//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "dme_controls/dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel.h"
#include "dme_controls/dmepanel.h"
#include "dme_controls/elementpropertiestree.h"
#include "dme_controls/dmecontrols_utils.h"
#include "movieobjects/dmecombinationoperator.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ListPanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PropertySheet.h"
#include "vgui_controls/PropertyPage.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Button.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Menu.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Splitter.h"
#include "vgui_controls/MessageBox.h"
#include "vgui_controls/InputDialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/TextEntry.h"
#include "vgui_controls/FileOpenDialog.h"
#include "vgui_controls/perforcefilelistframe.h"
#include "vgui/MouseCode.h"
#include "vgui/IInput.h"
#include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
#include "tier2/fileutils.h"
// Hook into the dme panel editor system
IMPLEMENT_DMEPANEL_FACTORY( CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel, DmeCombinationOperator, "DmeCombinationOperatorEditor", "Combination Operator Editor", true );
// Forward declaration
class CDmeCombinationControlsPanel;
// Import combination rules from this operator
static void ImportCombinationControls( CDmeCombinationOperator *pDestComboOp, CDmeCombinationOperator *pSrcComboOp, COperationFileListFrame *pStatusFrame ) { pDestComboOp->RemoveAllControls();
// Iterate through all controls in the imported operator.
// For each control that contains at least 1 raw controls
// that also exist in this combination op, create a control here also.
int nCount = pSrcComboOp->GetControlCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const char *pControlName = pSrcComboOp->GetControlName( i );
int nRawControls = pSrcComboOp->GetRawControlCount( i ); int nMatchCount = 0; bool *pFoundMatch = (bool*)_alloca( nRawControls * sizeof(bool) ); for ( int j = 0; j < nRawControls; ++j ) { const char *pRawControl = pSrcComboOp->GetRawControlName( i, j ); pFoundMatch[j] = pDestComboOp->DoesTargetContainDeltaState( pRawControl ); nMatchCount += pFoundMatch[j]; }
// No match? Don't import
if ( nMatchCount == 0 ) { pStatusFrame->AddOperation( pControlName, "No raw controls found!" ); continue; }
bool bPartialMatch = ( nMatchCount != nRawControls ); pStatusFrame->AddOperation( pControlName, bPartialMatch ? "Partial rule match" : "Successful" );
// Found a match! Let's create the control and potentially raw control
bool bIsStereo = pSrcComboOp->IsStereoControl( i ); bool bIsEyelid = pSrcComboOp->IsEyelidControl( i ); ControlIndex_t index = pDestComboOp->FindOrCreateControl( pControlName, bIsStereo ); pDestComboOp->SetEyelidControl( index, bIsEyelid ); for ( int j = 0; j < nRawControls; ++j ) { if ( pFoundMatch[j] ) { const char *pRawControl = pSrcComboOp->GetRawControlName( i, j ); float flWrinkleScale = pSrcComboOp->GetRawControlWrinkleScale( i, j );
pDestComboOp->AddRawControl( index, pRawControl ); pDestComboOp->SetWrinkleScale( index, pRawControl, flWrinkleScale ); } } } }
// Import dominance rules from this operator
static void ImportDominationRules( CDmeCombinationOperator *pDestComboOp, CDmeCombinationOperator *pSrcComboOp, COperationFileListFrame *pStatusFrame ) { pDestComboOp->RemoveAllDominationRules();
// Now deal with dominance rules
int nRuleCount = pSrcComboOp->DominationRuleCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nRuleCount; ++i ) { bool bMismatch = false;
// Only add dominance rule if *all* raw controls are present
CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pSrcRule = pSrcComboOp->GetDominationRule( i ); int nDominatorCount = pSrcRule->DominatorCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < nDominatorCount; ++j ) { const char *pDominatorName = pSrcRule->GetDominator( j ); if ( !pDestComboOp->HasRawControl( pDominatorName ) ) { bMismatch = true; pStatusFrame->AddOperation( pDominatorName, "Missing raw control for dominance rule" ); break; } }
int nSuppressedCount = pSrcRule->SuppressedCount(); for ( int j = 0; j < nSuppressedCount; ++j ) { const char *pSuppressedName = pSrcRule->GetSuppressed( j ); if ( !pDestComboOp->HasRawControl( pSuppressedName ) ) { bMismatch = true; pStatusFrame->AddOperation( pSuppressedName, "Missing raw control for dominance rule" ); break; } }
if ( bMismatch ) continue;
pDestComboOp->AddDominationRule( pSrcRule ); } }
// Called when the file open dialog for browsing source files selects something
static bool ImportCombinationData( vgui::Panel* pParent, CDmeCombinationOperator *pDestComboOp, KeyValues *kv ) { const char *pFileName = kv->GetString( "fullpath", NULL ); if ( !pFileName ) return false;
CDmElement *pRoot;
{ CDisableUndoScopeGuard sg; g_pDataModel->RestoreFromFile( pFileName, NULL, NULL, &pRoot, CR_FORCE_COPY ); }
if ( !pRoot ) return false;
// Try to find a combination system in the file
CDmeCombinationOperator *pComboOp = CastElement<CDmeCombinationOperator>( pRoot ); if ( !pComboOp ) { pComboOp = pRoot->GetValueElement< CDmeCombinationOperator >( "combinationOperator" ); }
if ( pComboOp ) { // Actually rename the files, build an error dialog if necessary
COperationFileListFrame *pStatusFrame = new COperationFileListFrame( pParent, "Import Status", "Status", false, true ); pStatusFrame->SetOperationColumnHeaderText( "Control Name" );
CUndoScopeGuard sg( "Import Combination Rules" ); if ( kv->FindKey( "ImportControls" ) ) { ImportCombinationControls( pDestComboOp, pComboOp, pStatusFrame ); } ImportDominationRules( pDestComboOp, pComboOp, pStatusFrame ); sg.Release();
pStatusFrame->DoModal(); }
CDisableUndoScopeGuard sg; g_pDataModel->UnloadFile( pRoot->GetFileId() ); sg.Release();
return true; }
// CDmeInputControlListPanel
// Implementation below because of scoping issues
class CDmeInputControlListPanel : public vgui::ListPanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CDmeInputControlListPanel, vgui::ListPanel );
public: // constructor, destructor
CDmeInputControlListPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName, CDmeCombinationControlsPanel *pComboPanel );
virtual void OnCreateDragData( KeyValues *msg ); virtual bool IsDroppable( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msgList ); virtual void OnPanelDropped( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msgList ); virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code );
private: CDmeCombinationControlsPanel *m_pComboPanel; };
// CDmeRawControlListPanel
// Implementation below because of scoping issues
class CDmeRawControlListPanel : public vgui::ListPanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CDmeRawControlListPanel, vgui::ListPanel );
public: // constructor, destructor
CDmeRawControlListPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName, CDmeCombinationControlsPanel *pComboPanel );
virtual void OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code ); virtual void OnMouseDoublePressed( vgui::MouseCode code );
private: MESSAGE_FUNC( OnNewWrinkleText, "TextNewLine" );
CDmeCombinationControlsPanel *m_pComboPanel; vgui::TextEntry *m_pWrinkleEdit; bool m_bIsWrinkle; };
// Slider panel
class CDmeCombinationControlsPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CDmeCombinationControlsPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
public: // constructor, destructor
CDmeCombinationControlsPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName ); virtual ~CDmeCombinationControlsPanel();
void SetCombinationOperator( CDmeCombinationOperator *pOp ); CDmeCombinationOperator* GetCombinationOperator(); void RefreshCombinationOperator(); void NotifyDataChanged();
const char *GetSelectedControlName(); void MoveControlInFrontOf( const char *pDragControl, const char *pDropControl );
void SetRawControlWrinkleValue( float flWrinkleValue );
int GetSelectedInputControlItemId(); void SelectedInputControlByItemId( int );
MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMoveUpInputControl, "MoveUpInputControl" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMoveDownInputControl, "MoveDownInputControl" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMoveUp, "MoveUp" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMoveDown, "MoveDown" );
private: MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnOpenContextMenu, "OpenContextMenu", kv ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnInputCompleted, "InputCompleted", kv ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnGroupControls, "GroupControls" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnUngroupControls, "UngroupControls" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnRenameControl, "RenameControl" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnImportCombination, "ImportCombination" ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnFileSelected, "FileSelected", kv ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnToggleStereoControl, "ToggleStereoControl" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnToggleEyelidControl, "ToggleEyelidControl" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnToggleWrinkleType, "ToggleWrinkleType" ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnItemSelected, "ItemSelected", kv ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnItemDeselected, "ItemDeselected", kv );
// Cleans up the context menu
void CleanupContextMenu();
// Builds a list of selected control + raw control names, returns true if any control is stereo
void BuildSelectedControlLists( bool bOnlyGroupedControls, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& controlNames, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& rawControlNames, bool *pbStereo = NULL, bool *pbEyelid = NULL );
// If it finds a duplicate control name, reports an error message and returns it found one
bool HasDuplicateControlName( const char *pControlName, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& retiredControlNames );
// Refreshes the list of raw controls
void RefreshRawControlNames();
// Called by OnGroupControls and OnRenameControl after we get a new group name
void PerformGroupControls( const char *pGroupedControlName );
// Called by OnGroupControls after we get a new group name
void PerformRenameControl( const char *pNewControlName );
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void OnOpenRawControlsContextMenu( );
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
const char* GetSelectedRawControl( ControlIndex_t &nControlIndex );
CDmeHandle< CDmeCombinationOperator > m_hCombinationOperator; vgui::Splitter *m_pSplitter; CDmeInputControlListPanel *m_pControlList; CDmeRawControlListPanel *m_pRawControlList; vgui::DHANDLE< vgui::Menu > m_hContextMenu; };
// Sort functions for list panel
static int __cdecl ControlNameSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const vgui::ListPanelItem &item1, const vgui::ListPanelItem &item2 ) { const char *string1 = item1.kv->GetString("name"); const char *string2 = item2.kv->GetString("name"); return Q_stricmp( string1, string2 ); }
static int __cdecl PeakSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const vgui::ListPanelItem &item1, const vgui::ListPanelItem &item2 ) { float flPeak1 = item1.kv->GetFloat("peak"); float flPeak2 = item2.kv->GetFloat("peak"); if ( flPeak1 < flPeak2 ) return -1; if ( flPeak1 > flPeak2 ) return 1; return 0; }
// constructor, destructor
CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::CDmeCombinationControlsPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ) { m_pSplitter = new vgui::Splitter( this, "ControlsSplitter", vgui::SPLITTER_MODE_VERTICAL, 1 ); vgui::Panel *pSplitterLeftSide = m_pSplitter->GetChild( 0 ); vgui::Panel *pSplitterRightSide = m_pSplitter->GetChild( 1 );
m_pControlList = new CDmeInputControlListPanel( pSplitterLeftSide, "ControlList", this ); m_pControlList->AddColumnHeader( 0, "name", "Control Name", 150, 0 ); m_pControlList->AddColumnHeader( 1, "stereo", "Stereo", 70, 0 ); m_pControlList->AddColumnHeader( 2, "eyelid", "Eyelid", 70, 0 ); m_pControlList->AddColumnHeader( 3, "default", "Default", 52, 0 ); m_pControlList->SetSelectIndividualCells( false ); m_pControlList->SetMultiselectEnabled( true ); m_pControlList->SetEmptyListText( "No controls" ); m_pControlList->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pControlList->SetSortFunc( 0, NULL ); m_pControlList->SetColumnSortable( 0, false ); m_pControlList->SetSortFunc( 1, NULL ); m_pControlList->SetColumnSortable( 1, false ); m_pControlList->SetSortFunc( 2, NULL ); m_pControlList->SetColumnSortable( 2, false ); m_pControlList->SetSortFunc( 3, NULL ); m_pControlList->SetColumnSortable( 3, false ); m_pControlList->SetDragEnabled( true ); m_pControlList->SetDragEnabled( true ); m_pControlList->SetDropEnabled( true );
m_pRawControlList = new CDmeRawControlListPanel( pSplitterRightSide, "RawControlList", this ); m_pRawControlList->AddColumnHeader( 0, "name", "Raw Control Name", 150, 0 ); m_pRawControlList->AddColumnHeader( 1, "peak", "Peak", 52, 0 ); m_pRawControlList->AddColumnHeader( 2, "wrinkletype", "Wrinkle Type", 100, 0 ); m_pRawControlList->AddColumnHeader( 3, "wrinkle", "Wrinkle Amount", 100, 0 ); m_pRawControlList->SetSelectIndividualCells( false ); m_pRawControlList->SetEmptyListText( "No raw controls" ); m_pRawControlList->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortFunc( 0, ControlNameSortFunc ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortFunc( 1, PeakSortFunc ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortFunc( 2, NULL ); m_pRawControlList->SetColumnSortable( 2, false ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortFunc( 3, NULL ); m_pRawControlList->SetColumnSortable( 3, false ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortColumn( 1 ); }
CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::~CDmeCombinationControlsPanel() { CleanupContextMenu(); SaveUserConfig(); }
// Cleans up the context menu
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::CleanupContextMenu() { if ( m_hContextMenu.Get() ) { m_hContextMenu->MarkForDeletion(); m_hContextMenu = NULL; } }
// Sets the combination operator
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::SetCombinationOperator( CDmeCombinationOperator *pOp ) { if ( pOp != m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) { m_hCombinationOperator = pOp; RefreshCombinationOperator(); } }
CDmeCombinationOperator* CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::GetCombinationOperator() { return m_hCombinationOperator; }
// Builds the control list for the combination operator
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::RefreshCombinationOperator() { const CUtlString controlName = GetSelectedControlName();
m_pControlList->RemoveAll(); if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return; int nCount = m_hCombinationOperator->GetControlCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { bool bIsMultiControl = m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlCount(i) > 1; float flDefault = m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlCount(i) == 2 ? 0.5f : 0.0f; const char *pName = m_hCombinationOperator->GetControlName( i ); KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "name", pName ); kv->SetString( "stereo", m_hCombinationOperator->IsStereoControl(i) ? "On" : "Off" ); kv->SetString( "eyelid", m_hCombinationOperator->IsEyelidControl(i) ? "On" : "Off" ); kv->SetFloat( "default", flDefault ); kv->SetColor( "cellcolor", bIsMultiControl ? Color( 192, 192, 0, 255 ) : Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) ); const int nItemId = m_pControlList->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false );
if ( !Q_strcmp( controlName.Get(), pName ) ) { m_pControlList->SetSingleSelectedItem( nItemId ); } }
RefreshRawControlNames(); }
// Tells any class that cares that the data in this thing has changed
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::NotifyDataChanged() { PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "DmeElementChanged", "DmeCombinationControlsPanel", 1 ) ); }
// Refreshes the list of raw controls
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::RefreshRawControlNames() { m_pRawControlList->RemoveAll(); if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return;
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return;
int nItemID = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( 0 );
KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); ControlIndex_t nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pControlName ); if ( nControlIndex < 0 ) return;
int nCount = m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlCount( nControlIndex ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "name", m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlName( nControlIndex, i ) ); switch( nCount ) { case 0: case 1: kv->SetFloat( "peak", 1.0f ); break;
case 2: kv->SetFloat( "peak", i == 0 ? 0.0f : 1.0f ); break;
default: kv->SetFloat( "peak", (float)i / (nCount - 1) ); break; }
float flWrinkleScale = m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlWrinkleScale( nControlIndex, i ); kv->SetString( "wrinkletype", ( flWrinkleScale < 0.0f ) ? "Compress" : "Stretch" ); kv->SetFloat( "wrinkle", fabs( flWrinkleScale ) ); m_pRawControlList->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false ); }
m_pRawControlList->SortList(); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
const char* CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::GetSelectedRawControl( ControlIndex_t &nControlIndex ) { if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return NULL;
nControlIndex = -1;
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return NULL;
int nSelectedRawItemCount = m_pRawControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedRawItemCount != 1 ) return NULL;
int nItemID = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pControlName );
nItemID = m_pRawControlList->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); pKeyValues = m_pRawControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); return pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
const char *CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::GetSelectedControlName() { if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return NULL;
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return NULL;
const int nItemId = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); if ( !m_pControlList->IsValidItemID( nItemId ) ) return NULL;
KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pControlList->GetItem( nItemId ); if ( !pKeyValues ) return NULL;
return pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); }
int CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::GetSelectedInputControlItemId() { return m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); }
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::SelectedInputControlByItemId( int nItemId ) { m_pControlList->SetSingleSelectedItem( nItemId ); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnMoveUp() { ControlIndex_t nControlIndex; const char *pRawControlName = GetSelectedRawControl( nControlIndex ); if ( !pRawControlName ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->MoveRawControlUp( nControlIndex, pRawControlName ); RefreshRawControlNames(); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnMoveDown() { ControlIndex_t nControlIndex; const char *pRawControlName = GetSelectedRawControl( nControlIndex ); if ( !pRawControlName ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->MoveRawControlDown( nControlIndex, pRawControlName ); RefreshRawControlNames();
NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnMoveUpInputControl() { const char *pControlName = GetSelectedControlName(); if ( !pControlName ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->MoveControlUp( pControlName ); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnMoveDownInputControl() { const char *pControlName = GetSelectedControlName(); if ( !pControlName ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->MoveControlDown( pControlName ); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::MoveControlInFrontOf( const char *pDragControl, const char *pDropControl ) { m_hCombinationOperator->MoveControlBefore( pDragControl, pDropControl ); RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Toggles the wrinkle type
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnToggleWrinkleType() { ControlIndex_t nControlIndex; const char *pRawControlName = GetSelectedRawControl( nControlIndex ); if ( !pRawControlName ) return;
float flWrinkleScale = m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlWrinkleScale( nControlIndex, pRawControlName ); m_hCombinationOperator->SetWrinkleScale( nControlIndex, pRawControlName, -flWrinkleScale ); RefreshRawControlNames(); m_hCombinationOperator->GenerateWrinkleDeltas(); }
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::SetRawControlWrinkleValue( float flWrinkleValue ) { ControlIndex_t nControlIndex; const char *pRawControlName = GetSelectedRawControl( nControlIndex ); if ( !pRawControlName ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->SetWrinkleScale( nControlIndex, pRawControlName, flWrinkleValue ); RefreshRawControlNames(); m_hCombinationOperator->GenerateWrinkleDeltas(); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnOpenRawControlsContextMenu( ) { if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return;
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return;
int nSelectedRawItemCount = m_pRawControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedRawItemCount != 1 ) return;
m_hContextMenu = new vgui::Menu( this, "ActionMenu" ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_MoveUp", new KeyValues( "MoveUp" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_MoveDown", new KeyValues( "MoveDown" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_ToggleWrinkleType", new KeyValues( "ToggleWrinkleType" ), this );
vgui::Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu.Get() ); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnOpenContextMenu( KeyValues *kv ) { CleanupContextMenu(); if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return;
Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pRawControlList ) { OnOpenRawControlsContextMenu(); return; }
if ( pPanel != m_pControlList ) return; bool bGroupedControls = false; bool bStereoControls = false; bool bEyelidControls = false; int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nSelectedItemCount; ++i ) { int nItemID = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( i );
KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); ControlIndex_t nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pControlName ); if ( nControlIndex < 0 ) continue;
if ( m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlCount( nControlIndex ) > 1 ) { bGroupedControls = true; }
if ( m_hCombinationOperator->IsStereoControl( nControlIndex ) ) { bStereoControls = true; }
if ( m_hCombinationOperator->IsEyelidControl( nControlIndex ) ) { bEyelidControls = true; } }
m_hContextMenu = new vgui::Menu( this, "ActionMenu" );
if ( nSelectedItemCount > 1 ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_GroupControls", new KeyValues( "GroupControls" ), this ); }
if ( bGroupedControls ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_UngroupControls", new KeyValues( "UngroupControls" ), this ); }
if ( nSelectedItemCount >= 1 ) { int nMenuItemID = m_hContextMenu->AddCheckableMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_StereoControl", new KeyValues( "ToggleStereoControl" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->SetMenuItemChecked( nMenuItemID, bStereoControls ); }
if ( nSelectedItemCount >= 1 ) { int nMenuItemID = m_hContextMenu->AddCheckableMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_EyelidControl", new KeyValues( "ToggleEyelidControl" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->SetMenuItemChecked( nMenuItemID, bEyelidControls ); }
if ( nSelectedItemCount == 1 ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_RenameControl", new KeyValues( "RenameControl" ), this ); }
if ( nSelectedItemCount >= 1 ) { m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_MoveUp", new KeyValues( "MoveUpInputControl" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_MoveDown", new KeyValues( "MoveDownInputControl" ), this ); }
if ( nSelectedItemCount >= 1 || bGroupedControls ) { m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); } m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_Import", new KeyValues( "ImportCombination" ), this );
vgui::Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu.Get() ); }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnItemSelected( KeyValues *kv ) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pControlList ) { RefreshRawControlNames(); return; } }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnItemDeselected( KeyValues *kv ) { Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel == m_pControlList ) { RefreshRawControlNames(); return; } }
// Builds a list of selected control + raw control names, returns true if any control is stereo
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::BuildSelectedControlLists( bool bOnlyGroupedControls, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& controlNames, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& rawControlNames, bool *pbStereo, bool *pbEyelid ) { bool bIsStereo = false; bool bIsEyelid = false; int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nSelectedItemCount; ++i ) { int nItemID = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( i );
KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); ControlIndex_t nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pControlName ); if ( nControlIndex < 0 ) continue;
int nRawControlCount = m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlCount( nControlIndex ); if ( bOnlyGroupedControls && ( nRawControlCount <= 1 ) ) continue;
if ( m_hCombinationOperator->IsStereoControl( nControlIndex ) ) { bIsStereo = true; }
if ( m_hCombinationOperator->IsEyelidControl( nControlIndex ) ) { bIsEyelid = true; }
controlNames.AddToTail( pControlName ); for ( int j = 0; j < nRawControlCount; ++j ) { rawControlNames.AddToTail( m_hCombinationOperator->GetRawControlName( nControlIndex, j ) ); } }
if ( pbStereo ) { *pbStereo = bIsStereo; }
if ( pbEyelid ) { *pbEyelid = bIsEyelid; } }
// If it finds a duplicate control name, reports an error message and returns it found one
bool CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::HasDuplicateControlName( const char *pControlName, CUtlVector< CUtlString >& retiredControlNames ) { int i; int nRetiredControlNameCount = retiredControlNames.Count(); for ( i = 0; i < nRetiredControlNameCount; ++i ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( retiredControlNames[i], pControlName ) ) break; } if ( i == nRetiredControlNameCount ) { // no match
if ( m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pControlName ) >= 0 ) { vgui::MessageBox *pError = new vgui::MessageBox( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_DuplicateNameTitle", "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_DuplicateNameText", this ); pError->DoModal(); return true; } } return false; }
// Called by OnGroupControls and OnRenameControl after we get a new group name
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::PerformGroupControls( const char *pGroupedControlName ) { int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount <= 1 ) return;
// Build lists of selected controls + raw controls
CUtlVector< CUtlString > controlNames; CUtlVector< CUtlString > rawControlNames; bool bIsStereo = false; bool bIsEyelid = false; BuildSelectedControlLists( false, controlNames, rawControlNames, &bIsStereo, &bIsEyelid );
// NOTE: It's illegal to use a grouped control name which already exists
// assuming it's not in the list of grouped control names we're going to group together
if ( HasDuplicateControlName( pGroupedControlName, controlNames ) ) return;
// Delete old controls
int nRetiredControlNameCount = controlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nRetiredControlNameCount; ++i ) { m_hCombinationOperator->RemoveControl( controlNames[i] ); }
// Create new control
ControlIndex_t nNewControl = m_hCombinationOperator->FindOrCreateControl( pGroupedControlName, bIsStereo ); m_hCombinationOperator->SetEyelidControl( nNewControl, bIsEyelid ); int nGroupedControlCount = rawControlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nGroupedControlCount; ++i ) { m_hCombinationOperator->AddRawControl( nNewControl, rawControlNames[i] ); }
RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called by OnGroupControls after we get a new group name
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::PerformRenameControl( const char *pNewControlName ) { int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return;
int nItemID = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); ControlIndex_t nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pControlName ); if ( nControlIndex < 0 ) return;
// NOTE: It's illegal to use a grouped control name which already exists
// assuming it's not in the list of grouped control names we're going to group together
ControlIndex_t nFoundIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( pNewControlName ); if ( nFoundIndex >= 0 && nFoundIndex != nControlIndex ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->SetControlName( nControlIndex, pNewControlName );
RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called by OnGroupControls after we get a new group name
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnInputCompleted( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "text", NULL ); if ( !pControlName || !pControlName[0] ) return;
if ( pKeyValues->FindKey( "OnGroupControls" ) ) { PerformGroupControls( pControlName ); return; }
if ( pKeyValues->FindKey( "OnRenameControl" ) ) { PerformRenameControl( pControlName ); return; } }
// Group controls together
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnGroupControls( ) { vgui::InputDialog *pInput = new vgui::InputDialog( this, "Group Controls", "Enter name of grouped control" ); pInput->SetMultiline( false ); pInput->DoModal( new KeyValues( "OnGroupControls" ) ); }
// Ungroup controls from each other
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnUngroupControls( ) { // Build lists of selected controls + raw controls
CUtlVector< CUtlString > controlNames; CUtlVector< CUtlString > rawControlNames; bool bIsStereo = false; bool bIsEyelid = false; BuildSelectedControlLists( true, controlNames, rawControlNames, &bIsStereo, &bIsEyelid );
// NOTE: It's illegal to use a grouped control name which already exists
// assuming it's not in the list of grouped control names we're going to group together
int nRawControlCount = rawControlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nRawControlCount; ++i ) { if ( HasDuplicateControlName( rawControlNames[i], controlNames ) ) return; }
// Delete old controls
int nRetiredControlNameCount = controlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nRetiredControlNameCount; ++i ) { m_hCombinationOperator->RemoveControl( controlNames[i] ); }
// Create new control (this will also create raw controls with the same name)
int nGroupedControlCount = rawControlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nGroupedControlCount; ++i ) { const int nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindOrCreateControl( rawControlNames[i], bIsStereo, true ); m_hCombinationOperator->SetEyelidControl( nControlIndex, bIsEyelid ); }
RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Ungroup controls from each other
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnToggleStereoControl( ) { // Build lists of selected controls + raw controls
// Yeah, this isn't super efficient, but this UI is not going to be super-polished
CUtlVector< CUtlString > controlNames; CUtlVector< CUtlString > rawControlNames;
bool bIsStereo = false; BuildSelectedControlLists( false, controlNames, rawControlNames, &bIsStereo );
int nControlCount = controlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nControlCount; ++i ) { ControlIndex_t nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( controlNames[i] ); m_hCombinationOperator->SetStereoControl( nControlIndex, !bIsStereo ); }
RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Toggle Eyelid-Ness
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnToggleEyelidControl() { // Build lists of selected controls + raw controls
// Yeah, this isn't super efficient, but this UI is not going to be super-polished
CUtlVector< CUtlString > controlNames; CUtlVector< CUtlString > rawControlNames;
bool bIsEyelid = false; BuildSelectedControlLists( false, controlNames, rawControlNames, NULL, &bIsEyelid );
int nControlCount = controlNames.Count(); for ( int i = 0; i < nControlCount; ++i ) { ControlIndex_t nControlIndex = m_hCombinationOperator->FindControlIndex( controlNames[i] ); m_hCombinationOperator->SetEyelidControl( nControlIndex, !bIsEyelid ); }
RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Rename a control
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnRenameControl() { int nSelectedItemCount = m_pControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return;
vgui::InputDialog *pInput = new vgui::InputDialog( this, "Rename Control", "Enter new name of control" ); pInput->SetMultiline( false ); pInput->DoModal( new KeyValues( "OnRenameControl" ) ); }
// Called when the file open dialog for browsing source files selects something
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnFileSelected( KeyValues *kv ) { if ( ImportCombinationData( this, m_hCombinationOperator, kv ) ) { RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); } }
// Import combination controls + domination rules
void CDmeCombinationControlsPanel::OnImportCombination() { char pStartingDir[MAX_PATH]; GetModContentSubdirectory( "models", pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) );
vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDialog = new vgui::FileOpenDialog( this, "Select File to Import", true, new KeyValues( "ImportControls" ) ); pDialog->SetStartDirectoryContext( "combination_system_import", pStartingDir ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.dmx", "Exported model file (*.dmx)", true ); pDialog->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); pDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pDialog->DoModal( false ); }
// CDmeInputControlListPanel
// Declaration above because of scoping issues
// Constructor, destructor
CDmeInputControlListPanel::CDmeInputControlListPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName, CDmeCombinationControlsPanel *pComboPanel ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ), m_pComboPanel( pComboPanel ) { }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeInputControlListPanel::OnCreateDragData( KeyValues *msg ) { const char *const pControlName = m_pComboPanel->GetSelectedControlName(); if ( pControlName ) { msg->SetString( "inputControl", pControlName ); msg->SetInt( "selfDroppable", 1 ); } }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
bool CDmeInputControlListPanel::IsDroppable( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msgList ) { if ( msgList.Count() > 0 ) { KeyValues *pData( msgList[ 0 ] ); if ( pData->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ) == this && m_pComboPanel ) { if ( pData->GetString( "inputControl" ) && pData->GetInt( "selfDroppable" ) ) { return true; } } }
return false; }
// Called when a list panel's selection changes
void CDmeInputControlListPanel::OnPanelDropped( CUtlVector< KeyValues * >& msgList ) { if ( msgList.Count() > 0 ) { KeyValues *pData( msgList[ 0 ] ); if ( pData->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ) == this && m_pComboPanel ) { const char *const pDragControl( pData->GetString( "inputControl" ) ); if ( pDragControl ) { int x; int y; vgui::input()->GetCursorPos( x, y );
int row; int column; GetCellAtPos( x, y, row, column );
KeyValues *pKeyValues = GetItem( GetItemIDFromRow( row ) ); if ( pKeyValues ) { const char *pDropControl = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" ); if ( pDropControl ) { m_pComboPanel->MoveControlInFrontOf( pDragControl, pDropControl ); } } } } } }
void CDmeInputControlListPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code ) { // Not sure how to handle 'edit' mode... the relevant stuff is private
if ( vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LSHIFT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RSHIFT ) ) { if ( code == KEY_UP ) { const int nItemId = m_pComboPanel->GetSelectedInputControlItemId(); m_pComboPanel->OnMoveUpInputControl(); vgui::ListPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); m_pComboPanel->SelectedInputControlByItemId( nItemId ); return; } else if ( code == KEY_DOWN ) { const int nItemId = m_pComboPanel->GetSelectedInputControlItemId(); m_pComboPanel->OnMoveDownInputControl(); vgui::ListPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); m_pComboPanel->SelectedInputControlByItemId( nItemId ); return; } }
vgui::ListPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); }
// CDmeRawControlListPanel
// Declaration above because of scoping issues
// Constructor, destructor
CDmeRawControlListPanel::CDmeRawControlListPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName, CDmeCombinationControlsPanel *pComboPanel ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ), m_pComboPanel( pComboPanel ) { m_pWrinkleEdit = new vgui::TextEntry( this, "WrinkleEdit" ); m_pWrinkleEdit->SetVisible( false ); m_pWrinkleEdit->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pWrinkleEdit->SetAllowNumericInputOnly( true ); }
void CDmeRawControlListPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( vgui::KeyCode code ) { // Not sure how to handle 'edit' mode... the relevant stuff is private
if ( vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_LSHIFT ) || vgui::input()->IsKeyDown( KEY_RSHIFT ) ) { if ( code == KEY_UP ) { m_pComboPanel->OnMoveUp(); } else if ( code == KEY_DOWN ) { m_pComboPanel->OnMoveDown(); } }
vgui::ListPanel::OnKeyCodeTyped( code ); }
void CDmeRawControlListPanel::OnMouseDoublePressed( vgui::MouseCode code ) { if ( code != MOUSE_LEFT ) { BaseClass::OnMouseDoublePressed( code ); return; }
int nNumSelected = GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( IsInEditMode() || nNumSelected != 1 ) return;
m_pWrinkleEdit->SetVisible( true ); m_pWrinkleEdit->SendNewLine( true );
// Always edit column 3, which contains the wrinkle amount
int nEditingItem = GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = GetItem( nEditingItem ); float flWrinkleValue = pKeyValues->GetFloat( "wrinkle" );
m_bIsWrinkle = !Q_stricmp( pKeyValues->GetString( "wrinkletype" ), "Wrinkle" );
char buf[64]; Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%f", flWrinkleValue ); m_pWrinkleEdit->SetText( buf );
EnterEditMode( nEditingItem, 3, m_pWrinkleEdit ); }
void CDmeRawControlListPanel::OnNewWrinkleText() { LeaveEditMode();
char szEditText[MAX_PATH]; m_pWrinkleEdit->GetText( szEditText, MAX_PATH ); m_pWrinkleEdit->SetVisible( false );
float flWrinkleScale = atof( szEditText ); if ( m_bIsWrinkle ) { flWrinkleScale = -flWrinkleScale; } m_pComboPanel->SetRawControlWrinkleValue( flWrinkleScale ); }
// Purpose: Multiselect for raw controls
class CRawControlPickerFrame : public vgui::Frame { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CRawControlPickerFrame, vgui::Frame );
public: CRawControlPickerFrame( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pTitle ); ~CRawControlPickerFrame();
// Sets the current scene + animation list
void DoModal( CDmeCombinationOperator *pCombinationOperator, CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule, bool bSuppressed, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues );
// Inherited from Frame
virtual void OnCommand( const char *pCommand );
private: // Refreshes the list of raw controls
void RefreshRawControlNames( CDmeCombinationOperator *pCombinationOperator, CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule, bool bSuppressed ); void CleanUpMessage();
vgui::ListPanel *m_pRawControlList; vgui::Button *m_pOpenButton; vgui::Button *m_pCancelButton; KeyValues *m_pContextKeyValues; };
CRawControlPickerFrame::CRawControlPickerFrame( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pTitle ) : BaseClass( pParent, "RawControlPickerFrame" ) { SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL;
m_pRawControlList = new vgui::ListPanel( this, "RawControlList" ); m_pRawControlList->AddColumnHeader( 0, "name", "Raw Control Name", 52, 0 ); m_pRawControlList->SetSelectIndividualCells( false ); m_pRawControlList->SetEmptyListText( "No raw controls" ); m_pRawControlList->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortFunc( 0, ControlNameSortFunc ); m_pRawControlList->SetSortColumn( 0 );
m_pOpenButton = new vgui::Button( this, "OkButton", "#MessageBox_OK", this, "Ok" ); m_pCancelButton = new vgui::Button( this, "CancelButton", "#MessageBox_Cancel", this, "Cancel" ); SetBlockDragChaining( true );
LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/dmecombinationsystemeditor_rawcontrolpickerframe.res" );
SetTitle( pTitle, false ); }
CRawControlPickerFrame::~CRawControlPickerFrame() { CleanUpMessage(); }
// Refreshes the list of raw controls
void CRawControlPickerFrame::RefreshRawControlNames( CDmeCombinationOperator *pCombinationOperator, CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule, bool bChooseSuppressed ) { m_pRawControlList->RemoveAll(); if ( !pCombinationOperator ) return;
int nCount = pCombinationOperator->GetRawControlCount( ); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const char *pRawControl = pCombinationOperator->GetRawControlName( i );
// Hide controls that are in the other part of the rule
bool bIsDominator = pRule->HasDominatorControl( pRawControl ); bool bIsSuppressed = pRule->HasSuppressedControl( pRawControl ); Assert( !bIsDominator || !bIsSuppressed ); if ( ( bChooseSuppressed && bIsDominator ) || ( !bChooseSuppressed && bIsSuppressed ) ) continue;
KeyValues *kv = new KeyValues( "node", "name", pCombinationOperator->GetRawControlName( i ) ); int nItemID = m_pRawControlList->AddItem( kv, 0, false, false ); if ( ( bChooseSuppressed && bIsSuppressed ) || ( !bChooseSuppressed && bIsDominator ) ) { m_pRawControlList->AddSelectedItem( nItemID ); } }
m_pRawControlList->SortList(); }
// Deletes the message
void CRawControlPickerFrame::CleanUpMessage() { if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { m_pContextKeyValues->deleteThis(); m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; } }
// Sets the current scene + animation list
void CRawControlPickerFrame::DoModal( CDmeCombinationOperator *pCombinationOperator, CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule, bool bSuppressed, KeyValues *pContextKeyValues ) { CleanUpMessage(); RefreshRawControlNames( pCombinationOperator, pRule, bSuppressed ); m_pContextKeyValues = pContextKeyValues; BaseClass::DoModal(); }
// On command
void CRawControlPickerFrame::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Ok" ) ) { KeyValues *pActionKeys = new KeyValues( "RawControlPicked" ); KeyValues *pControlList = pActionKeys->FindKey( "rawControls", true );
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pRawControlList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nSelectedItemCount; ++i ) { int nItemID = m_pRawControlList->GetSelectedItem( i ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pRawControlList->GetItem( nItemID ); const char *pControlName = pKeyValues->GetString( "name" );
pControlList->SetString( pControlName, pControlName ); }
if ( m_pContextKeyValues ) { pActionKeys->AddSubKey( m_pContextKeyValues );
// This prevents them from being deleted later
m_pContextKeyValues = NULL; }
PostActionSignal( pActionKeys ); CloseModal(); return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) ) { CloseModal(); return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }
// Domination rules panel
class CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
public: // constructor, destructor
CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName ); virtual ~CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel();
void SetCombinationOperator( CDmeCombinationOperator *pOp ); void RefreshCombinationOperator(); void NotifyDataChanged();
private: MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnOpenContextMenu, "OpenContextMenu", kv ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnRawControlPicked, "RawControlPicked", kv ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnAddDominationRule, "AddDominationRule" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnRemoveDominationRule, "RemoveDominationRule" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnDuplicateSuppressed, "DuplicateSuppressed" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnDuplicateDominators, "DuplicateDominators" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnSelectDominators, "SelectDominators" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnSelectSuppressed, "SelectSuppressed" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMoveUp, "MoveUp" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnMoveDown, "MoveDown" ); MESSAGE_FUNC( OnImportDominationRules, "ImportDominationRules" ); MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnFileSelected, "FileSelected", kv );
// Cleans up the context menu
void CleanupContextMenu();
// Selects a particular domination rule
void SelectRule( CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule );
// Returns the currently selected rule
CDmeCombinationDominationRule* GetSelectedRule( );
CDmeHandle< CDmeCombinationOperator > m_hCombinationOperator; vgui::ListPanel *m_pDominationRulesList; vgui::DHANDLE< vgui::Menu > m_hContextMenu; };
static int __cdecl DominatorNameSortFunc( vgui::ListPanel *pPanel, const vgui::ListPanelItem &item1, const vgui::ListPanelItem &item2 ) { int i1 = item1.kv->GetInt("index"); int i2 = item2.kv->GetInt("index"); return i1 - i2; }
// constructor, destructor
CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ) { m_pDominationRulesList = new vgui::ListPanel( this, "DominationRulesList" ); m_pDominationRulesList->AddColumnHeader( 0, "suppressed", "Suppress", 100, 0 ); m_pDominationRulesList->AddColumnHeader( 1, "dominator", "Dominate", 100, 0 ); m_pDominationRulesList->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pDominationRulesList->SetSortFunc( 0, DominatorNameSortFunc ); m_pDominationRulesList->SetSortFunc( 1, DominatorNameSortFunc ); m_pDominationRulesList->SetSortColumn( 0 ); m_pDominationRulesList->SetEmptyListText("No domination rules."); m_pDominationRulesList->SetMultiselectEnabled( false ); }
CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::~CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel() { CleanupContextMenu(); SaveUserConfig(); }
// Cleans up the context menu
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::CleanupContextMenu() { if ( m_hContextMenu.Get() ) { m_hContextMenu->MarkForDeletion(); m_hContextMenu = NULL; } }
// Sets the combination operator
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::SetCombinationOperator( CDmeCombinationOperator *pOp ) { if ( pOp != m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) { m_hCombinationOperator = pOp; RefreshCombinationOperator(); } }
// Purpose: Basic sort function, for use in qsort
static int __cdecl ControlNameSortFunc(const void *elem1, const void *elem2) { const char *pItem1 = *((const char **) elem1); const char *pItem2 = *((const char **) elem2); return Q_stricmp( pItem1, pItem2 ); }
// Builds the list of animations
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::RefreshCombinationOperator() { m_pDominationRulesList->RemoveAll(); if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return;
char pTemp[1024]; int nCount = m_hCombinationOperator->DominationRuleCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule = m_hCombinationOperator->GetDominationRule( i );
KeyValues *pItemKeys = new KeyValues( "node" );
int nLen = 0; int nControlCount = pRule->DominatorCount(); pTemp[0] = 0; const char **ppStrings = (const char**)_alloca( nControlCount * sizeof(const char*) ); for ( int j = 0; j < nControlCount; ++j ) { ppStrings[j] = pRule->GetDominator(j); } qsort( ppStrings, (size_t)nControlCount, (size_t)sizeof(char*), ControlNameSortFunc ); for ( int j = 0; j < nControlCount; ++j ) { nLen += Q_snprintf( &pTemp[nLen], sizeof(pTemp) - nLen, "%s ", ppStrings[j] ); }
pItemKeys->SetString( "dominator", pTemp );
nLen = 0; nControlCount = pRule->SuppressedCount(); pTemp[0] = 0; ppStrings = (const char**)_alloca( nControlCount * sizeof(const char*) ); for ( int j = 0; j < nControlCount; ++j ) { ppStrings[j] = pRule->GetSuppressed(j); } qsort( ppStrings, (size_t)nControlCount, (size_t)sizeof(char*), ControlNameSortFunc ); for ( int j = 0; j < nControlCount; ++j ) { nLen += Q_snprintf( &pTemp[nLen], sizeof(pTemp) - nLen, "%s ", ppStrings[j] ); } pItemKeys->SetString( "suppressed", pTemp ); pItemKeys->SetInt( "index", i ); SetElementKeyValue( pItemKeys, "rule", pRule );
m_pDominationRulesList->AddItem( pItemKeys, 0, false, false ); }
m_pDominationRulesList->SortList(); }
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::NotifyDataChanged() { PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "DmeElementChanged", "DmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel", 2 ) ); }
// Returns the currently selected domination rule
CDmeCombinationDominationRule* CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::GetSelectedRule( ) { if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return NULL;
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pDominationRulesList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); if ( nSelectedItemCount != 1 ) return NULL;
int nItemID = m_pDominationRulesList->GetSelectedItem( 0 ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pDominationRulesList->GetItem( nItemID ); return GetElementKeyValue<CDmeCombinationDominationRule>( pKeyValues, "rule" ); }
// Reorder rules
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnMoveUp( ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule = GetSelectedRule( ); if ( !pRule ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->MoveDominationRuleUp( pRule ); RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnMoveDown( ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule = GetSelectedRule( ); if ( !pRule ) return;
m_hCombinationOperator->MoveDominationRuleDown( pRule ); RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called when the file open dialog for browsing source files selects something
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnFileSelected( KeyValues *kv ) { if ( ImportCombinationData( this, m_hCombinationOperator, kv ) ) { RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); } }
// Import domination rules
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnImportDominationRules() { char pStartingDir[MAX_PATH]; GetModContentSubdirectory( "models", pStartingDir, sizeof(pStartingDir) );
vgui::FileOpenDialog *pDialog = new vgui::FileOpenDialog( this, "Select File to Import", true, new KeyValues( "ImportDominationRules" ) ); pDialog->SetStartDirectoryContext( "combination_system_import", pStartingDir ); pDialog->AddFilter( "*.dmx", "Exported model file (*.dmx)", true ); pDialog->SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); pDialog->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); pDialog->DoModal( false ); }
// Called to open a context-sensitive menu for a particular menu item
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnOpenContextMenu( KeyValues *kv ) { CleanupContextMenu(); if ( !m_hCombinationOperator.Get() ) return;
Panel *pPanel = (Panel *)kv->GetPtr( "panel", NULL ); if ( pPanel != m_pDominationRulesList ) return;
int nSelectedItemCount = m_pDominationRulesList->GetSelectedItemsCount();
m_hContextMenu = new vgui::Menu( this, "ActionMenu" ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_AddDominationRule", new KeyValues( "AddDominationRule" ), this ); if ( nSelectedItemCount > 0 ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_RemoveDominationRule", new KeyValues( "RemoveDominationRule" ), this ); }
if ( nSelectedItemCount == 1 ) { m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_DuplicateSuppressed", new KeyValues( "DuplicateSuppressed" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_DuplicateDominators", new KeyValues( "DuplicateDominators" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_SelectSuppressed", new KeyValues( "SelectSuppressed" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_SelectDominators", new KeyValues( "SelectDominators" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_MoveUp", new KeyValues( "MoveUp" ), this ); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_MoveDown", new KeyValues( "MoveDown" ), this ); }
m_hContextMenu->AddSeparator(); m_hContextMenu->AddMenuItem( "#DmeCombinationSystemEditor_ImportDomination", new KeyValues( "ImportDominationRules" ), this );
vgui::Menu::PlaceContextMenu( this, m_hContextMenu.Get() ); }
// Selects a particular domination rule
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::SelectRule( CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule ) { for ( int nItemID = m_pDominationRulesList->FirstItem(); nItemID != m_pDominationRulesList->InvalidItemID(); nItemID = m_pDominationRulesList->NextItem( nItemID ) ) { KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pDominationRulesList->GetItem( nItemID ); if ( pRule == GetElementKeyValue<CDmeCombinationDominationRule>( pKeyValues, "rule" ) ) { m_pDominationRulesList->SetSingleSelectedItem( nItemID ); break; } } }
// Called by the context menu to add dominator rules
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnAddDominationRule( ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule = m_hCombinationOperator->AddDominationRule(); RefreshCombinationOperator(); SelectRule( pRule ); OnSelectSuppressed(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Duplicate suppressed
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnDuplicateSuppressed() { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pSrcRule = GetSelectedRule(); if ( !pSrcRule ) return;
CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule = m_hCombinationOperator->AddDominationRule(); RefreshCombinationOperator(); SelectRule( pRule ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSrcRule->SuppressedCount(); ++i ) { pRule->AddSuppressed( pSrcRule->GetSuppressed( i ) ); } OnSelectDominators(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnDuplicateDominators() { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pSrcRule = GetSelectedRule(); if ( !pSrcRule ) return;
CDmeCombinationDominationRule* pRule = m_hCombinationOperator->AddDominationRule(); RefreshCombinationOperator(); SelectRule( pRule ); for ( int i = 0; i < pSrcRule->DominatorCount(); ++i ) { pRule->AddDominator( pSrcRule->GetDominator( i ) ); } OnSelectSuppressed(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called by the context menu to remove dominator rules
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnRemoveDominationRule( ) { int nSelectedItemCount = m_pDominationRulesList->GetSelectedItemsCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < nSelectedItemCount; ++i ) { int nItemID = m_pDominationRulesList->GetSelectedItem( i ); KeyValues *pKeyValues = m_pDominationRulesList->GetItem( nItemID );
CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule = GetElementKeyValue<CDmeCombinationDominationRule>( pKeyValues, "rule" ); if ( pRule ) { m_hCombinationOperator->RemoveDominationRule( pRule ); } }
RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); }
// Called by the pickers made in OnSelectDominators + OnSelectSuppressed
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnRawControlPicked( KeyValues *pKeyValues ) { KeyValues *pControlList = pKeyValues->FindKey( "rawControls" ); if ( !pControlList ) return;
KeyValues *pContextKeys = pKeyValues->FindKey( "OnSelectDominators" ); if ( pContextKeys ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule = GetElementKeyValue<CDmeCombinationDominationRule>( pContextKeys, "rule" ); if ( !pRule ) return;
pRule->RemoveAllDominators(); for ( KeyValues *pKey = pControlList->GetFirstValue(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextValue() ) { pRule->AddDominator( pKey->GetName() ); } RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); return; }
pContextKeys = pKeyValues->FindKey( "OnSelectSuppressed" ); if ( pContextKeys ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule = GetElementKeyValue<CDmeCombinationDominationRule>( pContextKeys, "rule" ); if ( !pRule ) return;
pRule->RemoveAllSuppressed(); for ( KeyValues *pKey = pControlList->GetFirstValue(); pKey; pKey = pKey->GetNextValue() ) { pRule->AddSuppressed( pKey->GetName() ); } RefreshCombinationOperator(); NotifyDataChanged(); return; } }
// Called by the context menu to change dominator rules
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnSelectDominators( ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule = GetSelectedRule(); if ( !pRule ) return;
KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "OnSelectDominators" ); SetElementKeyValue( pContextKeyValues, "rule", pRule );
CRawControlPickerFrame *pPicker = new CRawControlPickerFrame( this, "Select Dominator(s)" ); pPicker->DoModal( m_hCombinationOperator, pRule, false, pContextKeyValues ); }
void CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel::OnSelectSuppressed( ) { CDmeCombinationDominationRule *pRule = GetSelectedRule(); if ( !pRule ) return;
KeyValues *pContextKeyValues = new KeyValues( "OnSelectSuppressed" ); SetElementKeyValue( pContextKeyValues, "rule", pRule );
CRawControlPickerFrame *pPicker = new CRawControlPickerFrame( this, "Select Suppressed" ); pPicker->DoModal( m_hCombinationOperator, pRule, true, pContextKeyValues ); }
// Combination system editor panel
// Constructor, destructor
CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel::CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pName ) : BaseClass( pParent, pName ) { m_pEditorSheet = new vgui::PropertySheet( this, "EditorSheet" ); m_pEditorSheet->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pControlsPage = new vgui::PropertyPage( m_pEditorSheet, "ControlsPage" ); m_pDominationRulesPage = new vgui::PropertyPage( m_pEditorSheet, "DominationRulesPage" ); m_pPropertiesPage = new vgui::PropertyPage( m_pEditorSheet, "PropertiesPage" );
m_pControlsPanel = new CDmeCombinationControlsPanel( (vgui::Panel*)NULL, "CombinationControls" ); m_pControlsPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pDominationRulesPanel = new CDmeCombinationDominationRulesPanel( (vgui::Panel*)NULL, "DominationRules" ); m_pDominationRulesPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pPropertiesPanel = new CDmeElementPanel( (vgui::Panel*)NULL, "PropertiesPanel" ); m_pPropertiesPanel->AddActionSignalTarget( this );
m_pControlsPanel->LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel_controlspage.res" ); m_pDominationRulesPanel->LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel_dominationpage.res" );
// Load layout settings; has to happen before pinning occurs in code
LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/dmecombinationsystemeditorpanel.res" );
// NOTE: Page adding happens *after* LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig
// because the layout of the sheet is correct at this point.
m_pEditorSheet->AddPage( m_pControlsPanel, "Controls" ); m_pEditorSheet->AddPage( m_pDominationRulesPanel, "Domination" ); m_pEditorSheet->AddPage( m_pPropertiesPanel, "Properties" ); }
CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel::~CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel() { }
// Set the scene
void CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel::SetDmeElement( CDmeCombinationOperator *pComboOp ) { m_pControlsPanel->SetCombinationOperator( pComboOp ); m_pDominationRulesPanel->SetCombinationOperator( pComboOp ); m_pPropertiesPanel->SetDmeElement( pComboOp ); }
CDmeCombinationOperator *CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel::GetDmeElement() { return m_pControlsPanel->GetCombinationOperator( ); }
// Called when the page changes
void CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel::OnPageChanged( ) { if ( m_pEditorSheet->GetActivePage() == m_pControlsPage ) { return; }
if ( m_pEditorSheet->GetActivePage() == m_pDominationRulesPage ) { return; } }
// Called when the property editor has made a change
void CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel::OnDmeElementChanged( KeyValues *kv ) { m_pControlsPanel->RefreshCombinationOperator(); m_pDominationRulesPanel->RefreshCombinationOperator(); m_pPropertiesPanel->Refresh();
PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "DmeElementChanged" ) ); }
// Purpose: Combination system editor frame
CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame::CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame( vgui::Panel *pParent, const char *pTitle ) : BaseClass( pParent, "DmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame" ) { SetDeleteSelfOnClose( true ); m_pEditor = new CDmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel( this, "DmeCombinationSystemEditorPanel" ); m_pEditor->AddActionSignalTarget( this ); m_pOpenButton = new vgui::Button( this, "OpenButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Open", this, "Open" ); m_pCancelButton = new vgui::Button( this, "CancelButton", "#FileOpenDialog_Cancel", this, "Cancel" ); SetBlockDragChaining( true );
LoadControlSettingsAndUserConfig( "resource/dmecombinationsystemeditorframe.res" );
SetTitle( pTitle, false ); }
CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame::~CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame() { }
// Sets the current scene + animation list
void CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame::SetCombinationOperator( CDmeCombinationOperator *pComboSystem ) { m_pEditor->SetDmeElement( pComboSystem ); }
// On command
void CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame::OnCommand( const char *pCommand ) { if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Open" ) ) { return; }
if ( !Q_stricmp( pCommand, "Cancel" ) ) { return; }
BaseClass::OnCommand( pCommand ); }
// On command
void CDmeCombinationSystemEditorFrame::OnDmeElementChanged() { PostActionSignal( new KeyValues( "CombinationOperatorChanged" ) ); }