/* Define a C preprocessor symbol that can be used in interface files to distinguish between the SWIG language modules. */
#define SWIG_CFFI
/* Typespecs for basic types. */
%typemap(cin) void ":void";
%typemap(cin) char ":char"; %typemap(cin) char * ":string"; %typemap(cin) unsigned char ":unsigned-char"; %typemap(cin) signed char ":char";
%typemap(cin) short ":short"; %typemap(cin) signed short ":short"; %typemap(cin) unsigned short ":unsigned-short";
%typemap(cin) int ":int"; %typemap(cin) signed int ":int"; %typemap(cin) unsigned int ":unsigned-int";
%typemap(cin) long ":long"; %typemap(cin) signed long ":long"; %typemap(cin) unsigned long ":unsigned-long";
%typemap(cin) long long ":long-long"; %typemap(cin) signed long long ":long-long"; %typemap(cin) unsigned long long ":unsigned-long-long";
%typemap(cin) float ":float"; %typemap(cin) double ":double"; %typemap(cin) SWIGTYPE ":pointer";
%typemap(cout) void ":void";
%typemap(cout) char ":char"; %typemap(cout) char * ":string"; %typemap(cout) unsigned char ":unsigned-char"; %typemap(cout) signed char ":char";
%typemap(cout) short ":short"; %typemap(cout) signed short ":short"; %typemap(cout) unsigned short ":unsigned-short";
%typemap(cout) int ":int"; %typemap(cout) signed int ":int"; %typemap(cout) unsigned int ":unsigned-int";
%typemap(cout) long ":long"; %typemap(cout) signed long ":long"; %typemap(cout) unsigned long ":unsigned-long";
%typemap(cout) long long ":long-long"; %typemap(cout) signed long long ":long-long"; %typemap(cout) unsigned long long ":unsigned-long-long";
%typemap(cout) float ":float"; %typemap(cout) double ":double"; %typemap(cout) SWIGTYPE ":pointer";
%typemap(ctype) bool "int"; %typemap(ctype) char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, void, enum SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE & "$1_ltype"; %typemap(ctype) SWIGTYPE "$&1_type";
%typemap(in) bool "$1 = (bool)$input;"; %typemap(in) char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, void, enum SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE & "$1 = $input;"; %typemap(in) SWIGTYPE "$1 = *$input;";
%typemap(out) bool "$result = (int)$1;"; %typemap(out) char, unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, float, double, long double, char *, void *, void, enum SWIGTYPE, SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE & "$result = $1;"; #ifdef __cplusplus %typemap(out) SWIGTYPE "$result = new $1_type($1);"; #else %typemap(out) SWIGTYPE { $result = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type)); memmove($result, &$1, sizeof($1_type)); } #endif
%typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_BOOL) bool { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_CHAR) char { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_FLOAT) float { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_DOUBLE) double { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_STRING) char * { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_INTEGER) unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, enum SWIGTYPE { $1 = 1; }; %typecheck(SWIG_TYPECHECK_POINTER) SWIGTYPE *, SWIGTYPE &, SWIGTYPE[ANY], SWIGTYPE { $1 = 1; }; /* This maps C/C++ types to Lisp classes for overload dispatch */
%typemap(lisptype) bool "cl:boolean"; %typemap(lisptype) char "cl:character"; %typemap(lisptype) unsigned char "cl:integer"; %typemap(lisptype) signed char "cl:integer";
%typemap(lispclass) bool "t"; %typemap(lispclass) char "cl:character"; %typemap(lispclass) unsigned char, signed char, short, signed short, unsigned short, int, signed int, unsigned int, long, signed long, unsigned long, enum SWIGTYPE "cl:integer"; %typemap(lispclass) float "cl:single-float"; %typemap(lispclass) double "cl:double-float"; %typemap(lispclass) char * "cl:string";
#ifdef __cplusplus # define EXTERN extern "C" #else # define EXTERN extern #endif
#include <string.h> %}
%insert("swiglisp") %{ ;;;SWIG wrapper code starts here
(cl:defmacro defanonenum (&body enums) "Converts anonymous enums to defconstants." `(cl:progn ,@(cl:loop for value in enums for index = 0 then (cl:1+ index) when (cl:listp value) do (cl:setf index (cl:second value) value (cl:first value)) collect `(cl:defconstant ,value ,index))))
(cl:eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel) (cl:unless (cl:fboundp 'swig-lispify) (cl:defun swig-lispify (name flag cl:&optional (package cl:*package*)) (cl:labels ((helper (lst last rest cl:&aux (c (cl:car lst))) (cl:cond ((cl:null lst) rest) ((cl:upper-case-p c) (helper (cl:cdr lst) 'upper (cl:case last ((lower digit) (cl:list* c #\- rest)) (cl:t (cl:cons c rest))))) ((cl:lower-case-p c) (helper (cl:cdr lst) 'lower (cl:cons (cl:char-upcase c) rest))) ((cl:digit-char-p c) (helper (cl:cdr lst) 'digit (cl:case last ((upper lower) (cl:list* c #\- rest)) (cl:t (cl:cons c rest))))) ((cl:char-equal c #\_) (helper (cl:cdr lst) '_ (cl:cons #\- rest))) (cl:t (cl:error "Invalid character: ~A" c))))) (cl:let ((fix (cl:case flag ((constant enumvalue) "+") (variable "*") (cl:t "")))) (cl:intern (cl:concatenate 'cl:string fix (cl:nreverse (helper (cl:concatenate 'cl:list name) cl:nil cl:nil)) fix) package))))))
;;;SWIG wrapper code ends here %}
#ifdef __cplusplus %typemap(out) SWIGTYPE "$result = new $1_type($1);"; #else %typemap(out) SWIGTYPE { $result = ($&1_ltype) malloc(sizeof($1_type)); memmove($result, &$1, sizeof($1_type)); } #endif
/* name conversion for overloaded operators. */ #ifdef __cplusplus %rename(__add__) *::operator+; %rename(__pos__) *::operator+(); %rename(__pos__) *::operator+() const;
%rename(__sub__) *::operator-; %rename(__neg__) *::operator-() const; %rename(__neg__) *::operator-();
%rename(__mul__) *::operator*; %rename(__deref__) *::operator*(); %rename(__deref__) *::operator*() const;
%rename(__div__) *::operator/; %rename(__mod__) *::operator%; %rename(__logxor__) *::operator^; %rename(__logand__) *::operator&; %rename(__logior__) *::operator|; %rename(__lognot__) *::operator~(); %rename(__lognot__) *::operator~() const;
%rename(__not__) *::operator!(); %rename(__not__) *::operator!() const;
%rename(__assign__) *::operator=;
%rename(__add_assign__) *::operator+=; %rename(__sub_assign__) *::operator-=; %rename(__mul_assign__) *::operator*=; %rename(__div_assign__) *::operator/=; %rename(__mod_assign__) *::operator%=; %rename(__logxor_assign__) *::operator^=; %rename(__logand_assign__) *::operator&=; %rename(__logior_assign__) *::operator|=;
%rename(__lshift__) *::operator<<; %rename(__lshift_assign__) *::operator<<=; %rename(__rshift__) *::operator>>; %rename(__rshift_assign__) *::operator>>=;
%rename(__eq__) *::operator==; %rename(__ne__) *::operator!=; %rename(__lt__) *::operator<; %rename(__gt__) *::operator>; %rename(__lte__) *::operator<=; %rename(__gte__) *::operator>=;
%rename(__and__) *::operator&&; %rename(__or__) *::operator||;
%rename(__preincr__) *::operator++(); %rename(__postincr__) *::operator++(int); %rename(__predecr__) *::operator--(); %rename(__postdecr__) *::operator--(int);
%rename(__comma__) *::operator,(); %rename(__comma__) *::operator,() const;
%rename(__member_ref__) *::operator->; %rename(__member_func_ref__) *::operator->*;
%rename(__funcall__) *::operator(); %rename(__aref__) *::operator[]; #endif
#ifdef __cplusplus # define EXTERN extern "C" #else # define EXTERN extern #endif
#include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> %}