//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A wet version of base * lightmap
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "BaseVSShader.h"
#include "particlesphere_vs20.inc"
#include "particlesphere_ps20.inc"
#include "particlesphere_ps20b.inc"
#include "cpp_shader_constant_register_map.h"
int GetDefaultDepthFeatheringValue( void ); //defined in spritecard.cpp
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
DEFINE_FALLBACK_SHADER( ParticleSphere, ParticleSphere_DX9 )
BEGIN_VS_SHADER_FLAGS( ParticleSphere_DX9, "Help for BumpmappedEnvMap", SHADER_NOT_EDITABLE ) BEGIN_SHADER_PARAMS SHADER_PARAM( DEPTHBLEND, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_INTEGER, "0", "fade at intersection boundaries" ) SHADER_PARAM( DEPTHBLENDSCALE, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT, "50.0", "Amplify or reduce DEPTHBLEND fading. Lower values make harder edges." ) SHADER_PARAM( USINGPIXELSHADER, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_BOOL, "0", "Tells to client code whether the shader is using DX8 vertex/pixel shaders or not" ) SHADER_PARAM( BUMPMAP, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_TEXTURE, "models/shadertest/shader1_normal", "bumpmap" ) SHADER_PARAM( LIGHTS, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_FOURCC, "", "array of lights" ) SHADER_PARAM( LIGHT_POSITION, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_VEC3, "0 0 0", "This is the directional light position." ) SHADER_PARAM( LIGHT_COLOR, SHADER_PARAM_TYPE_VEC3, "1 1 1", "This is the directional light color." ) END_SHADER_PARAMS
SHADER_INIT_PARAMS() { if ( !params[DEPTHBLEND]->IsDefined() ) { params[ DEPTHBLEND ]->SetIntValue( GetDefaultDepthFeatheringValue() ); } if ( !g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { params[ DEPTHBLEND ]->SetIntValue( 0 ); } if ( !params[DEPTHBLENDSCALE]->IsDefined() ) { params[ DEPTHBLENDSCALE ]->SetFloatValue( 50.0f ); } }
bool UsePixelShaders( IMaterialVar **params ) const { return (!params || params[BUMPMAP]->IsDefined()) && g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsVertexAndPixelShaders(); }
SHADER_INIT { // If this would return false, then we should have fallen back to the DX6 one.
Assert( UsePixelShaders( params ) );
params[USINGPIXELSHADER]->SetIntValue( true ); LoadBumpMap( BUMPMAP ); }
SHADER_FALLBACK { if ( !UsePixelShaders(params) ) { return "UnlitGeneric_DX6"; }
if ( g_pHardwareConfig->GetDXSupportLevel() < 90 ) { return "ParticleSphere_DX8"; }
return 0; }
SHADER_DRAW { SHADOW_STATE { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER0, true );
if ( params[DEPTHBLEND]->GetIntValue() ) { pShaderShadow->EnableTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, true ); } int tCoordDimensions[] = {2}; pShaderShadow->VertexShaderVertexFormat( VERTEX_POSITION | VERTEX_COLOR, 1, tCoordDimensions, 0 );
pShaderShadow->EnableBlending( true ); pShaderShadow->BlendFunc( SHADER_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, SHADER_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); pShaderShadow->EnableDepthWrites( false );
DECLARE_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( particlesphere_vs20 ); SET_STATIC_VERTEX_SHADER( particlesphere_vs20 );
if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20b ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( DEPTHBLEND, params[DEPTHBLEND]->GetIntValue() ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20 ); SET_STATIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20 ); }
if ( params[DEPTHBLEND]->GetIntValue() ) { pShaderAPI->BindStandardTexture( SHADER_SAMPLER1, TEXTURE_FRAME_BUFFER_FULL_DEPTH ); }
pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderConstant( VERTEX_SHADER_SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0, params[LIGHT_POSITION]->GetVecValue() ); // Separate the light color into something that has a max value of 1 and a scale
// so the vertex shader can determine if it's going to overflow the color and scale back
// if it needs to.
// (It does this by seeing if the intensity*1/distSqr is > 1. If so, then it scales it so
// it is equal to 1).
const float *f = params[LIGHT_COLOR]->GetVecValue(); Vector vLightColor( f[0], f[1], f[2] ); float flScale = max( vLightColor.x, max( vLightColor.y, vLightColor.z ) ); if ( flScale < 0.01f ) flScale = 0.01f; float vScaleVec[3] = { flScale, flScale, flScale }; vLightColor /= flScale;
pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderConstant( VERTEX_SHADER_SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_1, vLightColor.Base() ); pShaderAPI->SetVertexShaderConstant( VERTEX_SHADER_SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_2, vScaleVec );
pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderFogParams( PSREG_FOG_PARAMS );
float vEyePos_SpecExponent[4]; pShaderAPI->GetWorldSpaceCameraPosition( vEyePos_SpecExponent ); vEyePos_SpecExponent[3] = 0.0f; pShaderAPI->SetPixelShaderConstant( PSREG_EYEPOS_SPEC_EXPONENT, vEyePos_SpecExponent, 1 );
pShaderAPI->SetDepthFeatheringPixelShaderConstant( 0, params[DEPTHBLENDSCALE]->GetFloatValue() );
// Compute the vertex shader index.
if( g_pHardwareConfig->SupportsPixelShaders_2_b() ) { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20b ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PIXELFOGTYPE, pShaderAPI->GetPixelFogCombo() ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20b ); } else { DECLARE_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20 ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER_COMBO( PIXELFOGTYPE, pShaderAPI->GetPixelFogCombo() ); SET_DYNAMIC_PIXEL_SHADER( particlesphere_ps20 ); } } Draw(); } END_SHADER