//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// mysql_wrapper.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application.
#include "stdafx.h"
extern "C" { #include "mysql.h"
#include "imysqlwrapper.h"
#include <stdio.h>
static char* CopyString( const char *pStr ) { if ( !pStr ) { pStr = ""; }
char *pRet = new char[ strlen( pStr ) + 1 ]; strcpy( pRet, pStr ); return pRet; }
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule, DWORD ul_reason_for_call, LPVOID lpReserved ) { return TRUE; }
class CCopiedRow { public: ~CCopiedRow() { m_Columns.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
CUtlVector<char*> m_Columns; };
class CMySQLCopiedRowSet : public IMySQLRowSet { public: ~CMySQLCopiedRowSet() { m_Rows.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); m_ColumnNames.PurgeAndDeleteElements(); }
virtual void Release() { delete this; }
virtual int NumFields() { return m_ColumnNames.Count(); }
virtual const char* GetFieldName( int iColumn ) { return m_ColumnNames[iColumn]; }
virtual bool NextRow() { ++m_iCurRow; return m_iCurRow < m_Rows.Count(); }
virtual bool SeekToFirstRow() { m_iCurRow = 0; return m_iCurRow < m_Rows.Count(); }
virtual CColumnValue GetColumnValue( int iColumn ) { return CColumnValue( this, iColumn ); }
virtual CColumnValue GetColumnValue( const char *pColumnName ) { return CColumnValue( this, GetColumnIndex( pColumnName ) ); }
virtual const char* GetColumnValue_String( int iColumn ) { if ( iColumn < 0 || iColumn >= m_ColumnNames.Count() ) return "<invalid column specified>"; else if ( m_iCurRow < 0 || m_iCurRow >= m_Rows.Count() ) return "<invalid row specified>"; else return m_Rows[m_iCurRow]->m_Columns[iColumn]; }
virtual long GetColumnValue_Int( int iColumn ) { return atoi( GetColumnValue_String( iColumn ) ); }
virtual int GetColumnIndex( const char *pColumnName ) { for ( int i=0; i < m_ColumnNames.Count(); i++ ) { if ( stricmp( m_ColumnNames[i], pColumnName ) == 0 ) return i; } return -1; }
public: int m_iCurRow; CUtlVector<CCopiedRow*> m_Rows; CUtlVector<char*> m_ColumnNames; };
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CMySQL class.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CMySQL : public IMySQL { public: CMySQL(); virtual ~CMySQL();
virtual bool InitMySQL( const char *pDBName, const char *pHostName, const char *pUserName, const char *pPassword ); virtual void Release(); virtual int Execute( const char *pString ); virtual IMySQLRowSet* DuplicateRowSet(); virtual unsigned long InsertID(); virtual int NumFields(); virtual const char* GetFieldName( int iColumn ); virtual bool NextRow(); virtual bool SeekToFirstRow(); virtual CColumnValue GetColumnValue( int iColumn ); virtual CColumnValue GetColumnValue( const char *pColumnName ); virtual const char* GetColumnValue_String( int iColumn ); virtual long GetColumnValue_Int( int iColumn ); virtual int GetColumnIndex( const char *pColumnName );
// Cancels the storage of the rows from the latest query.
void CancelIteration();
virtual const char * GetLastError( void );
MYSQL *m_pSQL; MYSQL_RES *m_pResult; MYSQL_ROW m_Row; CUtlVector<MYSQL_FIELD> m_Fields;
char m_szLastError[128]; };
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CMySQL implementation.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
CMySQL::CMySQL() { m_pSQL = NULL; m_pResult = NULL; m_Row = NULL; }
CMySQL::~CMySQL() { CancelIteration();
if ( m_pSQL ) { mysql_close( m_pSQL ); m_pSQL = NULL; } }
bool CMySQL::InitMySQL( const char *pDBName, const char *pHostName, const char *pUserName, const char *pPassword ) { MYSQL *pSQL = mysql_init( NULL ); if ( !pSQL ) return NULL;
if ( !mysql_real_connect( pSQL, pHostName, pUserName, pPassword, pDBName, 0, NULL, 0 ) ) { Q_strncpy( m_szLastError, mysql_error( pSQL ), sizeof(m_szLastError) );
mysql_close( pSQL ); return false; }
m_pSQL = pSQL; return true; }
void CMySQL::Release() { delete this; }
int CMySQL::Execute( const char *pString ) { CancelIteration();
int result = mysql_query( m_pSQL, pString ); if ( result == 0 ) { // Is this a query with a result set?
m_pResult = mysql_store_result( m_pSQL ); if ( m_pResult ) { // Store the field information.
int count = mysql_field_count( m_pSQL ); MYSQL_FIELD *pFields = mysql_fetch_fields( m_pResult ); m_Fields.CopyArray( pFields, count ); return 0; } else { // No result set. Was a set expected?
if ( mysql_field_count( m_pSQL ) != 0 ) return 1; // error! The query expected data but didn't get it.
} } else { const char *pError = mysql_error( m_pSQL ); pError = pError; }
return result; }
IMySQLRowSet* CMySQL::DuplicateRowSet() { CMySQLCopiedRowSet *pSet = new CMySQLCopiedRowSet;
pSet->m_iCurRow = -1;
pSet->m_ColumnNames.SetSize( m_Fields.Count() ); for ( int i=0; i < m_Fields.Count(); i++ ) pSet->m_ColumnNames[i] = CopyString( m_Fields[i].name );
while ( NextRow() ) { CCopiedRow *pRow = new CCopiedRow; pSet->m_Rows.AddToTail( pRow ); pRow->m_Columns.SetSize( m_Fields.Count() );
for ( int i=0; i < m_Fields.Count(); i++ ) { pRow->m_Columns[i] = CopyString( m_Row[i] ); } }
return pSet; }
unsigned long CMySQL::InsertID() { return mysql_insert_id( m_pSQL ); }
int CMySQL::NumFields() { return m_Fields.Count(); }
const char* CMySQL::GetFieldName( int iColumn ) { return m_Fields[iColumn].name; }
bool CMySQL::NextRow() { if ( !m_pResult ) return false;
m_Row = mysql_fetch_row( m_pResult ); if ( m_Row == 0 ) { return false; } else { return true; } }
bool CMySQL::SeekToFirstRow() { if ( !m_pResult ) return false;
mysql_data_seek( m_pResult, 0 ); return true; }
CColumnValue CMySQL::GetColumnValue( int iColumn ) { return CColumnValue( this, iColumn ); }
CColumnValue CMySQL::GetColumnValue( const char *pColumnName ) { return CColumnValue( this, GetColumnIndex( pColumnName ) ); }
const char* CMySQL::GetColumnValue_String( int iColumn ) { if ( m_Row && iColumn >= 0 && iColumn < m_Fields.Count() && m_Row[iColumn] ) return m_Row[iColumn]; else return ""; }
long CMySQL::GetColumnValue_Int( int iColumn ) { return atoi( GetColumnValue_String( iColumn ) ); }
int CMySQL::GetColumnIndex( const char *pColumnName ) { for ( int i=0; i < m_Fields.Count(); i++ ) { if ( stricmp( pColumnName, m_Fields[i].name ) == 0 ) { return i; } } return -1; }
void CMySQL::CancelIteration() { m_Fields.Purge(); if ( m_pResult ) { mysql_free_result( m_pResult ); m_pResult = NULL; }
m_Row = NULL; }
const char *CMySQL::GetLastError( void ) { // Default to the last error if m_pSQL was not successfully initialized
const char *pszLastError = m_szLastError;
if ( m_pSQL ) { pszLastError = mysql_error( m_pSQL ); }
return pszLastError; }