//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "hlfaceposer.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "TimelineItem.h"
#include "choreowidgetdrawhelper.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "expressions.h"
#include "StudioModel.h"
#include "expclass.h"
#include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
#include "ExpressionTool.h"
#include "choreoevent.h"
#include "choreoscene.h"
#include "choreoactor.h"
#include "choreochannel.h"
#include "ChoreoView.h"
#include "ControlPanel.h"
#include "faceposer_models.h"
#include "MatSysWin.h"
#include "choreoviewcolors.h"
#include "ifaceposersound.h"
#include "curveeditorhelpers.h"
extern double realtime;
// Purpose:
TimelineItem::TimelineItem( mxWindow *workspace ) { m_pHelper = new CCurveEditorHelper< TimelineItem >( this );
m_pWorkspace = workspace;
m_nDragging = DRAGTYPE_NONE; m_nLastX = 0; m_nLastY = 0; m_nStartX = 0; m_nStartY = 0;
SetExpressionInfo( NULL, 0 );
m_nNumSelected = 0;
m_nEditType = 0;
SetCollapsed( false ); SetActive( false );
m_nUndoSetup = 0; m_rcBounds.top = 0; m_rcBounds.bottom = 0; m_rcBounds.left = 0; m_rcBounds.right = 0; m_bVisible = false; m_flLastClickTime = -1;
TimelineItem::~TimelineItem( void ) { delete m_pHelper; }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::ResetHeight() { m_nCurrentHeight = TIMELINEITEM_DEFAULT_HEIGHT; }
// Purpose:
// Input : mx -
// Output : float
float TimelineItem::GetTimeForMouse( int mx, bool clip /*= false*/ ) { float start, end; g_pExpressionTool->GetStartAndEndTime( start, end );
if ( clip ) { if ( mx < m_rcBounds.left ) { return start; } else if ( mx >= m_rcBounds.right ) { return end; } }
float frac = (float)( mx - m_rcBounds.left ) / (float)( m_rcBounds.right - m_rcBounds.left ); float t = start + frac * ( end - start ); return t; }
// Purpose:
// Input : t -
// Output : int
int TimelineItem::GetMouseForTime( float t, bool *clipped /*= NULL*/ ) { float start, end; g_pExpressionTool->GetStartAndEndTime( start, end );
float frac = ( t - start ) / ( end - start );
if ( frac < 0.0 || frac > 1.0 ) { if ( clipped ) { *clipped = true; } }
int mx = m_rcBounds.left + ( int ) ( frac * (float)( m_rcBounds.right - m_rcBounds.left ) );
return mx; }
int TimelineItem::NumSamples() { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return 0;
// Aggregate both types of tracks together
return track->GetNumSamples( 0 ) + track->GetNumSamples( 1 ); // return track->GetNumSamples( m_nEditType );
CExpressionSample *TimelineItem::GetSample( int idx ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return NULL;
if ( idx >= track->GetNumSamples( 0 ) ) { // Rebase and look at left/right track instead
idx -= track->GetNumSamples( 0 ); return track->GetSample( idx, 1 ); } return track->GetSample( idx, 0 ); }
CExpressionSample *TimelineItem::GetSampleUnderMouse( int mx, int my, float tolerance /*= FP_TL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE*/ ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return NULL;
CChoreoEvent *e = track->GetEvent(); if ( !e ) return NULL;
float closest_dist = 9999999.f; CExpressionSample *bestsample = NULL;
// Add a sample point
int height = m_rcBounds.bottom - m_rcBounds.top;
mx += m_rcBounds.left;
for ( int i = 0; i < track->GetNumSamples( m_nEditType ); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( i, m_nEditType );
bool clipped = false; int px = GetMouseForTime( sample->time, &clipped ); int py = height * ( 1.0f - sample->value );
int dx = px - mx; int dy = py - my;
float dist = sqrt( (float)(dx * dx + dy * dy) ); if ( dist < closest_dist ) { bestsample = sample; closest_dist = dist; } }
// Not close to any of them!!!
if ( ( tolerance != 0.0f ) && ( closest_dist > tolerance ) ) return NULL;
return bestsample; }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::DeselectAll( void ) { g_pExpressionTool->DeselectAll(); }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::SelectAll( void ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
for ( int t = 0; t < 2; t++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < track->GetNumSamples( t ); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( i, t ); sample->selected = true; } } }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::Delete( void ) { g_pExpressionTool->DeleteSelectedSamples(); }
// Purpose:
// Input : sample -
void TimelineItem::AddSample( CExpressionSample const& sample ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
PreDataChanged( "Add sample point" );
track->AddSample( sample.time, sample.value, m_nEditType ); track->Resort( m_nEditType );
SetActive( true );
PostDataChanged( "Add sample point" ); }
// Purpose:
int TimelineItem::CountSelected( void ) { m_nNumSelected = m_pHelper->CountSelected( false ); return m_nNumSelected; }
void TimelineItem::SetMousePositionForEvent( mxEvent *event ) { POINT pt; GetCursorPos( &pt ); ScreenToClient( (HWND)m_pWorkspace->getHandle(), &pt );
pt.x -= m_rcBounds.left; pt.y -= m_rcBounds.top;
event->x = pt.x; event->y = pt.y; }
int TimelineItem::handleEvent( mxEvent *event ) { int iret = 0;
// Give helper a shot at the event
if ( m_pHelper->HelperHandleEvent( event ) ) { return 1; }
switch ( event->event ) { case mxEvent::KeyDown: { switch ( event->key ) { default: iret = g_pChoreoView->HandleZoomKey( g_pExpressionTool, event->key ); break; case VK_ESCAPE: DeselectAll(); DrawSelf(); break; case VK_DELETE: Delete(); DrawSelf(); break; case 'C': Copy(); DrawSelf(); break; case 'V': Paste(); DrawSelf(); break; case 'J': { g_pExpressionTool->OnCopyToFlex( g_pExpressionTool->GetScrubberSceneTime(), true ); } break; case 'K': { g_pExpressionTool->OnCopyFromFlex( g_pExpressionTool->GetScrubberSceneTime(), false ); } break; case 188: // VK_OEM_COMMA:
{ g_pExpressionTool->SetScrubTargetTime( 0.0f ); } break; case 190: // VK_OEM_PERIOD:
{ CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene ) { g_pExpressionTool->SetScrubTargetTime( scene->FindStopTime() ); } } break; case VK_LEFT: { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene && scene->GetSceneFPS() > 0 ) { float curscrub = g_pExpressionTool->GetScrub(); curscrub -= ( 1.0f / (float)scene->GetSceneFPS() ); curscrub = max( curscrub, 0.0f ); g_pExpressionTool->SetScrubTargetTime( curscrub ); } } break; case VK_RIGHT: { CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( scene && scene->GetSceneFPS() > 0 ) { float curscrub = g_pExpressionTool->GetScrub(); curscrub += ( 1.0f / (float)scene->GetSceneFPS() ); curscrub = min( curscrub, scene->FindStopTime() ); g_pExpressionTool->SetScrubTargetTime( curscrub ); } } break; case 191: { if ( g_pChoreoView->IsPlayingScene() ) { g_pChoreoView->StopScene(); } } break; } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::KeyUp: { switch ( event->key ) { case VK_SPACE: { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( track && track->IsComboType() ) { SetEditType( m_nEditType == 0 ? 1 : 0 ); DrawSelf(); } } break; } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseDown: { sound->Flush();
SetFocus( (HWND)g_pExpressionTool->getHandle() );
int height = m_rcBounds.bottom - m_rcBounds.top;
bool rightbutton = ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) ? true : false;
if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_NONE ) { bool ctrlDown = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) ? true : false;
CExpressionSample *sample = GetSampleUnderMouse( event->x, event->y, ctrlDown ? FP_TL_ADDSAMPLE_TOLERANCE : FP_TL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE );
if ( IsMouseOverGrowHandle( (short)event->x, (short)event->y ) ) { m_nDragging = DRAGTYPE_GROW; m_nLastX = (short)event->x; m_nLastY = (short)event->y;
m_nStartX = m_nLastX; m_nStartY = m_nLastY;
MouseDrag( (short)event->x, (short)event->y, event->modifiers );
DrawGrowRect(); } else if ( sample ) { if ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ) { sample->selected = !sample->selected; DrawSelf(); } else if ( sample->selected ) { m_nDragging = rightbutton ? DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME : DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE; m_nLastX = (short)event->x; m_nLastY = (short)event->y;
m_nStartX = m_nLastX; m_nStartY = m_nLastY;
PreDataChanged( "Move sample point(s)" );
MouseDrag( (short)event->x, (short)event->y, event->modifiers );
DrawSelf(); } else { if ( !( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ) ) { DeselectAll(); DrawSelf(); }
m_nDragging = DRAGTYPE_SELECTION; m_nLastX = (short)event->x; m_nLastY = (short)event->y;
m_nStartX = m_nLastX; m_nStartY = m_nLastY;
MouseDrag( (short)event->x, (short)event->y, event->modifiers );
DrawFocusRect(); } } else if ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) { CChoreoEvent *e = g_pExpressionTool->GetSafeEvent(); if ( e ) { // Add a sample point
float t = GetTimeForMouse( (short)event->x + m_rcBounds.left );
CExpressionSample sample; sample.time = FacePoser_SnapTime( t ); sample.value = 1.0f - (float)( (short)( event->y ) ) / (float)height; sample.selected = false;
AddSample( sample );
DrawSelf(); } } else { if ( rightbutton ) { POINT pt; pt.x = event->x; pt.y = event->y; ClientToScreen( (HWND)m_pWorkspace->getHandle(), &pt ); ScreenToClient( (HWND)g_pExpressionTool->getHandle(), &pt ); event->x = pt.x; event->y = pt.y; g_pExpressionTool->ShowContextMenu( event, true ); return iret; }
if ( !( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ) ) { DeselectAll(); DrawSelf(); }
m_nDragging = DRAGTYPE_SELECTION; m_nLastX = (short)event->x; m_nLastY = (short)event->y;
m_nStartX = m_nLastX; m_nStartY = m_nLastY;
MouseDrag( (short)event->x, (short)event->y, event->modifiers );
DrawFocusRect(); } } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseDrag: case mxEvent::MouseMove: { if ( m_nDragging != DRAGTYPE_NONE ) { if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_SELECTION ) { DrawFocusRect(); } else if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_GROW ) { DrawGrowRect(); }
MouseDrag( (short)event->x, (short)event->y, event->modifiers ); if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_SELECTION ) { DrawFocusRect(); } else if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_GROW ) { DrawGrowRect(); }
if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME || m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE ) { DrawSelf(); } } else { // See if anything is selected
CountSelected(); if ( m_nNumSelected <= 0 && g_pExpressionTool->IsFocusItem( this ) ) { // Nothing selected
// Draw auto highlight
DrawAutoHighlight( event ); } } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseUp: { bool overgrow = IsMouseOverGrowHandle( (short)event->x, (short)event->y ); if ( m_nDragging != DRAGTYPE_NONE ) { if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_SELECTION ) { DrawFocusRect(); } else if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_GROW ) { DrawGrowRect(); }
MouseDrag( (short)event->x, (short)event->y, event->modifiers, true );
if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_GROW ) { // Finish grow by resizing control
int desiredheight = m_nCurrentHeight + event->y - m_nStartY; if ( desiredheight >= 10 ) { m_nCurrentHeight = desiredheight; g_pExpressionTool->LayoutItems( true ); } } else if ( m_nDragging != DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE && m_nDragging != DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME ) { SelectPoints(); } else { PostDataChanged( "Move sample point(s)" ); }
m_nDragging = DRAGTYPE_NONE;
DrawSelf(); } bool rightbutton = ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) ? true : false; bool shift = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ) ? true : false; bool ctrl = ( event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) ? true : false;
if ( !rightbutton && !shift && !ctrl ) { if ( realtime - m_flLastClickTime < DOUBLE_CLICK_TIME ) { if ( overgrow || IsCollapsed() ) { OnDoubleClicked(); } }
m_flLastClickTime = realtime; }
iret = 1; } break; }
return iret; }
void TimelineItem::MouseDrag( int x, int y, int modifiers, bool snap /*=false*/ ) { if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_NONE ) return;
int width = m_rcBounds.right - m_rcBounds.left; int height = m_rcBounds.bottom - m_rcBounds.top;
if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_TIME || m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE ) { int dx = x - m_nLastX; int dy = y - m_nLastY;
if ( !( modifiers & mxEvent::KeyCtrl ) ) { // Zero out motion on other axis
if ( m_nDragging == DRAGTYPE_MOVEPOINTS_VALUE ) { dx = 0; x = m_nLastX; } else { dy = 0; y = m_nLastY; } }
float dfdx = (float)dx / g_pExpressionTool->GetPixelsPerSecond(); float dfdy = (float)dy / (float)height;
g_pExpressionTool->MoveSelectedSamples( dfdx, dfdy, snap );
// Update the scrubber
if ( (float)width > 0 ) { float t = GetTimeForMouse( x + m_rcBounds.left ); g_pExpressionTool->ForceScrubPosition( t );
g_pMatSysWindow->Frame(); } }
m_nLastX = x; m_nLastY = y; }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::DrawFocusRect( void ) { RECT rcFocus; rcFocus.left = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nStartX : m_nLastX; rcFocus.right = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nLastX : m_nStartX;
rcFocus.top = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nStartY : m_nLastY; rcFocus.bottom = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nLastY : m_nStartY;
POINT offset; offset.x = m_rcBounds.left; offset.y = m_rcBounds.top; ClientToScreen( (HWND)m_pWorkspace->getHandle(), &offset ); OffsetRect( &rcFocus, offset.x, offset.y );
HDC dc = GetDC( NULL );
::DrawFocusRect( dc, &rcFocus );
ReleaseDC( NULL, dc ); }
void TimelineItem::DrawSelf( void ) { CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( m_pWorkspace, m_rcBounds ); Draw( drawHelper ); }
void TimelineItem::Draw( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
CChoreoEvent *e = track->GetEvent(); if ( !e ) return;
Assert( e->HasEndTime() );
bool active = track && ( IsValid() || IsActive() );
float starttime; float endtime;
g_pExpressionTool->GetStartAndEndTime( starttime, endtime );
CountSelected(); int scount = GetNumSelected();
COLORREF bgColor = RGB( 230, 230, 200 ); if ( IsCollapsed() && active ) { bgColor = RGB( 200, 230, 200 ); }
RECT rcClient = m_rcBounds;
drawHelper.DrawFilledRect( bgColor, rcClient );
COLORREF gray = RGB( 200, 200, 200 );
DrawEventEnd( drawHelper );
DrawRelativeTags( drawHelper ); if ( !IsCollapsed() && track ) { if ( m_nEditType == 1 ) { float zero = track->GetZeroValue( m_nEditType, true );
drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 180, 200, 220 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcClient.left, ( rcClient.top * zero + rcClient.bottom * (1 - zero)) , rcClient.right, ( rcClient.top * zero + rcClient.bottom * (1 - zero)) ); }
drawHelper.DrawOutlinedRect( RGB( 100, 150, 200 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcClient );
// Draw grow handle into background...
if ( CanHaveGrowHandle() ) { RECT handleRect; GetGrowHandleRect( handleRect ); DrawGrowHandle( drawHelper, handleRect ); }
// Draw left/right underneath amount so go backbard
for ( int type = ( track->IsComboType() ? 1 : 0 ); type >= 0; type-- ) { COLORREF lineColor = ( type == m_nEditType ) ? RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) : gray; COLORREF shadowColor = ( type == m_nEditType ) ? RGB( 150, 150, 250 ) : gray; COLORREF dotColor = ( type == m_nEditType ) ? RGB( 0, 0, 255 ) : gray; COLORREF dotColorSelected = ( type == m_nEditType ) ? RGB( 240, 80, 20 ) : gray;
int height = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top; int bottom = rcClient.bottom;
// Fixme, could look at 1st derivative and do more sampling at high rate of change?
// or near actual sample points!
float linelength = g_pExpressionTool->IsFocusItem( this ) ? 2.0f : 8.0f;
float timestepperpixel = linelength / g_pExpressionTool->GetPixelsPerSecond();
float stoptime = min( endtime, e->GetDuration() ); float prev_t = starttime; float prev_value = track->GetFracIntensity( prev_t, type );
CUtlVector< POINT > segments;
if (type == m_nEditType) { // draw hermite version of time step
float i0, i1, i2; float time10hz = starttime;
i0 = track->GetFracIntensity( time10hz, type ); i1 = i0; time10hz = starttime + 0.1; i2 = track->GetFracIntensity( time10hz, type );; for ( float t = starttime; t <= stoptime; t += timestepperpixel ) { while (t >= time10hz) { time10hz += 0.1; i0 = i1; i1 = i2; i2 = track->GetFracIntensity( time10hz, type );; }
float value = Hermite_Spline( i0, i1, i2, (t - time10hz + 0.1) / 0.1 );
int prevx, x;
bool clipped1, clipped2; x = GetMouseForTime( t, &clipped1 ); prevx = GetMouseForTime( prev_t, &clipped2 );
//if ( !clipped1 && !clipped2 )
{ // Draw segment
//drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( lineColor, PS_SOLID, 1,
// prevx, bottom - prev_value * height,
// x, bottom - value * height );
if ( segments.Count() == 0 ) { pt.x = prevx; pt.y = bottom - prev_value * height;
segments.AddToTail( pt ); }
pt.x = x; pt.y = bottom - value * height;
segments.AddToTail( pt ); }
prev_t = t; prev_value = value; }
if ( segments.Count() >= 2 ) { drawHelper.DrawColoredPolyLine( shadowColor, PS_SOLID, 1, segments ); }
segments.RemoveAll(); } */ for ( float t = starttime; t <= stoptime; t += timestepperpixel ) { float value = track->GetFracIntensity( t, type );
int prevx, x;
bool clipped1, clipped2; x = GetMouseForTime( t, &clipped1 ); prevx = GetMouseForTime( prev_t, &clipped2 );
//if ( !clipped1 && !clipped2 )
{ // Draw segment
//drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( lineColor, PS_SOLID, 1,
// prevx, bottom - prev_value * height,
// x, bottom - value * height );
if ( segments.Count() == 0 ) { pt.x = prevx; pt.y = bottom - prev_value * height;
segments.AddToTail( pt ); }
pt.x = x; pt.y = bottom - value * height;
segments.AddToTail( pt ); }
prev_t = t; prev_value = value; }
if ( segments.Count() >= 2 ) { drawHelper.DrawColoredPolyLine( lineColor, PS_SOLID, 1, segments ); }
for ( int sample = 0; sample < track->GetNumSamples( type ); sample++ ) { bool dummy; CExpressionSample *start = track->GetBoundedSample( sample, dummy, type );
int pixel = (int)( ( start->time / event_time ) * width + 0.5f); int x = m_rcBounds.left + pixel; float roundedfrac = (float)pixel / (float)width; */ float value = start->value; // track->GetFracIntensity( start->time, type );
bool clipped = false; int x = GetMouseForTime( start->time, &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; int y = bottom - value * height;
int dotsize = 6; int dotSizeSelected = 6;
COLORREF clr = dotColor; COLORREF clrSelected = dotColorSelected;
drawHelper.DrawCircle( start->selected ? clrSelected : clr, x, y, start->selected ? dotSizeSelected : dotsize, true );
if ( !start->selected ) continue;
if ( start->GetCurveType() == CURVE_DEFAULT ) continue;
// Draw curve type indicator...
char sz[ 128 ]; Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s", Interpolator_NameForCurveType( start->GetCurveType(), true ) ); RECT rc; int fontSize = 9; rc.top = clamp( y + 5, rcClient.top + 2, rcClient.bottom - 2 - fontSize ); rc.bottom = rc.top + fontSize + 1; rc.left = x - 75; rc.right = x + 175; drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", fontSize, 500, shadowColor, rc, sz ); } } }
if ( track && track->IsComboType() && !IsCollapsed() ) { RECT title = rcClient; title.left += 10; title.top += 14; title.bottom = title.top + 9;
char sz[ 128 ];
if ( m_nEditType == 1 ) { sprintf( sz, "left" );
drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, RGB( 0, 0, 255 ), title, sz );
sprintf( sz, "right" );
title.top = rcClient.bottom - 22; title.bottom = rcClient.bottom;
drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, RGB( 0, 0, 255 ), title, sz ); }
int mid = ( rcClient.top + rcClient.bottom ) / 2;
title.top = mid - 10; title.bottom = mid;
sprintf( sz, "editmode: <%s>", m_nEditType == 0 ? "amount" : "left/right" );
drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, RGB( 0, 0, 255 ), title, sz ); }
if ( track ) { RECT title = rcClient; title.left += 2; title.top += 2; title.bottom = title.top + 9;
char const *name = track->GetFlexControllerName(); char sz[ 128 ];
if ( scount > 0 ) { sprintf( sz, "{%i} - ", scount );
int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, 500, sz ); drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, RGB( 120, 120, 0 ), title, sz );
title.left += len + 2; }
sprintf( sz, "%s -", name );
int len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, 500, sz );
drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, active ? RGB( 0, 150, 100 ) : RGB( 100, 100, 100 ), title, sz );
sprintf( sz, "%s", IsActive() ? "enabled" : "disabled" );
title.left += len + 2;
len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, 500, sz ); drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, active ? RGB( 0, 150, 100 ) : RGB( 100, 100, 100 ), title, sz );
if ( active ) { title.left += len + 2;
sprintf( sz, " <%i>", track->GetNumSamples( 0 ) );
len = drawHelper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", 9, 500, sz ); drawHelper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, 500, RGB( 220, 0, 00 ), title, sz ); } } }
void TimelineItem::DrawAutoHighlight( mxEvent *event ) { if ( IsCollapsed() ) return; CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
CExpressionSample *hover = GetSampleUnderMouse( event->x, event->y, 0.0f ); CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper drawHelper( m_pWorkspace, m_rcBounds, true );
RECT rcClient = m_rcBounds;
// Draw left/right underneath amount so go backbard
int type = m_nEditType;
COLORREF dotColor = RGB( 0, 0, 255 ); COLORREF dotColorSelected = RGB( 240, 80, 20 ); COLORREF clrHighlighted = RGB( 0, 200, 0 );
int height = rcClient.bottom - rcClient.top; int bottom = rcClient.bottom;
int dotsize = 6; int dotSizeSelected = 6; int dotSizeHighlighted = 6;
COLORREF clr = dotColor; COLORREF clrSelected = dotColorSelected; COLORREF bgColor = RGB( 230, 230, 200 );
// Fixme, could look at 1st derivative and do more sampling at high rate of change?
// or near actual sample points!
for ( int sample = 0; sample < track->GetNumSamples( type ); sample++ ) { bool dummy; CExpressionSample *start = track->GetBoundedSample( sample, dummy, type );
float value = start->value; bool clipped = false; int x = GetMouseForTime( start->time, &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; int y = bottom - value * height;
if ( hover == start ) { drawHelper.DrawCircle( bgColor, x, y, dotSizeHighlighted, true );
drawHelper.DrawCircle( clrHighlighted, x, y, dotSizeHighlighted, false );
} else { drawHelper.DrawCircle( start->selected ? clrSelected : clr, x, y, start->selected ? dotSizeSelected : dotsize, true ); } } }
// Purpose:
// Input : drawHelper -
void TimelineItem::DrawRelativeTags( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
CChoreoEvent *event = track->GetEvent(); if ( !event ) return;
float duration = event->GetDuration();
if ( duration <= 0.0f ) return;
CChoreoScene *scene = g_pChoreoView->GetScene(); if ( !scene ) return;
RECT rcClient = m_rcBounds;; //drawHelper.GetClientRect( rcClient );
// Iterate relative tags
for ( int i = 0; i < scene->GetNumActors(); i++ ) { CChoreoActor *a = scene->GetActor( i ); if ( !a ) continue;
for ( int j = 0; j < a->GetNumChannels(); j++ ) { CChoreoChannel *c = a->GetChannel( j ); if ( !c ) continue;
for ( int k = 0 ; k < c->GetNumEvents(); k++ ) { CChoreoEvent *e = c->GetEvent( k ); if ( !e ) continue;
// add each tag to combo box
for ( int t = 0; t < e->GetNumRelativeTags(); t++ ) { CEventRelativeTag *tag = e->GetRelativeTag( t ); if ( !tag ) continue;
//SendMessage( control, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)va( "\"%s\" \"%s\"", tag->GetName(), e->GetParameters() ) );
bool clipped = false; int tagx = GetMouseForTime( tag->GetStartTime() - event->GetStartTime(), &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue;
drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 180, 180, 220 ), PS_SOLID, 1, tagx, rcClient.top, tagx, rcClient.bottom ); } } } }
for ( int t = 0; t < event->GetNumTimingTags(); t++ ) { CFlexTimingTag *tag = event->GetTimingTag( t ); if ( !tag ) continue;
bool clipped = false; int tagx = GetMouseForTime( tag->GetStartTime() - event->GetStartTime(), &clipped ); if ( clipped ) continue; // Draw relative tag marker
drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 220, 180, 180 ), PS_SOLID, 1, tagx, rcClient.top, tagx, rcClient.bottom ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *exp -
// flexnum -
void TimelineItem::SetExpressionInfo( CFlexAnimationTrack *track, int flexnum ) { m_szTrackName[ 0 ] = 0; if ( track ) { V_strcpy_safe( m_szTrackName, track->GetFlexControllerName() ); SetActive( track->IsTrackActive() ); }
m_nFlexNum = flexnum; }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::Copy( void ) { if ( !g_pExpressionTool ) return;
CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
g_pExpressionTool->Copy( track ); }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::Paste( void ) { if ( !g_pExpressionTool ) return;
if ( !g_pExpressionTool->HasCopyData() ) return;
CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
g_pExpressionTool->Paste( track ); }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::Clear( bool preserveundo ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
if ( preserveundo ) { PreDataChanged( "Clear" ); }
if ( preserveundo ) { PostDataChanged( "Clear" ); } }
// Purpose:
// Input : state -
void TimelineItem::SetCollapsed( bool state ) { m_bCollapsed = state; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool TimelineItem::IsCollapsed( void ) const { return m_bCollapsed; }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int TimelineItem::GetHeight( void ) { return ( IsCollapsed() ? 12 : m_nCurrentHeight ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : state -
void TimelineItem::SetActive( bool state ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
track->SetTrackActive( state ); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool TimelineItem::IsActive( void ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return false;
return track->IsTrackActive(); }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool TimelineItem::IsValid( void ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return false;
if ( track->GetNumSamples( 0 ) > 0 ) return true;
return false; }
// Purpose:
// Output : CFlexAnimationTrack
CFlexAnimationTrack *TimelineItem::GetSafeTrack( void ) { if ( !g_pExpressionTool ) return NULL;
CChoreoEvent *ev = g_pExpressionTool->GetSafeEvent(); if ( !ev ) return NULL;
// Find track by name
for ( int i = 0; i < ev->GetNumFlexAnimationTracks() ; i++ ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = ev->GetFlexAnimationTrack( i ); if ( track && !stricmp( track->GetFlexControllerName(), m_szTrackName ) ) { return track; } }
return NULL; }
// Purpose:
// Input : type -
void TimelineItem::SetEditType( int type ) { Assert( type == 0 || type == 1 );
CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track || !track->IsComboType() ) { type = 0; } m_nEditType = type; }
// Purpose:
// Output : int
int TimelineItem::GetEditType( void ) { return m_nEditType; }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::SelectPoints( void ) { RECT rcSelection; rcSelection.left = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nStartX : m_nLastX; rcSelection.right = m_nStartX < m_nLastX ? m_nLastX : m_nStartX;
rcSelection.top = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nStartY : m_nLastY; rcSelection.bottom = m_nStartY < m_nLastY ? m_nLastY : m_nStartY;
int selW = rcSelection.right - rcSelection.left; int selH = rcSelection.bottom - rcSelection.top;
float tolerance = FP_TL_SELECTION_RECTANGLE_TOLERANCE; // If they are just clicking and releasing in one spot, capture any items w/in a larger tolerance
if ( selW <= 2 && selH <= 2 ) { tolerance = FP_TL_SELECTION_TOLERANCE;
CExpressionSample *sample = GetSampleUnderMouse( rcSelection.left + selW * 0.5f, rcSelection.top + selH * 0.5f ); if ( sample ) { sample->selected = true; return; } } else { InflateRect( &rcSelection, 3, 3 ); }
int width = m_rcBounds.right - m_rcBounds.left; int height = m_rcBounds.bottom - m_rcBounds.top;
CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track || !width || !height ) return;
CChoreoEvent *e = track->GetEvent(); Assert( e ); if ( !e ) return;
float duration = e->GetDuration();
float fleft = (float)GetTimeForMouse( rcSelection.left + m_rcBounds.left ); float fright = (float)GetTimeForMouse( rcSelection.right + m_rcBounds.left );
//fleft *= duration;
//fright *= duration;
float ftop = (float)rcSelection.top / (float)height; float fbottom = (float)rcSelection.bottom / (float)height;
fleft = clamp( fleft, 0.0f, duration ); fright = clamp( fright, 0.0f, duration ); ftop = clamp( ftop, 0.0f, 1.0f ); fbottom = clamp( fbottom, 0.0f, 1.0f );
float timestepperpixel = 1.0f / g_pExpressionTool->GetPixelsPerSecond(); float yfracstepperpixel = 1.0f / (float)height;
float epsx = tolerance*timestepperpixel; float epsy = tolerance*yfracstepperpixel;
for ( int i = 0; i < track->GetNumSamples( m_nEditType ); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( i, m_nEditType ); if ( sample->time + epsx < fleft ) continue;
if ( sample->time - epsx > fright ) continue;
if ( (1.0f - sample->value ) + epsy < ftop ) continue;
if ( (1.0f - sample->value ) - epsy > fbottom ) continue;
sample->selected = true; } }
// Purpose:
// Input : *undodescription -
void TimelineItem::PreDataChanged( char const *undodescription ) { if ( m_nUndoSetup == 0 ) { g_pChoreoView->SetDirty( true ); g_pChoreoView->PushUndo( undodescription ); } ++m_nUndoSetup; }
// Purpose:
// Input : *redodescription -
void TimelineItem::PostDataChanged( char const *redodescription ) { --m_nUndoSetup; if ( m_nUndoSetup == 0 ) { g_pChoreoView->PushRedo( redodescription ); g_pExpressionTool->InvalidateLayout(); } }
void TimelineItem::SetBounds( const RECT& rect ) { m_rcBounds = rect; }
void TimelineItem::GetBounds( RECT& rect ) { rect = m_rcBounds; }
void TimelineItem::SetVisible( bool vis ) { m_bVisible = vis; }
bool TimelineItem::GetVisible( void ) const { return m_bVisible; }
int TimelineItem::GetNumSelected( void ) { return m_nNumSelected; }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::SnapAll() { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
for ( int t = 0; t < 2; t++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < track->GetNumSamples( t ); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( i, t ); sample->time = FacePoser_SnapTime( sample->time ); } } }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::SnapSelected() { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
for ( int t = 0; t < 2; t++ ) { for ( int i = 0; i < track->GetNumSamples( t ); i++ ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( i, t ); if ( !sample->selected ) continue;
sample->time = FacePoser_SnapTime( sample->time ); } } }
// Purpose:
// Input : start -
// end -
void TimelineItem::DeletePoints( float start, float end ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
for ( int t = 0; t < 2; t++ ) { int num = track->GetNumSamples( t ); for ( int i = num - 1; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { CExpressionSample *sample = track->GetSample( i, t ); if ( sample->time < start || sample->time > end ) continue;
track->RemoveSample( i, t ); } } }
// Purpose:
void TimelineItem::OnDoubleClicked() { // Disabled for now by request of BillF
CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
SetCollapsed( !IsCollapsed() ); g_pExpressionTool->LayoutItems( true ); }
void TimelineItem::DrawEventEnd( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& drawHelper ) { CFlexAnimationTrack *track = GetSafeTrack(); if ( !track ) return;
CChoreoEvent *e = track->GetEvent(); if ( !e ) return;
float duration = e->GetDuration(); if ( !duration ) return;
int leftx = GetMouseForTime( duration ); if ( leftx > m_rcBounds.right ) return;
drawHelper.DrawColoredLine( COLOR_CHOREO_ENDTIME, PS_SOLID, 1, leftx, m_rcBounds.top, leftx, m_rcBounds.bottom );
// Purpose:
// Input : helper -
// handleRect -
void TimelineItem::DrawGrowHandle( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& helper, RECT& handleRect ) { Assert(CanHaveGrowHandle());
RECT useRect = handleRect; helper.OffsetSubRect( useRect );
POINT region[4]; int cPoints = 4;
region[ 0 ].x = useRect.left + GROW_HANDLE_INSETPIXELS; region[ 0 ].y = useRect.top;
region[ 1 ].x = useRect.right - GROW_HANDLE_INSETPIXELS; region[ 1 ].y = useRect.top;
region[ 2 ].x = useRect.right; region[ 2 ].y = useRect.bottom;
region[ 3 ].x = useRect.left; region[ 3 ].y = useRect.bottom;
HDC dc = helper.GrabDC();
HRGN rgn = CreatePolygonRgn( region, cPoints, ALTERNATE );
int oldPF = SetPolyFillMode( dc, ALTERNATE ); HBRUSH brBg = CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 150, 150, 150 ) ); HBRUSH brBorder = CreateSolidBrush( RGB( 200, 200, 200 ) );
FillRgn( dc, rgn, brBg ); FrameRgn( dc, rgn, brBorder, 1, 1 );
SetPolyFillMode( dc, oldPF );
DeleteObject( rgn );
DeleteObject( brBg ); DeleteObject( brBorder );
// draw a line in the middle
int midy = ( handleRect.bottom + handleRect.top ) * 0.5f; int lineinset = GROW_HANDLE_INSETPIXELS *1.5;
helper.DrawColoredLine( RGB( 63, 63, 63 ), PS_SOLID, 1, handleRect.left + lineinset, midy, handleRect.right - lineinset, midy ); }
// Purpose:
// Input : rc -
void TimelineItem::GetGrowHandleRect( RECT& rc ) { rc = m_rcBounds; rc.bottom -= 1; rc.top = rc.bottom - GROW_HANDLE_HEIGHT; rc.left = ( rc.right + rc.left ) / 2 - GROW_HANDLE_WIDTH / 2; rc.right = rc.left + GROW_HANDLE_WIDTH; }
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool TimelineItem::CanHaveGrowHandle() { if ( IsCollapsed() ) return false;
if ( !g_pExpressionTool->IsFocusItem( this ) ) return false;
return true; }
// Purpose:
// Input : x -
// y -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool TimelineItem::IsMouseOverGrowHandle( int x, int y) { if ( !CanHaveGrowHandle() ) return false;
RECT rcGrowHandle; GetGrowHandleRect( rcGrowHandle );
POINT pt; pt.x = x + m_rcBounds.left; pt.y = y + m_rcBounds.top;
return PtInRect( &rcGrowHandle, pt ) ? true : false; }
void TimelineItem::DrawGrowRect() { RECT rcFocus = m_rcBounds; rcFocus.bottom = m_rcBounds.top + m_nLastY; OffsetRect( &rcFocus, -m_rcBounds.left, -m_rcBounds.top );
POINT offset; offset.x = m_rcBounds.left; offset.y = m_rcBounds.top; ClientToScreen( (HWND)m_pWorkspace->getHandle(), &offset ); OffsetRect( &rcFocus, offset.x, offset.y );
HDC dc = GetDC( NULL );
::DrawFocusRect( dc, &rcFocus );
ReleaseDC( NULL, dc ); }
void TimelineItem::GetWorkList( bool reflect, CUtlVector< TimelineItem * >& list ) { if ( !reflect ) { list.AddToTail( this ); } else { g_pExpressionTool->GetTimelineItems( list ); } }