/* main.c */
This program demonstrates a simple application of JSON_parser. It reads a JSON text from STDIN, producing an error message if the text is rejected.
% JSON_parser <test/pass1.json */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include "JSON_parser.h"
static int print(void* ctx, int type, const JSON_value* value);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int count = 0, result = 0; FILE* input; JSON_config config;
struct JSON_parser_struct* jc = NULL; init_JSON_config(&config); config.depth = 19; config.callback = &print; config.allow_comments = 1; config.handle_floats_manually = 0; /* Important! Set locale before parser is created.*/ if (argc >= 2) { if (!setlocale(LC_ALL, argv[1])) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set locale to '%s'\n", argv[1]); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "No locale provided, C locale is used\n"); } jc = new_JSON_parser(&config); input = stdin; for (; input ; ++count) { int next_char = fgetc(input); if (next_char <= 0) { break; } if (!JSON_parser_char(jc, next_char)) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON_parser_char: syntax error, byte %d\n", count); result = 1; goto done; } } if (!JSON_parser_done(jc)) { fprintf(stderr, "JSON_parser_end: syntax error\n"); result = 1; goto done; } done: delete_JSON_parser(jc); return result; }
static size_t s_Level = 0;
static const char* s_pIndention = " ";
static int s_IsKey = 0;
static void print_indention() { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < s_Level; ++i) { printf("%s", s_pIndention); } }
static int print(void* ctx, int type, const JSON_value* value) { switch(type) { case JSON_T_ARRAY_BEGIN: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("[\n"); ++s_Level; break; case JSON_T_ARRAY_END: assert(!s_IsKey); if (s_Level > 0) --s_Level; print_indention(); printf("]\n"); break; case JSON_T_OBJECT_BEGIN: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("{\n"); ++s_Level; break; case JSON_T_OBJECT_END: assert(!s_IsKey); if (s_Level > 0) --s_Level; print_indention(); printf("}\n"); break; case JSON_T_INTEGER: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("integer: "JSON_PARSER_INTEGER_SPRINTF_TOKEN"\n", value->vu.integer_value); break; case JSON_T_FLOAT: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("float: %f\n", value->vu.float_value); /* We wanted stringified floats */ break; case JSON_T_NULL: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("null\n"); break; case JSON_T_TRUE: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("true\n"); break; case JSON_T_FALSE: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("false\n"); break; case JSON_T_KEY: s_IsKey = 1; print_indention(); printf("key = '%s', value = ", value->vu.str.value); break; case JSON_T_STRING: if (!s_IsKey) print_indention(); s_IsKey = 0; printf("string: '%s'\n", value->vu.str.value); break; default: assert(0); break; } return 1; }