Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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// STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..1" [ps20b][= g_pHardwareConfig->NeedsShaderSRGBConversion()] [PC] // STATIC: "CONVERT_TO_SRGB" "0..0" [= 0] [XBOX] // DYNAMIC: "WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA" "0..1" [ps20b] [PC] // DYNAMIC: "WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA" "0..0" [ps20b] [XBOX] #include "common_ps_fxc.h"
#if defined( SHADER_MODEL_PS_2_0 ) # define WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA 0 #endif
sampler ExposureTextureSampler0 : register( s0 ); sampler ExposureTextureSampler1 : register( s1 ); sampler ExposureTextureSampler2 : register( s2 );
struct PS_INPUT { float2 baseTexCoord : TEXCOORD0; };
float4 main( PS_INPUT i ) : COLOR { HALF3 color0 = 0.25*tex2D( ExposureTextureSampler0, i.baseTexCoord ); HALF3 color1 = 2.0*tex2D( ExposureTextureSampler1, i.baseTexCoord ); HALF3 color2 = 16.0*tex2D( ExposureTextureSampler2, i.baseTexCoord );
// This is never fogged. // return FinalOutput( float4( max(max(color0,color1),color2), 1.0f ), 0, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_LINEAR, WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA, 1e20 ); //when writing depth to dest alpha, write a value guaranteed to saturate return FinalOutput( float4(1,0,0,1 ), 0, PIXEL_FOG_TYPE_NONE, TONEMAP_SCALE_LINEAR, WRITE_DEPTH_TO_DESTALPHA, 1e20 ); //when writing depth to dest alpha, write a value guaranteed to saturate }