//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "../../../public/jcalg1.h"
#define DEFAULT_BLOCK_READ_SIZE (512*1024)
#define BLOCK_SIZE (16*1024)
#define WINDOW_SIZE (16*1024)
static unsigned g_BlockReadSize = DEFAULT_BLOCK_READ_SIZE;
static void * __stdcall jcalgAlloc(DWORD size) { return malloc(size); }
static bool __stdcall jcalgDealloc(void* pointer) { free(pointer); return true; }
void decompress( char* filenameIn, char* filenameOut ) { FILE* hIn = fopen( filenameIn, "rb" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open input file: %s\n",filenameIn); return; }
FILE* hOut = fopen( filenameOut, "wb+" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open output file: %s\n",filenameOut); fclose(hIn); return; }
char* inputBuffer = (char*)malloc( g_BlockReadSize ); xCompressHeader header; fread(&header,1,sizeof(header), hIn ); fseek(hIn, 0, SEEK_SET);
char* outputBuffer = (char *)malloc( header.nDecompressionBufferSize );
for(;;) {
// Read in a buffer full of compressed data.
unsigned bytesRead = (unsigned)fread(inputBuffer,1,g_BlockReadSize, hIn ); if( !bytesRead ) break;
unsigned outputBufferLength;
xCompressHeader* header = (xCompressHeader*)inputBuffer; if( header->nMagic == xCompressHeader::MAGIC && header->VERSION == xCompressHeader::VERSION ) { printf("Found header:\n" "\t%i Version\n" "\t%i Uncompressed Size\n" "\t%i ReadBlockSize\n" "\t%i DecompressionBufferSize\n",header->nVersion, header->nUncompressedFileSize,header->nReadBlockSize,header->nDecompressionBufferSize );
outputBufferLength = JCALG1_Decompress_Formatted_Buffer( bytesRead - sizeof(*header), inputBuffer + sizeof(*header), g_BlockReadSize * 8, outputBuffer );
} else { outputBufferLength = JCALG1_Decompress_Formatted_Buffer( bytesRead, inputBuffer, g_BlockReadSize * 8, outputBuffer ); }
assert(0xFFFFFFFF != outputBufferLength ); fwrite( outputBuffer,1,outputBufferLength, hOut);
printf("block:%u\n", outputBufferLength); }
free(inputBuffer); free(outputBuffer);
fclose(hIn); fclose(hOut); }
void compressSimple(char* filenameIn, char* filenameOut ) { FILE* hIn = fopen( filenameIn, "rb" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open input file: %s\n",filenameIn); return; }
fseek(hIn, 0, SEEK_END); unsigned uncompressedSize = ftell(hIn); fseek(hIn, 0, SEEK_SET);
char* uncompressedData = (char*)malloc( uncompressedSize ); fread( uncompressedData,1,uncompressedSize, hIn ); fclose(hIn);
char* compressedData = (char*)malloc( uncompressedSize * 4 + sizeof( xCompressSimpleHeader )); int compressedSize = JCALG1_Compress( uncompressedData, uncompressedSize, compressedData + sizeof( xCompressSimpleHeader ), uncompressedSize, jcalgAlloc, jcalgDealloc, NULL, true);
xCompressSimpleHeader* header = (xCompressSimpleHeader*)compressedData; header->nMagic = xCompressSimpleHeader::MAGIC; header->nUncompressedSize = uncompressedSize; compressedSize += sizeof( xCompressSimpleHeader );
printf("uncompressed size: %uk, compressedSize = %uk\n",uncompressedSize/1024, compressedSize / 1024); FILE* hOut = fopen( filenameOut, "wb+" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open output file: %s\n",filenameOut); fclose(hIn); return; } fwrite( compressedData, 1, compressedSize, hOut ); fclose( hOut ); }
void decompressSimple(char* filenameIn, char* filenameOut ) { FILE* hIn = fopen( filenameIn, "rb" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open input file: %s\n",filenameIn); return; }
fseek(hIn, 0, SEEK_END); unsigned compressedSize = ftell(hIn); fseek(hIn, 0, SEEK_SET);
char* compressedData = (char*)malloc( compressedSize ); fread( compressedData,1,compressedSize, hIn ); fclose(hIn);
char* decompressedData = (char*)malloc( ((xCompressSimpleHeader*)compressedData)->nUncompressedSize );
unsigned decompressedSize = JCALG1_Decompress_Simple_Buffer( compressedData, decompressedData ); FILE* hOut = fopen( filenameOut, "wb+" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open output file: %s\n",filenameOut); fclose(hIn); return; } fwrite( decompressedData, 1, decompressedSize, hOut ); fclose( hOut ); }
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { if( argc < 4 || argc > 5) { puts("USAGE: xcompress [c|d|cs|ds] <inputfile> <outputfile> [readsizekb]"); puts("\nIf cs is specified, a 'simple' archive is created. (unaligned and decompresses the entire thing to a buffer)"); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if( !strcmpi(argv[1],"d") ) { decompress( argv[2], argv[3] ); return EXIT_SUCCESS;
if( !strcmpi(argv[1],"cs") ) { compressSimple(argv[2], argv[3]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
if( !strcmpi(argv[1],"ds") ) { decompressSimple(argv[2], argv[3]); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
FILE* hIn = fopen( argv[2], "rb" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open input file: %s\n",argv[2]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fseek( hIn, 0, SEEK_END ); unsigned nInputLength = ftell( hIn ); fseek( hIn, 0, SEEK_SET );
// Grab
if( argc >= 5 ) { g_BlockReadSize = atoi(argv[4]) * 1024; if( g_BlockReadSize <= 0 ) { printf("Invalid block read size! %s\n", argv[4]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
printf("\nOptimized for read block size: %u\n",g_BlockReadSize);
FILE* hOut = fopen( argv[3], "wb+" ); if( !hIn ) { printf("Failed to open output file: %s\n",argv[3]); fclose(hIn); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
unsigned char inputBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE]; unsigned char outputBuffer[BLOCK_SIZE * 2]; unsigned bytesThisBlock = 0, // Total output bytes this block
inputBytesThisBlock = 0, // Total input bytes this block
totalBytes = 0, inputBytes = 0;
// Set up and write out the header;
xCompressHeader header; header.nMagic = xCompressHeader::MAGIC; header.nVersion = xCompressHeader::VERSION; header.nUncompressedFileSize = nInputLength; header.nReadBlockSize = g_BlockReadSize; header.nDecompressionBufferSize = 0; header.nWindowSize = WINDOW_SIZE;
totalBytes = bytesThisBlock = inputBytesThisBlock = sizeof(header); fwrite(&header,1,sizeof(header),hOut);
while(1) { // Read an input buffer full of data:
size_t bytesRead = fread(inputBuffer,1,sizeof(inputBuffer),hIn); if( !bytesRead ) break;
inputBytes += (unsigned)bytesRead; unsigned compressedSize = JCALG1_Compress( inputBuffer, (unsigned)bytesRead, outputBuffer + sizeof(short), 16384, jcalgAlloc, jcalgDealloc, NULL, true);
unsigned outputBufferSize;
// If we couldn't compress this block, just write it out:
if( compressedSize == 0 ) { outputBufferSize = (unsigned)(bytesRead + sizeof(unsigned short)); *((unsigned short*)outputBuffer) = ((unsigned short)bytesRead) | 0x8000; memcpy(outputBuffer+2,inputBuffer,bytesRead); } // Tag the compression header onto this block:
else { outputBufferSize = compressedSize + sizeof(unsigned short); *((unsigned short*)outputBuffer) = compressedSize; }
// Do we have enough room in this chunk to fit this buffer?
if( bytesThisBlock + outputBufferSize > g_BlockReadSize ) { // no, first align it:
while( bytesThisBlock < g_BlockReadSize ) { char b = 0; fwrite( &b, 1, sizeof(b), hOut ); bytesThisBlock++; totalBytes++; }
// Compute the minimum size of the decompression buffer:
if( inputBytesThisBlock > header.nDecompressionBufferSize ) { header.nDecompressionBufferSize = inputBytesThisBlock; }
// Start a new block:
bytesThisBlock = 0; inputBytesThisBlock = 0; }
// Write the chunk out:
fwrite(outputBuffer,1, outputBufferSize, hOut); inputBytesThisBlock += bytesRead; bytesThisBlock+=outputBufferSize; totalBytes+=outputBufferSize;
static int counter =0; counter++;
if( counter % 4 == 0 ) { printf("\r \rInput:%uk Output:%uk (%0.1f%%)",inputBytes / 1024,totalBytes / 1024, ( (double)totalBytes / (double)inputBytes ) * 100); fflush(stdout); } }
// Grab the last block (may be the only block)Compute the minimum size of the decompression buffer:
if( inputBytesThisBlock > header.nDecompressionBufferSize ) { header.nDecompressionBufferSize = inputBytesThisBlock; inputBytesThisBlock = 0; }
unsigned short terminator = 0; fwrite(&terminator, 1, sizeof(terminator), hOut ); // Align the file to a 2k boundary.
while( ( ftell(hOut) % 2048 ) != 0) { fwrite(&terminator,1,1,hOut); }
// Write the header out again, this time with ideal decompression size:
header.nDecompressionBufferSize += 128;
fseek( hOut, 0, SEEK_SET ); fwrite(&header,1,sizeof(header),hOut);
printf("\n"); fclose(hIn); fclose(hOut);