//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "workspace.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "project.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "FileSystem_Tools.h"
#include "utlbuffer.h"
#include "workspacemanager.h"
#include "workspacebrowser.h"
#include "soundbrowser.h"
#include "wavebrowser.h"
CWorkspace::CWorkspace( char const *filename ) { m_szVSSUserName[ 0 ] = 0; m_szVSSProject[ 0 ] = 0;
Q_strncpy( m_szFile, filename, sizeof( m_szFile ) ); // By default, name is the same as the filename
Q_FileBase( m_szFile, m_szName, sizeof( m_szName ) ); m_bDirty = false; LoadFromFile(); }
CWorkspace::~CWorkspace() { while ( m_Projects.Count() > 0 ) { CProject *p = m_Projects[ 0 ]; m_Projects.Remove( 0 ); delete p; } }
char const *CWorkspace::GetName() const { return m_szName; }
bool CWorkspace::IsDirty( void ) const { int c = GetProjectCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CProject *p = GetProject( i ); Assert( p ); if ( p->IsDirty() ) return true; }
return m_bDirty; }
void CWorkspace::SetDirty( bool dirty ) { m_bDirty = dirty; }
int CWorkspace::GetProjectCount() const { return m_Projects.Count(); }
CProject *CWorkspace::GetProject( int index ) const { if ( index < 0 || index >= m_Projects.Count() ) return NULL; return m_Projects[ index ]; }
void CWorkspace::RemoveProject( CProject *project ) { if ( m_Projects.Find( project ) == m_Projects.InvalidIndex() ) return;
m_Projects.FindAndRemove( project ); SetDirty( true ); }
void CWorkspace::AddProject( CProject *project ) { SetDirty( true );
Assert( m_Projects.Find( project ) == m_Projects.InvalidIndex() );
m_Projects.AddToTail( project ); }
CProject *CWorkspace::FindProjectFile( char const *filename ) const { int c = GetProjectCount(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; i++ ) { CProject *p = GetProject( i ); Assert( p ); if ( !Q_stricmp( p->GetFileName(), filename ) ) return p; } return NULL; }
void CWorkspace::LoadFromFile() { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( m_szName ); if ( kv->LoadFromFile( filesystem, m_szFile ) ) { for ( KeyValues *proj = kv->GetFirstSubKey(); proj; proj = proj->GetNextKey() ) { // Add named projects
if ( !Q_stricmp( proj->GetName(), "project" ) ) { bool expanded = false; char filename[ 256 ]; filename[0] = 0;
for ( KeyValues *sub = proj->GetFirstSubKey(); sub; sub = sub->GetNextKey() ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( sub->GetName(), "file" ) ) { Q_strcpy( filename, sub->GetString() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( sub->GetName(), "expanded" ) ) { expanded = sub->GetInt() ? true : false; continue; } else { Assert( 0 ); } }
CProject *p = new CProject( this, filename ); p->SetExpanded( expanded ); p->SetDirty( false ); m_Projects.AddToTail( p );
continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( proj->GetName(), "vss_username" ) ) { SetVSSUserName( proj->GetString() );
Con_Printf( "VSS User: '%s'\n", GetVSSUserName() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( proj->GetName(), "vss_project" ) ) { SetVSSProject( proj->GetString() );
Con_Printf( "VSS Project: '%s'\n", GetVSSProject() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( proj->GetName(), "window" ) ) { SetDirty( true );
char const *windowname = proj->GetString( "windowname", "" ); if ( !Q_stricmp( windowname, "workspace" ) ) { SceneManager_LoadWindowPositions( proj, GetWorkspaceManager()->GetBrowser() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( windowname, "soundbrowser" ) ) { SceneManager_LoadWindowPositions( proj, GetWorkspaceManager()->GetSoundBrowser() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( windowname, "wavebrowser" ) ) { SceneManager_LoadWindowPositions( proj, GetWorkspaceManager()->GetWaveBrowser() ); continue; } else if ( !Q_stricmp( windowname, "main" ) ) { SceneManager_LoadWindowPositions( proj, GetWorkspaceManager() ); continue; } else { Assert( 0 ); } }
Assert( 0 ); } } kv->deleteThis(); }
static void SaveWindowPositions( CUtlBuffer& buf, char const *windowname, mxWindow *wnd ) { buf.Printf( "\t\"window\"\n" ); buf.Printf( "\t{\n" ); buf.Printf( "\t\twindowname\t\"%s\"\n", windowname );
SceneManager_SaveWindowPositions( buf, 2, wnd );
buf.Printf( "\t}\n" ); }
void CWorkspace::SaveToFile() { SetDirty( false );
CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
buf.Printf( "%s\n{\n", GetName() );
// walk projects
int c = GetProjectCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { CProject *p = GetProject( i ); Assert( p );
buf.Printf( "\t\"project\"\n" ); buf.Printf( "\t{\n" ); buf.Printf( "\t\t\"expanded\"\t\"%i\"\n", p->IsExpanded() ); buf.Printf( "\t\t\"file\"\t\"%s\"\n", p->GetFileName() ); buf.Printf( "\t}\n" );
p->SaveChanges(); }
buf.Printf( "\t\"vss_username\"\t\"%s\"\n", GetVSSUserName() ); buf.Printf( "\t\"vss_project\"\t\"%s\"\n", GetVSSProject() );
// Save window positions
SaveWindowPositions( buf, "main", GetWorkspaceManager() );
SaveWindowPositions( buf, "workspace", GetWorkspaceManager()->GetBrowser() ); SaveWindowPositions( buf, "soundbrowser", GetWorkspaceManager()->GetSoundBrowser() ); SaveWindowPositions( buf, "wavebrowser", GetWorkspaceManager()->GetWaveBrowser() ); buf.Printf( "}\n" );
if ( filesystem->FileExists( m_szFile ) && !filesystem->IsFileWritable( m_szFile ) ) { int retval = mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Check out '%s'?", m_szFile ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_YESNOCANCEL ); if ( retval != 0 ) return;
VSS_Checkout( m_szFile );
if ( !filesystem->IsFileWritable( m_szFile ) ) { mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Unable to check out'%s'!!!", m_szFile ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_OK ); return; } }
// Write it out baby
FileHandle_t fh = filesystem->Open( m_szFile, "wt" ); if (fh) { filesystem->Write( buf.Base(), buf.TellPut(), fh ); filesystem->Close(fh); } else { Con_Printf( "CWorkspace::SaveToFile: Unable to write file %s!!!\n", m_szFile ); } }
void CWorkspace::SaveChanges() { if ( !IsDirty() ) return;
SaveToFile(); }
void CWorkspace::ValidateTree( mxTreeView *tree, mxTreeViewItem *parent ) { CUtlVector< mxTreeViewItem * > m_KnownItems;
int c = GetProjectCount(); CProject *proj; for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { proj = GetProject( i ); if ( !proj ) continue;
char sz[ 256 ]; if ( proj->GetComments() && proj->GetComments()[0] ) { Q_snprintf( sz, sizeof( sz ), "%s : %s", proj->GetName(), proj->GetComments() ); } else { Q_strncpy( sz, proj->GetName(), sizeof( sz ) ); }
mxTreeViewItem *spot = proj->FindItem( tree, parent ); if ( !spot ) { spot = tree->add( parent, sz ); }
m_KnownItems.AddToTail( spot );
proj->SetOrdinal ( i );
tree->setLabel( spot, sz );
tree->setImages( spot, proj->GetIconIndex(), proj->GetIconIndex() ); tree->setUserData( spot, proj ); //tree->setOpen( spot, proj->IsExpanded() );
proj->ValidateTree( tree, spot ); }
// Now check for dangling items
mxTreeViewItem *start = tree->getFirstChild( parent ); while ( start ) { mxTreeViewItem *next = tree->getNextChild( start );
if ( m_KnownItems.Find( start ) == m_KnownItems.InvalidIndex() ) { tree->remove( start ); }
start = next; }
tree->sortTree( parent, true, CWorkspaceBrowser::CompareFunc, 0 ); }
bool CWorkspace::CanClose( void ) { if ( !IsDirty() ) return true;
int retval = mxMessageBox( NULL, va( "Save changes to workspace '%s'?", GetName() ), g_appTitle, MX_MB_YESNOCANCEL ); if ( retval == 2 ) return false;
if ( retval == 0 ) { SaveChanges(); }
return true; }
char const *CWorkspace::GetVSSUserName() const { return m_szVSSUserName; } char const *CWorkspace::GetVSSProject() const { return m_szVSSProject; }
void CWorkspace::SetVSSUserName( char const *username ) { Q_strncpy( m_szVSSUserName, username, sizeof( m_szVSSUserName ) ); }
void CWorkspace::SetVSSProject( char const *projectname ) { Q_strncpy( m_szVSSProject, projectname, sizeof( m_szVSSProject ) ); while ( Q_strlen( m_szVSSProject ) > 0 ) { if ( m_szVSSProject[ Q_strlen( m_szVSSProject ) - 1 ] == '/' || m_szVSSProject[ Q_strlen( m_szVSSProject ) - 1 ] == '\\' ) { m_szVSSProject[ Q_strlen( m_szVSSProject ) - 1 ] = 0; } else { break; } } }
void CWorkspace::Checkout( bool updatestateicons /*= true*/ ) { VSS_Checkout( GetFileName(), updatestateicons ); }
void CWorkspace::Checkin(bool updatestateicons /*= true*/) { VSS_Checkin( GetFileName(), updatestateicons ); }
bool CWorkspace::IsCheckedOut() const { return filesystem->IsFileWritable( GetFileName() ); }
int CWorkspace::GetIconIndex() const { if ( IsCheckedOut() ) { return IMAGE_WORKSPACE_CHECKEDOUT; } else { return IMAGE_WORKSPACE; } }
void CWorkspace::MoveChildUp( ITreeItem *child ) { int c = GetProjectCount(); for ( int i = 1; i < c; i++ ) { CProject *p = GetProject( i ); if ( p != child ) continue;
CProject *prev = GetProject( i - 1 ); // Swap
m_Projects[ i - 1 ] = p; m_Projects[ i ] = prev; return; } }
void CWorkspace::MoveChildDown( ITreeItem *child ) { int c = GetProjectCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < c - 1; i++ ) { CProject *p = GetProject( i ); if ( p != child ) continue;
CProject *next = GetProject( i + 1 ); // Swap
m_Projects[ i ] = next; m_Projects[ i + 1 ] = p; return; } }
bool CWorkspace::IsChildFirst( ITreeItem *child ) { int idx = m_Projects.Find( (CProject *)child ); if ( idx == m_Projects.InvalidIndex() ) return false;
if ( idx != 0 ) return false;
return true; }
bool CWorkspace::IsChildLast( ITreeItem *child ) { int idx = m_Projects.Find( (CProject *)child ); if ( idx == m_Projects.InvalidIndex() ) return false;
if ( idx != m_Projects.Count() - 1 ) return false;
return true; }