//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier1/utlsymbol.h"
#include "mathlib/vector4d.h"
class IMaterial; class VMatrix; class ITexture;
#define MAKE_MATERIALVAR_FOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3) \
((unsigned long)(ch0) | ((unsigned long)(ch1) << 8) | \ ((unsigned long)(ch2) << 16) | ((unsigned long)(ch3) << 24 ))
// This fourcc is reserved.
// Various material var types
typedef unsigned short MaterialVarSym_t;
class IMaterialVar { public: typedef unsigned long FourCC; protected: // base data and accessors
char* m_pStringVal; int m_intVal; Vector4D m_VecVal;
// member data. total = 4 bytes
uint8 m_Type : 4; uint8 m_nNumVectorComps : 3; uint8 m_bFakeMaterialVar : 1; uint8 m_nTempIndex; CUtlSymbol m_Name;
public: // class factory methods
static IMaterialVar* Create( IMaterial* pMaterial, char const* pKey, VMatrix const& matrix ); static IMaterialVar* Create( IMaterial* pMaterial, char const* pKey, char const* pVal ); static IMaterialVar* Create( IMaterial* pMaterial, char const* pKey, float* pVal, int numcomps ); static IMaterialVar* Create( IMaterial* pMaterial, char const* pKey, float val ); static IMaterialVar* Create( IMaterial* pMaterial, char const* pKey, int val ); static IMaterialVar* Create( IMaterial* pMaterial, char const* pKey ); static void Destroy( IMaterialVar* pVar ); static MaterialVarSym_t GetSymbol( char const* pName ); static MaterialVarSym_t FindSymbol( char const* pName ); static bool SymbolMatches( char const* pName, MaterialVarSym_t symbol ); static void DeleteUnreferencedTextures( bool enable );
virtual ITexture *GetTextureValue( void ) = 0;
virtual char const * GetName( void ) const = 0; virtual MaterialVarSym_t GetNameAsSymbol() const = 0;
virtual void SetFloatValue( float val ) = 0; virtual void SetIntValue( int val ) = 0; virtual void SetStringValue( char const *val ) = 0; virtual char const * GetStringValue( void ) const = 0;
// Use FourCC values to pass app-defined data structures between
// the proxy and the shader. The shader should ignore the data if
// its FourCC type not correct.
virtual void SetFourCCValue( FourCC type, void *pData ) = 0; virtual void GetFourCCValue( FourCC *type, void **ppData ) = 0;
// Vec (dim 2-4)
virtual void SetVecValue( float const* val, int numcomps ) = 0; virtual void SetVecValue( float x, float y ) = 0; virtual void SetVecValue( float x, float y, float z ) = 0; virtual void SetVecValue( float x, float y, float z, float w ) = 0; virtual void GetLinearVecValue( float *val, int numcomps ) const = 0;
// revisit: is this a good interface for textures?
virtual void SetTextureValue( ITexture * ) = 0;
virtual IMaterial * GetMaterialValue( void ) = 0; virtual void SetMaterialValue( IMaterial * ) = 0;
virtual bool IsDefined() const = 0; virtual void SetUndefined() = 0;
// Matrix
virtual void SetMatrixValue( VMatrix const& matrix ) = 0; virtual const VMatrix &GetMatrixValue( ) = 0; virtual bool MatrixIsIdentity() const = 0;
// Copy....
virtual void CopyFrom( IMaterialVar *pMaterialVar ) = 0;
virtual void SetValueAutodetectType( char const *val ) = 0;
virtual IMaterial * GetOwningMaterial() = 0;
//set just 1 component
virtual void SetVecComponentValue( float fVal, int nComponent ) = 0;
protected: virtual int GetIntValueInternal( void ) const = 0; virtual float GetFloatValueInternal( void ) const = 0; virtual float const* GetVecValueInternal( ) const = 0; virtual void GetVecValueInternal( float *val, int numcomps ) const = 0; virtual int VectorSizeInternal() const = 0;
public: FORCEINLINE MaterialVarType_t GetType( void ) const { return ( MaterialVarType_t )m_Type; }
FORCEINLINE bool IsTexture() const { return m_Type == MATERIAL_VAR_TYPE_TEXTURE; }
FORCEINLINE operator ITexture*() { return GetTextureValue(); }
// NOTE: Fast methods should only be called in thread-safe situations
FORCEINLINE int GetIntValueFast( void ) const { // Set methods for float and vector update this
return m_intVal; }
FORCEINLINE float GetFloatValueFast( void ) const { return m_VecVal[0]; }
FORCEINLINE float const* GetVecValueFast( ) const { return m_VecVal.Base(); }
FORCEINLINE void GetVecValueFast( float *val, int numcomps ) const { Assert( ( numcomps >0 ) && ( numcomps <= 4 ) ); for( int i=0 ; i < numcomps; i++ ) { val[i] = m_VecVal[ i ]; } }
FORCEINLINE int VectorSizeFast() const { return m_nNumVectorComps; }
FORCEINLINE int GetIntValue( void ) const { return GetIntValueFast(); }
FORCEINLINE float GetFloatValue( void ) const { return GetFloatValueFast(); }
FORCEINLINE float const* GetVecValue( ) const { return GetVecValueFast(); }
FORCEINLINE void GetVecValue( float *val, int numcomps ) const { GetVecValueFast( val, numcomps ); }
FORCEINLINE int VectorSize() const { return VectorSizeFast(); } #else // !FAST_MATERIALVAR_ACCESS
FORCEINLINE int GetIntValue( void ) const { return GetIntValueInternal(); }
FORCEINLINE float GetFloatValue( void ) const { return GetFloatValueInternal(); }
FORCEINLINE float const* GetVecValue( ) const { return GetVecValueInternal(); }
FORCEINLINE void GetVecValue( float *val, int numcomps ) const { return GetVecValueInternal( val, numcomps ); }
FORCEINLINE int VectorSize() const { return VectorSizeInternal(); } #endif
private: FORCEINLINE void SetTempIndex( int nIndex ) { m_nTempIndex = nIndex; }
friend void EnableThreadedMaterialVarAccess( bool bEnable, IMaterialVar **ppParams, int nVarCount ); };