//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "DialogGameInfo.h"
#include "Info.h"
#include "IRunGameEngine.h"
#include "IGameList.h"
#include "TrackerProtocol.h"
#include "serverpage.h"
#include "ServerList.h"
#include "DialogServerPassword.h"
#include <VGUI_Controls.h>
#include <VGUI_ISystem.h>
#include <VGUI_ISurface.h>
#include <VGUI_IVGui.h>
#include <VGUI_KeyValues.h>
#include <VGUI_Label.h>
#include <VGUI_TextEntry.h>
#include <VGUI_Button.h>
#include <VGUI_ToggleButton.h>
#include <VGUI_RadioButton.h>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace vgui;
static const long RETRY_TIME = 10000; // refresh server every 10 seconds
// Purpose: Constructor
CDialogGameInfo::CDialogGameInfo(IGameList *gameList, unsigned int serverID, int serverIP, int serverPort) : Frame(NULL, "DialogGameInfo"), m_Servers(this) { MakePopup(); SetBounds(0, 0, 512, 384); m_bConnecting = false; m_bServerFull = false; m_bShowAutoRetryToggle = false; m_bServerNotResponding = false; m_bShowingExtendedOptions = false;
m_szPassword[0] = 0;
m_iServerID = serverID;
m_pConnectButton = new Button(this, "Connect", "&Join Game"); m_pCloseButton = new Button(this, "Close", "&Close"); m_pRefreshButton = new Button(this, "Refresh", "&Refresh"); m_pInfoLabel = new Label(this, "InfoLabel", ""); m_pAutoRetry = new ToggleButton(this, "AutoRetry", "&Auto-Retry"); m_pAutoRetry->AddActionSignalTarget(this);
m_pAutoRetryAlert = new RadioButton(this, "AutoRetryAlert", "A&lert me when a player slot is available on server."); m_pAutoRetryJoin = new RadioButton(this, "AutoRetryJoin", "J&oin the server as soon as a player slot is available.");
m_pConnectButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("Connect")); m_pCloseButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("Close")); m_pRefreshButton->SetCommand(new KeyValues("Refresh"));
m_iRequestRetry = 0;
if (gameList) { // we already have the game info, fill it in
serveritem_t &server = gameList->GetServer(serverID); m_iServerID = m_Servers.AddNewServer(server); } else { // create a new server to watch
serveritem_t server; memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server)); *((int *)server.ip) = serverIP; server.port = serverPort; m_iServerID = m_Servers.AddNewServer(server); }
// refresh immediately
// let us be ticked every frame
LoadControlSettings("Admin\\DialogGameInfo.res"); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CDialogGameInfo::~CDialogGameInfo() { }
// Purpose: Activates the dialog
void CDialogGameInfo::Run(const char *titleName) { char buf[512]; if (titleName) { sprintf(buf, "Game Info - %s", titleName); } else { strcpy(buf, "Game Info"); } SetTitle(buf, true);
// get the info from the user
RequestFocus(); }
// Purpose: Changes which server to watch
void CDialogGameInfo::ChangeGame(int serverIP, int serverPort) { // check to see if it's the same game
serveritem_t &server = m_Servers.GetServer(m_iServerID);
if (*(int *)server.ip == serverIP && server.port == serverPort) { return; }
// change the server
// create a new server to watch
serveritem_t newServer; memset(&newServer, 0, sizeof(newServer)); *((int *)newServer.ip) = serverIP; newServer.port = serverPort; m_iServerID = m_Servers.AddNewServer(newServer);
// start refresh immediately
RequestInfo(); }
// Purpose: Relayouts the data
void CDialogGameInfo::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout();
// get the server we're watching
serveritem_t &server = m_Servers.GetServer(m_iServerID);
SetControlText("ServerText", server.name); SetControlText("GameText", server.gameDescription); SetControlText("MapText", server.map);
char buf[128]; if (server.maxPlayers > 0) { sprintf(buf, "%d / %d", server.players, server.maxPlayers); } else { buf[0] = 0; } SetControlText("PlayersText", buf);
if (server.ip[0] && server.port) { char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", server.ip[0], server.ip[1], server.ip[2], server.ip[3], server.port); SetControlText("ServerIPText", buf); m_pConnectButton->SetEnabled(true); } else { SetControlText("ServerIPText", ""); m_pConnectButton->SetEnabled(false); }
sprintf(buf, "%d", server.ping); SetControlText("PingText", buf);
// set the info text
if (m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected()) { if (server.players < server.maxPlayers) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("Press 'Join Game' to connect to the server."); } else if (m_pAutoRetryJoin->IsSelected()) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("You will join the server as soon as a player slot is free."); } else { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("You will be alerted as soon player slot is free on the server."); } } else if (m_bServerFull) { m_pInfoLabel->SetText("Could not connect - server is full."); } else if (m_bServerNotResponding) { char text[100]; _snprintf(text,100,"Server is not responding.%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", server.ip[0], server.ip[1], server.ip[2], server.ip[3], server.port);
m_pInfoLabel->SetText(text); } else { // clear the status
m_pInfoLabel->SetText(""); }
// auto-retry layout
if (m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected()) { m_pAutoRetryAlert->SetVisible(true); m_pAutoRetryJoin->SetVisible(true); } else { m_pAutoRetryAlert->SetVisible(false); m_pAutoRetryJoin->SetVisible(false); }
Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Sets up the current scheme colors
void CDialogGameInfo::ApplySchemeSettings(vgui::IScheme *pScheme) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings(pScheme);
// force the label to get it's scheme settings
m_pInfoLabel->InvalidateLayout(true); // override them
m_pInfoLabel->SetFgColor(GetSchemeColor("BrightControlText")); }
// Purpose: Forces the game info dialog to try and connect
void CDialogGameInfo::Connect() { OnConnect(); }
// Purpose: Connects the user to this game
void CDialogGameInfo::OnConnect() { // flag that we are attempting connection
m_bConnecting = true;
// reset state
m_bServerFull = false; m_bServerNotResponding = false;
// need to refresh server before attempting to connect, to make sure there is enough room on the server
RequestInfo(); }
// Purpose: Handles Refresh button press, starts a re-ping of the server
void CDialogGameInfo::OnRefresh() { // re-ask the server for the game info
RequestInfo(); }
// Purpose: Deletes the dialog when it's closed
void CDialogGameInfo::OnClose() { BaseClass::OnClose(); MarkForDeletion(); }
// Purpose: Forces the whole dialog to redraw when the auto-retry button is toggled
void CDialogGameInfo::OnButtonToggled(Panel *panel) { if (panel == m_pAutoRetry) { ShowAutoRetryOptions(m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected()); }
InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Sets whether the extended auto-retry options are visible or not
// Input : state -
void CDialogGameInfo::ShowAutoRetryOptions(bool state) { // we need to extend the dialog
int growSize = 60; if (!state) { growSize = -growSize; }
// alter the dialog size accordingly
int wide, tall; GetSize(wide, tall); tall += growSize; SetSize(wide, tall); InvalidateLayout(); }
// Purpose: Sets the text of a control by name
void CDialogGameInfo::SetControlText(const char *textEntryName, const char *text) { TextEntry *entry = dynamic_cast<TextEntry *>(FindChildByName(textEntryName)); if (entry) { entry->SetText(text); } }
// Purpose: Requests the right info from the server
void CDialogGameInfo::RequestInfo() { // reset the time at which we auto-refresh
m_iRequestRetry = system()->GetTimeMillis() + RETRY_TIME;
if (!m_Servers.IsRefreshing()) { m_Servers.AddServerToRefreshList(m_iServerID); m_Servers.StartRefresh(); } }
// Purpose: Called every frame, handles resending network messages
void CDialogGameInfo::OnTick() { // check to see if we should perform an auto-refresh
if (m_iRequestRetry && m_iRequestRetry < system()->GetTimeMillis()) { // reask
RequestInfo(); }
m_Servers.RunFrame(); }
// Purpose: called when the server has successfully responded
void CDialogGameInfo::ServerResponded(serveritem_t &server) { if (m_bConnecting) { ConnectToServer(); } else if (m_pAutoRetry->IsSelected()) { // auto-retry is enabled, see if we can join
if (server.players < server.maxPlayers) { // there is a slot free, we can join
// make the sound
// flash this window
// if it's set, connect right away
if (m_pAutoRetryJoin->IsSelected()) { ConnectToServer(); } } }
m_bServerNotResponding = false;
InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: called when a server response has timed out
void CDialogGameInfo::ServerFailedToRespond(serveritem_t &server) { // the server didn't respond, mark that in the UI
// only mark if we haven't ever received a response
if (!server.hadSuccessfulResponse) { m_bServerNotResponding = true; }
InvalidateLayout(); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: Connects to the server
void CDialogGameInfo::ConnectToServer() { m_bConnecting = false; serveritem_t &server = m_Servers.GetServer(m_iServerID);
// check to see if we need a password
if (server.password && !m_szPassword[0]) { CDialogServerPassword *box = new CDialogServerPassword(); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->Activate(server.name, server.serverID); return; }
// check the player count
if (server.players >= server.maxPlayers) { // mark why we cannot connect
m_bServerFull = true; // give them access to auto-retry options
m_bShowAutoRetryToggle = true; InvalidateLayout(); return; }
// tell the engine to connect
char buf[64]; sprintf(buf, "%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", server.ip[0], server.ip[1], server.ip[2], server.ip[3], server.port);
const char *gameDir = server.gameDir; if (g_pRunGameEngine->IsRunning()) { char command[256];
// set the server password, if any
if (m_szPassword[0]) { sprintf(command, "password \"%s\"\n", m_szPassword); g_pRunGameEngine->AddTextCommand(command); }
// send engine command to change servers
sprintf(command, "connect %s\n", buf); g_pRunGameEngine->AddTextCommand(command); } else { char command[256]; // sprintf(command, " -game %s +connect %s", gameDir, buf);
sprintf(command, " +connect %s", buf); if (m_szPassword[0]) { strcat(command, " +password \""); strcat(command, m_szPassword); strcat(command, "\"");\ } g_pRunGameEngine->RunEngine(gameDir, command); }
// close this dialog
PostMessage(this, new KeyValues("Close")); }
// Purpose: called when the current refresh list is complete
void CDialogGameInfo::RefreshComplete() { }
// Purpose: handles response from the get password dialog
void CDialogGameInfo::OnJoinServerWithPassword(const char *password) { // copy out the password
v_strncpy(m_szPassword, password, sizeof(m_szPassword));
// retry connecting to the server again
OnConnect(); }
// Purpose: Message map
MessageMapItem_t CDialogGameInfo::m_MessageMap[] = { MAP_MESSAGE( CDialogGameInfo, "Refresh", OnRefresh ), MAP_MESSAGE( CDialogGameInfo, "Connect", OnConnect ),
MAP_MESSAGE_PTR( CDialogGameInfo, "ButtonToggled", OnButtonToggled, "panel" ), MAP_MESSAGE_PTR( CDialogGameInfo, "RadioButtonChecked", OnButtonToggled, "panel" ),
MAP_MESSAGE_CONSTCHARPTR( CDialogGameInfo, "JoinServerWithPassword", OnJoinServerWithPassword, "password" ), };
IMPLEMENT_PANELMAP( CDialogGameInfo, Frame );