//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Encapsulates real world (wall clock) time
#include "stdafx.h"
#ifdef POSIX
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "winlite.h"
#include "rtime.h"
#include <time.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _PS3 )
// This strptime implementation is taken from the Goolge Site Map Generator project:
// Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Implement strptime under windows
static const char* kWeekFull[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
static const char* kWeekAbbr[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
static const char* kMonthFull[] = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" };
static const char* kMonthAbbr[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
static const char* _parse_num(const char* s, int low, int high, int* value) { const char* p = s; for (*value = 0; *p != NULL && V_isdigit(*p); ++p) { *value = (*value) * 10 + static_cast<int>(*p) - static_cast<int>('0'); }
if (p == s || *value < low || *value > high) return NULL; return p; }
static char* _strptime(const char *s, const char *format, struct tm *tm) { while (*format != NULL && *s != NULL) { if (*format != '%') { if (*s != *format) return NULL;
++format; ++s; continue; }
++format; int len = 0; switch (*format) { // weekday name.
case 'a': case 'A': tm->tm_wday = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { len = static_cast<int>(strlen(kWeekAbbr[i])); if (V_strnicmp(kWeekAbbr[i], s, len) == 0) { tm->tm_wday = i; break; }
len = static_cast<int>(strlen(kWeekFull[i])); if ( V_strnicmp(kWeekFull[i], s, len) == 0) { tm->tm_wday = i; break; } } if (tm->tm_wday == -1) return NULL; s += len; break;
// month name.
case 'b': case 'B': case 'h': tm->tm_mon = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { len = static_cast<int>(strlen(kMonthAbbr[i])); if ( V_strnicmp(kMonthAbbr[i], s, len) == 0) { tm->tm_mon = i; break; }
len = static_cast<int>(strlen(kMonthFull[i])); if ( V_strnicmp(kMonthFull[i], s, len) == 0) { tm->tm_mon = i; break; } } if (tm->tm_mon == -1) return NULL; s += len; break;
// month [1, 12].
case 'm': s = _parse_num(s, 1, 12, &tm->tm_mon); if (s == NULL) return NULL; --tm->tm_mon; break;
// day [1, 31].
case 'd': case 'e': s = _parse_num(s, 1, 31, &tm->tm_mday); if (s == NULL) return NULL; break;
// hour [0, 23].
case 'H': s = _parse_num(s, 0, 23, &tm->tm_hour); if (s == NULL) return NULL; break;
// minute [0, 59]
case 'M': s = _parse_num(s, 0, 59, &tm->tm_min); if (s == NULL) return NULL; break;
// seconds [0, 60]. 60 is for leap year.
case 'S': s = _parse_num(s, 0, 60, &tm->tm_sec); if (s == NULL) return NULL; break;
// year [1900, 9999].
case 'Y': s = _parse_num(s, 1900, 9999, &tm->tm_year); if (s == NULL) return NULL; tm->tm_year -= 1900; break;
// year [0, 99].
case 'y': s = _parse_num(s, 0, 99, &tm->tm_year); if (s == NULL) return NULL; if (tm->tm_year <= 68) { tm->tm_year += 100; } break; // arbitray whitespace.
case 't': case 'n': while (V_isspace(*s)) ++s; break;
// '%'.
case '%': if (*s != '%') return NULL; ++s; break;
// All the other format are not supported.
default: AssertMsg( false, "Invalid format string to strptime!" ); return NULL; } ++format; }
if (*format != NULL) { return NULL; } else { return const_cast<char*>(s); } }
char* strptime(const char *buf, const char *fmt, struct tm *tm) { return _strptime(buf, fmt, tm); } #endif // WIN32
// Our cached copy of the current time
RTime32 CRTime::sm_nTimeLastSystemTimeUpdate = 0; // initialize to large negative value to trigger immediate FileTimeCur update
char CRTime::sm_rgchLocalTimeCur[16]=""; char CRTime::sm_rgchLocalDateCur[16]=""; RTime32 CRTime::sm_nTimeCur = 0;
// Purpose: Constructor
CRTime::CRTime() { if ( sm_nTimeCur == 0 ) { sm_nTimeCur = time(NULL); }
m_nStartTime = sm_nTimeCur; m_bGMT = false; }
// Purpose: Returns the amount of time that's passed between our time and the
// current time.
// Output: Time that's passed between our time and the current time
int CRTime::CSecsPassed() const { return( sm_nTimeCur - m_nStartTime ); }
// Purpose: Updates our current time value. We only
// update the time once per frame-- the rest of the time, we just
// access a cached copy of the time.
// NOTE: This should only be called once per frame.
void CRTime::UpdateRealTime() { // BUGBUG Alfred: update this less often than once per frame?
RTime32 nTimePrev = sm_nTimeCur; sm_nTimeCur = time(NULL);
if ( sm_nTimeCur < nTimePrev ) { // time can go backwards sometimes if clock sync adjusts system time; warn when this happens
EmitInfo( SPEW_SYSTEM_MISC, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "Warning: system time went backward by %d seconds\n", ( nTimePrev - sm_nTimeCur ) ); }
// update our time from file time once per second
if ( sm_nTimeCur - sm_nTimeLastSystemTimeUpdate >= 1 ) { #ifdef _WIN32
// get the local time, generate time & date strings and cache the strings, as we will need these
// frequently for logs.
SYSTEMTIME systemTimeLocal; GetLocalTime( &systemTimeLocal ); GetTimeFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systemTimeLocal, "HH:mm:ss", sm_rgchLocalTimeCur, Q_ARRAYSIZE( sm_rgchLocalTimeCur ) ); GetDateFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &systemTimeLocal, "MM/dd/yy", sm_rgchLocalDateCur, Q_ARRAYSIZE( sm_rgchLocalDateCur ) ); #elif defined(POSIX)
time_t now; time( &now ); struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *localTime = Plat_gmtime( &now, &tmStruct ); strftime( sm_rgchLocalTimeCur, Q_ARRAYSIZE( sm_rgchLocalTimeCur ), "%H:%M:%S", localTime ); strftime( sm_rgchLocalDateCur, Q_ARRAYSIZE( sm_rgchLocalDateCur ), "%m/%d/%y", localTime ); #else
#error "Implement me"
sm_nTimeLastSystemTimeUpdate = sm_nTimeCur; } }
// Purpose: Sets the system clock on this box to specified world time
// Input: rTime32Current - world time to set
void CRTime::SetSystemClock( RTime32 rTime32Current ) { #ifdef _WIN32
FILETIME fileTime; SYSTEMTIME systemTime = {0}; // convert from seconds since 1/1/1970 to filetime (100 nanoseconds since 1/1/1601) with this magic formula courtesy of MSDN
uint64 ulTmp = ( ( (uint64) rTime32Current ) * 10 * k_nMillion ) + 116444736000000000; fileTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD) ulTmp; fileTime.dwHighDateTime = ulTmp >> 32;
// convert from filetime to system time (note this also does time zone conversion to UTC)
BOOL bRet = FileTimeToSystemTime( &fileTime, &systemTime ); Assert( bRet ); // should never fail
if ( !bRet ) // but if it does, don't set system clock to garbage
// set system time in UTC
bRet = SetSystemTime( &systemTime ); Assert( bRet );
// update our cached time
sm_nTimeCur = rTime32Current; #else
Assert( !"Not implemented" ); #endif // _WIN32
// Purpose: Renders the time
// Output : ptr to time string
const char* CRTime::Render( char (&buf)[k_RTimeRenderBufferSize] ) const { return Render( m_nStartTime, buf ); }
// Purpose: Renders the time - static function
// Input : rTime32 - time to render
// Output : ptr to time string
const char* CRTime::Render( const RTime32 rTime32, char (&buf)[k_RTimeRenderBufferSize] ) { if ( !buf ) { Assert( buf ); return nullptr; }
// The return value string contains exactly 26 characters and has the form: Wed Jan 02 02:03:55 1980\n\0
time_t tTime = rTime32; char pchTime[32]; if ( !Plat_ctime( &tTime, pchTime, Q_ARRAYSIZE( pchTime ) ) ) return 0;
// Remove '\n'
Assert( Q_strlen( pchTime ) == 25 ); pchTime[ 24 ] = '\0';
if ( rTime32 == k_RTime32Infinite ) Q_strncpy( buf, "Infinite time value", k_RTimeRenderBufferSize ); else if ( rTime32 == k_RTime32Nil ) Q_strncpy( buf, "Nil time value", k_RTimeRenderBufferSize ); else if ( rTime32 < k_RTime32MinValid ) Q_strncpy( buf, "Invalid time value", k_RTimeRenderBufferSize ); else Q_strncpy( buf, pchTime, k_RTimeRenderBufferSize );
return buf; }
// Purpose: Get the calendar year (absolute) for the current time
int CRTime::GetYear() const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_year + 1900; }
// Purpose: Get the calendar month (0-11) for the current time
int CRTime::GetMonth() const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_mon; }
// Purpose: Get the day of the calendar year (0-365) for the current time
int CRTime::GetDayOfYear() const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_yday; }
// Purpose: Get the day of the month (1-31) for the current time
int CRTime::GetDayOfMonth() const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_mday; }
// Purpose: Get the day of the week (0-6, 0=Sunday) for the current time
int CRTime::GetDayOfWeek() const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_wday; }
// Purpose: Get the current hour (0-23)
int CRTime::GetHour( ) const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_hour; }
// Purpose: Get the current minute value (0-59)
int CRTime::GetMinute( ) const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_min; }
// Purpose: Get the current second value (0-59)
int CRTime::GetSecond() const { time_t timeCur = m_nStartTime; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = m_bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); return ptmCur->tm_sec; }
// Purpose: Get the ISO week number
int CRTime::GetISOWeekOfYear() const { int nDay = GetDayOfYear() - ( 1 + GetDayOfWeek() ); int nISOWeek = nDay / 7; return nISOWeek; }
// Purpose: let me know if this is a leap year or not
/* static */ bool CRTime::BIsLeapYear( int nYear ) { // every for years, unless it is a century; or if it is every 4th century
if ( ( nYear % 4 == 0 && nYear % 100 != 0) || nYear % 400 == 0) return true; /* leap */ else return false; /* no leap */ }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to given sting
// Using a format string to convert
// Input: pchFmt - Format string that describes how to parse the value
// YY or YYYY is year, MM month, DD day of the month,
// hh mm ss is hour minute second.
// Z0000 is a time-zone offset, eg -0700.
// Everything except YY is optional (will be considered 0 if not given)
// pchValue - String containing the value to covert
// Output: RTime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32FromFmtString( const char *pchFmt, const char* pchValue ) { struct tm tm;
char rgchNum[8]; char rgchValue[64];
Q_memset( &tm, 0x0, sizeof( tm ) ); Q_strncpy( rgchValue, pchValue, sizeof( rgchValue) );
int cchFmt = Q_strlen( pchFmt ); int cchValue = Q_strlen( rgchValue ); if ( cchFmt != cchValue || cchFmt < 4 ) { Assert( false ); return k_RTime32Nil; }
const char *pchYYYY = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "YYYY" ); const char *pchYY = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "YY" ); const char *pchMM = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "MM" ); const char *pchMnt = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "Mnt" ); const char *pchDD = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "DD" ); const char *pchThh = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "hh" ); const char *pchTmm = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "mm" ); const char *pchTss = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "ss" ); const char *pchTzone = Q_strstr( pchFmt, "Z0000" );
if ( pchYYYY ) { pchYYYY = rgchValue + ( pchYYYY - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchYYYY, 5 ); tm.tm_year = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ) - 1900; } else if ( pchYY ) { pchYY = rgchValue + ( pchYY - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchYY, 3 ); tm.tm_year = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ) + 100; } else return k_RTime32Nil; // must have a year
if ( pchMM ) { pchMM = rgchValue + ( pchMM - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchMM, 3 ); tm.tm_mon = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ) - 1; } if ( pchMnt ) { static const char *rgszMonthNames[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; pchMnt = rgchValue + ( pchMnt - pchFmt ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) { if ( !V_strnicmp( rgszMonthNames[i], pchMnt, 3 ) ) break; } if ( i < 12 ) tm.tm_mon = i; } if ( pchDD ) { pchDD = rgchValue + (pchDD - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchDD, 3 ); tm.tm_mday = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ); } if ( pchThh ) { pchThh = rgchValue + ( pchThh - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchThh, 3 ); tm.tm_hour = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ); } if ( pchTmm ) { pchTmm = rgchValue + ( pchTmm - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchTmm, 3 ); tm.tm_min = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ); } if ( pchTss ) { pchTss = rgchValue + (pchTss - pchFmt ); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchTss, 3 ); tm.tm_sec = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ); } if ( pchTzone ) { long nOffset = 0; pchTzone = rgchValue + (pchTzone - pchFmt); Q_strncpy( rgchNum, pchTzone, 6 ); nOffset = strtol( rgchNum, 0, 10 ); tm.tm_hour -= nOffset / 100; // to go from -0700 to UTC, need to ADD seven
// is this a sub-hour timezone? eg +0545 Kathmandu
int nMinutesOffset = nOffset % 100; if ( nMinutesOffset ) tm.tm_min -= nMinutesOffset;
// OK, so this is somewhat lame: mktime assumes our tm units are in LOCAL time.
// However, we have just created a UTC time by using the supplied timezone offset.
// The rational thing to do here would be to call mkgmtime() instead of mktime(),
// but that function isn't available in unix-land.
// SO, instead we will MANUALLY convert this tm back to local time
#if ( defined( _MSC_VER ) && _MSC_VER >= 1900 )
#define timezone _timezone
#define daylight _daylight
// subtract timezone, which is in SECONDS. timezone is (UTC - local), so local = UTC - timezone
tm.tm_sec -= timezone; // timezone does NOT account for DST, so if we are in DST, we need to ADD an hour.
// This is because the value of timezone we subtracted was one hour TOO LARGE
tm.tm_hour += daylight ? 1 : 0;
// We don't know if DST is in effect, let the CRT
// figure it out
tm.tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( &tm ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to given sting which is
// expected to be in one of the common HTTP date formats.
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32FromHTTPDateString( const char* pchValue ) { // First format here is RFC 822/1123 format
struct tm tm; if ( strptime( pchValue, "%a, %e %b %Y %H:%M:%S", &tm ) ) { return Plat_timegm( &tm ); }
// If that failed, try RFC 850/1036 format
if ( strptime( pchValue, "%a, %e-%b-%y %H:%M:%S", &tm ) ) { return Plat_timegm( &tm ); }
// If that also failed, give up
return k_RTime32Nil; }
// Purpose: Parse time from string RFC3339 format (assumes UTC)
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32FromRFC3339UTCString( const char* pchValue ) {
// UTC only from RFC 3339. Should be 2005-05-15T17:11:51Z
struct tm tm; if ( strptime( pchValue, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", &tm ) ) { return Plat_timegm( &tm ); }
// If that also failed, give up
return k_RTime32Nil;
// Purpose: Output time in RFC3339 format (assumes UTC)
const char* CRTime::RTime32ToRFC3339UTCString( const RTime32 rTime32, char (&buf)[k_RTimeRenderBufferSize] ) { if ( !buf ) { Assert( buf ); return nullptr; }
// Store the result in a temporary buffer, so that you can use several in a single printf.
time_t tTime = rTime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptm = Plat_gmtime( &tTime, &tmStruct );
if ( rTime32 == k_RTime32Nil || !ptm ) return "NIL";
if ( rTime32 == k_RTime32Infinite ) return "Infinite time value";
if ( rTime32 < k_RTime32MinValid || !ptm ) return "Invalid time value";
Q_snprintf( buf, k_RTimeRenderBufferSize, "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02uZ", ptm->tm_year+1900, ptm->tm_mon+1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec ); return buf; }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to given sting
// "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" (copied from sqlhelpers.cpp)
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32FromString( const char* pszValue ) { struct tm tm; char num[5]; char szValue[64];
Q_memset( &tm, 0x0, sizeof( tm ) ); Q_strncpy( szValue, pszValue, sizeof( szValue) ); const char *str= szValue;
num[0] =*str++; num[1] =*str++; num[2] =*str++; num[3] =*str++; num[4] = 0; tm.tm_year = strtol( num, 0, 10 ) - 1900; if (*str == '-') str++; num[0] = *str++; num[1] = *str++; num[2] = 0; tm.tm_mon = strtol( num, 0, 10 ) - 1; if (*str == '-') str++; num[0] = *str++; num[1] = *str++; num[2] = 0; tm.tm_mday = strtol( num, 0, 10 );
if ( *str != 0 ) { // skip an optional space or T between date and time
if ( *str == ' ' || *str == 'T' ) str++;
// time is given too
num[0] = *str++; num[1] = *str++; num[2] = 0; tm.tm_hour = strtol( num, 0, 10 ); if (*str == ':') str++; num[0] = *str++; num[1] = *str++; num[2] = 0; tm.tm_min = strtol( num, 0, 10 ); if (*str == ':') str++; num[0] = *str++; num[1] = *str++; num[2] = 0; tm.tm_sec = strtol( num, 0, 10 ); } tm.tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( &tm ); }
// Purpose: Returns a static string "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" for given RTime32
// Input: rTime32 -
// bNoPunct - No dashes, colons or spaces will be in the output string
// bOnlyDate - Only output the date
// Output: const char * -- only usable till the next yield
const char* CRTime::RTime32ToString( const RTime32 rTime32, char (&buf)[k_RTimeRenderBufferSize], bool bNoPunct /*=false*/, bool bOnlyDate /*= false*/ ) { if ( !buf ) { return nullptr; }
// Store the result in a temporary buffer, so that you can use several in a single printf.
time_t tTime = rTime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptm = Plat_localtime( &tTime, &tmStruct );
const char *pchOnlyDateFmt = bNoPunct ? "%04u%02u%02u" : "%04u-%02u-%02u"; const char *pchDateTimeFmt = bNoPunct ? "%04u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u" : "%04u-%02u-%02u %02u:%02u:%02u"; if ( rTime32 == k_RTime32Nil || !ptm ) return "NIL";
if ( rTime32 == k_RTime32Infinite ) return "Infinite time value";
if ( rTime32 < k_RTime32MinValid || !ptm ) return "Invalid time value";
if ( bOnlyDate ) { Q_snprintf( buf, k_RTimeRenderBufferSize, pchOnlyDateFmt, ptm->tm_year+1900, ptm->tm_mon+1, ptm->tm_mday ); } else { Q_snprintf( buf, k_RTimeRenderBufferSize, pchDateTimeFmt, ptm->tm_year+1900, ptm->tm_mon+1, ptm->tm_mday, ptm->tm_hour, ptm->tm_min, ptm->tm_sec ); }
return buf; }
// Purpose: Returns a static string like "Aug 21" for given RTime32
// Input: rTime32 -
// Output: const char * -- only usable till the next yield
const char* CRTime::RTime32ToDayString( const RTime32 rTime32, char (&buf)[k_RTimeRenderBufferSize], bool bGMT ) { if ( !buf ) { return nullptr; }
// Store the result in a temporary buffer, so that you can use several in a single printf.
time_t tTime = rTime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptm = bGMT ? Plat_gmtime( &tTime, &tmStruct ) : Plat_localtime( &tTime, &tmStruct );
DbgVerify( strftime( buf, k_RTimeRenderBufferSize, "%b %d", ptm ) ); return buf; }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the beginning of
// the day represented by rtime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32BeginningOfDay( const RTime32 rtime32 ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the beginning of
// the next day after rtime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32BeginningOfNextDay( const RTime32 rtime32 ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
// It will move to the next month etc if need be
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the first day of
// the month indicated by rtime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32FirstDayOfMonth( const RTime32 rtime32 ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
// first day of month
ptmCur->tm_mday = 1;
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the last day of
// the month indicated by rtime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32LastDayOfMonth( const RTime32 rtime32 ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
// Zeroth day of month N becomes last day of month (N-1)
ptmCur->tm_mon++; ptmCur->tm_mday = 0;
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the first day of
// the month after the one indicated by rtime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32FirstDayOfNextMonth( const RTime32 rtime32 ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
ptmCur->tm_mon++; ptmCur->tm_mday = 1;
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the last day of
// the month after the one indicated by rtime32
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32LastDayOfNextMonth( const RTime32 rtime32 ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
// use zeroth-day trick - skip 2 months then back a day
ptmCur->tm_mon += 2; ptmCur->tm_mday = 0;
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Calculate and return a time value corresponding to the Nth day of
// the month. If that month only has K days, K < N, it will return
// the Kth day. The input should be reasonable (don't ask for the -5th
// day of the month).
// Input: rtime32 - Time representing some time in the month interested in
// nDay - The day of that month you want the return to be set to
// Return: Time value equal to midnight on that day.
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32NthDayOfMonth( const RTime32 rtime32, int nDay ) { Assert( nDay > 0 ); Assert( nDay < 32 );
time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
int nCurMonth = ptmCur->tm_mon;
ptmCur->tm_mday = nDay;
// midnight
ptmCur->tm_hour = 0; ptmCur->tm_min = 0; ptmCur->tm_sec = 0;
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
// This call will modify ptmCur in-place
time_t timeThen = mktime( ptmCur );
// See if the month changed
if ( ptmCur->tm_mon != nCurMonth ) { // use zeroth-day trick to just get the last day of this month
ptmCur->tm_mday = 0; // Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1; timeThen = mktime( ptmCur ); }
return timeThen; }
// Purpose: Add X months to the current date, and return the Nth day of that
// month.
// Input: nNthDayOfMonth - Day of the target month to return a date for
// rtime32StartDate - Time value to add X months to
// nMonthsToAdd - X
// Return: Time value equal to midnight on that day.
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32MonthAddChooseDay( int nNthDayOfMonth, RTime32 rtime32StartDate, int nMonthsToAdd ) { // Get the first day of start month
RTime32 rtime32FirstDayOfStartMonth = CRTime( rtime32StartDate ).GetFirstDayOfMonth();
// Add X months to that - guaranteed to be correct month
RTime32 rtime32FirstDayOfTargetMonth = CRTime::RTime32DateAdd( rtime32FirstDayOfStartMonth, nMonthsToAdd, k_ETimeUnitMonth );
// Then get the Nth day of that month
RTime32 rtime32Target = CRTime::RTime32NthDayOfMonth( rtime32FirstDayOfTargetMonth, nNthDayOfMonth );
return rtime32Target; }
// Purpose: Add or subtract N units of time from the current value.
// Units may be days, weeks, seconds, etc
// Input: rtime32 - Reference time
// nAmount - Number of units to add (neg for subtract)
// eTimeFlagAmountType - Indicates what units are on nAmount
// Return: The newly calculated offset time (the input is unmodified)
RTime32 CRTime::RTime32DateAdd( const RTime32 rtime32, int nAmount, ETimeUnit eTimeAmountType ) { time_t timeCur = rtime32; struct tm tmStruct; struct tm *ptmCur = Plat_localtime( &timeCur, &tmStruct ); if ( !ptmCur ) return k_RTime32Nil;
// mktime() is smart enough to take day-of-month values that are out of range and adjust
// everything to make sense. So you can go back 3 weeks by just subtracting 21 from tm_mday.
switch ( eTimeAmountType ) { default: AssertMsg( false, "Bad flag in RTime32DateAdd" ); break; case k_ETimeUnitForever: return k_RTime32Infinite; case k_ETimeUnitYear: ptmCur->tm_year += nAmount; break; case k_ETimeUnitMonth: ptmCur->tm_mon += nAmount; break; case k_ETimeUnitWeek: ptmCur->tm_mday += 7 * nAmount; break; case k_ETimeUnitDay: ptmCur->tm_mday += nAmount; break; case k_ETimeUnitHour: ptmCur->tm_hour += nAmount; break; case k_ETimeUnitMinute: ptmCur->tm_min += nAmount; break; case k_ETimeUnitSecond: ptmCur->tm_sec += nAmount; break; }
// Let it compute DST
ptmCur->tm_isdst = -1;
return mktime( ptmCur ); }
// Purpose: Compare two times and evaluate what calendar boundaries have
// been crossed (eg day, month, hour) between the two times.
// Note: in general, the crossing of a large boundary will be accompanied
// by the crossing of all smaller boundaries. The exception is Week:
// the Week boundary is from Saturday to Sunday, and it is possible to
// go over a Month or Year boundary without beginning a new week.
// So, the return value is the largest time boundary that was crossed.
// However, the pbWeekChanged value will be set to indicate if the week
// changed in cases where the return value is Month or Year.
// Input: unTime1 - First time value
// unTime2 - Second time value
// pbWeekChanged - Indicates if the Week changed
// Return: Largest time boundary crossed
ETimeUnit CRTime::FindTimeBoundaryCrossings( RTime32 unTime1, RTime32 unTime2, bool *pbWeekChanged ) { time_t time1 = unTime1; time_t time2 = unTime2;
// have to cache the first one locally, because it's a global object
struct tm tmStruct1; struct tm *ptmTime1 = Plat_localtime( &time1, &tmStruct1 ); if ( !ptmTime1 ) return k_ETimeUnitForever; struct tm _tmTime1 = *ptmTime1; ptmTime1 = &_tmTime1; struct tm tmStruct2; struct tm *ptmTime2 = Plat_localtime( &time2, &tmStruct2 ); if ( !ptmTime2 ) return k_ETimeUnitForever;
// Need a little extra logic to find week boundaries
// Find this out first, because it may or may not be true even if a
// month / year boundary was crossed.
*pbWeekChanged = false;
// If the difference is more than 6 days, we crossed a week boundary
if ( ( ( unTime1 > unTime2 ) && ( ( unTime1 - unTime2 ) > k_cSecondsPerWeek ) ) || ( ( unTime2 > unTime1 ) && ( ( unTime2 - unTime1 ) > k_cSecondsPerWeek ) ) ) { *pbWeekChanged = true; } else if ( ptmTime1->tm_yday != ptmTime2->tm_yday ) { // Otherwise, we have to look at wday - if the later time
// has a lower or equal wday value, then we crossed a week boundary
if ( unTime2 > unTime1 ) { if ( ptmTime2->tm_wday <= ptmTime1->tm_wday ) *pbWeekChanged = true; } else { if ( ptmTime1->tm_wday <= ptmTime2->tm_wday ) *pbWeekChanged = true; } }
// Evaluate larger boundaries first. As soon as we detect
// that we've crossed a boundary, we consider all smaller boundaries
// crossed too.
// Year
if ( ptmTime1->tm_year != ptmTime2->tm_year ) return k_ETimeUnitYear;
// Month
if ( ptmTime1->tm_mon != ptmTime2->tm_mon ) return k_ETimeUnitMonth;
// If the week changed, return that now
if ( *pbWeekChanged ) return k_ETimeUnitWeek;
// Day
if ( ptmTime1->tm_yday != ptmTime2->tm_yday ) return k_ETimeUnitDay;
// Hour
if ( ptmTime1->tm_hour != ptmTime2->tm_hour ) return k_ETimeUnitHour;
// If DST changed, make sure that we know an hour boundary was crossed
// (overlap from the "fall back" case may otherwise trick us)
if ( ptmTime1->tm_isdst != ptmTime2->tm_isdst ) return k_ETimeUnitHour;
// Minute
if ( ptmTime1->tm_min != ptmTime2->tm_min ) return k_ETimeUnitMinute;
// Second
if ( ptmTime1->tm_sec != ptmTime2->tm_sec ) return k_ETimeUnitSecond;
return k_ETimeUnitNone;