Team Fortress 2 Source Code as on 22/4/2020
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  1. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  2. * ruby.swg
  3. *
  4. * Ruby configuration module.
  5. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  6. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  7. * The Ruby auto rename rules
  8. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  9. #if defined(SWIG_RUBY_AUTORENAME)
  10. /* Class names are CamelCase */
  11. %rename("%(camelcase)s", %$isclass) "";
  12. /* Constants created by %constant or #define are UPPER_CASE */
  13. %rename("%(uppercase)s", %$isconstant) "";
  14. /* SWIG only considers static class members with inline intializers
  15. to be constants. For examples of what is and isn't considered
  16. a constant by SWIG see naming.i in the Ruby test suite. */
  17. %rename("%(uppercase)s", %$ismember, %$isvariable,%$isimmutable,%$isstatic,%$hasvalue,%$hasconsttype) "";
  18. /* Enums are mapped to constants but all we do is make sure the
  19. first letter is uppercase */
  20. %rename("%(firstuppercase)s", %$isenumitem) "";
  21. /* Method names should be lower_case_with_underscores */
  22. %rename("%(undercase)s", %$isfunction, %$not %$ismemberget, %$not %$ismemberset) "";
  23. #endif
  24. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  25. * Inner macros
  26. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  27. %include <rubymacros.swg>
  28. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  29. * The runtime part
  30. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  31. %include <rubyruntime.swg>
  32. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  33. * Special user directives
  34. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  35. %include <rubyuserdir.swg>
  36. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  37. * Typemap specializations
  38. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  39. %include <rubytypemaps.swg>
  40. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  41. * Overloaded operator support
  42. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  43. %include <rubyopers.swg>
  44. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  45. * Warnings for Ruby keywords
  46. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  47. %include <rubykw.swg>
  48. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  49. * Documentation for common Ruby methods
  50. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  51. %include <rubyautodoc.swg>
  52. /* ------------------------------------------------------------
  53. * The Ruby initialization function
  54. * ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  55. %include <rubyinit.swg>