//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "BuildDisp.h"
#include "DispColl.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
const float CDispCollTree::COLLISION_EPSILON = 0.01f; const float CDispCollTree::ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON = 1.0f - COLLISION_EPSILON;
// Displacement Collision Triangle Functions
// Purpose: initialize the displacement triangles
void CDispCollTri::Init( void ) { for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { m_Points[i].x = 0.0f; m_Points[i].y = 0.0f; m_Points[i].z = 0.0f; m_PointNormals[i].x = 0.0f; m_PointNormals[i].y = 0.0f; m_PointNormals[i].z = 0.0f; }
m_Normal.x = 0.0f; m_Normal.y = 0.0f; m_Normal.z = 0.0f; m_Distance = 0.0f;
m_ProjAxes[0] = -1; m_ProjAxes[1] = -1;
m_bIntersect = false; }
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollTri::SetPoint( int index, Vector const &vert ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < 3 );
m_Points[index].x = vert[0]; m_Points[index].y = vert[1]; m_Points[index].z = vert[2]; }
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollTri::SetPointNormal( int index, Vector const &normal ) { Assert( index >= 0 ); Assert( index < 3 );
m_PointNormals[index].x = normal[0]; m_PointNormals[index].y = normal[1]; m_PointNormals[index].z = normal[2]; }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTri::CalcPlane( void ) { //
// calculate the plane normal and distance
Vector segment1, segment2, cross;
segment1 = m_Points[1] - m_Points[0]; segment2 = m_Points[2] - m_Points[0]; cross = segment1.Cross( segment2 ); m_Normal = cross; VectorNormalize(m_Normal);
m_Distance = m_Normal.Dot( m_Points[0] );
// calculate the projection axes
if( FloatMakePositive( m_Normal[0] ) > FloatMakePositive( m_Normal[1] ) ) { if( FloatMakePositive( m_Normal[0] ) > FloatMakePositive( m_Normal[2] ) ) { m_ProjAxes[0] = 1; m_ProjAxes[1] = 2; } else { m_ProjAxes[0] = 0; m_ProjAxes[1] = 1; } } else { if( FloatMakePositive( m_Normal[1] ) > FloatMakePositive( m_Normal[2] ) ) { m_ProjAxes[0] = 0; m_ProjAxes[1] = 2; } else { m_ProjAxes[0] = 0; m_ProjAxes[1] = 1; } } }
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollTri::SetIntersect( bool bIntersect ) { m_bIntersect = bIntersect; }
// Purpose:
inline bool CDispCollTri::IsIntersect( void ) { return m_bIntersect; }
// Displacement Collision Node Functions
// Purpose: constructor
CDispCollNode::CDispCollNode() { m_Bounds[0].x = m_Bounds[0].y = m_Bounds[0].z = 99999.9f; m_Bounds[1].x = m_Bounds[1].y = m_Bounds[1].z = -99999.9f;
m_Tris[0].Init(); m_Tris[1].Init();
m_bIsLeaf = false; }
// Purpose:
inline bool CDispCollNode::IsLeaf( void ) { return m_bIsLeaf; }
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollNode::SetBounds( Vector const &bMin, Vector const &bMax ) { m_Bounds[0] = bMin; m_Bounds[1] = bMax; }
// Purpose:
inline void CDispCollNode::GetBounds( Vector &bMin, Vector &bMax ) { bMin = m_Bounds[0]; bMax = m_Bounds[1]; }
// Displacement Collision Tree Functions
// Purpose: constructor
CDispCollTree::CDispCollTree() { m_Power = 0;
m_NodeCount = 0; m_pNodes = NULL;
InitAABBData(); }
// Purpose: deconstructor
CDispCollTree::~CDispCollTree() { FreeNodes(); }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::InitAABBData( void ) { m_AABBNormals[0].x = -1.0f; m_AABBNormals[0].y = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[0].z = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[1].x = 1.0f; m_AABBNormals[1].y = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[1].z = 0.0f;
m_AABBNormals[2].x = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[2].y = -1.0f; m_AABBNormals[2].z = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[3].x = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[3].y = 1.0f; m_AABBNormals[3].z = 0.0f;
m_AABBNormals[4].x = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[4].y = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[4].z = -1.0f; m_AABBNormals[5].x = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[5].y = 0.0f; m_AABBNormals[5].z = 1.0f; }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::CalcBounds( CDispCollNode *pNode, int nodeIndex ) { Vector bounds[2]; bounds[0].Init( 99999.9f, 99999.9f, 99999.9f ); bounds[1].Init( -99999.9f, -99999.9f, -99999.9f );
// handle leaves differently -- bounding volume defined by triangles
if( pNode->IsLeaf() ) { for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { //
// minimum
if( bounds[0].x > pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].x ) { bounds[0].x = pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].x; } if( bounds[0].y > pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].y ) { bounds[0].y = pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].y; } if( bounds[0].z > pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].z ) { bounds[0].z = pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].z; }
// maximum
if( bounds[1].x < pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].x ) { bounds[1].x = pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].x; } if( bounds[1].y < pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].y ) { bounds[1].y = pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].y; } if( bounds[1].z < pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].z ) { bounds[1].z = pNode->m_Tris[i].m_Points[j].z; } } } } //
// bounding volume defined by maxima and minima of children volumes
else { for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { int childIndex = GetChildNode( nodeIndex, i ); CDispCollNode *pChildNode = &m_pNodes[childIndex];
Vector childBounds[2]; pChildNode->GetBounds( childBounds[0], childBounds[1] );
// minimum
if( bounds[0].x > childBounds[0].x ) { bounds[0].x = childBounds[0].x; } if( bounds[0].y > childBounds[0].y ) { bounds[0].y = childBounds[0].y; } if( bounds[0].z > childBounds[0].z ) { bounds[0].z = childBounds[0].z; } //
// maximum
if( bounds[1].x < childBounds[1].x ) { bounds[1].x = childBounds[1].x; } if( bounds[1].y < childBounds[1].y ) { bounds[1].y = childBounds[1].y; } if( bounds[1].z < childBounds[1].z ) { bounds[1].z = childBounds[1].z; } } }
pNode->SetBounds( bounds[0], bounds[1] ); }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::CreateNodes_r( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp, int nodeIndex, int termLevel ) { int nodeLevel = GetNodeLevel( nodeIndex ); //
// terminating condition -- set node info (leaf or otherwise)
if( nodeLevel == termLevel ) { CDispCollNode *pNode = &m_pNodes[nodeIndex]; CalcBounds( pNode, nodeIndex );
return; }
// recurse into children
for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { CreateNodes_r( pDisp, GetChildNode( nodeIndex, i ), termLevel ); } }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::CreateNodes( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp ) { //
// create all nodes in tree
int power = pDisp->GetPower() + 1; for( int level = power; level > 0; level-- ) { CreateNodes_r( pDisp, 0 /* rootIndex */, level ); } }
int CDispCollTree::GetNodeIndexFromComponents( int x, int y ) { int index = 0;
// Interleave bits from the x and y values to create the index:
for( int shift = 0; x != 0; shift += 2, x >>= 1 ) { index |= ( x & 1 ) << shift; }
for( shift = 1; y != 0; shift += 2, y >>= 1 ) { index |= ( y & 1 ) << shift; }
return index; }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::InitLeaves( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp ) { //
// get power and width and displacement surface
int power = pDisp->GetPower(); int width = pDisp->GetWidth();
// get leaf indices
int startIndex = CalcNodeCount( power - 1 ); int endIndex = CalcNodeCount( power );
for( int index = startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ ) { //
// create triangles at leaves
int x = ( index - startIndex ) % ( width - 1 ); int y = ( index - startIndex ) / ( width - 1 );
int nodeIndex = GetNodeIndexFromComponents( x, y ); nodeIndex += startIndex;
Vector vert; Vector normal;
// tri 1
pDisp->GetVert( x + ( y * width ), vert ); pDisp->GetNormal( x + ( y * width ), normal ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[0].SetPoint( 0, vert ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[0].SetPointNormal( 0, normal );
pDisp->GetVert( x + ( ( y + 1 ) * width ), vert ); pDisp->GetNormal( x + ( ( y + 1 ) * width ), normal ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[0].SetPoint( 1, vert ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[0].SetPointNormal( 1, normal );
pDisp->GetVert( ( x + 1 ) + ( y * width ), vert ); pDisp->GetNormal( ( x + 1 ) + ( y * width ), normal ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[0].SetPoint( 2, vert ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[0].SetPointNormal( 2, normal );
// tri 2
pDisp->GetVert( ( x + 1 ) + ( y * width ), vert ); pDisp->GetNormal( ( x + 1 ) + ( y * width ), normal ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[1].SetPoint( 0, vert ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[1].SetPointNormal( 0, normal );
pDisp->GetVert( x + ( ( y + 1 ) * width ), vert ); pDisp->GetNormal( x + ( ( y + 1 ) * width ), normal ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[1].SetPoint( 1, vert ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[1].SetPointNormal( 1, normal );
pDisp->GetVert( ( x + 1 ) + ( ( y + 1 ) * width ), vert ); pDisp->GetNormal( ( x + 1 ) + ( ( y + 1 ) * width ), normal ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[1].SetPoint( 2, vert ); m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_Tris[1].SetPointNormal( 2, normal );
// set node as leaf
m_pNodes[nodeIndex].m_bIsLeaf = true; } }
// Purpose: allocate and initialize the displacement collision tree
// Input: power - size of the displacement surface
// Output: bool - success? (true/false)
bool CDispCollTree::Create( CCoreDispInfo *pDisp ) { //
// calculate the number of nodes needed given the size of the displacement
m_Power = pDisp->GetPower(); m_NodeCount = CalcNodeCount( m_Power );
// allocate tree space
if( !AllocNodes( m_NodeCount ) ) return false; // initialize leaves
InitLeaves( pDisp );
// create tree nodes
CreateNodes( pDisp );
// tree successfully created!
return true; }
// Purpose: allocate memory for the displacement collision tree
// Input: nodeCount - number of nodes to allocate
// Output: bool - success? (true/false)
bool CDispCollTree::AllocNodes( int nodeCount ) { // sanity check
Assert( nodeCount != 0 );
m_pNodes = new CDispCollNode[nodeCount]; if( !m_pNodes ) return false;
// tree successfully allocated!
return true; }
// Purpose: release allocated memory for displacement collision tree
void CDispCollTree::FreeNodes( void ) { if( m_pNodes ) { delete [] m_pNodes; m_pNodes = NULL; } }
// Purpose: calculate the number of tree nodes given the size of the
// displacement surface
// Input: power - size of the displacement surface
// Output: int - the number of tree nodes
inline int CDispCollTree::CalcNodeCount( int power ) { // power range [2...4]
Assert( power > 0 ); Assert( power < 5 );
return ( ( 1 << ( ( power + 1 ) << 1 ) ) / 3 ); }
// Purpose: get the parent node index given the current node
// Input: nodeIndex - current node index
// Output: int - the index of the parent node
inline int CDispCollTree::GetParentNode( int nodeIndex ) { // node range [0...m_NodeCount)
Assert( nodeIndex >= 0 ); Assert( nodeIndex < m_NodeCount );
// ( nodeIndex - 1 ) / 4
return ( ( nodeIndex - 1 ) >> 2 ); }
// Purpose: get the child node index given the current node index and direction
// of the child (1 of 4)
// Input: nodeIndex - current node index
// direction - direction of the child ( [0...3] - SW, SE, NW, NE )
// Output: int - the index of the child node
inline int CDispCollTree::GetChildNode( int nodeIndex, int direction ) { // node range [0...m_NodeCount)
Assert( nodeIndex >= 0 ); Assert( nodeIndex < m_NodeCount );
// ( nodeIndex * 4 ) + ( direction + 1 )
return ( ( nodeIndex << 2 ) + ( direction + 1 ) ); }
// Purpose:
inline int CDispCollTree::GetNodeLevel( int nodeIndex ) { // node range [0...m_NodeCount)
Assert( nodeIndex >= 0 ); Assert( nodeIndex < m_NodeCount );
// level = 2^n + 1
if( nodeIndex == 0 ) { return 1; } if( nodeIndex < 5 ) { return 2; } if( nodeIndex < 21 ) { return 3; } if( nodeIndex < 85 ) { return 4; } if( nodeIndex < 341 ) { return 5; }
return -1; }
bool CDispCollTree::RayTriTest( Vector const &rayStart, Vector const &rayDir, float const rayLength, CDispCollTri const *pTri, float *fraction ) { const float DET_EPSILON = 0.001f; const float DIST_EPSILON = 0.001f;
// calculate the edges
Vector edge1 = pTri->m_Points[1] - pTri->m_Points[0]; Vector edge2 = pTri->m_Points[2] - pTri->m_Points[0];
// Vector faceNormal = edge1.Cross( edge2 );
// Vector normNormal = faceNormal.Normalize();
// calculate the triangle's determinant
Vector pVec = rayDir.Cross( edge2 ); float det = pVec.Dot( edge1 );
// if determinant is zero -- ray lies in plane
if( ( det > -DET_EPSILON ) && ( det < DET_EPSILON ) ) return false;
// utility calculations - inverse determinant and distance from v0 to ray start
double invDet = 1.0f / det; Vector tVec = rayStart - pTri->m_Points[0];
// calculate the U parameter and test bounds
double u = pVec.Dot( tVec ) * invDet; if( ( u < 0.0f ) || ( u > 1.0f ) ) return false;
Vector qVec = tVec.Cross( edge1 );
// calculate the V parameter and test bounds
double v = qVec.Dot( rayDir ) * invDet; if( ( v < 0.0f ) || ( ( u + v ) > 1.0f ) ) return false;
// calculate where ray intersects triangle
*fraction = qVec.Dot( edge2 ) * invDet; *fraction /= rayLength;
if( ( *fraction < DIST_EPSILON ) || ( *fraction > ( 1.0f - DIST_EPSILON ) ) ) return false;
return true; }
bool CDispCollTree::RayTriListTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, CDispCollData *pData ) { // save starting fraction -- to test for collision
float startFraction = pData->m_Fraction;
// calculate the ray
Vector seg = pData->m_EndPos - pData->m_StartPos; Vector rayDir = seg; float rayLength = VectorNormalize( rayDir );
// test ray against all triangles in list
for( int i = 0; i < pTemp->m_TriListCount; i++ ) { float fraction = 1.0f; bool bResult = RayTriTest( pData->m_StartPos, rayDir, rayLength, pTemp->m_ppTriList[i], &fraction ); if( !bResult ) continue;
if( pData->m_bOcclude ) { return true; }
if( fraction < pData->m_Fraction ) { pData->m_Fraction = fraction; pData->m_Normal = pTemp->m_ppTriList[i]->m_Normal; pData->m_Distance = pTemp->m_ppTriList[i]->m_Distance; } }
// collision!
if( pData->m_Fraction < startFraction ) return true;
// no collision!
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::RayAABBTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd ) { const float MY_DIST_EPSILON = 0.01f;
for( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { float dist1 = m_AABBNormals[i].Dot( rayStart ) - pTemp->m_AABBDistances[i]; float dist2 = m_AABBNormals[i].Dot( rayEnd ) - pTemp->m_AABBDistances[i];
// entry intersection point - move ray start up to intersection
if( ( dist1 > MY_DIST_EPSILON ) && ( dist2 < -MY_DIST_EPSILON ) ) { float fraction = ( dist1 / ( dist1 - dist2 ) );
Vector segment, increment; segment = ( rayEnd - rayStart ) * fraction; increment = segment; VectorNormalize(increment); segment += increment; rayStart += segment; } else if( ( dist1 > MY_DIST_EPSILON ) && ( dist2 > MY_DIST_EPSILON ) ) { return false; } }
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::CreatePlanesFromBounds( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, Vector const &bbMin, Vector const &bbMax ) { //
// note -- these never change!
// m_AABBNormals[0].x = -1;
// m_AABBNormals[1].x = 1;
// m_AABBNormals[2].y = -1;
// m_AABBNormals[3].y = 1;
// m_AABBNormals[4].z = -1;
// m_AABBNormals[5].z = 1;
pTemp->m_AABBDistances[0] = -bbMin.x; pTemp->m_AABBDistances[1] = bbMax.x; pTemp->m_AABBDistances[2] = -bbMin.y; pTemp->m_AABBDistances[3] = bbMax.y;
pTemp->m_AABBDistances[4] = -bbMin.z; pTemp->m_AABBDistances[5] = bbMax.z; }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::RayNodeTest_r( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, int nodeIndex, Vector rayStart, Vector rayEnd ) { // get the current node
CDispCollNode *pNode = &m_pNodes[nodeIndex];
// get node bounding box and create collision planes
Vector bounds[2]; pNode->GetBounds( bounds[0], bounds[1] ); CreatePlanesFromBounds( pTemp, bounds[0], bounds[1] );
bool bIntersect = RayAABBTest( pTemp, rayStart, rayEnd ); if( bIntersect ) { // done -- add triangles to triangle list
if( pNode->IsLeaf() ) { // Assert for now -- flush cache later!!!!!
Assert( pTemp->m_TriListCount >= 0 ); Assert( pTemp->m_TriListCount < TRILIST_CACHE_SIZE );
pTemp->m_ppTriList[pTemp->m_TriListCount] = &pNode->m_Tris[0]; pTemp->m_ppTriList[pTemp->m_TriListCount+1] = &pNode->m_Tris[1]; pTemp->m_TriListCount += 2; } // continue recursion
else { for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { RayNodeTest_r( pTemp, GetChildNode( nodeIndex, i ), rayStart, rayEnd ); } } } }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::RayTestAllTris( CDispCollData *pData, int power ) { //
// get leaf indices
int startIndex = CalcNodeCount( power - 1 ); int endIndex = CalcNodeCount( power );
// save incoming fraction
float startFraction = pData->m_Fraction; float fraction = pData->m_Fraction;
Vector ray = pData->m_EndPos - pData->m_StartPos; Vector rayDir = ray; float rayLength = VectorNormalize(rayDir);
// test ray against all triangles in list
for( int index = startIndex; index < endIndex; index++ ) { for( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { bool bResult = RayTriTest( pData->m_StartPos, rayDir, rayLength, &m_pNodes[index].m_Tris[j], &fraction ); if( !bResult ) continue; if( pData->m_bOcclude ) { return true; } if( fraction < pData->m_Fraction ) { pData->m_Fraction = fraction; pData->m_Normal = m_pNodes[index].m_Tris[j].m_Normal; pData->m_Distance = m_pNodes[index].m_Tris[j].m_Distance; } } }
// collision!
if( pData->m_Fraction < startFraction ) return true;
// no collision!
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::RayTest( CDispCollData *pData ) { // reset the triangle list count
CDispCollTreeTempData tmp; tmp.m_TriListCount = 0;
// trace against nodes (copy start, end because they change)
RayNodeTest_r( &tmp, 0, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_EndPos );
// trace against tris (if need be)
if( tmp.m_TriListCount != 0 ) { bool result = RayTriListTest( &tmp, pData ); return result; }
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::SweptAABBTriIntersect( Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, CDispCollTri const *pTri, Vector &plNormal, float *plDist, float *fraction ) {
int dir, ptIndex; float closeValue; float distStart, distEnd; float t; Vector rayPt;
// get ray direction
Vector rayDir = rayEnd - rayStart;
// initialize fraction
*fraction = 1.0f;
// test for collision with axial planes (x, y, z)
for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { if( rayDir[dir] < 0.0f ) { closeValue = -99999.9f; for( ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < 3; ptIndex++ ) { if( pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir] > closeValue ) { closeValue = pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir]; } }
closeValue += extents[dir];
distStart = rayStart[dir] - closeValue; distEnd = rayEnd[dir] - closeValue; } else { closeValue = 99999.9f; for( ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < 3; ptIndex++ ) { if( pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir] < closeValue ) { closeValue = pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir]; } }
closeValue -= extents[dir];
distStart = -( rayStart[dir] - closeValue ); distEnd = -( rayEnd[dir] - closeValue ); }
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal.Init(); plNormal[dir] = 1.0f; *plDist = closeValue; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; } }
// check for an early out
if( ( pTri->m_Normal[0] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) || ( pTri->m_Normal[1] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) || ( pTri->m_Normal[2] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { if( *fraction == 1.0f ) return false;
return true; } //
// handle 9 edge tests
Vector normal; Vector edge; float dist;
// find the closest box point
Vector boxPt( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { if( rayDir[dir] < 0.0f ) { boxPt[dir] = extents[dir]; } else { boxPt[dir] = -extents[dir]; } }
// edge 0
edge = pTri->m_Points[1] - pTri->m_Points[0];
// cross x-edge
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.y * rayStart.y ) + ( normal.z * rayStart.z ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.y * rayEnd.y ) + ( normal.z * rayEnd.z ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// cross y-edge
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.x * rayStart.x ) + ( normal.z * rayStart.z ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.x * rayEnd.x ) + ( normal.z * rayEnd.z ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// cross z-edge
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.x * rayStart.x ) + ( normal.y * rayStart.y ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.x * rayEnd.x ) + ( normal.y * rayEnd.y ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// edge 1
edge = pTri->m_Points[2] - pTri->m_Points[1];
// cross x-edge
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.y * rayStart.y ) + ( normal.z * rayStart.z ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.y * rayEnd.y ) + ( normal.z * rayEnd.z ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// cross y-edge
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.x * rayStart.x ) + ( normal.z * rayStart.z ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.x * rayEnd.x ) + ( normal.z * rayEnd.z ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// cross z-edge
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.x * rayStart.x ) + ( normal.y * rayStart.y ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.x * rayEnd.x ) + ( normal.y * rayEnd.y ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// edge 2
edge = pTri->m_Points[0] - pTri->m_Points[2];
// cross x-edge
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.y * rayStart.y ) + ( normal.z * rayStart.z ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.y * rayEnd.y ) + ( normal.z * rayEnd.z ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// cross y-edge
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.x * rayStart.x ) + ( normal.z * rayStart.z ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.x * rayEnd.x ) + ( normal.z * rayEnd.z ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// cross z-edge
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f;
// extents adjusted dist
dist = ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) );
// find distances from plane (start, end)
distStart = ( normal.x * rayStart.x ) + ( normal.y * rayStart.y ) - dist; distEnd = ( normal.x * rayEnd.x ) + ( normal.y * rayEnd.y ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// test face plane
dist = ( pTri->m_Normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( pTri->m_Normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( pTri->m_Normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) );
distStart = pTri->m_Normal.Dot( rayStart ) - dist; distEnd = pTri->m_Normal.Dot( rayEnd ) - dist;
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart - COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); if( t > *fraction ) { VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayStart ); *fraction = t; plNormal = normal; *plDist = dist; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { t = ( distStart + COLLISION_EPSILON ) / ( distStart - distEnd ); VectorScale( rayDir, t, rayPt ); VectorAdd( rayStart, rayPt, rayEnd ); } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
if( *fraction == 1.0f ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::AABBTriIntersect( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, CDispCollData *pData ) { bool bResult = false;
Vector normal; float fraction, dist;
// sweep ABB against all triangles in list
for( int i = 0; i < pTemp->m_TriListCount; i++ ) { if( pTemp->m_ppTriList[i]->IsIntersect() ) { bResult = SweptAABBTriIntersect( pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_EndPos, pData->m_Extents, pTemp->m_ppTriList[i], normal, &dist, &fraction ); if( bResult ) { if( fraction < pData->m_Fraction ) { pData->m_Fraction = fraction; pData->m_Normal = normal; pData->m_Distance = dist; } } } }
return bResult; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::IntersectAABBTriTest( Vector &rayStart, Vector &extents, CDispCollTri const *pTri ) { int dir, ptIndex; float dist;
// test axail planes (x, y, z)
for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { //
// negative axial plane, component = dir
dist = rayStart[dir] - extents[dir]; for( ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < 3; ptIndex++ ) { if( pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir] > dist ) break; }
if( ptIndex == 3 ) return false;
// positive axial plane, component = dir
dist = rayStart[dir] + extents[dir]; for( ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < 3; ptIndex++ ) { if( pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir] < dist ) break; }
if( ptIndex == 3 ) return false; }
// add a test here to see if triangle face normal is close to axial -- done if so!!!
if( ( pTri->m_Normal[0] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) || ( pTri->m_Normal[1] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) || ( pTri->m_Normal[2] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) return true;
// find the closest point on the box (use negated tri face noraml)
Vector boxPt( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { if( pTri->m_Normal[dir] < 0.0f ) { boxPt[dir] = extents[dir]; } else { boxPt[dir] = -extents[dir]; } }
// triangle plane test
// do the opposite because the ray has been negated
if( ( ( pTri->m_Normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( pTri->m_Normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( pTri->m_Normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// test edge planes - 9 of them
Vector normal; Vector edge;
// edge 0
edge = pTri->m_Points[1] - pTri->m_Points[0];
// cross x
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross y
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross z
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// edge 1
edge = pTri->m_Points[2] - pTri->m_Points[1];
// cross x
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross y
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross z
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// edge 2
edge = pTri->m_Points[0] - pTri->m_Points[2];
// cross x
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross y
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - pTri->m_Points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross z
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - pTri->m_Points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - pTri->m_Points[0].y ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::SweptAABBTriTest( Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, CDispCollTri const *pTri ) { // get ray direction
Vector rayDir = rayEnd - rayStart;
// quick and dirty test -- test to see if the object is traveling away from triangle surface???
if( pTri->m_Normal.Dot( rayDir ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// calc the swept triangle face (negate the ray -- opposite direction of box travel)
Vector points[3]; points[0] = pTri->m_Points[0] + rayDir; points[1] = pTri->m_Points[1] + rayDir; points[2] = pTri->m_Points[2] + rayDir;
// handle 4 faces tests (3 axial planes and triangle face)
int dir; float dist;
// axial planes tests (x, y, z)
for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { bool bOutside = true;
if( rayDir[dir] < 0.0f ) { dist = rayStart[dir] - extents[dir]; for( int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < 3; ptIndex ) { if( points[ptIndex][dir] > dist ) { bOutside = false; break; } } } else { dist = rayStart[dir] + extents[dir]; for( int ptIndex = 0; ptIndex < 3; ptIndex ) { if( pTri->m_Points[ptIndex][dir] < dist ) { bOutside = false; break; } } }
if( bOutside ) return false; } //
// add a test here to see if triangle face normal is close to axial -- done if so!!!
if( ( pTri->m_Normal[0] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) || ( pTri->m_Normal[1] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) || ( pTri->m_Normal[2] > ONE_MINUS_COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) return true;
// handle 9 edge tests - always use the newly swept face for this
Vector normal; Vector edge;
// find the closest box point - (is written opposite to normal due to negating ray)
Vector boxPt( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { if( rayDir[dir] < 0.0f ) { boxPt[dir] = rayStart[dir] - extents[dir]; } else { boxPt[dir] = rayStart[dir] + extents[dir]; } }
// edge 0
edge = points[1] - points[0];
// cross x-edge
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross, y-edge
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross z-edge
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// edge 1
edge = points[2] - points[1];
// cross x-edge
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross, y-edge
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross z-edge
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// edge 2
edge = points[0] - points[2];
// cross x-edge
normal.x = 0.0f; normal.y = -edge.z; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross, y-edge
normal.x = edge.z; normal.y = 0.0f; normal.z = edge.y; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// cross z-edge
normal.x = -edge.y; normal.y = edge.x; normal.z = 0.0f; if( ( ( normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
// triangle plane test
// do the opposite because the ray has been negated
if( ( ( pTri->m_Normal.x * ( boxPt.x - points[0].x ) ) + ( pTri->m_Normal.y * ( boxPt.y - points[0].y ) ) + ( pTri->m_Normal.z * ( boxPt.z - points[0].z ) ) ) > 0.0f ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::CullTriList( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, bool bIntersect ) { //
// intersect AABB with all triangles in list
if( bIntersect ) { for( int i = 0; i < pTemp->m_TriListCount; i++ ) { if( IntersectAABBTriTest( rayStart, extents, pTemp->m_ppTriList[i] ) ) return true; }
return false; } //
// sweep AABB against all triangles in list
else { bool bResult = false;
for( int i = 0; i < pTemp->m_TriListCount; i++ ) { if( SweptAABBTriTest( rayStart, rayEnd, extents, pTemp->m_ppTriList[i] ) ) { pTemp->m_ppTriList[i]->SetIntersect( true ); bResult = true; } }
return bResult; } }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::IntersectAABBAABBTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, const Vector &pos, const Vector &extents ) { float dist;
for( int dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { // negative direction
dist = -( pos[dir] - ( pTemp->m_AABBDistances[(dir>>1)] - extents[dir] ) ); if( dist > COLLISION_EPSILON ) return false;
// positive direction
dist = pos[dir] - ( pTemp->m_AABBDistances[(dir>>1)+1] + extents[dir] ); if( dist > COLLISION_EPSILON ) return false; }
return true; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::SweptAABBAABBTest( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, const Vector &rayStart, const Vector &rayEnd, const Vector &extents ) { int dir; float distStart, distEnd; float fraction; float deltas[3]; float scalers[3];
// enter and exit fractions
float enterFraction = 0.0f; float exitFraction = 0.0f;
// de-normalize the paramter space so that we don't have to divide
// to find the fractional amount later (clamped for precision)
deltas[0] = rayEnd.x - rayStart.x; deltas[1] = rayEnd.y - rayStart.y; deltas[2] = rayEnd.z - rayStart.z; if( ( deltas[0] < COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( deltas[0] > -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { deltas[0] = 1.0f; } if( ( deltas[1] < COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( deltas[1] > -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { deltas[0] = 1.0f; } if( ( deltas[2] < COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( deltas[2] > -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { deltas[0] = 1.0f; } scalers[0] = deltas[1] * deltas[2]; scalers[1] = deltas[0] * deltas[2]; scalers[2] = deltas[0] * deltas[1];
for( dir = 0; dir < 3; dir++ ) { //
// negative direction
distStart = -( rayStart[dir] - ( pTemp->m_AABBDistances[(dir>>1)] - extents[dir] ) ); distEnd = -( rayEnd[dir] - ( pTemp->m_AABBDistances[(dir>>1)] - extents[dir] ) );
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { fraction = distStart * scalers[dir]; if( fraction > enterFraction ) { enterFraction = fraction; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { fraction = distStart * scalers[dir]; if( fraction < exitFraction ) { exitFraction = fraction; } } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; }
// positive direction
distStart = rayStart[dir] - ( pTemp->m_AABBDistances[(dir>>1)+1] + extents[dir] ); distEnd = rayEnd[dir] - ( pTemp->m_AABBDistances[(dir>>1)+1] + extents[dir] );
if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { fraction = distStart * scalers[dir]; if( fraction > enterFraction ) { enterFraction = fraction; } } else if( ( distStart < -COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { fraction = distStart * scalers[dir]; if( fraction < exitFraction ) { exitFraction = fraction; } } else if( ( distStart > COLLISION_EPSILON ) && ( distEnd > COLLISION_EPSILON ) ) { return false; } }
if( exitFraction < enterFraction ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
void CDispCollTree::BuildTriList_r( CDispCollTreeTempData *pTemp, int nodeIndex, Vector &rayStart, Vector &rayEnd, Vector &extents, bool bIntersect ) { //
// get the current nodes bounds and create collision test planes
// (saved in the in class cache m_AABBNormals, m_AABBDistances)
Vector bounds[2]; CDispCollNode *pNode = &m_pNodes[nodeIndex]; pNode->GetBounds( bounds[0], bounds[1] ); CreatePlanesFromBounds( pTemp, bounds[0], bounds[1] );
// interesect/sweep test
bool bResult; if( bIntersect ) { bResult = IntersectAABBAABBTest( pTemp, rayStart, extents ); } else { bResult = SweptAABBAABBTest( pTemp, rayStart, rayEnd, extents ); }
if( bResult ) { // if leaf node -- add triangles to interstection test list
if( pNode->IsLeaf() ) { // Assert for now -- flush cache later!!!!!
Assert( pTemp->m_TriListCount >= 0 ); Assert( pTemp->m_TriListCount < TRILIST_CACHE_SIZE );
pTemp->m_ppTriList[pTemp->m_TriListCount] = &pNode->m_Tris[0]; pTemp->m_ppTriList[pTemp->m_TriListCount+1] = &pNode->m_Tris[1]; pTemp->m_TriListCount += 2; } // continue recursion
else { BuildTriList_r( pTemp, GetChildNode( nodeIndex, 0 ), rayStart, rayEnd, extents, bIntersect ); BuildTriList_r( pTemp, GetChildNode( nodeIndex, 1 ), rayStart, rayEnd, extents, bIntersect ); BuildTriList_r( pTemp, GetChildNode( nodeIndex, 2 ), rayStart, rayEnd, extents, bIntersect ); BuildTriList_r( pTemp, GetChildNode( nodeIndex, 3 ), rayStart, rayEnd, extents, bIntersect ); } } }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::AABBSweep( CDispCollData *pData ) { // reset the triangle lists counts
CDispCollTreeTempData tmp; tmp.m_TriListCount = 0;
// sweep the AABB against the tree
BuildTriList_r( &tmp, 0, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_EndPos, pData->m_Extents, false );
// find collision triangles
if( CullTriList( &tmp, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_EndPos, pData->m_Extents, false ) ) { // find closest intersection
return AABBTriIntersect( &tmp, pData ); }
return false; }
// Purpose:
bool CDispCollTree::AABBIntersect( CDispCollData *pData ) { // reset the triangle lists counts
CDispCollTreeTempData tmp; tmp.m_TriListCount = 0;
// sweep the AABB against the tree
BuildTriList_r( &tmp, 0, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_Extents, true );
// find collision triangles
return CullTriList( &tmp, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_StartPos, pData->m_Extents, true ); }