//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Remote commands received by an external application and dispatched.
#include "vxconsole.h"
remoteCommand_t *g_remoteCommands[MAX_RCMDS]; int g_numRemoteCommands;
// MatchRemoteCommands
int MatchRemoteCommands( char *pCmdStr, const char *cmdList[], int maxCmds ) { int numCommands = 0;
// look in local
int matchLen = strlen( pCmdStr ); for ( int i=0; i<g_numRemoteCommands; i++ ) { if ( !strnicmp( pCmdStr, g_remoteCommands[i]->strCommand, matchLen ) ) { cmdList[numCommands++] = g_remoteCommands[i]->strCommand; if ( numCommands >= maxCmds ) break; } }
return ( numCommands ); }
// GetToken
char *GetToken( char **ppTokenStream ) { static char token[MAX_TOKENCHARS]; int len; char c; char *pData;
len = 0; token[0] = 0;
if ( !ppTokenStream ) return NULL;
pData = *ppTokenStream;
// skip whitespace
skipwhite: while ( ( c = *pData ) <= ' ' ) { if ( !c ) goto cleanup; pData++; } // skip // comments
if ( c=='/' && pData[1] == '/' ) { while ( *pData && *pData != '\n' ) pData++; goto skipwhite; } // handle quoted strings specially
if ( c == '\"' ) { pData++; while ( 1 ) { c = *pData++; if ( c=='\"' || !c ) goto cleanup;
token[len] = c; len++; if ( len > MAX_TOKENCHARS-1 ) goto cleanup; } }
// parse a regular word
do { token[len] = c; pData++; len++; if ( len > MAX_TOKENCHARS-1 ) break; c = *pData; } while ( c > ' ' && c <= '~' ); cleanup: token[len] = 0; *ppTokenStream = pData; return ( token ); }
// CommandCompleted
void CommandCompleted( int errCode ) { char cmdString[MAX_PATH];
// send command complete
sprintf( cmdString, "%s!__complete__%d", VXCONSOLE_COMMAND_PREFIX, errCode ); DmAPI_SendCommand( cmdString, true ); }
// DebugCommand
void DebugCommand( const char *pStrFormat, ... ) { char buffer[MAX_QUEUEDSTRINGLEN]; va_list arglist;
if ( !g_debugCommands ) return;
va_start( arglist, pStrFormat ); _vsnprintf( buffer, MAX_QUEUEDSTRINGLEN, pStrFormat, arglist ); va_end( arglist );
PrintToQueue( RGB( 0,128,0 ), "[CMD]: %s", buffer ); }
// Remote_NotifyPrintFunc
DWORD __stdcall Remote_NotifyPrintFunc( const CHAR *pStrNotification ) { int color;
if ( !strnicmp( pStrNotification, VXCONSOLE_PRINT_PREFIX, strlen( VXCONSOLE_PRINT_PREFIX ) ) ) { // skip past prefix!
pStrNotification += strlen( VXCONSOLE_PRINT_PREFIX )+1; }
if ( !strnicmp( pStrNotification, VXCONSOLE_COLOR_PREFIX, strlen( VXCONSOLE_COLOR_PREFIX ) ) ) { // skip past prefix[12345678]
char buff[16]; pStrNotification += strlen( VXCONSOLE_COLOR_PREFIX ); memcpy( buff, pStrNotification, 10 ); if ( buff[0] == '[' && buff[9] == ']' ) { buff[0] = ' '; buff[9] = ' '; buff[10] = '\0';
sscanf( buff, "%x", &color ); pStrNotification += 10; } }
PrintToQueue( color, "%s\n", pStrNotification ); return S_OK; }
// Remote_NotifyDebugString
// Print as [DBG]:xxxx
DWORD __stdcall Remote_NotifyDebugString( ULONG dwNotification, DWORD dwParam ) { if ( g_captureDebugSpew ) { PDMN_DEBUGSTR p = ( PDMN_DEBUGSTR )dwParam; int len;
// strip all terminating cr
len = p->Length-1; while ( len > 0 ) { if ( p->String[len] != '\n' ) { len++; break; } len--; }
// for safety, terminate
CHAR* strTemp = new CHAR[len+1]; memcpy( strTemp, p->String, len*sizeof( CHAR ) ); strTemp[len] = '\0';
PrintToQueue( RGB( 0,0,255 ), "[DBG]: %s\n", strTemp );
delete[] strTemp; }
// Don't let the compiler complain about unused parameters
( VOID )dwNotification;
return 0; }
// Remote_CompareCommands
int Remote_CompareCommands( const void *pElem1, const void *pElem2 ) { remoteCommand_t *pCmd1; remoteCommand_t *pCmd2;
pCmd1 = *( remoteCommand_t** )( pElem1 ); pCmd2 = *( remoteCommand_t** )( pElem2 );
return ( strcmp( pCmd1->strCommand, pCmd2->strCommand ) ); }
// Remote_DeleteCommands
void Remote_DeleteCommands() { if ( !g_numRemoteCommands ) return;
for ( int i=0; i<g_numRemoteCommands; i++ ) { delete [] g_remoteCommands[i]->strCommand; delete [] g_remoteCommands[i]->strHelp; delete g_remoteCommands[i]; g_remoteCommands[i] = NULL; } g_numRemoteCommands = 0; }
// Remote_AddCommand
bool Remote_AddCommand( char *command, char *helptext ) { if ( g_numRemoteCommands == MAX_RCMDS ) { // full
return false; }
// look for duplicate
int i; for ( i = 0; i < g_numRemoteCommands; i++ ) { if ( !stricmp( command, g_remoteCommands[i]->strCommand ) ) break; } if ( i < g_numRemoteCommands ) { // already in list, skip - not an error
return true; }
// add new command to list
g_remoteCommands[g_numRemoteCommands] = new remoteCommand_t; g_remoteCommands[g_numRemoteCommands]->strCommand = new char[strlen( command )+1]; strcpy( g_remoteCommands[g_numRemoteCommands]->strCommand, command ); g_remoteCommands[g_numRemoteCommands]->strHelp = new char[strlen( helptext )+1]; strcpy( g_remoteCommands[g_numRemoteCommands]->strHelp, helptext );
// success
return true; }
// rc_AddCommands
// Exposes an app's list of remote commands
int rc_AddCommands( char *commandPtr ) { char* cmdToken; int numCommands; int cmdList; int retAddr; int retVal; int errCode; xrCommand_t* locallist;
errCode = -1;
// pacifier for lengthy operation
ConsoleWindowPrintf( RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), "Receiving Console Commands From Game..." );
// get number of commands
cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( !cmdToken[0] ) goto cleanUp; sscanf( cmdToken, "%x", &numCommands );
// get command list
cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( !cmdToken[0] ) goto cleanUp; sscanf( cmdToken, "%x", &cmdList );
// get retAddr
cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( !cmdToken[0] ) goto cleanUp; sscanf( cmdToken, "%x", &retAddr );
locallist = new xrCommand_t[numCommands]; memset( locallist, 0, numCommands*sizeof( xrCommand_t ) );
// get the caller's command list
DmGetMemory( ( void* )cmdList, numCommands*sizeof( xrCommand_t ), locallist, NULL );
int numAdded = 0; for ( int i=0; i<numCommands; i++ ) { if ( Remote_AddCommand( locallist[i].nameString, locallist[i].helpString ) ) numAdded++; }
// sort the list
qsort( g_remoteCommands, g_numRemoteCommands, sizeof( remoteCommand_t* ), Remote_CompareCommands );
ConsoleWindowPrintf( RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), "Completed.\n" );
// return the result
retVal = numAdded; int xboxRetVal = BigDWord( retVal ); DmSetMemory( ( void* )retAddr, sizeof( int ), &xboxRetVal, NULL );
DebugCommand( "0x%8.8x = AddCommands( 0x%8.8x, 0x%8.8x )\n", retVal, numCommands, cmdList );
delete [] locallist;
// success
errCode = 0;
if ( g_bPlayTestMode ) { if ( g_connectedToApp ) { // send the developer command
ProcessCommand( "developer 1" ); } }
cleanUp: return ( errCode ); }
// Remote_NotifyCommandFunc
DWORD __stdcall Remote_NotifyCommandFunc( const CHAR *strNotification ) { CHAR* commandPtr; CHAR* cmdToken; int errCode; bool async;
// skip over the command prefix and the exclamation mark
strNotification += strlen( VXCONSOLE_COMMAND_PREFIX ) + 1; commandPtr = ( CHAR* )strNotification;
// failure until otherwise
errCode = -1;
// default synchronous
async = false;
cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr );
if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "AddCommands()" ) ) { errCode = rc_AddCommands( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "SetProfile()" ) ) { // first arg dictates routing
cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "cpu" ) ) errCode = rc_SetCpuProfile( commandPtr ); else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "texture" ) ) errCode = rc_SetTexProfile( commandPtr );
goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "SetProfileData()" ) ) { // first arg dictates routing
cmdToken = GetToken( &commandPtr ); if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "cpu" ) ) errCode = rc_SetCpuProfileData( commandPtr ); else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "texture" ) ) errCode = rc_SetTexProfileData( commandPtr );
async = true; goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "TextureList()" ) ) { errCode = rc_TextureList( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "MaterialList()" ) ) { errCode = rc_MaterialList( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "SoundList()" ) ) { errCode = rc_SoundList( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "TimeStampLog()" ) ) { errCode = rc_TimeStampLog( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "MemDump()" ) ) { errCode = rc_MemDump( commandPtr ); async = true; goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "MapInfo()" ) ) { errCode = rc_MapInfo( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "Assert()" ) ) { errCode = rc_Assert( commandPtr ); goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "FreeMemory()" ) ) { errCode = rc_FreeMemory( commandPtr ); async = true; goto cleanUp; } else if ( cmdToken && !stricmp( cmdToken, "Disconnect()" ) ) { // disconnect requires specialized processing
// send command status first while connection valid, then do actual disconnect
// disconnect is always assumed to be valid, can't be denied
CommandCompleted( 0 ); DoDisconnect( TRUE ); return S_OK; } else { // unknown command
PrintToQueue( RGB( 255,0,0 ), "Unknown Command: %s\n", strNotification ); goto cleanUp; }
cleanUp: if ( !async ) CommandCompleted( errCode );
return ( S_OK ); }