//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <stdio.h>
#include "winsock.h" // this BUGGER defines PropertySheet to PropertySheetA ....
#undef PropertySheet
#include "tokenline.h"
#include "GamePanelInfo.h"
//#include "Info.h"
#include "IRunGameEngine.h"
#include "DialogCvarChange.h"
#include "DialogAddBan.h"
#include "BudgetPanelContainer.h"
#include <vgui/ISystem.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <vgui/IVGui.h>
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include <vgui/Cursor.h>
#include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Label.h>
#include <vgui_controls/TextEntry.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Button.h>
#include <vgui_controls/PHandle.h>
#include <vgui_controls/MessageBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/QueryBox.h>
#include <vgui_controls/Image.h>
#include <vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h>
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include <proto_oob.h>
#include <netadr.h>
using namespace vgui;
static const long RETRY_TIME = 10000; // refresh server every 10 seconds
static const long MAP_CHANGE_TIME = 20000; // refresh 20 seconds after a map change
static const long RESTART_TIME = 60000; // refresh 60 seconds after a "_restart"
#include "IManageServer.h"
// Purpose: Constructor
CGamePanelInfo::CGamePanelInfo(vgui::Panel *parent, const char *name, const char *mod) : Frame(parent, name) { SetSize(560, 420); SetMinimumSize(560, 420); m_bRemoteServer = false; m_bShuttingDown = false;
// Create an Animating Image Panel
m_pAnimImagePanel = new AnimatingImagePanel(this, "AnAnimatingImagePanel");
// Each image file is named ss1, ss2, ss3... ss20, one image for each frame of the animation.
// This loads the 20 images in to the Animation class.
m_pAnimImagePanel->LoadAnimation("resource\\steam\\g", 12); //!! animation temporarily disabled until UI pass done
// the main container for the various sub panels
m_pDetailsSheet = new PropertySheet(this, "Panels");
// the sub panels
m_pPlayerListPanel = new CPlayerPanel(this, "Player List"); m_pBanListPanel = new CBanPanel(this, "Ban List"); m_pServerLogPanel = new CRawLogPanel(this, "ServerLog"); // chat panel disabled until we get the parsing done
// m_pServerChatPanel = new CChatPanel(this, "ChatPanel");
m_pServerConfigPanel = new CServerConfigPanel(this, "ServerConfigPanel", mod); m_pGraphsPanel = new CGraphPanel(this,"GraphsPanel"); m_pServerInfoPanel = new CServerInfoPanel(this, "ServerInfo"); if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-BudgetPanel" ) ) m_pBudgetPanel = new CBudgetPanelContainer( this, "BudgetPanel" ); else m_pBudgetPanel = NULL;
m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pServerInfoPanel,"#Game_Main_Settings"); m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pServerConfigPanel,"#Game_Configure"); m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pGraphsPanel,"#Game_Server_Statistics"); m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pPlayerListPanel,"#Game_Current_Players"); m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pBanListPanel,"#Game_Bans"); if ( m_pBudgetPanel ) m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pBudgetPanel,"#Game_Budgets");
// chat panel disabled until we get the parsing done
// m_pDetailsSheet->AddPage(m_pServerChatPanel,"#Game_Chat");
// let us be ticked every frame
SetNewTitle(false, name); SetVisible(true); MoveToCenterOfScreen(); RequestFocus(); MoveToFront();
//!! hack, force the server info panel to refresh fast
// because the info it receives while loading the server is wrong
PostMessage(m_pServerInfoPanel, new KeyValues("ResetData"), 0.1f); }
// Purpose: Destructor
CGamePanelInfo::~CGamePanelInfo() { }
// Purpose: Sets the title of the dialog
void CGamePanelInfo::SetNewTitle(bool connectionFailed, const char *additional_text) { const char *localized_title = "#Game_RemoteTitle"; if (!m_bRemoteServer) { localized_title = "Game_LocalTitle"; } else if (connectionFailed) { localized_title = "#Game_RemoteTitle_Failed"; }
wchar_t serverName[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(additional_text, serverName, sizeof(serverName)); wchar_t title[256]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString(title, sizeof(title), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find(localized_title), 1, serverName); SetTitle(title, true); }
// Purpose: Updates the title
void CGamePanelInfo::OnUpdateTitle() { SetNewTitle(false, m_pServerInfoPanel->GetHostname()); Repaint(); }
// Purpose: data accessor
void CGamePanelInfo::SetAsRemoteServer(bool remote) { m_bRemoteServer = remote; }
// Purpose: Relayouts the data
void CGamePanelInfo::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); }
// Purpose: Called every frame, handles resending network messages
void CGamePanelInfo::OnTick() { // service the server I/O queue
RemoteServer().ProcessServerResponse(); }
// Purpose: handles button responses
void CGamePanelInfo::OnCommand(const char *command) { if (!stricmp(command, "stop2")) { RemoteServer().SendCommand("quit"); m_bShuttingDown = true; Close(); } else { BaseClass::OnCommand(command); } }
// Purpose: produces a dialog asking a player to enter a new ban
void CGamePanelInfo::OnStop() { QueryBox *box = new QueryBox("#Game_Stop_Server_Title", "#Game_Restart_Server"); box->AddActionSignalTarget(this); box->SetOKButtonText("#Game_Stop_Server"); box->SetOKCommand(new KeyValues("Command", "command", "stop2")); box->ShowWindow(); }
// Purpose: displays the help page
void CGamePanelInfo::OnHelp() { system()->ShellExecute("open", "Admin\\Admin.html"); }
// Purpose: Does any processing needed before closing the dialog
void CGamePanelInfo::OnClose() { if (m_bRemoteServer || m_bShuttingDown) { BaseClass::OnClose(); return; }
// closing the window will kill the local server, notify user
OnStop(); }
// Purpose: allow the build mode editor to edit the current sub panel
void CGamePanelInfo::ActivateBuildMode() { // BaseClass::ActivateBuildMode();
// return;
// no subpanel, no build mode
EditablePanel *pg = dynamic_cast<EditablePanel *>(m_pDetailsSheet->GetActivePage()); if (pg) { pg->ActivateBuildMode(); } }
// Purpose: Writes text to the console
void CGamePanelInfo::AddToConsole(const char *msg) { if (m_pServerLogPanel) { // hack, look for restart message
if (*msg == 3 && !strncmp(msg + 1, "MasterRequestRestart", strlen("MasterRequestRestart"))) { OnMasterRequestRestart(); } else if (*msg == 3 && !strncmp(msg + 1, "MasterOutOfDate", strlen("MasterOutOfDate"))) { const char *details = strstr( msg, "MasterOutOfDate" ); if ( details ) { OnMasterOutOfDate(details + strlen("MasterOutOfDate")); } } else { // nothing special, just print
m_pServerLogPanel->DoInsertString(msg); } } }
void CGamePanelInfo::OnMasterOutOfDate( const char *msg) { #if !defined(_DEBUG)
// open a dialog informing user that they need to restart the server
if (!m_hOutOfDateQueryBox.Get()) { char *fullmsg = (char *) _alloca( strlen(msg) + strlen( "\n\nDo you wish to shutdown now?\n") + 1 );
_snprintf( fullmsg, strlen(msg) + strlen( "\n\nDo you wish to shutdown now?\n") + 1 , "%s\n\nDo you wish to shutdown now?\n", msg ); m_hOutOfDateQueryBox = new QueryBox("Server restart pending", fullmsg); m_hOutOfDateQueryBox->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_hOutOfDateQueryBox->SetOKCommand(new KeyValues("RestartServer")); m_hOutOfDateQueryBox->ShowWindow(); } else { // reshow the existing window
m_hOutOfDateQueryBox->Activate(); }
#endif // !defined(_DEBUG)
// Purpose: Called when master server has requested the dedicated server restart
void CGamePanelInfo::OnMasterRequestRestart() { #if !defined(_DEBUG)
// open a dialog informing user that they need to restart the server
if (!m_hRestartQueryBox.Get()) { m_hRestartQueryBox = new QueryBox("Server restart needed", "Your server is out of date, and will not be listed\non the master server until you restart.\n\nDo you wish to shutdown now?\n"); m_hRestartQueryBox->AddActionSignalTarget(this); m_hRestartQueryBox->SetOKCommand(new KeyValues("RestartServer")); m_hRestartQueryBox->ShowWindow(); } else { // reshow the existing window
m_hRestartQueryBox->Activate(); }
#endif // !defined(_DEBUG)
// Purpose: Restarts the server
void CGamePanelInfo::OnRestartServer() { //!! mark us as needing restart
//!! this doesn't work yet, just shut us down
// shut us down
RemoteServer().SendCommand("quit"); m_bShuttingDown = true; Close(); }