//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "quest_objective_manager.h"
#include "gcsdk/gcclient.h"
#include "gc_clientsystem.h"
#include "econ_quests.h"
#include "tf_gamerules.h"
#include "schemainitutils.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "quest_log_panel.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY )
ConVar tf_quests_commit_every_point( "tf_quests_commit_every_point", "0", FCVAR_REPLICATED ); ConVar tf_quests_progress_enabled( "tf_quests_progress_enabled", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED ); #endif
CQuestObjectiveManager *QuestObjectiveManager( void ) { static CQuestObjectiveManager g_QuestObjectiveManager; return &g_QuestObjectiveManager; }
// Purpose:
CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker( const CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition* pObjective, CQuestItemTracker* pParent ) : m_nObjectiveDefIndex( pObjective->GetDefinitionIndex() ) , m_pParent( pParent ) , m_pEvaluator( NULL ) { KeyValues *pKVConditions = pObjective->GetConditionsKeyValues(); AssertMsg( !m_pEvaluator, "%s", CFmtStr( "Too many input for operator '%s'.", GetConditionName() ).Get() );
const char *pszType = pKVConditions->GetString( "type" ); m_pEvaluator = CreateEvaluatorByName( pszType, this ); AssertMsg( m_pEvaluator != NULL, "%s", CFmtStr( "Failed to create quest condition name '%s' for '%s'", pszType, GetConditionName() ).Get() );
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Creating objective tracker def %d for quest def %d on item %llu for user %s\n", pObjective->GetDefinitionIndex(), pParent->GetItem()->GetItemDefinition()->GetDefinitionIndex(), pParent->GetItem()->GetID(), pParent->GetOwnerSteamID().Render() ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVE_TRACKER_MANAGEMENT );
if ( !m_pEvaluator->BInitFromKV( pKVConditions, NULL ) ) { AssertMsg( false, "Failed to init from KeyValues" ); } }
// Purpose:
CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::~CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker() { if ( m_pEvaluator ) { delete m_pEvaluator; } }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { return m_pEvaluator->IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons ); }
// Purpose:
const CTFPlayer *CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::GetQuestOwner() const { return GetTrackedPlayer(); }
// Purpose:
void CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::EvaluateCondition( CTFQuestEvaluator *pSender, int nScore ) { #ifdef GAME_DLL
// tracker should be the root
Assert( !GetParent() ); IncrementCount( nScore ); ResetCondition(); #endif
// Purpose:
void CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::ResetCondition() { m_pEvaluator->ResetCondition(); }
// Purpose:
bool CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::UpdateConditions() { const CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition *pObjective = (CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition*)ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema()->GetQuestObjectiveByDefIndex( m_nObjectiveDefIndex ); if ( !pObjective ) return false;
// clean up previous evaluator
if ( m_pEvaluator ) { delete m_pEvaluator; m_pEvaluator = NULL; }
CUtlVector< CUtlString > vecErrors; return BInitFromKV( pObjective->GetConditionsKeyValues(), &vecErrors ); }
// Purpose:
const CTFPlayer* CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::GetTrackedPlayer() const { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
return ToTFPlayer( C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() ); #else
return m_pParent->GetTrackedPlayer(); #endif
// Purpose:
void CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker::IncrementCount( int nIncrementValue ) { const CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition *pObjective = (CTFQuestObjectiveDefinition*)ItemSystem()->GetItemSchema()->GetQuestObjectiveByDefIndex( m_nObjectiveDefIndex ); Assert( pObjective ); if ( !pObjective ) return;
uint32 nPointsToAdd = nIncrementValue * pObjective->GetPoints(); m_pParent->IncrementCount( nPointsToAdd, pObjective ); }
// Purpose:
CQuestItemTracker::CQuestItemTracker( const CSharedObject* pItem, CSteamID SteamIDOwner, CSOTrackerManager* pManager ) : CBaseSOTracker( pItem, SteamIDOwner, pManager ) , m_pItem( NULL ) , m_nStandardPoints( 0 ) , m_nBonusPoints( 0 ) #ifdef GAME_DLL
, m_nStartingStandardPoints( 0 ) , m_nStartingBonusPoints( 0 ) #endif
{ m_pItem = assert_cast< const CEconItem* >( pItem ); // Retrieve starting numbers
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Creating tracker for quest %d on item %llu for user %s with %dsp and %dbp\n", GetItem()->GetItemDefinition()->GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItem()->GetID(), GetOwnerSteamID().Render(), GetEarnedStandardPoints(), GetEarnedBonusPoints() ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_ITEM_TRACKER_MANAGEMENT );
// Create trackers for each objective
QuestObjectiveDefVec_t vecChosenObjectives; m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef()->GetRolledObjectivesForItem( vecChosenObjectives, m_pItem ); FOR_EACH_VEC( vecChosenObjectives, i ) { if ( !DoesObjectiveNeedToBeTracked( vecChosenObjectives[i] ) ) continue;
CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker* pNewTracker = new CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker( vecChosenObjectives[i], this ); m_vecObjectiveTrackers.AddToTail( pNewTracker ); }
if ( m_vecObjectiveTrackers.IsEmpty() ) { SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Did not create any objective trackers for quest %d on item %llu for user %s with %dsp and %dbp\n", GetItem()->GetItemDefinition()->GetDefinitionIndex(), GetItem()->GetID(), GetOwnerSteamID().Render(), GetEarnedStandardPoints(), GetEarnedBonusPoints() ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVE_TRACKER_MANAGEMENT ); } }
// Purpose:
CQuestItemTracker::~CQuestItemTracker() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Deleting tracker for quest %u on item %llu with %usp and %ubp\n", m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetDefinitionIndex(), m_pItem->GetItemID(), m_nStandardPoints, m_nBonusPoints ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_ITEM_TRACKER_MANAGEMENT ); #else
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Deleting tracker for quest %u on item %llu with %usp %ussp %ubp %usbp\n", m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetDefinitionIndex(), m_pItem->GetItemID(), m_nStandardPoints, m_nStartingStandardPoints, m_nBonusPoints, m_nStartingBonusPoints ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_ITEM_TRACKER_MANAGEMENT ); #endif
m_vecObjectiveTrackers.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
// Purpose: Take a look at our item and update what we think our points are
// based on the attributes on the item IF they are greater. We NEVER
// want to lose progress for any reason.
void CQuestItemTracker::UpdatePointsFromSOItem() { uint32 nNewPoints = 0; static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribDef_EarnedStandardPoints( "quest earned standard points" ); m_pItem->FindAttribute( pAttribDef_EarnedStandardPoints, &nNewPoints ); #ifdef GAME_DLL
m_nStartingStandardPoints = Max( nNewPoints, m_nStartingStandardPoints ); #else
m_nStandardPoints = Max( nNewPoints, m_nStandardPoints ); #endif
nNewPoints = 0; static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribDef_EarnedBonusPoints( "quest earned bonus points" ); m_pItem->FindAttribute( pAttribDef_EarnedBonusPoints, &nNewPoints ); #ifdef GAME_DLL
m_nStartingBonusPoints = Max( nNewPoints, m_nStartingBonusPoints ); #else
m_nBonusPoints = Max( nNewPoints, m_nBonusPoints ); #endif
#ifdef GAME_DLL
SendUpdateToClient( NULL );
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Updated points from item. CS:%d S:%d CB:%d B:%d\n", m_nStandardPoints, m_nStartingStandardPoints, m_nBonusPoints, m_nStartingBonusPoints ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVES ); #else
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Updated points from item. S:%d B:%d\n", m_nStandardPoints, m_nBonusPoints ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVES ); #endif
// Purpose:
const CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker* CQuestItemTracker::FindTrackerForDefIndex( uint32 nDefIndex ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecObjectiveTrackers, i ) { if ( m_vecObjectiveTrackers[ i ]->GetObjectiveDefIndex() == nDefIndex ) { return m_vecObjectiveTrackers[ i ]; } }
return NULL; }
uint32 CQuestItemTracker::GetEarnedStandardPoints() const { #ifdef GAME_DLL
return m_nStartingStandardPoints + m_nStandardPoints; #else
return m_nStandardPoints; #endif
} uint32 CQuestItemTracker::GetEarnedBonusPoints() const { #ifdef GAME_DLL
return m_nStartingBonusPoints + m_nBonusPoints; #else
return m_nBonusPoints; #endif
// Purpose:
void CQuestItemTracker::IncrementCount( uint32 nIncrementValue, const CQuestObjectiveDefinition* pObjective ) { #if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY )
if ( !tf_quests_progress_enabled.GetBool() ) return; #endif
#ifdef GAME_DLL
Assert( pObjective ); Assert( m_pItem ); if ( !pObjective || !m_pItem ) return;
auto pQuestDef = m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef(); Assert( pQuestDef ); if ( !pQuestDef ) return;
if ( g_pVGuiLocalize && ( g_nQuestSpewFlags & SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVES ) ) { locchar_t loc_IntermediateName[ MAX_ITEM_NAME_LENGTH ]; locchar_t locValue[ MAX_ITEM_NAME_LENGTH ]; loc_sprintf_safe( locValue, LOCCHAR( "%d" ), pObjective->GetPoints() ); loc_scpy_safe( loc_IntermediateName, CConstructLocalizedString( g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pObjective->GetDescriptionToken() ), locValue ) ); char szTempObjectiveName[256]; ::ILocalize::ConvertUnicodeToANSI( loc_IntermediateName, szTempObjectiveName, sizeof( szTempObjectiveName ));
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Increment for quest: %llu Objective: \"%s\" %d->%d (+%d)\n" , m_pItem->GetItemID() , szTempObjectiveName , m_nStandardPoints + m_nBonusPoints , m_nStandardPoints + m_nBonusPoints + nIncrementValue , nIncrementValue ), SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVES ); }
// Regardless of standard or bonus, we fill the standard gauge first
uint32 nMaxStandardPoints = pQuestDef->GetMaxStandardPoints() - GetEarnedStandardPoints(); int nAmountToAdd = Min( nMaxStandardPoints, nIncrementValue ); m_nStandardPoints += nAmountToAdd; nIncrementValue -= nAmountToAdd;
// If any bonus points left, fill in bonus points
if ( pObjective->IsAdvanced() && nIncrementValue > 0 ) { uint32 nMaxBonusPoints = pQuestDef->GetMaxBonusPoints() + pQuestDef->GetMaxStandardPoints() - GetEarnedStandardPoints() - GetEarnedBonusPoints(); m_nBonusPoints += Min( nMaxBonusPoints, nIncrementValue ); }
bool bShouldCommit = IsQuestItemReadyToTurnIn( m_pItem ); #if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY )
bShouldCommit |= tf_quests_commit_every_point.GetBool(); #endif
// Once we're over the turn-in threshhold, we need to record every point made.
if ( bShouldCommit ) { CommitChangesToDB(); }
SendUpdateToClient( pObjective ); #endif
// Purpose: Remove and delete any objective trackers that are no longer needed.
// One is considered not needed if it's a tracker for a "standard"
// objective and we're done getting standard points, or if we're at
// full bonus points, then there's no way for us to get points anymore
void CQuestItemTracker::OnUpdate() { FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecObjectiveTrackers, i ) { const CQuestObjectiveDefinition *pObjective = GEconItemSchema().GetQuestObjectiveByDefIndex( m_vecObjectiveTrackers[ i ]->GetObjectiveDefIndex() ); Assert( pObjective ); if ( !pObjective || !DoesObjectiveNeedToBeTracked( pObjective ) ) { delete m_vecObjectiveTrackers[ i ]; m_vecObjectiveTrackers.Remove( i ); } } }
// Purpose:
void CQuestItemTracker::OnRemove() { #ifdef GAME_DLL
CommitRecord_t* pRecord = m_pManager->GetCommitRecord( m_pItem->GetItemID() ); if ( pRecord ) { CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* pProto = assert_cast< CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange* >( pRecord->m_pProtoMsg ); pProto->set_update_base_points( true ); } #endif
void CQuestItemTracker::Spew() const { CBaseSOTracker::Spew();
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecObjectiveTrackers, i ) { DevMsg( "Tracking objective: %d\n", m_vecObjectiveTrackers[ i ]->GetObjectiveDefIndex() ); } }
// Purpose:
bool CQuestItemTracker::DoesObjectiveNeedToBeTracked( const CQuestObjectiveDefinition* pObjective ) const { auto pQuestDef = m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef();
Assert( pObjective ); if ( pObjective && pQuestDef ) { // If there's standard points to be earned, all objectives need to be tracked
if ( pQuestDef->GetMaxStandardPoints() > 0 && GetEarnedStandardPoints() < pQuestDef->GetMaxStandardPoints() ) { return true; }
// If this objective is advanced, only track it if there's bonus points to be earned
if ( pObjective->IsAdvanced() ) { return pQuestDef->GetMaxBonusPoints() > 0 && GetEarnedBonusPoints() < pQuestDef->GetMaxBonusPoints(); } }
return false; }
// Purpose:
void CQuestItemTracker::CommitChangesToDB() { #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
if ( GetQuestLog() && GetTrackedPlayer() == C_TFPlayer::GetLocalTFPlayer() ) { GetQuestLog()->MarkQuestsDirty(); } #else // GAME_DLL
// Nothing to commit? Bail
if ( m_nStandardPoints == 0 && m_nBonusPoints == 0 ) return;
SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "CommitChangesToDB: %llu S:%d B:%d\n" , m_pItem->GetItemID() , GetEarnedStandardPoints() , GetEarnedBonusPoints() ), 0 ); CSteamID ownerSteamID( m_pItem->GetAccountID(), GetUniverse(), k_EAccountTypeIndividual );
CMsgGCQuestObjective_PointsChange record;
// Cook up our message
record.set_owner_steamid( ownerSteamID.ConvertToUint64() ); record.set_quest_item_id( m_pItem->GetItemID() ); record.set_standard_points( GetEarnedStandardPoints() ); record.set_bonus_points( GetEarnedBonusPoints() ); // Here's the meat
m_pManager->AddCommitRecord( &record, record.quest_item_id(), true ); #endif
// Purpose:
int CQuestItemTracker::IsValidForPlayer( const CTFPlayer *pOwner, InvalidReasonsContainer_t& invalidReasons ) const { int nNumInvalid = 0; FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecObjectiveTrackers, i ) { m_vecObjectiveTrackers[ i ]->IsValidForPlayer( pOwner, invalidReasons );
if ( !invalidReasons.IsValid() ) { ++nNumInvalid; } }
return nNumInvalid; }
// Purpose: The server has changed scores. Apply those changes here
void CQuestItemTracker::UpdateFromServer( uint32 nStandardPoints, uint32 nBonusPoints ) { SO_TRACKER_SPEW( CFmtStr( "Updating \"%s's\" standard points: %d->%d bonus points: %d->%d\n" , m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef()->GetRolledNameForItem( m_pItem ) , m_nStandardPoints , nStandardPoints , m_nBonusPoints , nBonusPoints ) , SO_TRACKER_SPEW_OBJECTIVES );
m_nStandardPoints = nStandardPoints; m_nBonusPoints = nBonusPoints; } #else
void CQuestItemTracker::SendUpdateToClient( const CQuestObjectiveDefinition* pObjective ) { const CTFPlayer* pPlayer = GetTrackedPlayer();
// They might've disconnected, so let's check if they're still around
if ( pPlayer ) { // Update the user on their progress
CSingleUserRecipientFilter filter( GetTrackedPlayer() ); filter.MakeReliable(); UserMessageBegin( filter, "QuestObjectiveCompleted" ); itemid_t nID = m_pItem->GetItemID(); WRITE_BITS( &nID, 64 ); WRITE_WORD( GetEarnedStandardPoints() ); WRITE_WORD( GetEarnedBonusPoints() ); WRITE_WORD( pObjective ? pObjective->GetDefinitionIndex() : (uint32)-1 ); MessageEnd(); } } #endif
#if defined( DEBUG ) || defined( STAGING_ONLY )
// Purpose:
void CQuestItemTracker::DBG_CompleteQuest() { #ifdef GAME_DLL
auto pQuestDef = m_pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef(); uint32 nStandardPointsDelta = pQuestDef->GetMaxStandardPoints() - GetEarnedStandardPoints();
// Cheat!
if ( m_vecObjectiveTrackers.Count() ) { const_cast< CBaseQuestObjectiveTracker* >( m_vecObjectiveTrackers[0] )->EvaluateCondition( NULL, nStandardPointsDelta ); }
CommitChangesToDB(); #endif
} #endif