//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Purpose: The TF Game rules object
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "teamplayroundbased_gamerules.h"
#include "convar.h"
#include "gamevars_shared.h"
#include "GameEventListener.h"
#include "tf_gamestats_shared.h"
#include "tf_match_description.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include "tf_player.h"
#define CTFGameRules C_TFGameRules
#define CTFGameRulesProxy C_TFGameRulesProxy
#define CBonusRoundLogic C_BonusRoundLogic
extern CUtlString s_strNextMvMPopFile;
extern BOOL no_cease_fire_text; extern BOOL cease_fire;
class CHealthKit; class CTrainingModeLogic; class CTFHolidayEntity; class CTFNavArea; class CTFBot; class CTFBotRoster; class CMedievalLogic; class CCPTimerLogic; class CPopulationManager; class CCompetitiveLogic; #endif
class CBonusRoundLogic; class CTeamTrainWatcher; class CPhysicsProp; class CObjectSentrygun; class CGhost; class CUpgrades;
extern ConVar tf_spec_xray; extern ConVar tf_avoidteammates; extern ConVar tf_avoidteammates_pushaway; extern ConVar mp_tournament_blueteamname; extern ConVar mp_tournament_redteamname; extern ConVar tf_arena_force_class; extern ConVar tf_arena_change_limit; extern ConVar tf_ctf_bonus_time; extern ConVar tf_mvm_respec_enabled; extern ConVar tf_spawn_glows_duration; #ifdef TF_RAID_MODE
class CRaidLogic; class CBossBattleLogic;
extern ConVar tf_gamemode_raid; extern ConVar tf_gamemode_creep_wave; extern ConVar tf_gamemode_boss_battle;
#endif // TF_RAID_MODE
class CMannVsMachineLogic; class CMannVsMachineUpgrades;
//extern ConVar tf_populator_health_multiplier;
//extern ConVar tf_populator_damage_multiplier;
const int kMVM_DefendersTeamSize = 6; const int kLadder_TeamSize_6v6 = 6; const int kLadder_TeamSize_9v9 = 9; const int kLadder_TeamSize_12v12 = 12;
//#define TF_MVM_FCVAR_CHEAT 0 /* Cheats enabled */
#define TF_MVM_FCVAR_CHEAT FCVAR_CHEAT /* Cheats disabled */
extern bool TF_IsHolidayActive( /*EHoliday*/ int eHoliday );
// [msmith] Used for the client to tell the server that we're whatching a movie or not
// and weather or not we're ready to transition to the next map.
// Training mode cvars
// How many achievements we show in the summary screen.
extern Vector g_TFClassViewVectors[];
#define NO_CLASS_LIMIT -1
class CTFGameRulesProxy : public CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy, public CGameEventListener { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFGameRulesProxy, CTeamplayRoundBasedRulesProxy ); DECLARE_NETWORKCLASS();
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void InputSetRedTeamRespawnWaveTime( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetBlueTeamRespawnWaveTime( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddRedTeamRespawnWaveTime( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddBlueTeamRespawnWaveTime( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetRedTeamGoalString( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetBlueTeamGoalString( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetRedTeamRole( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetBlueTeamRole( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetRequiredObserverTarget( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddRedTeamScore( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddBlueTeamScore( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetRedKothClockActive( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetBlueKothClockActive( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetCTFCaptureBonusTime( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputPlayVORed( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputPlayVOBlue( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputPlayVO( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputHandleMapEvent( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetCustomUpgradesFile( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetRoundRespawnFreezeEnabled( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void TeamPlayerCountChanged( CTFTeam *pTeam ); void PowerupTeamImbalance( int nTeam ); void StateEnterRoundRunning( void ); void StateEnterBetweenRounds( void ); void StateEnterPreRound( void ); void StateExitPreRound( void ); void MatchSummaryStart( void ); void TruceStart( void ); void TruceEnd( void );
COutputEvent m_OnWonByTeam1; COutputEvent m_OnWonByTeam2; COutputInt m_Team1PlayersChanged; COutputInt m_Team2PlayersChanged; COutputEvent m_OnPowerupImbalanceTeam1; COutputEvent m_OnPowerupImbalanceTeam2; COutputEvent m_OnPowerupImbalanceMeasuresOver; COutputEvent m_OnStateEnterRoundRunning; COutputEvent m_OnStateEnterBetweenRounds; COutputEvent m_OnStateEnterPreRound; COutputEvent m_OnStateExitPreRound; COutputEvent m_OnMatchSummaryStart; COutputEvent m_OnTruceStart; COutputEvent m_OnTruceEnd;
virtual void Activate();
// [msmith] hud type so the game type and hud type can be separate. Used for
// training missions.
int m_nHudType; //=============================================================================
bool m_bOvertimeAllowedForCTF; #endif
public: // IGameEventListener Interface
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event ); };
class CTFRadiusDamageInfo { DECLARE_CLASS_NOBASE( CTFRadiusDamageInfo ); public: CTFRadiusDamageInfo( CTakeDamageInfo *pInfo, const Vector &vecSrcIn, float flRadiusIn, CBaseEntity *pIgnore = NULL, float flRJRadiusIn = 0, float flForceScaleIn = 1.0f ) { dmgInfo = pInfo; vecSrc = vecSrcIn; flRadius = flRadiusIn; pEntityIgnore = pIgnore; flRJRadius = flRJRadiusIn; flFalloff = 0; m_flForceScale = flForceScaleIn; m_pEntityTarget = NULL;
CalculateFalloff(); }
void CalculateFalloff( void ); int ApplyToEntity( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
public: // Fill these in & call RadiusDamage()
CTakeDamageInfo *dmgInfo; Vector vecSrc; float flRadius; CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore; float flRJRadius; // Radius to use to calculate RJ, to maintain RJs when damage/radius changes on a RL
float m_flForceScale; CBaseEntity *m_pEntityTarget; // Target being direct hit if any
private: // These are used during the application of the RadiusDamage
float flFalloff; };
struct PlayerRoundScore_t { int iPlayerIndex; // player index
int iRoundScore; // how many points scored this round
int iTotalScore; // total points scored across all rounds
struct PlayerArenaRoundScore_t { int iPlayerIndex; // player index
int iTotalDamage; // damage done this round
int iTotalHealing; // healing done this round
int iTimeAlive; // time alive (in seconds)
int iKillingBlows; // killing blows this round
int iScore; };
const char *GetMapType( const char *mapName ); const char *GetMapDisplayName( const char *mapName ); #else
class CKothLogic;
// Used to sort the players in the list by their bonus score
typedef CTFPlayer *BONUSPLAYERPTR; class CBonusPlayerListLess { public: bool Less( const BONUSPLAYERPTR &src1, const BONUSPLAYERPTR &src2, void *pCtx ) { if ( src1->m_Shared.GetItemFindBonus() > src2->m_Shared.GetItemFindBonus() ) return true; return false; } };
class CTFGameRules : public CTeamplayRoundBasedRules { public: DECLARE_CLASS( CTFGameRules, CTeamplayRoundBasedRules );
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity( void ); virtual float GetRespawnTimeScalar( int iTeam ); virtual float GetRespawnWaveMaxLength( int iTeam, bool bScaleWithNumPlayers = true );
// Damage Queries.
virtual bool Damage_IsTimeBased( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that are time-based.
virtual bool Damage_ShowOnHUD( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that have client HUD art.
virtual bool Damage_ShouldNotBleed( int iDmgType ); // Damage types that don't make the player bleed.
// TEMP:
virtual int Damage_GetTimeBased( void ); virtual int Damage_GetShowOnHud( void ); virtual int Damage_GetShouldNotBleed( void );
int GetFarthestOwnedControlPoint( int iTeam, bool bWithSpawnpoints ); virtual bool TeamMayCapturePoint( int iTeam, int iPointIndex ); virtual bool PlayerMayCapturePoint( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iPointIndex, char *pszReason = NULL, int iMaxReasonLength = 0 ); virtual bool PlayerMayBlockPoint( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iPointIndex, char *pszReason = NULL, int iMaxReasonLength = 0 );
static int CalcPlayerScore( RoundStats_t *pRoundStats, CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); static int CalcPlayerSupportScore( RoundStats_t *pRoundStats, int iPlayerIdx );
bool IsBirthday( void ) const; bool IsBirthdayOrPyroVision( void ) const; virtual bool IsHolidayActive( /*EHoliday*/ int eHoliday ) const;
virtual const unsigned char *GetEncryptionKey( void ) { return GetTFEncryptionKey(); }
int GetClassLimit( int iClass ); bool CanPlayerChooseClass( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iClass );
virtual bool ShouldBalanceTeams( void );
virtual int GetBonusRoundTime( bool bGameOver = false ) OVERRIDE;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
public: virtual void Precache( void );
// Override this to prevent removal of game specific entities that need to persist
virtual bool RoundCleanupShouldIgnore( CBaseEntity *pEnt ); virtual bool ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pszClassName ); virtual void CleanUpMap( void );
virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
virtual void RespawnPlayers( bool bForceRespawn, bool bTeam = false, int iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED ) OVERRIDE;
// Called when a new round is being initialized
virtual void SetupOnRoundStart( void );
// Called when a new round is off and running
virtual void SetupOnRoundRunning( void );
// Called before a new round is started (so the previous round can end)
virtual void PreviousRoundEnd( void );
// Send the team scores down to the client
virtual void SendTeamScoresEvent( void ) { return; }
// Send the end of round info displayed in the win panel
virtual void SendWinPanelInfo( bool bGameOver ) OVERRIDE; void SendArenaWinPanelInfo( void ); void SendPVEWinPanelInfo( void );
// Setup spawn points for the current round before it starts
virtual void SetupSpawnPointsForRound( void );
// Called when a round has entered stalemate mode (timer has run out)
virtual void SetupOnStalemateStart( void ); virtual void SetupOnStalemateEnd( void );
virtual void RecalculateControlPointState( void );
void TeamPlayerCountChanged( CTFTeam *pTeam ); void PowerupTeamImbalance( int nTeam ); int GetAssignedHumanTeam( void ); virtual void HandleSwitchTeams( void ); virtual void HandleScrambleTeams( void ); bool CanChangeClassInStalemate( void ); bool CanChangeTeam( int iCurrentTeam ) const;
virtual void SetRoundOverlayDetails( void ); virtual void ShowRoundInfoPanel( CTFPlayer *pPlayer = NULL ); // NULL pPlayer means show the panel to everyone
virtual bool TimerMayExpire( void );
virtual void Activate();
virtual bool AllowDamage( CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
void SetTeamGoalString( int iTeam, const char *pszGoal ); //=============================================================================
// [msmith] Added a HUD type separate from the game mode so we can do different
// HUDs for the same mode. This is used in training maps.
void SetHUDType( int nHudType ); //=============================================================================
// Speaking, vcds, voice commands.
virtual void InitCustomResponseRulesDicts(); virtual void ShutdownCustomResponseRulesDicts();
virtual bool HasPassedMinRespawnTime( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); virtual bool ShouldRespawnQuickly( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
bool ShouldScorePerRound( void );
virtual bool IsValveMap( void );
virtual void PlayTrainCaptureAlert( CTeamControlPoint *pPoint, bool bFinalPointInMap );
void SetRequiredObserverTarget( CBaseEntity *pEnt ){ m_hRequiredObserverTarget = pEnt; } void SetObjectiveObserverTarget( CBaseEntity *pEnt ) { m_hObjectiveObserverTarget = pEnt; } EHANDLE GetRequiredObserverTarget( void ){ return m_hRequiredObserverTarget.Get(); } EHANDLE GetObjectiveObserverTarget( void ){ return m_hObjectiveObserverTarget.Get(); }
virtual void GetTaggedConVarList( KeyValues *pCvarTagList );
virtual bool PointsMayBeCaptured( void ); virtual bool PointsMayAlwaysBeBlocked(){ return ( GetGameType() == TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT ); }
virtual void PlaySpecialCapSounds( int iCappingTeam, CTeamControlPoint *pPoint );
virtual CTacticalMissionManager *TacticalMissionManagerFactory( void );
virtual bool ShouldSwitchTeams( void ); virtual bool ShouldScrambleTeams( void );
virtual void ClientCommandKeyValues( edict_t *pEntity, KeyValues *pKeyValues );
bool CanBotChangeClass( CBasePlayer* pPlayer ); bool CanBotChooseClass( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, int iClass );
void SetCTFCaptureBonusTime( float flTime ){ m_flCTFCaptureBonusTime = flTime; } float GetCTFCaptureBonusTime( void ) { float flRetVal = tf_ctf_bonus_time.GetFloat(); if ( m_flCTFCaptureBonusTime >= 0.0f ) { flRetVal = m_flCTFCaptureBonusTime; }
return flRetVal; }
// populate vector with set of control points the player needs to capture
virtual void CollectCapturePoints( CBasePlayer *player, CUtlVector< CTeamControlPoint * > *captureVector ) const;
// populate vector with set of control points the player needs to defend from capture
virtual void CollectDefendPoints( CBasePlayer *player, CUtlVector< CTeamControlPoint * > *defendVector ) const;
CObjectSentrygun *FindSentryGunWithMostKills( int team = TEAM_ANY ) const;
// Client connection/disconnection
virtual bool ClientConnected( edict_t *pEntity, const char *pszName, const char *pszAddress, char *reject, int maxrejectlen );
virtual bool ShouldSkipAutoScramble( void ) { return IsPVEModeActive(); }
bool ShouldMakeChristmasAmmoPack( void );
void UpdatePeriodicEvent( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, eEconPeriodicScoreEvents eEvent, uint32 nCount );
void HandleMapEvent( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void SetCustomUpgradesFile( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual bool ShouldWaitToStartRecording( void );
void SetGravityMultiplier( float flValue ){ m_flGravityMultiplier.Set( flValue ); }
bool CanFlagBeCaptured( CBaseEntity *pOther ); bool PowerupModeFlagStandoffActive( void );
void TeleportPlayersToTargetEntities( int iTeam, const char *pszEntTargetName, CUtlVector< CTFPlayer * > *pTeleportedPlayers );
virtual void LoadMapCycleFileIntoVector ( const char *pszMapCycleFile, CUtlVector<char *> &mapList ) OVERRIDE;
void OnWorkshopMapUpdated( PublishedFileId_t nWorkshopID );
void RecalculateTruce( void );
void SetMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight( bool bState ){ m_bMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight = bState; } bool IsMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight( void ){ return m_bMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight; }
protected: virtual void LoadMapCycleFile( void ) OVERRIDE; void TrackWorkshopMapsInMapCycle( void );
virtual const char* GetStalemateSong( int nTeam ) OVERRIDE; virtual const char* WinSongName( int nTeam ) OVERRIDE; virtual const char* LoseSongName( int nTeam ) OVERRIDE;
virtual void InitTeams( void );
virtual void RoundRespawn( void ); virtual void RespawnTeam( int iTeam );
virtual void InternalHandleTeamWin( int iWinningTeam ); static int PlayerRoundScoreSortFunc( const PlayerRoundScore_t *pRoundScore1, const PlayerRoundScore_t *pRoundScore2 ); static int PlayerArenaRoundScoreSortFunc( const PlayerArenaRoundScore_t *pRoundScore1, const PlayerArenaRoundScore_t *pRoundScore2 );
virtual void FillOutTeamplayRoundWinEvent( IGameEvent *event );
virtual bool CanChangelevelBecauseOfTimeLimit( void ); virtual bool CanGoToStalemate( void );
virtual void RestoreActiveTimer( void );
void BroadcastDrawLine( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, KeyValues *pKeyValues );
#endif // GAME_DLL
public: // Bonus round handling
#ifdef GAME_DLL
virtual bool ShouldGoToBonusRound( void ); virtual void SetupOnBonusStart( void ); virtual void SetupOnBonusEnd( void ); virtual void BonusStateThink( void ); void BonusStateAbort( void ); void SetBonusItem( itemid_t iItemID );
// Between rounds handling
virtual void BetweenRounds_Start( void ); virtual void BetweenRounds_End( void ); virtual void BetweenRounds_Think( void ); virtual void PreRound_Start( void ) OVERRIDE; virtual void PreRound_End( void ) OVERRIDE; #endif
public: // Return the value of this player towards capturing a point
virtual int GetCaptureValueForPlayer( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
// Collision and Damage rules.
virtual bool ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup0, int collisionGroup1 ); int GetTimeLeft( void );
// Get the view vectors for this mod.
virtual const CViewVectors *GetViewVectors() const;
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
virtual const char *GetGameTypeName( void ); virtual int GetGameType( void ){ return m_nGameType; }
virtual void ClientSpawned( edict_t * pPlayer );
virtual void OnFileReceived( const char * fileName, unsigned int transferID );
virtual bool FlagsMayBeCapped( void );
void RunPlayerConditionThink ( void );
const char *GetTeamGoalString( int iTeam );
int GetStopWatchState( void ) { return m_nStopWatchState; } // Game Modes
virtual bool IsInArenaMode( void ) const OVERRIDE; virtual bool IsInKothMode( void ) const OVERRIDE { return m_bPlayingKoth; } bool IsInMedievalMode( void ) const { return m_bPlayingMedieval; } bool IsHolidayMap( int nHoliday ) const { return m_nMapHolidayType == nHoliday; } #ifdef TF_RAID_MODE
bool IsRaidMode( void ) const; bool IsBossBattleMode( void ) const; #endif // TF_RAID_MODE
bool IsCreepWaveMode( void ) const; #endif
bool IsMannVsMachineMode( void ) const { return m_bPlayingMannVsMachine; }
void SetMannVsMachineAlarmStatus( bool bStatus ){ m_bMannVsMachineAlarmStatus.Set( bStatus ); } bool GetMannVsMachineAlarmStatus( void ){ return m_bMannVsMachineAlarmStatus; } bool IsQuickBuildTime( void );
bool GameModeUsesUpgrades( void ); bool GameModeUsesCurrency( void ) { return IsMannVsMachineMode() || IsBountyMode(); } bool GameModeUsesMiniBosses( void ) { return IsMannVsMachineMode() || IsBountyMode(); }
bool IsPasstimeMode() const { return m_nGameType == TF_GAMETYPE_PASSTIME; }
bool GameModeUsesExperience( void ) { return IsBountyMode(); } #endif // STAGING_ONLY
bool IsMannVsMachineRespecEnabled( void ) { return IsMannVsMachineMode() && tf_mvm_respec_enabled.GetBool(); } bool CanPlayerUseRespec( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer ); bool IsPowerupMode( void ) { return m_bPowerupMode; } void SetPowerupMode( bool bValue );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Managed competitive matches should go through the End/StopCompetitiveMatch path
void EndManagedMvMMatch( bool bKickPlayersToParties ); #endif
// Competitive games
bool IsCompetitiveMode( void ) const; // means we're using competitive/casual matchmaking
bool IsMatchTypeCasual( void ) const; bool IsMatchTypeCompetitive( void ) const; // Are we showing the match-start-countdown doors right now
bool BInMatchStartCountdown() const; #ifdef GAME_DLL
void SyncMatchSettings(); // ! Check return
bool StartManagedMatch(); void SetCompetitiveMode( bool bValue ); #endif
void StartCompetitiveMatch( void ); void StopCompetitiveMatch( CMsgGC_Match_Result_Status nCode ); void EndCompetitiveMatch( void ); void ManageCompetitiveMode( void ); bool ReportMatchResultsToGC( CMsgGC_Match_Result_Status nCode ); bool MatchmakingShouldUseStopwatchMode();
EMatchGroup GetCurrentMatchGroup() const; bool IsManagedMatchEnded() const;
bool UsePlayerReadyStatusMode( void ); bool PlayerReadyStatus_HaveMinPlayersToEnable( void ); #ifdef GAME_DLL
bool PlayerReadyStatus_ArePlayersOnTeamReady( int iTeam ); bool PlayerReadyStatus_ShouldStartCountdown( void ); void PlayerReadyStatus_ResetState( void ); void PlayerReadyStatus_UpdatePlayerState( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, bool bState ); #endif // GAME_DLL
bool IsDefaultGameMode( void ); // The absence of arena, mvm, tournament mode, etc
// Upgrades
int GetCostForUpgrade( CMannVsMachineUpgrades *pUpgrade, int iItemSlot, int nClass, CTFPlayer *pPurchaser = NULL ); bool CanUpgradeWithAttrib( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, int iWeaponSlot, attrib_definition_index_t iAttribIndex, CMannVsMachineUpgrades *pUpgrade ); int GetUpgradeTier( int iUpgrade ); bool IsUpgradeTierEnabled( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, int iItemSlot, int iUpgrade ); bool IsPVEModeActive( void ) const; // return true if we are playing a PvE mode
bool IsPVEModeControlled( CBaseEntity *who ) const; // return true for PvE opponents (ie: enemy bot team)
const char* GetCustomUpgradesFile() { return m_pszCustomUpgradesFile.Get(); }
// [msmith] Training Status. And HUD type.
bool IsInTraining( void ){ return m_bIsInTraining; } bool AllowTrainingAchievements() { return m_bAllowTrainingAchievements; } void SetAllowTrainingAchievements( bool bAllow) { m_bAllowTrainingAchievements = bAllow; } bool IsWaitingForTrainingContinue() { return m_bIsWaitingForTrainingContinue; } void SetIsWaitingForTrainingContinue( bool bWaiting ) { m_bIsWaitingForTrainingContinue = bWaiting; } int GetHUDType( void ){ return m_nHudType; } //=============================================================================
bool IsTrainingHUDVisible( void ) { return IsInTraining() && m_bIsTrainingHUDVisible; } void SetTrainingHUDVisible( bool bVisible ) { m_bIsTrainingHUDVisible.Set( bVisible ); }
virtual bool IsInItemTestingMode( void ) { return m_bIsInItemTestingMode; } void SetInItemTestingMode( bool bInTesting ) { m_bIsInItemTestingMode.Set( bInTesting ); } int ItemTesting_GetBotAnim( void ) { return m_iItemTesting_BotAnim; } float ItemTesting_GetBotAnimSpeed( void ); bool ItemTesting_GetBotForceFire( void ) { return m_bItemTesting_BotForceFire; } bool ItemTesting_GetBotTurntable( void ) { return m_bItemTesting_BotTurntable; } bool ItemTesting_GetBotViewScan( void ) { return m_bItemTesting_BotViewScan; } void ItemTesting_SetupFromKV( KeyValues *pKV ); bool IsPlayingHybrid_CTF_CP( void ) const { return m_bPlayingHybrid_CTF_CP; } bool IsPlayingSpecialDeliveryMode( void ) const { return m_bPlayingSpecialDeliveryMode; } bool IsPlayingRobotDestructionMode( void ) const { return m_bPlayingRobotDestructionMode; }
virtual bool AllowThirdPersonCamera( void ) { return ( IsInMedievalMode() || ShowMatchSummary() ); }
// Bonus rounds
CBonusRoundLogic *GetBonusLogic( void ) { return m_hBonusLogic.Get(); } void BuildBonusPlayerList( void );
CTeamRoundTimer *GetRedKothRoundTimer( void ) { return m_hRedKothTimer.Get(); } CTeamRoundTimer *GetBlueKothRoundTimer( void ) { return m_hBlueKothTimer.Get(); }
int GetStatsMinimumPlayers( void ); int GetStatsMinimumPlayedTime( void );
// BountyMode
bool IsBountyMode( void ) { return m_bBountyModeEnabled && !IsMannVsMachineMode() && !IsInTraining(); } #else
bool IsBountyMode( void ) { return false; } #endif
float GetGravityMultiplier( void ){ return m_flGravityMultiplier; }
virtual bool IsConnectedUserInfoChangeAllowed( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
void SetPlayersInHell( bool bState ){ m_bHelltowerPlayersInHell.Set( bState ); } // used for Halloween 2013 state of the game (players in the underworld fighting)
bool ArePlayersInHell( void ) const { return m_bHelltowerPlayersInHell; } void SpawnPlayerInHell( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, const char *pszSpawnPointName ); // Halloween 2013
void PlayHelltowerAnnouncerVO( int iRedLine, int iBlueLine );
void SetUsingSpells( bool bState ) { m_bIsUsingSpells.Set( bState ); }
bool IsUsingSpells( void ) const; bool IsUsingGrapplingHook( void ) const;
bool IsTruceActive( void ) const;
bool MapHasMatchSummaryStage( void ){ return m_bMapHasMatchSummaryStage; } bool PlayersAreOnMatchSummaryStage( void ){ return m_bPlayersAreOnMatchSummaryStage; }
bool ShowMatchSummary( void ){ return m_bShowMatchSummary; }
bool HaveStopWatchWinner( void ) { return m_bStopWatchWinner; }
int GetGameTeamForGCTeam( TF_GC_TEAM nGCTeam ); TF_GC_TEAM GetGCTeamForGameTeam( int nGameTeam );
EUserNextMapVote GetWinningVote( int (&nVotes)[ EUserNextMapVote::NUM_VOTE_STATES ] ) const; EUserNextMapVote PlayerNextMapVoteState( int nIndex ) const { return m_ePlayerWantsRematch.Get( nIndex ); } ENextMapVotingState GetCurrentNextMapVotingState() const { return m_eRematchState; } MapDefIndex_t GetNextMapVoteOption( int nIndex ) const { return m_nNextMapVoteOptions.Get( nIndex ); } #ifdef GAME_DLL
void UpdateNextMapVoteOptionsFromLobby(); void KickPlayersNewMatchIDRequestFailed();
void CheckAndSetPartyLeader( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, int iTeam ); #endif // GAME_DLL
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void SetBountyMode( bool bValue ); #endif // GAME_DLL
#endif // STAGING_ONLY
DECLARE_CLIENTCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes data tables able to access our private vars.
virtual ~CTFGameRules();
virtual void OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t updateType ); virtual void HandleOvertimeBegin();
bool ShouldShowTeamGoal( void );
const char *GetVideoFileForMap( bool bWithExtension = true );
const char *FormatVideoName( const char *videoName, bool bWithExtension = true );
void SetUpVisionFilterKeyValues( void );
bool UseSillyGibs( void );
virtual bool AllowMapParticleEffect( const char *pszParticleEffect );
virtual bool AllowWeatherParticles( void );
virtual bool AllowMapVisionFilterShaders( void ); virtual const char* TranslateEffectForVisionFilter( const char *pchEffectType, const char *pchEffectName );
virtual void ModifySentChat( char *pBuf, int iBufSize );
virtual void GetTeamGlowColor( int nTeam, float &r, float &g, float &b );
virtual bool ShouldConfirmOnDisconnect();
bool ShouldShowPreRoundDoors() const; bool RecievedBaseline() const { return m_bRecievedBaseline; }
DECLARE_SERVERCLASS_NOBASE(); // This makes data tables able to access our private vars.
virtual ~CTFGameRules();
virtual void LevelShutdown(); virtual bool ClientCommand( CBaseEntity *pEdict, const CCommand &args ); virtual void Think();
void PeriodicHalloweenUpdate();
virtual bool SwitchToNextBestWeapon( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pCurrentWeapon );
bool CheckWinLimit( bool bAllowEnd = true, int nAddValueWhenChecking = 0 ) OVERRIDE; bool SetCtfWinningTeam(); bool SetPasstimeWinningTeam(); bool CheckCapsPerRound(); virtual void CheckRespawnWaves(); virtual void PlayWinSong( int team ) OVERRIDE;
// [msmith] Used in training to load the next training map in sequence.
void LoadNextTrainingMap(); //=============================================================================
virtual void SetWinningTeam( int team, int iWinReason, bool bForceMapReset = true, bool bSwitchTeams = false, bool bDontAddScore = false, bool bFinal = false ) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetStalemate( int iReason, bool bForceMapReset = true, bool bSwitchTeams = false );
void CheckTauntAchievement( CTFPlayer *pAchiever, int nGibs, int *pTauntCamAchievements );
virtual bool FPlayerCanTakeDamage( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pAttacker, const CTakeDamageInfo &info );
// Spawing rules.
CBaseEntity *GetPlayerSpawnSpot( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); bool IsSpawnPointValid( CBaseEntity *pSpot, CBasePlayer *pPlayer, bool bIgnorePlayers, PlayerTeamSpawnMode_t nSpawndMode = PlayerTeamSpawnMode_Normal );
virtual int ItemShouldRespawn( CItem *pItem ); virtual float FlItemRespawnTime( CItem *pItem ); virtual Vector VecItemRespawnSpot( CItem *pItem ); virtual QAngle VecItemRespawnAngles( CItem *pItem );
virtual const char *GetChatFormat( bool bTeamOnly, CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); void ClientSettingsChanged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer ); void ChangePlayerName( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, const char *pszNewName );
virtual VoiceCommandMenuItem_t *VoiceCommand( CBaseMultiplayerPlayer *pPlayer, int iMenu, int iItem );
float GetPreMatchEndTime() const; // Returns the time at which the prematch will be over.
void GoToIntermission( void );
virtual int GetAutoAimMode() { return AUTOAIM_NONE; } void SetSetup( bool bSetup ); void ManageStopwatchTimer( bool bInSetup ); virtual void HandleTeamScoreModify( int iTeam, int iScore);
bool CanHaveAmmo( CBaseCombatCharacter *pPlayer, int iAmmoIndex );
virtual const char *GetGameDescription( void ){ return "Team Fortress"; }
virtual void Status( void (*print) (PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *fmt, ...) );
// Sets up g_pPlayerResource.
virtual void CreateStandardEntities();
virtual void PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void PlayerKilledCheckAchievements( CTFPlayer *pAttacker, CTFPlayer *pVictim ); virtual void DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info ); virtual void DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const char* eventName ); virtual CBasePlayer *GetDeathScorer( CBaseEntity *pKiller, CBaseEntity *pInflictor, CBaseEntity *pVictim );
void CalcDominationAndRevenge( CTFPlayer *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pWeapon, CTFPlayer *pVictim, bool bIsAssist, int *piDeathFlags );
const char *GetKillingWeaponName( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, CTFPlayer *pVictim, int *iWeaponID ); CBasePlayer *GetAssister( CBasePlayer *pVictim, CBasePlayer *pScorer, CBaseEntity *pInflictor ); CTFPlayer *GetRecentDamager( CTFPlayer *pVictim, int iDamager, float flMaxElapsed );
virtual void ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient );
virtual void RadiusDamage( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, const Vector &vecSrc, float flRadius, int iClassIgnore, CBaseEntity *pEntityIgnore ); void RadiusDamage( CTFRadiusDamageInfo &info );
bool ApplyOnDamageModifyRules( CTakeDamageInfo &info, CBaseEntity *pVictimBaseEntity, bool bAllowDamage );
struct DamageModifyExtras_t { bool bIgniting; bool bSelfBlastDmg; bool bSendPreFeignDamage; bool bPlayDamageReductionSound; }; float ApplyOnDamageAliveModifyRules( const CTakeDamageInfo &info, CBaseEntity *pVictimBaseEntity, DamageModifyExtras_t& outParams );
virtual float FlPlayerFallDamage( CBasePlayer *pPlayer );
virtual bool FlPlayerFallDeathDoesScreenFade( CBasePlayer *pl ) { return false; }
virtual bool UseSuicidePenalty() { return false; }
int GetPreviousRoundWinners( void ) { return m_iPreviousRoundWinners; }
void SendHudNotification( IRecipientFilter &filter, HudNotification_t iType, bool bForceShow = false ); void SendHudNotification( IRecipientFilter &filter, const char *pszText, const char *pszIcon, int iTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED ); void StopWatchModeThink( void );
virtual void RestartTournament( void );
bool TFVoiceManager( CBasePlayer *pListener, CBasePlayer *pTalker );
void OnNavMeshLoad( void ); void OnDispenserBuilt( CBaseEntity *dispenser ); void OnDispenserDestroyed( CBaseEntity *dispenser ); void OnPlayerSpawned( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); void OnCoachJoining( uint32 unCoachAccountID, uint32 unStudentAccountID ); void OnRemoveCoach( uint32 unCoachAccountID );
void AddPlayerToQueue( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); void AddPlayerToQueueHead( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); void RemovePlayerFromQueue( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); virtual bool BHavePlayers( void ) OVERRIDE;
void Arena_RunTeamLogic( void ); void Arena_ResetLosersScore( bool bResetAll ); void Arena_PrepareNewPlayerQueue( bool bResetAll ); int Arena_PlayersNeededForMatch( void ); void Arena_CleanupPlayerQueue( void ); void Arena_ClientDisconnect( const char *playername ); void Arena_SendPlayerNotifications( void ); void Arena_NotifyTeamSizeChange( void ); float GetRoundStart( void ) { return m_flRoundStartTime; }
// Voting
void ManageServerSideVoteCreation( void );
// Raid game mode
CRaidLogic *GetRaidLogic( void ) const { return m_hRaidLogic.Get(); } #endif // TF_RAID_MODE
// Currency awarding
int CalculateCurrencyAmount_CustomPack( int nAmount ); // If we should drop a custom currency pack, and how much money to put in - 0 means don't drop
int CalculateCurrencyAmount_ByType( CurrencyRewards_t nType ); // How much to give players for specific items and events, i.e. cash collection bonus, small packs
int DistributeCurrencyAmount( int nAmount, CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer = NULL, bool bShared = true, bool bCountAsDropped = false, bool bIsBonus = false ); // Distributes nAmount to a specific player or team
virtual bool StopWatchShouldBeTimedWin( void ) OVERRIDE;
public: void SetPlayerNextMapVote( int nIndex, EUserNextMapVote eState ) { m_ePlayerWantsRematch.Set( nIndex, eState ); }
CTrainingModeLogic *GetTrainingModeLogic() { return m_hTrainingModeLogic; } CTFHolidayEntity *GetHolidayLogic() const { return m_hHolidayLogic; }
void HandleCTFCaptureBonus( int nTeam ); bool TournamentModeCanEndWithTimelimit( void ){ return ( GetStopWatchTimer() == NULL ); }
CTeamRoundTimer *GetKothTeamTimer( int iTeam ) { if ( IsInKothMode() == false ) return NULL;
if ( iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ) { return m_hRedKothTimer.Get(); } else if ( iTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE ) { return m_hBlueKothTimer.Get(); }
return NULL; }
void SetKothTeamTimer( int iTeam, CTeamRoundTimer *pTimer ) { if ( iTeam == TF_TEAM_RED ) { m_hRedKothTimer.Set( pTimer ); } else if ( iTeam == TF_TEAM_BLUE ) { m_hBlueKothTimer.Set( pTimer ); } }
void SetOvertimeAllowedForCTF( bool bAllowed ){ m_bOvertimeAllowedForCTF = bAllowed; } bool GetOvertimeAllowedForCTF( void ){ return m_bOvertimeAllowedForCTF; }
const CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > &GetHealthEntityVector( void ); // return vector of health entities
const CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > &GetAmmoEntityVector( void ); // return vector of ammo entities
CHandle< CTeamTrainWatcher > GetPayloadToPush( int pushingTeam ) const; // return the train watcher for the Payload cart the given team needs to push to win, or NULL if none currently exists
CHandle< CTeamTrainWatcher > GetPayloadToBlock( int blockingTeam ) const; // return the train watcher for the Payload cart the given team needs to block from advancing, or NULL if none currently exists
virtual void ProcessVerboseLogOutput( void );
void PushAllPlayersAway( const Vector& vFromThisPoint, float flRange, float flForce, int nTeam, CUtlVector< CTFPlayer* > *pPushedPlayers = NULL );
bool ShouldDropSpellPickup(); void DropSpellPickup( const Vector& vPosition, int nTier = 0 ) const; bool ShouldDropBonusDuck( void ); bool ShouldDropBonusDuckFromPlayer( CTFPlayer *pScorer, CTFPlayer *pVictim ); void DropBonusDuck( const Vector& vPosition, CTFPlayer *pScorer = NULL, CTFPlayer *pAssistor = NULL, CTFPlayer *pVictim = NULL, bool bCrit = false, bool bObjective = false ) const;
void DropHalloweenSoulPackToTeam( int nAmount, const Vector& vecPosition, int nTeamNumber, int nSourceTeam ); void DropHalloweenSoulPack( int nAmount, const Vector& vecSource, CBaseEntity *pTarget, int nSourceTeam );
void MatchSummaryTest( void ); #endif // STAGING_ONLY
void MatchSummaryStart( void ); void MatchSummaryEnd( void );
int GetTeamAssignmentOverride( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer, int iDesiredTeam, bool bAutoBalance = false ); private:
void ChooseNextMapVoteOptions();
int DefaultFOV( void ) { return 75; } int GetDuckSkinForClass( int nTeam, int nClass ) const; void MatchSummaryTeleport();
void StopWatchShouldBeTimedWin_Calculate( void ); #endif // GAME_DLL
void ComputeHealthAndAmmoVectors( void ); // compute internal vectors of health and ammo locations
bool m_areHealthAndAmmoVectorsReady;
#ifdef GAME_DLL
void CheckHelltowerCartAchievement( int iTeam );
Vector2D m_vecPlayerPositions[MAX_PLAYERS];
CUtlVector<CHandle<CHealthKit> > m_hDisabledHealthKits;
char m_szMostRecentCappers[MAX_PLAYERS+1]; // list of players who made most recent capture. Stored as string so it can be passed in events.
int m_iNumCaps[TF_TEAM_COUNT]; // # of captures ever by each team during a round
int SetCurrentRoundStateBitString(); void SetMiniRoundBitMask( int iMask ); int m_iPrevRoundState; // bit string representing the state of the points at the start of the previous miniround
int m_iCurrentRoundState; int m_iCurrentMiniRoundMask;
CHandle<CTeamRoundTimer> m_hStopWatchTimer;
CTeamRoundTimer* GetStopWatchTimer( void ) { return (CTeamRoundTimer*)m_hStopWatchTimer.Get(); }
EHANDLE m_hRequiredObserverTarget; EHANDLE m_hObjectiveObserverTarget;
CHandle<CTFGameRulesProxy> m_hGamerulesProxy;
bool IsFirstBloodAllowed( void ); EHANDLE m_hArenaEntity; CUtlVector<CHandle<CTFPlayer> > m_hArenaPlayerQueue; int m_iPreviousTeamSize; bool m_bArenaFirstBlood;
float m_flSendNotificationTime;
// Tournament
CHandle< CCompetitiveLogic > m_hCompetitiveLogicEntity; CHandle<CTrainingModeLogic> m_hTrainingModeLogic; CHandle<CTFHolidayEntity> m_hHolidayLogic;
bool m_bOvertimeAllowedForCTF;
// for bot rosters
CHandle<CTFBotRoster> m_hBlueBotRoster; CHandle<CTFBotRoster> m_hRedBotRoster;
// coaching
typedef CUtlMap<uint32, uint32> tCoachToStudentMap; tCoachToStudentMap m_mapCoachToStudentMap;
// Automatic vote called near the end of a map
bool m_bVoteCalled; bool m_bServerVoteOnReset; float m_flVoteCheckThrottle;
CUtlVector< CHandle< CCPTimerLogic > > m_CPTimerEnts; float m_flCapInProgressBuffer;
float m_flMatchSummaryTeleportTime;
CHandle< CRaidLogic > m_hRaidLogic; CHandle< CBossBattleLogic > m_hBossBattleLogic; #endif // TF_RAID_MODE
int m_nCurrencyAccumulator; int m_iCurrencyPool;
float m_flCheckPlayersConnectingTime;
CountdownTimer m_helltowerTimer; // used for Halloween 2013 Announcer VO in plr_hightower_event
CountdownTimer m_doomsdaySetupTimer; // used for Halloween 2014 Announcer Setup VO in sd_doomsday_event
CountdownTimer m_doomsdayTicketsTimer; // Used on sd_doomsday_event to nag players about picking up the tickets
float m_flNextStrangeEventProcessTime;
bool m_bMapForcedTruceDuringBossFight; float m_flNextHalloweenGiftUpdateTime; #else
KeyValues *m_pkvVisionFilterTranslations; KeyValues *m_pkvVisionFilterShadersMapWhitelist;
bool m_bSillyGibs;
CNetworkVar( ETFGameType, m_nGameType ); // Type of game this map is (CTF, CP)
CNetworkVar( int, m_nStopWatchState ); CNetworkString( m_pszTeamGoalStringRed, MAX_TEAMGOAL_STRING ); CNetworkString( m_pszTeamGoalStringBlue, MAX_TEAMGOAL_STRING ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flCapturePointEnableTime ); CNetworkVar( int, m_iGlobalAttributeCacheVersion );
// [msmith] Training and HUD status.
CNetworkVar( int, m_nHudType ); // Used by map authors to override the default HUD clients are showing
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsInTraining ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAllowTrainingAchievements ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsWaitingForTrainingContinue ); //=============================================================================
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsTrainingHUDVisible );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsInItemTestingMode ); int m_iItemTesting_BotAnim; float m_flItemTesting_BotAnimSpeed; bool m_bItemTesting_BotForceFire; bool m_bItemTesting_BotTurntable; bool m_bItemTesting_BotViewScan;
CNetworkVar( CHandle<CBonusRoundLogic>, m_hBonusLogic );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingKoth ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPowerupMode ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingRobotDestructionMode ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingMedieval ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingHybrid_CTF_CP ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingSpecialDeliveryMode );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayingMannVsMachine ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bMannVsMachineAlarmStatus ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bHaveMinPlayersToEnableReady );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bBountyModeEnabled ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bCompetitiveMode ); CNetworkVar( float, m_flGravityMultiplier ); CNetworkVar( int, m_nMatchGroupType ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bMatchEnded );
// This is used to check if players are in hell. The name doesn't make sense because we thought this would only be used for Halloween 2013
// cannot change the name because it's network var which will break demo
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bHelltowerPlayersInHell );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bIsUsingSpells );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bTruceActive ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bTeamsSwitched );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
float m_flNextFlagAlarm; float m_flNextFlagAlert;
float m_flSafeToLeaveTimer;
CBaseEntity *m_pUpgrades; #endif
CNetworkVar( CHandle<CTeamRoundTimer>, m_hRedKothTimer ); CNetworkVar( CHandle<CTeamRoundTimer>, m_hBlueKothTimer );
CNetworkVar( int, m_nMapHolidayType ); // Used by map authors to indicate this is a holiday map
CNetworkString( m_pszCustomUpgradesFile, MAX_PATH );
CNetworkVar( bool, m_bShowMatchSummary ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bMapHasMatchSummaryStage ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bPlayersAreOnMatchSummaryStage ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bStopWatchWinner ); // This is called m_ePlayerWantsRematch because we initially had rematches, but now we
// let players vote on the next map instead. Can't rename this variable, so we're just
// going to use with the wrong name
CNetworkArray( EUserNextMapVote, m_ePlayerWantsRematch, MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ); CNetworkVar( ENextMapVotingState, m_eRematchState ); CNetworkArray( MapDefIndex_t, m_nNextMapVoteOptions, 3 );
float m_flCTFCaptureBonusTime; public:
bool m_bControlSpawnsPerTeam[ MAX_TEAMS ][ MAX_CONTROL_POINTS ]; int m_iPreviousRoundWinners;
float GetCapturePointTime( void ) { return m_flCapturePointEnableTime; }
virtual bool ShouldDrawHeadLabels() { if ( IsInTournamentMode() ) return false;
return BaseClass::ShouldDrawHeadLabels(); }
enum HalloweenScenarioType { HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_NONE = 0, HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_MANN_MANOR, HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_VIADUCT, HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_LAKESIDE, HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_HIGHTOWER, HALLOWEEN_SCENARIO_DOOMSDAY, }; HalloweenScenarioType GetHalloweenScenario( void ) const; bool IsHalloweenScenario( HalloweenScenarioType scenario ) const;
bool CanInitiateDuels( void );
#ifdef GAME_DLL
// Used on sd_doomsday_event to nag players about picking up the tickets
void StartDoomsdayTicketsTimer( void ) { m_doomsdayTicketsTimer.Start( RandomInt( 30, 60 ) ); } void StopDoomsdayTicketsTimer( void ) { m_doomsdayTicketsTimer.Invalidate(); } bool DoomsdayTicketTimerElapsed( void ) const { return m_doomsdayTicketsTimer.HasStarted() && m_doomsdayTicketsTimer.IsElapsed(); }
int GetBossCount() const { return m_activeBosses.Count(); }
CBaseCombatCharacter *GetActiveBoss( int iBoss = 0 ) { if ( iBoss < 0 || iBoss >= m_activeBosses.Count() ) return NULL;
return m_activeBosses[iBoss]; }
void AddActiveBoss( CBaseCombatCharacter *boss ) { // don't add the same boss
if ( m_activeBosses.Find( boss ) != m_activeBosses.InvalidIndex() ) return;
m_activeBosses.AddToTail( boss ); }
void RemoveActiveBoss( CBaseCombatCharacter *boss ) { m_activeBosses.FindAndRemove( boss ); }
CBaseEntity *GetIT( void ) const // who is the boss chasing
{ return m_itHandle; }
void SetIT( CBaseEntity *who ); void SetBirthdayPlayer( CBaseEntity *pEntity );
void SetHalloweenEffectStatus( int effect, float duration ) // Update the current Halloween effect on the HUD
{ m_nHalloweenEffect = effect; m_fHalloweenEffectStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime; m_fHalloweenEffectDuration = duration; }
// remove all projectiles in the world
void RemoveAllProjectiles();
// remove all buildings in the world
void RemoveAllBuildings( bool bExplodeBuildings = false );
// remove all sentry's ammo
void RemoveAllSentriesAmmo();
// remove all projectiles and objects
void RemoveAllProjectilesAndBuildings( bool bExplodeBuildings = false );
#endif // GAME_DLL
void ClearHalloweenEffectStatus( void ) // Clear the current Halloween effect and hide the HUD display
{ m_nHalloweenEffect = -1; m_fHalloweenEffectStartTime = -1.0f; m_fHalloweenEffectDuration = -1.0f; }
bool IsIT( CBaseEntity *who ) const { return ( who && who == m_itHandle.Get() ); }
CBaseEntity *GetBirthdayPlayer( void ) const { return m_hBirthdayPlayer.Get(); }
bool IsHalloweenEffectStatusActive( void ) const { return m_nHalloweenEffect >= 0; }
int GetHalloweenEffectStatus( void ) const { return m_nHalloweenEffect; }
float GetHalloweenEffectTimeLeft( void ) const { float expireTime = m_fHalloweenEffectStartTime + m_fHalloweenEffectDuration;
return expireTime - gpGlobals->curtime; }
float GetHalloweenEffectDuration( void ) const { return m_fHalloweenEffectDuration; }
int GetGlobalAttributeCacheVersion( void ) const { return m_iGlobalAttributeCacheVersion; }
void FlushAllAttributeCaches( void ) { m_iGlobalAttributeCacheVersion++; }
private: #ifdef CLIENT_DLL
bool m_bRecievedBaseline; #endif
CountdownTimer m_botCountTimer;
CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > m_ammoVector; // vector of active ammo entities
bool m_isAmmoVectorReady; // for lazy evaluation
CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > m_healthVector; // vector of active health entities
bool m_isHealthVectorReady; // for lazy evaluation
bool m_bUseMatchHUD; bool m_bUsePreRoundDoors; #ifdef GAME_DLL
mutable CHandle< CTeamTrainWatcher > m_redPayloadToPush; mutable CHandle< CTeamTrainWatcher > m_bluePayloadToPush; mutable CHandle< CTeamTrainWatcher > m_redPayloadToBlock; mutable CHandle< CTeamTrainWatcher > m_bluePayloadToBlock;
bool m_hasSpawnedToy; void SpawnHalloweenBoss( void ); CountdownTimer m_halloweenBossTimer; CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseCombatCharacter > > m_activeBosses; bool m_bHasSpawnedSoccerBall[TF_TEAM_COUNT];
CountdownTimer m_ghostTimer;
void SpawnZombieMob( void ); CountdownTimer m_zombieMobTimer; int m_zombiesLeftToSpawn; Vector m_zombieSpawnSpot;
public: void BeginHaunting( int nDesiredCount, float flMinDuration, float flMaxDuration );
void StartHalloweenBossTimer( float flTime, float flVariation = 0.f ) { m_halloweenBossTimer.Start( RandomFloat( flTime - flVariation, flTime + flVariation ) ); }
// Recent player stuff
void PlayerHistory_AddPlayer( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer ); PlayerHistoryInfo_t *PlayerHistory_GetPlayerInfo( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer ); int PlayerHistory_GetTimeSinceLastSeen( CTFPlayer *pTFPlayer );
CUtlVector< Vector > *GetHalloweenSpawnLocations() { return &m_halloweenGiftSpawnLocations; }
bool BAttemptMapVoteRollingMatch();
bool BIsManagedMatchEndImminent( void );
private: CUtlVector< CHandle< CGhost > > m_ghostVector; CUtlVector< PlayerHistoryInfo_t > m_vecPlayerHistory;
struct TeleportLocation_t { Vector m_vecPosition; QAngle m_qAngles; }; CUtlMap< string_t, CUtlVector< TeleportLocation_t >* > m_mapTeleportLocations;
// Keep track of kills made with powerups
int m_nPowerupKillsRedTeam; int m_nPowerupKillsBlueTeam; float m_flTimeToRunImbalanceMeasures; float m_flTimeToStopImbalanceMeasures; bool m_bPowerupImbalanceMeasuresRunning;
bool m_bMapCycleNeedsUpdate;
CUtlVector< Vector > m_halloweenGiftSpawnLocations; // vector of valid gift spawn locations from the map
float m_flCompModeRespawnPlayersAtMatchStart;
#endif // GAME_DLL
// LEGACY BOSS CODE. Keeping this to not break demo
CNetworkVar( int, m_nBossHealth ); CNetworkVar( int, m_nMaxBossHealth ); CNetworkVar( float, m_fBossNormalizedTravelDistance );
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_itHandle ); // entindex of current IT entity (0 = no it)
CNetworkHandle( CBaseEntity, m_hBirthdayPlayer ); // entindex of current birthday player (0 = none)
CNetworkVar( int, m_nHalloweenEffect ); CNetworkVar( float, m_fHalloweenEffectStartTime ); CNetworkVar( float, m_fHalloweenEffectDuration ); CNetworkVar( HalloweenScenarioType, m_halloweenScenario );
// MvM Helpers
#ifdef GAME_DLL
public: void SetNextMvMPopfile ( const char * next ); const char * GetNextMvMPopfile ();
virtual void BalanceTeams( bool bRequireSwitcheesToBeDead ); #endif
// Gets us at the team fortress game rules
inline CTFGameRules* TFGameRules() { return static_cast<CTFGameRules*>(g_pGameRules); }
inline float CTFGameRules::ItemTesting_GetBotAnimSpeed( void ) { static const ConVar *pHostTimescale = NULL;
if ( !pHostTimescale ) { pHostTimescale = cvar->FindVar( "host_timescale" ); }
if ( pHostTimescale ) return (m_flItemTesting_BotAnimSpeed * pHostTimescale->GetFloat()); return m_flItemTesting_BotAnimSpeed; }
inline bool CTFGameRules::IsRaidMode( void ) const { #ifdef GAME_DLL
return m_hRaidLogic != NULL; #else
return tf_gamemode_raid.GetBool(); #endif
inline bool CTFGameRules::IsBossBattleMode( void ) const { return tf_gamemode_boss_battle.GetBool(); }
#endif // TF_RAID_MODE
inline bool CTFGameRules::IsCreepWaveMode( void ) const { return tf_gamemode_creep_wave.GetBool(); }
inline bool CTFGameRules::IsHalloweenScenario( HalloweenScenarioType scenario ) const { return m_halloweenScenario == scenario; }
#ifdef GAME_DLL
bool EntityPlacementTest( CBaseEntity *pMainEnt, const Vector &vOrigin, Vector &outPos, bool bDropToGround );
// Purpose:
class CArenaLogic : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CArenaLogic, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC();
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); }
virtual void ArenaLogicThink( void ); virtual void Spawn( void );
COutputEvent m_OnArenaRoundStart; float m_flTimeToEnableCapPoint; COutputEvent m_OnCapEnabled; bool m_bFiredOutput; };
// Purpose:
class CCompetitiveLogic : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CCompetitiveLogic, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC();
void OnSpawnRoomDoorsShouldLock( void ); void OnSpawnRoomDoorsShouldUnlock( void );
COutputEvent m_OnSpawnRoomDoorsShouldLock; COutputEvent m_OnSpawnRoomDoorsShouldUnlock; };
// Purpose:
class CLogicMannPower : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CLogicMannPower, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC(); };
// Purpose: New training stuff
class CTrainingModeLogic : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CTrainingModeLogic, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC();
void SetupOnRoundStart( void ); void SetTrainingMsg( const char *msg ); void SetTrainingObjective( const char *msg ); void OnPlayerSpawned( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); void OnPlayerDied( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pKiller ); void OnBotDied( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pKiller ); void OnPlayerSwitchedWeapons( CTFPlayer *pPlayer ); void OnPlayerWantsToContinue(); void OnPlayerBuiltBuilding( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CBaseObject *pBaseObject ); void OnPlayerUpgradedBuilding( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CBaseObject *pBaseObject ); void OnPlayerDetonateBuilding( CTFPlayer *pPlayer, CBaseObject *pBaseObject ); void UpdateHUDObjective(); const char* GetNextMap(); const char* GetTrainingEndText(); int GetDesiredClass() const;
// Inputs
void InputForcePlayerSpawnAsClassOutput( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputKickAllBots( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputShowTrainingMsg( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputShowTrainingObjective( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputShowTrainingHUD( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputHideTrainingHUD( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputEndTraining( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputPlaySoundOnPlayer( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputWaitForTimerOrKeypress( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetNextMap( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputForcePlayerSwapToWeapon( inputdata_t &inputdata );
protected: enum { kMaxLengthObjectiveText = 128, };
// outputs based on the class the player spawned as
COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsScout; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsSniper; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsSoldier; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsDemoman; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsMedic; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsHeavy; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsPyro; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsSpy; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSpawnAsEngineer; // outputs based on the weapon the player swapped to
COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSwappedToWeaponSlotPrimary; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSwappedToWeaponSlotSecondary; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSwappedToWeaponSlotMelee; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSwappedToWeaponSlotBuilding; COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerSwappedToWeaponSlotPDA; // outputs based on if the player built inside a suggested area
COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerBuiltOutsideSuggestedArea; // player detonated their own building
COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerDetonateBuilding; // other outputs
COutputEvent m_outputOnPlayerDied; COutputEvent m_outputOnBotDied;
CHandle<CBaseEntity> m_waitingForKeypressTimer; string_t m_nextMapName; char m_objText[kMaxLengthObjectiveText]; string_t m_endTrainingText; };
class CMultipleEscort : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CMultipleEscort, CPointEntity ); public:
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); } };
class CMedievalLogic : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CMedievalLogic, CPointEntity ); public:
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); } };
class CHybridMap_CTF_CP : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CHybridMap_CTF_CP, CPointEntity ); public:
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); } };
class CTFHolidayEntity : public CPointEntity, public CGameEventListener { DECLARE_CLASS( CTFHolidayEntity, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC();
CTFHolidayEntity() { m_nHolidayType = kHoliday_None; m_nTauntInHell = 0; m_nAllowHaunting = 0; ListenForGameEvent( "player_turned_to_ghost" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_disconnect" ); ListenForGameEvent( "player_team" ); } ~CTFHolidayEntity() { }
virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); } int GetHolidayType( void ){ return m_nHolidayType; } bool ShouldTauntInHell( void ){ return ( m_nTauntInHell > 0 ); } bool ShouldAllowHaunting( void ){ return ( m_nAllowHaunting > 0 ); }
void InputHalloweenSetUsingSpells( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputHalloweenTeleportToHell( inputdata_t &inputdata );
virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event );
void ResetWinner() { m_nWinningTeam = TF_TEAM_COUNT; } int GetWinningTeam() const { return m_nWinningTeam; } private:
void HalloweenTeleportToHellDanceThink( void ); void Teleport();
CUtlVector< CHandle<CTFPlayer> > m_vecDancers; int m_nWinningTeam;
int m_nHolidayType; int m_nTauntInHell; int m_nAllowHaunting; };
class CKothLogic : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CKothLogic, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC();
CKothLogic() { m_nTimerInitialLength = 180; // seconds
m_nTimeToUnlockPoint = 30; // seconds
m_hRedTimer = NULL; m_hBlueTimer = NULL; } virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); }
int GetInitialTimerLength( void ){ return m_nTimerInitialLength; } int GetTimerToUnlockPoint( void ){ return m_nTimeToUnlockPoint; }
void InputRoundSpawn( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputRoundActivate( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetRedTimer( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputSetBlueTimer( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddRedTimer( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void InputAddBlueTimer( inputdata_t &inputdata );
private: int m_nTimerInitialLength; int m_nTimeToUnlockPoint;
CHandle< CTeamRoundTimer > m_hRedTimer; CHandle< CTeamRoundTimer > m_hBlueTimer; };
#define CP_TIMER_THINK "CCPTimerLogicThink"
class CCPTimerLogic : public CPointEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CCPTimerLogic, CPointEntity ); public: DECLARE_DATADESC();
CCPTimerLogic() { m_nTimerLength = 60; // seconds
m_iszControlPointName = NULL_STRING; m_hControlPoint = NULL; m_bFire15SecRemain = m_bFire10SecRemain = m_bFire5SecRemain = true; SetContextThink( &CCPTimerLogic::Think, gpGlobals->curtime + 0.15, CP_TIMER_THINK ); } virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); }
void InputRoundSpawn( inputdata_t &inputdata ); void Think( void ); bool TimerMayExpire( void );
private: int m_nTimerLength; string_t m_iszControlPointName; CHandle<CTeamControlPoint> m_hControlPoint; CountdownTimer m_pointTimer;
bool m_bFire15SecRemain; bool m_bFire10SecRemain; bool m_bFire5SecRemain;
COutputEvent m_onCountdownStart; COutputEvent m_onCountdown15SecRemain; COutputEvent m_onCountdown10SecRemain; COutputEvent m_onCountdown5SecRemain; COutputEvent m_onCountdownEnd; }; #endif
class CBonusRoundLogic : public CBaseEntity { DECLARE_CLASS( CBonusRoundLogic, CBaseEntity ); public: DECLARE_NETWORKCLASS();
#ifdef GAME_DLL
bool InitBonusRound( void ); void SetBonusItem( itemid_t iItemID ); virtual int UpdateTransmitState() { return SetTransmitState( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ); } #endif
void BuildBonusPlayerList( void ); int GetNumBonusPlayers( void ) { return m_aBonusPlayerList.Count(); } CTFPlayer *GetBonusPlayer( int i ) { Assert ( i < m_aBonusPlayerList.Count() ); return m_aBonusPlayerList[i]; } CTFPlayer *GetBonusWinner( void ) { return m_hBonusWinner.Get(); } void SetBonusStateAborted( bool bAborted ) { m_bAbortedBonusRound = bAborted; } bool BonusStateAborted( void ) { return m_bAbortedBonusRound; } int GetPlayerBonusRoll( int iPlayer ) { return (iPlayer < m_aBonusPlayerRoll.Count()) ? m_aBonusPlayerRoll[iPlayer] : 0; } CEconItemView *GetBonusItem( void ) { return &m_Item; }
private: CUtlSortVector< BONUSPLAYERPTR, CBonusPlayerListLess > m_aBonusPlayerList; CUtlVector<int> m_aBonusPlayerRoll; CNetworkVar( CHandle<CTFPlayer>, m_hBonusWinner ); CNetworkVar( bool, m_bAbortedBonusRound ); itemid_t m_iBonusItemID; CNetworkVarEmbedded( CEconItemView, m_Item ); };
#ifdef GAME_DLL
class CSingleUserReliableRecipientFilter : public CRecipientFilter { public: CSingleUserReliableRecipientFilter( CBasePlayer *player ) { AddRecipient( player ); MakeReliable(); } }; #endif
#endif // TF_GAMERULES_H