//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "ModWizard_GetModInfo.h"
#include <vgui_controls/DirectorySelectDialog.h>
#include <vgui/IInput.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/WizardPanel.h>
#include "sdklauncher_main.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "CreateModWizard.h"
#include "ModWizard_CopyFiles.h"
using namespace vgui;
extern char g_engineDir[50];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Directory select dialog that preserves the modalness of the previous dialog.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CModalPreserveDirectorySelectDialog : public DirectorySelectDialog { public: typedef vgui::DirectorySelectDialog BaseClass;
CModalPreserveDirectorySelectDialog(vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *title) : BaseClass( pParent, title ) { m_PrevAppFocusPanel = vgui::input()->GetAppModalSurface(); vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( GetVPanel() ); }
~CModalPreserveDirectorySelectDialog() { vgui::input()->SetAppModalSurface( m_PrevAppFocusPanel ); }
public: vgui::VPANEL m_PrevAppFocusPanel; };
CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo( Panel *parent, const char *panelName ) : BaseClass( parent, panelName ) { m_pModPath = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "ModPath" ); m_pModName = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "ModName" ); new vgui::Button( this, "SearchButton", "", this, "SearchButton" );
m_pModNameInfoLabel = new Label( this, "ModNameInfoLabel", "" );
LoadControlSettings( "ModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo.res");
if ( g_bModWizard_CmdLineFields ) { m_pModPath->SetText( g_ModWizard_CmdLine_ModDir ); m_pModPath->SetEditable( false ); m_pModPath->SetEnabled( false );
m_pModName->SetText( g_ModWizard_CmdLine_ModName ); m_pModName->SetEditable( false ); m_pModName->SetEnabled( false ); } }
WizardSubPanel *CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::GetNextSubPanel() { // In scratch/template, go to the template options panel - orange box only!
if ( m_ModType == ModType_FromScratch && !V_strcmp( g_engineDir, "source2007" ) ) return dynamic_cast<WizardSubPanel *>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_TemplateOptions")); else return dynamic_cast<WizardSubPanel *>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles")); }
void CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); GetWizardPanel()->SetFinishButtonEnabled(false); }
void CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::OnDisplayAsNext() { GetWizardPanel()->SetTitle( "#ModWizard_GetModInfo_Title", true ); }
bool CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::OnNextButton() { char modPath[512]; m_pModPath->GetText( modPath, sizeof( modPath ) ); Q_AppendSlash( modPath, sizeof( modPath ) );
char modName[512]; m_pModName->GetText( modName, sizeof( modName ) );
// Validate the path they passed in.
if ( modPath[0] == 0 ) { VGUIMessageBox( GetWizardPanel(), "Error", "#PleaseEnterModPath" ); return false; } else if ( !Q_IsAbsolutePath( modPath ) ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "Please enter a full path (like C:\\MyMod) to install the mod." ); return false; }
// Validate the mod name.
char outputModGamedirName[MAX_PATH];
if ( m_ModType == ModType_SourceCodeOnly ) { outputModGamedirName[0] = 0; modName[0] = 0; } else { if ( modName[0] == 0 ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "#PleaseEnterModName" ); m_pModName->RequestFocus(); return false; } int modNameLen = strlen( modName ); for ( int i=0; i < modNameLen; i++ ) { if ( !isalnum( modName[i] ) && modName[i] != '-' && modName[i] != '_' && modName[i] != ' ' ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "#ModNameInvalidCharacters" ); return false; } }
//Tony; after the other check for invalid characters, make the actual outputModGamedirName lowercase with spaces stripped out.
char strippedModName[512]; //this is what gets thrown on below!
//Tony; reuse modNameLen when I copy it to the new string.
//I could have sworn there was an easier way to do this, but it completely escapes me.
int i,j; modNameLen = strlen( modName ); for (i=0, j=0;i < modNameLen; i++ ) { if (modName[i] == ' ') continue; strippedModName[j++] = modName[i]; } strippedModName[j] = '\0'; //Null terminate.
// Q_strncpy( strippedModName, ModName, sizeof( strippedModName ) );
Q_strlower( strippedModName ); //Tony; convert it to lower case
// Build the name of the content directory (c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\modname).
Q_strncpy( outputModGamedirName, GetSDKLauncherBaseDirectory(), sizeof( outputModGamedirName ) ); // steamapps\username\sourcesdk
Q_StripLastDir( outputModGamedirName, sizeof( outputModGamedirName ) ); // steamapps\username
Q_StripLastDir( outputModGamedirName, sizeof( outputModGamedirName ) ); // steamapps
Q_AppendSlash( outputModGamedirName, sizeof( outputModGamedirName ) ); Q_strncat( outputModGamedirName, "SourceMods", sizeof( outputModGamedirName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); // steamapps\sourcemods
Q_AppendSlash( outputModGamedirName, sizeof( outputModGamedirName ) ); Q_strncat( outputModGamedirName, strippedModName, sizeof( outputModGamedirName ), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS ); // steamapps\sourcemods\modname
Q_AppendSlash( outputModGamedirName, sizeof( outputModGamedirName ) );
if ( !CreateFullDirectory( outputModGamedirName ) || !CreateSubdirectory( outputModGamedirName, "resource" ) || !CreateSubdirectory( outputModGamedirName, "resource\\ui" ) || !CreateSubdirectory( outputModGamedirName, "maps" ) || !CreateSubdirectory( outputModGamedirName, "cfg" ) || !CreateSubdirectory( outputModGamedirName, "scripts" ) ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "Unable to create directory '%s' or one if its subdirectories.", modPath ); return false; } }
// Setup all the data for the copy panel.
CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles *pCopyPanel = dynamic_cast<CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles *>(GetWizardPanel()->FindChildByName("CModWizardSubPanel_CopyFiles")); if ( !pCopyPanel ) { VGUIMessageBox( this, "Error", "Can't find copy panel!" ); return false; } pCopyPanel->GetReady( modPath, outputModGamedirName, modName ); return true; }
void CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::OnCommand( const char *command ) { if ( Q_stricmp( command, "SearchButton" ) == 0 ) { CModalPreserveDirectorySelectDialog *pDlg = vgui::SETUP_PANEL( new CModalPreserveDirectorySelectDialog( this, "#SelectInstallDirectory" ) ); pDlg->SetStartDirectory( "C:\\" ); char szPath[MAX_PATH]; m_pModPath->GetText( szPath, sizeof(szPath) ); pDlg->ExpandTreeToPath( szPath ); pDlg->SetDefaultCreateDirectoryName( "MyMod" ); pDlg->MoveToCenterOfScreen(); pDlg->DoModal(); pDlg->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); }
BaseClass::OnCommand( command ); }
void CModWizardSubPanel_GetModInfo::OnChooseDirectory( const char *dir ) { m_pModPath->SetText( dir ); }