//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
// For vec_t, put this somewhere else?
#include "basetypes.h"
// For rand(). We really need a library!
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#pragma bitfield_order( push, lsb_to_msb )
// fit a 3D vector into 32 bits
class Vector32 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Vector32(void); Vector32(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z);
// assignment
Vector32& operator=(const Vector &vOther); operator Vector ();
private: unsigned short x:10; unsigned short y:10; unsigned short z:10; unsigned short exp:2; };
inline Vector32& Vector32::operator=(const Vector &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther);
static float expScale[4] = { 4.0f, 16.0f, 32.f, 64.f };
float fmax = Max( fabs( vOther.x ), fabs( vOther.y ) ); fmax = Max( fmax, (float)fabs( vOther.z ) );
for (exp = 0; exp < 3; exp++) { if (fmax < expScale[exp]) break; } Assert( fmax < expScale[exp] );
float fexp = 512.0f / expScale[exp];
x = Clamp( (int)(vOther.x * fexp) + 512, 0, 1023 ); y = Clamp( (int)(vOther.y * fexp) + 512, 0, 1023 ); z = Clamp( (int)(vOther.z * fexp) + 512, 0, 1023 ); return *this; }
inline Vector32::operator Vector () { Vector tmp;
static float expScale[4] = { 4.0f, 16.0f, 32.f, 64.f };
float fexp = expScale[exp] / 512.0f;
tmp.x = (((int)x) - 512) * fexp; tmp.y = (((int)y) - 512) * fexp; tmp.z = (((int)z) - 512) * fexp; return tmp; }
// Fit a unit vector into 32 bits
class Normal32 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Normal32(void); Normal32(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z);
// assignment
Normal32& operator=(const Vector &vOther); operator Vector ();
private: unsigned short x:15; unsigned short y:15; unsigned short zneg:1; };
inline Normal32& Normal32::operator=(const Vector &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther);
x = Clamp( (int)(vOther.x * 16384) + 16384, 0, 32767 ); y = Clamp( (int)(vOther.y * 16384) + 16384, 0, 32767 ); zneg = (vOther.z < 0); //x = vOther.x;
//y = vOther.y;
//z = vOther.z;
return *this; }
inline Normal32::operator Vector () { Vector tmp;
tmp.x = ((int)x - 16384) * (1 / 16384.0); tmp.y = ((int)y - 16384) * (1 / 16384.0); tmp.z = sqrt( 1 - tmp.x * tmp.x - tmp.y * tmp.y ); if (zneg) tmp.z = -tmp.z; return tmp; }
// 64 bit Quaternion
class Quaternion64 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Quaternion64(void); Quaternion64(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z);
// assignment
// Quaternion& operator=(const Quaternion64 &vOther);
Quaternion64& operator=(const Quaternion &vOther); operator Quaternion (); private: uint64 x:21; uint64 y:21; uint64 z:21; uint64 wneg:1; };
inline Quaternion64::operator Quaternion () { Quaternion tmp;
// shift to -1048576, + 1048575, then round down slightly to -1.0 < x < 1.0
tmp.x = ((int)x - 1048576) * (1 / 1048576.5f); tmp.y = ((int)y - 1048576) * (1 / 1048576.5f); tmp.z = ((int)z - 1048576) * (1 / 1048576.5f); tmp.w = sqrt( 1 - tmp.x * tmp.x - tmp.y * tmp.y - tmp.z * tmp.z ); if (wneg) tmp.w = -tmp.w; return tmp; }
inline Quaternion64& Quaternion64::operator=(const Quaternion &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther);
x = Clamp( (int)(vOther.x * 1048576) + 1048576, 0, 2097151 ); y = Clamp( (int)(vOther.y * 1048576) + 1048576, 0, 2097151 ); z = Clamp( (int)(vOther.z * 1048576) + 1048576, 0, 2097151 ); wneg = (vOther.w < 0); return *this; }
// 48 bit Quaternion
class Quaternion48 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Quaternion48(void); Quaternion48(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z);
// assignment
// Quaternion& operator=(const Quaternion48 &vOther);
Quaternion48& operator=(const Quaternion &vOther); operator Quaternion (); private: unsigned short x:16; unsigned short y:16; unsigned short z:15; unsigned short wneg:1; };
inline Quaternion48::operator Quaternion () { Quaternion tmp;
tmp.x = ((int)x - 32768) * (1 / 32768.0); tmp.y = ((int)y - 32768) * (1 / 32768.0); tmp.z = ((int)z - 16384) * (1 / 16384.0); tmp.w = sqrt( 1 - tmp.x * tmp.x - tmp.y * tmp.y - tmp.z * tmp.z ); if (wneg) tmp.w = -tmp.w; return tmp; }
inline Quaternion48& Quaternion48::operator=(const Quaternion &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther);
x = Clamp( (int)(vOther.x * 32768) + 32768, 0, 65535 ); y = Clamp( (int)(vOther.y * 32768) + 32768, 0, 65535 ); z = Clamp( (int)(vOther.z * 16384) + 16384, 0, 32767 ); wneg = (vOther.w < 0); return *this; }
// 32 bit Quaternion
class Quaternion32 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Quaternion32(void); Quaternion32(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z);
// assignment
// Quaternion& operator=(const Quaternion48 &vOther);
Quaternion32& operator=(const Quaternion &vOther); operator Quaternion (); private: unsigned int x:11; unsigned int y:10; unsigned int z:10; unsigned int wneg:1; };
inline Quaternion32::operator Quaternion () { Quaternion tmp;
tmp.x = ((int)x - 1024) * (1 / 1024.0); tmp.y = ((int)y - 512) * (1 / 512.0); tmp.z = ((int)z - 512) * (1 / 512.0); tmp.w = sqrt( 1 - tmp.x * tmp.x - tmp.y * tmp.y - tmp.z * tmp.z ); if (wneg) tmp.w = -tmp.w; return tmp; }
inline Quaternion32& Quaternion32::operator=(const Quaternion &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther);
x = Clamp( (int)(vOther.x * 1024) + 1024, 0, 2047 ); y = Clamp( (int)(vOther.y * 512) + 512, 0, 1023 ); z = Clamp( (int)(vOther.z * 512) + 512, 0, 1023 ); wneg = (vOther.w < 0); return *this; }
// 16 bit float
const int float32bias = 127; const int float16bias = 15;
const float maxfloat16bits = 65504.0f;
class float16 { public: //float16() {}
//float16( float f ) { m_storage.rawWord = ConvertFloatTo16bits(f); }
void Init() { m_storage.rawWord = 0; } // float16& operator=(const float16 &other) { m_storage.rawWord = other.m_storage.rawWord; return *this; }
// float16& operator=(const float &other) { m_storage.rawWord = ConvertFloatTo16bits(other); return *this; }
// operator unsigned short () { return m_storage.rawWord; }
// operator float () { return Convert16bitFloatTo32bits( m_storage.rawWord ); }
unsigned short GetBits() const { return m_storage.rawWord; } float GetFloat() const { return Convert16bitFloatTo32bits( m_storage.rawWord ); } void SetFloat( float in ) { m_storage.rawWord = ConvertFloatTo16bits( in ); }
bool IsInfinity() const { return m_storage.bits.biased_exponent == 31 && m_storage.bits.mantissa == 0; } bool IsNaN() const { return m_storage.bits.biased_exponent == 31 && m_storage.bits.mantissa != 0; }
bool operator==(const float16 other) const { return m_storage.rawWord == other.m_storage.rawWord; } bool operator!=(const float16 other) const { return m_storage.rawWord != other.m_storage.rawWord; } // bool operator< (const float other) const { return GetFloat() < other; }
// bool operator> (const float other) const { return GetFloat() > other; }
protected: union float32bits { float rawFloat; struct { unsigned int mantissa : 23; unsigned int biased_exponent : 8; unsigned int sign : 1; } bits; };
union float16bits { unsigned short rawWord; struct { unsigned short mantissa : 10; unsigned short biased_exponent : 5; unsigned short sign : 1; } bits; };
static bool IsNaN( float16bits in ) { return in.bits.biased_exponent == 31 && in.bits.mantissa != 0; } static bool IsInfinity( float16bits in ) { return in.bits.biased_exponent == 31 && in.bits.mantissa == 0; }
// 0x0001 - 0x03ff
static unsigned short ConvertFloatTo16bits( float input ) { if ( input > maxfloat16bits ) input = maxfloat16bits; else if ( input < -maxfloat16bits ) input = -maxfloat16bits;
float16bits output; float32bits inFloat;
inFloat.rawFloat = input;
output.bits.sign = inFloat.bits.sign;
if ( (inFloat.bits.biased_exponent==0) && (inFloat.bits.mantissa==0) ) { // zero
output.bits.mantissa = 0; output.bits.biased_exponent = 0; } else if ( (inFloat.bits.biased_exponent==0) && (inFloat.bits.mantissa!=0) ) { // denorm -- denorm float maps to 0 half
output.bits.mantissa = 0; output.bits.biased_exponent = 0; } else if ( (inFloat.bits.biased_exponent==0xff) && (inFloat.bits.mantissa==0) ) { #if 0
// infinity
output.bits.mantissa = 0; output.bits.biased_exponent = 31; #else
// infinity maps to maxfloat
output.bits.mantissa = 0x3ff; output.bits.biased_exponent = 0x1e; #endif
} else if ( (inFloat.bits.biased_exponent==0xff) && (inFloat.bits.mantissa!=0) ) { #if 0
// NaN
output.bits.mantissa = 1; output.bits.biased_exponent = 31; #else
// NaN maps to zero
output.bits.mantissa = 0; output.bits.biased_exponent = 0; #endif
} else { // regular number
int new_exp = inFloat.bits.biased_exponent-127;
if (new_exp<-24) { // this maps to 0
output.bits.mantissa = 0; output.bits.biased_exponent = 0; }
if (new_exp<-14) { // this maps to a denorm
output.bits.biased_exponent = 0; unsigned int exp_val = ( unsigned int )( -14 - ( inFloat.bits.biased_exponent - float32bias ) ); if( exp_val > 0 && exp_val < 11 ) { output.bits.mantissa = ( 1 << ( 10 - exp_val ) ) + ( inFloat.bits.mantissa >> ( 13 + exp_val ) ); } } else if (new_exp>15) { #if 0
// map this value to infinity
output.bits.mantissa = 0; output.bits.biased_exponent = 31; #else
// to big. . . maps to maxfloat
output.bits.mantissa = 0x3ff; output.bits.biased_exponent = 0x1e; #endif
} else { output.bits.biased_exponent = new_exp+15; output.bits.mantissa = (inFloat.bits.mantissa >> 13); } } return output.rawWord; }
static float Convert16bitFloatTo32bits( unsigned short input ) { float32bits output; const float16bits &inFloat = *((float16bits *)&input);
if( IsInfinity( inFloat ) ) { return maxfloat16bits * ( ( inFloat.bits.sign == 1 ) ? -1.0f : 1.0f ); } if( IsNaN( inFloat ) ) { return 0.0; } if( inFloat.bits.biased_exponent == 0 && inFloat.bits.mantissa != 0 ) { // denorm
const float half_denorm = (1.0f/16384.0f); // 2^-14
float mantissa = ((float)(inFloat.bits.mantissa)) / 1024.0f; float sgn = (inFloat.bits.sign)? -1.0f :1.0f; output.rawFloat = sgn*mantissa*half_denorm; } else { // regular number
unsigned mantissa = inFloat.bits.mantissa; unsigned biased_exponent = inFloat.bits.biased_exponent; unsigned sign = ((unsigned)inFloat.bits.sign) << 31; biased_exponent = ( (biased_exponent - float16bias + float32bias) * (biased_exponent != 0) ) << 23; mantissa <<= (23-10);
*((unsigned *)&output) = ( mantissa | biased_exponent | sign ); } return output.rawFloat; }
float16bits m_storage; };
class float16_with_assign : public float16 { public: float16_with_assign() {} float16_with_assign( float f ) { m_storage.rawWord = ConvertFloatTo16bits(f); }
float16& operator=(const float16 &other) { m_storage.rawWord = ((float16_with_assign &)other).m_storage.rawWord; return *this; } float16& operator=(const float &other) { m_storage.rawWord = ConvertFloatTo16bits(other); return *this; } // operator unsigned short () const { return m_storage.rawWord; }
operator float () const { return Convert16bitFloatTo32bits( m_storage.rawWord ); } };
// Fit a 3D vector in 48 bits
class Vector48 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Vector48(void) {} Vector48(vec_t X, vec_t Y, vec_t Z) { x.SetFloat( X ); y.SetFloat( Y ); z.SetFloat( Z ); }
// assignment
Vector48& operator=(const Vector &vOther); operator Vector ();
const float operator[]( int i ) const { return (((float16 *)this)[i]).GetFloat(); }
float16 x; float16 y; float16 z; };
inline Vector48& Vector48::operator=(const Vector &vOther) { CHECK_VALID(vOther);
x.SetFloat( vOther.x ); y.SetFloat( vOther.y ); z.SetFloat( vOther.z ); return *this; }
inline Vector48::operator Vector () { Vector tmp;
tmp.x = x.GetFloat(); tmp.y = y.GetFloat(); tmp.z = z.GetFloat();
return tmp; }
// Fit a 2D vector in 32 bits
class Vector2d32 { public: // Construction/destruction:
Vector2d32(void) {} Vector2d32(vec_t X, vec_t Y) { x.SetFloat( X ); y.SetFloat( Y ); }
// assignment
Vector2d32& operator=(const Vector &vOther); Vector2d32& operator=(const Vector2D &vOther);
operator Vector2D ();
void Init( vec_t ix = 0.f, vec_t iy = 0.f);
float16_with_assign x; float16_with_assign y; };
inline Vector2d32& Vector2d32::operator=(const Vector2D &vOther) { x.SetFloat( vOther.x ); y.SetFloat( vOther.y ); return *this; }
inline Vector2d32::operator Vector2D () { Vector2D tmp;
tmp.x = x.GetFloat(); tmp.y = y.GetFloat();
return tmp; }
inline void Vector2d32::Init( vec_t ix, vec_t iy ) { x.SetFloat(ix); y.SetFloat(iy); }
#if defined( _X360 )
#pragma bitfield_order( pop )