//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: base class for all element attribute panels
// An attribute panel is a one line widget that can be used by a list
// or tree control.
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "dme_controls/BaseAttributePanel.h"
#include "dme_controls/attributewidgetfactory.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Label.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmeeditortypedictionary.h"
#include "dme_controls/inotifyui.h"
using namespace vgui;
// Lessfunc for columns.
bool CBaseAttributePanel::ColInfoLessFunc( const CBaseAttributePanel::colinfo_t& lhs, const CBaseAttributePanel::colinfo_t& rhs ) { return lhs.panel < rhs.panel; }
// CBaseAttributePanel constructor
CBaseAttributePanel::CBaseAttributePanel( vgui::Panel *parent, const AttributeWidgetInfo_t &info ) : BaseClass( parent, info.m_pAttributeName ), m_pType( 0 ), m_hObject( info.m_pElement ), m_hEditorInfo( info.m_pEditorInfo ), m_hEditorTypeDict( info.m_pEditorTypeDictionary ), m_pNotify( info.m_pNotify ), m_nArrayIndex( info.m_nArrayIndex ), m_ColumnSize( 0, 0, ColInfoLessFunc ) { Assert( info.m_pElement );
InitializeFlags( info );
Assert( info.m_pAttributeName ); Q_strncpy( m_szAttributeName, info.m_pAttributeName, sizeof( m_szAttributeName ) );
m_pType = new Label( this, "AttributeType", "" ); SetColumnSize( m_pType, 100 );
CDmAttribute *pAttribute = info.m_pElement->GetAttribute( info.m_pAttributeName ); m_AttributeType = pAttribute ? pAttribute->GetType() : AT_UNKNOWN; if ( m_nArrayIndex >= 0 ) { m_AttributeType = ArrayTypeToValueType( m_AttributeType ); }
m_pType->SetText( g_pDataModel->GetAttributeNameForType( m_AttributeType ) );
m_hFont = NULL;
// These are draggable
SetDragEnabled( true ); }
// This only exists so every class always can chain PostConstructors
void CBaseAttributePanel::PostConstructor() { }
// Initializes flags from the attribute editor info
void CBaseAttributePanel::InitializeFlags( const AttributeWidgetInfo_t &info ) { m_nFlags = 0; if ( info.m_pEditorInfo ) { if ( info.m_pEditorInfo->m_bHideType ) { m_nFlags |= HIDETYPE; } if ( info.m_pEditorInfo->m_bHideValue ) { m_nFlags |= HIDEVALUE; } if ( info.m_pEditorInfo->m_bIsReadOnly ) { m_nFlags |= READONLY; } }
CDmAttribute *pAttribute = info.m_pElement->GetAttribute( info.m_pAttributeName ); if ( pAttribute && pAttribute->IsFlagSet( FATTRIB_READONLY ) ) { m_nFlags |= READONLY; }
if ( info.m_bAutoApply ) { m_nFlags |= AUTOAPPLY; } }
// Returns the editor info
CDmeEditorTypeDictionary *CBaseAttributePanel::GetEditorTypeDictionary() { return m_hEditorTypeDict; }
CDmeEditorAttributeInfo *CBaseAttributePanel::GetEditorInfo() { return m_hEditorInfo; }
// Does the element have the attribute we're attempting to reference?
bool CBaseAttributePanel::HasAttribute() const { return GetPanelElement()->HasAttribute( m_szAttributeName ); }
// Returns the attribute array count
int CBaseAttributePanel::GetAttributeArrayCount() const { CDmrGenericArrayConst array( GetPanelElement(), m_szAttributeName ); return array.IsValid() ? array.Count() : -1; }
// Sets the font
void CBaseAttributePanel::SetFont( HFont font ) { m_hFont = font; m_pType->SetFont(font); }
// Applies scheme settings
void CBaseAttributePanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme ) { BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// set the color of the "type" column
m_pType->SetFgColor( Color ( 160, 160, 160, 255 ) );
if ( GetDirty() ) { SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "AttributeWidget.DirtyBgColor", Color( 100, 100, 200, 63 ) ) ); } else { SetBgColor( pScheme->GetColor( "Panel.BgColor", Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ) ); } HFont font = pScheme->GetFont( "DmePropertyVerySmall", IsProportional() ); // m_pType->SetFont(font);
if ( !m_hFont ) { m_hFont = font; } SetFont( m_hFont );
// Returns the panel element
CDmElement *CBaseAttributePanel::GetPanelElement() { return m_hObject; }
const CDmElement *CBaseAttributePanel::GetPanelElement() const { return m_hObject; }
// Gets/Sets the attribute value from a string
void CBaseAttributePanel::SetAttributeValueFromString( const char *pString ) { if ( m_nArrayIndex < 0 ) { GetPanelElement()->SetValueFromString( m_szAttributeName, pString ); } else { CDmrGenericArray array( GetPanelElement(), m_szAttributeName ); array.SetFromString( m_nArrayIndex, pString ); } }
const char *CBaseAttributePanel::GetAttributeValueAsString( char *pBuf, int nLength ) { if ( m_nArrayIndex < 0 ) { GetPanelElement()->GetValueAsString( m_szAttributeName, pBuf, nLength ); } else { CDmrGenericArray array( GetPanelElement(), m_szAttributeName ); array.GetAsString( m_nArrayIndex, pBuf, nLength ); } return pBuf; }
// Helper to get/set the attribute value for elements
CDmElement *CBaseAttributePanel::GetAttributeValueElement() { return GetElement< CDmElement >( GetAttributeValue<DmElementHandle_t>( ) ); }
void CBaseAttributePanel::SetAttributeValueElement( CDmElement *pElement ) { return SetAttributeValue( pElement->GetHandle() ); }
void CBaseAttributePanel::SetDirty( bool dirty ) { SetFlag( DIRTY, dirty ); InvalidateLayout( false, true ); }
void CBaseAttributePanel::SetColumnSize( Panel *panel, int width ) { colinfo_t search; search.panel = panel; int idx = m_ColumnSize.Find( search ); if ( idx == m_ColumnSize.InvalidIndex() ) { idx = m_ColumnSize.Insert( search ); } m_ColumnSize[ idx ].width = width; }
int CBaseAttributePanel::GetSizeForColumn( Panel *panel ) { colinfo_t search; search.panel = panel; int idx = m_ColumnSize.Find( search ); if ( idx == m_ColumnSize.InvalidIndex() ) { return 100; } return m_ColumnSize[ idx ].width; }
// Creates a widget using editor attribute info
void CBaseAttributePanel::PerformLayout() { BaseClass::PerformLayout(); CUtlVector< Panel * > vispanels;
if ( HasFlag( HIDETYPE ) ) { m_pType->SetVisible( false ); } else { vispanels.AddToTail( m_pType ); }
vgui::Panel *dataPanel = GetDataPanel(); if ( dataPanel ) { if ( HasFlag( HIDEVALUE ) ) { dataPanel->SetVisible( false ); } else { vispanels.AddToTail( dataPanel ); } } int c = vispanels.Count();
Assert( c >= 0 ); if ( c == 0 ) { return; }
int w, h; GetSize( w, h );
int x = 1; int y = 0; w-= 2;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i ) { Panel *panel = vispanels[ i ]; int width = GetSizeForColumn( panel ); if ( i == c - 1 ) { width = w - x; }
panel->SetBounds( x, y, width, h ); x += width; } }
void CBaseAttributePanel::OnApplyChanges() { Assert( !IsAutoApply() );
Apply(); SetDirty(false); }
void CBaseAttributePanel::OnRefresh() { Refresh(); }
void CBaseAttributePanel::OnCreateDragData( KeyValues *msg ) { if ( GetPanelElement() ) { msg->SetInt( "root", GetPanelElement() ? GetPanelElement()->GetHandle() : DMELEMENT_HANDLE_INVALID ); msg->SetString( "type", g_pDataModel->GetAttributeNameForType( m_AttributeType ) ); msg->SetString( "attributename", m_szAttributeName ); if ( m_nArrayIndex >= 0 ) { msg->SetInt( "arrayIndex", m_nArrayIndex ); }
if ( m_AttributeType != AT_ELEMENT && m_AttributeType != AT_ELEMENT_ARRAY ) { char pTemp[512]; GetAttributeValueAsString( pTemp, sizeof( pTemp ) ); msg->SetString( "text", pTemp ); } } }