pKVCriteria->GetInt( "quantity" ) ); }
if ( pKVCriteria->FindKey( "ignore_enabled" ) ) { SetIgnoreEnabledFlag( pKVCriteria->GetBool( "ignore_enabled" ) ); }
if ( pKVCriteria->FindKey( "tags" ) ) { SetTags( pKVCriteria->GetString( "tags" ) ); }
KeyValues *pKVConditions = pKVCriteria->FindKey( "conditions", true );
FOR_EACH_TRUE_SUBKEY( pKVConditions, pKVElement ) { // Check for required fields
if ( !pKVElement->FindKey( "field" ) || !pKVElement->FindKey( "operator" ) || !pKVElement->FindKey( "value" ) ) return false;
const char *pszField = pKVElement->GetString( "field" ); bool bRequired = pKVElement->GetBool( "required" ); const char *pszValue = pKVElement->GetString( "value" );
// Get the operator
const char *pszOperator = pKVElement->GetString( "operator" ); EItemCriteriaOperator eOp = EItemCriteriaOperatorFromName( pszOperator ); if ( k_EItemCriteriaOperator_Count == eOp ) return false;
BAddCondition( pszField, eOp, pszValue, bRequired ); }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CItemSelectionCriteria::SetTags( const char *pszTags ) { m_vecTags.Purge();
m_strTags = pszTags; CSplitString splitString( pszTags, " " ); for ( int i=0; i<splitString.Count(); ++i ) { econ_tag_handle_t tagHandle = GetItemSchema()->GetHandleForTag( splitString[i] ); if ( !m_vecTags.HasElement( tagHandle ) ) { m_vecTags.AddToTail( tagHandle ); } } }
// Purpose:
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BAddCondition( CItemSelectionCriteria::ICondition *pCondition ) { CPlainAutoPtr<ICondition> pConditionPtr( pCondition );
// Check for condition limit
if ( UCHAR_MAX == GetConditionsCount() ) { AssertMsg( false, "Too many conditions on a a CItemSelectionCriteria. Max: 255" ); return false; }
m_vecConditions.AddToTail( pConditionPtr.Detach() ); return true; }
// Purpose: Adds a condition to the selection criteria
// Input: pszField - Field to evaluate on
// eOp - Operator to apply to the value of the field
// flValue - The value to compare.
// bRequired - When true, causes BEvauluate to fail if pszField doesn't
// exist in the KV being checked.
// Output: True if the condition was added, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BAddCondition( const char *pszField, EItemCriteriaOperator eOp, float flValue, bool bRequired ) { // Enforce maximum string lengths
if ( Q_strlen( pszField ) >= k_cchCreateItemLen ) return false;
// Create the appropriate condition for the operator
switch ( eOp ) { case k_EOperator_Float_EQ: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_EQ: case k_EOperator_Float_LT: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_LT: case k_EOperator_Float_LTE: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_LTE: case k_EOperator_Float_GT: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_GT: case k_EOperator_Float_GTE: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_GTE: return BAddCondition( new CFloatCondition( pszField, eOp, flValue, bRequired ) );
default: AssertMsg1( false, "Bad operator (%d) passed to BAddCondition. Float based operator required for this overload.", eOp ); return false; } }
// Purpose: Adds a condition to the selection criteria
// Input: pszField - Field to evaluate on
// eOp - Operator to apply to the value of the field
// pszValue - The value to compare.
// bRequired - When true, causes BEvauluate to fail if pszField doesn't
// exist in the KV being checked.
// Output: True if the condition was added, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BAddCondition( const char *pszField, EItemCriteriaOperator eOp, const char * pszValue, bool bRequired ) { // Enforce maximum string lengths
if ( Q_strlen( pszField ) >= k_cchCreateItemLen || Q_strlen( pszValue ) >= k_cchCreateItemLen ) return false;
// Create the appropriate condition for the operator
switch ( eOp ) { case k_EOperator_String_EQ: case k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ: return BAddCondition( new CStringCondition( pszField, eOp, pszValue, bRequired ) ); return true;
case k_EOperator_Subkey_Contains: case k_EOperator_Subkey_Not_Contains: return BAddCondition( new CSetCondition( pszField, eOp, pszValue, bRequired ) ); return true;
default: // Try the float operators
return BAddCondition( pszField, eOp, Q_atof( pszValue ), bRequired ); } }
// Purpose: Checks if a given item matches the item selection criteria
// Input: itemDef - The item definition to evaluate against
// Output: True is the item passes the filter, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BEvaluate( const CEconItemDefinition* pItemDef ) const { // Disabled items never match
if ( !m_bIgnoreEnabledFlag && !pItemDef->BEnabled() ) return false;
// Filter against level
if ( BItemLevelSet() && (GetItemLevel() != AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE) && ( GetItemLevel() < pItemDef->GetMinLevel() || GetItemLevel() > pItemDef->GetMaxLevel() ) ) return false;
// Filter against quality
if ( BQualitySet() && (GetQuality() != AE_USE_SCRIPT_VALUE) ) { if ( GetQuality() != pItemDef->GetQuality() ) { // Filter out item defs that have a non-any quality if we have a non-matching & non-any quality criteria
if ( k_unItemQuality_Any != GetQuality() && k_unItemQuality_Any != pItemDef->GetQuality() ) return false; } }
// Filter against the additional conditions
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecConditions, i ) { if ( !m_vecConditions[i]->BItemDefinitionPassesCriteria( pItemDef ) ) return false; }
// Check if we have "any" tags
if ( m_vecTags.Count() > 0 ) { bool bHasTag = false; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecTags, i ) { if ( pItemDef->HasEconTag( m_vecTags[i] ) ) { bHasTag = true; break; } }
if ( !bHasTag ) { return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Determines if the item matches this condition of the criteria
// Input: pKVItem - Pointer to the raw KeyValues definition of the item
// Output: True is the item matches, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CCondition::BEvaluate( KeyValues *pKVItem ) const { KeyValues *pKVField = pKVItem->FindKey( m_sField.String() );
// Treat an empty string as a missing field as well.
bool bIsEmptyString = false; if ( m_EOp == k_EOperator_String_EQ || m_EOp == k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ ) { const char *pszItemVal = pKVField ? pKVField->GetString() : NULL; bIsEmptyString = ( pszItemVal == NULL || pszItemVal[0] == '\0' ); }
// Deal with missing fields
if ( NULL == pKVField || bIsEmptyString ) { if ( m_bRequired ) return false; else return true; }
// Run the operator specific check
bool bRet = BInternalEvaluate( pKVItem );
// If this is a "not" operator, reverse the result
if ( m_EOp & k_EOperator_Not ) return !bRet; else return bRet; }
// Purpose: Runs the operator specific check for this condition
// Input: pKVItem - Pointer to the raw KeyValues definition of the item
// Output: True is the item matches, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CStringCondition::BInternalEvaluate( KeyValues *pKVItem ) const { Assert( k_EOperator_String_EQ == m_EOp || k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ == m_EOp ); if( !( k_EOperator_String_EQ == m_EOp || k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ == m_EOp ) ) return false;
const char *pszItemVal = pKVItem->GetString( m_sField.String() ); return ( 0 == Q_stricmp( m_sValue.String(), pszItemVal ) ); }
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CStringCondition::BSerializeToMsg( CSOItemCriteriaCondition & msg ) const { CCondition::BSerializeToMsg( msg ); msg.set_string_value( m_sValue.Get() ); return true; }
// Purpose: Runs the operator specific check for this condition
// Input: pKVItem - Pointer to the raw KeyValues definition of the item
// Output: True is the item matches, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CSetCondition::BInternalEvaluate( KeyValues *pKVItem ) const { Assert( k_EOperator_Subkey_Contains == m_EOp || k_EOperator_Subkey_Not_Contains == m_EOp ); if( !( k_EOperator_Subkey_Contains == m_EOp || k_EOperator_Subkey_Not_Contains == m_EOp ) ) return false;
return ( NULL != pKVItem->FindKey( m_sField.String() )->FindKey( m_sValue.String() ) ); }
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CSetCondition::BSerializeToMsg( CSOItemCriteriaCondition & msg ) const { CCondition::BSerializeToMsg( msg ); msg.set_string_value( m_sValue.Get() ); return true; }
// Purpose: Runs the operator specific check for this condition
// Input: pKVItem - Pointer to the raw KeyValues definition of the item
// Output: True is the item matches, false otherwise
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CFloatCondition::BInternalEvaluate( KeyValues *pKVItem ) const { float itemValue = pKVItem->GetFloat( m_sField.String() );
switch ( m_EOp ) { case k_EOperator_Float_EQ: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_EQ: return ( itemValue == m_flValue );
case k_EOperator_Float_LT: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_LT: return ( itemValue < m_flValue );
case k_EOperator_Float_LTE: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_LTE: return ( itemValue <= m_flValue );
case k_EOperator_Float_GT: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_GT: return ( itemValue > m_flValue );
case k_EOperator_Float_GTE: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_GTE: return ( itemValue >= m_flValue );
default: AssertMsg1( false, "Unknown operator: %d", m_EOp ); return false; } }
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CFloatCondition::BSerializeToMsg( CSOItemCriteriaCondition & msg ) const { CCondition::BSerializeToMsg( msg ); msg.set_float_value( m_flValue ); return true; }
// Purpose: Serialize the item selection criteria to the given message
// Input: msg - The message to serialize to.
// Output: True if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BSerializeToMsg( CSOItemCriteria & msg ) const { msg.set_item_level( m_unItemLevel ); msg.set_item_quality( m_nItemQuality ); msg.set_item_level_set( m_bItemLevelSet ); msg.set_item_quality_set( m_bQualitySet ); msg.set_initial_inventory( m_unInitialInventory ); msg.set_initial_quantity( m_unInitialQuantity ); msg.set_ignore_enabled_flag( m_bIgnoreEnabledFlag ); msg.set_tags( m_strTags );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecConditions, i ) { CSOItemCriteriaCondition *pConditionMsg = msg.add_conditions(); m_vecConditions[i]->BSerializeToMsg( *pConditionMsg ); } return true; }
// Purpose: Deserializes the item selection criteria from the given message
// Input: msg - The message to deserialize from.
// Output: True if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::BDeserializeFromMsg( const CSOItemCriteria & msg ) { m_unItemLevel = msg.item_level(); m_nItemQuality = msg.item_quality(); m_bItemLevelSet = msg.item_level_set(); m_bQualitySet = msg.item_quality_set(); m_unInitialInventory = msg.initial_inventory(); m_unInitialQuantity = msg.initial_quantity(); m_bIgnoreEnabledFlag = msg.ignore_enabled_flag();
SetTags( msg.tags().c_str() );
uint32 unCount = msg.conditions_size(); m_vecConditions.EnsureCapacity( unCount );
for ( uint32 i = 0; i < unCount; i++ ) { const CSOItemCriteriaCondition & cond = msg.conditions( i ); EItemCriteriaOperator eOp = (EItemCriteriaOperator)cond.op(); bool bRequired = cond.required();
// Read the value specific to the condition and add the condition
switch ( eOp ) { case k_EOperator_Float_EQ: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_EQ: case k_EOperator_Float_LT: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_LT: case k_EOperator_Float_LTE: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_LTE: case k_EOperator_Float_GT: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_GT: case k_EOperator_Float_GTE: case k_EOperator_Float_Not_GTE: { if ( !BAddCondition( cond.field().c_str(), eOp, cond.float_value(), bRequired ) ) return false; break; }
case k_EOperator_String_EQ: case k_EOperator_String_Not_EQ: case k_EOperator_Subkey_Contains: case k_EOperator_Subkey_Not_Contains: { if ( !BAddCondition( cond.field().c_str(), eOp, cond.string_value().c_str(), bRequired ) ) return false; break; }
default: AssertMsg1( false, "Unknown operator (%d) read.", eOp ); return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose: Serializes a condition to a message.
// Input: msg - The message to serialize to.
// Output: True if the operation was successful, false otherwise.
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CCondition::BSerializeToMsg( CSOItemCriteriaCondition & msg ) const { msg.set_op( m_EOp ); msg.set_field( m_sField.String() ); msg.set_required( m_bRequired ); return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CItemSelectionCriteria::CCondition::BItemDefinitionPassesCriteria( const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef ) const { return BEvaluate( pItemDef->GetRawDefinition() ); }
// Validation
// Purpose: Run a global validation pass on all of our data structures and memory
// allocations.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void CItemSelectionCriteria::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE(); ValidateObj( m_vecConditions ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecConditions, i ) { ValidatePtr( m_vecConditions[i] ); } }
void CItemSelectionCriteria::CCondition::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { ValidateObj( m_sField ); }
void CItemSelectionCriteria::CStringCondition::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { CCondition::Validate( validator, pchName ); ValidateObj( m_sValue ); }
void CItemSelectionCriteria::CSetCondition::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { CCondition::Validate( validator, pchName ); ValidateObj( m_sValue ); }