//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "materialsystem/IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialproxyfactory.h"
#include "materialsystem/MaterialSystem_Config.h"
#include "appframework/appframework.h"
#include "datacache\idatacache.h"
#include "datacache\imdlcache.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "IStudioRender.h"
#include "studio.h"
#include "clientstats.h"
#include "bone_setup.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "vstdlib/cvar.h"
#include "tier0/vprof.h"
#include "tier1/tier1.h"
#include "optimize.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox\xbox_console.h"
#include "xbox\xbox_win32stubs.h"
// Main system interfaces
IMaterialSystem *g_pMaterialSystem = NULL; IStudioRender *g_pStudioRender = NULL; IFileSystem *g_pFileSystem = NULL; IMDLCache *g_pMDLCache = NULL;
// App control defines
//#define USE_VTUNE
//#define USE_VPROF
#include "vtuneapi.h"
static bool g_WindowMode = false; static bool g_bUseEmptyShader = false; static bool g_BenchFinished = false; static bool g_BenchMode = false; static bool g_SoftwareTL = false;
static int g_RenderWidth = 640; static int g_RenderHeight = 480; static int g_RefreshRate = 60; static int g_LOD = 0; static int g_BodyGroup = 0;
static int g_NumRows = 10; static int g_NumCols = 10;
static int g_dxLevel = 0; static int g_LightingCombination = -1;
static FILE *g_IHVTestFP = NULL; static IMaterial *g_pForceMaterial = NULL;
static bool g_bInError = false;
#define MAX_LIGHTS 2
static const char *g_LightCombinationNames[] = { "DISABLE ", // "SPOT ",
// Test Model class
struct IHVTestModel { MDLHandle_t hMdl; studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr; studiohwdata_t *pHardwareData; };
// The application object
class CIHVTestApp : public CDefaultAppSystemGroup< CSteamAppSystemGroup > { public: // Methods of IApplication
virtual bool Create(); virtual bool PreInit(); virtual int Main(); virtual void PostShutdown(); virtual void Destroy();
private: bool CreateAppWindow( char const *pTitle, int w, int h ); void AppPumpMessages( void ); void RenderFrame( void ); void RenderScene( void ); bool SetupMaterialSystem(); bool SetupStudioRender(); bool LoadModels( void ); bool LoadModel( const char *pModelName, IHVTestModel *pModel ); bool CreateMainWindow( int width, int height, bool fullscreen ); matrix3x4_t* SetUpBones( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, const matrix3x4_t &shapeToWorld, int iRun, int model, int boneMask );
// Windproc
static LONG WINAPI WinAppWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); LONG WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
HWND m_hWnd; bool m_bExitMainLoop;
IHVTestModel *m_pIHVTestModel; };
// Create the application window
bool CIHVTestApp::CreateAppWindow( const char* pAppName, int width, int height ) { // Register the window class
WNDCLASSEX wc; memset( &wc, 0, sizeof( wc ) ); wc.cbSize = sizeof( wc ); wc.style = CS_CLASSDC; wc.lpfnWndProc = WinAppWindowProc; wc.hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetAppInstance(); wc.lpszClassName = pAppName; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hIconSm = wc.hIcon;
RegisterClassEx( &wc );
// Create the application's window
m_hWnd = CreateWindow( pAppName, pAppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, width, height, GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, wc.hInstance, NULL ); ShowWindow (m_hWnd, SW_SHOWDEFAULT); return (m_hWnd != 0); }
//#define TREES
// The maximum number of distinctive models each test may specify.
#ifdef TREES
const int g_nMaxModels = 1; #else
const int g_nMaxModels = 9; #endif
// Benchmarking
struct BenchRunInfo { const char *pModelName[g_nMaxModels]; int numFrames; int rows; int cols; float modelSize; int sequence1[g_nMaxModels]; int sequence2; };
struct BenchResults { BenchResults() : totalTime( 0.0f ), totalTris( 0 ) {} float totalTime; int totalTris; };
#define NUM_BENCH_RUNS 1
#ifdef TREES
#define MODEL_ROWS 13
#define MODEL_COLUMNS 13
static BenchRunInfo g_BenchRuns[NUM_BENCH_RUNS] = { { { "models/props_foliage/tree_dead01.mdl" }, 100, MODEL_ROWS, MODEL_COLUMNS, 1000.0f, { 0 }, -1 }, };
#define MODEL_ROWS 3
static BenchRunInfo g_BenchRuns[NUM_BENCH_RUNS] = { { { "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", "models/alyx.mdl", }, 100, MODEL_ROWS, MODEL_COLUMNS, 75.0f, { 1, 4, 20, 23, 25, 30, 34, 38, 1 }, -1 }, };
// this is used in "-bench" mode
static IHVTestModel g_BenchModels[NUM_BENCH_RUNS][g_nMaxModels];
static void WriteBenchResults( void ) { if( !g_BenchMode ) { return; }
FILE *fp = fopen( "ihvtest1.csv", "a+" ); Assert( fp ); if( !fp ) { return; }
fprintf( fp, "------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); time_t ltime; time( <ime ); fprintf( fp, "%s\n", GetCommandLine() ); fprintf( fp, "Run at: %s", ctime( <ime ) );
int i; for( i = 0; i < NUM_BENCH_RUNS; i++ ) { int j; fprintf( fp, "model,light combo,total tris,total time,tris/sec\n" ); for( j = 0; j < LIGHTING_COMBINATION_COUNT; j++ ) { int k; for( k = 0; k < g_nMaxModels; k++ ) { if( g_BenchRuns[i].pModelName[k] ) { fprintf( fp, "%s%s", k ? ", " : "", g_BenchRuns[i].pModelName[k] ); } } fprintf( fp, "," ); fprintf( fp, "%s,", g_LightCombinationNames[j] ); fprintf( fp, "%d,", g_BenchResults[i][j].totalTris ); fprintf( fp, "%0.5f,", ( float )g_BenchResults[i][j].totalTime ); fprintf( fp, "%0.0lf\n", ( double )g_BenchResults[i][j].totalTris / ( double )g_BenchResults[i][j].totalTime ); Warning( "%f %d\n", ( float )g_BenchResults[i][j].totalTime, g_BenchResults[i][j].totalTris ); } } fclose( fp ); }
// Destroy app
void CIHVTestApp::Destroy() { // Close the window
if (m_hWnd) DestroyWindow( m_hWnd );
WriteBenchResults(); }
// Window size helper
static void CalcWindowSize( int desiredRenderingWidth, int desiredRenderingHeight, int *windowWidth, int *windowHeight ) { int borderX, borderY; borderX = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFIXEDFRAME) + 1) * 2; borderY = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFIXEDFRAME) + 1) * 2 + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE) + 1; *windowWidth = desiredRenderingWidth + borderX; *windowHeight = desiredRenderingHeight + borderY; }
// Spew function!
SpewRetval_t IHVTestSpewFunc( SpewType_t spewType, char const *pMsg ) { g_bInError = true;
OutputDebugString( pMsg ); switch( spewType ) { case SPEW_MESSAGE: case SPEW_WARNING: case SPEW_LOG: OutputDebugString( pMsg ); g_bInError = false; return SPEW_CONTINUE;
case SPEW_ASSERT: case SPEW_ERROR: default: ::MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "Error!", MB_OK ); g_bInError = false; return SPEW_DEBUGGER; } }
// Spew function to write to ihvtest_vprof.txt
SpewRetval_t IHVTestVProfSpewFunc( SpewType_t spewType, char const *pMsg ) { g_bInError = true;
switch( spewType ) { case SPEW_MESSAGE: case SPEW_WARNING: case SPEW_LOG: fprintf( g_IHVTestFP, "%s", pMsg ); g_bInError = false; return SPEW_CONTINUE;
case SPEW_ASSERT: case SPEW_ERROR: default: ::MessageBox( NULL, pMsg, "Error!", MB_OK ); g_bInError = false; return SPEW_DEBUGGER; } }
// Warnings and Errors...
#define MAXPRINTMSG 4096
void DisplayError( const char* pError, ... ) { va_list argptr; char msg[1024];
g_bInError = true;
va_start( argptr, pError ); Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), pError, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
MessageBox( 0, msg, 0, MB_OK );
exit( -1 ); }
static void MaterialSystem_Warning( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start( argptr, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof ( msg ), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
OutputDebugString( msg ); }
// garymcthack
static void MaterialSystem_Warning( char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG]; va_start( argptr, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
OutputDebugString( msg ); }
static void MaterialSystem_Error( char *fmt, ... ) { va_list argptr; char msg[MAXPRINTMSG];
g_bInError = true;
va_start( argptr, fmt ); Q_vsnprintf( msg, sizeof( msg ), fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr );
MessageBox( NULL, (LPCTSTR)msg, "MaterialSystem Fatal Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );
#ifdef _DEBUG
Assert( 0 ); #endif
exit( -1 ); }
// Engine Stats
// itty bitty interface for stat time
class CStatTime : public IClientStatsTime { public: float GetTime() { return Sys_FloatTime(); } }; CStatTime g_StatTime;
class CEngineStats { public: CEngineStats() : m_InFrame( false ) {}; //
// stats input
void BeginRun( void ); void BeginFrame( void );
void EndFrame( void ); void EndRun( void );
// stats output
// call these outside of a BeginFrame/EndFrame pair
// return the frame time in seconds for the whole system (not just graphics)
double GetCurrentSystemFrameTime( void ); double GetRunTime( void ); private: // How many frames worth of data have we logged?
int m_totalNumFrames;
// frame timing data
double m_frameStartTime; double m_frameEndTime; double m_minFrameTime; double m_maxFrameTime;
// run timing data
double m_runStartTime; double m_runEndTime;
bool m_InFrame; };
void CEngineStats::BeginRun( void ) { m_totalNumFrames = 0; // frame timing data
m_runStartTime = Sys_FloatTime(); }
void CEngineStats::EndRun( void ) { m_runEndTime = Sys_FloatTime(); }
void CEngineStats::BeginFrame( void ) { m_InFrame = true; m_frameStartTime = Sys_FloatTime(); }
void CEngineStats::EndFrame( void ) { double deltaTime; m_frameEndTime = Sys_FloatTime(); deltaTime = GetCurrentSystemFrameTime();
m_InFrame = false; }
double CEngineStats::GetRunTime( void ) { return m_runEndTime - m_runStartTime; }
double CEngineStats::GetCurrentSystemFrameTime( void ) { return m_frameEndTime - m_frameStartTime; } static CEngineStats g_EngineStats;
// Lighting
// If you change the number of lighting combinations, change LIGHTING_COMBINATION_COUNT
static LightType_t g_LightCombinations[][MAX_LIGHTS] = { { MATERIAL_LIGHT_DISABLE, MATERIAL_LIGHT_DISABLE }, // 0
LightDesc_t g_TestLights[NUM_LIGHT_TYPES][MAX_LIGHTS];
static void FixLight( LightDesc_t *pLight ) { pLight->m_Range = 0.0f; pLight->m_Falloff = 1.0f; pLight->m_ThetaDot = cos( pLight->m_Theta * 0.5f ); pLight->m_PhiDot = cos( pLight->m_Phi * 0.5f ); pLight->m_Flags = 0; if( pLight->m_Attenuation0 != 0.0f ) { pLight->m_Flags |= LIGHTTYPE_OPTIMIZATIONFLAGS_HAS_ATTENUATION0; } if( pLight->m_Attenuation1 != 0.0f ) { pLight->m_Flags |= LIGHTTYPE_OPTIMIZATIONFLAGS_HAS_ATTENUATION1; } if( pLight->m_Attenuation2 != 0.0f ) { pLight->m_Flags |= LIGHTTYPE_OPTIMIZATIONFLAGS_HAS_ATTENUATION2; } VectorNormalize( pLight->m_Direction ); }
static void InitTestLights( void ) { LightDesc_t *pLight; int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++ ) { // MATERIAL_LIGHT_DISABLE
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_DISABLE][i]; pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_DISABLE; }
// x - right
// y - up
// z - front of model
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT][0]; memset( pLight, 0, sizeof( LightDesc_t ) ); pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT; pLight->m_Color.Init( 5000.0f, 3500.0f, 3500.0f ); pLight->m_Position.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f, 50.0f ); pLight->m_Direction.Init( 0.0f, 0.5f, -1.0f ); pLight->m_Attenuation0 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation1 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation2 = 1.0f / 10; pLight->m_Theta = DEG2RAD( 20.0f ); pLight->m_Phi = DEG2RAD( 30.0f );
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT][1]; memset( pLight, 0, sizeof( LightDesc_t ) ); pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_SPOT; pLight->m_Color.Init( 3500.0f, 5000.0f, 3500.0f ); pLight->m_Position.Init( 0.0f, 0.0f, 150.0f ); pLight->m_Direction.Init( 0.0f, 0.5f, -1.0f ); pLight->m_Attenuation0 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation1 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation2 = 1.0f / 10; pLight->m_Theta = DEG2RAD( 20.0f ); pLight->m_Phi = DEG2RAD( 30.0f );
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_POINT][0]; memset( pLight, 0, sizeof( LightDesc_t ) ); pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_POINT; pLight->m_Color.Init( 1500.0f, 750.0f, 750.0f ); pLight->m_Position.Init( 200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f ); pLight->m_Attenuation0 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation1 = 1.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation2 = 0.0f;
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_POINT][1]; memset( pLight, 0, sizeof( LightDesc_t ) ); pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_POINT; pLight->m_Color.Init( 750.0f, 750.0f, 1500.0f ); pLight->m_Position.Init( -200.0f, 200.0f, 200.0f ); pLight->m_Attenuation0 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation1 = 1.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation2 = 0.0f;
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL][0]; memset( pLight, 0, sizeof( LightDesc_t ) ); pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL; pLight->m_Color.Init( 2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f ); pLight->m_Direction.Init( -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); pLight->m_Attenuation0 = 1.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation1 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation2 = 0.0f;
pLight = &g_TestLights[MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL][1]; memset( pLight, 0, sizeof( LightDesc_t ) ); pLight->m_Type = MATERIAL_LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL; pLight->m_Color.Init( 1.0f, 1.0f, 2.0f ); pLight->m_Direction.Init( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); pLight->m_Attenuation0 = 1.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation1 = 0.0f; pLight->m_Attenuation2 = 0.0f;
for( i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; i++ ) { int j; for( j = 0; j < NUM_LIGHT_TYPES; j++ ) { FixLight( &g_TestLights[j][i] ); } } }
// Setup lighting
static void SetupLighting( int lightingCombination, Vector &lightOffset ) { CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); if( lightingCombination == 0 ) { g_pStudioRender->SetLocalLights( 0, NULL ); pRenderContext->SetAmbientLight( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
static Vector white[6] = { Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), Vector( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ), }; g_pStudioRender->SetAmbientLightColors( white ); } else { pRenderContext->SetAmbientLight( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
static Vector black[6] = { Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), Vector( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), }; g_pStudioRender->SetAmbientLightColors( black );
int lightID; LightDesc_t lightDescs[MAX_LIGHTS]; for( lightID = 0; lightID < MAX_LIGHTS; lightID++ ) { int lightType = g_LightCombinations[lightingCombination][lightID]; lightDescs[lightID] = g_TestLights[lightType][lightID]; lightDescs[lightID].m_Position += lightOffset; } // Feed disabled lights through?
if( g_LightCombinations[lightingCombination][1] == MATERIAL_LIGHT_DISABLE ) { g_pStudioRender->SetLocalLights( 1, lightDescs ); } else { g_pStudioRender->SetLocalLights( MAX_LIGHTS, lightDescs ); } } }
// Models
static float s_PoseParameter[32]; static float s_Cycle[9] = { 0.0f };
virtualmodel_t *studiohdr_t::GetVirtualModel( void ) const { if ( numincludemodels == 0 ) return NULL; return g_pMDLCache->GetVirtualModelFast( this, (MDLHandle_t)virtualModel ); }
byte *studiohdr_t::GetAnimBlock( int i ) const { return g_pMDLCache->GetAnimBlock( (MDLHandle_t)virtualModel, i ); }
int studiohdr_t::GetAutoplayList( unsigned short **pOut ) const { return g_pMDLCache->GetAutoplayList( (MDLHandle_t)virtualModel, pOut ); }
const studiohdr_t *virtualgroup_t::GetStudioHdr( void ) const { return g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( (MDLHandle_t)cache ); }
// Set up the bones for a frame
matrix3x4_t* CIHVTestApp::SetUpBones( studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr, const matrix3x4_t &shapeToWorld, int iRun, int model, int boneMask ) { CStudioHdr studioHdr( pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache );
// Default to middle of the pose parameter range
float flPoseParameter[MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM]; Studio_CalcDefaultPoseParameters( &studioHdr, flPoseParameter, MAXSTUDIOPOSEPARAM );
int nFrameCount = Studio_MaxFrame( &studioHdr, g_BenchRuns[iRun].sequence1[model], flPoseParameter ); if ( nFrameCount == 0 ) { nFrameCount = 1; }
IBoneSetup boneSetup( &studioHdr, boneMask, flPoseParameter ); boneSetup.InitPose( pos, q ); boneSetup.AccumulatePose( pos, q, g_BenchRuns[iRun].sequence1[model], s_Cycle[model], 1.0f, 0.0, NULL );
// FIXME: Try enabling this?
// CalcAutoplaySequences( pStudioHdr, NULL, pos, q, flPoseParameter, BoneMask( ), flTime );
// Root transform
matrix3x4_t rootToWorld, temp;
MatrixCopy( shapeToWorld, rootToWorld );
matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld = g_pStudioRender->LockBoneMatrices( studioHdr.numbones() ); for ( int i = 0; i < studioHdr.numbones(); i++ ) { // If it's not being used, fill with NAN for errors
if ( !(studioHdr.pBone( i )->flags & boneMask) ) { int j, k; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { pBoneToWorld[i][j][k] = VEC_T_NAN; } } continue; }
matrix3x4_t boneMatrix; QuaternionMatrix( q[i], boneMatrix ); MatrixSetColumn( pos[i], 3, boneMatrix );
if (studioHdr.pBone(i)->parent == -1) { ConcatTransforms (rootToWorld, boneMatrix, pBoneToWorld[i]); } else { ConcatTransforms (pBoneToWorld[ studioHdr.pBone(i)->parent ], boneMatrix, pBoneToWorld[i] ); } } g_pStudioRender->UnlockBoneMatrices(); return pBoneToWorld; }
// Use mdlcache to load a model
bool CIHVTestApp::LoadModel( const char* pModelName, IHVTestModel *pModel ) { pModel->hMdl = g_pMDLCache->FindMDL( pModelName );
pModel->pStudioHdr = g_pMDLCache->GetStudioHdr( pModel->hMdl ); g_pMDLCache->GetVertexData( pModel->hMdl ); g_pMDLCache->FinishPendingLoads();
g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( pModel->hMdl ); g_pMDLCache->FinishPendingLoads();
pModel->pHardwareData = g_pMDLCache->GetHardwareData( pModel->hMdl );
return true; }
// Loads all models
bool CIHVTestApp::LoadModels( void ) { const char *pArgVal; if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-rowcol", &pArgVal ) ) { g_NumRows = g_NumCols = atoi( pArgVal ); } /* figure out which LOD we are going to render */ if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-lod", &pArgVal ) ) { g_LOD = atoi( pArgVal ); }
if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-body", &pArgVal ) ) { g_BodyGroup = atoi( pArgVal ); }
// figure out g_RefreshRate
if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-refresh", &pArgVal ) ) { g_RefreshRate = atoi( pArgVal ); } if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-light", &pArgVal ) ) { g_LightingCombination = atoi( pArgVal ); if( g_LightingCombination < 0 ) { g_LightingCombination = 0; } if( g_LightingCombination >= LIGHTING_COMBINATION_COUNT ) { g_LightingCombination = LIGHTING_COMBINATION_COUNT - 1; } }
g_pForceMaterial = g_pMaterialSystem->FindMaterial( "models/alyx/thigh", TEXTURE_GROUP_OTHER ); #ifdef MATERIAL_OVERRIDE
g_pStudioRender->ForcedMaterialOverride( g_pForceMaterial ); #endif
if( g_BenchMode ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < NUM_BENCH_RUNS; i++ ) { // Load each of the potentially alternating models:
int k; for( k = 0; k < g_nMaxModels; k++ ) { if( g_BenchRuns[i].pModelName[k] ) { if( !LoadModel( g_BenchRuns[i].pModelName[k], &g_BenchModels[i][k] ) ) { return false; } } } } } else { CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-i", &pArgVal ); if( !LoadModel( pArgVal, m_pIHVTestModel ) ) { return false; } } g_pMaterialSystem->CacheUsedMaterials();
return true; }
// App window proc
LONG CIHVTestApp::WindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch( msg ) { // abort when ESC is hit
case WM_CHAR: switch(wParam) { case VK_ESCAPE: SendMessage( m_hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); break; } break;
case WM_DESTROY: m_bExitMainLoop = true; return 0; } return DefWindowProc( hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); }
// Static registered window proc
LONG WINAPI CIHVTestApp::WinAppWindowProc( HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { return s_IHVTestApp.WindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam ); }
// Pump messages
void CIHVTestApp::AppPumpMessages() { MSG msg; while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) == TRUE) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } }
// Advance the frame
void AdvanceFrame( CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr, int iRun, int model, float dt ) { if (dt > 0.1) dt = 0.1f;
float t = Studio_Duration( pStudioHdr, g_BenchRuns[iRun].sequence1[model], s_PoseParameter );
if (t > 0) { s_Cycle[model] += dt / t;
// wrap
s_Cycle[model] -= (int)(s_Cycle[model]); } else { s_Cycle[model] = 0; } }
// Render a frame
void CIHVTestApp::RenderFrame( void ) { VPROF( "RenderFrame" ); IHVTestModel *pModel = NULL; static int currentRun = 0; static int currentFrame = 0; static int currentLightCombo = 0; int modelAlternator = 0;
if (g_bInError) { // error context is active
// error may be renderer based, avoid re-entrant render to fatal crash
return; }
if( g_BenchMode ) { if( currentFrame > g_BenchRuns[currentRun].numFrames ) { currentLightCombo++; if( currentLightCombo >= LIGHTING_COMBINATION_COUNT ) { currentRun++; currentLightCombo = 0; if( currentRun >= NUM_BENCH_RUNS ) { g_BenchFinished = true; return; } } currentFrame = 0; } } if( g_BenchMode ) { pModel = &g_BenchModels[currentRun][0]; g_NumCols = g_BenchRuns[currentRun].cols; g_NumRows = g_BenchRuns[currentRun].rows; } else { pModel = m_pIHVTestModel; } Assert( pModel ); g_EngineStats.BeginFrame();
g_pMaterialSystem->BeginFrame( 0 ); g_pStudioRender->BeginFrame();
CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem );
pRenderContext->ClearColor3ub( 0, 0, 0 ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, true );
pRenderContext->Viewport( 0, 0, g_RenderWidth, g_RenderHeight );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_PROJECTION ); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); pRenderContext->PerspectiveX( 90.0f, ( g_RenderWidth / g_RenderHeight), 1.0f, 500000.0f );
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_VIEW ); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity(); if( g_BenchMode ) { pRenderContext->Translate( 0.0f, 0.0f, ( float )-( g_NumCols * g_BenchRuns[currentRun].modelSize * 0.6f ) ); } else { pRenderContext->Translate( 0.0f, 0.0f, ( float )-( g_NumCols * 80.0f * 0.5f ) ); }
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->LoadIdentity();
QAngle angles; angles[YAW] = -90.0f; angles[PITCH] = -90.0f; angles[ROLL] = 0.0f;
matrix3x4_t cameraMatrix; AngleMatrix( angles, cameraMatrix );
int r, c; int trisRendered = 0; float boneSetupTime = 0.0f; for( r = 0; r < g_NumRows; r++ ) { for( c = 0; c < g_NumCols; c++ ) { // If we are alternating models, select the next valid model.
if( g_BenchMode ) { do { // If I pass my maximum number of models, wrap around to model 0, which must always be valid.
if( ++modelAlternator >= g_nMaxModels ) { modelAlternator = 0; break; } } while( !g_BenchRuns[currentRun].pModelName[modelAlternator] );
pModel = &g_BenchModels[currentRun][modelAlternator]; Assert( pModel ); }
if( g_BenchMode ) { cameraMatrix[0][3] = ( ( c + 0.5f ) - ( g_NumCols * .5f ) ) * g_BenchRuns[currentRun].modelSize; cameraMatrix[1][3] = ( ( float )r - ( g_NumCols * .5f ) ) * g_BenchRuns[currentRun].modelSize; } else { cameraMatrix[0][3] = ( ( c + 0.5f ) - ( g_NumCols * .5f ) ) * 75.0f; cameraMatrix[1][3] = ( ( float )r - ( g_NumCols * .5f ) ) * 75.0f; } Vector modelOrigin( cameraMatrix[0][3], cameraMatrix[1][3], 0.0f ); Vector lightOffset( cameraMatrix[0][3], cameraMatrix[1][3], 0.0f );
if (g_LightingCombination < 0) { SetupLighting( g_BenchMode ? currentLightCombo : 0, lightOffset ); } else { SetupLighting( g_LightingCombination, lightOffset ); }
float startBoneSetupTime = Sys_FloatTime(); int lod = g_LOD; lod = clamp( lod, pModel->pHardwareData->m_RootLOD, pModel->pHardwareData->m_NumLODs-1 );
int boneMask = BONE_USED_BY_VERTEX_AT_LOD( lod ); matrix3x4_t *pBoneToWorld = SetUpBones( pModel->pStudioHdr, cameraMatrix, currentRun, modelAlternator, boneMask ); boneSetupTime += Sys_FloatTime() - startBoneSetupTime; pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PushMatrix();
DrawModelInfo_t modelInfo; memset( &modelInfo, 0, sizeof( modelInfo ) ); modelInfo.m_pStudioHdr = pModel->pStudioHdr; modelInfo.m_pHardwareData = pModel->pHardwareData; modelInfo.m_Decals = STUDIORENDER_DECAL_INVALID; modelInfo.m_Skin = 0; modelInfo.m_Body = g_BodyGroup; modelInfo.m_HitboxSet = 0; modelInfo.m_pClientEntity = NULL; modelInfo.m_Lod = lod; modelInfo.m_pColorMeshes = NULL; g_pStudioRender->DrawModel( NULL, modelInfo, pBoneToWorld, NULL, NULL, modelOrigin );
DrawModelResults_t results; g_pStudioRender->GetPerfStats( &results, modelInfo, NULL ); trisRendered += results.m_ActualTriCount;
pRenderContext->MatrixMode( MATERIAL_MODEL ); pRenderContext->PopMatrix(); } }
pRenderContext->Flush( true ); g_EngineStats.EndFrame();
g_pStudioRender->EndFrame(); g_pMaterialSystem->EndFrame();
// hack - don't count the first frame in case there are any state
// transitions computed on that frame.
if( currentFrame != 0 ) { g_BenchResults[currentRun][currentLightCombo].totalTime += g_EngineStats.GetCurrentSystemFrameTime(); g_BenchResults[currentRun][currentLightCombo].totalTris += trisRendered; }
for ( int model = 0; model < g_nMaxModels; ++model ) { CStudioHdr studioHdr( g_BenchModels[currentRun][model].pStudioHdr, g_pMDLCache ); AdvanceFrame( &studioHdr, currentRun, model, g_EngineStats.GetCurrentSystemFrameTime() ); }
#ifdef USE_VPROF
g_VProfCurrentProfile.MarkFrame(); static bool bBeenHere = false; if( !bBeenHere ) { bBeenHere = true; g_VProfCurrentProfile.Reset(); } #endif
currentFrame++; }
// Create the application object
bool CIHVTestApp::Create() { AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = { { "materialsystem.dll", MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "datacache.dll", DATACACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "studiorender.dll", STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "datacache.dll", MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "vphysics.dll", VPHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION }, { "", "" } // Required to terminate the list
MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f );
if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) ) return false;
g_pFileSystem = ( IFileSystem * )FindSystem( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); g_pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem*)FindSystem( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION ); g_pStudioRender = (IStudioRender*)FindSystem( STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION ); g_pMDLCache = (IMDLCache*)FindSystem( MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION );
if ( !g_pFileSystem || !g_pMaterialSystem || !g_pStudioRender || !g_pMDLCache ) { DisplayError( "Unable to load required library interfaces!" ); return false; }
#if defined( _X360 )
// vxconsole - true will block (legacy behavior)
XBX_InitConsoleMonitor( false ); #endif
const char* pDLLName; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-null" ) ) { g_bUseEmptyShader = true; pDLLName = "shaderapiempty.dll"; } else { pDLLName = "shaderapidx9.dll"; }
#if defined( _X360 )
g_pFileSystem->LoadModule( pDLLName ); #endif
g_pMaterialSystem->SetShaderAPI( pDLLName );
return true; }
// StudioRender...
bool CIHVTestApp::SetupStudioRender( void ) { StudioRenderConfig_t config; memset( &config, 0, sizeof(config) );
config.bEyeMove = true; config.bTeeth = true; config.bEyes = true; config.bFlex = true;
config.fEyeShiftX = 0.0f; config.fEyeShiftY = 0.0f; config.fEyeShiftZ = 0.0f; config.fEyeSize = 0.0f;
config.bNoHardware = false; config.bNoSoftware = false;
config.bSoftwareSkin = false; config.bSoftwareLighting = false; config.drawEntities = true; config.bWireframe = false; config.bDrawNormals = false; config.bDrawTangentFrame = false; config.skin = 0; config.fullbright = 0;
config.bShowEnvCubemapOnly = false; g_pStudioRender->UpdateConfig( config );
return true; }
// Material system
bool InitMaterialSystem( HWND mainWindow ) { MaterialSystem_Config_t config; if( g_WindowMode ) { config.SetFlag( MATSYS_VIDCFG_FLAGS_WINDOWED, true ); } config.SetFlag( MATSYS_VIDCFG_FLAGS_NO_WAIT_FOR_VSYNC, IsX360() ? 0 : true );
config.m_VideoMode.m_Width = 0; config.m_VideoMode.m_Height = 0; config.m_VideoMode.m_Format = IMAGE_FORMAT_BGRX8888; config.m_VideoMode.m_RefreshRate = g_RefreshRate; config.dxSupportLevel = IsX360() ? 98 : 0;
bool modeSet = g_pMaterialSystem->SetMode( (void*)mainWindow, config ); if (!modeSet) { DisplayError( "Unable to set mode\n" ); return false; }
g_pMaterialSystem->OverrideConfig( config, false );
return true; }
// PreInit
bool CIHVTestApp::PreInit( void ) { CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory(); ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
// Add paths...
if ( !SetupSearchPaths( NULL, false, true ) ) { Error( "Failed to setup search paths\n" ); return false; }
const char *pArgVal; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-bench" ) ) { g_BenchMode = true; } if( !g_BenchMode && !CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-i" ) ) { // Set some default parameters for running as a unittest
g_BenchMode = true; g_WindowMode = IsPC() ? true : false; }
if( g_BenchMode ) { if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-i", &pArgVal ) ) { g_BenchRuns[0].pModelName[0] = pArgVal; } } if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-softwaretl" ) ) { g_SoftwareTL = true; }
// Explicitly in window/fullscreen mode?
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-window") ) { g_WindowMode = true; } else if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-fullscreen" ) ) { g_WindowMode = false; }
/* figure out g_Renderwidth and g_RenderHeight */ g_RenderWidth = -1; g_RenderHeight = -1;
if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-width", &pArgVal ) ) { g_RenderWidth = atoi( pArgVal ); } if( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-height", &pArgVal ) ) { g_RenderHeight = atoi( pArgVal ); }
if( g_RenderWidth == -1 && g_RenderHeight == -1 ) { g_RenderWidth = 640; g_RenderHeight = 480; } else if( g_RenderWidth != -1 && g_RenderHeight == -1 ) { switch( g_RenderWidth ) { case 320: g_RenderHeight = 240; break; case 512: g_RenderHeight = 384; break; case 640: g_RenderHeight = 480; break; case 800: g_RenderHeight = 600; break; case 1024: g_RenderHeight = 768; break; case 1280: g_RenderHeight = 1024; break; case 1600: g_RenderHeight = 1200; break; default: DisplayError( "Can't figure out window dimensions!!" ); exit( -1 ); break; } }
if( g_RenderWidth == -1 || g_RenderHeight == -1 ) { DisplayError( "Can't figure out window dimensions!!" ); exit( -1 ); } int windowWidth, windowHeight; CalcWindowSize( g_RenderWidth, g_RenderHeight, &windowWidth, &windowHeight );
if( !CreateAppWindow( "ihvtest1", windowWidth, windowHeight ) ) { return false; } return true; }
void CIHVTestApp::PostShutdown() { DisconnectTier1Libraries(); }
// The application main loop
int CIHVTestApp::Main() { SpewOutputFunc( IHVTestSpewFunc ); if ( !SetupStudioRender() ) { return 0; }
if ( !InitMaterialSystem( m_hWnd ) ) { return 0; }
#if !defined( _X360 ) // X360TBD:
extern void Sys_InitFloatTime( void ); //garymcthack
Sys_InitFloatTime(); #endif
VTResume(); #endif
#ifdef USE_VPROF
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Start(); #endif
bool m_bExitMainLoop = false; while (!m_bExitMainLoop && !g_BenchFinished) { AppPumpMessages(); RenderFrame(); }
#ifdef USE_VPROF
g_VProfCurrentProfile.Stop(); #endif
g_IHVTestFP = fopen( "ihvtest_vprof.txt", "w" ); #ifdef USE_VPROF
SpewOutputFunc( IHVTestVProfSpewFunc ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_SUMMARY ); g_VProfCurrentProfile.OutputReport( VPRT_HIERARCHY_TIME_PER_FRAME_AND_COUNT_ONLY ); fclose( g_IHVTestFP ); SpewOutputFunc( IHVTestSpewFunc ); #endif
VTPause(); #endif
return 0; }